diff options
authorDan Goodliffe <>2023-04-22 19:06:42 +0100
committerDan Goodliffe <>2023-04-22 19:06:42 +0100
commitd1f79b4c438ebf0822741e103b2cb06bdee4514e (patch)
parentRename lots of shader files (diff)
parentKeep the instance unused vector sorted and binary search it (diff)
Merge branch 'instancing'
22 files changed, 598 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/application/main.cpp b/application/main.cpp
index aea3d2e..9feb80b 100644
--- a/application/main.cpp
+++ b/application/main.cpp
@@ -44,9 +44,9 @@ public:
windows.create<GameMainWindow>(DISPLAY_WIDTH, DISPLAY_HEIGHT);
+ assets = AssetFactory::loadAll("res");
- const auto assets = AssetFactory::loadAll("res");
auto rl = world.create<RailLinks>();
const glm::vec3 j {-1120, -1100, 3}, k {-1100, -1000, 15}, l {-1000, -800, 20}, m {-900, -600, 30},
n {-600, -500, 32}, o {-500, -800, 30}, p {-600, -900, 25}, q {-1025, -1175, 10},
@@ -79,7 +79,11 @@ public:
train->currentActivity = train->orders.current()->createActivity();
auto foliage = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Foliage>("Tree-01-1"));
- world.create<Plant>(foliage, Location {{-1100, -1100, 0}});
+ for (float x = 900; x < 1100; x += 3) {
+ for (float y = 900; y < 1100; y += 3) {
+ world.create<Plant>(foliage, Location {geoData->positionAt({-x, -y})});
+ }
+ }
auto t_start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
diff --git a/game/gamestate.h b/game/gamestate.h
index 605aac4..db223c0 100644
--- a/game/gamestate.h
+++ b/game/gamestate.h
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#pragma once
+#include "assetFactory/assetFactory.h"
#include <collection.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <special_members.hpp>
@@ -16,5 +17,6 @@ public:
Collection<WorldObject> world;
std::shared_ptr<GeoData> geoData;
+ AssetFactory::Assets assets;
extern GameState * gameState;
diff --git a/game/scenary/foliage.cpp b/game/scenary/foliage.cpp
index d39d500..35be051 100644
--- a/game/scenary/foliage.cpp
+++ b/game/scenary/foliage.cpp
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
#include "foliage.h"
#include "gfx/gl/sceneShader.h"
#include "gfx/gl/shadowMapper.h"
+#include "gfx/gl/vertexArrayObject.hpp"
#include "gfx/models/texture.h"
+#include "location.hpp"
Foliage::persist(Persistence::PersistenceStore & store)
@@ -13,21 +15,25 @@ void
texture = getTexture();
+ bodyMesh->configureVAO(instanceVAO).addAttribs<glm::mat4>(instances.bufferName(), 1);
-Foliage::render(const SceneShader & shader, const Location & loc) const
+Foliage::render(const SceneShader & shader) const
- shader.basic.use(loc);
- if (texture) {
- texture->bind();
+ if (const auto count = instances.count()) {
+ shader.basicInst.use();
+ if (texture) {
+ texture->bind();
+ }
+ glBindVertexArray(instanceVAO);
+ glDrawElementsInstanced(
+ bodyMesh->type(), bodyMesh->count(), GL_UNSIGNED_INT, nullptr, static_cast<GLsizei>(count));
+ glBindVertexArray(0);
- bodyMesh->Draw();
-Foliage::shadows(const ShadowMapper & mapper, const Location & loc) const
+Foliage::shadows(const ShadowMapper &) const
- mapper.dynamicPoint.use(loc);
- bodyMesh->Draw();
diff --git a/game/scenary/foliage.h b/game/scenary/foliage.h
index b85aab2..b72a9c2 100644
--- a/game/scenary/foliage.h
+++ b/game/scenary/foliage.h
@@ -1,19 +1,23 @@
#pragma once
#include "assetFactory/asset.h"
+#include "gfx/gl/instanceVertices.h"
+#include "gfx/renderable.h"
class SceneShader;
class ShadowMapper;
class Location;
class Texture;
-class Foliage : public Asset, public StdTypeDefs<Foliage> {
+class Foliage : public Asset, public Renderable, public StdTypeDefs<Foliage> {
Mesh::Ptr bodyMesh;
std::shared_ptr<Texture> texture;
+ glVertexArray instanceVAO;
- void render(const SceneShader &, const Location &) const;
- void shadows(const ShadowMapper &, const Location &) const;
+ mutable InstanceVertices<glm::mat4> instances;
+ void render(const SceneShader &) const override;
+ void shadows(const ShadowMapper &) const override;
friend Persistence::SelectionPtrBase<std::shared_ptr<Foliage>>;
diff --git a/game/scenary/plant.cpp b/game/scenary/plant.cpp
index 2b01bee..678d4a7 100644
--- a/game/scenary/plant.cpp
+++ b/game/scenary/plant.cpp
@@ -1,13 +1,7 @@
#include "plant.h"
-Plant::render(const SceneShader & shader) const
+Plant::Plant(std::shared_ptr<const Foliage> type, Location position) :
+ type {std::move(type)},
+ location {this->type->instances.acquire(glm::translate(position.pos) * rotate_ypr(position.rot))}
