diff options
6 files changed, 353 insertions, 366 deletions
diff --git a/game/geoData.cpp b/game/geoData.cpp
index d212651..a5fc4ef 100644
--- a/game/geoData.cpp
+++ b/game/geoData.cpp
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ GeoData::loadFromAsciiGrid(const std::filesystem::path & input)
- mesh.update_vertex_normals_only();
+ mesh.updateAllVertexNormals();
return mesh;
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ GeoData::createFlat(GlobalPosition2D lower, GlobalPosition2D upper, GlobalDistan
- mesh.update_vertex_normals_only();
+ mesh.updateAllVertexNormals();
return mesh;
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ GeoData::findBoundaryStart() const
[[nodiscard]] RelativePosition3D
GeoData::difference(const HalfedgeHandle heh) const
- return point(to_vertex_handle(heh)) - point(from_vertex_handle(heh));
+ return ::difference(point(to_vertex_handle(heh)), point(from_vertex_handle(heh)));
[[nodiscard]] RelativeDistance
@@ -377,23 +377,28 @@ GeoData::centre(const HalfedgeHandle heh) const
- update_vertex_normals_only(vertices_sbegin());
+ updateAllVertexNormals(vertices());
+template<std::ranges::range R>
-GeoData::update_vertex_normals_only(VertexIter start)
+GeoData::updateAllVertexNormals(const R & range)
- std::for_each(start, vertices_end(), [this](const auto vh) {
- if (normal(vh) == Normal3D {}) {
- Normal3D n;
- calc_vertex_normal_correct(vh, n);
- this->set_normal(vh, glm::normalize(n));
- }
+ std::ranges::for_each(range, [this](const auto vertex) {
+ updateVertexNormal(vertex);
+GeoData::updateVertexNormal(VertexHandle vertex)
+ Normal3D n;
+ calc_vertex_normal_correct(vertex, n);
+ set_normal(vertex, glm::normalize(n));
GeoData::triangleOverlapsTriangle(const Triangle<2> & a, const Triangle<2> & b)
@@ -411,265 +416,161 @@ GeoData::triangleContainsTriangle(const Triangle<2> & a, const Triangle<2> & b)
-GeoData::split(FaceHandle _fh)
- // Collect halfedges of face
- const HalfedgeHandle he0 = halfedge_handle(_fh);
- const HalfedgeHandle he1 = next_halfedge_handle(he0);
- const HalfedgeHandle he2 = next_halfedge_handle(he1);
- const EdgeHandle eh0 = edge_handle(he0);
- const EdgeHandle eh1 = edge_handle(he1);
- const EdgeHandle eh2 = edge_handle(he2);
- // Collect points of face
- const VertexHandle p0 = to_vertex_handle(he0);
- const VertexHandle p1 = to_vertex_handle(he1);
- const VertexHandle p2 = to_vertex_handle(he2);
- // Calculate midpoint coordinates
- const Point new0 = centre(he0);
- const Point new1 = centre(he1);
- const Point new2 = centre(he2);
- // Add vertices at midpoint coordinates
- const VertexHandle v0 = add_vertex(new0);
- const VertexHandle v1 = add_vertex(new1);
- const VertexHandle v2 = add_vertex(new2);
- const bool split0 = !is_boundary(eh0);
- const bool split1 = !is_boundary(eh1);
- const bool split2 = !is_boundary(eh2);
- // delete original face
- delete_face(_fh, false);
- // split boundary edges of deleted face ( if not boundary )
- if (split0) {
- split(eh0, v0);
- }
- if (split1) {
- split(eh1, v1);
- }
- if (split2) {
- split(eh2, v2);
- }
- // Retriangulate
- add_face(v0, p0, v1);
- add_face(p2, v0, v2);
- add_face(v2, v1, p1);
- add_face(v2, v0, v1);
-GeoData::setHeights(const std::span<const GlobalPosition3D> triangleStrip, const Surface & newFaceSurface)
+GeoData::setHeights(const std::span<const GlobalPosition3D> triangleStrip, const SetHeightsOpts & opts)
- static const RelativeDistance MAX_SLOPE = 1.5F;
- static const RelativeDistance MIN_ARC = 0.01F;
if (triangleStrip.size() < 3) {
+ const auto stripMinMax = std::ranges::minmax(triangleStrip, {}, &GlobalPosition3D::z);
+ lowerExtent.z = std::min(upperExtent.z, stripMinMax.min.z);
+ upperExtent.z = std::max(upperExtent.z, stripMinMax.max.z);
- const auto initialVertexCount = static_cast<unsigned int>(n_vertices());
+ const auto vertexDistFrom = [this](GlobalPosition2D p) {
+ return [p, this](const VertexHandle v) {
+ return std::make_pair(v, glm::length(::difference(p, this->point(v).xy())));
+ };
+ };
+ std::set<VertexHandle> newOrChangedVerts;
+ auto addVertexForNormalUpdate = [this, &newOrChangedVerts](const VertexHandle vertex) {
