diff options
47 files changed, 15968 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/Jamfile.jam b/gentoobrowse-api/Jamfile.jam
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8b3812
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/Jamfile.jam
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import slice ;
+import package ;
+lib adhocutil : : : : <include>/usr/include/adhocutil ;
+lib slicer : : : : <include>/usr/include/slicer ;
+lib slicer-db : : : : <include>/usr/include/slicer ;
+lib Ice ;
+lib IceUtil ;
+lib pthread ;
+lib IceBox ;
+lib boost_filesystem ;
+lib boost_system ;
+lib boost_thread ;
+lib dbppcore : : : : <include>/usr/include/dbpp ;
+ : requirements
+ <cflags>"-fvisibility=hidden"
+ ;
+build-project client ;
+build-project service ;
+build-project unittests ;
+package.install install-libs : : :
+ api//gentoobrowse-api
+ domain//gentoobrowse-domain
+ ;
+package.install install-client : <dependency>install-libs :
+ client//gbcli
+ ;
+package.install install-service : <dependency>install-libs : :
+ service//gentoobrowse-service
+ ;
+package.install-data install-slice : gentoobrowse-api :
+ [ glob-tree *.ice ]
+ ;
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/api/Jamfile.jam b/gentoobrowse-api/api/Jamfile.jam
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f6b931
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/api/Jamfile.jam
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+lib gentoobrowse-api :
+ [ glob *.cpp *.ice ]
+ :
+ <library>..//adhocutil
+ <library>..//dbppcore
+ <library>../domain//gentoobrowse-domain
+ <implicit-dependency>../domain//gentoobrowse-domain
+ : :
+ <include>.
+ <library>../domain//gentoobrowse-domain
+ <implicit-dependency>../domain//gentoobrowse-domain
+ ;
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/api/ b/gentoobrowse-api/api/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7a8a05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/api/
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#include <>
+module Gentoo {
+ interface Portage {
+ idempotent Category getCategory(int id);
+ idempotent Categories getAllCategories();
+ idempotent Categories getCategoriesInSuper(string super);
+ idempotent Package getPackage(int id);
+ idempotent optional(0) Package findPackage(string category, string package);
+ idempotent Packages getPackagesInCategory(int id);
+ idempotent Packages getPackagesSearch(string query);
+ };
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/client/Jamfile.jam b/gentoobrowse-api/client/Jamfile.jam
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66165d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/client/Jamfile.jam
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+exe gbcli :
+ [ glob *.cpp ]
+ :
+ <library>../domain//gentoobrowse-domain
+ <implicit-dependency>../domain//gentoobrowse-domain
+ <library>../api//gentoobrowse-api
+ <implicit-dependency>../api//gentoobrowse-api
+ ;
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/client/main.cpp b/gentoobrowse-api/client/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61c6575
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/client/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include <portage.h>
+#include <Ice/Ice.h>
+main(int c, char ** v)
+ auto ic = Ice::initialize(c, v);
+ auto p = Gentoo::PortagePrx::checkedCast(ic->stringToProxy("portage:tcp -h localhost -p 9001"));
+#if 0
+ for (int x = 1; x < c; x += 1) {
+ auto cat = p->getCategory(atoi(v[x]));
+ fprintf(stdout, "%d: %s\n", cat->categoryid, cat->name.c_str());
+ if (cat->summary) {
+ fprintf(stdout, "\t%s\n", cat->summary->c_str());
+ }
+ fprintf(stdout, "\n");
+ }
+ auto ps = p->getPackagesSearch(v[1]);
+ for (const auto & p : ps) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%d / %s\n\t%s\n", p->categoryid, p->name.c_str(), p->description.c_str());
+ }
+ auto fp = p->findPackage(v[1], v[2]);
+ if (fp) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "%d / %s\n\t%s\n", (*fp)->categoryid, (*fp)->name.c_str(), (*fp)->description.c_str());
+ }
+ ic->destroy();
+ return 0;
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/config b/gentoobrowse-api/config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48ef26d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/config
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+IceBox.Service.GentooBrowseAPI=gentoobrowse-service:createGentooBrowseAPI --GentooBrowseAPI.ThreadPool.Size=8 --GentooBrowseAPI.ThreadPool.SizeMax=50 --GentooBrowseAPI.Database.ConnectionString="user=postgres dbname=gentoo" --GentooBrowseAPI.Endpoints="tcp -p 9001"
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/db/schema.sql b/gentoobrowse-api/db/schema.sql
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..24c8cfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/db/schema.sql
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+../../gentoobrowse/datasources/schema.sql \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/domain/Jamfile.jam b/gentoobrowse-api/domain/Jamfile.jam
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afe1fa2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/domain/Jamfile.jam
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+lib gentoobrowse-domain :
+ [ glob *.cpp *.ice ]
+ :
+ <slicer>yes
+ <library>..//slicer
+ <library>..//adhocutil
+ <library>..//Ice
+ <library>..//IceUtil
+ <library>..//pthread
+ <variant>release:<cflags>-flto
+ : :
+ <library>..//Ice
+ <library>..//IceUtil
+ <library>..//pthread
+ <include>.
+ ;
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/domain/ b/gentoobrowse-api/domain/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea8d53d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/domain/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+module Gentoo {
+ sequence<byte> Image;
+ class Category {
+ ["slicer:db:pkey"]
+ int categoryid;
+ string name;
+ optional(1) string summary;
+ };
+ class Package {
+ ["slicer:db:pkey"]
+ int packageid;
+ int categoryid;
+ string name;
+ string description;
+ optional(1) string summary;
+ optional(2) string maintainer;
+ optional(3) string maintainername;
+ optional(4) string herd;
+ optional(5) Image image;
+ };
+ class Ebuild {
+ ["slicer:db:pkey"]
+ int ebuildid;
+ int packageid;
+ int repoid;
+ string version;
+ string slot;
+ optional(1) string license;
+ };
+ sequence<Category> Categories;
+ sequence<Package> Packages;
+ sequence<Ebuild> Ebuilds;
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/service/Jamfile.jam b/gentoobrowse-api/service/Jamfile.jam
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45b656d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/service/Jamfile.jam
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+lib gentoobrowse-service :
+ [ glob *.cpp ]
+ :
+ <library>..//adhocutil
+ <library>..//dbppcore
+ <library>..//IceBox
+ <library>..//slicer
+ <library>..//slicer-db
+ <library>../api//gentoobrowse-api
+ <implicit-dependency>../api//gentoobrowse-api
+ <library>..//boost_system
+ <library>..//boost_thread
+ <library>../..//glibmm
+ <variant>release:<cflags>-flto
+ : :
+ <include>.
+ <implicit-dependency>../api//gentoobrowse-api
+ <library>../api//gentoobrowse-api
+ ;
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/service/abstractDatabaseClient.cpp b/gentoobrowse-api/service/abstractDatabaseClient.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9844cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/service/abstractDatabaseClient.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#include "abstractDatabaseClient.h"
+#include <cache.impl.h>
+template class AdHoc::Cache<boost::shared_ptr<boost::any>, std::vector<std::size_t>>;
+AbstractDatabaseClient::AbstractDatabaseClient(AdHoc::ResourcePool<DB::Connection> & d) :
+ db(d)
+AbstractDatabaseClient::bind1(int o, DB::Command * cmd, const std::string & p)
+ cmd->bindParamS(o, p);
+AbstractDatabaseClient::bind1(int o, DB::Command * cmd, const int & p)
+ cmd->bindParamI(o, p);
+AbstractDatabaseClient::bind(int, DB::Command *)
+AbstractDatabaseClient::keyPushParams(CacheKey &)
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/service/abstractDatabaseClient.h b/gentoobrowse-api/service/abstractDatabaseClient.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68e30b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/service/abstractDatabaseClient.h
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+#include <connectionPool.h>
+#include <db/sqlSelectDeserializer.h>
+#include <slicer/slicer.h>
+#include <cache.h>
+#include <boost/any.hpp>
+class AbstractDatabaseClient {
+ protected:
+ AbstractDatabaseClient(AdHoc::ResourcePool<DB::Connection> & d);
+ typedef std::vector<std::size_t> CacheKey;
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<boost::any> CacheItem;
+ template<typename Domain, typename ... Params>
+ Domain inline fetch(const std::string & select, const Params & ... params)
+ {
+ CacheKey key;
+ key.reserve(4);
+ keyPushParams(key, select, params...);
+ if (auto cached = cache.get(key)) {
+ return boost::any_cast<Domain>(**cached);
+ }
+ Domain d;
+ {
+ auto c = db.get();
+ auto s = DB::SelectCommandPtr(c->newSelectCommand(select));
+ bind(0, s.get(), params...);
+ d = Slicer::DeserializeAny<Slicer::SqlSelectDeserializer, Domain>(*s);
+ }
+ cache.add(key, CacheItem(new boost::any(d)), time(NULL) + 40);
+ return d;
+ }
+ template<typename Param, typename ... Params>
+ static void inline bind(int offset, DB::Command * cmd, const Param & p, const Params & ... params)
+ {
+ bind1(offset, cmd, p);
+ bind(offset + 1, cmd, params...);
+ }
+ static void bind(int offset, DB::Command * cmd);
+ template<typename Param>
+ static void bind1(int offset, DB::Command * cmd, const Param & p);
+ template<typename Param, typename ... Params>
+ static void inline keyPushParams(CacheKey & k, const Param & p, const Params & ... params)
+ {
+ k.push_back(std::hash<Param>()(p));
+ keyPushParams(k, params...);
+ }
+ static void keyPushParams(CacheKey &);
+ AdHoc::ResourcePool<DB::Connection> & db;
+ AdHoc::Cache<CacheItem, CacheKey> cache;
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/service/main.cpp b/gentoobrowse-api/service/main.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcab795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/service/main.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#include <Ice/Ice.h>
+#include <IceBox/IceBox.h>
+#include <visibility.h>
+#include "portageimpl.h"
+#include <connectionPool.h>
+class Api : public IceBox::Service {
+ public:
+ typedef boost::shared_ptr<DB::ConnectionPool> DBCPoolPtr;
+ void start(const std::string & name, const Ice::CommunicatorPtr & ic, const Ice::StringSeq &)
+ {
+ db = DBCPoolPtr(new DB::ConnectionPool(
+ ic->getProperties()->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(name + ".Database.PoolMax", 10),
+ ic->getProperties()->getPropertyAsIntWithDefault(name + ".Database.PoolKeep", 2),
+ "postgresql",
+ ic->getProperties()->getProperty(name + ".Database.ConnectionString")));
+ adp = ic->createObjectAdapter(name);
+ adp->add(new Portage(*db), ic->stringToIdentity("portage"));
+ adp->activate();
+ }
+ void stop()
+ {
+ adp->deactivate();
+ adp->destroy();
+ }
+ DBCPoolPtr db;
+ Ice::ObjectAdapterPtr adp;
+extern "C" {
+ IceBox::Service *
+ createGentooBrowseAPI(Ice::CommunicatorPtr)
+ {
+ return new Api();
+ }
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/service/portageimpl.cpp b/gentoobrowse-api/service/portageimpl.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5adc4d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/service/portageimpl.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+#include "portageimpl.h"
+Portage::Portage(AdHoc::ResourcePool<DB::Connection> & d) :
+ AbstractDatabaseClient(d)
+Portage::getCategory(Ice::Int id, const Ice::Current &)
+ return fetch<Gentoo::CategoryPtr>(
+ "SELECT c.categoryid,, c.summary \
+ FROM gentoobrowse.categories c \
+ WHERE c.categoryid = ?", id);
+Portage::getAllCategories(const Ice::Current &)
+ return fetch<Gentoo::Categories>(
+ "SELECT c.categoryid,, c.summary \
+ FROM gentoobrowse.categories c \
+Portage::getCategoriesInSuper(const std::string & super, const Ice::Current &)
+ return fetch<Gentoo::Categories>(
+ "SELECT c.categoryid,, c.summary \
+ FROM gentoobrowse.categories c \
+ WHERE LIKE ? || '-%'::text \
+ ORDER BY", super);
+Portage::getPackage(Ice::Int id, const Ice::Current &)
+ return fetch<Gentoo::PackagePtr>(
+ "SELECT p.packageid, p.categoryid,, p.description, p.summary, p.maintainer, p.maintainername, p.herd \
+ FROM gentoobrowse.packages p \
+ WHERE p.packageid = ?", id);
+Portage::findPackage(const std::string & cat, const std::string & pkg, const Ice::Current &)
+ return fetch<IceUtil::Optional<Gentoo::PackagePtr>>(
+ "SELECT p.packageid, p.categoryid,, p.description, p.summary, p.maintainer, p.maintainername, p.herd \
+ FROM gentoobrowse.packages p, gentoobrowse.categories c \
+ WHERE c.categoryid = p.categoryid \
+ AND = ? \
+ AND = ?", cat, pkg);
+Portage::getPackagesInCategory(Ice::Int id, const Ice::Current &)
+ return fetch<Gentoo::Packages>(
+ "SELECT p.packageid, p.categoryid,, p.description, p.summary, p.maintainer, p.maintainername, p.herd \
+ FROM gentoobrowse.packages p \
+ WHERE p.categoryid = ? \
+ ORDER BY", id);
+Portage::getPackagesSearch(const std::string & query, const Ice::Current &)
+ return fetch<Gentoo::Packages>(
+ "SELECT p.packageid, p.categoryid,, p.description, p.summary, p.maintainer, p.maintainername, p.herd \
+ FROM gentoobrowse.packages p \
+ WHERE gentoobrowse.packagefts(p) @@ plainto_tsquery('english', ?) \
+ ORDER BY ts_rank(gentoobrowse.packagefts(p), plainto_tsquery('english', ?)) DESC,", query, query);
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/service/portageimpl.h b/gentoobrowse-api/service/portageimpl.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..69e6021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/service/portageimpl.h
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#include <portage.h>
+#include <visibility.h>
+#include "abstractDatabaseClient.h"
+class DLL_PUBLIC Portage : public Gentoo::Portage, AbstractDatabaseClient {
+ public:
+ Portage(AdHoc::ResourcePool<DB::Connection> & d);
+ Gentoo::CategoryPtr getCategory(Ice::Int id, const Ice::Current &) override;
+ Gentoo::Categories getAllCategories(const Ice::Current &) override;
+ Gentoo::Categories getCategoriesInSuper(const std::string &, const Ice::Current &) override;
+ Gentoo::PackagePtr getPackage(Ice::Int id, const Ice::Current &) override;
+ IceUtil::Optional<Gentoo::PackagePtr> findPackage(const std::string &, const std::string &, const Ice::Current &) override;
+ Gentoo::Packages getPackagesInCategory(Ice::Int id, const Ice::Current &) override;
+ Gentoo::Packages getPackagesSearch(const std::string & query, const Ice::Current &) override;
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/Jamfile.jam b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/Jamfile.jam
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..998839d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/Jamfile.jam
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import testing ;
+lib boost_utf : : <name>boost_unit_test_framework ;
+lib dbpp-postgresql : : : : <include>/usr/include/dbpp-postgresql ;
+lib dl ;
+path-constant me : . ;
+alias test-data :
+ [ glob-tree *.dat ]
+ data.sql
+ ;
+lib testCommon :
+ mockDefs.cpp
+ :
+ <library>dbpp-postgresql
+ <library>..//dbppcore
+ <library>..//adhocutil
+ <define>ROOT=\"$(me)\"
+ <library>..//boost_system
+ <library>..//boost_filesystem
+ : :
+ <library>..//dbppcore
+ <library>..//adhocutil
+ ;
+ testPortage.cpp
+ : :
+ ../db/schema.sql
+ :
+ <library>../service//gentoobrowse-service
+ <library>..//IceUtil
+ <library>..//Ice
+ <library>..//boost_system
+ <library>..//boost_filesystem
+ <library>testCommon
+ <library>boost_utf
+ <dependency>test-data
+ <define>ROOT=\"$(me)\"
+ : testPortage ;
+explicit testPerf ;
+run testPerf.cpp
+ : : :
+ <library>../api//gentoobrowse-api
+ <implicit-dependency>../api//gentoobrowse-api
+ <library>boost_utf
+ : testPerf ;
+run testInit.cpp
+ : : :
+ <library>../service//gentoobrowse-service
+ <library>boost_utf
+ <library>..//Ice
+ <library>..//IceBox
+ <library>dl
+ : testInit ;
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/data.sql b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/data.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..439f257
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/data.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+SET statement_timeout = 0;
+SET lock_timeout = 0;
+SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
+SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
+SET check_function_bodies = false;
+SET client_min_messages = warning;
+SET search_path = gentoobrowse, pg_catalog;
