path: root/scripts/toy/play.groovy
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts/toy/play.groovy')
1 files changed, 322 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/toy/play.groovy b/scripts/toy/play.groovy
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a383bef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/toy/play.groovy
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+{ toy ->
+ final PLAY = "play";
+ final REDRESS = "redress";
+ final RELEASEFROM = "releaseFrom";
+ toy.metaClass.stateToyName { state ->
+ switch (state) {
+ case CUFFED:
+ return "cuffs";
+ case COLLARED:
+ return "collar";
+ case CLAMPED:
+ return "nipple clamps";
+ case GAGGED:
+ return "gag";
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ toy.metaClass.removeToy { state, imageSpec ->
+ if (!stateIs(state)) return;
+ def toyName = stateToyName(state);
+ present(imageSpec, [
+ ["OK,"],
+ ["you may remove your $toyName.", "the $toyName can come off.", "take the $toyName off."]]);
+ showButtonG("Thank you, ${dommeTitle()}", "ok");
+ pause(5);
+ set(state, false);
+ removeEvent("$RELEASEFROM-$state");
+ showButtonGT("Removed, ${dommeTitle()}", "removed", 20, 1);
+ };
+ toy.metaClass.sessionPlay {
+ if (stateIs(CHASTE)) sessionToys[CHASTITY] = getTime();
+ def playScope = [
+ 'randRange': { min, max -> randRange(min, max) },
+ 'currentPunishment': { getPunish() },
+ 'sessionAborted': { return sessionAborted },
+ 'can': { return can(it) },
+ 'has': { return has(it) },
+ 'is': { return stateIs(it) },
+ 'likes': { return likes(it) },
+ 'punishMultiple': (float)1.0,
+ 'prop': load('toy') ?: [:]
+ ];
+ def apply = { activitity, use = null ->
+ if (!activitity) return;
+ def val = activitity();
+ playBackgroundSound(null);
+ if (use && val instanceof Number) {
+ use(val);
+ }
+ };
+ def interval = { activities ->
+ if (activities) {
+ apply(activities[getRandom(activities.size())], null);
+ }
+ };
+ def funcMap = [
+ 'use': [
+ 'punishMultiply': { val ->
+ if (val) {
+ playScope.punishMultiple *= val;
+ }
+ },
+ 'punishApply': { val ->
+ if (val) {
+ adjustPunish(-val * playScope.punishMultiple);
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ 'select': [
+ 'repeat': { amount, activities, intervals, use = null ->
+ amount.times {
+ if (!sessionAborted) {
+ apply(activities[getRandom(activities.size())], use);
+ interval(intervals);
+ }
+ };
+ },
+ 'take': { amount, activities, intervals, use = null ->
+ Collections.shuffle(activities);
+ activities.take(amount).each {
+ if (!sessionAborted) {
+ apply(it, use);
+ interval(intervals);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ ],
+ 'activities': activityList
+ ];
+ final eval = { expr ->'toy', playScope, expr.toString()) };
+ if (stateIs("DEBUG")) {
+ // Check everything in DOMME evaluates and resolves
+ final checkIsFunc = { group, name ->
+ if (!name) return;
+ show("checking $group:$name is a function");
+ if (!(funcMap[group][name] instanceof Closure)) {
+ showPopup("$group:$name is not a function");
+ }
+ }
+ final checkEval = { expr ->
+ show("checking $expr evaluates");
+ eval(expr);
+ };
+ DOMME.sessions.forEach { session ->
+ checkEval(session.require ?: true);
+ checkEval(session.probability);
+ session.phases.forEach { phase ->
+ checkEval(phase.require ?: true);
+ checkIsFunc("select",;
+ checkEval(phase.number ?: 1);
+ phase.activities.forEach { a ->
+ checkIsFunc("activities", a);
+ }
+ (phase.intervals ?: []).forEach { i ->
+ checkIsFunc("activities", i);
+ }
+ checkIsFunc("use", phase.use);
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ final sessions = DOMME.sessions.findAll { s -> eval(s.require ?: true) };
+ final probabilities = sessions.withIndex().collect { s, idx -> [idx] * s.probability }.sum();
+ final sessionIdx = probabilities[getRandom(probabilities.size)];
+ sessions[sessionIdx].phases.forEach { phase ->
+ if (eval(phase.require ?: true)) {
+[ ?: 'take'](eval(phase.number ?: 1),
+ (phase.activities ?: []).collect { f -> funcMap.activities[f] },
+ (phase.intervals ?: []).collect { f -> funcMap.activities[f] },
+ funcMap.use[phase.use]);
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ toy.metaClass.sessionRelease { goodToy ->
+ if (goodToy) {
+ present([DRESSED], [
+ ["Ahhh,", "OK,"],
+ ["I'm done with you for now.", "That was fun... for me at least."]]);
+ }
+ else {
+ present([DRESSED], [
+ ["I don't ask much of you, toy."]]);
+ pause(getRandom(10) + 5);
+ postChastity();
+ }
+ pause(getRandom(10) + 5);
+ def toys = TOYTOYS.findAll { t -> stateIs(t) };
