diff options
7 files changed, 497 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/Jamroot.jam b/Jamroot.jam
index b4bcd7d..8310ae5 100644
--- a/Jamroot.jam
+++ b/Jamroot.jam
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import os ;
using gcc : : [ os.environ CXX ] ;
+using pkg-config ;
+import pkg-config ;
variant coverage : debug ;
@@ -26,23 +28,9 @@ project
build-project libdbpp ;
-# Some useful aliases
-lib glibmm-2.4 ;
-lib gobject-2.0 ;
-lib glib-2.0 ;
-lib sigc-2.0 ;
-alias glibmm : : : :
- <include>/usr/include/glibmm-2.4
- <include>/usr/lib/glibmm-2.4/include
- <include>/usr/include/glib-2.0
- <include>/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include
- <include>/usr/include/sigc++-2.0
- <include>/usr/lib/sigc++-2.0/include
- <library>glibmm-2.4
- <library>gobject-2.0
- <library>glib-2.0
- <library>sigc-2.0
- ;
+pkg-config.import glibmm : : <name>glibmm-2.4 ;
+pkg-config.import pq : : <name>libpq ;
+pkg-config.import odbc ;
+pkg-config.import sqlite3 ;
+lib mysqlclient : : : : <include>/usr/include/mysql ;
diff --git a/libdbpp/unittests/Jamfile.jam b/libdbpp/unittests/Jamfile.jam
index 9096003..3b36aaa 100644
--- a/libdbpp/unittests/Jamfile.jam
+++ b/libdbpp/unittests/Jamfile.jam
@@ -2,13 +2,6 @@ import testing ;
path-constant me : . ;
-lib pq : : : :
- <cflags>"-I`pg_config --includedir`"
- <linkflags>"-L`pg_config --libdir`"
-lib mysqlclient : : : : <include>/usr/include/mysql ;
-lib libsqlite : : <name>sqlite3 ;
-lib odbc ;
lib boost_date_time ;
lib boost_system ;
lib boost_utf : : <name>boost_unit_test_framework : :
@@ -56,7 +49,7 @@ run
lib dbpp-local-postgresql :
[ glob libdbpp-postgresql/libpqpp/*.cpp ] :
- <library>pq
+ <library>../..//pq
@@ -71,7 +64,7 @@ lib dbpp-local-postgresql :
lib dbpp-local-mysql :
[ glob libdbpp-mysql/libmysqlpp/*.cpp ] :
- <library>mysqlclient
+ <library>../..//mysqlclient
@@ -86,7 +79,7 @@ lib dbpp-local-mysql :
lib dbpp-local-sqlite :
[ glob libdbpp-sqlite/libsqlitepp/*.cpp ] :
- <library>libsqlite
+ <library>../..//sqlite3
@@ -100,7 +93,7 @@ lib dbpp-local-sqlite :
lib dbpp-local-odbc :
[ glob libdbpp-odbc/libodbcpp/*.cpp ] :
- <library>odbc
+ <library>../..//odbc
@@ -183,7 +176,7 @@ run
- <library>pq
+ <library>../..//pq
diff --git a/libdbpp/unittests/libdbpp-mysql b/libdbpp/unittests/libdbpp-mysql
-Subproject c25edfb75a65b80a0e0c43bbaf59c7cd806f0b5
+Subproject ab7fd87790d7def2a262d2d78a661e6371f0a03
diff --git a/libdbpp/unittests/libdbpp-odbc b/libdbpp/unittests/libdbpp-odbc
-Subproject 332e099b19bd04db46cfffdf7d06b8a888169d4
+Subproject 882a2dac89b77bae494d443214f88db3b7e796d
diff --git a/libdbpp/unittests/libdbpp-postgresql b/libdbpp/unittests/libdbpp-postgresql
-Subproject 112a648fea61335c2e01f00a1aad584d4fb0d0c
+Subproject 1e70864370d222c73e7ab9e38f28c9116132484
diff --git a/libdbpp/unittests/libdbpp-sqlite b/libdbpp/unittests/libdbpp-sqlite
-Subproject 5995bd64852aeaef3b59444b72229d707757562
+Subproject 49262fee17573d8d0accfab8a2cf14cbbc84b2d
diff --git a/pkg-config.jam b/pkg-config.jam
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2efa9cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg-config.jam
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+Copyright 2019 Dmitry Arkhipov
+Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See
+accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+import "class" : new ;
+import common ;
+import errors ;
+import feature ;
+import os ;
+import param ;
+import project ;
+import regex ;
+import sequence ;
+import string ;
+import targets ;
+#| tag::doc[]
+= pkg-config
+The *pkg-config* program is used to retrieve information about installed
+libraries in the system. It retrieves information about packages from special
+metadata files. These files are named after the package, and have a `.pc`
+extension. The package name specified to *pkg-config* is defined to be the name
+of the metadata file, minus the `.pc` extension.
