path: root/game/terrain.h
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Combine GeoData and Terrain class hierarchiesDan Goodliffe2025-02-09
* Update terrain meshes as requiredDan Goodliffe2024-12-22
* Support regenerating the terrain mesh from updated geodataDan Goodliffe2024-10-27
* Apply StdTypeDefs for TextureDan Goodliffe2024-08-10
* Custom vertex, vertex shader and fragment shader for landmassDan Goodliffe2024-04-16
| | | | Handles global position type, colourBias for surface types
* Split water from terrainDan Goodliffe2024-04-06
| | | | Shares the geo data instance, and still has the same implementation at this stage.
* Drop .hpp for header only thingsDan Goodliffe2023-04-29
| | | | Half of them acquired a .cpp part anyway
* Initial commit of the shadow map generator and shadows render interfaceDan Goodliffe2022-12-03
| | | | | Lots of hard coding, buggy in places, far from great, but the basics work.
* Rename Shader to SceneShaderDan Goodliffe2022-11-03
* Replace include guard macros with pragma onceDan Goodliffe2022-01-02
* Separate geographic data (GeoData) from its visual representation(s) (Terrain)Dan Goodliffe2022-01-02
* Move TickDuration to its own filesDan Goodliffe2021-12-13
* Pass lintersDan Goodliffe2021-02-20
* Custom land and water shadersDan Goodliffe2021-02-20
| | | | | | | Create sandy beaches, snow topped mountains and grassy hills with a single texture, coloured according to land height by a custom shader. Also use the land mass mesh with a new water texture and a custom shader to create rather nice looking water effect with depth, waves and motion.
* Split landmass and water texturesDan Goodliffe2021-02-17
* Split landmass and water meshesDan Goodliffe2021-02-17
* Don't keep the terrain vertex and index vectorsDan Goodliffe2021-02-17
* Create terrain as collection of meshesDan Goodliffe2021-02-04
* Basic support for loading a heightmap from an imageDan Goodliffe2021-01-28
* Split common terrain code outDan Goodliffe2021-01-28
* Generate some random terrain with a water layerDan Goodliffe2021-01-26
* Generate some basic flat terrainDan Goodliffe2021-01-25