+ newOrChangedVerts.emplace(vertex);
+ std::ranges::copy(vv_range(vertex), std::inserter(newOrChangedVerts, newOrChangedVerts.end()));
+ };
- // Create new vertices
+ // New vertices for each vertex in triangleStrip
std::vector<VertexHandle> newVerts;
- std::transform(triangleStrip.begin(), triangleStrip.end(), std::back_inserter(newVerts), [this](const auto tsVert) {
- return add_vertex(tsVert);
- });
- // Create new faces
- const auto initialFaceCount = static_cast<int>(n_faces());
- std::for_each(strip_begin(newVerts), strip_end(newVerts), [this](const auto & newVert) {
- const auto [a, b, c] = newVert;
- add_face(a, b, c);
- });
- for (auto fhi = FaceIter {*this, FaceHandle {initialFaceCount}, true}; fhi != faces_end(); fhi++) {
- static constexpr auto MAX_FACE_AREA = 100'000'000.F;
- const auto fh = *fhi;
- if (triangle<3>(fh).area() > MAX_FACE_AREA) {
- split(fh);
- }
- }
- std::vector<FaceHandle> newFaces;
- std::copy_if(FaceIter {*this, FaceHandle {initialFaceCount}, true}, faces_end(), std::back_inserter(newFaces),
- [this](FaceHandle fh) {
- return !this->status(fh).deleted();
+ std::transform(triangleStrip.begin(), triangleStrip.end(), std::back_inserter(newVerts),
+ [this, &newVerts, &vertexDistFrom, &opts](const auto tsPoint) {
+ const auto face = findPoint(tsPoint);
+ if (const auto nearest = std::ranges::min(std::views::iota(fv_begin(face), fv_end(face))
+ | std::views::transform(vertexDistFrom(tsPoint)),
+ {}, &std::pair<VertexHandle, float>::second);
+ nearest.second < opts.nearNodeTolerance && !std::ranges::contains(newVerts, nearest.first)) {
+ point(nearest.first) = tsPoint;
+ return nearest.first;
+ }
+ return split(face, tsPoint);
- // Extrude corners
- struct Extrusion {
- VertexHandle boundaryVertex, extrusionVertex;
- Direction3D lowerLimit, upperLimit;
+ std::ranges::for_each(newVerts, addVertexForNormalUpdate);
+ // Create temporary triangles from triangleStrip
+ std::vector<Triangle<3>> strip;
+ std::transform(
+ strip_begin(triangleStrip), strip_end(triangleStrip), std::back_inserter(strip), [](const auto & newVert) {
+ const auto [a, b, c] = newVert;
+ return Triangle<3> {a, b, c};
+ });
+ auto getTriangle = [&strip](const auto point) -> const Triangle<3> * {
+ if (const auto t = std::ranges::find_if(strip,
+ [point](const auto & triangle) {
+ return triangleContainsPoint(point, triangle);
+ });
+ t != strip.end()) {
+ return &*t;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
- std::vector<Extrusion> extrusionExtents;
- boundaryWalk(
- [this, &extrusionExtents](const auto boundaryHeh) {
- const auto prevBoundaryHeh = prev_halfedge_handle(boundaryHeh);
- const auto prevBoundaryVertex = from_vertex_handle(prevBoundaryHeh);
- const auto boundaryVertex = from_vertex_handle(boundaryHeh);
- const auto nextBoundaryVertex = to_vertex_handle(boundaryHeh);
- const auto p0 = point(prevBoundaryVertex);
- const auto p1 = point(boundaryVertex);
- const auto p2 = point(nextBoundaryVertex);
- const auto e0 = glm::normalize(vector_normal(RelativePosition2D(p1 - p0)));
- const auto e1 = glm::normalize(vector_normal(RelativePosition2D(p2 - p1)));
- const auto addExtrusionFor = [this, &extrusionExtents, boundaryVertex, p1](Direction2D direction) {
- const auto doExtrusion = [this](VertexHandle & extrusionVertex, Direction2D direction,
- GlobalPosition3D boundaryVertex, RelativeDistance vert) {
- const auto extrusionDir = glm::normalize(direction || vert);
- if (!extrusionVertex.is_valid()) {
- if (const auto intersect = intersectRay({boundaryVertex, extrusionDir})) {
- auto splitVertex = split(intersect->second, intersect->first);
- extrusionVertex = splitVertex;
- }
- else if (const auto intersect
- = intersectRay({boundaryVertex + GlobalPosition3D {1, 1, 0}, extrusionDir})) {
- auto splitVertex = split(intersect->second, intersect->first);
- extrusionVertex = splitVertex;
- }
- else if (const auto intersect
- = intersectRay({boundaryVertex + GlobalPosition3D {1, 0, 0}, extrusionDir})) {
- auto splitVertex = split(intersect->second, intersect->first);
- extrusionVertex = splitVertex;
- }
- }
- return extrusionDir;
- };
- VertexHandle extrusionVertex;
