path: root/game/network/rail.cpp
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Pass frustum into render functionsDan Goodliffe6 days
* Add distance helperDan Goodliffe2025-01-21
* Update rails render for being atop a surfaceDan Goodliffe2024-12-24
* Fix calculations for sleeper texture coordsDan Goodliffe2024-12-24
* Expose network base width and surfaceDan Goodliffe2024-12-22
* Adjust track height to blend into terrainDan Goodliffe2024-12-21
* Fix calculating radius and length of curved linksDan Goodliffe2024-12-21
* Further template maths functionsDan Goodliffe2024-10-21
* Move lots of maths helpers to inline, constexpr, templatesDan Goodliffe2024-10-20
* Add helper constructors to ArcDan Goodliffe2024-03-21
* Make arc_length a member functionDan Goodliffe2024-03-21
* Simplify vector addition/subtraction with differnt typesDan Goodliffe2024-02-24
* Bind the network profile in as uniformsDan Goodliffe2024-01-22
* Remove the old custom mesh per network link renderingDan Goodliffe2024-01-21
* Pass curve link radius, no recalculate, its constantDan Goodliffe2024-01-20
* Implement basic network curve part shaderDan Goodliffe2024-01-20
* Update network with vertex arrayDan Goodliffe2024-01-20
* Render rail network using new shadersDan Goodliffe2024-01-20
* Copy render vital link data to vertex bufferDan Goodliffe2024-01-20
* Global positions in network dataDan Goodliffe2024-01-07
* Remove misleading power operator^ on vec2/3Dan Goodliffe2023-12-29
* Remove weird operator! on vec2/3Dan Goodliffe2023-12-29
* Switch to millimeters for spatial unitsDan Goodliffe2023-11-15
* WIP typedefing just about everything elseDan Goodliffe2023-11-09
* WIP typedefing all the things - sourcesDan Goodliffe2023-11-09
* Reformat with new clang-formatDan Goodliffe2023-11-07
* Swap GLEW for more modern gladDan Goodliffe2023-05-28
* Drop .hpp for header only thingsDan Goodliffe2023-04-29
* Fix up all the static analyzer warningsDan Goodliffe2023-01-08
* Rename Shader to SceneShaderDan Goodliffe2022-11-03
* Move findDir into member function findNodeDirectionDan Goodliffe2022-10-28
* Tidy network node insertion/searchingDan Goodliffe2022-10-22
* Standard typedefs for MeshDan Goodliffe2022-10-13
* Standard typedefs for NodeDan Goodliffe2022-10-13
* Refactor to start splitting out UI componentsDan Goodliffe2021-12-13
* Fix up all remaining warningsDan Goodliffe2021-11-28
* Enable all Jason Turner recommended warningsDan Goodliffe2021-11-26
* Swap y,z axisDan Goodliffe2021-11-16
* Fix warnings produced by new clang-tidyDan Goodliffe2021-05-02
* Add generic middle classes LinkStraight and LinkCurveDan Goodliffe2021-03-13
* Push more RailLinks logic down into NetworkOfDan Goodliffe2021-03-10
* Add some more helpers to NetworkDan Goodliffe2021-03-10
* Vertices and indices vectors not required once mesh is createdDan Goodliffe2021-03-10
* Push RailLinks functionality into new base classes Network and NetworkOf<>Dan Goodliffe2021-03-10
* Add findNodeAt to locate a node instance by positionDan Goodliffe2021-03-10
* Merge nexts into endsDan Goodliffe2021-03-10
* Please joining links midpoint height betterDan Goodliffe2021-03-09
* Shut up cppcheck, an STL implementation of that would be stupidDan Goodliffe2021-03-08
* Simplify a lot of code with sincosfDan Goodliffe2021-03-03
* Create and use a shader program for things with absolute positionDan Goodliffe2021-03-03