#include "faceController.h" #include "collections.hpp" #include "maths.h" #include "modelFactoryMesh.h" #include void FaceController::apply(ModelFactoryMesh & mesh, const StyleStack & parents, const std::string & names, Shape::CreatedFaces & faces) const { std::stringstream nameStream {names}; std::for_each(std::istream_iterator(nameStream), std::istream_iterator {}, [&](const auto & name) { applySingle(mesh, parents, name, faces); }); } void FaceController::applySingle(ModelFactoryMesh & mesh, const StyleStack & parents, const std::string & name, Shape::CreatedFaces & faces) const { auto controlledFaces {materializeRange(faces.equal_range(name))}; if (!type.empty() || !splits.empty()) { faces.erase(name); } for (auto & [faceName, faceHandle] : controlledFaces) { Shape::CreatedFaces newFaces; for (const auto & [newFaceSuffix, splitDef] : splits) { newFaces.merge(split(mesh, name + newFaceSuffix, faceHandle, *splitDef)); } if (type == "extrude") { newFaces.merge(extrude(mesh, name, faceHandle)); } if (!newFaces.empty()) { applyStyle(mesh, parents + this, newFaces); for (const auto & [subFaceName, faceController] : faceControllers) { faceController->apply(mesh, parents + this, subFaceName, newFaces); } faces.merge(std::move(newFaces)); } else { applyStyle(mesh, parents + this, faceHandle); } } } Shape::CreatedFaces FaceController::extrude(ModelFactoryMesh & mesh, const std::string & faceName, OpenMesh::FaceHandle faceHandle) const { // get points const auto baseVertices {materializeRange(mesh.fv_range(faceHandle))}; auto points = std::accumulate( baseVertices.begin(), baseVertices.end(), std::vector {}, [&mesh](auto && out, auto && v) { out.push_back(mesh.point(v)); return std::move(out); }); const auto vertexCount = points.size(); const auto centre = mesh.calc_face_centroid(faceHandle); // mutate points std::for_each(points.begin(), points.end(), [mutation = getMatrix(), ¢re](auto && p) { p = centre + ((p - centre) % mutation); }); // create new vertices std::vector vertices; std::transform(points.begin(), points.end(), std::back_inserter(vertices), [&mesh](auto && p) { return mesh.add_vertex(p); }); // get new faces names std::vector faceNames; for (size_t idx {}; idx < vertexCount; ++idx) { const auto next = (idx + 1) % vertexCount; const auto existingEdge = mesh.find_halfedge(baseVertices[idx], baseVertices[next]); faceNames.push_back(mesh.property(mesh.nameAdjFaceProperty, existingEdge)); } // create new faces mesh.delete_face(faceHandle); Shape::CreatedFaces newFaces; for (size_t idx {}; idx < vertexCount; ++idx) { const auto next = (idx + 1) % vertexCount; newFaces.emplace(mesh.add_namedFace( faceNames[idx], baseVertices[idx], baseVertices[next], vertices[next], vertices[idx])); } newFaces.emplace(mesh.add_namedFace(faceName, vertices)); return newFaces; } enum class PlaneRelation { Above, Below, On }; Shape::CreatedFaces FaceController::split( ModelFactoryMesh & mesh, const std::string & name, OpenMesh::FaceHandle & fh, const Split & split) const { // Map face vertex handles to their relationship to the split plane const auto vertices = materializeRange(mesh.fv_range(fh)); auto vertexRelations = vertices * [&split, &mesh](OpenMesh::VertexHandle vh) { const auto d = glm::dot(split.normal, mesh.point(vh) - split.origin); return std::make_pair(vh, d < 0.f ? PlaneRelation::Below : d > 0.f ? PlaneRelation::Above : PlaneRelation::On); }; // Insert new vertices where half edges intersect the split plane for (size_t curIdx = 0; curIdx < vertexRelations.size(); ++curIdx) { const size_t nextIdx = (curIdx + 1) % vertexRelations.size(); const auto ¤t = vertexRelations[curIdx], next = vertexRelations[nextIdx]; if ((current.second == PlaneRelation::Above && next.second == PlaneRelation::Below) || (current.second == PlaneRelation::Below && next.second == PlaneRelation::Above)) { const auto origin = mesh.point(current.first), dir = glm::normalize(mesh.point(next.first) - origin); float dist {}; glm::intersectRayPlane(origin, dir, split.origin, split.normal, dist); const auto newv = mesh.add_vertex(origin + (dir * dist)); auto where = vertexRelations.begin(); ++curIdx; std::advance(where, curIdx); vertexRelations.emplace(where, newv, PlaneRelation::On); } } // Create vertex vectors std::array, 2> out; auto filterVertices = [&vertexRelations](auto & out, auto notRelation) { for (const auto & vhr : vertexRelations) { if (vhr.second != notRelation) { out.emplace_back(vhr.first); } } }; filterVertices(out.front(), PlaneRelation::Above); filterVertices(out.back(), PlaneRelation::Below); if (out.back().size() > 2) { Shape::CreatedFaces newFaces; const auto oldName = mesh.property(mesh.nameFaceProperty, fh); mesh.delete_face(fh); const auto newf1 = newFaces.insert(mesh.add_namedFace(oldName, out.front()))->second; const auto newf2 = newFaces.insert(mesh.add_namedFace(name, out.back()))->second; mesh.copy_property(mesh.smoothFaceProperty, fh, newf1); mesh.copy_property(mesh.smoothFaceProperty, fh, newf2); fh = newf1; return newFaces; } return {}; } bool FaceController::persist(Persistence::PersistenceStore & store) { return STORE_TYPE && STORE_MEMBER(id) && Style::persist(store) && STORE_MEMBER(type) && Mutation::persist(store) && STORE_NAME_HELPER("split", splits, Persistence::MapByMember) && STORE_NAME_HELPER("face", faceControllers, Persistence::MapByMember); } bool FaceController::Split::persist(Persistence::PersistenceStore & store) { return STORE_TYPE && STORE_MEMBER(id) && STORE_MEMBER(origin) && STORE_MEMBER(normal); }