- extrusionExtents.emplace_back(boundaryVertex, extrusionVertex,
- doExtrusion(extrusionVertex, direction, p1, -MAX_SLOPE),
- doExtrusion(extrusionVertex, direction, p1, MAX_SLOPE));
- assert(extrusionVertex.is_valid());
- };
- if (const Arc arc {e0, e1}; arc.length() < MIN_ARC) {
- addExtrusionFor(normalize(e0 + e1) / cosf(arc.length() / 2.F));
- }
- else if (arc.length() < pi) {
- // Previous half edge end to current half end start arc tangents
- const auto limit = std::ceil(arc.length() * 5.F / pi);
- const auto inc = arc.length() / limit;
- for (float step = 0; step <= limit; step += 1.F) {
- addExtrusionFor(sincos(arc.first + (step * inc)));
- }
- }
- else {
- // Single tangent bisecting the difference
- addExtrusionFor(normalize(e0 + e1) / sinf((arc.length() - pi) / 2.F));
- }
- },
- *voh_begin(newVerts.front()));
- // Cut existing terrain
- extrusionExtents.emplace_back(extrusionExtents.front()); // Circular next
- std::vector<std::vector<VertexHandle>> boundaryFaces;
- for (const auto & [first, second] : extrusionExtents | std::views::adjacent<2>) {
- const auto p0 = point(first.boundaryVertex);
- const auto p1 = point(second.boundaryVertex);
- const auto bdir = RelativePosition3D(p1 - p0);
- const auto make_plane = [p0](auto y, auto z) {
- return GeometricPlaneT<GlobalPosition3D> {p0, crossProduct(y, z)};
- };
- const auto planes = ((first.boundaryVertex == second.boundaryVertex)
- ? std::array {make_plane(second.lowerLimit, first.lowerLimit),
- make_plane(second.upperLimit, first.upperLimit),
- }
- : std::array {
- make_plane(bdir, second.lowerLimit),
- make_plane(bdir, second.upperLimit),
- });
- assert(planes.front().normal.z > 0.F);
- assert(planes.back().normal.z > 0.F);
- auto & out = boundaryFaces.emplace_back();
- out.emplace_back(first.boundaryVertex);
- out.emplace_back(first.extrusionVertex);
- for (auto currentVertex = first.extrusionVertex;
- !find_halfedge(currentVertex, second.extrusionVertex).is_valid();) {
- [[maybe_unused]] const auto n
- = std::any_of(voh_begin(currentVertex), voh_end(currentVertex), [&](const auto currentVertexOut) {
- const auto next = next_halfedge_handle(currentVertexOut);
- const auto nextVertex = to_vertex_handle(next);
- const auto startVertex = from_vertex_handle(next);
- if (nextVertex == *++out.rbegin()) {
- // This half edge goes back to the previous vertex
- return false;
- }
- const auto edge = edge_handle(next);
- const auto ep0 = point(startVertex);
- const auto ep1 = point(nextVertex);
- if (planes.front().getRelation(ep1) == GeometricPlane::PlaneRelation::Below
- || planes.back().getRelation(ep1) == GeometricPlane::PlaneRelation::Above) {
- return false;
- }
- const auto diff = RelativePosition3D(ep1 - ep0);
- const auto length = glm::length(diff);
- const auto dir = diff / length;
- const Ray r {ep1, -dir};
- const auto dists = planes * [r](const auto & plane) {
- RelativeDistance dist {};
- if (r.intersectPlane(plane.origin, plane.normal, dist)) {
- return dist;
- }
- return INFINITY;
- };
- const auto dist = *std::min_element(dists.begin(), dists.end());
- const auto splitPos = ep1 - (dir * dist);
- if (dist <= length) {
- currentVertex = split(edge, splitPos);
- out.emplace_back(currentVertex);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- });
- assert(n);
+ // Cut along each edge of triangleStrip AB, AC, BC, BD, CD, CE etc
+ std::map<VertexHandle, const Triangle<3> *> boundaryTriangles;
+ auto doBoundaryPart = [this, &boundaryTriangles, &newVerts, &vertexDistFrom, &opts, &addVertexForNormalUpdate](
+ VertexHandle start, VertexHandle end, const Triangle<3> & triangle) {
+ boundaryTriangles.emplace(start, &triangle);
+ const auto endPoint = point(end);
+ while (!std::ranges::contains(vv_range(start), end)
+ && std::ranges::any_of(voh_range(start), [&](const auto & outHalf) {
+ const auto next = next_halfedge_handle(outHalf);
+ const auto startPoint = point(start);
+ const auto nexts = std::array {from_vertex_handle(next), to_vertex_handle(next)};
+ const auto nextPoints = nexts | std::views::transform([this](const auto v) {
+ return std::make_pair(v, this->point(v));
+ });
