#include "geoData.h" #include "collections.h" #include "geometricPlane.h" #include "util.h" #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef NDEBUG # include #endif GeoData GeoData::loadFromAsciiGrid(const std::filesystem::path & input) { size_t ncols = 0, nrows = 0, xllcorner = 0, yllcorner = 0, cellsize = 0; std::map properties { {"ncols", &ncols}, {"nrows", &nrows}, {"xllcorner", &xllcorner}, {"yllcorner", &yllcorner}, {"cellsize", &cellsize}, }; std::ifstream f {input}; while (!properties.empty()) { std::string property; f >> property; f >> *properties.at(property); properties.erase(property); } xllcorner *= 1000; yllcorner *= 1000; cellsize *= 1000; std::vector vertices; vertices.reserve(ncols * nrows); GeoData mesh; mesh.extents = {{xllcorner, yllcorner, std::numeric_limits::max()}, {xllcorner + (cellsize * (ncols - 1)), yllcorner + (cellsize * (nrows - 1)), std::numeric_limits::min()}}; for (size_t row = 0; row < nrows; ++row) { for (size_t col = 0; col < ncols; ++col) { float heightf = 0; f >> heightf; const auto height = static_cast(std::round(heightf * 1000.F)); mesh.extents.max.z = std::max(mesh.extents.max.z, height); mesh.extents.min.z = std::min(mesh.extents.min.z, height); vertices.push_back(mesh.add_vertex({xllcorner + (col * cellsize), yllcorner + (row * cellsize), height})); } } if (!f.good()) { throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't read terrain file"); } for (size_t row = 1; row < nrows; ++row) { for (size_t col = 1; col < ncols; ++col) { mesh.add_face({ vertices[ncols * (row - 1) + (col - 1)], vertices[ncols * (row - 0) + (col - 0)], vertices[ncols * (row - 0) + (col - 1)], }); mesh.add_face({ vertices[ncols * (row - 1) + (col - 1)], vertices[ncols * (row - 1) + (col - 0)], vertices[ncols * (row - 0) + (col - 0)], }); } } mesh.updateAllVertexNormals(); return mesh; }; constexpr static GlobalDistance GRID_SIZE = 10'000; GeoData GeoData::createFlat(GlobalPosition2D lower, GlobalPosition2D upper, GlobalDistance h) { assert((upper - lower) % GRID_SIZE == GlobalPosition2D {}); GeoData mesh; mesh.extents = {{lower, h}, {upper, h}}; std::vector vertices; for (GlobalDistance row = lower.x; row <= upper.x; row += GRID_SIZE) { for (GlobalDistance col = lower.y; col <= upper.y; col += GRID_SIZE) { vertices.push_back(mesh.add_vertex({col, row, h})); } } const auto n = glm::vec<2, size_t> {((upper - lower) / GRID_SIZE) + 1}; for (auto row = 1U; row < n.x; ++row) { for (auto col = 1U; col < n.y; ++col) { mesh.add_face({ vertices[n.y * (row - 1) + (col - 1)], vertices[n.y * (row - 0) + (col - 0)], vertices[n.y * (row - 0) + (col - 1)], }); mesh.add_face({ vertices[n.y * (row - 1) + (col - 1)], vertices[n.y * (row - 1) + (col - 0)], vertices[n.y * (row - 0) + (col - 0)], }); } } mesh.updateAllVertexNormals(); return mesh; } [[nodiscard]] GeoData::IntersectionResult GeoData::intersectRay(const Ray & ray) const { return intersectRay(ray, findPoint(ray.start)); } [[nodiscard]] GeoData::IntersectionResult GeoData::intersectRay(const Ray & ray, FaceHandle face) const { GeoData::IntersectionResult out; walkUntil(PointFace {ray.start, face}, ray.start.xy() + (ray.direction.xy() * ::difference(extents.max.xy(), extents.min.xy())), [&out, &ray, this](const auto & step) { BaryPosition bari {}; RelativeDistance dist {}; const auto t = triangle<3>(step.current); if (ray.intersectTriangle(t.x, t.y, t.z, bari, dist)) { out.emplace(t * bari, step.current); return true; } return false; }); return out; } void GeoData::walk(const PointFace & from, const GlobalPosition2D to, Consumer op) const { walkUntil(from, to, [&op](const auto & fh) { op(fh); return false; }); } void GeoData::walkUntil(const PointFace & from, const GlobalPosition2D to, Tester op) const { WalkStep step { .current = from.face(this), }; if (!step.current.is_valid()) { const auto entryEdge = findEntry(from.point, to); if (!entryEdge.is_valid()) { return; } step.current = opposite_face_handle(entryEdge); } while (step.current.is_valid() && !op(step)) { step.previous = step.current; for (const auto next : fh_range(step.current)) { step.current = opposite_face_handle(next); if (step.current.is_valid() && step.current != step.previous) { const auto nextPoints = points(toVertexHandles(next)); if (linesCrossLtR(from.point, to, nextPoints.second, nextPoints.first)) { step.exitHalfedge = next; step.exitPosition = linesIntersectAt(from.point.xy(), to.xy(), nextPoints.second.xy(), nextPoints.first.xy()) .value(); break; } } step.current.reset(); } } } void GeoData::walk(const PointFace & from, GlobalPosition2D to, GlobalPosition2D centre, Consumer op) const { walkUntil(from, to, centre, [&op](const auto & fh) { op(fh); return false; }); } void GeoData::walkUntil(const PointFace & from, GlobalPosition2D to, GlobalPosition2D centre, Tester op) const { WalkStepCurve step {WalkStep {.current = from.face(this)}}; if (!step.current.is_valid()) { const auto entryEdge = findEntry(from.point, to); if (!entryEdge.is_valid()) { return; } step.current = opposite_face_handle(entryEdge); } ArcSegment arc {centre, from.point, to}; step.angle = arc.first; while (step.current.is_valid() && !op(step)) { step.previous = step.current; for (const auto next : fh_range(step.current)) { step.current = opposite_face_handle(next); if (step.current.is_valid()) { const auto e1 = point(to_vertex_handle(next)); const auto e2 = point(to_vertex_handle(opposite_halfedge_handle(next))); if (const auto intersect = arc.crossesLineAt(e1, e2)) { step.exitHalfedge = next; arc.ep0 = step.exitPosition = intersect.value().first; arc.first = std::nextafter(step.angle = intersect.value().second, INFINITY); break; } } step.current.reset(); } } } void GeoData::boundaryWalk(Consumer op) const { boundaryWalk(op, findBoundaryStart()); } void GeoData::boundaryWalk(Consumer op, HalfedgeHandle start) const { assert(is_boundary(start)); boundaryWalkUntil( [&op](auto heh) { op(heh); return false; }, start); } void GeoData::boundaryWalkUntil(Tester op) const { boundaryWalkUntil(op, findBoundaryStart()); } void GeoData::boundaryWalkUntil(Tester op, HalfedgeHandle start) const { assert(is_boundary(start)); if (!op(start)) { for (auto heh = next_halfedge_handle(start); heh != start; heh = next_halfedge_handle(heh)) { if (op(heh)) { break; } } } } GeoData::HalfedgeHandle GeoData::findEntry(const GlobalPosition2D from, const GlobalPosition2D to) const { HalfedgeHandle entry; boundaryWalkUntil([this, from, to, &entry](auto he) { const auto e1 = point(to_vertex_handle(he)); const auto e2 = point(to_vertex_handle(opposite_halfedge_handle(he))); if (linesCrossLtR(from, to, e1, e2)) { entry = he; return true; } return false; }); return entry; } void GeoData::updateAllVertexNormals() { updateAllVertexNormals(vertices()); } template void GeoData::updateAllVertexNormals(const R & range) { std::ranges::for_each(range, [this](const auto vertex) { updateVertexNormal(vertex); }); } void GeoData::updateVertexNormal(VertexHandle vertex) { Normal3D n; calc_vertex_normal_correct(vertex, n); set_normal(vertex, glm::normalize(n)); } OpenMesh::VertexHandle GeoData::setPoint(GlobalPosition3D tsPoint, const RelativeDistance nearNodeTolerance) { const auto face = findPoint(tsPoint); const auto distFromTsPoint = vertexDistanceFunction<2>(tsPoint); // Check vertices if (const auto nearest = std::ranges::min(fv_range(face) | std::views::transform(distFromTsPoint), {}, GetSecond); nearest.second < nearNodeTolerance) { point(nearest.first).z = tsPoint.z; return nearest.first; } // Check edges if (const auto nearest = std::ranges::min(fh_range(face) | std::views::transform(distFromTsPoint), {}, GetSecond); nearest.second < nearNodeTolerance) { const auto from = point(from_vertex_handle(nearest.first)).xy(); const auto to = point(to_vertex_handle(nearest.first)).xy(); const auto v = vector_normal(from - to); const auto inter = linesIntersectAt(from, to, tsPoint.xy(), tsPoint.xy() + v); if (!inter) [[unlikely]] { throw std::runtime_error("Perpendicular lines do not