#include "maths.h" #include <cmath> #include <glm/glm.hpp> #include <glm/gtx/rotate_vector.hpp> #include <glm/gtx/transform.hpp> Arc::Arc(const RelativePosition2D & dir0, const RelativePosition2D & dir1) : Arc {vector_yaw(dir0), vector_yaw(dir1)} { } Arc::Arc(const Angle anga, const Angle angb) : pair {anga, (angb < anga) ? angb + two_pi : angb} { } glm::mat4 flat_orientation(const Direction3D & diff) { static const auto oneeighty {glm::rotate(pi, up)}; const auto flatdiff {glm::normalize(diff.xy() || 0.F)}; auto e {glm::orientation(flatdiff, north)}; // Handle if diff is exactly opposite to north return (std::isnan(e[0][0])) ? oneeighty : e; } // Helper to lookup into a matrix given an xy vector coordinate template<typename M, typename I> inline auto & operator^(M & m, glm::vec<2, I> xy) { return m[xy.x][xy.y]; } // Create a matrix for the angle, given the targets into the matrix template<typename M, typename I> inline auto rotation(typename M::value_type a, glm::vec<2, I> c1, glm::vec<2, I> s1, glm::vec<2, I> c2, glm::vec<2, I> ms2) { M m(1); sincosf(a, m ^ s1, m ^ c1); m ^ c2 = m ^ c1; m ^ ms2 = -(m ^ s1); return m; } // Create a flat (2D) transformation matrix glm::mat2 rotate_flat(float a) { return rotation<glm::mat2, glm::length_t>(a, {0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 1}, {1, 0}); } // Create a yaw transformation matrix glm::mat4 rotate_yaw(float a) { return rotation<glm::mat4, glm::length_t>(a, {0, 0}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, 1}); } // Create a roll transformation matrix glm::mat4 rotate_roll(float a) { return rotation<glm::mat4, glm::length_t>(a, {0, 0}, {2, 0}, {2, 2}, {0, 2}); } // Create a pitch transformation matrix glm::mat4 rotate_pitch(float a) { return rotation<glm::mat4, glm::length_t>(a, {1, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 2}, {2, 1}); } // Create a combined yaw, pitch, roll transformation matrix glm::mat4 rotate_ypr(Rotation3D a) { return rotate_yaw(a.y) * rotate_pitch(a.x) * rotate_roll(a.z); } glm::mat4 rotate_yp(Rotation2D a) { return rotate_yaw(a.y) * rotate_pitch(a.x); } float vector_yaw(const Direction2D & diff) { return std::atan2(diff.x, diff.y); } float vector_pitch(const Direction3D & diff) { return std::atan(diff.z); } float round_frac(const float & v, const float & frac) { return std::round(v / frac) * frac; } float normalize(float ang) { while (ang > pi) { ang -= two_pi; } while (ang <= -pi) { ang += two_pi; } return ang; } float operator"" _mph(const long double v) { return static_cast<float>(mph_to_ms(v)); } float operator"" _kph(const long double v) { return static_cast<float>(kph_to_ms(v)); }