+ if (linesCross(startPoint, endPoint, nextPoints.front().second, nextPoints.back().second)) {
+ if (const auto intersection = linesIntersectAt(startPoint.xy(), endPoint.xy(),
+ nextPoints.front().second.xy(), nextPoints.back().second.xy())) {
+ if (const auto nextDist
+ = std::ranges::min(nexts | std::views::transform(vertexDistFrom(*intersection)),
+ {}, &std::pair<VertexHandle, float>::second);
+ nextDist.second < opts.nearNodeTolerance
+ && !boundaryTriangles.contains(nextDist.first)
+ && !std::ranges::contains(newVerts, nextDist.first)) {
+ start = nextDist.first;
+ point(start) = positionOnTriangle(*intersection, triangle);
+ }
+ else {
+ start = split(edge_handle(next), positionOnTriangle(*intersection, triangle));
+ }
+ addVertexForNormalUpdate(start);
+ boundaryTriangles.emplace(start, &triangle);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ })) { }
+ };
+ auto doBoundary = [&doBoundaryPart, triangle = strip.begin()](const auto & verts) mutable {
+ const auto & [a, b, c] = verts;
+ doBoundaryPart(a, b, *triangle);
+ doBoundaryPart(a, c, *triangle);
+ triangle++;
+ };
+ std::ranges::for_each(newVerts | std::views::adjacent<3>, doBoundary);
+ doBoundaryPart(*++newVerts.rbegin(), newVerts.back(), *strip.rbegin());
+ std::set<HalfedgeHandle> done;
+ std::set<HalfedgeHandle> todo;
+ auto todoOutHalfEdges = [&todo, &done, this](const VertexHandle v) {
+ std::copy_if(voh_begin(v), voh_end(v), std::inserter(todo, todo.end()), [&done](const auto & h) {
+ return !done.contains(h);
+ });
+ };
+ std::ranges::for_each(newVerts, todoOutHalfEdges);
+ while (!todo.empty()) {
+ const auto heh = todo.extract(todo.begin()).value();
+ const auto fromVertex = from_vertex_handle(heh);
+ const auto toVertex = to_vertex_handle(heh);
+ const auto & fromPoint = point(fromVertex);
+ auto & toPoint = point(toVertex);
+ auto toTriangle = getTriangle(toPoint);
+ if (!toTriangle) {
+ if (const auto boundaryVertex = boundaryTriangles.find(toVertex);
+ boundaryVertex != boundaryTriangles.end()) {
+ toTriangle = boundaryVertex->second;
+ }
- out.emplace_back(second.extrusionVertex);
- if (first.boundaryVertex != second.boundaryVertex) {
- out.emplace_back(second.boundaryVertex);
+ if (toTriangle) { // point within the new strip, adjust vertically by triangle
+ toPoint.z = positionOnTriangle(toPoint, *toTriangle).z;
+ addVertexForNormalUpdate(toVertex);
+ todoOutHalfEdges(toVertex);
+ else if (!toTriangle) { // point without the new strip, adjust vertically by limit
+ const auto maxOffset = static_cast<GlobalDistance>(opts.maxSlope * glm::length(difference(heh).xy()));
+ const auto newHeight = std::clamp(toPoint.z, fromPoint.z - maxOffset, fromPoint.z + maxOffset);
+ if (newHeight != toPoint.z) {
+ toPoint.z = newHeight;
+ addVertexForNormalUpdate(toVertex);
+ std::copy_if(voh_begin(toVertex), voh_end(toVertex), std::inserter(todo, todo.end()),
+ [this, &boundaryTriangles](const auto & heh) {
+ return !boundaryTriangles.contains(to_vertex_handle(heh));
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ done.insert(heh);
- // Remove old faces
- std::set<FaceHandle> visited;
- auto removeOld = [&](auto & self, const auto face) -> void {
- if (visited.insert(face).second) {
- std::for_each(fh_begin(face), fh_end(face), [&](const auto fh) {
- const auto b1 = to_vertex_handle(fh);
- const auto b2 = from_vertex_handle(fh);
- if (opposite_face_handle(fh).is_valid()
- && std::none_of(boundaryFaces.begin(), boundaryFaces.end(), [b2, b1](const auto & bf) {
- return std::adjacent_find(bf.begin(), bf.end(), [b2, b1](const auto v1, const auto v2) {
- return b1 == v1 && b2 == v2;
- }) != bf.end();
- })) {
- self(self, opposite_face_handle(fh));
- }
- });
- delete_face(face, false);
+ auto surfaceStripWalk = [this, &getTriangle, &opts](const auto & surfaceStripWalk, const auto & face) -> void {
+ if (!property(surface, face)) {
+ property(surface, face) = &opts.surface;
+ std::ranges::for_each(
+ ff_range(face), [this, &getTriangle, &surfaceStripWalk](const auto & adjacentFaceHandle) {
+ if (getTriangle(this->triangle<2>(adjacentFaceHandle).centroid())) {
+ surfaceStripWalk(surfaceStripWalk, adjacentFaceHandle);