- type->render(shader, position);
-Plant::shadows(const ShadowMapper & mapper) const
- type->shadows(mapper, position);
diff --git a/game/scenary/plant.h b/game/scenary/plant.h
index 55acca1..77c5979 100644
--- a/game/scenary/plant.h
+++ b/game/scenary/plant.h
@@ -2,15 +2,13 @@
#include "foliage.h"
#include "game/worldobject.h"
-#include "gfx/renderable.h"
#include "location.hpp"
+#include "maths.h"
+#include <glm/gtx/transform.hpp>
-class Plant : public Renderable, public WorldObject {
+class Plant : public WorldObject {
std::shared_ptr<const Foliage> type;
- Location position;
- void render(const SceneShader & shader) const override;
- void shadows(const ShadowMapper & shadowMapper) const override;
+ InstanceVertices<glm::mat4>::InstanceProxy location;
tick(TickDuration) override
@@ -18,5 +16,5 @@ class Plant : public Renderable, public WorldObject {
- Plant(std::shared_ptr<const Foliage> type, Location position) : type(std::move(type)), position(position) { }
+ Plant(std::shared_ptr<const Foliage> type, Location position);
diff --git a/gfx/gl/instanceVertices.h b/gfx/gl/instanceVertices.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..228020d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfx/gl/instanceVertices.h
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "glArrays.h"
+#include <iterator>
+#include <span>
+#include <special_members.hpp>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+template<typename T> class InstanceVertices {
+ InstanceVertices(size_t initialSize = 16)
+ {
+ allocBuffer(initialSize);
+ }
+ class [[nodiscard]] InstanceProxy {
+ public:
+ InstanceProxy(InstanceVertices * iv, std::size_t idx) : instances {iv}, index {idx} { }
+ InstanceProxy(InstanceProxy && other) : instances {std::exchange(other.instances, nullptr)}, index {other.index}
+ {
+ }
+ NO_COPY(InstanceProxy);
+ ~InstanceProxy()
+ {
+ if (instances) {
+ instances->release(index);
+ }
+ }
+ InstanceProxy &
+ operator=(InstanceProxy && other)
+ {
+ if (instances) {
+ instances->release(index);
+ }
+ instances = std::exchange(other.instances, nullptr);
+ index = other.index;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template<typename U>
+ T &
+ operator=(U && v)
+ {
+ return instances->at(index) = std::forward<U>(v);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]]
+ operator T &()
+ {
+ return instances->at(index);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] operator const T &() const
+ {
+ return instances->at(index);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] T *
+ get()
+ {
+ return &instances->at(index);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] const T *
+ get() const
+ {
+ return &instances->at(index);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] T *
+ operator->()
+ {
+ return get();
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] const T *
+ operator->() const
+ {
+ return get();
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] T &
+ operator*()
+ {
+ return instances->at(index);
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] const T &
+ operator*() const
+ {
+ return instances->at(index);
+ }
+ private:
+ InstanceVertices<T> * instances;
+ std::size_t index;
+ };
+ template<typename... Params>
+ [[nodiscard]] InstanceProxy
+ acquire(Params &&... params)
+ {
+ map();
+ if (!unused.empty()) {
+ auto idx = unused.back();
+ unused.pop_back();
+ index[idx] = next++;
+ new (&at(idx)) T(std::forward<Params>(params)...);
+ return InstanceProxy {this, idx};
+ }
+ if (next >= capacity) {
+ resize(capacity * 2);
+ }
+ index.emplace_back(next++);
+ new (data + index.back()) T(std::forward<Params>(params)...);
+ return InstanceProxy {this, index.size() - 1};
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] const auto &
+ bufferName() const
+ {
+ return buffer;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] auto
+ count() const
+ {
+ unmap();
+ return next;
+ }
+ friend InstanceProxy;
+ void
+ release(const size_t pidx)
+ {
+ // Destroy p's object
+ at(pidx).~T();
+ if (--next != index[pidx]) {
+ // Move last object into p's slot
+ new (&at(pidx)) T {std::move(data[next])};
+ (data[next]).~T();
+ *std::find_if(index.begin(), index.end(), [this](const auto & i) {
+ return i == next && !std::binary_search(unused.begin(), unused.end(), &i -;
+ }) = index[pidx];
+ }
+ if (pidx == index.size() - 1) {
+ index.pop_back();
+ }
+ else {
+ // Remember p.index is free index now, keeping it sorted
+ unused.insert(std::upper_bound(unused.begin(), unused.end(), pidx), pidx);