+|# # end::doc[]
+#| tag::doc[]
+== Feature: `pkg-config`
+Selects one of the initialized `pkg-config` configurations. This feature is
+`propagated` to dependencies. Its use is dicussed in
+section <<pkg-config-init>>.
+|# # end::doc[]
+feature.feature pkg-config : : propagated ;
+#| tag::doc[]
+== Feature: `pkg-config-define`
+This `free` feature adds a variable assignment to pkg-config invocation. For
+[source, jam]
+pkg-config.import mypackage : requirements <pkg-config-define>key=value ;
+is equivalent to invoking on the comand line
+[source, shell]
+pkg-config --define-variable=key=value mypackage ;
+|# # end::doc[]
+feature.feature pkg-config-define : : free ;
+#| tag::doc[]
+== Rule: `import`
+Main target rule that imports a *pkg-config* package. When its consumer targets
+are built, *pkg-config* command will be invoked with arguments that depend on
+current property set. The features that have an effect are:
+* `<pkg-config-define>`: adds a `--define-variable` argument;
+* `<link>`: adds `--static` argument when `<link>static`;
+* `<link>`: adds `--static` argument when `<link>static`;
+* `<name>`: specifies package name (target name is used instead if the property
+ is not present);
+* `<version>`: specifies package version range, can be used multiple times and
+ should be a dot-separated sequence of numbers optionally prefixed with `=`,
+ `<`, `>`, `<=` or `>=`.
+[source, jam]
+pkg-config.import my-package
+ : requirements <name>my_package <version><4 <version>>=3.1 ;
+|# # end::doc[]
+rule import
+ ( target-name
+ : sources *
+ : requirements *
+ : default-build *
+ : usage-requirements *
+ )
+ param.handle-named-params
+ sources requirements default-build usage-requirements ;
+ targets.create-metatarget pkg-config-target
+ : [ project.current ]
+ : $(target-name)
+ : $(sources)
+ : $(requirements)
+ : $(default-build)
+ : $(usage-requirements)
+ ;
+#| tag::doc[]
+== Initialization [[ pkg-config-init ]]
+To use the `pkg-config` tool you need to declare it in a configuration file
+with the `using` rule:
+[source, jam]
+using pkg-config : [config] : [command] ... : [ options ] ... ;
+* `config`: the name of initialized configuration. The name can be omitted, in
+ which case the configuration will become the default one.
+* `command`: the command, with any extra arguments, to execute. If no command
+ is given, first `PKG_CONFIG` environment variable is checked, and if its
+ empty the string `pkg-config` is used.
+* `options`: options that modify `pkg-config` behavior. Allowed options are:
+ * `<path>`: sets `PKG_CONFIG_PATH` environment variable;
+ multiple occurences are allowed.
+ * `<libdir>`: sets `PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR` environment variable;
+ multiple occurences are allowed.
+ * `<allow-system-cflags>`: sets `PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_CFLAGS`
+ environment variable; multiple occurences are allowed.
+ * `<allow-system-libs>`: sets `PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_LIBS`
+ environment variable; multiple occurences are allowed.
+ * `<sysroot>`: sets `PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR` environment variable;
+ multiple occurences are allowed.
+ * `<variable>`: adds a variable definition argument to command invocation;
+ multiple occurences are allowed.