+COPY gentoobrowse.bugs (bugid, severity, status, summary, firstseen) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/bugs.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.categories (categoryid, name, summary) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/categories.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.packages (packageid, categoryid, name, firstseen, description, summary, maintainer, herd, image, maintainername) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/packages.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.repos (repoid, name) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/repos.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.ebuilds (ebuildid, packageid, version, versioninst, slot, license, firstseen, moddate, repoid) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/ebuilds.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.ebuild_archs (ebuildid, arch) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/ebuild_archs.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.ebuild_deps (ebuildid, packageid, versionspec, flags, op, slot) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/ebuild_deps.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.masksets (setno, person, email, dateadded, message, n) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/masksets.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.ebuild_masks (setno, ebuildid) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/ebuild_masks.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.ebuild_rdeps (ebuildid, packageid, versionspec, flags, op, slot) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/ebuild_rdeps.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.ebuild_uses (ebuildid, use) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/ebuild_uses.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.filetypes (filetypeid, description, spec) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/filetypes.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.files (filename, fileid, moddate, firstseen, cachedat, filetypeid, repoid, filesize, pathparts, encoding) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/files.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.license (name, legalbumph) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/license.dat';
+COPY (newsid, title, posted, authorname, authoremail, atomspec, body, urls) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/news.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.package_bugs (packageid, bugid, firstseen) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/package_bugs.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.package_changelogs (packageid, date, n, person, email, comment, repoid) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/package_changelogs.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.package_urls (packageid, url) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/package_urls.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.use_global (use, description) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/use_global.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.use_groups (usegroupid, name) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/use_groups.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.use_group (usegroupid, use, description) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/use_group.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.use_local (packageid, use, description) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/use_local.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.users (userid, username, userrealname, userpassword, useremail, verifyguid) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/users.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.user_ebuild_emails (userid, ebuildid, sentat) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/user_ebuild_emails.dat';
+COPY gentoobrowse.user_packages (userid, packageid, trackedsince) FROM '$SCRIPTDIR/fixtures/user_packages.dat';
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/bugs.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/bugs.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5fb9b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/bugs.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+567002 major UNCONFIRMED Mounting the boot partition makes grub2-install to fail 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567022 normal UNCONFIRMED kde-base/pykde4-4.14.3: multiple build failures due to missing Qt/KDE symbols 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567026 major UNCONFIRMED dev-util/piklab-0.16.2 - src/dev-utils/generator/main_generator.cpp: error: class `KLocale’ has no member named `setCountry` 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567028 normal UNCONFIRMED sci-geosciences/josm-9060 fails to fetch 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567040 minor UNCONFIRMED Paludis can't handle depstring in media-video/vlc ebuild 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567044 normal UNCONFIRMED new package request: net-misc/oysttyer-2.5.0 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567046 normal UNCONFIRMED hardened-sources-4.2.6-r6 PAX: size overflow detected in function try_merge_map fs/btrfs/ex tent_map.c:238 cicus.109_1 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567048 normal UNCONFIRMED hardened-sources-4.2.6-r6 PAX: size overflow detected in function get_bits lib/decompress_bunzip2.c:143 cicus.147_113 max, count: 19, decl: inbufBits; num: 0; cont ext: bunzip_data; 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567050 normal UNCONFIRMED net-analyzer/icinga2-2.4.0-r1 adds "-g" to *FLAGS 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567060 normal UNCONFIRMED media-libs/fontconfig-ultimate-2015.08.01: Change "infinality_style=1" to 3 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567062 enhancement UNCONFIRMED media-libs/fontconfig-ultimate-9999: version bump 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567064 normal UNCONFIRMED Request for new package: dev-python/twine 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567072 normal UNCONFIRMED dev-lang/orc-0.4.24: orc/orcdebug.c:39:25: fatal error: android/log.h: No such file or directory 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567078 normal UNCONFIRMED sci-libs/grib_api-1.14.3 Version bump 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567080 normal UNCONFIRMED net-p2p/litecoin-qt failing to build with upnp USE flag enabled due to >=net-libs/miniupnpc-1.9 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567086 normal UNCONFIRMED media-gfx/gnome-photos-3.18.2 hangs with 100% one core utilization 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567096 normal UNCONFIRMED lxqt-base/lxqt-powermanagement-0.10: missing dependency on kde-frameworks/solid 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567104 normal UNCONFIRMED Please keyword app-arch/pigz on ~ppc-macos 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567108 normal UNCONFIRMED =www-client/firefox-42.0-r2 graphic repaint problem (gray content screen) 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567126 normal UNCONFIRMED The majority of application menu entries does not work any more after gnome-desktop-3.18 upgrade 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567130 normal UNCONFIRMED dev-perl/XML-LibXML-2.12.100::gentoo installs "nothing" 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567146 normal UNCONFIRMED dev-db/tokumx-2.0.1: compilation fails with: mongo/src/mongo/shell/linenoise_utf8.h:145:9: error: ‘swap’ is not a member of ‘std’ 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567154 normal UNCONFIRMED systemd-udevd high CPU usage in Hyper-V VM 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567168 normal UNCONFIRMED media-libs/cogl-1.22.0: blackscreen with fglrx 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567170 normal UNCONFIRMED sys-boot/systemrescuecd-x86-grub ignores btrfs subvolumes when generating grub configuration 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567174 normal UNCONFIRMED media-video/cclive-0.9.3-r1 fails to compile -- misses the -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 compiler options 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567180 normal UNCONFIRMED sci-mathematics/fricas-1.2.7 fails to compile -- mmap: Operation not permitted 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567166 normal IN_PROGRESS =sci-calculators/units-2.12 stable request 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567152 normal IN_PROGRESS =app-emulation/libvirt-9999: Update ebuild to latest upstream changes after 1.2.21, support freshly introduced virtlogd 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567164 normal UNCONFIRMED sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-4.1.12 - Intel modesetting bug 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567000 enhancement CONFIRMED app-admin/syslog-ng-3.7.2 stable request 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567014 normal CONFIRMED app-shells/bash-4.3_p42 =~ regex matching problem 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567018 normal CONFIRMED app-doc/doxygen-1.8.10-r1 : checking flex version in ebuild wrong ? 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567032 normal CONFIRMED sci-electronics/vbs-1.4.0 : parser.h:37:13: error: conflicting types for ‘yytext’ 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567034 normal CONFIRMED app-editors/nvi-1.81.6-r4 : /.../scope.h:189:50: error: expected expression before ‘)’ token 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567054 normal CONFIRMED repoman behavior: handling of missing distfiles 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567082 normal CONFIRMED net-misc/spice-gtk-0.30-r1: PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE should not be dependant on USE=python 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567092 normal CONFIRMED net-misc/gip- : src/dispatcher.h:26:31: fatal error: sigc++/class_slot.h: No such file or directory 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567102 critical CONFIRMED lxqt-base/*: Manifest not updated, missing metadata.xml 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567116 normal CONFIRMED net-libs/libsignon-glib-1.12 : signon-auth-session.c:155:9: error: ‘g_simple_async_result_set_op_res_gpointer’ is deprecated (declared at /.../gsimpleasyncresult.h:75) [-Werror=deprecated-declarations] 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567118 normal CONFIRMED =sys-kernel/dracut-044 version bump 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567120 normal CONFIRMED =app-crypt/yubikey-neo-manager-1.4.0 version bump 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567156 normal CONFIRMED x11-drivers/xf86-video-amdgpu missing depend on glamor 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567182 enhancement CONFIRMED games-util/xboxdrv-0.8.8 version bump 2015-11-30 21:01:47.535323
+567144 normal IN_PROGRESS app-emulation/qemu: two vulnerabilities 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567128 normal UNCONFIRMED dev-libs/igraph-0.7.1-r1: ld: cannot find -llapack ; ld: cannot find -lblas 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567042 normal CONFIRMED app-emulation/lxd-0.23 - go install open /usr/lib/go-gentoo/pkg/linux_amd64/ permission denied 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567196 major UNCONFIRMED media-libs/libbdplus-9999 fails to build - no configure script found 2015-12-01 08:42:15.946312
+567208 normal UNCONFIRMED =dev-libs/gecode-4.4.0 version bump 2015-12-01 08:42:15.946312
+567216 major UNCONFIRMED media-sound/pavucontrol fails to build due to libsigc++ C++11 breakage 2015-12-01 08:42:15.946312
+567224 normal UNCONFIRMED gnome-extra/gnome-builder-3.18.1 +vala missing dep to vala 0.30 2015-12-01 08:42:15.946312
+567204 normal CONFIRMED sci-libs/geos-3.4.[12]: patch to compile with php[threads] 2015-12-01 08:42:15.946312
+567222 normal CONFIRMED =dev-python/jenkins-webapi-0.5.0 version bump 2015-12-01 08:42:15.946312
+567226 normal CONFIRMED dev-db/mysql-workbench-6.3.5 version bump 2015-12-01 09:01:48.511442
+567124 normal CONFIRMED =net-misc/networkmanager-openvpn-1.0.8 version bump 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567228 normal UNCONFIRMED app-portage/gentoolkit - please add python 3.5 support 2015-12-01 20:03:52.402138
+567236 normal UNCONFIRMED media-gfx/graphviz-2.38.0-r1[qt4] won't build if Qt 5 is selected in qtchooser 2015-12-01 20:03:52.402138
+567246 normal UNCONFIRMED media-libs/freeglut-3.0.0: fails due to missing GL/glext.h 2015-12-01 20:03:52.402138
+567248 major UNCONFIRMED dev-vcs/qbzr-0.23.0: USE_PYTHON variable contains invalid value 2015-12-01 20:03:52.402138
+567250 normal UNCONFIRMED >=sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-4.1.8 Random errors "kernel: [drm:i915_irq_handler] *ERROR* CPU pipe A FIFO underrun" 2015-12-01 20:03:52.402138
+567262 enhancement UNCONFIRMED net-wireless/hostapd: add libressl support 2015-12-01 20:03:52.402138
+567270 normal UNCONFIRMED sci-libs/libsigrok-9999 should depend on >=swig-3.0.6 2015-12-01 20:03:52.402138
+567274 normal UNCONFIRMED net-mail/automx-0.10.2-r1: missing dependency on dev-python/m2crypto 2015-12-01 20:03:52.402138
+567230 normal CONFIRMED games-strategy/0ad{,-data}-0.0.19_alpha version bump 2015-12-01 20:03:52.402138
+567266 normal CONFIRMED sys-kernel/genkernel- manpage ignores grub2 2015-12-01 20:03:52.402138
+567268 normal CONFIRMED app-emulation/fuse-1.0.0 : /.../libsound.a(blipbuffer.o): undefined reference to symbol 'cos@@GLIBC_2.2.5' 2015-12-01 20:03:52.402138
+567254 normal IN_PROGRESS media-libs/libraw: multiple vulnerabilities (CVE-2015-8367) 2015-12-01 20:03:52.402138
+567256 normal IN_PROGRESS app-admin/keepassx: passwords stored in plain text file when export is cancelled (CVE-2015-8378) 2015-12-01 20:03:52.402138
+567286 normal IN_PROGRESS net-print/cups-filters: foomatic-rip - consider the back tick as an illegal shell escape character (CVE-2015-8327) 2015-12-01 22:01:55.646124
+567298 normal UNCONFIRMED =mail-client/thunderbird-38.4.0 stable request 2015-12-02 09:02:15.083726
+567300 normal UNCONFIRMED sys-apps/net-tools-1.60_p20151124144947::gentoo_prefix fails install phase with "rm: cannot remove" 2015-12-02 09:02:15.083726
+567302 normal UNCONFIRMED net-libs/nodejs-5.1.0: version bump and various improvements to ebuild 2015-12-02 09:02:15.083726
+567192 normal UNCONFIRMED Sandbox violation errors - packages trying to access /root/.cache (media-libs/harfbuzz, app-text/poppler) 2015-12-01 08:42:15.946312
+567258 normal IN_PROGRESS <app-arch/dpkg-1.17.26: stack overflows and out of bounds read 2015-12-01 20:03:52.402138
+567284 normal IN_PROGRESS app-antivirus/clamav-0.99.0 version bump 2015-12-01 21:01:59.059574
+567252 minor IN_PROGRESS <net-ftp/proftpd-1.3.5a-r2: unbounded SFTP extended attribute key/values 2015-12-01 20:03:52.402138
+567276 normal CONFIRMED media-fonts/dina - Update license to MIT 2015-12-01 20:03:52.402138
+567280 normal CONFIRMED games-roguelike/dwarf-fortress-0.42.02 version bump 2015-12-01 21:01:59.059574
+567294 normal UNCONFIRMED dev-libs/DirectFB will not find x11-libs/tslib-1.0 2015-12-02 09:02:15.083726
+567296 enhancement UNCONFIRMED mail-client/N1: An extensible mail client built on the modern web 2015-12-02 09:02:15.083726
+567158 normal CONFIRMED dev-libs/nss-3.21 fails with CFLAGS="-Os" set, due to use of -Werror 2015-11-30 19:01:45.82459
+567306 normal UNCONFIRMED media-video/baka-mplayer-2.0.4 version bump 2015-12-02 09:02:15.083726
+567292 normal CONFIRMED Move Emacs overlay from proj/emacs to repo/proj/emacs 2015-12-02 09:02:15.083726
+567310 enhancement UNCONFIRMED dev-python/django-haystack-2.4.0 version bump 2015-12-02 10:01:58.21855
+567308 major IN_PROGRESS <www-client/chromium-47.0.2526.73: multiple vulnerabilities (CVE-2015-{6764,6765,6766,6767,6768,6769,6770,6771,6772,6773,6774,6775,6776,6777,6778,6779,6780,6781,6782,6783,6784,6784,6786,6787}) 2015-12-02 09:02:15.083726
+567312 normal UNCONFIRMED Stabilization guidelines refer to 'package' instead of 'package version' or 'ebuild' 2015-12-02 19:14:41.796685
+567324 normal UNCONFIRMED =net-misc/tigervnc-1.4.2-r2 stable request 2015-12-02 19:14:41.796685
+567332 normal UNCONFIRMED sys-devel/flex-2.6.0: compile error in test phase 2015-12-02 19:14:41.796685
+567336 normal UNCONFIRMED app-portage/portage-utils-0.60: test failure - FAIL: portage-utils vs portage atom parsing 2015-12-02 19:14:41.796685
+567338 normal UNCONFIRMED media-libs/harfbuzz-1.0.6: test failure - FAIL: tests/fuzzed.tests 2015-12-02 19:14:41.796685
+567344 normal UNCONFIRMED net-irc/znc-1.6.2 version bump 2015-12-02 19:14:41.796685
+567348 normal UNCONFIRMED Crash for hardened + nomultilibs + last AMD 2015-12-02 19:14:41.796685
+567352 normal UNCONFIRMED net-p2p/transmission: add support for dev-libs/libressl alternative to openssl 2015-12-02 19:14:41.796685
+567328 normal CONFIRMED media-libs/openal-1.17.0 : configuring incomplete, errors occured 2015-12-02 19:14:41.796685
+567334 normal CONFIRMED x11-themes/fvwm-crystal should REQUIRED_USE for python-r1 2015-12-02 19:14:41.796685
+567354 normal CONFIRMED media-sound/tomahawk-0.8.4-r1: Fix segfault on startup in Qt5 build due to linkage to a Qt4 QCA 2015-12-02 19:14:41.796685
+567356 normal CONFIRMED sys-apps/openrc-0.18.4 stable request 2015-12-02 19:14:41.796685
+567358 normal CONFIRMED dev-scheme/racket-6.3: version bump 2015-12-02 19:14:41.796685
+567370 normal UNCONFIRMED app-pda/libplist-1.11: Could not link test program to Python 2015-12-02 21:02:12.501753
+567378 normal UNCONFIRMED sys-fs/cryptsetup-1.7.0: Cannot find python development packages to build bindings 2015-12-02 21:02:12.501753
+567360 normal CONFIRMED sys-apps/portage: looks for ccache in /usr/${libdir}/ccache while new versions install to /usr/lib/ccache 2015-12-02 21:02:12.501753