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ allocBuffer(std::size_t newCapacity)
+ {
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
+ glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, static_cast<GLsizeiptr>(sizeof(T) * newCapacity), nullptr, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);
+ capacity = newCapacity;
+ data = nullptr;
+ }
+ void
+ resize(size_t newCapacity)
+ {
+ const auto maintain = std::min(newCapacity, capacity);
+ std::vector<T> existing;
+ const auto maintaind = static_cast<typename decltype(existing)::difference_type>(maintain);
+ existing.reserve(maintain);
+ map();
+ std::move(data, data + maintain, std::back_inserter(existing));
+ allocBuffer(newCapacity);
+ map();
+ std::move(existing.begin(), existing.begin() + maintaind, data);
+ capacity = newCapacity;
+ }
+ [[nodiscard]] T &
+ at(size_t pindex)
+ {
+ map();
+ return data[index[pindex]];
+ }
+ void
+ map() const
+ {
+ if (!data) {
+ data = static_cast<T *>(glMapNamedBuffer(buffer, GL_READ_WRITE));
+ }
+ }
+ void
+ unmap() const
+ {
+ if (data) {
+ glUnmapNamedBuffer(buffer);
+ data = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ glBuffer buffer;
+ mutable T * data {};
+ // Size of buffer
+ std::size_t capacity {};
+ // # used of capacity
+ std::size_t next {};
+ // Index into buffer given to nth proxy
+ std::vector<size_t> index;
+ // List of free spaces in index
+ std::vector<size_t> unused;
diff --git a/gfx/gl/sceneRenderer.cpp b/gfx/gl/sceneRenderer.cpp
index 873dc5b..6542bea 100644
--- a/gfx/gl/sceneRenderer.cpp
+++ b/gfx/gl/sceneRenderer.cpp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ SceneRenderer::SceneRenderer(glm::ivec2 s, GLuint o) :
lighting {lighting_vs, lighting_fs}, shadowMapper {{2048, 2048}}
shader.setViewPort({0, 0, size.x, size.y});
- VertexArrayObject<glm::i8vec4>::configure(displayVAO, displayVBO, displayVAOdata);
+ VertexArrayObject {displayVAO}.addAttribs<glm::i8vec4>(displayVBO, displayVAOdata);
glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, gBuffer);
const auto configuregdata
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ SceneRenderer::renderQuad() const
SceneRenderer::DirectionalLightProgram::DirectionalLightProgram() :
Program {lighting_vs, directionalLight_fs}, directionLoc {*this, "lightDirection"},
colourLoc {*this, "lightColour"}, lightViewProjectionLoc {*this, "lightViewProjection"},
- lightViewProjectionCountLoc {*this, "lightViewProjectionCount"}, lightViewShadowMapRegionLoc {
- *this, "shadowMapRegion"}
+ lightViewProjectionCountLoc {*this, "lightViewProjectionCount"},
+ lightViewShadowMapRegionLoc {*this, "shadowMapRegion"}
diff --git a/gfx/gl/sceneShader.cpp b/gfx/gl/sceneShader.cpp
index bcd0590..00d9826 100644
--- a/gfx/gl/sceneShader.cpp
+++ b/gfx/gl/sceneShader.cpp
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <gfx/gl/shaders/gs-pointLight.h>
#include <gfx/gl/shaders/gs-spotLight.h>
#include <gfx/gl/shaders/vs-dynamicPoint.h>
+#include <gfx/gl/shaders/vs-dynamicPointInst.h>
#include <gfx/gl/shaders/vs-fixedPoint.h>
#include <gfx/gl/shaders/vs-pointLight.h>
#include <gfx/gl/shaders/vs-spotLight.h>
@@ -18,13 +19,17 @@
#include <location.hpp>
#include <maths.h>
-SceneShader::SceneShader() : landmass {fixedPoint_vs, landmass_fs}, absolute {fixedPoint_vs, material_fs} { }
+SceneShader::SceneShader() :
+ basicInst {dynamicPointInst_vs, material_fs}, landmass {fixedPoint_vs, landmass_fs},
+ absolute {fixedPoint_vs, material_fs}
SceneShader::setViewProjection(const glm::mat4 & viewProjection) const
- for (const auto & prog :
- std::array<const SceneProgram *, 6> {&basic, &water, &landmass, &absolute, &pointLight, &spotLight}) {
+ for (const auto & prog : std::array<const SceneProgram *, 7> {
+ &basic, &basicInst, &water, &landmass, &absolute, &pointLight, &spotLight}) {
@@ -32,8 +37,8 @@ SceneShader::setViewProjection(const glm::mat4 & viewProjection) const
SceneShader::setViewPort(const glm::ivec4 & viewPort) const
- for (const auto & prog :
- std::array<const SceneProgram *, 6> {&basic, &water, &landmass, &absolute, &pointLight, &spotLight}) {
+ for (const auto & prog : std::array<const SceneProgram *, 7> {
+ &basic, &basicInst, &water, &landmass, &absolute, &pointLight, &spotLight}) {
@@ -83,7 +88,7 @@ SceneShader::WaterProgram::use(float waveCycle) const
SceneShader::PointLightShader::PointLightShader() :
SceneProgram {pointLight_vs, pointLight_gs, pointLight_fs}, colourLoc {*this, "colour"}, kqLoc {*this, "kq"}
