diff options
6 files changed, 344 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/project2/Jamfile.jam b/project2/Jamfile.jam
index e5b09da..96acca0 100644
--- a/project2/Jamfile.jam
+++ b/project2/Jamfile.jam
@@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ obj sql-modPQ :
lib p2sql :
- sqlCheck.cpp sqlWriter.cpp sqlTask.cpp sqlMergeTask.cpp sqlRows.cpp sqlVariableBinder.cpp tablepatch.cpp rdbmsDataSource.cpp
+ sqlCheck.cpp sqlWriter.cpp sqlTask.cpp sqlMergeTask.cpp sqlRows.cpp sqlCache.cpp sqlVariableBinder.cpp tablepatch.cpp rdbmsDataSource.cpp
+ sqlHandleAsVariableType.cpp
diff --git a/project2/rowProcessor.cpp b/project2/rowProcessor.cpp
index efd188c..4ea89fd 100644
--- a/project2/rowProcessor.cpp
+++ b/project2/rowProcessor.cpp
@@ -31,7 +31,10 @@ RowProcessor::execute() const
BOOST_FOREACH(const CachePtr & c, caches) {
- tc.insert(c->openFor(source->name, filter, this));
+ PresenterPtr p = c->openFor(source->name, filter, this);
+ if (p) {
+ tc.insert(p);
+ }
source->execute(filter, this);
diff --git a/project2/sqlCache.cpp b/project2/sqlCache.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13bc23d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project2/sqlCache.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+#include "cache.h"
+#include "sqlVariableBinder.h"
+#include "sqlHandleAsVariableType.h"
+#include "buffer.h"
+#include "selectcommand.h"
+#include "modifycommand.h"
+#include "column.h"
+#include "commonObjects.h"
+#include "rdbmsDataSource.h"
+#include "logger.h"
+#include "xmlObjectLoader.h"
+#include "iHaveParameters.h"
+#include "rowSet.h"
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<DB::SelectCommand> SelectPtr;
+typedef boost::shared_ptr<DB::ModifyCommand> ModifyPtr;
+class SqlCache : public Cache {
+ public:
+ SqlCache(const xmlpp::Element * p) :
+ Cache(p)
+ {
+ }
+ void loadComplete(const CommonObjects * co)
+ {
+ db = co->dataSource<RdbmsDataSource>(DataSource);
+ }
+ static void appendKeyCols(Buffer * sql, unsigned int * off, const Glib::ustring & col)
+ {
+ if ((*off)++) {
+ sql->append(", ");
+ }
+ sql->append(col.c_str());
+ }
+ static void appendKeyBinds(Buffer * sql, unsigned int * off)
+ {
+ if ((*off)++) {
+ sql->append(", ");
+ }
+ sql->append("?");
+ }
+ static void appendKeyAnds(Buffer * sql, const Glib::ustring & col)
+ {
+ sql->appendf(" AND h.%s = ?", col.c_str());
+ }
+ static void bindKeyValues(DB::Command * cmd, unsigned int * offset, const VariableType & v)
+ {
+ boost::apply_visitor<const SqlVariableBinder, const VariableType>(SqlVariableBinder(cmd, (*offset)++), v);
+ }
+ class SqlCacheRowSet : public RowSet {
+ public:
+ SqlCacheRowSet(SelectPtr r) :
+ RowSet(NULL),
+ s(r) {
+ }
+ void loadComplete(const CommonObjects *) {
+ }
+ class SqlCacheRowState : public RowState {
+ public:
+ SqlCacheRowState(const SqlCacheRowSet * s) :
+ sc(s) {
+ }
+ const Columns & getColumns() const {
+ return columns;
+ }
+ RowAttribute resolveAttr(const Glib::ustring & attrName) const {
+ return boost::bind(&SqlCacheRowState::getAttrCol, this, "p2attr_" + attrName);
+ }
+ private:
+ VariableType getAttrCol(const Glib::ustring & col) const {
+ HandleAsVariableType h;
+ (*sc->s)[col].apply(h);
+ return h.variable;
+ }
+ mutable Columns columns;
+ friend class SqlCacheRowSet;
+ const SqlCacheRowSet * sc;
+ };
+ void execute(const Glib::ustring&, const RowProcessor * rp) const {
+ SqlCacheRowState ss(this);
+ HandleAsVariableType h;
+ do {
+ if (!(*s)["p2_cacheid"].isNull()) {
+ if (colCols.empty()) {
+ (*s)["p2_cacheid"].apply(h);
+ cacheId = h.variable;
+ unsigned int colNo = 0;
+ for (unsigned int c = 0; c < s->columnCount(); c++) {
+ const DB::Column & col = (*s)[c];
+ if (!boost::algorithm::starts_with(, "p2attr_") &&
+ !boost::algorithm::starts_with(, "p2_")) {
+ ss.columns.insert(new Column(colNo++,;
+ colCols.push_back(c);
+ }
+ }
+ ss.fields.resize(colCols.size());
+ }
+ else {
+ (*s)["p2_cacheid"].apply(h);
+ if (cacheId != (int64_t)h.variable) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const unsigned int & c, colCols) {
+ const DB::Column & col = (*s)[c];
+ col.apply(h);