+567362 normal CONFIRMED net-libs/libtirpc LICENSE is wrong 2015-12-02 21:02:12.501753
+567376 normal CONFIRMED sys-power/suspend-1.0_p20150810 stable request 2015-12-02 21:02:12.501753
+567380 normal CONFIRMED app-emulation/vmware-workstation/vmware-workstation - Fix libgcrypt dependency 2015-12-02 21:02:12.501753
+567382 normal CONFIRMED =dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.5.4-r1 cleanup 2015-12-02 21:02:12.501753
+567388 normal UNCONFIRMED sys-boot/grub pulls in efibootmgr 2015-12-03 09:02:20.700935
+567404 normal UNCONFIRMED dev-python/django-extensions-1.5.9: add python3_5 to PYTHON_TARGETS 2015-12-03 09:02:20.700935
+567326 normal IN_PROGRESS dev-java/{jigsaw,css-validator} && app-text/epubcheck: masked for removal 2015-12-02 19:14:41.796685
+567260 normal CONFIRMED dev-util/plan9port-20140306: add prefix support to ebuild 2015-12-03 09:02:20.700935
+567288 normal IN_PROGRESS net-misc/wget-1.17[-ssl]: build fails: ftp.c:396:7: error: 'using_data_security' undeclared 2015-12-02 09:02:15.083726
+567322 normal UNCONFIRMED app-misc/workrave-1.10.8[mate] fails to build - ld: cannot find -lworkrave-gtk2-private-1.0 2015-12-02 19:14:41.796685
+567350 normal UNCONFIRMED app-portage/layman-2.3.0-r1 fails to build with PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_5" 2015-12-02 19:14:41.796685
+567320 normal CONFIRMED www-servers/spawn-fcgi init script doesn't detect crash 2015-12-02 19:14:41.796685
+567392 normal UNCONFIRMED games-fps/warsow-2.0 version bump 2015-12-03 09:02:20.700935
+567410 major UNCONFIRMED sys-apps/pacman-4.0.3-r1 - incorrect SRC_URI 2015-12-03 09:02:20.700935
+567316 minor IN_PROGRESS <www-misc/shellinabox-2.19: DNS rebinding attack due to HTTP fallback (CVE-2015-8400) 2015-12-02 19:14:41.796685
+567368 enhancement UNCONFIRMED media-libs/mesa-11.0.6[gbm] can use "sysfs" instead of virtual/libudev 2015-12-02 21:02:12.501753
+567406 major UNCONFIRMED kde-apps/kdenlive-15.08.3 config wizard doesn't have a next button 2015-12-03 09:02:20.700935
+567414 normal UNCONFIRMED gnome-extra/cinnamon fails to emerge with gnome-base/gvfs-1.26.2 2015-12-03 09:02:20.700935
+567416 normal UNCONFIRMED app-emulation/winetricks: add epatch_user 2015-12-03 09:02:20.700935
+567384 normal CONFIRMED app-portage/layman-2.0.0-r3: Permanent failure after network hiccup 2015-12-03 09:02:20.700935
+567386 normal CONFIRMED app-portage/layman-2.0.0-r3: Uses legacy location for overlays.xml 2015-12-03 09:02:20.700935
+567400 normal CONFIRMED x11-plugins/wmmenu-1.3 : No package 'gdk-pixbuf-xlib-2.0' found 2015-12-03 09:02:20.700935
+567420 normal CONFIRMED dev-db/percona-toolkit-2.2.16 version bump 2015-12-03 09:02:20.700935
+567428 normal CONFIRMED media-sound/lmms-1.1.3 - .../plugins/flp_import/unrtf/attr.c:138:52: error: format not a string literal, argument types not checked [-Werror=format-nonliteral] 2015-12-03 09:02:20.700935
+567398 normal IN_PROGRESS app-admin/webmin-1.760 : /.../environment: line 2744: _systemd_get_unitdir: command not found 2015-12-03 09:02:20.700935
+567436 normal UNCONFIRMED sys-process/atop should check kernel config for BSD_PROCESS_ACCT 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567438 enhancement UNCONFIRMED net-dns/bind: New named.root (named.cache) available 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567444 normal UNCONFIRMED sys-power/bbswitch-0.8 patch for thinkpad 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567462 normal UNCONFIRMED dev-python/setuptools-18.7.1 : UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xb6 in position 147: invalid start byte 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567484 normal UNCONFIRMED dev-libs/glib-2.46.2 fails test desktop-app-info - Failed to execute child process "update-desktop-database" (No such file or directory) 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567486 normal UNCONFIRMED app-admin/webmin-1.770 version bump 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567488 normal UNCONFIRMED dev-lang/R-3.2.2 can't read compressed databases in /usr/share/doc/R-3.2.2 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567434 normal CONFIRMED Outdated 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567440 normal CONFIRMED lxqt-base/lxqt-panel-0.10.0 fails to compile 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567452 normal CONFIRMED dev-libs/protobuf broken dependencies 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567460 normal CONFIRMED dev-lang/elixir-1.1.1 : file collision with sci-biology/phylip-3.696:0::gentoo 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567464 normal CONFIRMED dev-java/mchange-commons-0.2.10 : * ERROR: dev-java/mchange-commons-0.2.10::gentoo failed (compile phase): 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567468 normal CONFIRMED mate-base/mate-applets-1.8.0-r1 : find: `timer-applet/src': No such file or directory 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567470 normal CONFIRMED app-shells/zsh-5.2 version bump 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567474 normal CONFIRMED [Future EAPI] Default to "unset DISPLAY" 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567478 normal CONFIRMED sys-apps/portage-2.2.26: Returns exit code 0 when sync aborted 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567480 normal CONFIRMED app-portage/ufed-0.92: stable request 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567482 normal CONFIRMED [Tracker] dev-lang/perl-5.22.0 stabilization 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567432 normal CONFIRMED x11-misc/pcmanfm-qt-0.10.0 fails to compile - /usr/include/libfm/fm.h:26:24: fatal error: fm-version.h: No such file or directory 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567490 normal CONFIRMED list user patches in emerge --info output for a specific package 2015-12-03 21:32:08.640205
+567442 trivial CONFIRMED sys-devel/gcc: minispecs duplicate LDPATHs which induces gcc-config to generate duplicate entries 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567496 normal UNCONFIRMED gnome-extra/cinnamon-control-center-2.8.1: cinnamon-settings crashes with signal 11 when clicking the "Color", "Display" or "Networking" button 2015-12-03 22:01:46.812657
+567498 normal UNCONFIRMED app-arch/libpar2-0.4 breaks with dev-libs/libsigc++-2.6 2015-12-03 22:01:46.812657
+567500 enhancement CONFIRMED Stabilize games-fps/rott-1.1.2 2015-12-03 22:01:46.812657
+567508 normal UNCONFIRMED signatures for musl hardened stages 2015-12-04 09:02:22.889407
+567510 normal UNCONFIRMED dev-libs/glib-2.46.2 fails test on PAX kernel - PAX: execution attempt in: <anonymous mapping> PAX: terminating task: /usr/bin/gdb(gdb):14111 2015-12-04 09:02:22.889407
+567512 normal UNCONFIRMED app-text/gtkspell-3.0.7: version bump 2015-12-04 09:02:22.889407
+567520 normal UNCONFIRMED =app-officeext/ooofbtools-2.40 version bump 2015-12-04 09:02:22.889407
+567522 normal UNCONFIRMED x11-wm/enlightenment-0.20.0 version bump 2015-12-04 09:02:22.889407
+567502 normal CONFIRMED media-gfx/openmesh-4.1 : /.../MeshViewerWidgetT.hh:156:39: error: ‘GL_DIFFUSE’ was not declared in this scope 2015-12-04 09:02:22.889407
+567476 normal IN_PROGRESS <dev-libs/openssl-{0.9.8z_p8,1.0.2e}: Multiple vulnerabilities (CVE-2015-{1794,3193,3194,3195,3196}) 2015-12-03 20:33:33.530914
+567514 normal UNCONFIRMED dev-lang/swift: high-performance system programming language by Apple 2015-12-04 09:02:22.889407
+567516 normal UNCONFIRMED media-video/minitube-2.5.1 version bump 2015-12-04 09:02:22.889407
+567418 major UNCONFIRMED dev-lang/python-2.7.10-r1 ctypes module truncates 64-bit pointers 2015-12-03 09:02:20.700935
+567424 normal UNCONFIRMED net-mail/mu-0.9.15 version bump 2015-12-03 09:02:20.700935
+567504 enhancement CONFIRMED eutils.eclass, libtool.eclass: Improve eutils_elt_patch_dir(), libtool_elt_patch_dir() 2015-12-04 09:02:22.889407
+567518 enhancement CONFIRMED games-fps/duke3d-data-1.0-r3 stable request 2015-12-04 09:02:22.889407
+567524 normal CONFIRMED media-gfx/splashutils- stable request 2015-12-04 09:02:22.889407
+567534 normal UNCONFIRMED app-eselect/eselect-opencl: add opencl-2.0 headers 2015-12-04 20:13:52.713955
+567536 normal UNCONFIRMED gnome-extra/nemo can't mount external storage 2015-12-04 20:13:52.713955
+567538 normal UNCONFIRMED games-rpg/manaplus- - segmentation fault 2015-12-04 20:13:52.713955
+567542 normal UNCONFIRMED net-analyzer/nsca-2.9.1: version bump 2015-12-04 20:13:52.713955
+567526 normal CONFIRMED dev-cpp/libxmlpp-2.38.1 : /.../ustring.h:267:12: error: expected ';' at end of member declaration 2015-12-04 20:13:52.713955
+567528 normal CONFIRMED dev-libs/libofx-0.9.5 : /.../ustring.h:267:12: error: expected ‘;’ at end of member declaration 2015-12-04 20:13:52.713955
+567530 normal CONFIRMED dev-lang/icc, dev-lang/ifc, ...: version bump and intel-sdp.eclass update 2015-12-04 20:13:52.713955
+567532 normal CONFIRMED x11-plugins/wmium: should be tree cleaned 2015-12-04 20:13:52.713955
+567540 normal CONFIRMED sys-apps/portage-2.2.24 Please stabilize 2015-12-04 20:13:52.713955
+567554 normal CONFIRMED dev-libs/libressl-2.3.1 - missing SSLv3 breaks compile of ebuilds 2015-12-04 21:01:53.692795
+567556 normal UNCONFIRMED =media-gfx/darktable-2.0 rc2 USE="geo": missing geolocation support 2015-12-05 15:02:32.084263
+567570 normal UNCONFIRMED =x11-plugins/pidgin-sipe-1.20.1 not seen by pidgin 2015-12-05 15:02:32.084263
+567578 normal UNCONFIRMED media-video/cinelerra-20140710 crashes when playing a video 2015-12-05 15:02:32.084263
+567568 normal CONFIRMED net-misc/tigervnc-1.4.2-r2 on bigendian has colour palette issues 2015-12-05 15:02:32.084263
+567574 normal CONFIRMED games-puzzle/atomix-3.18.0 : * ERROR: games-puzzle/atomix-3.18.0::gentoo failed (configure phase): 2015-12-05 15:02:32.084263
+567580 normal IN_PROGRESS dev-java/{jpf,jpfcodegen}: masked for removal 2015-12-05 15:02:32.084263
+567550 normal IN_PROGRESS sys-devel/llvm: lldb Python modules are mis-installed 2015-12-04 20:13:52.713955
+567586 normal CONFIRMED net-analyzer/rrdtool dev-ruby/rrdtool-bindings stable request 2015-12-05 16:01:51.275819
+567552 normal UNCONFIRMED mandatory perl module not rebuild during perl upgrade from 5.20 to 5.22 2015-12-06 00:32:17.38816
+567596 enhancement CONFIRMED Stabilize games-strategy/hedgewars-0.9.22 2015-12-06 00:32:17.38816
+567606 enhancement CONFIRMED app-crypt/acme & app-crypt/letsencrypt: 0.1.0 version bump 2015-12-06 00:32:17.38816
+567614 normal UNCONFIRMED app-arch/lz4-0_p131 fails tests when run in parallel - rm: cannot remove 'tmp*': No such file or directory 2015-12-06 01:01:57.203806
+567616 normal UNCONFIRMED gentoo-mate-112 is not a valid repository name 2015-12-06 01:01:57.203806
+567618 enhancement CONFIRMED media-libs/mesa: glsl_compiler installation 2015-12-06 01:01:57.203806
+567598 normal CONFIRMED sys-apps/busybox-1.24.1 does not build on uclibc because of missing syncfs 2015-12-06 00:32:17.38816
+567612 normal UNCONFIRMED x11-misc/x11vnc: -unixpw option broken 2015-12-06 01:01:57.203806
+567634 normal UNCONFIRMED x11-drivers/xf86-input-keyboard-1.8.1 fails to build on sys-libs/uclibc 2015-12-06 13:12:13.546478
+567624 normal CONFIRMED dev-java/wstx-3.2.9: yields into revdep-rebuild block 2015-12-06 13:12:13.546478
+567572 normal UNCONFIRMED sys-fs/lvm2-2.02.136[static] fails to build - ../libdm/ioctl/libdevmapper.a(libdm-stats.o): In function `dm_stats_create_region': libdm-stats.c:(.text+0x33e8): undefined reference to `log10' 2015-12-05 15:02:32.084263
+567584 enhancement UNCONFIRMED gnome-extra/nautilus-dropbox-2015.10.28 version bump 2015-12-05 15:02:32.084263
+567608 normal IN_PROGRESS sys-auth/skey: out of bounds stack read 2015-12-06 00:32:17.38816
+567636 normal UNCONFIRMED www-client/firefox segfaults - ABORT: Divide by zero: file /var/tmp/portage/www-client/firefox-42.0-r2/work/firefox-42.0/toolkit/xre/nsSigHandlers.cpp, line 157 2015-12-06 13:12:13.546478
+567638 normal CONFIRMED media-libs/gegl-0.3.4 fails to merge with USE="ffmpeg" (ffmpeg-2.6.3), ff-save.c:354:34: error: AV_CODEC_CAP_VARIABLE_FRAME_SIZE undeclared 2015-12-06 13:12:13.546478
+567582 normal CONFIRMED media-libs/gegl-0.3.4 jpeg and png use flags broken - configure: error: Could not find a usable JPEG library with header files 2015-12-05 15:02:32.084263
+567590 enhancement UNCONFIRMED dev-db/mysql 5.7.10 version bump 2015-12-06 00:32:17.38816
+567632 normal CONFIRMED app-i18n/libtomoe-gtk-0.6.0-r3 :PYTHON needs to be set for PYTHON_SITEDIR to be exported, or requested before it 2015-12-06 13:12:13.546478
+567640 normal UNCONFIRMED app-editors/neovim-0.1.1: version bump 2015-12-06 21:14:11.157429
+567642 normal UNCONFIRMED app-admin/sshguard-1.6 version bump 2015-12-06 21:14:11.157429
+567646 normal UNCONFIRMED www-client/qupzilla-1.8.6-r2[qt5] fails to build - webkit/webpage.h:59:34:error: QSslCertificate does not name a type 2015-12-06 21:14:11.157429
+567648 normal UNCONFIRMED www-client/otter-0.9.07 fails to build - src/core/NetworkManagerFactory.h:69:15:error: QSslCipher was not declared in this scope 2015-12-06 21:14:11.157429
+567652 normal UNCONFIRMED www-client/chromium: libvpx is now at 1.5, use native 2015-12-06 21:14:11.157429
+567674 trivial UNCONFIRMED Patch for (yet another) missing include for crda-1.1.3 on musl-hardened. 2015-12-06 21:14:11.157429
+567668 enhancement CONFIRMED Stabilize games-roguelike/angband-4.0.3 2015-12-06 21:14:11.157429
+567670 enhancement CONFIRMED Stabilize games-strategy/wesnoth-1.12.5 2015-12-06 21:14:11.157429
+567644 normal CONFIRMED app-arch/file-roller conflicts with >=app-arch/p7zip-10 2015-12-06 21:14:11.157429
+567650 normal CONFIRMED =net-print/hplip-3.15.11: sane fails to find/use hpaio backend 2015-12-06 21:14:11.157429
+567654 normal CONFIRMED =app-emulation/virt-viewer-3.0 version bump 2015-12-06 21:14:11.157429
+567686 normal UNCONFIRMED sys-libs/ncurses: Weird slot conflict 2015-12-06 23:03:05.415748
+567680 normal CONFIRMED app-antivirus/clamav-0.99: links to from earlier installed version 2015-12-06 23:03:05.415748
+567684 normal CONFIRMED app-portage/gentoolkit- "equery check -N" conflicts with python buffering 2015-12-06 23:03:05.415748
+567658 normal CONFIRMED dev-embedded/avrdude-6.2 version bump 2015-12-06 21:14:11.157429
+567678 normal IN_PROGRESS Patch and comments to get efivar-0.21 to work with musl-hardened. 2015-12-06 21:14:11.157429
+567694 normal UNCONFIRMED dev-python/django-sekizai-0.9.0 version bump and add python3_4-5 to PYTHON_TARGETS 2015-12-07 12:12:18.680634
+567702 normal UNCONFIRMED mate-* version bump request 2015-12-07 12:12:18.680634
+567698 normal CONFIRMED app-admin/filebeat-bin: lightweight log shipper for logstash 2015-12-07 12:12:18.680634
+567700 normal CONFIRMED media-libs/freeverb3 fails to fetch 2015-12-07 12:12:18.680634
+567704 normal CONFIRMED gnome-extra/gnome-boxes fails to build without USE=usbredir set on net-misc/spice-gtk 2015-12-07 12:12:18.680634
+567676 minor UNCONFIRMED app-emulation/lxc-1.1 - make app-text/asciidoc dependency optional 2015-12-06 21:14:11.157429
+567682 normal UNCONFIRMED [science overlay] sci-libs/atlas-3.11.38-r1 - all cpus are set to performance but emerge fails due to cpu throttling 2015-12-06 23:03:05.415748
+567706 enhancement UNCONFIRMED www-servers/uwsgi: PHP 7 target support 2015-12-07 14:01:49.373375
+567708 normal UNCONFIRMED ncmpcpp-7.0 emerge fails due to boost blockage 2015-12-07 15:02:55.042414
+567710 normal UNCONFIRMED sys-kernel/hardened-sources causes lockup 2015-12-07 15:02:55.042414
+567714 enhancement UNCONFIRMED dev-java/javaslang-2.6.0-rc2: A functional library for Java 8+ that provides persistent data types and functional control structures. 2015-12-07 15:02:55.042414
+567716 normal UNCONFIRMED dev-libs/json-glib-1.0.4 – test failure – ERROR: builder - missing test plan 2015-12-07 15:02:55.042414
+567718 enhancement UNCONFIRMED dev-java/functional-java-4.4.1: An open source library facilitating functional programming in Java 2015-12-07 15:02:55.042414
+567712 normal CONFIRMED =dev-php/pecl-memcached-2.2.0-r1: stabilization 2015-12-07 15:02:55.042414
+567720 normal UNCONFIRMED media-gfx/gimp-2.9.2: test failure 2015-12-07 16:01:52.126902
+567722 normal UNCONFIRMED app-emulation/vmware-workstation-11 should drop dev-libs/openssl:0.9.8 from dependency 2015-12-07 17:01:52.651646
+567724 major UNCONFIRMED [media-gfx/gimp-2.9.2:2::gentoo] GEGL operation missing! 2015-12-07 17:01:52.651646
+567726 normal UNCONFIRMED vmware-workstation-* conflict with libcurl and libssl 2015-12-07 18:00:28.491902
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/categories.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/categories.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..698aeba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/categories.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+312 app-crypt The app-crypt category contains cryptographic (encryption, decryption, steganography and signing) software.
+314 dev-ml The dev-ml category contains libraries and utilities relevant to the ML programming language.
+316 app-backup The app-backup category contains tools for performing backups of data, including both full and incremental backups, as well as backups to other media (CD-R, Tape, etc.).
+311 dev-vcs The dev-vcs category contains utilities focused on version control.
+313 net-proxy The net-proxy category contains network proxy software.