cross"); } return split_copy(edge_handle(nearest.first), *inter || tsPoint.z); } // Nothing close, split face return split_copy(face, tsPoint); }; std::set GeoData::setHeights(const std::span triangleStrip, const SetHeightsOpts & opts) { if (triangleStrip.size() < 3) { return {}; } for (const auto & vertex : triangleStrip) { extents += vertex; } class SetHeights { public: SetHeights(GeoData * geoData, const std::span triangleStrip) : geoData(geoData), triangleStrip {triangleStrip}, strip {materializeRange(triangleStrip | triangleTriples | std::views::transform([](const auto & newVert) { return std::make_from_tuple>(newVert); }))} { } std::vector createVerticesForStrip(RelativeDistance nearNodeTolerance) { // New vertices for each vertex in triangleStrip const auto newVerts = materializeRange(triangleStrip | std::views::transform([this, nearNodeTolerance](auto v) { return geoData->setPoint(v, nearNodeTolerance); })); std::ranges::copy(newVerts, std::inserter(newOrChangedVerts, newOrChangedVerts.end())); #ifndef NDEBUG geoData->sanityCheck(); #endif return newVerts; } const Triangle<3> * getTriangle(const GlobalPosition2D point) const { if (const auto t = std::ranges::find_if(strip, [point](const auto & triangle) { return triangle.containsPoint(point); }); t != strip.end()) { return &*t; } return nullptr; } void doBoundaryPart(VertexHandle start, VertexHandle end, const Triangle<3> & triangle, const RelativeDistance nearNodeTolerance) { boundaryTriangles.emplace(start, &triangle); const auto endPoint = geoData->point(end); while (!std::ranges::contains(geoData->vv_range(start), end)) { const auto startPoint = geoData->point(start); const auto distanceToEndPoint = distance(startPoint.xy(), endPoint.xy()); if (std::ranges::any_of(geoData->vv_range(start), [&](const auto & adjVertex) { const auto adjPoint = geoData->point(adjVertex); if (distance(adjPoint.xy(), endPoint.xy()) < distanceToEndPoint && (Triangle<2> {startPoint, endPoint, adjPoint}.area() / distance(startPoint.xy(), endPoint.xy())) < nearNodeTolerance) { start = adjVertex; newOrChangedVerts.emplace(start); boundaryTriangles.emplace(start, &triangle); geoData->point(start).z = triangle.positionOnPlane(adjPoint).z; return true; } return false; })) { continue; } if (std::ranges::any_of(geoData->voh_range(start), [&](const auto & outHalf) { const auto next = geoData->next_halfedge_handle(outHalf); const auto nexts = std::array {geoData->from_vertex_handle(next), geoData->to_vertex_handle(next)}; const auto nextPoints = nexts | std::views::transform([this](const auto v) { return std::make_pair(v, geoData->point(v)); }); if (linesCross(startPoint, endPoint, nextPoints.front().second, nextPoints.back().second)) { if (const auto intersection = linesIntersectAt(startPoint.xy(), endPoint.xy(), nextPoints.front().second.xy(), nextPoints.back().second.xy())) { if (const auto nextEdge = geoData->shouldFlip(next, startPoint)) { geoData->flip(*nextEdge); return true; } start = geoData->split_copy( geoData->edge_handle(next), triangle.positionOnPlane(*intersection)); newOrChangedVerts.emplace(start); boundaryTriangles.emplace(start, &triangle); return true; } throw std::runtime_error("Crossing lines don't intersect"); } return false; })) { continue; } #ifndef NDEBUG CLOG(start); CLOG(startPoint); CLOG(end); CLOG(endPoint); for (const auto v : geoData->vv_range(start)) { CLOG(geoData->point(v)); } geoData->sanityCheck(); #endif throw std::runtime_error( std::format("Could not navigate to ({}, {}, {})", endPoint.x, endPoint.y, endPoint.z)); } } void cutBoundary(const std::vector & newVerts, RelativeDistance nearNodeTolerance) { // Cut along each edge of triangleStrip AB, AC, BC, BD, CD, CE etc std::ranges::for_each(newVerts | std::views::adjacent<3>, [this, nearNodeTolerance, triangle = strip.begin()](const auto & verts) mutable { const auto & [a, _, c] = verts; doBoundaryPart(a, c, *triangle, nearNodeTolerance); triangle++; }); doBoundaryPart(*++newVerts.begin(), newVerts.front(), strip.front(), nearNodeTolerance); doBoundaryPart(*++newVerts.rbegin(), newVerts.back(), strip.back(), nearNodeTolerance); } using