- VertexArrayObject<glm::vec3>::configure(va, b);
+ VertexArrayObject {va}.addAttribs<glm::vec3>(b);
@@ -94,16 +99,16 @@ SceneShader::PointLightShader::add(const glm::vec3 & position, const glm::vec3 &
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, b);
glUniform3fv(colourLoc, 1, glm::value_ptr(colour));
glUniform1f(kqLoc, kq);
- glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, sizeof(glm::vec3), glm::value_ptr(position));
+ glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(glm::vec3), glm::value_ptr(position), GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, 1);
SceneShader::SpotLightShader::SpotLightShader() :
- SceneProgram {spotLight_vs, spotLight_gs, spotLight_fs}, colourLoc {*this, "colour"}, kqLoc {*this, "kq"},
- arcLoc {*this, "arc"}
+ SceneProgram {spotLight_vs, spotLight_gs, spotLight_fs}, directionLoc {*this, "v_direction"},
+ colourLoc {*this, "colour"}, kqLoc {*this, "kq"}, arcLoc {*this, "arc"}
using v3pair = std::pair<glm::vec3, glm::vec3>;
- VertexArrayObject<v3pair>::configure<&v3pair::first, &v3pair::second>(va, b);
+ VertexArrayObject {va}.addAttribs<v3pair, &v3pair::first, &v3pair::second>(b);
@@ -114,9 +119,9 @@ SceneShader::SpotLightShader::add(const glm::vec3 & position, const glm::vec3 &
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, b);
glUniform3fv(colourLoc, 1, glm::value_ptr(colour));
+ glUniform3fv(directionLoc, 1, glm::value_ptr(direction));
glUniform1f(kqLoc, kq);
glUniform1f(arcLoc, arc);
- glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, sizeof(glm::vec3), glm::value_ptr(position));
- glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(glm::vec3), sizeof(glm::vec3), glm::value_ptr(direction));
+ glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(glm::vec3), glm::value_ptr(position), GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, 1);
diff --git a/gfx/gl/sceneShader.h b/gfx/gl/sceneShader.h
index ed1bb79..ead184e 100644
--- a/gfx/gl/sceneShader.h
+++ b/gfx/gl/sceneShader.h
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ class SceneShader {
const float arc) const;
+ UniformLocation directionLoc;
UniformLocation colourLoc;
UniformLocation kqLoc;
UniformLocation arcLoc;
@@ -81,7 +82,7 @@ public:
BasicProgram basic;
WaterProgram water;
- AbsolutePosProgram landmass, absolute;
+ AbsolutePosProgram basicInst, landmass, absolute;
PointLightShader pointLight;
SpotLightShader spotLight;
diff --git a/gfx/gl/shaders/dynamicPointInst.vs b/gfx/gl/shaders/dynamicPointInst.vs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c66979
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gfx/gl/shaders/dynamicPointInst.vs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#version 330 core
+layout(location = 5) in mat4 model;
+uniform mat4 viewProjection;
+ vec4 worldPos = model * vec4(position, 1.0);
+ FragPos =;
+ TexCoords = texCoord;
+ Normal = (model * vec4(normal, 0.0)).xyz;
+ Colour = colour;
+ Material = material;
+ gl_Position = viewProjection * worldPos;
diff --git a/gfx/gl/shaders/spotLight.vs b/gfx/gl/shaders/spotLight.vs
index e648553..dca0854 100644
--- a/gfx/gl/shaders/spotLight.vs
+++ b/gfx/gl/shaders/spotLight.vs
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
#version 330 core
layout(location = 0) in vec3 v_position;
-layout(location = 1) in vec3 v_direction;
+uniform vec3 v_direction;
uniform vec3 colour;
uniform float kq;
uniform float arc;
diff --git a/gfx/gl/vertexArrayObject.hpp b/gfx/gl/vertexArrayObject.hpp
index 5b9fc60..7ded03e 100644
--- a/gfx/gl/vertexArrayObject.hpp
+++ b/gfx/gl/vertexArrayObject.hpp
@@ -2,50 +2,65 @@
#include "collections.hpp"
#include "gl_traits.hpp"
+#include "special_members.hpp"
#include <GL/glew.h>
-#include <glm/common.hpp>
-template<typename Vertex> class VertexArrayObject {
+class VertexArrayObject {
- template<auto Vertex::*... attribs>
- static void
- configure(const GLuint arrayObject, const GLuint arrayBuffer, const GLuint indexBuffer,
- const SequentialCollection<Vertex> auto & vertices, const SequentialCollection<unsigned int> auto & indices)
+ template<typename T> [[nodiscard]] VertexArrayObject(const T & arrayObject)
- configure_attribs<attribs...>(arrayBuffer);
- data(vertices, arrayBuffer, GL_ARRAY_BUFFER);
- data(indices, indexBuffer, GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER);
+ }
+ ~VertexArrayObject()
+ {
+ NO_MOVE(VertexArrayObject);
+ NO_COPY(VertexArrayObject);
- template<auto Vertex::*... attribs>
- static void
