#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE test_maths #include "testHelpers.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using vecter_and_angle = std::tuple; using angle_pair = std::tuple; // // STANDARD DEFINITIONS // // (x, y) in the 2D plane of geographic coordinates. // (x, y, z) in the 3D plane, where (x, y) are geographic and z is veritcal. // // (x, y, 0) is sea level // (x, y, +ve) is "up" static_assert(up.z > 0); static_assert(down == -up); // (x, +ve, z) is "north" static_assert(north.y > 0); static_assert(south == -north); // (x, -ve, z) is "south" static_assert(south.y < 0); // (+ve, y, z) is "east" static_assert(east.x > 0); static_assert(west == -east); // (-ve, y, z) is "west" static_assert(west.x < 0); // // Therefore, the geographic world exists west -ve to east +ve and from south -ve to north +ve. Forward shall be // considered +ve motion; the "front" of a vehicle shall have a +ve value in y axis. // // An unrotated vehicle shall be facing north, thus forward motion of the vehicle shall increase it's position in the y // axis. // // Positive rotation on the XY plane (y member, yaw, around the down axis, as would be expected for vehicle or building // on flat land) shall be clockwise, in radians. Cycles shall be considered equal; 0 == 2pi, pi == -pi, 1/4pi == -3/4pi. BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(test_vector_yaw, boost::unit_test::data::make( {{up, 0}, {north, 0}, {south, pi}, {west, -half_pi}, {east, half_pi}, {north + east, quarter_pi}, {south + east, quarter_pi * 3}, {north + west, -quarter_pi}, {south + west, -quarter_pi * 3}}), v, a) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(vector_yaw(v), a, 1.F); } BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(test_angle_normalize, boost::unit_test::data::make({ {0, 0}, {two_pi, 0}, {-two_pi, 0}, {half_pi, half_pi}, {-half_pi, -half_pi}, {half_pi * 3, -half_pi}, {-half_pi * 3, half_pi}, }), in, exp) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(normalize(in), exp, 1); } // Positive rotation on the YZ plane (x member, pitch, around the east axis relative to its yaw, as would be expected // for a vehicle travelling forward uphill), in radians. Cycles can be considered non-sense as even in the worst/best // cases pitch beyond +/- 1/2pi would be crashing. BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(test_vector_pitch, boost::unit_test::data::make({ {north, 0}, {east, 0}, {south, 0}, {west, 0}, {north + up, quarter_pi}, {east + up, quarter_pi}, {south + up, quarter_pi}, {west + up, quarter_pi}, {north - up, -quarter_pi}, {east - up, -quarter_pi}, {south - up, -quarter_pi}, {west - up, -quarter_pi}, {north + west - up, -quarter_pi}, {north + west + up, quarter_pi}, }), v, a) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(vector_pitch(v), a, 1.F); } // Positive rotation on the ZX plane (z member, roll, around Y axis relative to its yaw and pitch, as would be expected // for an aircraft banking/turning right), in radians. Cycles can be considered non-sense as even in the worst/best // cases pitch beyond +/- 1/2pi would be crashing. // The ILT functions rotate_yaw, rotate_pitch and rotate_roll provide a simple equivelent to glm::rotate around the // stated axis. const auto angs = boost::unit_test::data::make({pi, half_pi, two_pi, quarter_pi, -pi, -half_pi, -quarter_pi, 0.F}) * boost::unit_test::data::make(0); const auto random_angs = boost::unit_test::data::random(-two_pi, two_pi) ^ boost::unit_test::data::xrange(1000); const auto rots = boost::unit_test::data::make>({ {down, rotate_yaw<4>, "yaw"}, {east, rotate_pitch<4>, "pitch"}, {north, rotate_roll<4>, "roll"}, }); BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(test_rotations, (angs + random_angs) * rots, angle, ai, axis, ilt_func, name) { (void)ai; BOOST_TEST_CONTEXT(name) { const auto g {glm::rotate(angle, axis)}, ilt {ilt_func(angle)}; for (glm::length_t c = 0; c < 4; c++) { BOOST_TEST_CONTEXT(c) { for (glm::length_t r = 0; r < 4; r++) { BOOST_TEST_CONTEXT(r) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(g[c][r], ilt[c][r], 0.0001); } } } } } } // An arc shall be defined as a centre point, start point and end point. The arc shall progress positively from start to // end in a clockwise manner. Arc start shall be the yaw from centre to start, arc end shall be greater than arc start. using pos3_to_arc = std::tuple; BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(test_create_arc, boost::unit_test::data::make({ {{0, 0, 0}, north, east, {0, half_pi}}, {{0, 0, 0}, west, east, {-half_pi, half_pi}}, {{0, 0, 0}, south, east, {pi, half_pi * 5}}, {{0, 0, 