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/ebuild_archs.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/ebuild_archs.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aec4803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/ebuild_archs.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,4292 @@
+609051 ~amd64
+609051 ~ppc
+609051 ~x86
+609052 ~amd64
+609053 ~amd64
+609054 ~amd64
+609054 ~x86-fbsd
+609056 ~amd64
+609057 ~amd64
+609058 ~amd64
+609059 ~amd64
+609059 ~ppc
+609059 ~x86
+609060 ~amd64
+609061 alpha
+609061 amd64
+609061 hppa
+609061 ia64
+609061 ppc
+609061 ppc64
+609061 sparc
+609061 x86
+609061 ~amd64-fbsd
+609061 ~amd64-linux
+609061 ~arm
+609061 ~ppc-macos
+609061 ~x86-fbsd
+609061 ~x86-linux
+609063 ~amd64
+609064 ~amd64
+609064 ~ppc
+609064 ~x86
+609064 ~x86-fbsd
+609065 ~amd64
+609066 ~amd64
+609068 ~amd64
+609069 ~amd64
+609069 ~ppc
+609069 ~x86
+609070 ~amd64
+609071 ~amd64
+609072 ~amd64
+609072 ~ppc
+609072 ~x86
+609072 ~x86-fbsd
+609074 ~amd64
+609075 ~amd64
+609076 ~amd64
+609077 ~amd64
+609078 ~amd64
+609080 ~amd64
+609080 ~ppc
+609080 ~x86
+609081 ~amd64
+609083 amd64
+609083 ppc
+609083 x86
+609083 ~amd64-linux
+609083 ~ppc-macos
+609083 ~x86-linux
+609084 ~amd64
+609086 ppc
+609086 x86
+609086 ~amd64
+609088 ~amd64
+609089 ~amd64
+609090 ~amd64
+609090 ~ppc
+609090 ~x86
+609090 ~x86-fbsd
+609091 ~amd64
+609092 ~amd64
+609093 ~amd64
+609094 ~alpha
+609094 ~amd64-fbsd
+609094 ~amd64-linux
+609094 ~ia64
+609094 ~mips
+609094 ~sparc
+609094 ~x86-fbsd
+609094 ~x86-linux
+609096 amd64
+609096 x86
+609096 ~amd64-linux
+609096 ~ppc
+609096 ~x86-linux
+609097 ~alpha
+609097 ~amd64
+609097 ~amd64-fbsd
+609097 ~amd64-linux
+609097 ~arm
+609097 ~hppa
+609097 ~ia64
+609097 ~ppc
+609097 ~ppc-macos
+609097 ~ppc64
+609097 ~sparc
+609097 ~x86
+609097 ~x86-fbsd
+609097 ~x86-linux
+609098 ~amd64
+609099 ~amd64
+609101 ~amd64
+609102 ~amd64-fbsd
+609102 ~x86-fbsd
+609103 amd64
+609103 x86
+609105 ~amd64
+609106 ~amd64
+609106 ~ppc
+609106 ~x86
+609107 ~amd64
+609108 ~amd64
+609109 ~amd64
+609109 ~ppc
+609109 ~x86
+609109 ~x86-fbsd
+609110 ~amd64
+609110 ~ppc
+609110 ~sparc
+609110 ~x86
+609111 ~amd64
+609112 ~amd64
+609113 ~amd64
+609113 ~ppc
+609113 ~x86
+609114 ~amd64
+609115 ~amd64
+609116 ~amd64
+609118 ~amd64
+609119 x86
+609119 ~amd64
+609119 ~ppc
+609120 ~amd64
+609120 ~x86
+609122 ~amd64
+609124 amd64
+609124 ppc
+609124 x86
+609124 ~x86-fbsd
+609125 ~amd64
+609126 ~amd64
+609126 ~ppc
+609126 ~x86
+609128 amd64
+609128 ppc
+609128 x86
+609128 ~x86-fbsd
+609129 ~amd64
+609130 ~amd64
+609132 ~amd64
+609132 ~ppc
+609132 ~x86
+609132 ~x86-fbsd
+609133 ~amd64
+609134 ~alpha
+609134 ~amd64
+609134 ~amd64-fbsd
+609134 ~amd64-linux
+609134 ~arm
+609134 ~hppa
+609134 ~ia64
+609134 ~ppc
+609134 ~ppc-macos
+609134 ~ppc64
+609134 ~sparc
+609134 ~x86
+609134 ~x86-fbsd
+609134 ~x86-linux
+609136 alpha
+609136 amd64
+609136 ia64
+609136 ppc
+609136 ppc64
+609136 sparc
+609136 x86
+609136 ~amd64-linux
+609136 ~x86-fbsd
+609136 ~x86-linux
+609137 amd64
+609137 ppc
+609137 x86
+609138 ~amd64
+609140 ~amd64
+609140 ~ppc
+609140 ~x86
+609142 amd64
+609142 ppc
+609142 x86
+609144 amd64
+609144 x86
+609144 ~ppc
+609145 amd64
+609145 x86
+609145 ~ppc
+609147 ~amd64
+609148 ~amd64
+609149 ~amd64
+609149 ~ppc
+609149 ~x86
+609149 ~x86-fbsd
+609150 ~amd64
+609151 ~amd64
+609151 ~x86-fbsd
+609152 ~amd64
+609153 amd64
+609153 ppc
+609153 x86
+609153 ~x86-fbsd
+609154 ~amd64
+609154 ~ppc
+609154 ~x86
+609155 ~amd64
+609156 ~amd64
+609157 amd64
+609157 ppc
+609157 x86
+609158 ~amd64
+609159 ~amd64
+609159 ~x86
+609160 ~amd64
+609161 ~amd64
+609161 ~x86
+609162 ~amd64
+609163 ~amd64
+609163 ~ppc
+609163 ~x86
+609164 ~amd64
+609165 ~amd64
+609167 ~amd64
+609168 amd64
+609168 ppc
+609168 x86
+609169 ~amd64
+609169 ~ppc
+609169 ~x86
+609169 ~x86-fbsd
+609170 ~amd64
+609172 ~amd64
+609176 ~amd64
+609177 ~amd64
+609178 ~amd64
+609179 amd64
+609179 ppc
+609179 x86
+609181 ppc
+609181 x86
+609181 ~amd64
+609182 ~amd64
+609183 ~amd64
+609184 amd64
+609184 x86
+609185 ~amd64
+609186 ~amd64
+609186 ~x86
+609186 ~x86-fbsd
+609187 ~amd64
+609187 ~ppc
+609187 ~x86
+609187 ~x86-fbsd
+609188 ~amd64
+609190 ~amd64
+609190 ~x86
+609191 ~amd64
+609192 ~amd64
+609193 alpha
+609193 amd64
+609193 hppa
+609193 ia64
+609193 ppc
+609193 sparc
+609193 x86
+609193 ~x86-fbsd
+609194 ~amd64
+609194 ~x86
+609195 ~amd64
+609195 ~ppc
+609195 ~x86
+609196 ~amd64
+609197 ~amd64
+609197 ~ppc
+609197 ~x86
+609197 ~x86-fbsd
+609199 ~amd64
+609200 amd64
+609200 x86
+609200 ~ppc
+609202 ppc
+609202 x86
+609202 ~amd64
+609203 ~amd64
+609203 ~x86
+609205 ~amd64
+609206 ~amd64
+609207 amd64
+609207 ppc
+609207 x86
+609208 amd64
+609208 x86
+609209 ~amd64
+609209 ~x86
+609209 ~x86-fbsd
+609210 amd64
+609210 x86
+609210 ~ppc
+609211 ppc
+609211 x86
+609211 ~amd64
+609212 ~amd64
+609213 ~amd64
+609215 ppc
+609215 x86
+609215 ~amd64
+609216 amd64
+609216 ppc
+609216 x86
+609217 ~amd64
+609218 amd64
+609218 ppc
+609218 x86
+609218 ~x86-fbsd
+609219 amd64
+609219 ppc
+609219 x86
+609220 ~amd64
+609222 ~amd64
+609224 ~amd64
+609225 ~amd64
+609227 ~amd64
+609228 ~amd64
+609229 ~amd64
+609230 alpha
+609230 amd64
+609230 hppa
+609230 ia64
+609230 ppc
+609230 ppc64
+609230 sparc
+609230 x86
+609230 ~x86-fbsd
+609231 ~amd64
+609234 ~amd64
+609236 ~amd64
+609237 ~amd64
+609237 ~ppc
+609237 ~x86
+609237 ~x86-fbsd
+609238 ~amd64
+609239 ~amd64
+609242 ~amd64
+609243 ~amd64
+609244 ~amd64
+609244 ~ppc
+609244 ~x86
+609245 ~amd64
+609246 ~amd64
+609246 ~ppc
+609246 ~x86
+609247 ~amd64
+609247 ~x86
+609248 ~amd64
+609249 alpha
+609249 amd64
+609249 hppa
+609249 ia64
+609249 ppc
+609249 ppc64
+609249 sparc
+609249 x86
+609249 ~amd64-linux
+609249 ~x86-fbsd
+609249 ~x86-linux
+609250 ~amd64
+609251 ~amd64
+609252 ~alpha
+609252 ~amd64-linux
+609252 ~ia64
+609252 ~ppc
+609252 ~ppc64
+609252 ~sparc
+609252 ~x86-fbsd
+609252 ~x86-linux
+609254 amd64
+609254 ppc
+609254 x86
+609255 amd64
+609255 ppc
+609255 x86
+609255 ~x86-fbsd
+609256 ~amd64
+609257 ~amd64
+609257 ~x86
+609258 ~amd64
+609259 ~amd64
+609260 ~amd64
+609261 ~amd64
+609262 ~amd64
+609262 ~x86
+609264 ~amd64
+609264 ~ppc
+609264 ~x86
+609264 ~x86-fbsd
+609265 ~amd64
+609266 ~alpha
+609266 ~amd64
+609266 ~amd64-linux
+609266 ~ia64
+609266 ~ppc
+609266 ~ppc64
+609266 ~sparc
+609266 ~x86
+609266 ~x86-fbsd
+609266 ~x86-linux
+609267 ~amd64
+609267 ~x86
+609269 ~amd64
+609269 ~ppc
+609269 ~x86
+609270 ~amd64
+609271 ~amd64
+609272 ~amd64
+609273 ~amd64
+609275 ~x86-fbsd
+609276 ~amd64
+609278 ppc
+609278 x86
+609278 ~amd64
+609279 ~amd64
+609279 ~ppc
+609279 ~x86
+609279 ~x86-fbsd
+609280 amd64
+609280 x86
+609280 ~amd64-linux
+609280 ~ppc
+609280 ~x86-linux
+609281 ~amd64
+609282 ~amd64
+609283 amd64
+609283 ppc
+609283 x86
+609283 ~amd64-linux
+609283 ~ppc-macos
+609283 ~x86-linux
+609284 ~amd64
+609286 ~amd64
+609287 ~amd64
+609287 ~x86
+609288 ~amd64
+609289 ~amd64
+609291 ~amd64
+609291 ~x86
+609292 ~alpha
+609292 ~amd64-fbsd
+609292 ~amd64-linux
+609292 ~ia64
+609292 ~mips
+609292 ~sparc
+609292 ~x86-fbsd
+609292 ~x86-linux
+609293 ~amd64
+609295 ~amd64
+609296 ppc
+609296 x86
+609296 ~amd64
+609297 ~amd64
+609298 amd64
+609298 ppc
+609298 x86
+609299 ~amd64
+609299 ~x86-fbsd
+609300 ~amd64
+609301 ~amd64
+609302 ~amd64
+609303 ppc
+609303 x86
+609303 ~amd64
+609305 ~amd64
+609308 amd64
+609308 ppc
+609308 x86
+609308 ~x86-fbsd
+609309 ~amd64
+616615 alpha
+616615 amd64
+616615 arm
+616615 hppa
+616615 ia64
+616615 ppc
+616615 ppc64
+616615 sparc
+616615 x86
+616615 ~amd64-linux
+616615 ~arm64
+616615 ~mips
+616615 ~ppc-macos
+616615 ~sparc64-solaris
+616615 ~x64-freebsd
+616615 ~x64-macos
+616615 ~x64-solaris
+616615 ~x86-fbsd
+616615 ~x86-linux
+616615 ~x86-macos
+616615 ~x86-solaris
+616617 alpha
+616617 amd64
+616617 hppa
+616617 ia64
+616617 ppc
+616617 sparc
+616617 x86
+616617 ~mips
+616618 ~amd64
+616618 ~x86
+616619 ~amd64
+616619 ~x86
+616620 ~amd64
+616621 ~amd64
+616621 ~x86
+616622 ~amd64
+616622 ~arm
+616622 ~arm64
+616622 ~m68k
+616622 ~ppc
+616622 ~ppc64
+616622 ~s390
+616622 ~sh
+616622 ~x86
+616624 alpha
+616624 amd64
+616624 arm
+616624 arm64
+616624 hppa
+616624 ia64
+616624 ppc
+616624 ppc64
+616624 sparc
+616624 x86
+616624 ~amd64-fbsd
+616624 ~amd64-linux
+616624 ~arm-linux
+616624 ~mips
+616624 ~ppc-aix
+616624 ~ppc-macos
+616624 ~s390
+616624 ~sh
+616624 ~sparc-solaris
+616624 ~sparc64-solaris
+616624 ~x64-freebsd
+616624 ~x64-macos
+616624 ~x64-solaris
+616624 ~x86-fbsd
+616624 ~x86-freebsd
+616624 ~x86-linux
+616624 ~x86-macos
+616624 ~x86-solaris
+616625 -*
+616625 ~amd64
+616625 ~amd64-linux
+616625 ~x64-macos
+616625 ~x86
+616625 ~x86-linux
+616626 amd64
+616626 x86
+616627 ~amd64
+616627 ~x86
+616628 amd64
+616628 arm
+616628 hppa
+616628 ppc
+616628 ppc64
+616628 x86
+616628 ~alpha
+616628 ~ia64
+616628 ~sparc
+616630 amd64
+616630 ppc
+616630 x86
+616630 ~arm
+616631 amd64
+616631 arm
+616631 hppa
+616631 ppc
+616631 x86
+616631 ~alpha
+616631 ~ia64
+616631 ~mips
+616631 ~ppc64
+616631 ~s390
+616631 ~sh
+616631 ~sparc
+616632 ~amd64
+616632 ~amd64-linux
+616632 ~ppc
+616632 ~ppc-macos
+616632 ~x86
+616632 ~x86-interix
+616632 ~x86-linux
+616632 ~x86-macos
+616633 amd64
+616633 x86
+616633 ~ppc
+616633 ~sparc
+616634 amd64
+616634 ppc
+616634 x86
+616634 ~amd64-linux
+616634 ~ppc-macos
+616634 ~x86-linux
+616635 amd64
+616635 x86
+616636 ~amd64
+616636 ~x86
+616637 ~amd64
+616638 alpha
+616638 amd64
+616638 hppa
+616638 ppc
+616638 ppc64
+616638 sparc
+616638 x86
+616638 ~ia64
+616639 ~amd64
+616639 ~arm
+616639 ~mips
+616639 ~ppc
+616639 ~ppc64
+616639 ~x86
+616640 alpha
+616640 amd64
+616640 arm
+616640 hppa
+616640 ia64
+616640 m68k
+616640 ppc
+616640 ppc64
+616640 s390
+616640 sh
+616640 sparc
+616640 x86
+616640 ~mips
+616641 ~amd64
+616641 ~x86
+616642 ~amd64
+616642 ~x86
+616643 ~amd64
+616643 ~x86
+616644 ~alpha
+616644 ~amd64
+616644 ~amd64-fbsd
+616644 ~arm
+616644 ~arm-linux
+616644 ~arm64
+616644 ~hppa
+616644 ~ia64
+616644 ~m68k
+616644 ~mips
+616644 ~ppc
+616644 ~ppc-macos
+616644 ~ppc64
+616644 ~s390
+616644 ~sh
+616644 ~sparc
+616644 ~x64-macos
+616644 ~x86
+616644 ~x86-fbsd
+616644 ~x86-linux
+616644 ~x86-macos
+616645 ~amd64
+616645 ~x86
+616646 ~amd64
+616646 ~x86
+616648 amd64
+616648 ~arm
+616648 ~x86
+616651 alpha
+616651 amd64
+616651 hppa
+616651 ppc
+616651 sparc
+616651 x86
+616652 ~amd64
+616652 ~x86
+616653 amd64
+616653 x86
+616654 alpha
+616654 amd64
+616654 ppc
+616654 sparc
+616654 x86
+616654 ~amd64-linux
+616654 ~ppc-macos
+616654 ~x86-interix
+616654 ~x86-linux
+616654 ~x86-macos
+616655 ~amd64
+616655 ~ppc
+616655 ~x86
+616658 -*
+616658 ~amd64
+616658 ~x86
+616659 alpha
+616659 amd64
+616659 arm
+616659 hppa
+616659 ia64
+616659 m68k
+616659 ppc
+616659 ppc64
+616659 s390
+616659 sh
+616659 sparc
+616659 x86
+616659 ~mips
+616660 ~amd64
+616660 ~amd64-linux
+616660 ~ppc
+616660 ~ppc-macos
+616660 ~x86
+616660 ~x86-linux
+616662 ~amd64
+616662 ~x86
+616663 ~amd64
+616663 ~ppc
+616663 ~x86
+616664 amd64
+616664 ppc
+616664 sparc
+616664 x86
+616665 alpha
+616665 amd64
+616665 arm
+616665 hppa
+616665 ppc64
+616665 x86
+616665 ~amd64-fbsd
+616665 ~amd64-linux
+616665 ~arm-linux
+616665 ~arm64
+616665 ~mips
+616665 ~ppc-aix
+616665 ~ppc-macos
+616665 ~s390
+616665 ~sh
+616665 ~sparc-solaris
+616665 ~sparc64-solaris
+616665 ~x64-freebsd
+616665 ~x64-macos
+616665 ~x64-solaris
+616665 ~x86-fbsd
+616665 ~x86-freebsd
+616665 ~x86-linux
+616665 ~x86-macos
+616665 ~x86-solaris
+616666 ~amd64
+616666 ~x86
+616667 ~amd64
+616667 ~ppc
+616667 ~ppc-macos
+616667 ~x86
+616667 ~x86-linux
+616668 ~amd64
+616668 ~x86
+616669 amd64
+616669 ppc
+616669 x86
+616669 ~amd64-linux
+616669 ~ppc-macos
+616669 ~x86-interix
+616669 ~x86-linux
+616670 -*
+616670 ~amd64
+616670 ~amd64-linux
+616670 ~x64-macos
+616670 ~x86
+616670 ~x86-linux
+616671 ~amd64
+616671 ~x86
+616672 ~amd64
+616672 ~x86
+616673 ~amd64
+616674 ~alpha
+616674 ~amd64
+616674 ~arm
+616674 ~ia64
+616674 ~ppc
+616674 ~ppc64
+616674 ~sparc
+616674 ~x86
+616675 ~amd64
+616675 ~x86
+616676 ~amd64
+616677 ~amd64
+616678 ~amd64
+616678 ~x86
+616679 ~amd64
+616679 ~ppc
+616679 ~x86
+616680 amd64
+616680 ppc
+616680 x86
+616680 ~ppc-macos
+616681 alpha
+616681 amd64
+616681 arm
+616681 ppc64
+616681 x86
+616681 ~amd64-fbsd
+616681 ~amd64-linux
+616681 ~arm-linux
+616681 ~arm64
+616681 ~mips
+616681 ~sh
+616681 ~sparc-solaris
+616681 ~x86-fbsd
+616681 ~x86-linux
+616681 ~x86-solaris
+616682 ~amd64
+616682 ~x86
+616683 ~amd64
+616683 ~ppc
+616683 ~x86
+616685 amd64
+616685 ppc
+616685 x86
+616685 ~amd64-linux
+616685 ~ppc-macos
+616685 ~x86-interix
+616685 ~x86-linux
+616685 ~x86-macos
+616686 ~amd64
+616686 ~amd64-linux
+616686 ~arm
+616686 ~mips
+616686 ~ppc
+616686 ~ppc-macos
+616686 ~ppc64
+616686 ~x86
+616686 ~x86-linux
+616687 ~amd64
+616687 ~x86
+616688 ~alpha
+616688 ~amd64
+616688 ~amd64-fbsd
+616688 ~amd64-linux
+616688 ~arm
+616688 ~arm-linux
+616688 ~arm64
+616688 ~hppa
+616688 ~ia64
+616688 ~mips
+616688 ~ppc
+616688 ~ppc-aix
+616688 ~ppc-macos
+616688 ~ppc64
+616688 ~s390
+616688 ~sh
+616688 ~sparc
+616688 ~sparc-solaris
+616688 ~sparc64-solaris
+616688 ~x64-freebsd
+616688 ~x64-macos
+616688 ~x64-solaris
+616688 ~x86
+616688 ~x86-fbsd
+616688 ~x86-freebsd
+616688 ~x86-linux
+616688 ~x86-macos
+616688 ~x86-solaris
+616689 amd64
+616689 ppc
+616689 sparc
+616689 x86
+616690 ~amd64
+616690 ~x86
+616691 amd64
+616691 x86
+616691 ~alpha
+616691 ~arm
+616691 ~ia64
+616691 ~ppc
+616691 ~ppc64
+616691 ~sparc
+616691 ~x86-fbsd
+616692 amd64
+616692 arm
+616692 ppc
+616692 ppc64
+616692 x86
+616692 ~alpha
+616692 ~hppa
+616692 ~ia64
+616692 ~sparc
+616693 ~amd64
+616693 ~x86
+616694 -*
+616694 ~amd64
+616694 ~x86
+616695 ~amd64
+616695 ~x86
+616696 amd64
+616696 arm
+616696 arm64
+616696 x86
+616696 ~m68k
+616696 ~ppc
+616696 ~ppc64
+616696 ~s390
+616696 ~sh
+616697 ~amd64
+616698 amd64
+616698 ppc
+616698 sparc
+616698 x86
+616698 ~x86-macos
+616699 ~amd64
+616699 ~ppc
+616699 ~x86
+616700 amd64
+616700 ~x86
+616701 ~amd64
+616701 ~arm