- configure(const GLuint arrayObject, const GLuint arrayBuffer, const SequentialCollection<Vertex> auto & vertices)
- {
- glBindVertexArray(arrayObject);
+ template<typename m, typename T> struct MP {
+ constexpr MP(m T::*p) : P {p} { }
+ operator void *() const
+ {
+ return &(static_cast<T *>(nullptr)->*P);
+ }
+ m T::*P;
+ using value_type = m;
+ };
+ template<typename m, typename T> MP(m T::*) -> MP<m, T>;
- configure_attribs<attribs...>(arrayBuffer);
+ template<typename VertexT, MP... attribs>
+ VertexArrayObject &
+ addAttribs(const GLuint arrayBuffer, const SequentialCollection<VertexT> auto & vertices, const GLuint divisor = 0)
+ {
+ addAttribs<VertexT, attribs...>(arrayBuffer, divisor);
data(vertices, arrayBuffer, GL_ARRAY_BUFFER);
- glBindVertexArray(0);
+ return *this;
- template<auto Vertex::*... attribs>
- static void
- configure(const GLuint arrayObject, const GLuint arrayBuffer)
+ template<typename VertexT, MP... attribs>
+ VertexArrayObject &
+ addAttribs(const GLuint arrayBuffer, const GLuint divisor = 0)
- glBindVertexArray(arrayObject);
+ configure_attribs<VertexT, attribs...>(arrayBuffer, divisor);
+ return *this;
+ }
- configure_attribs<attribs...>(arrayBuffer);
- glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, static_cast<GLsizeiptr>(sizeof(Vertex)), nullptr, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
+ template<typename Indices>
+ VertexArrayObject &
+ addIndices(const GLuint arrayBuffer, const Indices & indices)
+ {
+ data(indices, arrayBuffer, GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER);
+ return *this;
+ }
- glBindVertexArray(0);
+ VertexArrayObject &
+ addIndices(const GLuint arrayBuffer)
+ {
+ glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, arrayBuffer);
+ return *this;
template<typename Data>
static void
data(const Data & data, const GLuint arrayBuffer, GLenum target)
@@ -55,34 +70,40 @@ private:
glBufferData(target, static_cast<GLsizeiptr>(sizeof(Value) * data.size()),, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
- template<typename T>
- static void
- set_pointer(const GLuint vertexArrayId, const void * ptr)
+ template<typename VertexT, typename T>
+ static auto
+ set_pointer(const GLuint vertexArrayId, const void * ptr, const GLuint divisor)
- glEnableVertexAttribArray(vertexArrayId);
using traits = gl_traits<T>;
- traits::vertexAttribFunc(vertexArrayId, traits::size, traits::type, sizeof(Vertex), ptr);
+ const auto usedAttribs
+ = traits::vertexAttribFunc(vertexArrayId, traits::size, traits::type, sizeof(VertexT), ptr);
+ for (GLuint i {}; i < usedAttribs; i++) {
+ glEnableVertexAttribArray(vertexArrayId + i);
+ glVertexAttribDivisor(vertexArrayId + i, divisor);
+ }
+ return usedAttribs;
- template<auto Vertex::*attrib>
- static void
- set_pointer(const GLuint vertexArrayId)
+ template<typename VertexT, MP attrib>
+ static auto
+ set_pointer(const GLuint vertexArrayId, const GLuint divisor)
- set_pointer<std::decay_t<decltype(std::declval<Vertex>().*attrib)>>(
- vertexArrayId, &(static_cast<const Vertex *>(nullptr)->*attrib));
+ return set_pointer<VertexT, typename decltype(attrib)::value_type>(vertexArrayId, attrib, divisor);
- template<auto Vertex::*... attribs>
- static void
- configure_attribs(const GLuint arrayBuffer)
+ template<typename VertexT, MP... attribs>
+ void
+ configure_attribs(const GLuint arrayBuffer, const GLuint divisor)
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, arrayBuffer);
if constexpr (sizeof...(attribs) == 0) {
- set_pointer<Vertex>(0, nullptr);
+ vertexArrayId += set_pointer<VertexT, VertexT>(vertexArrayId, nullptr, divisor);
else {
- GLuint vertexArrayId {};
- (set_pointer<attribs>(vertexArrayId++), ...);
+ ((vertexArrayId += set_pointer<VertexT, attribs>(vertexArrayId, divisor)), ...);
+ GLuint vertexArrayId {};
diff --git a/gfx/models/mesh.cpp b/gfx/models/mesh.cpp
index 2719211..55759cb 100644
--- a/gfx/models/mesh.cpp
+++ b/gfx/models/mesh.cpp
@@ -7,9 +7,30 @@
Mesh::Mesh(const std::span<const Vertex> vertices, const std::span<const unsigned int> indices, GLenum m) :
m_numIndices {static_cast<GLsizei>(indices.size())}, mode {m}
- VertexArrayObject<Vertex>::configure<&Vertex::pos, &Vertex::texCoord, &Vertex::normal, &Vertex::colour,
- &Vertex::material>(
- m_vertexArrayObject, m_vertexArrayBuffers[0], m_vertexArrayBuffers[1], vertices, indices);
+ VertexArrayObject::data(vertices, m_vertexArrayBuffers[0], GL_ARRAY_BUFFER);
+ VertexArrayObject::data(indices, m_vertexArrayBuffers[1], GL_ARRAY_BUFFER);