+|# # end::doc[]
+rule init ( config ? : command * : options * )
+ config ?= [ default-config ] ;
+ local tool = [ os.environ PKG_CONFIG ] ;
+ tool ?= pkg-config ;
+ command =
+ [ common.get-invocation-command pkg-config : $(tool) : $(command) ] ;
+ configure $(config) : $(command) : $(options) ;
+ $(.configs).use $(config) ;
+rule run ( config ? : args * )
+ config ?= [ default-config ] ;
+ local command = [ $(.configs).get $(config) : command ] ;
+ command = "$(command) $(args:J= )" ;
+ local output = [ SHELL "$(command)" : exit-status ] ;
+ if 0 != $(output[2])
+ {
+ errors.error "pkg-config: command '$(command)' resulted in error:"
+ [ common.newline-char ] $(output[1]) ;
+ }
+ local ws = [ string.whitespace ] ;
+ output = [ regex.split $(output[1]) "[$(ws)]" ] ;
+ return [ sequence.filter non-empty : $(output) ] ;
+#| tag::doc[]
+== Class `pkg-config-target`
+[source, jam]
+class pkg-config-target : alias-target-class {
+ rule construct ( name : sources * : property-set )
+ rule version ( property-set )
+ rule variable ( name : property-set )
+The class of objects returned by `import` rule. The objects themselves could be
+useful in situations that require more complicated logic for consuming a
+package. See <<pkg-config-tips>> for examples.
+. `rule construct ( name : sources * : property-set )`
+ Overrides `alias-target.construct`.
+. `rule version ( property-set )`
+ Returns the package's version, in the context of `property-set`.
+. `rule variable ( name : property-set )`
+ Returns the value of variable `name` in the package, in the context of
+ `property-set`.
+|# # end::doc[]
+class pkg-config-target : alias-target-class
+ import pkg-config ;
+ import regex ;
+ rule construct ( name : sources * : property-set )
+ {
+ local config = [ $(property-set).get <pkg-config> ] ;
+ local args = [ common-arguments $(name) : $(property-set) ] ;
+ return
+ [ property-set.create
+ [ compile-flags $(config) $(property-set) : $(args) ]
+ [ link-flags $(config) $(property-set) : $(args) ]
+ ] ;
+ }
+ rule version ( property-set )
+ {
+ local config = [ $(property-set).get <pkg-config> ] ;
+ local args = [ common-arguments [ name ] : $(property-set) ] ;
+ local version = [ $(config) : --modversion $(args) ] ;
+ return [ regex.split $(version) "\\." ] ;
+ }
+ rule variable ( name : property-set )
+ {
+ local config = [ $(property-set).get <pkg-config> ] ;
+ local args = [ common-arguments [ name ] : $(property-set) ] ;
+ return [ $(config) : --variable=$(name) $(args) ] ;
+ }
+ local rule common-arguments ( name : property-set )
+ {
+ local defines = [ $(property-set).get <pkg-config-define> ] ;
+ local args = --define-variable=$(defines) ;
+ if [ $(property-set).get <link> ] = static
+ {
+ args += --static ;
+ }
+ return $(args) [ get-package-request $(property-set) $(name) ] ;
+ }
+ local rule get-package-request ( property-set name )
+ {
+ local pkg-name = [ $(property-set).get <name> ] ;
+ pkg-name ?= $(name) ;
+ if $(pkg-name[2])
+ {
+ errors.error "multiple package names were specified for target "
+ "'$(name)': $(pkg-name)" ;
+ }
+ local versions ;
+ for local version in [ $(property-set).get <version> ]
+ {
+ local match = [ MATCH "^(<=)(.*)" : $(version) ] ;
+ match ?= [ MATCH "^(>=)(.*)" : $(version) ] ;
+ match ?= [ MATCH "^([><=])(.*)" : $(version) ] ;
+ if $(match)
+ {
+ version = " $(match:J= )" ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ version = " = $(version)" ;
+ }
+ versions += $(version) ;
+ }
+ versions ?= "" ;
+ return "'$(pkg-name)"$(versions)"'" ;
+ }
+ local rule link-flags ( config property-set : args * )
+ {
+ local flags = [ $(config) : --libs $(args) ] ;
+ return <linkflags>$(flags) ;
+ }
+ local rule compile-flags ( config property-set : args * )
+ {
+ local flags = [ $(config) : --cflags $(args) ] ;
+ return <cflags>$(flags) ;
+ }
+local rule default-config ( )
+ return default ;
+local rule configure ( config : command + : options * )
+ $(.configs).register $(config) ;
+ local path ;
+ local libdir ;
+ local allow-system-cflags ;
+ local allow-system-libs ;
+ local sysroot ;
+ local defines ;
+ for local opt in $(options)
+ {
+ switch $(opt:G)
+ {
+ case <path> : path += $(opt:G=) ;
+ case <libdir> : libdir += $(opt:G=) ;
+ case <allow-system-cflags> : allow-system-cflags += $(opt:G=) ;
+ case <allow-system-libs> : allow-system-libs += $(opt:G=) ;
+ case <sysroot> : sysroot += $(opt:G=) ;
+ case <variable> : defines += $(opt:G=) ;
+ case * :
+ errors.error "pkg-config: invalid property '$(opt)' was "
+ "specified for configuration '$(config)'." ;
+ }
+ }
+ for local opt in allow-system-cflags allow-system-libs
+ {
+ if ! $($(opt)) in "on" off
+ {
+ errors.error "pkg-config: invalid value '$($(opt))' was specified "
+ "for option <$(opt)> of configuration '$(config)'."