+616701 ~x86
+616702 ~amd64
+616703 ~amd64
+616703 ~amd64-linux
+616703 ~arm
+616703 ~ppc
+616703 ~ppc-macos
+616703 ~ppc64
+616703 ~sparc
+616703 ~sparc-solaris
+616703 ~x86
+616703 ~x86-interix
+616703 ~x86-linux
+616705 ~amd64
+616706 ~amd64
+616706 ~x86
+616707 ~x86
+616708 ~amd64
+616708 ~x86
+616709 ~amd64
+616710 ~amd64
+616710 ~x86
+616711 ~amd64
+616711 ~x86
+616713 amd64
+616713 ppc
+616713 x86
+616713 ~amd64-linux
+616713 ~arm
+616713 ~mips
+616713 ~ppc-macos
+616713 ~ppc64
+616713 ~x86-linux
+616714 ~amd64
+616714 ~x86
+616715 ~amd64
+616716 ~amd64
+616716 ~x86
+616717 amd64
+616717 x86
+616719 ~amd64
+616719 ~x86
+616720 ~amd64
+616720 ~ppc
+616720 ~x86
+616721 ~amd64
+616723 amd64
+616723 ppc
+616723 x86
+616724 ~amd64
+616724 ~x86
+616725 ~amd64
+616725 ~x86
+616726 ~alpha
+616726 ~amd64
+616726 ~amd64-fbsd
+616726 ~arm
+616726 ~arm-linux
+616726 ~hppa
+616726 ~ia64
+616726 ~m68k
+616726 ~mips
+616726 ~ppc
+616726 ~ppc-macos
+616726 ~ppc64
+616726 ~s390
+616726 ~sh
+616726 ~sparc
+616726 ~x64-macos
+616726 ~x86
+616726 ~x86-fbsd
+616726 ~x86-linux
+616726 ~x86-macos
+616727 ~alpha
+616727 ~amd64
+616727 ~amd64-fbsd
+616727 ~arm
+616727 ~arm-linux
+616727 ~arm64
+616727 ~hppa
+616727 ~ia64
+616727 ~m68k
+616727 ~mips
+616727 ~ppc
+616727 ~ppc-macos
+616727 ~ppc64
+616727 ~s390
+616727 ~sh
+616727 ~sparc
+616727 ~x64-macos
+616727 ~x86
+616727 ~x86-fbsd
+616727 ~x86-linux
+616727 ~x86-macos
+616728 amd64
+616728 x86
+616729 ~amd64
+616729 ~ppc
+616729 ~ppc64
+616729 ~x86
+616730 amd64
+616730 ppc
+616730 x86
+616731 ~amd64
+616731 ~ppc
+616731 ~x86
+616732 ~amd64
+616732 ~x86
+616733 -*
+616733 ~amd64
+616733 ~ppc
+616733 ~x86
+616734 ~amd64
+616735 ~amd64
+616735 ~x86
+616736 ~amd64
+616736 ~x86
+616737 alpha
+616737 amd64
+616737 arm
+616737 hppa
+616737 ia64
+616737 ppc
+616737 ppc64
+616737 sparc
+616737 x86
+616737 ~amd64-fbsd
+616737 ~amd64-linux
+616737 ~arm-linux
+616737 ~arm64
+616737 ~mips
+616737 ~ppc-aix
+616737 ~ppc-macos
+616737 ~s390
+616737 ~sh
+616737 ~sparc-solaris
+616737 ~sparc64-solaris
+616737 ~x64-freebsd
+616737 ~x64-macos
+616737 ~x64-solaris
+616737 ~x86-fbsd
+616737 ~x86-freebsd
+616737 ~x86-interix
+616737 ~x86-linux
+616737 ~x86-macos
+616737 ~x86-solaris
+616738 ~amd64
+616738 ~x86
+616739 ~amd64
+616740 amd64
+616740 ia64
+616740 ppc
+616740 x86
+616740 ~amd64-linux
+616740 ~ppc-macos
+616740 ~sparc-solaris
+616740 ~x86-interix
+616740 ~x86-linux
+616740 ~x86-solaris
+616741 ~amd64
+616741 ~ppc
+616741 ~x86
+616742 alpha
+616742 amd64
+616742 arm
+616742 hppa
+616742 ppc
+616742 ppc64
+616742 sparc
+616742 x86
+616742 ~amd64-linux
+616742 ~mips
+616742 ~ppc-macos
+616742 ~x86-fbsd
+616742 ~x86-interix
+616742 ~x86-linux
+616743 amd64
+616743 x86
+616744 ~amd64
+616745 ~alpha
+616745 ~amd64
+616745 ~amd64-fbsd
+616745 ~amd64-linux
+616745 ~arm
+616745 ~arm-linux
+616745 ~arm64
+616745 ~hppa
+616745 ~ia64
+616745 ~mips
+616745 ~ppc
+616745 ~ppc-aix
+616745 ~ppc-macos
+616745 ~ppc64
+616745 ~s390
+616745 ~sh
+616745 ~sparc
+616745 ~sparc-solaris
+616745 ~sparc64-solaris
+616745 ~x64-freebsd
+616745 ~x64-macos
+616745 ~x64-solaris
+616745 ~x86
+616745 ~x86-fbsd
+616745 ~x86-freebsd
+616745 ~x86-interix
+616745 ~x86-linux
+616745 ~x86-macos
+616745 ~x86-solaris
+616747 ~amd64
+616747 ~ppc
+616747 ~x86
+616748 alpha
+616748 amd64
+616748 ppc
+616748 ppc64
+616748 sparc
+616748 x86
+616749 ~alpha
+616749 ~amd64
+616749 ~amd64-linux
+616749 ~arm
+616749 ~hppa
+616749 ~mips
+616749 ~ppc
+616749 ~ppc-macos
+616749 ~ppc64
+616749 ~sparc
+616749 ~x86
+616749 ~x86-fbsd
+616749 ~x86-interix
+616749 ~x86-linux
+616750 alpha
+616750 amd64
+616750 hppa
+616750 ppc
+616750 ppc64
+616750 sparc
+616750 x86
+616750 ~amd64-fbsd
+616750 ~amd64-linux
+616750 ~arm
+616750 ~arm64
+616750 ~ia64
+616750 ~ppc-macos
+616750 ~sparc-solaris
+616750 ~x86-fbsd
+616750 ~x86-linux
+616751 ~amd64
+616752 ~amd64
+616752 ~x86
+616753 alpha
+616753 amd64
+616753 arm
+616753 hppa
+616753 ia64
+616753 ppc
+616753 ppc64
+616753 sparc
+616753 x86
+616753 ~amd64-fbsd
+616753 ~arm64
+616753 ~mips
+616753 ~s390
+616753 ~sh
+616756 alpha
+616756 amd64
+616756 arm
+616756 hppa
+616756 ia64
+616756 ppc
+616756 ppc64
+616756 sparc
+616756 x86
+616756 ~amd64-linux
+616756 ~mips
+616756 ~s390
+616756 ~sh
+616756 ~x86-fbsd
+616756 ~x86-freebsd
+616756 ~x86-linux
+616756 ~x86-macos
+616757 amd64
+616757 x86
+616758 -*
+616758 ~amd64
+616758 ~x86
+616759 amd64
+616759 x86
+616760 ~amd64
+616760 ~x86
+616762 ~amd64
+616762 ~x86
+616764 ~amd64
+616765 ~amd64
+616766 amd64
+616766 arm
+616766 ppc
+616766 ppc64
+616766 sparc
+616766 x86
+616766 ~amd64-linux
+616766 ~ppc-macos
+616766 ~sparc-solaris
+616766 ~x86-interix
+616766 ~x86-linux
+616767 ~amd64
+616767 ~ppc
+616767 ~x86
+616768 ~amd64
+616770 amd64
+616770 hppa
+616770 x86
+616770 ~x86-fbsd
+616772 ppc
+616772 ~amd64
+616772 ~ppc-macos
+616772 ~x86
+616772 ~x86-linux
+616773 amd64
+616773 arm64
+616773 x86
+616773 ~arm
+616773 ~m68k
+616773 ~s390
+616773 ~sh
+616774 ~amd64
+616775 ~amd64
+616775 ~x86
+616776 ~amd64
+616776 ~ppc
+616776 ~x86
+616777 ~amd64
+616777 ~arm
+616777 ~ppc
+616777 ~sparc
+616777 ~x86
+616779 amd64
+616779 arm
+616779 x86
+616779 ~alpha
+616779 ~hppa
+616779 ~ia64
+616779 ~m68k
+616779 ~mips
+616779 ~ppc
+616779 ~ppc64
+616779 ~s390
+616779 ~sh
+616779 ~sparc
+616779 ~x86-linux
+616780 ~amd64
+616780 ~x86
+616781 amd64
+616781 ppc
+616781 x86
+616782 alpha
+616782 amd64
+616782 arm
+616782 arm64
+616782 hppa
+616782 ia64
+616782 m68k
+616782 ppc
+616782 ppc64
+616782 s390
+616782 sh
+616782 sparc
+616782 x86
+616782 ~amd64-fbsd
+616782 ~amd64-linux
+616782 ~mips
+616782 ~ppc-aix
+616782 ~ppc-macos
+616782 ~sparc-fbsd
+616782 ~sparc-solaris
+616782 ~sparc64-solaris
+616782 ~x64-freebsd
+616782 ~x64-macos
+616782 ~x64-solaris
+616782 ~x86-fbsd
+616782 ~x86-freebsd
+616782 ~x86-interix
+616782 ~x86-linux
+616782 ~x86-macos
+616782 ~x86-solaris
+616784 alpha
+616784 amd64
+616784 arm
+616784 hppa
+616784 ia64
+616784 ppc
+616784 ppc64
+616784 sparc
+616784 x86
+616784 ~amd64-fbsd
+616784 ~arm-linux
+616784 ~m68k
+616784 ~mips
+616784 ~ppc-macos
+616784 ~s390
+616784 ~sh
+616784 ~x64-macos
+616784 ~x86-fbsd
+616784 ~x86-linux
+616784 ~x86-macos
+616786 ~amd64
+616787 ~amd64
+616787 ~x86
+616788 ~amd64
+616788 ~x86
+616791 amd64
+616791 ppc
+616791 x86
+616791 ~amd64-linux
+616791 ~ppc-macos
+616791 ~x86-linux
+616791 ~x86-macos
+616792 ~alpha
+616792 ~amd64
+616792 ~ppc
+616792 ~ppc64
+616792 ~sparc
+616792 ~x86
+616793 ~amd64
+616794 amd64
+616794 x86
+616795 ~amd64
+616795 ~ppc
+616795 ~x86
+616796 ~amd64
+616796 ~x86
+616797 ~amd64
+616797 ~ppc
+616797 ~x86
+616798 ~amd64
+616798 ~x86
+616799 amd64
+616799 x86
+616800 ~amd64
+616800 ~x86
+616801 ~amd64
+616801 ~x86
+616803 ~amd64
+616803 ~x86
+616804 alpha
+616804 amd64
+616804 arm
+616804 hppa
+616804 ppc64
+616804 x86
+616804 ~amd64-fbsd
+616804 ~amd64-linux
+616804 ~arm-linux
+616804 ~arm64
+616804 ~mips
+616804 ~ppc-aix
+616804 ~ppc-macos
+616804 ~s390
+616804 ~sh
+616804 ~sparc-solaris
+616804 ~sparc64-solaris
+616804 ~x64-freebsd
+616804 ~x64-macos
+616804 ~x64-solaris
+616804 ~x86-fbsd
+616804 ~x86-freebsd
+616804 ~x86-interix
+616804 ~x86-linux
+616804 ~x86-macos
+616804 ~x86-solaris
+616805 -*
+616805 ~amd64
+616805 ~amd64-linux
+616805 ~x64-macos
+616805 ~x86
+616805 ~x86-linux
+616806 ~amd64
+616806 ~x86
+616807 ~amd64
+616807 ~arm
+616807 ~x86
+616808 amd64
+616808 x86
+616809 ~amd64
+616809 ~x86
+616810 ~amd64
+616810 ~x86
+616811 ~amd64
+616811 ~x86
+616812 ~amd64
+616813 amd64
+616813 arm
+616813 hppa
+616813 ppc
+616813 x86
+616813 ~alpha
+616813 ~ia64
+616813 ~mips
+616813 ~ppc64
+616813 ~s390
+616813 ~sh
+616813 ~sparc
+616814 ~amd64
+616814 ~x86
+616815 ~amd64
+616815 ~x86
+616816 ~amd64
+616816 ~arm
+616816 ~x86
+616817 ~alpha
+616817 ~amd64
+616817 ~amd64-fbsd
+616817 ~amd64-linux
+616817 ~arm
+616817 ~arm-linux
+616817 ~arm64
+616817 ~hppa
+616817 ~ia64
+616817 ~mips
+616817 ~ppc
+616817 ~ppc-aix
+616817 ~ppc-macos
+616817 ~ppc64
+616817 ~s390
+616817 ~sh
+616817 ~sparc
+616817 ~sparc-solaris
+616817 ~sparc64-solaris
+616817 ~x64-freebsd
+616817 ~x64-macos
+616817 ~x64-solaris
+616817 ~x86
+616817 ~x86-fbsd
+616817 ~x86-freebsd
+616817 ~x86-linux
+616817 ~x86-macos
+616817 ~x86-solaris
+616818 ~amd64
+616819 ~amd64
+616820 alpha
+616820 amd64
+616820 arm
+616820 arm64
+616820 hppa
+616820 ia64
+616820 ppc
+616820 ppc64
+616820 sparc
+616820 x86
+616820 ~amd64-fbsd
+616820 ~amd64-linux
+616820 ~m68k
+616820 ~mips
+616820 ~ppc-macos
+616820 ~s390
+616820 ~sh
+616820 ~sparc-fbsd
+616820 ~x86-fbsd
+616820 ~x86-freebsd
+616820 ~x86-interix
+616820 ~x86-linux
+616821 ~amd64
+616821 ~x86
+616823 amd64
+616823 ppc
+616823 x86
+616824 ~amd64
+616824 ~x86
+616825 amd64
+616825 arm
+616825 ppc
+616825 ppc64
+616825 sparc
+616825 x86
+616825 ~mips
+627955 ~amd64
+628101 amd64
+628101 arm
+628101 ppc
+628101 ppc64
+628101 sh
+628101 sparc
+628101 x86
+628101 ~alpha
+628101 ~amd64-linux
+628101 ~mips
+628101 ~ppc-macos
+628101 ~x64-macos
+628101 ~x86-interix
+628101 ~x86-linux
+628102 amd64
+628102 hppa
+628102 ppc
+628102 x86
+628103 ~amd64
+628103 ~x86
+628104 amd64
+628104 x86
+628105 ~amd64
+628106 amd64
+628106 hppa
+628106 ppc
+628106 x86
+628106 ~sparc
+628107 ~amd64
+628107 ~ppc
+628107 ~x86
+628108 ~amd64
+628108 ~x86
+628109 amd64
+628109 ppc
+628109 sparc
+628109 x86
+628109 ~amd64-linux
+628110 ~amd64
+628110 ~x86
+628113 ~amd64
+628113 ~ppc
+628113 ~x86
+628114 ~amd64
+628114 ~x86
+628115 ~amd64
+628115 ~amd64-linux
+628115 ~ppc
+628115 ~sparc
+628115 ~x64-macos
+628115 ~x86
+628115 ~x86-linux
+628115 ~x86-macos
+628116 amd64
+628116 ppc
+628116 x86
+628116 ~amd64-linux
+628116 ~sparc
+628116 ~x64-macos
+628116 ~x86-linux
+628116 ~x86-macos
+628117 ~amd64
+628117 ~ppc
+628117 ~x86
+628118 ~amd64
+628118 ~x86
+628119 ~amd64
+628119 ~x86
+628120 amd64
+628120 x86
+628121 amd64
+628121 x86
+628122 ~amd64
+628122 ~x86
+628125 ~amd64
+628125 ~x86
+628126 ~amd64
+628126 ~x86
+628127 ~amd64
+628127 ~amd64-linux
+628127 ~ppc
+628127 ~sparc
+628127 ~x86
+628128 ~amd64
+628128 ~ppc
+628128 ~x86
+628129 ~amd64
+628129 ~ppc
+628129 ~x86
+628130 amd64
+628130 x86
+628131 ~amd64
+628132 ~amd64
+628132 ~x86
+628134 amd64
+628134 ppc
+628134 sparc
+628134 x86
+628135 ~amd64
+628135 ~x86
+628136 amd64
+628136 x86
+628136 ~ppc-macos
+628136 ~x86-macos
+628137 amd64
+628137 x86
+628138 ~amd64
+628138 ~amd64-linux
+628138 ~ppc
+628138 ~sparc
+628138 ~x86
+628139 ~amd64
+628139 ~x86
+628140 ~amd64
+628140 ~x86
+628141 ~amd64
+628141 ~amd64-linux
+628141 ~ppc
+628141 ~sparc
+628141 ~x86
+628142 amd64
+628142 ppc64
+628142 ~ppc
+628142 ~sparc
+628142 ~x86
+628143 alpha
+628143 amd64
+628143 arm
+628143 ppc
+628143 ppc64
+628143 sparc
+628143 x86
+628143 ~amd64-linux
+628143 ~mips
+628143 ~ppc-macos
+628143 ~sh
+628143 ~x64-macos
+628143 ~x86-interix
+628143 ~x86-linux
+628144 ~amd64
+628144 ~amd64-linux
+628144 ~ppc
+628144 ~sparc
+628144 ~x86
+628145 ~amd64
+628145 ~x86
+628148 ~amd64
+628148 ~ppc
+628148 ~sparc
+628148 ~x86
+628149 ~amd64
+628149 ~ppc
+628149 ~ppc64
+628149 ~sparc
+628149 ~x86
+628150 ~amd64
+628151 amd64
+628151 x86
+628152 ~amd64
+628152 ~x86
+628153 amd64
+628153 x86
+628154 ~amd64
+628154 ~hppa
+628154 ~ppc
+628154 ~x86
+628155 ~amd64
+628156 amd64
+628156 x86
+628157 amd64
+628157 x86
+628158 ~amd64
+628158 ~ppc
+628158 ~sparc
+628158 ~x86
+628159 ppc
+628159 x86
+628160 amd64
+628160 x86
+628162 ~amd64
+628162 ~amd64-linux
+628162 ~ppc
+628162 ~sparc
+628162 ~x64-macos
+628162 ~x86
+628162 ~x86-linux
+628162 ~x86-macos
+628163 ~amd64
+628163 ~x86
+628164 x86
+628164 ~amd64
+628164 ~ppc
+628165 ~amd64
+628165 ~x86
+628166 amd64
+628166 x86
+628168 ~amd64
+628168 ~amd64-linux
+628168 ~ppc
+628168 ~sparc
+628168 ~x86
+628169 amd64
+628169 x86
+628170 ~amd64
+628170 ~x86
+628171 ~amd64
+628171 ~x86
+628172 ~amd64
+628172 ~x86
+628173 ~amd64
+628173 ~ppc
+628173 ~ppc64
+628173 ~sparc
+628173 ~x86
+628174 amd64
+628174 ppc
+628174 sparc
+628174 x86
+628175 alpha
+628175 amd64
+628175 ppc
+628175 ppc64
+628175 sparc
+628175 x86
+628176 amd64
+628176 ppc
+628176 sparc
+628176 x86
+628177 ~amd64
+628177 ~x86
+628178 amd64
+628178 ppc
+628178 x86
+628179 amd64
+628179 x86
+628180 ~amd64
+628180 ~x86
+628181 amd64
+628181 x86
+628182 ~amd64
+628182 ~x86
+628183 amd64
+628183 ppc
+628183 ppc64
+628183 x86
+628183 ~sparc
+628184 amd64
+628184 x86
+628185 ~amd64
+628185 ~x86
+628188 ~amd64
+628188 ~x86
+628189 amd64
+628189 hppa
+628189 ppc
+628189 x86
+628190 amd64
+628190 ppc
+628190 x86
+628191 ~amd64
+628191 ~x86
+628192 ~amd64
+628193 ~amd64
+628193 ~x86
+628194 amd64
+628194 ppc
+628194 x86
+628194 ~amd64-linux
+628194 ~sparc
+628194 ~x64-macos
+628194 ~x86-linux
+628194 ~x86-macos
+628195 ~amd64
+628195 ~amd64-linux
+628195 ~ppc
+628195 ~sparc
+628195 ~x86
+628196 amd64
+628196 arm
+628196 ppc
+628196 ppc64
+628196 sh
+628196 sparc
+628196 x86
+628196 ~amd64-linux
+628196 ~ppc-macos
+628196 ~x86-interix
+628196 ~x86-linux
+628197 ~amd64
+628197 ~x86
+628198 ~amd64
+628198 ~x86
+628199 ~amd64
+628199 ~x86
+628200 ~amd64
+628200 ~ppc
+628200 ~sparc
+628200 ~x86
+628201 ~amd64
+628201 ~x86-fbsd
+628202 ~amd64
+628202 ~x86
+628355 ~amd64
+628355 ~x86
+628358 x86
+628358 ~amd64
+628359 alpha
+628359 amd64
+628359 arm
+628359 hppa
+628359 ia64
+628359 ppc
+628359 ppc64
+628359 sparc
+628359 x86
+628359 ~mips
+628359 ~x86-fbsd
+628360 amd64
+628360 ppc
+628360 x86
+628361 amd64
+628361 hppa
+628361 ppc
+628361 x86
+628361 ~alpha
+628361 ~sparc
+628362 amd64
+628362 x86
+628363 ~amd64
+628363 ~x86
+628364 ~amd64
+628364 ~x86
+628365 ~alpha
+628365 ~amd64
+628365 ~hppa
+628365 ~ppc
+628365 ~sparc
+628365 ~x86
+628366 ~amd64
+628366 ~x86
+628367 ~alpha
+628367 ~amd64
+628367 ~arm
+628367 ~hppa
+628367 ~ia64
+628367 ~ppc
+628367 ~ppc64
+628367 ~s390
+628367 ~x86
+628368 amd64
+628368 x86
+628369 ~amd64
+628369 ~arm
+628369 ~ppc
+628369 ~sh
+628369 ~x86
+628370 ~amd64
+628370 ~x86
+628371 ~amd64
+628371 ~x86
+628372 ~amd64
+628372 ~mips
