BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
cullingSplit Terrain::generateMeshes into smaller functionsDan Goodliffe4 hours
mainHave Camera keep an array of frustum plane definitionsDan Goodliffe6 days
AgeCommit messageAuthor
4 hoursSplit Terrain::generateMeshes into smaller functionscullingDan Goodliffe
30 hoursPerfectly forward range when materializingDan Goodliffe
30 hoursRebalance shadow band distributionDan Goodliffe
30 hoursCull terrain meshes from render that don't cast a shadow into the frustumDan Goodliffe
30 hoursAdd a spike of terrain in test-renderDan Goodliffe
30 hoursInitialise shadow bounding box to light view pointDan Goodliffe
30 hoursExtend Frustum for testing for shaded byDan Goodliffe
30 hoursPass a Frustum to shadow renderersDan Goodliffe
30 hoursSimplify ShadowMapper with AxisAlignedBoundingBoxDan Goodliffe
30 hoursTemplate AxisAlignedBoundingBox on unit typeDan Goodliffe