+ configureVAO(m_vertexArrayObject);
+VertexArrayObject &
+Mesh::configureVAO(VertexArrayObject && vao) const
+ return vao
+ .addAttribs<Vertex, &Vertex::pos, &Vertex::texCoord, &Vertex::normal, &Vertex::colour, &Vertex::material>(
+ m_vertexArrayBuffers[0])
+ .addIndices(m_vertexArrayBuffers[1]);
+Mesh::count() const
+ return m_numIndices;
+Mesh::type() const
+ return mode;
diff --git a/gfx/models/mesh.h b/gfx/models/mesh.h
index 25a9064..472b7ed 100644
--- a/gfx/models/mesh.h
+++ b/gfx/models/mesh.h
@@ -7,12 +7,16 @@
#include <stdTypeDefs.hpp>
class Vertex;
+class VertexArrayObject;
class Mesh : public ConstTypeDefs<Mesh> {
Mesh(const std::span<const Vertex> vertices, const std::span<const unsigned int> indices, GLenum = GL_TRIANGLES);
void Draw() const;
+ VertexArrayObject & configureVAO(VertexArrayObject &&) const;
+ GLsizei count() const;
+ GLenum type() const;
glVertexArray m_vertexArrayObject;
diff --git a/lib/gl_traits.hpp b/lib/gl_traits.hpp
index e2e689d..6ff8905 100644
--- a/lib/gl_traits.hpp
+++ b/lib/gl_traits.hpp
@@ -11,20 +11,23 @@ struct gl_traits_base {
struct gl_traits_float : public gl_traits_base {
static constexpr auto vertexAttribFunc {
- [](GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const void * pointer) {
+ [](GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const void * pointer) -> GLuint {
glVertexAttribPointer(index, size, type, GL_FALSE, stride, pointer);
+ return 1;
struct gl_traits_longfloat : public gl_traits_base {
static constexpr auto vertexAttribFunc {
- [](GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const void * pointer) {
+ [](GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const void * pointer) -> GLuint {
glVertexAttribLPointer(index, size, type, stride, pointer);
+ return 1;
struct gl_traits_integer : public gl_traits_base {
static constexpr auto vertexAttribFunc {
- [](GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const void * pointer) {
+ [](GLuint index, GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const void * pointer) -> GLuint {
glVertexAttribIPointer(index, size, type, stride, pointer);
+ return 1;
template<> struct gl_traits<glm::f32> : public gl_traits_float {
@@ -63,4 +66,12 @@ template<glm::length_t L, typename T, glm::qualifier Q> struct gl_traits<glm::ve
template<glm::length_t C, glm::length_t R, typename T, glm::qualifier Q>
struct gl_traits<glm::mat<C, R, T, Q>> : public gl_traits<T> {
static constexpr GLint size {C * R};
+ static constexpr auto vertexAttribFunc {
+ [](GLuint index, GLint, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const void * pointer) -> GLuint {
+ const auto base = static_cast<const T *>(pointer);
+ for (GLuint r = 0; r < R; r++) {
+ glVertexAttribPointer(index + r, C, type, GL_FALSE, stride, base + (r * C));
+ }
+ return R;
+ }};
diff --git a/test/Jamfile.jam b/test/Jamfile.jam
index b0eed5e..1ce73b7 100644
--- a/test/Jamfile.jam
+++ b/test/Jamfile.jam
@@ -53,10 +53,11 @@ run test-text.cpp ;
run test-enumDetails.cpp ;
run test-render.cpp : -- : test-assetFactory : <library>test ;
run test-glContextBhvr.cpp ;
-run test-assetFactory.cpp : -- : [ sequence.insertion-sort [ glob-tree $(res) : *.* ] fixtures/rgb.txt ] : <library>test ;
+run test-assetFactory.cpp : -- : [ sequence.insertion-sort [ glob-tree $(res) : *.* ] fixtures/rgb.txt test-instancing ] : <library>test ;
run perf-assetFactory.cpp : -- : test-assetFactory : <library>benchmark <library>test ;
run perf-persistence.cpp : -- : test-persistence : <library>benchmark <library>test ;
run test-worker.cpp ;
+run test-instancing.cpp : : : <library>test ;
compile test-static-enumDetails.cpp ;
compile test-static-stream_support.cpp ;
explicit perf-assetFactory ;
diff --git a/test/test-assetFactory.cpp b/test/test-assetFactory.cpp
index 3d79213..82a1825 100644
--- a/test/test-assetFactory.cpp
+++ b/test/test-assetFactory.cpp
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ public:
FactoryFixture() : sceneRenderer {size, output} { }
- glDisable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT);
auto outpath = (TMP / boost::unit_test::framework::current_test_case().full_name()).replace_extension(".tga");
Texture::save(outImage, outpath.c_str());
@@ -108,8 +107,11 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(foliage, *boost::unit_test::timeout(5))
auto tree_01_1_f = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Foliage>(tree_01_1);
- auto plant = std::make_shared<Plant>(tree_01_1_f, Location {{-2, 2, 0}, {}});