+628372 ~x86
+628373 ~amd64
+628373 ~ppc
+628373 ~x86
+628374 ~amd64
+628374 ~x86
+628375 ~amd64
+628375 ~mips
+628375 ~x86
+628376 alpha
+628376 amd64
+628376 arm
+628376 ppc
+628376 ppc64
+628376 sparc
+628376 x86
+628376 ~x86-fbsd
+628377 alpha
+628377 amd64
+628377 ia64
+628377 ppc
+628377 sparc
+628377 x86
+628377 ~arm
+628378 amd64
+628378 arm
+628378 hppa
+628378 ia64
+628378 ppc
+628378 ppc64
+628378 x86
+628378 ~alpha
+628378 ~amd64-fbsd
+628378 ~m68k
+628378 ~mips
+628378 ~s390
+628378 ~sh
+628378 ~sparc
+628378 ~x86-fbsd
+628379 ~amd64
+628379 ~x86
+628380 amd64
+628380 ppc
+628380 ppc64
+628380 sparc
+628380 x86
+628381 ~alpha
+628381 ~amd64
+628381 ~arm
+628381 ~hppa
+628381 ~ia64
+628381 ~mips
+628381 ~ppc
+628381 ~ppc64
+628381 ~sparc
+628381 ~x86
+628381 ~x86-fbsd
+628382 ~alpha
+628382 ~amd64
+628382 ~arm
+628382 ~ppc
+628382 ~ppc64
+628382 ~sparc
+628382 ~x86
+628382 ~x86-fbsd
+628383 amd64
+628383 x86
+628383 ~arm
+628384 ~amd64
+628384 ~x86
+628385 alpha
+628385 amd64
+628385 arm
+628385 ppc
+628385 ppc64
+628385 sparc
+628385 x86
+628385 ~x86-fbsd
+628386 ~amd64
+628386 ~arm
+628386 ~x86
+628388 alpha
+628388 amd64
+628388 arm
+628388 hppa
+628388 ia64
+628388 ppc
+628388 ppc64
+628388 s390
+628388 x86
+628389 amd64
+628389 ppc
+628389 ppc64
+628389 x86
+628389 ~sparc
+628390 ~amd64
+628390 ~x86
+628392 ~amd64
+628392 ~mips
+628392 ~x86
+628394 alpha
+628394 amd64
+628394 hppa
+628394 ppc
+628394 sparc
+628394 x86
+628395 amd64
+628395 ppc
+628395 x86
+628396 ~amd64
+628396 ~x86
+628397 ~amd64
+628397 ~ppc
+628397 ~x86
+628398 ~x86
+628399 amd64
+628399 x86
+628400 ~amd64
+628400 ~x86
+628401 amd64
+628401 ppc
+628401 ppc64
+628401 x86
+628401 ~sparc
+628402 alpha
+628402 amd64
+628402 arm
+628402 hppa
+628402 ia64
+628402 ppc
+628402 ppc64
+628402 s390
+628402 sh
+628402 sparc
+628402 x86
+628402 ~m68k
+628402 ~mips
+628402 ~x86-fbsd
+628403 ~amd64
+628403 ~ppc
+628403 ~sparc
+628403 ~x86
+628406 amd64
+628406 sparc
+628406 x86
+628407 ppc
+628407 x86
+628407 ~amd64
+628408 amd64
+628408 x86
+628409 amd64
+628409 ppc
+628409 x86
+628410 ~amd64
+628410 ~arm
+628410 ~x86
+628412 amd64
+628413 ~alpha
+628413 ~amd64
+628413 ~amd64-fbsd
+628413 ~arm
+628413 ~hppa
+628413 ~ia64
+628413 ~m68k
+628413 ~mips
+628413 ~ppc
+628413 ~ppc64
+628413 ~s390
+628413 ~sh
+628413 ~sparc
+628413 ~x86
+628413 ~x86-fbsd
+628414 ~amd64
+628414 ~sparc
+628414 ~x86
+628415 amd64
+628415 x86
+628416 amd64
+628416 x86
+628417 ~amd64
+628417 ~x86
+628418 amd64
+628418 x86
+628418 ~ppc
+628419 amd64
+628419 ppc
+628419 ppc64
+628419 sparc
+628419 x86
+628419 ~arm
+628420 amd64
+628420 x86
+628919 -alpha
+628919 -ia64
+628919 amd64
+628919 ppc
+628919 sparc
+628919 x86
+628920 -alpha
+628920 -ia64
+628920 amd64
+628920 x86
+628920 ~ppc
+628920 ~sparc
+628921 amd64
+628921 x86
+628922 ~amd64
+628922 ~amd64-linux
+628922 ~x86
+628922 ~x86-linux
+628923 ~alpha
+628923 ~amd64
+628923 ~amd64-fbsd
+628923 ~amd64-linux
+628923 ~arm
+628923 ~arm-linux
+628923 ~hppa
+628923 ~ia64
+628923 ~m68k-mint
+628923 ~mips
+628923 ~ppc
+628923 ~ppc-macos
+628923 ~ppc64
+628923 ~s390
+628923 ~sh
+628923 ~sparc
+628923 ~sparc-solaris
+628923 ~x64-macos
+628923 ~x86
+628923 ~x86-fbsd
+628923 ~x86-interix
+628923 ~x86-linux
+628923 ~x86-macos
+628925 ~amd64
+628925 ~arm
+628925 ~x86
+628927 ~alpha
+628927 ~amd64
+628927 ~arm
+628927 ~arm64
+628927 ~hppa
+628927 ~ia64
+628927 ~m68k
+628927 ~mips
+628927 ~ppc
+628927 ~ppc64
+628927 ~s390
+628927 ~sh
+628927 ~sparc
+628927 ~x86
+628929 ~amd64
+628929 ~x86
+628931 ~alpha
+628931 ~amd64
+628931 ~amd64-fbsd
+628931 ~amd64-linux
+628931 ~arm
+628931 ~arm-linux
+628931 ~hppa
+628931 ~ia64
+628931 ~mips
+628931 ~ppc
+628931 ~ppc-aix
+628931 ~ppc-macos
+628931 ~ppc64
+628931 ~sparc
+628931 ~sparc-solaris
+628931 ~sparc64-solaris
+628931 ~x64-freebsd
+628931 ~x64-macos
+628931 ~x64-solaris
+628931 ~x86
+628931 ~x86-fbsd
+628931 ~x86-interix
+628931 ~x86-linux
+628931 ~x86-macos
+628931 ~x86-solaris
+628932 ~amd64
+628932 ~x86
+628933 amd64
+628933 x86
+628933 ~amd64-linux
+628933 ~x86-linux
+628936 ~amd64
+628936 ~x86
+628937 ~amd64
+628937 ~arm
+628937 ~x86
+628938 alpha
+628938 amd64
+628938 arm
+628938 hppa
+628938 ia64
+628938 ppc
+628938 ppc64
+628938 sparc
+628938 x86
+628938 ~amd64-fbsd
+628938 ~amd64-linux
+628938 ~arm-linux
+628938 ~mips
+628938 ~ppc-aix
+628938 ~ppc-macos
+628938 ~sparc-solaris
+628938 ~sparc64-solaris
+628938 ~x64-freebsd
+628938 ~x64-macos
+628938 ~x64-solaris
+628938 ~x86-fbsd
+628938 ~x86-interix
+628938 ~x86-linux
+628938 ~x86-macos
+628938 ~x86-solaris
+628939 ~amd64
+628939 ~x86
+628941 ~amd64
+628941 ~amd64-linux
+628941 ~x86
+628944 ~amd64
+628944 ~arm
+628945 ~amd64
+628945 ~x86
+628947 ~amd64
+628947 ~x86
+628949 amd64
+628949 ppc
+628949 x86
+628949 ~amd64-linux
+628949 ~ppc-macos
+628949 ~x86-linux
+628951 ~alpha
+628951 ~amd64
+628951 ~amd64-linux
+628951 ~arm
+628951 ~arm64
+628951 ~hppa
+628951 ~ia64
+628951 ~m68k
+628951 ~m68k-mint
+628951 ~mips
+628951 ~ppc
+628951 ~ppc-aix
+628951 ~ppc-macos
+628951 ~ppc64
+628951 ~s390
+628951 ~sh
+628951 ~sparc
+628951 ~sparc-fbsd
+628951 ~sparc-solaris
+628951 ~sparc64-solaris
+628951 ~x64-solaris
+628951 ~x86
+628951 ~x86-fbsd
+628951 ~x86-linux
+628951 ~x86-macos
+628951 ~x86-solaris
+628952 ~amd64
+628952 ~x86
+628954 amd64
+628954 x86
+628955 ~amd64
+628955 ~amd64-linux
+628955 ~x86
+628956 ~amd64
+628956 ~x86
+628957 ~amd64
+628957 ~x86
+628959 ~amd64
+628959 ~x86
+628960 alpha
+628960 amd64
+628960 ia64
+628960 ppc
+628960 x86
+628961 amd64
+628961 x86
+628962 ~amd64
+628962 ~x86
+628963 alpha
+628963 amd64
+628963 arm
+628963 hppa
+628963 ia64
+628963 ppc
+628963 ppc64
+628963 sparc
+628963 x86
+628963 ~amd64-fbsd
+628963 ~amd64-linux
+628963 ~arm-linux
+628963 ~arm64
+628963 ~m68k
+628963 ~m68k-mint
+628963 ~mips
+628963 ~ppc-aix
+628963 ~ppc-macos
+628963 ~s390
+628963 ~sh
+628963 ~sparc-fbsd
+628963 ~sparc-solaris
+628963 ~sparc64-solaris
+628963 ~x64-solaris
+628963 ~x86-fbsd
+628963 ~x86-linux
+628963 ~x86-macos
+628963 ~x86-solaris
+628964 ~amd64
+628964 ~x86
+628965 ~amd64
+628965 ~arm
+628966 ~amd64
+628966 ~amd64-linux
+628966 ~x86
+628968 ~amd64
+628968 ~amd64-linux
+628968 ~x86
+628968 ~x86-linux
+628970 alpha
+628970 amd64
+628970 arm
+628970 hppa
+628970 ia64
+628970 ppc
+628970 ppc64
+628970 sparc
+628970 x86
+628970 ~amd64-fbsd
+628970 ~amd64-linux
+628970 ~arm-linux
+628970 ~mips
+628970 ~ppc-macos
+628970 ~s390
+628970 ~sh
+628970 ~sparc-solaris
+628970 ~x64-macos
+628970 ~x86-fbsd
+628970 ~x86-interix
+628970 ~x86-linux
+628970 ~x86-macos
+628971 ~amd64
+628971 ~amd64-linux
+628971 ~x86
+628973 ~amd64
+628973 ~x86
+628974 amd64
+628974 x86
+628974 ~ppc-macos
+628974 ~x64-macos
+628974 ~x86-solaris
+628975 ~alpha
+628975 ~amd64
+628975 ~amd64-linux
+628975 ~arm
+628975 ~arm64
+628975 ~hppa
+628975 ~ia64
+628975 ~m68k
+628975 ~m68k-mint
+628975 ~mips
+628975 ~ppc
+628975 ~ppc-aix
+628975 ~ppc-macos
+628975 ~ppc64
+628975 ~s390
+628975 ~sh
+628975 ~sparc
+628975 ~sparc-fbsd
+628975 ~sparc-solaris
+628975 ~sparc64-solaris
+628975 ~x64-solaris
+628975 ~x86
+628975 ~x86-fbsd
+628975 ~x86-linux
+628975 ~x86-macos
+628975 ~x86-solaris
+628976 ~amd64
+628976 ~x86
+628977 amd64
+628977 x86
+628978 ~amd64
+628978 ~x86
+628980 ~amd64
+628980 ~amd64-linux
+628980 ~x86
+628980 ~x86-linux
+628981 ~amd64
+628981 ~x86
+628982 amd64
+628982 x86
+628982 ~arm
+628986 amd64
+628986 x86
+628986 ~mips
+628986 ~ppc
+628987 alpha
+628987 amd64
+628987 x86
+628989 amd64
+628989 x86
+628990 alpha
+628990 amd64
+628990 arm
+628990 arm64
+628990 hppa
+628990 ia64
+628990 m68k
+628990 ppc
+628990 ppc64
+628990 s390
+628990 sh
+628990 sparc
+628990 x86
+628990 ~mips
+628990 ~sparc-fbsd
+628990 ~x86-fbsd
+628991 amd64
+628991 ppc
+628991 x86
+628991 ~ia64
+628991 ~sparc
+628992 ~amd64
+628992 ~ppc
+628992 ~x86
+628993 amd64
+628993 x86
+628993 ~amd64-linux
+628993 ~ppc
+628993 ~ppc-macos
+628993 ~sparc-solaris
+628993 ~sparc64-solaris
+628993 ~x64-macos
+628993 ~x64-solaris
+628993 ~x86-linux
+628993 ~x86-macos
+628993 ~x86-solaris
+628994 ~amd64
+628994 ~x86
+628996 ~amd64
+628996 ~amd64-linux
+628996 ~x86
+628998 alpha
+628998 amd64
+628998 arm
+628998 arm64
+628998 hppa
+628998 ia64
+628998 ppc
+628998 ppc64
+628998 s390
+628998 sh
+628998 sparc
+628998 x86
+628998 ~amd64-fbsd
+628998 ~amd64-linux
+628998 ~mips
+628998 ~ppc-macos
+628998 ~sparc-fbsd
+628998 ~x64-solaris
+628998 ~x86-fbsd
+628998 ~x86-freebsd
+628998 ~x86-interix
+628998 ~x86-linux
+628998 ~x86-macos
+628998 ~x86-solaris
+629000 ~amd64
+629000 ~x86
+629001 ~amd64
+629001 ~amd64-linux
+629001 ~x86
+629002 ~alpha
+629002 ~amd64
+629002 ~amd64-fbsd
+629002 ~amd64-linux
+629002 ~arm
+629002 ~arm-linux
+629002 ~arm64
+629002 ~hppa
+629002 ~hppa-hpux
+629002 ~ia64
+629002 ~ia64-hpux
+629002 ~m68k-mint
+629002 ~mips
+629002 ~ppc
+629002 ~ppc-aix
+629002 ~ppc-macos
+629002 ~ppc64
+629002 ~s390
+629002 ~sh
+629002 ~sparc
+629002 ~sparc-solaris
+629002 ~sparc64-solaris
+629002 ~x64-macos
+629002 ~x64-solaris
+629002 ~x86
+629002 ~x86-fbsd
+629002 ~x86-freebsd
+629002 ~x86-interix
+629002 ~x86-linux
+629002 ~x86-macos
+629002 ~x86-solaris
+629003 amd64
+629003 x86
+629004 ~amd64
+629004 ~x86
+629005 ~alpha
+629005 ~amd64
+629005 ~amd64-linux
+629005 ~arm
+629005 ~arm64
+629005 ~hppa
+629005 ~ia64
+629005 ~m68k
+629005 ~m68k-mint
+629005 ~mips
+629005 ~ppc
+629005 ~ppc-aix
+629005 ~ppc-macos
+629005 ~ppc64
+629005 ~s390
+629005 ~sh
+629005 ~sparc
+629005 ~sparc-fbsd
+629005 ~sparc-solaris
+629005 ~sparc64-solaris
+629005 ~x64-solaris
+629005 ~x86
+629005 ~x86-fbsd
+629005 ~x86-linux
+629005 ~x86-macos
+629005 ~x86-solaris
+629008 amd64
+629008 x86
+629008 ~amd64-linux
+629008 ~ppc-macos
+629008 ~x86-linux
+629008 ~x86-macos
+629009 amd64
+629009 ppc
+629009 x86
+629009 ~amd64-linux
+629009 ~ppc-macos
+629009 ~x86-fbsd
+629009 ~x86-freebsd
+629009 ~x86-linux
+629010 ~amd64
+629010 ~x86
+629012 alpha
+629012 amd64
+629012 arm
+629012 hppa
+629012 ia64
+629012 ppc
+629012 ppc64
+629012 sparc
+629012 x86
+629012 ~amd64-linux
+629012 ~arm64
+629012 ~mips
+629012 ~ppc-macos
+629012 ~s390
+629012 ~sh
+629012 ~sparc-solaris
+629012 ~x64-macos
+629012 ~x86-fbsd
+629012 ~x86-linux
+629012 ~x86-macos
+629013 ~amd64
+629013 ~x86
+629014 ~amd64
+629014 ~x86
+629017 ~amd64
+629017 ~amd64-linux
+629017 ~ppc
+629017 ~ppc-macos
+629017 ~sparc-solaris
+629017 ~sparc64-solaris
+629017 ~x64-macos
+629017 ~x64-solaris
+629017 ~x86
+629017 ~x86-linux
+629017 ~x86-macos
+629017 ~x86-solaris
+629018 ~amd64
+629018 ~amd64-linux
+629019 ~amd64
+629019 ~amd64-linux
+629019 ~x86
+629020 ~alpha
+629020 ~amd64
+629020 ~amd64-fbsd
+629020 ~amd64-linux
+629020 ~arm
+629020 ~arm64
+629020 ~hppa
+629020 ~ia64
+629020 ~mips
+629020 ~ppc
+629020 ~ppc-macos
+629020 ~ppc64
+629020 ~s390
+629020 ~sh
+629020 ~sparc
+629020 ~sparc-fbsd
+629020 ~x64-macos
+629020 ~x64-solaris
+629020 ~x86
+629020 ~x86-fbsd
+629020 ~x86-freebsd
+629020 ~x86-interix
+629020 ~x86-linux
+629020 ~x86-macos
+629020 ~x86-solaris
+629023 amd64
+629023 x86
+629024 alpha
+629024 amd64
+629024 ia64
+629024 ppc
+629024 ppc64
+629024 sparc
+629024 x86
+629024 ~amd64-linux
+629024 ~x86-interix
+629024 ~x86-linux
+629024 ~x86-macos
+629027 ~amd64
+629027 ~ia64
+629027 ~ppc
+629027 ~sparc
+629027 ~x86
+629028 ~amd64
+629028 ~x86
+629029 ~amd64
+629029 ~x86
+629030 ~amd64
+629030 ~arm
+629030 ~x86
+629031 amd64
+629031 x86
+629032 alpha
+629032 amd64
+629032 ia64
+629032 ppc
+629032 ppc64
+629032 sparc
+629032 x86
+629032 ~amd64-linux
+629032 ~ppc-macos
+629032 ~x86-fbsd
+629032 ~x86-freebsd
+629032 ~x86-linux
+629032 ~x86-macos
+629032 ~x86-solaris
+629033 amd64
+629033 x86
+629034 ~alpha
+629034 ~amd64
+629034 ~amd64-linux
+629034 ~ia64
+629034 ~ppc
+629034 ~ppc-macos
+629034 ~ppc64
+629034 ~sparc
+629034 ~x86
+629034 ~x86-fbsd
+629034 ~x86-freebsd
+629034 ~x86-linux
+629034 ~x86-macos
+629034 ~x86-solaris
+629036 ~amd64
+629036 ~x86
+629037 ~amd64-linux
+629037 ~arm64
+629037 ~hppa-hpux
+629037 ~ia64-hpux
+629037 ~m68k-mint
+629037 ~ppc-aix
+629037 ~ppc-macos
+629037 ~sparc-solaris
+629037 ~sparc64-solaris
+629037 ~x64-macos
+629037 ~x64-solaris
+629037 ~x86-interix
+629037 ~x86-linux
+629037 ~x86-macos
+629037 ~x86-solaris
+629038 ~amd64
+629038 ~x86
+629039 amd64
+629039 x86
+629039 ~amd64-linux
+629039 ~x86-interix
+629039 ~x86-linux
+629040 amd64
+629040 x86
+629042 ~alpha
+629042 ~amd64
+629042 ~amd64-linux
+629042 ~arm
+629042 ~arm64
+629042 ~hppa
+629042 ~ia64
+629042 ~mips
+629042 ~ppc
+629042 ~ppc-macos
+629042 ~ppc64
+629042 ~s390
+629042 ~sh
+629042 ~sparc
+629042 ~sparc-solaris
+629042 ~x64-macos
+629042 ~x86
+629042 ~x86-fbsd
+629042 ~x86-linux
+629042 ~x86-macos
+629043 alpha
+629043 amd64
+629043 ia64
+629043 ppc
+629043 ppc64
+629043 sparc
+629043 x86
+629043 ~amd64-linux
+629043 ~ppc-macos
+629043 ~x86-fbsd
+629043 ~x86-freebsd
+629043 ~x86-linux
+629043 ~x86-macos
+629043 ~x86-solaris
+629046 ~amd64
+629046 ~x86
+629047 ~amd64
+629047 ~x86
+629049 ~alpha
+629049 ~amd64
+629049 ~amd64-linux
+629049 ~ia64
+629049 ~ppc
+629049 ~ppc-macos
+629049 ~ppc64
+629049 ~sparc
+629049 ~x86
+629049 ~x86-fbsd
+629049 ~x86-freebsd
+629049 ~x86-linux
+629049 ~x86-macos
+629049 ~x86-solaris
+629050 ~alpha
+629050 ~amd64
+629050 ~arm
+629050 ~arm64
+629050 ~hppa
+629050 ~ia64
+629050 ~m68k
+629050 ~mips
+629050 ~ppc
+629050 ~ppc64
+629050 ~s390
+629050 ~sh
+629050 ~sparc
+629050 ~x86
+629052 ~amd64
+629052 ~x86
+629053 ~amd64
+629053 ~amd64-linux
+629053 ~x86
+629053 ~x86-linux
+629054 amd64
+629054 x86
+629054 ~amd64-linux
+629054 ~x86-linux
+629055 ~alpha
+629055 ~amd64
+629055 ~amd64-linux
+629055 ~arm
+629055 ~arm64
+629055 ~hppa
+629055 ~ia64
+629055 ~m68k
+629055 ~m68k-mint
+629055 ~mips
+629055 ~ppc
+629055 ~ppc-aix
+629055 ~ppc-macos
+629055 ~ppc64
+629055 ~s390
+629055 ~sh
+629055 ~sparc
+629055 ~sparc-fbsd
+629055 ~sparc-solaris
+629055 ~sparc64-solaris
+629055 ~x64-solaris
+629055 ~x86
+629055 ~x86-fbsd
+629055 ~x86-linux
+629055 ~x86-macos
+629055 ~x86-solaris
+629056 ~amd64
