BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainFix shebangs and add missing dateutil depDan Goodliffe3 days
AgeCommit messageAuthor
3 daysFix shebangs and add missing dateutil depHEADmainDan Goodliffe
4 daysBump pacemaker-2 and crmsh to latestDan Goodliffe
5 daysVerbatim copy of pacemaker and crmsh before removal upstreamDan Goodliffe
5 daysBump webkit-gtk version for openconnect saml guiDan Goodliffe
2025-03-06Update youcompleteme, add clang20 and python13 supportDan Goodliffe
2025-02-25Add intel-microcode and set hostonlyDan Goodliffe
2025-02-23Bump postgresql to v17Dan Goodliffe
2025-01-13Add James' multiselect patchDan Goodliffe
2025-01-13Stablise latest youcompletemeDan Goodliffe
2024-12-21drbd-utils not optionalDan Goodliffe