#pragma once #include <array> #include <glm/glm.hpp> #include <location.hpp> #include <maths.h> #include <memory> #include <special_members.hpp> #include <stdTypeDefs.hpp> #include <utility> #include <vector> class Ray; // Generic network node // something that can be travelled to // it has location class Node : public StdTypeDefs<Node> { public: explicit Node(glm::vec3 p) noexcept : pos(p) {}; virtual ~Node() noexcept = default; NO_COPY(Node); NO_MOVE(Node); glm::vec3 pos; }; // Generic network link // something that can be travelled along // it joins 2 nodes class Link : public StdTypeDefs<Link> { public: using Next = std::pair<WPtr, unsigned char /*end*/>; using Nexts = std::vector<Next>; struct End { Node::Ptr node; float dir; Nexts nexts {}; }; Link(End, End, float); virtual ~Link() = default; NO_COPY(Link); NO_MOVE(Link); [[nodiscard]] virtual Location positionAt(float dist, unsigned char start) const = 0; [[nodiscard]] virtual bool intersectRay(const Ray &) const = 0; std::array<End, 2> ends; float length; protected: [[nodiscard]] virtual glm::vec3 vehiclePositionOffset() const { return {}; } }; bool operator<(const glm::vec3 & a, const glm::vec3 & b); bool operator<(const Node & a, const Node & b); class LinkStraight : public virtual Link { public: LinkStraight() = default; inline ~LinkStraight() override = 0; NO_COPY(LinkStraight); NO_MOVE(LinkStraight); [[nodiscard]] Location positionAt(float dist, unsigned char start) const override; [[nodiscard]] bool intersectRay(const Ray &) const override; }; LinkStraight::~LinkStraight() = default; class LinkCurve : public virtual Link { public: inline ~LinkCurve() override = 0; LinkCurve(glm::vec3, float, Arc); NO_COPY(LinkCurve); NO_MOVE(LinkCurve); [[nodiscard]] Location positionAt(float dist, unsigned char start) const override; [[nodiscard]] bool intersectRay(const Ray &) const override; glm::vec3 centreBase; float radius; Arc arc; }; LinkCurve::~LinkCurve() = default;