+629056 ~x86
+629058 ~amd64
+629058 ~x86
+629059 ~amd64
+629059 ~amd64-linux
+629059 ~ppc
+629059 ~ppc-macos
+629059 ~sparc
+629059 ~x86
+629059 ~x86-linux
+629059 ~x86-macos
+629060 ~alpha
+629060 ~amd64
+629060 ~amd64-fbsd
+629060 ~amd64-linux
+629060 ~arm
+629060 ~arm-linux
+629060 ~hppa
+629060 ~ia64
+629060 ~mips
+629060 ~ppc
+629060 ~ppc-aix
+629060 ~ppc-macos
+629060 ~ppc64
+629060 ~sparc
+629060 ~sparc-solaris
+629060 ~sparc64-solaris
+629060 ~x64-freebsd
+629060 ~x64-macos
+629060 ~x64-solaris
+629060 ~x86
+629060 ~x86-fbsd
+629060 ~x86-interix
+629060 ~x86-linux
+629060 ~x86-macos
+629060 ~x86-solaris
+629064 amd64
+629064 arm
+629064 ppc
+629064 ppc64
+629064 x86
+629064 ~amd64-linux
+629064 ~x86-linux
+629065 ~alpha
+629065 ~amd64
+629065 ~amd64-linux
+629065 ~ia64
+629065 ~ppc
+629065 ~ppc-macos
+629065 ~x86
+629065 ~x86-linux
+629066 amd64
+629066 x86
+629067 ~amd64
+629067 ~amd64-linux
+629067 ~x86
+629069 amd64
+629069 x86
+629069 ~arm
+629070 ~amd64
+629070 ~x86
+629071 ~alpha
+629071 ~amd64
+629071 ~amd64-linux
+629071 ~arm
+629071 ~arm64
+629071 ~hppa
+629071 ~ia64
+629071 ~m68k
+629071 ~m68k-mint
+629071 ~mips
+629071 ~ppc
+629071 ~ppc-aix
+629071 ~ppc-macos
+629071 ~ppc64
+629071 ~s390
+629071 ~sh
+629071 ~sparc
+629071 ~sparc-fbsd
+629071 ~sparc-solaris
+629071 ~sparc64-solaris
+629071 ~x64-solaris
+629071 ~x86
+629071 ~x86-fbsd
+629071 ~x86-linux
+629071 ~x86-macos
+629071 ~x86-solaris
+629073 ~amd64
+629073 ~x86
+629075 alpha
+629075 amd64
+629075 arm
+629075 hppa
+629075 ia64
+629075 ppc
+629075 ppc64
+629075 sparc
+629075 x86
+629075 ~amd64-fbsd
+629075 ~amd64-linux
+629075 ~arm-linux
+629075 ~arm64
+629075 ~hppa-hpux
+629075 ~ia64-hpux
+629075 ~m68k-mint
+629075 ~mips
+629075 ~ppc-aix
+629075 ~ppc-macos
+629075 ~s390
+629075 ~sh
+629075 ~sparc-solaris
+629075 ~sparc64-solaris
+629075 ~x64-macos
+629075 ~x64-solaris
+629075 ~x86-fbsd
+629075 ~x86-freebsd
+629075 ~x86-interix
+629075 ~x86-linux
+629075 ~x86-macos
+629075 ~x86-solaris
+629076 ~amd64
+629076 ~x86
+629078 amd64
+629078 ppc
+629078 x86
+629078 ~sparc
+629079 ~amd64
+629079 ~amd64-linux
+629079 ~ppc
+629079 ~ppc-macos
+629079 ~sparc-solaris
+629079 ~sparc64-solaris
+629079 ~x64-macos
+629079 ~x64-solaris
+629079 ~x86
+629079 ~x86-linux
+629079 ~x86-macos
+629079 ~x86-solaris
+629080 amd64
+629080 x86
+629082 alpha
+629082 amd64
+629082 arm
+629082 arm64
+629082 hppa
+629082 ia64
+629082 ppc
+629082 ppc64
+629082 s390
+629082 sh
+629082 sparc
+629082 x86
+629082 ~amd64-linux
+629082 ~mips
+629082 ~ppc-macos
+629082 ~sparc-solaris
+629082 ~x64-macos
+629082 ~x86-fbsd
+629082 ~x86-linux
+629082 ~x86-macos
+629085 ~amd64
+629085 ~x86
+629086 ~amd64
+629086 ~x86
+629087 ~alpha
+629087 ~amd64
+629087 ~amd64-fbsd
+629087 ~amd64-linux
+629087 ~arm
+629087 ~arm64
+629087 ~hppa
+629087 ~ia64
+629087 ~m68k
+629087 ~m68k-mint
+629087 ~mips
+629087 ~ppc
+629087 ~ppc-aix
+629087 ~ppc-macos
+629087 ~ppc64
+629087 ~s390
+629087 ~sh
+629087 ~sparc
+629087 ~sparc-fbsd
+629087 ~sparc-solaris
+629087 ~sparc64-solaris
+629087 ~x64-solaris
+629087 ~x86
+629087 ~x86-fbsd
+629087 ~x86-linux
+629087 ~x86-macos
+629087 ~x86-solaris
+629089 ~alpha
+629089 ~amd64
+629089 ~amd64-fbsd
+629089 ~amd64-linux
+629089 ~arm
+629089 ~arm64
+629089 ~hppa
+629089 ~ia64
+629089 ~mips
+629089 ~ppc
+629089 ~ppc-macos
+629089 ~ppc64
+629089 ~s390
+629089 ~sh
+629089 ~sparc
+629089 ~sparc-fbsd
+629089 ~x64-macos
+629089 ~x64-solaris
+629089 ~x86
+629089 ~x86-fbsd
+629089 ~x86-freebsd
+629089 ~x86-interix
+629089 ~x86-linux
+629089 ~x86-macos
+629089 ~x86-solaris
+629091 amd64
+629091 x86
+629091 ~ia64
+629094 ~alpha
+629094 ~amd64
+629094 ~amd64-linux
+629094 ~arm
+629094 ~arm64
+629094 ~hppa
+629094 ~ia64
+629094 ~m68k
+629094 ~m68k-mint
+629094 ~mips
+629094 ~ppc
+629094 ~ppc-aix
+629094 ~ppc-macos
+629094 ~ppc64
+629094 ~s390
+629094 ~sh
+629094 ~sparc
+629094 ~sparc-fbsd
+629094 ~sparc-solaris
+629094 ~sparc64-solaris
+629094 ~x64-solaris
+629094 ~x86
+629094 ~x86-fbsd
+629094 ~x86-linux
+629094 ~x86-macos
+629094 ~x86-solaris
+629095 ~amd64
+629095 ~x86
+629096 alpha
+629096 amd64
+629096 ppc
+629096 x86
+629098 ~amd64
+629098 ~x86
+629099 amd64
+629099 ppc
+629099 ppc64
+629099 x86
+629099 ~amd64-linux
+629099 ~arm
+629099 ~x86-linux
+629099 ~x86-macos
+629100 ~amd64
+629100 ~x86
+629101 ~amd64
+629101 ~x86
+629102 ~amd64
+629102 ~x86
+629103 ~amd64
+629103 ~x86
+629105 ~amd64
+629105 ~ppc
+629105 ~x86
+629107 amd64
+629107 x86
+629107 ~arm
+629108 amd64
+629108 x86
+629109 amd64
+629109 arm
+629109 ppc
+629109 ppc64
+629109 x86
+629109 ~amd64-linux
+629109 ~x86-linux
+629111 ~amd64
+629111 ~x86
+629112 ~amd64
+629112 ~x86
+629113 amd64
+629113 ppc
+629113 x86
+629114 ~alpha
+629114 ~amd64
+629114 ~amd64-linux
+629114 ~arm
+629114 ~arm64
+629114 ~hppa
+629114 ~ia64
+629114 ~m68k
+629114 ~m68k-mint
+629114 ~mips
+629114 ~ppc
+629114 ~ppc-aix
+629114 ~ppc-macos
+629114 ~ppc64
+629114 ~s390
+629114 ~sh
+629114 ~sparc
+629114 ~sparc-fbsd
+629114 ~sparc-solaris
+629114 ~sparc64-solaris
+629114 ~x64-macos
+629114 ~x64-solaris
+629114 ~x86
+629114 ~x86-fbsd
+629114 ~x86-linux
+629114 ~x86-macos
+629114 ~x86-solaris
+629116 ~amd64
+629116 ~x86
+629118 ~amd64
+629118 ~ppc
+629118 ~x86
+629119 ~amd64
+629119 ~x86
+629119 ~x86-linux
+629120 ~amd64
+629120 ~x86
+629121 ~amd64
+629121 ~x86
+629122 ~alpha
+629122 ~amd64
+629122 ~amd64-linux
+629122 ~ia64
+629122 ~ppc
+629122 ~ppc-macos
+629122 ~ppc64
+629122 ~sparc
+629122 ~x86
+629122 ~x86-fbsd
+629122 ~x86-freebsd
+629122 ~x86-linux
+629122 ~x86-macos
+629122 ~x86-solaris
+629123 amd64
+629123 x86
+629126 ~amd64
+629126 ~x86
+629127 ~amd64
+629127 ~x86
+629127 ~x86-linux
+629128 ~alpha
+629128 ~amd64
+629128 ~ppc
+629128 ~x86
+629129 amd64
+629129 x86
+629130 ~amd64
+629130 ~x86
+629132 ~amd64
+629132 ~x86
+629133 amd64
+629133 x86
+629133 ~amd64-linux
+629133 ~x86-linux
+629134 ~amd64
+629134 ~x86
+629135 ~alpha
+629135 ~amd64
+629135 ~amd64-linux
+629135 ~arm
+629135 ~hppa
+629135 ~ia64
+629135 ~ppc
+629135 ~ppc-macos
+629135 ~ppc64
+629135 ~s390
+629135 ~sh
+629135 ~sparc
+629135 ~sparc-solaris
+629135 ~x64-macos
+629135 ~x86
+629135 ~x86-fbsd
+629135 ~x86-interix
+629135 ~x86-linux
+629135 ~x86-macos
+629136 alpha
+629136 amd64
+629136 ppc
+629136 ppc64
+629136 sparc
+629136 x86
+629136 ~amd64-linux
+629136 ~ia64
+629136 ~x86-interix
+629136 ~x86-linux
+629136 ~x86-macos
+629137 alpha
+629137 amd64
+629137 arm
+629137 hppa
+629137 ppc
+629137 ppc64
+629137 x86
+629137 ~amd64-fbsd
+629137 ~amd64-linux
+629137 ~arm-linux
+629137 ~ia64
+629137 ~m68k-mint
+629137 ~mips
+629137 ~ppc-macos
+629137 ~s390
+629137 ~sh
+629137 ~sparc
+629137 ~sparc-solaris
+629137 ~x64-macos
+629137 ~x86-fbsd
+629137 ~x86-interix
+629137 ~x86-linux
+629137 ~x86-macos
+629138 ~amd64
+629138 ~x86
+629140 ~amd64
+629140 ~ppc
+629140 ~x86
+629141 x86
+629141 ~amd64
+629141 ~ppc
+629142 amd64
+629142 ppc
+629142 x86
+629143 ~amd64
+629143 ~x86
+629146 ~amd64
+629146 ~x86
+629147 ~amd64
+629147 ~x86
+629149 ~amd64
+629149 ~amd64-linux
+629149 ~ppc
+629149 ~x86
+629149 ~x86-linux
+629150 amd64
+629150 x86
+629150 ~x64-macos
+629150 ~x86-macos
+629153 ~amd64
+629153 ~ppc
+629153 ~x86
+629153 ~x86-linux
+629153 ~x86-macos
+633845 ~amd64
+633845 ~x86
+633848 alpha
+633848 amd64
+633848 arm
+633848 hppa
+633848 ia64
+633848 ppc
+633848 ppc64
+633848 sparc
+633848 x86
+633848 ~amd64-fbsd
+633848 ~amd64-linux
+633848 ~arm-linux
+633848 ~arm64
+633848 ~hppa-hpux
+633848 ~ia64-hpux
+633848 ~m68k-mint
+633848 ~mips
+633848 ~ppc-aix
+633848 ~ppc-macos
+633848 ~s390
+633848 ~sh
+633848 ~sparc-solaris
+633848 ~sparc64-solaris
+633848 ~x64-macos
+633848 ~x64-solaris
+633848 ~x86-fbsd
+633848 ~x86-freebsd
+633848 ~x86-interix
+633848 ~x86-linux
+633848 ~x86-macos
+633848 ~x86-solaris
+634069 ~amd64
+634223 ~amd64
+634223 ~x86
+634225 ~amd64
+634225 ~amd64-linux
+634225 ~x86
+634226 ~amd64
+634226 ~x86
+634265 ~amd64
+634265 ~x86
+634335 ~alpha
+634335 ~amd64
+634335 ~arm
+634335 ~hppa
+634335 ~ia64
+634335 ~ppc
+634335 ~ppc64
+634335 ~sparc
+634335 ~x86
+634336 ~amd64
+634336 ~amd64-linux
+634336 ~ppc
+634336 ~ppc-macos
+634336 ~x86
+634336 ~x86-linux
+634336 ~x86-macos
+634349 ~amd64
+634349 ~x86
+634656 ~amd64
+634656 ~x86
+634658 ~amd64
+634658 ~x86
+634733 amd64
+652935 ~amd64
+652935 ~arm
+652935 ~x86
+652953 ~amd64
+652957 amd64
+652957 arm
+652957 x86
+652957 ~alpha
+652957 ~amd64-linux
+652957 ~hppa
+652957 ~ia64
+652957 ~mips
+652957 ~ppc
+652957 ~ppc-macos
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+652957 ~sparc
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+652957 ~x86-freebsd
+652957 ~x86-interix
+652957 ~x86-linux
+652957 ~x86-macos
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+653111 ~x86
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+653147 ~x86
+653385 ~amd64
+653385 ~x86
+653586 ~amd64
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+653586 ~x86
+653586 ~x86-fbsd
+653687 ~amd64
+653688 ~amd64
+653688 ~arm
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+653812 ~x86
+653833 ~amd64
+653833 ~x86
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+653867 amd64
+653867 arm
+653867 ppc64
+653867 x86
+653867 ~amd64-fbsd
+653867 ~arm64
+653867 ~mips
+654033 ~alpha
+654033 ~amd64
+654033 ~amd64-fbsd
+654033 ~amd64-linux
+654033 ~arm
+654033 ~arm-linux
+654033 ~arm64
+654033 ~hppa
+654033 ~hppa-hpux
+654033 ~ia64
+654033 ~ia64-hpux
+654033 ~m68k-mint
+654033 ~mips
+654033 ~ppc
+654033 ~ppc-aix
+654033 ~ppc-macos
+654033 ~ppc64
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+654033 ~sparc
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+654033 ~x64-solaris
+654033 ~x86
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+654033 ~x86-freebsd
+654033 ~x86-interix
+654033 ~x86-linux
+654033 ~x86-macos
+654033 ~x86-solaris
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+654084 ~x86
+654085 ~amd64
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+654085 ~x86
+654491 ~amd64
+654491 ~x86
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+654757 ~amd64
+654757 ~amd64-linux
+654757 ~arm
+654757 ~arm64
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+654757 ~ppc
+654757 ~ppc-macos
+654757 ~ppc64
+654757 ~sparc
+654757 ~sparc64-solaris
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+654757 ~x64-solaris
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+654757 ~x86-macos
+654757 ~x86-solaris
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+654758 ~amd64
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+654758 ~ppc64
+654758 ~sparc
+654758 ~x86
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+654839 ~amd64
+654839 ~amd64-fbsd
+654839 ~amd64-linux
+654839 ~arm
+654839 ~arm-linux
+654839 ~arm64
+654839 ~hppa
+654839 ~ia64
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+654839 ~ppc
+654839 ~ppc-aix
+654839 ~ppc-macos
+654839 ~ppc64
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+654839 ~sparc
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+654839 ~x64-solaris
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+654839 ~x86-fbsd
+654839 ~x86-freebsd
+654839 ~x86-linux
+654839 ~x86-macos
+654839 ~x86-solaris
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+654840 ~hppa
+654840 ~mips
+654840 ~ppc
+654840 ~ppc64
+654840 ~x86
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+655019 ~amd64
+655019 ~ppc
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+655019 ~x86-fbsd
+655020 ~amd64
+655021 ~amd64
+655028 ~amd64
+655035 ~amd64
+655035 ~x86
+655036 ~amd64
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+655036 ~x64-macos
+655036 ~x86
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+655036 ~x86-macos
+655039 ~amd64
+655039 ~amd64-linux
+655039 ~x86
+655039 ~x86-linux
+655076 ~amd64
+655076 ~x86
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+655228 ~amd64
+655228 ~arm
+655228 ~hppa
+655228 ~ia64
+655228 ~mips
+655228 ~ppc
+655228 ~ppc64
+655228 ~sparc
+655228 ~x86
+655228 ~x86-fbsd
+655307 ~amd64
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+655307 ~ppc
+655307 ~ppc-macos
+655307 ~sparc-solaris
+655307 ~sparc64-solaris
+655307 ~x64-macos
+655307 ~x64-solaris
+655307 ~x86
+655307 ~x86-linux
+655307 ~x86-macos
+655307 ~x86-solaris
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+655338 ~x86
+655339 ~amd64
+655340 ~amd64
+655341 ~amd64
+655342 ~amd64
+655343 ~amd64
+655344 ~amd64
+655345 ~amd64
+655346 ~amd64
+655347 ~amd64
+655349 ~amd64
+655350 ~amd64
+655351 ~amd64
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+655351 ~x86-linux
+655352 ~amd64
+655352 ~x86
+655353 ~amd64
+655354 ~amd64
+655355 ~amd64
+655356 ~amd64
+655357 ~amd64
+655358 ~amd64
+655359 ~amd64
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+655361 ~amd64
+655362 ~amd64
+655363 ~amd64
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+655427 ~amd64
+655427 ~x86
+655428 ~amd64
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+655710 ~amd64
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+655710 ~hppa
+655710 ~ia64
+655710 ~mips
+655710 ~ppc
+655710 ~ppc64
+655710 ~sparc
+655710 ~x86
+655710 ~x86-fbsd
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+656582 ~amd64
+656582 ~amd64-fbsd
+656582 ~amd64-linux
+656582 ~arm
+656582 ~arm-linux
+656582 ~arm64
+656582 ~hppa
+656582 ~hppa-hpux
+656582 ~ia64
+656582 ~ia64-hpux
+656582 ~m68k-mint
+656582 ~mips
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+656582 ~ppc-aix
+656582 ~ppc-macos
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+656582 ~x64-solaris
+656582 ~x86
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+656582 ~x86-macos
+656582 ~x86-solaris
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+656780 ~amd64-fbsd
+656780 ~amd64-linux
+656780 ~arm
+656780 ~arm-linux
+656780 ~arm64
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+656780 ~ia64
+656780 ~mips
+656780 ~ppc
+656780 ~ppc-aix
+656780 ~ppc-macos
+656780 ~ppc64
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+656780 ~sh
+656780 ~sparc