+ }
+ });
- removeOld(removeOld, findPoint(triangleStrip.front()));
- std::for_each(boundaryFaces.begin(), boundaryFaces.end(), [&](auto & boundaryFace) {
- std::reverse(boundaryFace.begin(), boundaryFace.end());
- add_face(boundaryFace);
- });
- // Tidy up
- update_vertex_normals_only(VertexIter {*this, vertex_handle(initialVertexCount), true});
+ surfaceStripWalk(surfaceStripWalk, findPoint(strip.front().centroid()));
- std::for_each(newFaces.begin(), newFaces.end(), [&newFaceSurface, this](const auto fh) {
- property(surface, fh) = &newFaceSurface;
- });
+ updateAllVertexNormals(newOrChangedVerts);
diff --git a/game/geoData.h b/game/geoData.h
index ed1734c..79924d3 100644
--- a/game/geoData.h
+++ b/game/geoData.h
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include "config/types.h"
#include "ray.h"
#include "surface.h"
+#include "triangle.h"
#include <OpenMesh/Core/Mesh/TriMesh_ArrayKernelT.hh>
#include <filesystem>
#include <glm/vec2.hpp>
@@ -52,76 +53,7 @@ public:
mutable FaceHandle _face {};
- template<glm::length_t Dim> struct Triangle : public glm::vec<3, glm::vec<Dim, GlobalDistance>> {
- using base = glm::vec<3, glm::vec<Dim, GlobalDistance>>;
- using base::base;
- template<IterableCollection Range> Triangle(const GeoData * m, Range range)
- {
- assert(std::distance(range.begin(), range.end()) == 3);
- std::transform(range.begin(), range.end(), &base::operator[](0), [m](auto vh) {
- return m->point(vh);
- });
- }
- [[nodiscard]] glm::vec<Dim, GlobalDistance>
- operator*(BaryPosition bari) const
- {
- return p(0) + (difference(p(0), p(1)) * bari.x) + (difference(p(0), p(2)) * bari.y);
- }
- [[nodiscard]] auto
- area() const
- requires(Dim == 3)
- {
- return glm::length(crossProduct(difference(p(0), p(1)), difference(p(0), p(2)))) / 2.F;
- }
- [[nodiscard]] Normal3D
- normal() const
- requires(Dim == 3)
- {
- return crossProduct(difference(p(0), p(1)), difference(p(0), p(2)));
- }
- [[nodiscard]] Normal3D
- nnormal() const
- requires(Dim == 3)
- {
- return glm::normalize(normal());
- }
- [[nodiscard]] auto
- angle(glm::length_t c) const
- {
- return Arc {P(c), P(c + 2), P(c + 1)}.length();
- }
- template<glm::length_t D = Dim>
- [[nodiscard]] auto
- angleAt(const GlobalPosition<D> pos) const
- requires(D <= Dim)
- {
- for (glm::length_t i {}; i < 3; ++i) {
- if (GlobalPosition<D> {p(i)} == pos) {
- return angle(i);
- }
- }
- return 0.F;
- }
- [[nodiscard]] inline auto
- p(const glm::length_t i) const
- {
- return base::operator[](i);
- }
- [[nodiscard]] inline auto
- P(const glm::length_t i) const
- {
- return base::operator[](i % 3);
- }
- };
+ template<glm::length_t Dim> using Triangle = ::Triangle<Dim, GlobalDistance>;
[[nodiscard]] FaceHandle findPoint(GlobalPosition2D) const;
[[nodiscard]] FaceHandle findPoint(GlobalPosition2D, FaceHandle start) const;
@@ -142,7 +74,16 @@ public:
[[nodiscard]] HalfedgeHandle findEntry(const GlobalPosition2D from, const GlobalPosition2D to) const;
- void setHeights(const std::span<const GlobalPosition3D> triangleStrip, const Surface &);
+ struct SetHeightsOpts {
+ static constexpr auto DEFAULT_NEAR_NODE_TOLERANACE = 500.F;
+ static constexpr auto DEFAULT_MAX_SLOPE = 0.5F;
+ const Surface & surface;
+ RelativeDistance nearNodeTolerance = DEFAULT_NEAR_NODE_TOLERANACE;
+ RelativeDistance maxSlope = DEFAULT_MAX_SLOPE;
+ };
+ void setHeights(std::span<const GlobalPosition3D> triangleStrip, const SetHeightsOpts &);
[[nodiscard]] auto
getExtents() const
@@ -160,9 +101,13 @@ public:
template<glm::length_t Dim>
[[nodiscard]] Triangle<Dim>
- triangle(FaceHandle f) const
+ triangle(FaceHandle face) const
- return {this, fv_range(f)};
+ Triangle<Dim> triangle;
+ std::ranges::transform(fv_range(face), triangle.begin(), [this](auto vertex) {
+ return point(vertex);
+ });
+ return triangle;
[[nodiscard]] static bool triangleContainsPoint(const GlobalPosition2D, const Triangle<2> &);
@@ -172,21 +117,12 @@ protected:
[[nodiscard]] HalfedgeHandle findBoundaryStart() const;
[[nodiscard]] RelativePosition3D difference(const HalfedgeHandle) const;
- template<glm::length_t D>
- [[nodiscard]] static RelativePosition<D>