+ Collections.shuffle(toys);
+ if (toys) {
+ if (!goodToy) {
+ present([DRESSED], [
+ ["I should leave you like that.", "I suppose you still want letting free?"],
+ ["Maybe.", "Let me ponder on it."]]);
+ pause(getRandom(20) + 20);
+ }
+ toys.each { toyState ->
+ if (getRandom(100) > ((goodToy && (getPunish() < 100)) ? 10 : 80)) {
+ removeToy(toyState, [DRESSED]);
+ }
+ else {
+ addEvent("$RELEASEFROM-$toyState", getTime() + 100 + getRandom(10 * (getPunish() + 1)),
+ RELEASEFROM, toyState);
+ adjustPunish(-5);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ if (stateIs(NAKED)) {
+ if (goodToy && getRandom(1)) {
+ present([DRESSED], [
+ ["Put some clothes back on.", "Cover yourself up!"]]);
+ pause(getRandom(10) + 15);
+ set(NAKED, false);
+ }
+ else {
+ present([DRESSED], [
+ ["No clothes now for a while,", "Keep those clothes off,"],
+ ["you don't get clothes until I say.", "I like seeing you naked."]]);
+ addEvent(REDRESS, getTime() + 600 + getRandom(1200), "redress");
+ showButtonG("Yes, ${dommeTitle()}", "ok");
+ }
+ }
+ if (goodToy) {
+ present([DRESSED], [
+ ["Off you go.", "You may leave."]]);
+ }
+ else {
+ present([DRESSED], [
+ ["Get out of my sight.", "Go!"]]);
+ removeEvent(CUM);
+ revokePermission(CUM);
+ }
+ pause(10);
+ save("toy.lastPlay", getTime());
+ showLounge();
+ sessionAborted = null;
+ sessionToys = [:];
+ if (goodToy) {
+ adjustPunish(-20);
+ }
+ else {
+ setProp(DISAPPOINT, getProp(DISAPPOINT, loadI, 0) + 1);
+ }
+ show(null);
+ };
+ toy.metaClass.playWait {
+ present([DRESSED,nTEASE], [
+ ["Hello,", "Hi,", "Hey there,"],
+ ["toy.", "slut.", "slave."],
+ ["On your knees,", "On the floor,", "Down... at my feet,",],
+ ["wait there.", "wait patiently.", "don't move."],
+ ["I'll be with you shortly.", "I won't be a moment."]]);
+ showButtonGT("Yes, ${dommeTitle()}", "ok", 10, 1);
+ showLounge();
+ show(null);
+ pause(20 + getRandom(20));
+ };
+ toy.metaClass.playSchedule {
+ if (getAway()) return;
+ final lastPlay = loadInteger("toy.lastPlay") ?: 0;
+ if (lastPlay < getTime() - (4 * HOUR)) {
+ addEventIfMissing(PLAY, getTime() + 120 + getRandom(480), PLAY, true); // 2-10mins
+ }
+ else {
+ addEventIfMissing(PLAY, getTime() + 1200 + getRandom(5400), PLAY, false); // 20-90mins
+ }
+ };
+ toy.metaClass.playEvent { rt = true, first = true ->
+ if (!rt || getAway()) {
+ playSchedule();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (sessionSummon([DRESSED,nTEASE])) {
+ if (first.asBoolean()) {
+ playWait();
+ }
+ sessionPlay();
+ sessionRelease(sessionAborted == null);
+ }
+ else {
+ adjustPunish(25);
+ }
+ playSchedule();
+ showLounge();
+ }
+ toy.metaClass.redress { rt ->
+ if (!rt || !sessionSummon([DRESSED])) {
+ addEvent(REDRESS, getTime() + 300, "redress");
+ return;
+ }
+ present([DRESSED], [
+ ["OK, toy,"],
+ ["you can put some clothes back on now.", "get yourself covered up."]]);
+ pause(getRandom(10) + 15);
+ showButtonG("Thank you, ${dommeTitle()}", "ok");
+ set(NAKED, false);
+ showLounge();
+ };
+ toy.metaClass.releaseFrom { rt, arg, name ->
+ if (!rt || !sessionSummon([DRESSED])) {
+ addEvent(name, getTime() + 300, RELEASEFROM, arg);
+ return;
+ }
+ removeToy(arg, [DRESSED]);
+ showLounge();
+ };
+ toy.metaClass.requestClothes {
+ adjustPunish(5);
+ present([DRESSED], [
+ ["Really?", "Disappointing."],
+ ["You want to clothes back on?", "You wish to cover up?"]]);
+ if (getBoolean(null)) {
+ present([DRESSED], [["Hmm, very well.", "If you must."]]);
+ adjustPunish(50);
+ set(NAKED, false);
+ removeEvent(REDRESS);
+ }
+ else {
+ present([DRESSED], [["Good boy."]]);
+ }
+ showButtonG("Thank you, ${dommeTitle()}", "ok");
+ showLounge();
+ };
+ toy.metaClass.requestRelease { toyState ->
+ adjustPunish(5);
+ present([DRESSED], [
+ ["Really?", "Disappointing."],
+ ["You wish to be un-$toyState?"]]);
+ if (getBoolean(null)) {
+ adjustPunish(10);
+ if (getRandom(100) > getPunish()) {
+ present([DRESSED], [["No.", "You may not."],
+ ["Not yet.", "Not until later."]]);
+ }
+ else {
+ present([DRESSED], [["Hmm, very well.", "If you must."]]);
+ set(toyState, false);
+ removeEvent("$RELEASEFROM-$toyState");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ present([DRESSED], [["Good boy."]]);
+ }
+ showButtonG("Thank you, ${dommeTitle()}", "ok");
+ showLounge();
+ };
+ toy.addNamedEvent(PLAY, { name, arg, schedTime, rt -> toy.playEvent(rt, arg) });
+ toy.addNamedEvent(RELEASEFROM, { name, arg, schedTime, rt -> toy.releaseFrom(rt, arg, name) });
+ toy.addNamedEvent(REDRESS, { name, arg, schedTime, rt -> toy.redress(rt) });
+ toy.playSchedule();