+ ss.fields[&c - &colCols.front()] = h.variable;
+ }
+ ss.process(rp);
+ }
+ } while (s->fetch());
+ }
+ private:
+ SelectPtr s;
+ mutable std::vector<unsigned int> colCols;
+ mutable int64_t cacheId;
+ };
+ RowSetCPtr getCachedRowSet(const Glib::ustring & n, const Glib::ustring & f, const IHaveParameters * ps) const
+ {
+ Buffer sql;
+ sql.appendf("SELECT r.* \
+ FROM %s p, %s_%s_%s h LEFT OUTER JOIN %s_%s_%s_rows r \
+ ON h.p2_cacheid = r.p2_cacheid \
+ WHERE p.p2_time > ? \
+ AND p.p2_cacheid = h.p2_cacheid",
+ HeaderTable.c_str(),
+ HeaderTable.c_str(), n.c_str(), f.c_str(),
+ HeaderTable.c_str(),n.c_str(), f.c_str());
+ applyKeys(boost::bind(appendKeyAnds, &sql, _1), ps);
+ sql.appendf(" ORDER BY r.p2_cacheid DESC, r.p2_row");
+ SelectPtr gh(db->getReadonly().newSelectCommand(sql));
+ unsigned int offset = 0;
+ gh->bindParamT(offset++, time(NULL) - CacheLife);
+ applyKeys(boost::bind(bindKeyValues, gh.get(), &offset, _2), ps);
+ if (gh->fetch()) {
+ return new SqlCacheRowSet(gh);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ class SqlCachePresenter : public Presenter {
+ public:
+ SqlCachePresenter(const Glib::ustring & name, const Glib::ustring & filter, const RdbmsDataSource * d) :
+ depth(0),
+ row(1),
+ db(d),
+ n(name),
+ f(filter) {
+ }
+ void declareNamespace(const Glib::ustring &, const Glib::ustring &) const { }
+ void setNamespace(const Glib::ustring &, const Glib::ustring &) const { }
+ void pushSub(const Glib::ustring & name, const Glib::ustring &) const {
+ depth += 1;
+ if (depth == 2) {
+ col = name;
+ }
+ else if (depth == 1) {
+ }
+ }
+ void addAttr(const Glib::ustring & name, const Glib::ustring &, const VariableType & value) const {
+ attrs.insert(Values::value_type(name, value));
+ }
+ void addText(const VariableType & value) const {
+ cols.insert(Values::value_type(col, value));
+ }
+ void popSub() const {
+ if (depth == 2) {
+ col.clear();
+ }
+ else if (depth == 1) {
+ Buffer sql;
+ sql.appendf("INSERT INTO %s_%s_%s_rows(p2_row", HeaderTable.c_str(), n.c_str(), f.c_str());
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const Values::value_type & a, attrs) {
+ sql.appendf(", p2attr_%s", a.first.c_str());
+ }
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const Values::value_type & v, cols) {
+ sql.appendf(", %s", v.first.c_str());
+ }
+ sql.appendf(") VALUES(?");
+ for (size_t x = attrs.size(); x > 0; x -= 1) {
+ sql.append(", ?");
+ }
+ for (size_t x = cols.size(); x > 0; x -= 1) {
+ sql.append(", ?");
+ }
+ sql.appendf(")");
+ ModifyPtr m(db->getReadonly().newModifyCommand(sql));
+ unsigned int offset = 0;
+ m->bindParamI(offset++, row++);
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const Values::value_type & a, attrs) {
+ boost::apply_visitor<const SqlVariableBinder, const VariableType>(SqlVariableBinder(m.get(), offset++), a.second);
+ }
+ BOOST_FOREACH(const Values::value_type & v, cols) {
+ boost::apply_visitor<const SqlVariableBinder, const VariableType>(SqlVariableBinder(m.get(), offset++), v.second);
+ }
+ m->execute();
+ cols.clear();
+ attrs.clear();
+ }
+ depth -= 1;
+ }
+ private:
+ mutable unsigned int depth;
+ mutable unsigned int row;
+ const RdbmsDataSource * db;
+ mutable Glib::ustring col;
+ const Glib::ustring n, f;
+ typedef std::map<Glib::ustring, VariableType> Values;
+ mutable Values cols, attrs;
+ };
+ PresenterPtr openFor(const Glib::ustring & n, const Glib::ustring & f, const IHaveParameters * ps)
+ {
+ // Header
+ Buffer del;
+ del.appendf("INSERT INTO %s(p2_time) VALUES(?)", HeaderTable.c_str());
+ ModifyPtr h = ModifyPtr(db->getReadonly().newModifyCommand(del));
+ h->bindParamT(0, time(NULL));
+ h->execute();
+ // Record set header
+ Buffer sql;
+ sql.appendf("INSERT INTO %s_%s_%s(", HeaderTable.c_str(), n.c_str(), f.c_str());
+ unsigned int offset = 0;
+ applyKeys(boost::bind(appendKeyCols, &sql, &offset, _1), ps);
+ sql.appendf(") VALUES(");
+ offset = 0;
+ applyKeys(boost::bind(appendKeyBinds, &sql, &offset), ps);
+ sql.appendf(")");
+ ModifyPtr m(db->getReadonly().newModifyCommand(sql));
+ offset = 0;
+ applyKeys(boost::bind(bindKeyValues, m.get(), &offset, _2), ps);
+ m->execute();