HeightSetTodo = std::multimap; HeightSetTodo setSurfaceHeights(const std::span newVerts) { HeightSetTodo out; auto setSurfaceVertexHeight = [this, &out](const auto & setSurfaceVertexHeight, const VertexHandle vertex, const VertexHandle previousVertex) -> void { if (surfaceVerts.contains(vertex)) { return; } auto & point = geoData->point(vertex); auto triangle = getTriangle(point); if (!triangle) { if (const auto boundaryVertex = boundaryTriangles.find(vertex); boundaryVertex != boundaryTriangles.end()) { triangle = boundaryVertex->second; } } if (triangle) { // point within the new strip, adjust vertically by triangle point.z = triangle->positionOnPlane(point).z; newOrChangedVerts.emplace(vertex); surfaceVerts.emplace(vertex); for (const auto nextVertex : geoData->vv_range(vertex)) { setSurfaceVertexHeight(setSurfaceVertexHeight, nextVertex, vertex); } } else if (previousVertex.is_valid()) { out.emplace(vertex, previousVertex); } }; for (const auto vertex : newVerts) { setSurfaceVertexHeight(setSurfaceVertexHeight, vertex, VertexHandle {}); } return out; } void setHalfedgeToHeight(HeightSetTodo & nexts, HeightSetTodo::const_iterator verticesBegin, HeightSetTodo::const_iterator verticesEnd, const RelativeDistance maxSlope) { const auto vertex = verticesBegin->first; auto & point = geoData->point(vertex); const auto minMaxHeight = std::accumulate(verticesBegin, verticesEnd, std::pair { std::numeric_limits::min(), std::numeric_limits::max(), }, [this, maxSlope, point](auto limit, auto previousVertexItr) { const auto & fromPoint = geoData->point(previousVertexItr.second); const auto maxOffset = static_cast( std::round(maxSlope * ::distance<2>(fromPoint.xy(), point.xy()))); limit.first = std::max(limit.first, fromPoint.z - maxOffset); limit.second = std::min(limit.second, fromPoint.z + maxOffset); return limit; }); const auto newHeight = std::clamp(point.z, minMaxHeight.first, minMaxHeight.second); if (newHeight != point.z) { point.z = newHeight; newOrChangedVerts.emplace(vertex); for (const auto nextVertex : geoData->vv_range(vertex)) { if (!std::ranges::contains(verticesBegin, verticesEnd, nextVertex, GetSecond) && !boundaryTriangles.contains(nextVertex)) { nexts.emplace(nextVertex, vertex); } } } } void setHeightsAsRequired(HeightSetTodo starts, RelativeDistance maxSlope) { while (!starts.empty()) { HeightSetTodo nexts; for (const auto chunk : starts | std::views::chunk_by([](const auto a, const auto b) { return a.first == b.first; })) { setHalfedgeToHeight(nexts, chunk.begin(), chunk.end(), maxSlope); } starts = std::move(nexts); } } std::set setSurface(const Surface * surface) { std::set out; auto surfaceStripWalk = [this, surface, &out](const auto & surfaceStripWalk, const auto & face) -> void { if (!out.contains(face)) { geoData->property(geoData->surface, face) = surface; out.emplace(face); std::ranges::for_each( geoData->ff_range(face), [this, &surfaceStripWalk](const auto & adjacentFaceHandle) { if (getTriangle(geoData->triangle<2>(adjacentFaceHandle).centroid())) { surfaceStripWalk(surfaceStripWalk, adjacentFaceHandle); } }); } }; for (const auto & triangle : strip) { surfaceStripWalk(surfaceStripWalk, geoData->findPoint(triangle.centroid())); } return out; } std::set run(const SetHeightsOpts & opts) { const std::vector newVerts = createVerticesForStrip(opts.nearNodeTolerance); cutBoundary(newVerts, opts.nearNodeTolerance); setHeightsAsRequired(setSurfaceHeights(newVerts), opts.maxSlope); const auto out = setSurface(opts.surface); geoData->expandVerts(newOrChangedVerts); geoData->updateAllVertexNormals(newOrChangedVerts); geoData->afterChange(); return out; } private: GeoData * geoData; const std::span triangleStrip; const std::vector> strip; std::set newOrChangedVerts; std::set surfaceVerts; std::map *> boundaryTriangles; }; return SetHeights {this, triangleStrip}.run(opts); } void GeoData::afterChange() { }