- difference(const GlobalPosition<D> a, const GlobalPosition<D> b)
- {
- return b - a;
- }
[[nodiscard]] RelativeDistance length(const HalfedgeHandle) const;
[[nodiscard]] GlobalPosition3D centre(const HalfedgeHandle) const;
- void update_vertex_normals_only();
- void update_vertex_normals_only(VertexIter start);
- using OpenMesh::TriMesh_ArrayKernelT<GeoDataTraits>::split;
- void split(FaceHandle);
+ void updateAllVertexNormals();
+ template<std::ranges::range R> void updateAllVertexNormals(const R &);
+ void updateVertexNormal(VertexHandle);
GlobalPosition3D lowerExtent {}, upperExtent {};
diff --git a/lib/maths.h b/lib/maths.h
index 14a29d1..3959896 100644
--- a/lib/maths.h
+++ b/lib/maths.h
@@ -5,11 +5,15 @@
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
#include <glm/gtc/constants.hpp>
#include <numeric>
+#include <optional>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>
+template<typename T>
+concept Arithmetic = std::is_arithmetic_v<T>;
struct Arc : public std::pair<Angle, Angle> {
- template<glm::length_t Lc, glm::length_t Le, typename T, glm::qualifier Q>
+ template<glm::length_t Lc, glm::length_t Le, Arithmetic T, glm::qualifier Q>
requires(Lc >= 2, Le >= 2)
Arc(const glm::vec<Lc, T, Q> & centre, const glm::vec<Le, T, Q> & e0p, const glm::vec<Le, T, Q> & e1p) :
Arc {RelativePosition2D {e0p.xy() - centre.xy()}, RelativePosition2D {e1p.xy() - centre.xy()}}
@@ -118,7 +122,7 @@ namespace {
// Helper to lookup into a matrix given an xy vector coordinate
- template<glm::length_t C, glm::length_t R, typename T, glm::qualifier Q, std::integral I = glm::length_t>
+ template<glm::length_t C, glm::length_t R, Arithmetic T, glm::qualifier Q, std::integral I = glm::length_t>
constexpr auto &
operator^(glm::mat<C, R, T, Q> & matrix, const glm::vec<2, I> rowCol)
@@ -200,7 +204,7 @@ rotate_yp(const glm::vec<2, T, Q> & angles)
return rotate_yp<D>(angles.y, angles.x);
-template<glm::length_t D, glm::qualifier Q = glm::qualifier::defaultp, typename T>
+template<glm::length_t D, glm::qualifier Q = glm::qualifier::defaultp, std::floating_point T>
requires(D >= 2)
constexpr auto
vector_yaw(const glm::vec<D, T, Q> & diff)
@@ -208,7 +212,7 @@ vector_yaw(const glm::vec<D, T, Q> & diff)
return std::atan2(diff.x, diff.y);
-template<glm::length_t D, glm::qualifier Q = glm::qualifier::defaultp, typename T>
+template<glm::length_t D, glm::qualifier Q = glm::qualifier::defaultp, std::floating_point T>
requires(D >= 3)
constexpr auto
vector_pitch(const glm::vec<D, T, Q> & diff)
@@ -216,7 +220,7 @@ vector_pitch(const glm::vec<D, T, Q> & diff)
return std::atan(diff.z);
-template<typename T, glm::qualifier Q>
+template<std::floating_point T, glm::qualifier Q>
constexpr glm::vec<2, T, Q>
vector_normal(const glm::vec<2, T, Q> & vector)
@@ -230,7 +234,7 @@ round_frac(const T value, const T frac)
return std::round(value / frac) * frac;
-template<typename T>
+template<Arithmetic T>
requires requires(T value) { value * value; }
constexpr auto
sq(T value)
@@ -263,14 +267,15 @@ crossProduct(const glm::vec<3, T, Q> & valueA, const glm::vec<3, T, Q> & valueB)
return glm::cross(valueA, valueB);
-template<typename R = float, typename Ta, typename Tb>
+template<Arithmetic R = float, Arithmetic Ta, Arithmetic Tb>
constexpr auto
ratio(const Ta valueA, const Tb valueB)
- return (static_cast<R>(valueA) / static_cast<R>(valueB));
+ using Common = std::common_type_t<Ta, Ta>;
+ return static_cast<R>((static_cast<Common>(valueA) / static_cast<Common>(valueB)));
-template<typename R = float, typename T, glm::qualifier Q>
+template<Arithmetic R = float, Arithmetic T, glm::qualifier Q>
constexpr auto
ratio(const glm::vec<2, T, Q> & value)
@@ -284,14 +289,14 @@ perspective_divide(const glm::vec<4, T, Q> & value)
return value / value.w;
-template<glm::length_t L1, glm::length_t L2, typename T, glm::qualifier Q>
+template<glm::length_t L1, glm::length_t L2, Arithmetic T, glm::qualifier Q>
constexpr glm::vec<L1 + L2, T, Q>
operator||(const glm::vec<L1, T, Q> valueA, const glm::vec<L2, T, Q> valueB)
return {valueA, valueB};
-template<glm::length_t L, typename T, glm::qualifier Q>