- objects.objects.push_back(plant);
+ auto plant1 = std::make_shared<Plant>(tree_01_1_f, Location {{-2, 2, 0}, {0, 0, 0}});
+ auto plant2 = std::make_shared<Plant>(tree_01_1_f, Location {{3, -4, 0}, {0, 1, 0}});
+ auto plant3 = std::make_shared<Plant>(tree_01_1_f, Location {{-2, -4, 0}, {0, 2, 0}});
+ auto plant4 = std::make_shared<Plant>(tree_01_1_f, Location {{3, 2, 0}, {0, 3, 0}});
+ objects.objects.push_back(tree_01_1_f);
diff --git a/test/test-instancing.cpp b/test/test-instancing.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c743ce0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test-instancing.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE instancing
+#include "stream_support.hpp"
+#include "testHelpers.h"
+#include "testMainWindow.h"
+#include "ui/applicationBase.h"
+#include <boost/test/data/test_case.hpp>
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <set>
+#include <gfx/gl/instanceVertices.h>
+BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(i, InstanceVertices<int>)
+ BOOST_CHECK(!data);
+ map();
+ BOOST_CHECK(unused.empty());
+ BOOST_CHECK(index.empty());
+ unmap();
+ BOOST_CHECK(!data);
+ {
+ auto proxy = acquire();
+ *proxy = 20;
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(1, index.size());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0, index.front());
+ BOOST_CHECK(unused.empty());
+ }
+ BOOST_CHECK(unused.empty());
+ BOOST_CHECK(index.empty());
+ {
+ auto proxy1 = acquire();
+ *proxy1 = 20;
+ auto proxy2 = std::move(proxy1);
+ proxy2 = 40;
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(data[0], 40);
+ }
+ BOOST_CHECK(unused.empty());
+ BOOST_CHECK(index.empty());
+ {
+ auto proxy = acquire();
+ BOOST_CHECK(data);
+ std::ignore = bufferName();
+ BOOST_CHECK(data);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1, count());
+ BOOST_CHECK(!data);
+ }
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0, count());
+ auto proxy = acquire(5);
+ const auto & constProxy = proxy;
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*proxy, 5);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(*constProxy, 5);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(constProxy.get(), constProxy.get());
+ constexpr auto COUNT = 500;
+ std::vector<decltype(acquire())> proxies;
+ std::vector<int> expected;
+ for (auto n = 0; n < COUNT; n++) {
+ proxies.push_back(acquire(n));
+ expected.emplace_back(n);
+ }
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(expected.begin(), expected.end(), data, data + COUNT);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(expected.begin(), expected.end(), proxies.begin(), proxies.end());
+ std::vector<decltype(acquire())> proxies;
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0, proxies.emplace_back(acquire(0)));
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1, proxies.emplace_back(acquire(1)));
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(2, proxies.emplace_back(acquire(2)));
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(3, proxies.emplace_back(acquire(3)));
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(data + 0, proxies[0].get());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(data + 1, proxies[1].get());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(data + 2, proxies[2].get());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(data + 3, proxies[3].get());
+ BOOST_CHECK(unused.empty());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(4, index.size());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(0, index[0]);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1, index[1]);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(2, index[2]);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(3, index[3]);
+ // Remove 1, 3 moves to [1]
+ proxies.erase(proxies.begin() + 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(4, index.size());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(1, unused.size());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1, unused[0]);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(data + 0, proxies[0].get());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(data + 2, proxies[1].get());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(data + 1, proxies[2].get());
+ // Remove 1, 2 moves to [1]