0}, east, north, {half_pi, two_pi}}, {{0, 0, 0}, south, north, {pi, two_pi}}, {{0, 0, 0}, east, south, {half_pi, pi}}, }), c, s, e, a) { const Arc arc {c, s, e}; BOOST_REQUIRE_LT(arc.first, arc.second); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(arc.first, a.first, 1.F); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(arc.second, a.second, 1.F); } using fac = std::tuple; BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(test_find_arc_centre, boost::unit_test::data::make({ {{2, 2}, pi, {3, 3}, half_pi, {3, 2}, true}, {{2, 2}, pi, {1, 3}, -half_pi, {1, 2}, false}, {{-1100, -1000}, pi, {-900, -800}, half_pi, {-900, -1000}, true}, {{1100, 1000}, 0, {1050, 900}, pi + 0.92F, {973, 1000}, true}, {{1050, 900}, 0.92F, {1000, 800}, pi, {1127, 800}, false}, }), s, es, e, ee, exp, lr) { const auto c = find_arc_centre(s, es, e, ee); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(exp.x, c.first.x, 1); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(exp.y, c.first.y, 1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(lr, c.second); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(test_find_arcs_radius) { BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE( find_arcs_radius(RelativePosition2D {10.32, 26.71}, {0.4, .92}, {2.92, 22.41}, {-0.89, -0.45}), 2.29, 1); } struct TestLinkStraight : public LinkStraight { explicit TestLinkStraight(glm::vec3 v) : Link {{std::make_shared(GlobalPosition3D {}), vector_yaw(v)}, {std::make_shared(v), vector_yaw(-v)}, glm::length(v)} { } }; using StraightsData = std::tuple; BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(straight1, boost::unit_test::data::make({ {north, 0, pi}, {south, pi, 0}, {east, half_pi, -half_pi}, {west, -half_pi, half_pi}, }), v, angFor, angBack) { const TestLinkStraight l(v); { const auto p = l.positionAt(0, 0); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(p.pos, GlobalPosition3D {}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(p.rot, glm::vec3(0, angFor, 0)); } { const auto p = l.positionAt(0, 1); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(p.pos, GlobalPosition3D {v}); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(p.rot, glm::vec3(0, angBack, 0)); } } struct TestLinkCurve : public LinkCurve { explicit TestLinkCurve(glm::vec3 e0, glm::vec3 e1, glm::vec3 ctr) : Link {{std::make_shared(e0), normalize(vector_yaw(ctr - e0) - half_pi)}, {std::make_shared(e1), normalize(vector_yaw(ctr - e1) - half_pi)}, glm::length(e1 - e0)}, LinkCurve(ctr, glm::length(e0 - ctr), {ctr, e0, e1}) { } }; using CurvesData = std::tuple; BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(curve1, boost::unit_test::data::make({ {north + east, east, 0, -half_pi}, {east * 2.F, east, 0, 0}, {south + east, east, 0, half_pi}, {south + west, west, pi, half_pi}, }), e1, ctr, angFor, angBack) { { // One-way... const TestLinkCurve l({}, e1, ctr); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(l.radius, 1.F); { const auto p = l.positionAt(0, 0); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VECI(p.pos, GlobalPosition3D {}); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(p.rot, glm::vec3(0, angFor, 0)); } { const auto p = l.positionAt(0, 1); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VECI(p.pos, e1); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(p.rot, glm::vec3(0, angBack, 0)); } } { // The other way... const TestLinkCurve l(e1, {}, ctr); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(l.radius, 1.F); { const auto p = l.positionAt(0, 0); const auto angForReversed = normalize(vector_yaw(difference({}, e1)) * 2 - angFor); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VECI(p.pos, e1); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(p.rot, glm::vec3(0, angForReversed, 0)); } { const auto p = l.positionAt(0, 1); const auto angBackReversed = normalize(vector_yaw(difference(e1, {})) * 2 - angBack); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VECI(p.pos, GlobalPosition3D {}); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(p.rot, glm::vec3(0, angBackReversed, 0)); } } } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(camera_clicks) { Camera camera {{}, ::half_pi, 1.25F, 1000, 10000000}; constexpr float centre {0.5F}, right {0.9F}, left {0.1F}, top {1.F}, bottom {0.F}; camera.setForward(::north); BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(camera.unProject({centre, centre}).start, GlobalPosition3D {}); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({centre, centre}).direction, ::north); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({left, centre}).direction, glm::normalize(::north + ::west)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({right, centre}).direction, glm::normalize(::north + ::east)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({centre, top}).direction, glm::normalize(::north + ::up)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({centre, bottom}).direction, glm::normalize(::north + ::down)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({left, top}).direction, glm::normalize(::north + ::west + ::up)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({right, top}).direction, glm::normalize(::north + ::east + ::up)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({left, bottom}).direction, glm::normalize(::north + ::west + ::down)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({right, bottom}).direction, glm::normalize(::north + ::east + ::down)); camera.setForward(::east); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({centre, centre}).direction, ::east); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({left, centre}).direction, glm::normalize(::north + ::east)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({right, centre}).direction, glm::normalize(::south + ::east)); camera.setForward(glm::normalize(::north + ::down)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({centre, centre}).direction, glm::normalize(::north + ::down)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({centre, top}).direction, glm::normalize(::north)); camera.setForward(glm::normalize(::north + ::west + ::down)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({centre, centre}).direction, glm::normalize(::north + ::west + ::down)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({centre, top}).direction, glm::normalize(::north + ::west + ::up * 0.2F)); camera.setForward(glm::normalize(::north + ::west)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({centre, centre}).direction, glm::normalize(::north + ::west)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({centre, top}).direction, glm::normalize(::north + ::west + ::up * 1.2F)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({right, centre}).direction, glm::normalize(::north)); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(camera.unProject({left, centre}).direction, glm::normalize(::west)); } template auto n_test_points_between(std::size_t n = 2, T min = -100.F, T max = 100.F) { return boost::unit_test::data::xrange(n) ^ boost::unit_test::data::random(min, max); } BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(rayLineDistance, n_test_points_between() * // n1x n_test_points_between() * // n1y n_test_points_between() * // n1z n_test_points_between() * // n2x n_test_points_between() * // n2y n_test_points_between() * // n2z n_test_points_between() * // cx n_test_points_between() * // cy n_test_points_between(), // cz i1, n1x, i2, n1y, i3, n1z, i4, n2x, i5, n2y, i6, n2z, i7, cx, i8, cy, i9, cz) { (void)i1; (void)i2; (void)i3; (void)i4; (void)i5; (void)i6; (void)i7; (void)i8; (void)i9; const glm::vec3 n1 {n1x, n1y, n1z}, n2 {n2x, n2y, n2z}, c {cx, cy, cz}; const auto nstep = n2 - n1; for (float along = 0.2F; along <= 0.8F; along += 0.1F) { const auto target = n1 + (along * nstep); const auto direction = glm::normalize(target - c); BOOST_CHECK_LE(Ray(c, direction).distanceToLine(n1, n2), 0.01F); } } static_assert(linesIntersectAt(glm::ivec2 {10, 10}, {40, 40}, {10, 80}, {20, 40}).value().x == 24); static_assert(linesIntersectAt(glm::vec2 {10, 10}, {40, 40}, {10, 80}, {20, 40}).value().y == 24); static_assert(linesIntersectAt(GlobalPosition2D {311000100, 491100100}, {311050000, 491150000}, {312000100, 491200100}, {311000100, 491100100}) .value() == GlobalPosition2D {311000100, 491100100}); static_assert(!linesIntersectAt(glm::dvec2 {0, 1}, {0, 4}, {1, 8}, {1, 4}).has_value()); BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(triangle2d_helpers) { constexpr static Triangle<2, float> t {{0, 0}, {5, 0}, {5, 5}}; BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(t.angle(0), quarter_pi, 0.01F); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(t.angleAt({0, 0}), quarter_pi, 0.01F); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(t.angle(1), half_pi, 0.01F); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(t.angleAt({5, 0}), half_pi, 0.01F); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(t.angle(2), quarter_pi, 0.01F); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(t.angleAt({5, 5}), quarter_pi, 0.01F); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(t.angleAt({0, 1}), 0.F, 0.01F); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(t.area(), 12.5F, 