+ [ common.newline-char ] "Available values are 'on' and 'off'" ;
+ }
+ }
+ if $(sysroot[2])
+ {
+ errors.error "pkg-config: several values were specified for option "
+ "<sysroot> of configuration '$(config)'."
+ [ common.newline-char ] "Only one value is allowed." ;
+ }
+ local sep = [ os.path-separator ] ;
+ path = [ envar-set-command PKG_CONFIG_PATH : $(path:J=$(sep)) ] ;
+ libdir = [ envar-set-command PKG_CONFIG_LIBDIR : $(libdir:J=$(sep)) ] ;
+ sysroot = [ envar-set-command PKG_CONFIG_SYSROOT_DIR : $(sysroot) ] ;
+ allow-cflags =
+ [ envar-set-command PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_CFLAGS
+ : $(allow-cflags)
+ : 1
+ ] ;
+ allow-libs =
+ [ envar-set-command PKG_CONFIG_ALLOW_SYSTEM_LIBS
+ : $(allow-libs)
+ : 1
+ ] ;
+ command += --print-errors --errors-to-stdout --define-variable=$(defines) ;
+ $(.configs).set $(config)
+ : command
+ : "$(path)$(libdir)$(sysroot)$(allow-cflags)$(allow-libs)$(command:J= )"
+ ;
+ feature.extend pkg-config : $(config) ;
+local rule envar-set-command ( envar : value * : implied-value * )
+ if $(value)
+ {
+ if $(implied-value)
+ {
+ value = $(implied-value) ;
+ }
+ return [ common.path-variable-setting-command $(envar) : $(value) ] ;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return "" ;
+ }
+local rule non-empty ( string )
+ if $(string) != "" { return true ; }
+.configs = [ new configurations ] ;
+#| tag::doc[]
+== Tips [[pkg-config-tips]]
+=== Using several configurations
+Suppose, you have 2 collections of `.pc` files: one for platform A, and another
+for platform B. You can initialize 2 configurations of `pkg-config` tool each
+corresponding to specific collection:
+[source, jam]
+using pkg-config : A : : <libdir>path/to/collection/A ;
+using pkg-config : B : : <libdir>path/to/collection/B ;
+Then, you can specify that builds for platform A should use configuration A,
+while builds for B should use configuration B:
+[source, jam]
+ : requirements
+ <target-os>A-os,<architecture>A-arch:<pkg-config>A
+ <target-os>B-os,<architecture>B-arch:<pkg-config>B
+ ;
+Thanks to the fact, that `project-config`, `user-config` and `site-config`
+modules are parents of jamroot module, you can put it in any of those files.o
+=== Choosing the package name based on the property set
+Since a file for a package should be named after the package suffixed with
+`.pc`, some projects came up with naming schemes in order to allow simultaneous
+installation of several major versions or build variants. In order to pick the
+specific name corresponding to the build request you can use `<conditional>`
+property in requirements:
+[source, jam]
+pkg-config.import mypackage : requirements <conditional>@infer-name ;
+rule infer-name ( properties * )
+ local name = mypackage ;
+ local variant = [ <variant> : $(properties) ] ;
+ if $(variant) = debug
+ {
+ name += -d ;
+ }
+ return <name>$(name) ;
+The `common.format-name` rule can be very useful in this situation.
+=== Modify usage requirements based on package version or variable
+Sometimes you need to apply some logic based on package's version or a
+variable that it defines. For that you can use `<conditional>` property in
+usage requirements:
+mypackage =
+ [ pkg-config.import mypackage : usage-requirements <conditional>@define_ns
+ ] ;
+rule extra-props ( properties * )
+ local ps = [ property-set.create $(properties) ] ;
+ local prefix = [ $(mypackage).variable name_prefix : $(ps) ] ;
+ prefix += [ $(mypackage).version $(ps) ] ;
+ return <define>$(prefix:J=_) ;
+|# # end::doc[]