+ proxies.erase(proxies.begin() + 1);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(4, index.size());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(2, unused.size());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1, unused[0]);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(2, unused[1]);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(data + 0, proxies[0].get());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(data + 1, proxies[1].get());
+ // Add new, takes 2 at [2]
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(4, proxies.emplace_back(acquire(4)));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(4, index.size());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(1, unused.size());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(1, unused[0]);
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(data + 0, proxies[0].get());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(data + 1, proxies[1].get());
+ BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(data + 2, proxies[2].get());
+BOOST_DATA_TEST_CASE(shuffle_random, boost::unit_test::data::xrange(0, 10), x)
+ std::ignore = x;
+ std::mt19937 gen(std::random_device {}());
+ std::map<int, InstanceVertices<int>::InstanceProxy> proxies;
+ const std::string_view actions = "aaaaaaaarararrraarrrararararaarrrarararararararararraarrrraaaarararaararar";
+ int n {};
+ for (const auto action : actions) {
+ switch (action) {
+ case 'a':
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(n, proxies.emplace(n, acquire(n)).first->second);
+ n++;
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(!proxies.empty());
+ auto e = std::next(proxies.begin(),
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<> {0, static_cast<int>(proxies.size() - 1)}(gen));
+ proxies.erase(e);
+ break;
+ }
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(next, proxies.size());
+ for (const auto & [n, p] : proxies) {
+ }
+ std::set<size_t> iused;
+ for (size_t i {}; i < index.size(); i++) {
+ if (std::find(unused.begin(), unused.end(), i) == unused.end()) {
+ iused.emplace(index[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(iused.size(), next);
+ if (!iused.empty()) {
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(*iused.begin(), 0);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(*iused.rbegin(), next - 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/test/test-render.cpp b/test/test-render.cpp
index 45acab5..1643068 100644
--- a/test/test-render.cpp
+++ b/test/test-render.cpp
@@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(basic){-10, -10, 60}, glm::normalize(glm::vec3 {1, 1, -0.5F}));
const TestScene scene;
- glDisable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT);
Texture::save(outImage, "/tmp/basic.tga");
@@ -114,7 +113,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(pointlight)
const PointLightScene scene;
- glDisable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT);
Texture::save(outImage, "/tmp/pointlight.tga");
@@ -141,7 +139,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(spotlight)
const PointLightScene scene;
- glDisable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT);
Texture::save(outImage, "/tmp/spotlight.tga");
diff --git a/test/testMainWindow.cpp b/test/testMainWindow.cpp
index 49e18f1..57e3473 100644
--- a/test/testMainWindow.cpp
+++ b/test/testMainWindow.cpp
@@ -12,11 +12,12 @@ TestMainWindow::TestMainWindow() : Window {1, 1, __FILE__, SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL | S
(type == GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR ? "** GL ERROR **" : ""), type, severity, message);
switch (type) {
+ BOOST_TEST_WARN(msg.get());
diff --git a/ui/gameMainWindow.cpp b/ui/gameMainWindow.cpp
index 0b30cad..3f85a4f 100644
--- a/ui/gameMainWindow.cpp
+++ b/ui/gameMainWindow.cpp
@@ -51,6 +51,11 @@ GameMainWindow::render() const
GameMainWindow::content(const SceneShader & shader) const
+ for (const auto & [id, asset] : gameState->assets) {
+ if (const auto r = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Renderable>(asset)) {
+ r->render(shader);
+ }
+ }
gameState->world.apply<Renderable>(&Renderable::render, shader);
uiComponents.apply<WorldOverlay>(&WorldOverlay::render, shader);
@@ -68,5 +73,10 @@ GameMainWindow::lights(const SceneShader & shader) const
GameMainWindow::shadows(const ShadowMapper & shadowMapper) const
+ for (const auto & [id, asset] : gameState->assets) {
+ if (const auto r = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Renderable>(asset)) {
+ r->shadows(shadowMapper);
+ }
+ }
gameState->world.apply<Renderable>(&Renderable::shadows, shadowMapper);