path: root/game/scenary/illuminator.cpp
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* Pass frustum into render functionsDan Goodliffe8 days
| | | | Support for culling objects outside the view frustum
* Only create VAOs for the light type(s) in useDan Goodliffe2024-01-13
* Minor tidy upDan Goodliffe2024-01-13
* Add model support for point lightsDan Goodliffe2024-01-12
| | | | Still invokes non-instanced point light shader
* Initial commit with working light instancingDan Goodliffe2024-01-10
* Add spot light definition, loader, and renderingDan Goodliffe2024-01-10
| | | | Rendering is untested, data is passed to whatever GL program is currently active.
* Add the Illuminator (type) and Light (instance) classesDan Goodliffe2024-01-09