Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Fix check for bulk removalptrsDan Goodliffe20 hours
* Expose size of each container by typeDan Goodliffe20 hours
* Add standard special membersDan Goodliffe21 hours
* Fix up removeAll and test with more complex hierarchyDan Goodliffe23 hours
* applyToOthersType allows passing any params in, not just a TDan Goodliffe46 hours
* Fix lookup idx for otherObjects suitable for TDan Goodliffe4 days
* Use is_base_of_v instead of is_convertible_v to choose OtherObjectsDan Goodliffe4 days
* Add Renderable typed collection to GameState worldObjectsDan Goodliffe5 days
* Support using typed collections for subclass filteringDan Goodliffe5 days
* Use typed collections for apply/applyOneDan Goodliffe5 days
* Use otherObjects where possible for findDan Goodliffe5 days
* Other objects support in removeAll/clearDan Goodliffe5 days
* Other objects support in operator=Dan Goodliffe5 days
* Populate typed collection of pointersDan Goodliffe5 days
* Make Collections::objects protected, extend interfaceDan Goodliffe6 days
* Invert how shared/unique is specified for CollectionDan Goodliffe6 days
* Add ManyPtr which tracks specified subclassesDan Goodliffe6 days
* Support resizing the main windowDan Goodliffe2025-03-14
* Add support for resizing a SceneRendererDan Goodliffe2025-03-14
* Add support for changing the aspect ratio of a cameraDan Goodliffe2025-03-14
* Fix ratio to include return type in common intermediary typeDan Goodliffe2025-03-14
* Merge branch 'culling'Dan Goodliffe2025-03-13
| * Split Terrain::generateMeshes into smaller functionsDan Goodliffe2025-03-12
| * Perfectly forward range when materializingDan Goodliffe2025-03-11
| * Rebalance shadow band distributionDan Goodliffe2025-03-11
| * Cull terrain meshes from render that don't cast a shadow into the frustumDan Goodliffe2025-03-11
| * Add a spike of terrain in test-renderDan Goodliffe2025-03-11
| * Initialise shadow bounding box to light view pointDan Goodliffe2025-03-11
| * Extend Frustum for testing for shaded byDan Goodliffe2025-03-11
| * Pass a Frustum to shadow renderersDan Goodliffe2025-03-11
| * Simplify ShadowMapper with AxisAlignedBoundingBoxDan Goodliffe2025-03-11
| * Template AxisAlignedBoundingBox on unit typeDan Goodliffe2025-03-11
| * Current tile in frustum as we loopDan Goodliffe2025-03-11
| * Construct terrain tile AxisAlignedBoundingBox during mesh generationDan Goodliffe2025-03-11
| * AxisAlignedBoundingBox construct from range instead of spanDan Goodliffe2025-03-11
| * Only render terrain tiles which are visible in the frustumDan Goodliffe2025-03-11
| * Add function to test if an AABB is visible in a frustumDan Goodliffe2025-03-11
| * Position is moved to FrustumDan Goodliffe2025-03-11
| * Create AxisAlignedBoundingBoxDan Goodliffe2025-03-11
| * Pass frustum into render functionsDan Goodliffe2025-03-07
* Split core view definition out of Camera into FrustumDan Goodliffe2025-03-05
* Move camera out of gl folder, it's not OpenGL specificDan Goodliffe2025-03-05
* Have Camera keep an array of frustum plane definitionsDan Goodliffe2025-03-05
* Constrain operator* for array*functorDan Goodliffe2025-03-05
* Cache the camera's view matrixDan Goodliffe2025-03-02
* Work around clang thinking this is unused in lambdasDan Goodliffe2025-03-01
* Split meshes by surface and tileDan Goodliffe2025-02-26
* Name Worker threads if supportedDan Goodliffe2025-02-26
* Add range support for OpenMesh::PolyConnectivity::EntityRangeDan Goodliffe2025-02-26
* Create perf-terrain test window globallyDan Goodliffe2025-02-26