0.01F); } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(triangle3d_helpers) { constexpr static Triangle<3, float> t {{0, 0, 0}, {5, 0, 0}, {5, 5, 0}}; BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(t.nnormal(), up); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(t.angle(0), quarter_pi, 0.01F); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(t.angleAt({0, 0, 0}), quarter_pi, 0.01F); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(t.angle(1), half_pi, 0.01F); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(t.angleAt({5, 0, 0}), half_pi, 0.01F); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(t.angle(2), quarter_pi, 0.01F); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(t.angleAt({5, 5, 0}), quarter_pi, 0.01F); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(t.angleAt({0, 1, 0}), 0.F, 0.01F); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(t.area(), 12.5F, 0.01F); } using ArcLineIntersectExp = std::pair; using ArcLineIntersectData = std::tuple>; BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(arcline_intersection, boost::unit_test::data::make({ {{0, 0}, {0, 100}, {100, 0}, {200, 0}, {0, 200}, std::nullopt}, {{0, 0}, {0, 100}, {100, 0}, {0, 0}, {10, 10}, std::nullopt}, {{0, 0}, {0, 100}, {100, 0}, {0, 0}, {100, 100}, ArcLineIntersectExp {{71, 71}, quarter_pi}}, {{15, 27}, {15, 127}, {115, 27}, {15, 27}, {115, 127}, ArcLineIntersectExp {{86, 98}, quarter_pi}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 100}, {100, 0}, {0, 0}, {-100, -100}, std::nullopt}, {{0, 0}, {0, 100}, {100, 0}, {-10, 125}, {125, -10}, ArcLineIntersectExp {{16, 99}, 0.164F}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 100}, {100, 0}, {125, -10}, {-10, 125}, ArcLineIntersectExp {{99, 16}, 1.407F}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 100}, {100, 0}, {10, 125}, {125, -10}, ArcLineIntersectExp {{38, 93}, 0.385F}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 100}, {100, 0}, {12, 80}, {125, -10}, ArcLineIntersectExp {{99, 10}, 1.467F}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 100}, {100, 0}, {40, 80}, {125, -10}, ArcLineIntersectExp {{98, 18}, 1.387F}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 100}, {100, 0}, {40, 80}, {80, 20}, std::nullopt}, {{0, 0}, {0, 100}, {100, 0}, {40, 80}, {80, 80}, ArcLineIntersectExp {{60, 80}, 0.6435F}}, {{0, 0}, {0, 100}, {100, 0}, {80, 40}, {80, 80}, ArcLineIntersectExp {{80, 60}, 0.9273F}}, {{310002000, 490203000}, {310202000, 490203000}, {310002000, 490003000}, {310200000, 490150000}, {310150000, 490150000}, ArcLineIntersectExp {{310194850, 490150000}, 1.839F}}, }), centre, arcStart, arcEnd, lineStart, lineEnd, expected) { const ArcSegment arc {centre, arcStart, arcEnd}; BOOST_TEST_INFO(arc.first); BOOST_TEST_INFO(arc.second); BOOST_TEST_INFO(arc.length()); const auto intersection = arc.crossesLineAt(lineStart, lineEnd); BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(expected.has_value(), intersection.has_value()); if (expected.has_value()) { BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(expected->first, intersection->first); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(expected->second, intersection->second, 1.F); } } static_assert(pointLeftOfLine({1, 2}, {1, 1}, {2, 2})); static_assert(pointLeftOfLine({2, 1}, {2, 2}, {1, 1})); static_assert(pointLeftOfLine({2, 2}, {1, 2}, {2, 1})); static_assert(pointLeftOfLine({1, 1}, {2, 1}, {1, 2})); static_assert(pointLeftOfOrOnLine({310000000, 490000000}, {310000000, 490000000}, {310050000, 490050000})); static_assert(pointLeftOfOrOnLine({310000000, 490000000}, {310050000, 490050000}, {310000000, 490050000})); static_assert(pointLeftOfOrOnLine({310000000, 490000000}, {310000000, 490050000}, {310000000, 490000000})); static_assert(linesCross({1, 1}, {2, 2}, {1, 2}, {2, 1})); static_assert(linesCross({2, 2}, {1, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 1})); static_assert(linesCrossLtR({1, 1}, {2, 2}, {1, 2}, {2, 1})); static_assert(!linesCrossLtR({2, 2}, {1, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 1})); static_assert(Triangle<3, GlobalDistance> {{1, 2, 3}, {1, 0, 1}, {-2, 1, 0}}.positionOnPlane({7, -2}) == GlobalPosition3D {7, -2, 3}); static_assert(Triangle<3, GlobalDistance> { {310000000, 490000000, 32800}, {310050000, 490050000, 33000}, {310000000, 490050000, 32700}} .positionOnPlane({310000000, 490000000}) == GlobalPosition3D {310000000, 490000000, 32800}); static_assert(Triangle<3, GlobalDistance> { {310750000, 490150000, 58400}, {310800000, 490200000, 55500}, {310750000, 490200000, 57600}} .positionOnPlane({310751000, 490152000}) == GlobalPosition3D {310751000, 490152000, 58326});