+template<glm::length_t L, Arithmetic T, glm::qualifier Q>
constexpr glm::vec<L + 1, T, Q>
operator||(const glm::vec<L, T, Q> valueA, const T valueB)
@@ -326,7 +331,35 @@ normalize(T ang)
return ang;
-template<typename T, glm::qualifier Q>
+template<Arithmetic T> using CalcType = std::conditional_t<std::is_floating_point_v<T>, T, int64_t>;
+template<Arithmetic T, glm::qualifier Q = glm::defaultp>
+[[nodiscard]] constexpr std::optional<glm::vec<2, T, Q>>
+linesIntersectAt(const glm::vec<2, T, Q> Aabs, const glm::vec<2, T, Q> Babs, const glm::vec<2, T, Q> Cabs,
+ const glm::vec<2, T, Q> Dabs)
+ using CT = CalcType<T>;
+ using CVec = glm::vec<2, CT, Q>;
+ // Line AB represented as a1x + b1y = c1
+ const CVec Brel = Babs - Aabs;
+ const CT a1 = Brel.y;
+ const CT b1 = -Brel.x;
+ // Line CD represented as a2x + b2y = c2
+ const CVec Crel = Cabs - Aabs, Del = Dabs - Aabs;
+ const CT a2 = Del.y - Crel.y;
+ const CT b2 = Crel.x - Del.x;
+ const CT c2 = (a2 * Crel.x) + (b2 * Crel.y);
+ const auto determinant = (a1 * b2) - (a2 * b1);
+ if (determinant == 0) {
+ return std::nullopt;
+ }
+ return Aabs + CVec {(b1 * c2) / -determinant, (a1 * c2) / determinant};
+template<Arithmetic T, glm::qualifier Q>
std::pair<glm::vec<2, T, Q>, bool>
find_arc_centre(glm::vec<2, T, Q> start, Rotation2D startDir, glm::vec<2, T, Q> end, Rotation2D endDir)
@@ -339,7 +372,7 @@ find_arc_centre(glm::vec<2, T, Q> start, Rotation2D startDir, glm::vec<2, T, Q>
throw std::runtime_error("no intersection");
-template<typename T, glm::qualifier Q>
+template<Arithmetic T, glm::qualifier Q>
std::pair<glm::vec<2, T, Q>, bool>
find_arc_centre(glm::vec<2, T, Q> start, Angle entrys, glm::vec<2, T, Q> end, Angle entrye)
@@ -349,7 +382,7 @@ find_arc_centre(glm::vec<2, T, Q> start, Angle entrys, glm::vec<2, T, Q> end, An
return find_arc_centre(start, sincos(entrys + half_pi), end, sincos(entrye - half_pi));
-template<typename T, glm::qualifier Q>
+template<Arithmetic T, glm::qualifier Q>
find_arcs_radius(glm::vec<2, T, Q> start, Rotation2D ad, glm::vec<2, T, Q> end, Rotation2D bd)
@@ -374,7 +407,7 @@ find_arcs_radius(glm::vec<2, T, Q> start, Rotation2D ad, glm::vec<2, T, Q> end,
/ (2 * (sq(X) - 2 * X * Z + sq(Z) + sq(Y) - 2 * Y * W + sq(W) - 4));
-template<typename T, glm::qualifier Q>
+template<Arithmetic T, glm::qualifier Q>
std::pair<Angle, Angle>
find_arcs_radius(glm::vec<2, T, Q> start, Angle entrys, glm::vec<2, T, Q> end, Angle entrye)
@@ -384,7 +417,7 @@ find_arcs_radius(glm::vec<2, T, Q> start, Angle entrys, glm::vec<2, T, Q> end, A
return {getrad(-half_pi), getrad(half_pi)};
-template<typename T>
+template<Arithmetic T>
midpoint(const std::pair<T, T> & v)
@@ -392,7 +425,7 @@ midpoint(const std::pair<T, T> & v)
// std::pow is not constexpr
-template<typename T>
+template<Arithmetic T>
requires requires(T n) { n *= n; }
constexpr T
pow(const T base, std::integral auto exp)
@@ -405,14 +438,14 @@ pow(const T base, std::integral auto exp)
// Conversions
-template<typename T>
+template<Arithmetic T>
constexpr auto
mph_to_ms(T v)
return v / 2.237L;
-template<typename T>
+template<Arithmetic T>
constexpr auto
kph_to_ms(T v)
diff --git a/lib/triangle.h b/lib/triangle.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..812bfab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/triangle.h
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "config/types.h"
+#include "maths.h"
+#include <glm/glm.hpp>
+template<glm::length_t Dim, Arithmetic T, glm::qualifier Q = glm::defaultp>
+struct Triangle : public glm::vec<3, glm::vec<Dim, T, Q>> {
+ using Point = glm::vec<Dim, T, Q>;
+ using Base = glm::vec<3, glm::vec<Dim, T, Q>>;
+ using Base::Base;
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr Point
+ operator*(BaryPosition bari) const
+ {
+ return p(0) + (sideDifference(1) * bari.x) + (sideDifference(2) * bari.y);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr Point
+ centroid() const
+ {
+ return [this]<glm::length_t... Axis>(std::integer_sequence<glm::length_t, Axis...>) {
+ return Point {(p(0)[Axis] + p(1)[Axis] + p(2)[Axis]) / 3 ...};
+ }(std::make_integer_sequence<glm::length_t, Dim>());
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto
+ area() const
+ requires(Dim == 3)
+ {
+ return glm::length(crossProduct(sideDifference(1), sideDifference(2))) / T {2};
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr Normal3D
+ normal() const
+ requires(Dim == 3)
+ {
+ return crossProduct(sideDifference(1), sideDifference(2));
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr Normal3D
+ nnormal() const
+ requires(Dim == 3)
+ {
+ return glm::normalize(normal());
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto
+ sideDifference(glm::length_t side) const
+ {
+ return difference(p(side), p(0));
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto
+ angle(glm::length_t corner) const
+ {
+ return Arc {P(corner), P(corner + 2), P(corner + 1)}.length();
+ }
+ template<glm::length_t D = Dim>
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto
+ angleAt(const glm::vec<D, T, Q> pos) const
+ requires(D <= Dim)
+ {
+ for (glm::length_t i {}; i < 3; ++i) {
+ if (glm::vec<D, T, Q> {p(i)} == pos) {
+ return angle(i);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.F;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto
+ p(const glm::length_t idx) const
+ {
+ return Base::operator[](idx);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto
+ P(const glm::length_t idx) const
+ {
+ return Base::operator[](idx % 3);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr Point *
+ begin()
+ {
+ return &(Base::x);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr const Point *
+ begin() const
+ {
+ return &(Base::x);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr Point *
+ end()
+ {
+ return begin() + 3;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] constexpr const Point *
+ end() const
+ {
+ return begin() + 3;
+ }
diff --git a/test/test-geoData.cpp b/test/test-geoData.cpp
index 35d6bae..bd1ff87 100644
--- a/test/test-geoData.cpp
+++ b/test/test-geoData.cpp
@@ -31,18 +31,16 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(loadSuccess)
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(std::count_if(vertices_begin(), vertices_end(),
- [this](auto && vh) {
- return normal(vh).z > 0;
- }),
- n_vertices());
+ BOOST_CHECK(std::ranges::all_of(vertices(), [this](auto && vertex) {
+ return normal(vertex).z > 0;
+ }));
const auto face = face_handle(0);
- BOOST_TEST_CONTEXT(GeoData::Triangle<2>(this, fv_range(face))) {
+ BOOST_TEST_CONTEXT(this->triangle<2>(face)) {
BOOST_CHECK(triangleContainsPoint(GlobalPosition2D {xllcorner, yllcorner}, face));
BOOST_CHECK(triangleContainsPoint(GlobalPosition2D {xllcorner + cellsize, yllcorner + cellsize}, face));
BOOST_CHECK(triangleContainsPoint(GlobalPosition2D {xllcorner, yllcorner + cellsize}, face));
@@ -232,7 +230,10 @@ BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(deform, loadFixtureJson<DeformTerrainData>("geoData/deform/
Surface surface;
surface.colorBias = RGB {0, 0, 1};
auto gd = std::make_shared<GeoData>(GeoData::createFlat({0, 0}, {1000000, 1000000}, 100));
- BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(gd->setHeights(points, surface));
+ BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW(gd->setHeights(points, {.surface = surface}));
+ BOOST_CHECK(std::ranges::all_of(gd->vertices(), [&gd](auto && vertex) {
+ return gd->normal(vertex).z > 0;
+ }));
ApplicationBase ab;
TestMainWindow tmw;
diff --git a/test/test-maths.cpp b/test/test-maths.cpp
index f7f34b3..b9d08bb 100644
--- a/test/test-maths.cpp
+++ b/test/test-maths.cpp
@@ -333,3 +333,11 @@ BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(rayLineDistance,
BOOST_CHECK_LE(Ray<RelativePosition3D>(c, direction).distanceToLine(n1, n2), 0.01F);
+static_assert(linesIntersectAt(glm::ivec2 {10, 10}, {40, 40}, {10, 80}, {20, 40}).value().x == 24);
+static_assert(linesIntersectAt(glm::vec2 {10, 10}, {40, 40}, {10, 80}, {20, 40}).value().y == 24);
+static_assert(linesIntersectAt(GlobalPosition2D {311000100, 491100100}, {311050000, 491150000}, {312000100, 491200100},
+ {311000100, 491100100})
+ .value()
+ == GlobalPosition2D {311000100, 491100100});
+static_assert(!linesIntersectAt(glm::dvec2 {0, 1}, {0, 4}, {1, 8}, {1, 4}).has_value());