#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE environment #include "testHelpers.h" #include <boost/test/data/test_case.hpp> #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp> #include <cmath> #include <stream_support.h> #include <chronology.h> #include <config/types.h> #include <game/environment.h> #include <gfx/lightDirection.h> #include <maths.h> using sunPosTestData = std::tuple<Direction2D, time_t, Direction2D>; using sunDirTestData = std::tuple<Direction2D, Direction3D, float, float>; constexpr Direction2D Doncaster = {-1.1, 53.5}; constexpr Direction2D NewYork = {74.0, 40.7}; constexpr Direction2D Syndey = {-151.2, -33.9}; constexpr Direction2D EqGM = {}; BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(sun_position, boost::unit_test::data::make<sunPosTestData>({ {EqGM, "2024-01-02T00:00:00"_time_t, {181.52F, -66.86F}}, {EqGM, "2024-01-02T06:00:00"_time_t, {113.12F, -0.85F}}, {EqGM, "2024-01-02T06:30:00"_time_t, {113.12F, 6.05F}}, {EqGM, "2024-01-02T12:00:00"_time_t, {177.82F, 66.97F}}, {EqGM, "2024-01-02T18:00:00"_time_t, {246.99F, 0.90F}}, {EqGM, "2024-01-03T00:00:00"_time_t, {181.52F, -67.04F}}, {EqGM, "2024-06-29T12:00:00"_time_t, {2.1F, 66.80F}}, {Doncaster, "2024-06-29T12:00:00"_time_t, {176.34F, 59.64F}}, {NewYork, "2024-06-29T12:00:00"_time_t, {278.04F, 27.34F}}, {Syndey, "2024-06-29T12:00:00"_time_t, {106.13F, -63.29F}}, }), position, timeOfYear, expSunPos) { const auto sunPos = Environment::getSunPos(position * degreesToRads, timeOfYear) / degreesToRads; BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(sunPos.x, expSunPos.x, 1.F); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(sunPos.y, expSunPos.y, 1.F); } BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(sun_direction, boost::unit_test::data::make<sunDirTestData>({ {{0.F, 0.F}, south, 0.314F, 0.0087F}, {{90.F, 0.F}, west, 0.314F, 0.0087F}, {{-90.F, 0.F}, east, 0.314F, 0.0087F}, // From above // EqGM midnight, sun below horizon, shining upwards {{181.52F, -66.86F}, {-0.01F, 0.39F, 0.919F}, 0, 0.F}, // EqGM just before sunrise, mostly west, north a bit, up a bit {{113.12F, -0.85F}, {-0.92F, 0.39F, 0.015F}, 0.299F, 0.F}, // EqGM just after sunrise, mostly west, north a bit, down a bit {{113.12F, 6.05F}, {-0.92F, 0.39F, -0.015F}, 0.42F, 0.114F}, // Doncaster noon, roughly from south to north, high in the sky, downward {{176.34F, 59.64F}, {-0.03F, 0.5F, -0.86F}, 1, 1}, }), position, direction, amb, dir) { const LightDirection ld {position * degreesToRads}; BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE_VEC(ld.vector(), direction); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(glm::length(ld.vector()), 1.F, 1); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(ld.ambient(), amb, 5); BOOST_CHECK_CLOSE(ld.directional(), dir, 5); }