#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE TestPQ #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp> #include <definedDirs.h> #include <modifycommand.h> #include <selectcommand.h> #include <column.h> #include <pq-mock.h> #include <testCore.h> #include <fstream> #include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp> #include <pq-error.h> #include <pq-connection.h> #include <selectcommandUtil.impl.h> class StandardMockDatabase : public PQ::Mock { public: StandardMockDatabase() : PQ::Mock("user=postgres dbname=postgres", "pqmock", { rootDir / "pqschema.sql" }) { } }; BOOST_GLOBAL_FIXTURE( StandardMockDatabase ); BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE( Core, DB::TestCore ); BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( transactions ) { auto ro = DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("pqmock"); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(false, ro->inTx()); ro->beginTx(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(true, ro->inTx()); ro->rollbackTx(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(false, ro->inTx()); ro->beginTx(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(true, ro->inTx()); ro->commitTx(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(false, ro->inTx()); delete ro; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( bindAndSend ) { auto rw = DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("pqmock"); auto mod = rw->newModifyCommand("INSERT INTO test VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); mod->bindParamI(0, testInt); mod->bindParamF(1, testDouble); mod->bindParamS(2, testString); mod->bindParamB(3, testBool); mod->bindParamT(4, testDateTime); mod->bindParamT(5, testInterval); mod->execute(); mod->bindParamI(0, (unsigned int)(testInt + 10)); mod->bindParamF(1, (float)(testDouble + 10)); mod->bindParamS(2, testString + " something"); mod->bindParamB(3, true); mod->bindParamT(4, testDateTime); mod->bindParamT(5, testInterval); mod->execute(); mod->bindNull(0); mod->bindParamI(1, (long long unsigned int)(testDouble + 10)); mod->bindParamI(2, (long long int)testInt); mod->bindParamB(3, true); mod->bindNull(4); mod->bindNull(5); mod->execute(); mod->bindNull(0); mod->bindParamI(1, (long unsigned int)(testDouble + 10)); mod->bindParamI(2, (long int)testInt); mod->bindParamB(3, true); mod->bindParamS(4, "2016-01-01T12:34:56"); mod->bindNull(5); mod->execute(); delete mod; mod = rw->newModifyCommand("DELETE FROM test WHERE string = '?'"); BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(mod->execute(false), DB::NoRowsAffected); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(0, mod->execute(true)); delete mod; delete rw; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( bindAndSelect ) { auto ro = DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("pqmock"); auto select = ro->newSelectCommand("SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = ?"); select->bindParamI(0, testInt); select->execute(); int rows = 0; while (select->fetch()) { assertColumnValueHelper(*select, 0, testInt); assertColumnValueHelper(*select, 1, testDouble); assertColumnValueHelper(*select, 2, testString); assertColumnValueHelper(*select, 3, testBool); assertColumnValueHelper(*select, 4, testDateTime); assertColumnValueHelper(*select, 5, testInterval); rows += 1; } delete select; BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(1, rows); delete ro; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( selectInTx ) { auto db = DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("pqmock"); auto select = db->newSelectCommand("SELECT * FROM test"); while (select->fetch()) { } delete select; db->finish(); db->beginTx(); select = db->newSelectCommand("SELECT * FROM test"); while (select->fetch()) { } delete select; db->commitTx(); db->finish(); delete db; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( bindAndSelectOther ) { auto ro = DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("pqmock"); auto select = ro->newSelectCommand("SELECT * FROM test WHERE id != ? AND id != ?"); select->bindParamI(0, testInt); select->bindParamI(1, testInt + 10); select->execute(); int rows = 0; while (select->fetch()) { assertColumnValueHelper(*select, 0, 4); assertColumnValueHelper(*select, 1, 123.45); assertColumnValueHelper(*select, 2, std::string("some text with a ; in it and a ' too")); assertColumnValueHelper(*select, 3, true); assertColumnValueHelper(*select, 4, boost::posix_time::ptime_from_tm({ 3, 6, 23, 27, 3, 115, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0})); assertColumnValueHelper(*select, 5, boost::posix_time::time_duration(38, 13, 12)); rows += 1; } delete select; BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(1, rows); delete ro; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( testP2MockScriptDir ) { auto ro = DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("pqmock"); auto select = ro->newSelectCommand("SELECT path FROM test2"); select->execute(); while (select->fetch()) { std::string path; (*select)[0] >> path; BOOST_REQUIRE(boost::filesystem::exists(path)); } delete select; delete ro; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( bulkload ) { auto ro = DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("pqmock"); auto count = ro->newSelectCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM bulktest"); // Test empty ro->beginBulkUpload("bulktest", ""); ro->endBulkUpload(NULL); assertScalarValueHelper(*count, 0); // Test sample file ro->beginBulkUpload("bulktest", ""); std::ifstream in((rootDir / "bulk.sample").string()); if (!in.good()) throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't open bulk.sample"); char buf[BUFSIZ]; for (std::streamsize r; (r = in.readsome(buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0; ) { ro->bulkUploadData(buf, r); } ro->endBulkUpload(NULL); assertScalarValueHelper(*count, 