#include "image.h" #include <cstddef> #include <format> #include <stb/stb_image.h> #include <stdexcept> Image::Image(const char * fileName, int flags) : width {}, height {}, numComponents {} { stbi_set_flip_vertically_on_load(1); int w, h, nc; unsigned char * bytes = stbi_load(fileName, &w, &h, &nc, flags); width = static_cast<unsigned int>(w); height = static_cast<unsigned int>(h); numComponents = static_cast<unsigned int>(nc); if (!bytes) { throw std::runtime_error {std::format("Unable to load image: {}", fileName)}; } data = {bytes, static_cast<size_t>(width * height * numComponents)}; } Image::Image(std::span<unsigned char> buffer, int flags) { stbi_set_flip_vertically_on_load(1); int w, h, nc; unsigned char * bytes = stbi_load_from_memory(buffer.data(), static_cast<int>(buffer.size()), &w, &h, &nc, flags); width = static_cast<unsigned int>(w); height = static_cast<unsigned int>(h); numComponents = static_cast<unsigned int>(nc); if (!bytes) { throw std::runtime_error {std::format("Unable to load image from memory buffer @ {} ({} bytes)", static_cast<void *>(buffer.data()), buffer.size_bytes())}; } data = {bytes, static_cast<size_t>(width * height * numComponents)}; } Image::~Image() { stbi_image_free(data.data()); }