+ return new SqlCachePresenter(n, f, db);
+ }
+ void close(const Glib::ustring & , const Glib::ustring & , const IHaveParameters * )
+ {
+ }
+ private:
+ friend class CustomSqlCacheLoader;
+ const RdbmsDataSource * db;
+ static std::string DataSource;
+ static std::string HeaderTable;
+ static time_t CacheLife;
+std::string SqlCache::DataSource;
+std::string SqlCache::HeaderTable;
+time_t SqlCache::CacheLife;
+namespace po = boost::program_options;
+class CustomSqlCacheLoader : public ElementLoaderImpl<SqlCache> {
+ public:
+ CustomSqlCacheLoader() :
+ opts("SQL Cache options")
+ {
+ opts.add_options()
+ ("cache.sql.datasource", po::value(&SqlCache::DataSource),
+ "The default datasource to connect to")
+ ("cache.sql.headertable", po::value(&SqlCache::HeaderTable)->default_value("p2cache"),
+ "The filename to store the data in")
+ ("", po::value(&SqlCache::CacheLife)->default_value(3600),
+ "The age of cache entries after which they are removed (seconds)")
+ ;
+ }
+ po::options_description * options()
+ {
+ return &opts;
+ }
+ void onIdle()
+ {
+ if (!SqlCache::DataSource.empty()) {
+ boost::intrusive_ptr<CommonObjects> co = new CommonObjects();
+ const RdbmsDataSource * db = co->dataSource<RdbmsDataSource>(SqlCache::DataSource);
+ Buffer del;
+ del.appendf("DELETE FROM %s WHERE p2_time < ?", SqlCache::HeaderTable.c_str());
+ ModifyPtr m(db->getReadonly().newModifyCommand(del));
+ m->bindParamT(0, time(NULL) - SqlCache::CacheLife);
+ m->execute();
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ po::options_description opts;
+DECLARE_CUSTOM_LOADER("sqlcache", CustomSqlCacheLoader);
diff --git a/project2/sqlHandleAsVariableType.cpp b/project2/sqlHandleAsVariableType.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f084a14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project2/sqlHandleAsVariableType.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#include "sqlHandleAsVariableType.h"
+#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
+void HandleAsVariableType::null() {
+ variable = Null();
+void HandleAsVariableType::string(const char * c, size_t l) {
+ variable = Glib::ustring(c, c + l);
+void HandleAsVariableType::integer(int64_t i) {
+ variable = i;
+void HandleAsVariableType::floatingpoint(double d) {
+ variable = d;
+void HandleAsVariableType::timestamp(const struct tm & t) {
+ variable = boost::posix_time::ptime(boost::posix_time::ptime_from_tm(t));
diff --git a/project2/sqlHandleAsVariableType.h b/project2/sqlHandleAsVariableType.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c874b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project2/sqlHandleAsVariableType.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#include "column.h"
+#include "variables.h"
+class HandleAsVariableType : public DB::HandleField {
+ public:
+ void null();
+ void string(const char * c, size_t l);
+ void integer(int64_t i);
+ void floatingpoint(double d);
+ void timestamp(const struct tm & t);
+ VariableType variable;
diff --git a/project2/sqlRows.cpp b/project2/sqlRows.cpp
index 31d86dd..6e506d7 100644
--- a/project2/sqlRows.cpp
+++ b/project2/sqlRows.cpp
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#include "sqlRows.h"
+#include "sqlHandleAsVariableType.h"
#include "rowProcessor.h"
#include "xml.h"
#include "selectcommand.h"
@@ -8,7 +9,6 @@
#include "xmlObjectLoader.h"
#include "commonObjects.h"
#include <boost/date_time/gregorian/gregorian_types.hpp>
-#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
DECLARE_LOADER("sqlrows", SqlRows);
@@ -31,26 +31,6 @@ SqlRows::loadComplete(const CommonObjects * co)
db = co->dataSource<RdbmsDataSource>(dataSource());
-class HandleAsVariableType : public DB::HandleField {
- public:
- void null() {
- variable = Null();
- }
- void string(const char * c, size_t l) {
- variable = Glib::ustring(c, c + l);
- }
- void integer(int64_t i) {
- variable = i;
- }
- void floatingpoint(double d) {
- variable = d;
- }
- void timestamp(const struct tm & t) {
- variable = boost::posix_time::ptime(boost::posix_time::ptime_from_tm(t));
- }
- VariableType variable;
SqlRows::SqlState::SqlState(SelectPtr s) :