800); delete count; delete ro; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( nofetch ) { auto ro = DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("pqmock"); auto count = ro->newSelectCommand("SELECT * FROM bulktest"); count->execute(); delete count; delete ro; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( bigIterate ) { auto ro = DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("pqmock"); auto count = ro->newSelectCommand("SELECT * FROM bulktest"); unsigned int rows = 0; while (count->fetch()) { rows += 1; } BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(800, rows); delete count; delete ro; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( insertId ) { auto ro = DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("pqmock"); auto ins = ro->newModifyCommand("INSERT INTO idtest(foo) VALUES(1)"); for (int x = 1; x < 4; x++) { ins->execute(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(x, ro->insertId()); } delete ins; delete ro; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( reconnect ) { auto ro = DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("pqmock"); auto rok = DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("pqmock"); auto pqconn = dynamic_cast<PQ::Connection *>(ro); int pid1 = PQbackendPID(pqconn->conn); BOOST_REQUIRE(pid1); ro->ping(); auto kil = rok->newModifyCommand("SELECT pg_terminate_backend(?)"); kil->bindParamI(0, pid1); kil->execute(); delete kil; usleep(5000); ro->ping(); int pid2 = PQbackendPID(pqconn->conn); BOOST_REQUIRE(pid2); BOOST_REQUIRE(pid1 != pid2); delete ro; delete rok; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( reconnectInTx ) { auto ro = DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("pqmock"); auto rok = DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("pqmock"); auto pqconn = dynamic_cast<PQ::Connection *>(ro); int pid1 = PQbackendPID(pqconn->conn); BOOST_REQUIRE(pid1); ro->ping(); ro->beginTx(); auto kil = rok->newModifyCommand("SELECT pg_terminate_backend(?)"); kil->bindParamI(0, pid1); kil->execute(); delete kil; usleep(5000); BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(ro->ping(), DB::ConnectionError); delete ro; delete rok; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( statementReuse ) { auto ro = DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("pqmock"); auto pqconn = dynamic_cast<PQ::Connection *>(ro); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(pqconn->preparedStatements.size(), 0); ro->modify("DELETE FROM test")->execute(); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(pqconn->preparedStatements.size(), 1); for (int y = 0; y < 4; y += 1) { auto m1 = ro->modify("INSERT INTO test(id) VALUES(?)"); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(pqconn->preparedStatements.size(), y == 0 ? 1 : 2); for (int x = 0; x < 4; x += 1) { m1->bindParamI(0, x); m1->execute(); } } BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(pqconn->preparedStatements.size(), 2); auto select = ro->newSelectCommand("SELECT COUNT(id), SUM(id) FROM test"); while (select->fetch()) { assertColumnValueHelper(*select, 0, 16); assertColumnValueHelper(*select, 1, 24); } delete ro; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( bulkSelect ) { auto ro = DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("pqmock"); auto sel = ro->newSelectCommand("SELECT * FROM test WHERE id > ? --libdbpp:no-cursor"); sel->bindParamI(0, 1); int totalInt = 0, count = 0; sel->forEachRow<int64_t>([&totalInt, &count](auto i) { totalInt += i; count += 1; }); delete sel; BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(20, totalInt); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(8, count); delete ro; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( insertReturning ) { auto ro = DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("pqmock"); auto sel = ro->newSelectCommand("INSERT INTO test(id, fl) VALUES(1, 3) RETURNING id + fl --libdbpp:no-cursor"); int totalInt = 0, count = 0; sel->forEachRow<int64_t>([&totalInt, &count](auto i) { totalInt += i; count += 1; }); delete sel; BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(4, totalInt); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(1, count); delete ro; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( closeOnError ) { auto ro = DB::ConnectionPtr(DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("pqmock")); BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW({ ro->select("SELECT * FROM test")->forEachRow<>([&ro](){ ro->execute("nonsense"); }); }, DB::Error); BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW({ ro->select("SELECT * FROM test")->forEachRow<>([&ro](){ ro->select("SELECT * FROM test")->forEachRow<>([&ro](){ ro->execute("nonsense"); }); }); }, DB::Error); ro->beginTx(); BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW({ ro->select("SELECT * FROM test")->forEachRow<>([&ro](){ ro->execute("nonsense"); }); }, DB::Error); BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW({ ro->select("SELECT * FROM test")->forEachRow<>([&ro](){ ro->select("SELECT * FROM test")->forEachRow<>([&ro](){ ro->execute("nonsense"); }); }); }, DB::Error); ro->commitTx(); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE_END(); BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( connfail ) { BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(DB::ConnectionFactory::createNew("postgresql", "host=localhost user=no"), DB::ConnectionError); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( ssl ) { auto conn = DB::ConnectionFactory::createNew("postgresql", "host=randomdan.homeip.net user=gentoo dbname=postgres sslmode=require"); BOOST_REQUIRE(conn); auto pqconn = dynamic_cast<PQ::Connection *>(conn); BOOST_REQUIRE(pqconn); BOOST_REQUIRE(PQgetssl(pqconn->conn)); delete conn; }