+656780 ~sparc-solaris
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+656780 ~x64-freebsd
+656780 ~x64-macos
+656780 ~x64-solaris
+656780 ~x86
+656780 ~x86-fbsd
+656780 ~x86-freebsd
+656780 ~x86-interix
+656780 ~x86-linux
+656780 ~x86-macos
+656780 ~x86-solaris
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+657023 ~x86
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+657032 ~amd64-linux
+657032 ~arm
+657032 ~arm-linux
+657032 ~arm64
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+657032 ~ia64
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+657032 ~ppc
+657032 ~ppc-aix
+657032 ~ppc-macos
+657032 ~ppc64
+657032 ~s390
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+657032 ~sparc
+657032 ~sparc-solaris
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+657032 ~x64-freebsd
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+657032 ~x64-solaris
+657032 ~x86
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+657032 ~x86-freebsd
+657032 ~x86-interix
+657032 ~x86-linux
+657032 ~x86-macos
+657032 ~x86-solaris
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+657150 ~amd64
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+657150 ~x86
+657150 ~x86-linux
+657282 ~alpha
+657282 ~amd64
+657282 ~amd64-fbsd
+657282 ~amd64-linux
+657282 ~arm
+657282 ~arm-linux
+657282 ~hppa
+657282 ~ia64
+657282 ~mips
+657282 ~ppc
+657282 ~ppc-aix
+657282 ~ppc-macos
+657282 ~ppc64
+657282 ~sparc
+657282 ~sparc-solaris
+657282 ~sparc64-solaris
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+657282 ~x64-macos
+657282 ~x64-solaris
+657282 ~x86
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+657282 ~x86-interix
+657282 ~x86-linux
+657282 ~x86-macos
+657282 ~x86-solaris
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+657432 ~arm
+657432 ~arm64
+657432 ~m68k
+657432 ~ppc
+657432 ~ppc64
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+657432 ~sh
+657432 ~x86
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+657486 ~x86
+657486 ~x86-linux
+657486 ~x86-macos
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+657508 ~amd64-linux
+657508 ~arm-linux
+657508 ~arm64
+657508 ~ia64-hpux
+657508 ~ia64-linux
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+657508 ~ppc-aix
+657508 ~ppc-macos
+657508 ~s390
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+657508 ~sparc-fbsd
+657508 ~sparc-solaris
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+657508 ~x64-solaris
+657508 ~x86-fbsd
+657508 ~x86-freebsd
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+657508 ~x86-linux
+657508 ~x86-macos
+657508 ~x86-solaris
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+657509 ~amd64
+657509 ~amd64-fbsd
+657509 ~amd64-linux
+657509 ~arm
+657509 ~arm-linux
+657509 ~arm64
+657509 ~hppa
+657509 ~ia64
+657509 ~ia64-hpux
+657509 ~ia64-linux
+657509 ~mips
+657509 ~ppc
+657509 ~ppc-aix
+657509 ~ppc-macos
+657509 ~ppc64
+657509 ~s390
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+657509 ~sparc
+657509 ~sparc-fbsd
+657509 ~sparc-solaris
+657509 ~sparc64-solaris
+657509 ~x64-freebsd
+657509 ~x64-macos
+657509 ~x64-solaris
+657509 ~x86
+657509 ~x86-fbsd
+657509 ~x86-freebsd
+657509 ~x86-interix
+657509 ~x86-linux
+657509 ~x86-macos
+657509 ~x86-solaris
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+657593 ~amd64
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+657593 ~ppc64
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+657594 ~amd64
+657594 ~x86
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+657691 ~amd64
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+657691 ~amd64-linux
+657691 ~arm
+657691 ~arm64
+657691 ~hppa
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+657691 ~ppc
+657691 ~ppc-macos
+657691 ~ppc64
+657691 ~sparc
+657691 ~sparc-solaris
+657691 ~x86
+657691 ~x86-fbsd
+657691 ~x86-linux
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+657711 ~arm
+657711 ~x86
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+657740 ~ppc
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+657740 ~x86
+657740 ~arm
+657740 ~ppc64
+657740 ~amd64
+657740 ~mips
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+657848 ~x86
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+657848 ~amd64-linux
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+657848 ~x86-linux
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+657848 ~ppc-macos
+657848 ~x86-macos
+657930 ~x86
+657930 ~x64-macos
+657740 ~sparc
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+657848 ~amd64
+658057 ~amd64
+658228 ~x86-fbsd
+658228 ~alpha
+658228 ~ia64
+658228 ~ppc64
+658228 ~arm
+658228 ~x86
+658228 ~ppc
+658228 ~hppa
+658228 ~sparc
+658228 ~mips
+658228 ~amd64
+658322 ~amd64
+658322 ~x86
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+658447 ~amd64
+658447 ~x86-linux
+658511 ~arm-linux
+658511 ~ppc-aix
+658511 ~s390
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+658511 ~ppc64
+658511 ~amd64-fbsd
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+658511 ~ppc
+658511 ~x64-macos
+658511 ~x86
+658511 ~x64-solaris
+658511 ~x86-fbsd
+658511 ~sh
+658511 ~x86-freebsd
+657508 amd64
+658511 ~ppc-macos
+658511 ~sparc-fbsd
+658511 ~amd64
+658511 ~amd64-linux
+658511 ~ia64
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+658511 ~arm64
+658492 ~amd64
+658511 ~x86-macos
+658511 ~ia64-linux
+658511 ~ia64-hpux
+658511 ~x64-freebsd
+658511 ~sparc-solaris
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+658511 ~sparc64-solaris
+658511 ~x86-solaris
+658511 ~x86-linux
+658511 ~mips
+658511 ~sparc
+658511 ~x86-interix
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+658607 ~amd64
+653867 sparc
+609102 x86
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+658606 ~amd64
+658602 ~amd64
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+658605 ~amd64
+658604 ~amd64
+658616 ~amd64
+658603 ~amd64
+657740 ~ia64
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+658673 ~amd64-linux
+657508 hppa
+658661 ~amd64
+657508 x86
+658673 ~amd64
+658822 ~x86
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+658822 ~amd64
+659072 ~x86-linux
+659072 ~amd64-linux
+659072 ~amd64
+659072 ~arm
+659072 ~ppc64
+659072 ~x86
+659072 ~ppc
+680048 ~x86
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+659187 ~amd64
+659154 ~ppc-macos
+659154 ~sparc
+659154 ~x86-linux
+659186 ~x86
+659154 ~amd64-fbsd
+628192 -*
+659186 ~amd64
+659154 ~alpha
+659154 ~amd64-linux
+659154 ~ia64
+628155 -*
+659154 ~x86-fbsd
+628150 -*
+627955 -*
+659153 ~amd64
+659187 ~x86
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+659277 ~arm64
+659277 ~x86-linux
+659277 ~x86-solaris
+659277 ~ppc-macos
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+659277 ~mips
+659277 ~x64-freebsd
+659277 ~sparc-solaris
+659277 ~x86-macos
+659277 ~sparc64-solaris
+659277 ~arm-linux
+659277 ~amd64-fbsd
+659277 ~ppc64
+659277 ~arm
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+659277 ~s390
+659277 ~ia64
+659277 ~amd64-linux
+659277 ~alpha
+659277 ~sh
+659277 ~x86-fbsd
+659277 ~x64-solaris
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+659277 ~ppc
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+659277 ~x86
+659277 ~x64-macos
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+659375 ~amd64-linux
+659369 hppa
+659369 ppc64
+659375 ~ppc64
+659369 ~sh
+659369 x86
+659375 ~arm
+659375 ~ppc
+659369 ~arm64
+659375 ~x86
+659375 ~x86-linux
+659375 ~amd64
+659375 ~arm64
+659369 amd64
+659369 ~mips
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+659411 ~x86
+659410 ~x86
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+659487 ~amd64
+609094 hppa
+659510 ~x86
+659510 ~amd64
+609292 hppa
+659154 hppa
+659369 alpha
+609094 ppc64
+609292 ppc64
+659154 ppc64
+659369 arm
+659709 ~sparc
+659709 ~mips
+659709 ~ia64
+659709 ~amd64
+659709 ~arm64
+657146 x86
+659709 ~alpha
+659709 ~ppc64
+659709 ~arm
+659709 ~s390
+659709 ~ppc
+659709 ~hppa
+659709 ~x86
+657508 arm
+659709 ~sh
+659818 ~x86
+659823 ~x86
+659369 ppc
+659369 sparc
+657146 sparc
+659823 ~amd64
+659817 ~amd64
+657508 ppc
+659819 ~amd64
+659818 ~amd64
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+659908 ~amd64
+659908 ~arm64
+659908 ~x86-linux
+659908 ~x86-solaris
+659864 ~x86
+659908 ~ppc-macos
+659864 ~ppc
+659908 ~mips
+659908 ~sparc
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+659908 ~ia64-linux
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+659908 ~sparc-solaris
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+659864 ~x86-fbsd
+659908 ~arm-linux
+659908 ~ppc64
+659908 ~amd64-fbsd
+659908 ~s390
+659908 ~ppc-aix
+659908 ~arm
+659864 ~amd64
+659908 ~amd64-linux
+659908 ~ia64
+659908 ~sparc-fbsd
+659908 ~alpha
+659908 ~x86-fbsd
+659908 ~sh
+659908 ~x64-solaris
+659908 ~x86-freebsd
+659908 ~hppa
+659908 ~ppc
+659908 ~x64-macos
+659908 ~x86
+659369 ia64
+657508 ia64
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+660222 ~ppc64
+660218 ~ppc
+660220 ~amd64
+660222 ~arm
+660222 ~ppc-aix
+660222 ~arm-linux
+660218 ~x86
+659154 amd64
+660222 ~x86
+660222 ~x64-macos
+660216 -*
+653000 amd64
+660222 ~ppc
+660220 ~mips
+660220 ~sparc
+660222 ~hppa
+660214 ~amd64
+660217 ~amd64
+616665 ia64
+609102 amd64
+660219 ~amd64
+616665 ppc
+660221 ~amd64
+660213 ~x86
+609292 amd64
+660222 ~x86-fbsd
+660222 ~x64-solaris
+660222 ~x86-solaris
+660215 -*
+660216 ~amd64
+660222 ~alpha
+609275 amd64
+659582 amd64
+660222 ~ia64
+660217 -*
+660220 ~arm
+660222 ~amd64-linux
+660222 ~amd64
+616804 ia64
+660220 ~ppc64
+660214 -*
+660219 ~ppc
+660220 ~ia64
+616804 ppc
+660219 ~x86
+660215 ~amd64
+660220 ~alpha
+660213 ~amd64
+660221 ~x86
+660222 ~sparc64-solaris
+609094 amd64
+660220 ~x86-fbsd
+660222 ~x64-freebsd
+660222 ~sparc-solaris
+660222 ~x86-macos
+660222 ~ppc-macos
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+660222 ~x86-interix
+660222 ~sparc
+660222 ~mips
+660218 ~amd64
+660220 ~ppc
+660222 ~x86-linux
+660220 ~x86
+660296 ~amd64
+609094 x86
+660295 ~x86-linux
+609292 x86
+659582 x86
+660295 ~amd64-linux
+660295 ~amd64
+660296 ~x86
+609275 x86
+659154 x86
+653000 x86
+660295 ~x86
+653867 ppc
+679113 ~amd64
+679041 ~arm
+609094 ppc
+679041 ~x86
+616681 ppc
+609275 ppc
+679041 ~amd64
+609102 ppc
+609292 ppc
+659154 ppc
+657146 ppc64
+679154 ~amd64
+679154 ~x86
+679406 ~ppc
+679406 ~x86
+679405 ~sh
+679405 ~x86-fbsd
+679405 ~alpha
+679406 ~ppc64
+679405 ~ia64
+679405 ~amd64-linux
+679406 ~arm
+679405 ~amd64-fbsd
+679406 ~ia64
+679405 ~ppc64
+679405 ~arm
+679405 ~arm-linux
+679406 ~alpha
+679405 ~x86
+679406 ~x86-fbsd
+679405 ~ppc
+679405 ~sparc-solaris
+679406 ~sparc
+679405 ~sparc
+679405 ~mips
+679405 ~x86-linux
+679405 ~x86-solaris
+679405 ~arm64
+679405 ~amd64
+679406 ~amd64
+653867 ia64
+616681 ia64
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+679604 ~x86
+679604 ~x86-linux
+679604 ~amd64
+679700 ~x86
+679699 ~x86
+679701 ~amd64
+628923 ~arm64
+679699 ~amd64
+679701 ~x86
+679701 ~arm
+679700 ~amd64
+679723 ~x86
+679723 ~amd64
+680049 ~amd64
+680048 ~sh
+680048 ~ia64
+680048 ~alpha
+609094 arm
+680048 ~arm
+680048 ~s390
+680049 ~x86
+680048 ~ppc64
+680048 ~ppc
+680048 ~hppa
+680049 ~arm
+628130 ~arm
+680048 ~mips
+680048 ~sparc
+609292 arm
+609102 arm
+680048 ~amd64
+680048 ~arm64
+680049 ~ppc
+659154 arm
+680204 ~ppc64
+680204 ~amd64-fbsd
+680204 ~ppc-aix
+680204 ~s390
+680204 ~arm
+680204 ~arm-linux
+680204 ~x64-macos
+680228 ~x86
+680204 ~x86
+680204 ~hppa
+680204 ~ppc
+680203 ~sparc
+680203 ~mips
+680204 ~x86-freebsd
+680204 ~sh
+680204 ~x86-fbsd
+680204 ~x86-solaris
+680204 ~x64-solaris
+680203 ~alpha
+680204 ~alpha
+680204 ~arm64
+680204 ~ia64
+680204 ~amd64
+680204 ~amd64-linux
+680228 ~amd64
+680203 ~ia64
+680203 ~amd64
+680203 ~arm
+680203 ~ppc64
+680204 ~sparc64-solaris
+680203 ~x86
+680204 ~x64-freebsd
+680204 ~sparc-solaris
+680203 ~hppa
+680204 ~x86-macos
+680203 ~ppc
+680204 ~ppc-macos
+680204 ~sparc
+680204 ~mips
+680204 ~x86-linux
+680251 ~amd64
+680252 ~x86
+680267 ~amd64
+680266 ~x86
+609252 amd64
+680250 ~amd64
+680252 ~amd64
+680267 ~x86
+680266 ~amd64
+680251 ~x86-fbsd
+680250 ~ppc
+680250 ~x86
+680250 ~x86-fbsd
+680251 ~ppc
+680251 ~x86
+680298 ~arm64
+680298 amd64
+680298 ~mips
+680298 ~amd64-fbsd
+680298 ~s390
+680298 alpha
+680298 ia64
+680298 ~m68k
+680298 sparc
+680298 ~x86-fbsd
+680298 x86
+680298 ~sh
+680298 arm
+680298 hppa
+680298 ppc64
+628111 amd64
+680298 ppc
+609179 arm
+680325 ~amd64
+659582 arm
+680387 ~x86
+680387 ~amd64
+680479 ~amd64
+680480 ~amd64
+680478 ~amd64
+680613 ~ppc
+680613 ~hppa
+680613 ~x86
+680617 ~amd64
+680617 ~x86-interix
+680617 ~sparc
+680617 ~mips
+680617 ~ppc-macos
+680617 ~x86-solaris
+680613 ~ppc64
+680613 ~arm
+680617 ~x86-linux
+680613 ~ia64
+680617 ~sparc64-solaris
+680617 ~x86-macos
+680617 ~x64-freebsd
+680617 ~sparc-solaris
+680617 ~hppa
+680613 ~alpha
+680617 ~arm
+680601 ~amd64
+680617 ~ppc-aix
+680613 ~x86-fbsd
+680617 ~amd64-fbsd
+680617 ~ppc64
+680613 ~mips
+680617 ~arm-linux
+680613 ~sparc
+680617 ~alpha
+680617 ~ia64
+680617 ~amd64-linux
+680617 ~x64-solaris
+680601 ~x86
+680617 ~x86-fbsd
+680613 ~amd64
+680617 ~x86
+680617 ~x64-macos
+680617 ~ppc
+628111 x86
+609252 x86
+680922 ~ppc64
+680922 ~arm
+680922 ~s390
+680922 ~x86
+680922 ~ppc
+680922 ~hppa
+680922 ~sh
+680922 ~alpha
+680921 ~amd64
+680922 ~ia64
+680922 ~amd64
+680942 ~x86
+680942 ~amd64
+680922 ~sparc
+680922 ~mips
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/ebuild_deps.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/ebuild_deps.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ab44ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/ebuild_deps.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,1243 @@
+609052 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609052 60465
+609052 62840
+609053 44622
+609053 51121
+609053 51288
+609053 62840
+609054 51288
+609054 62741
+609056 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609056 51843 109.15.02 >=
+609056 62840
+609057 49122 2.4.0 >=
+609057 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609057 59070 1.2 >=
+609057 59073 1.2 >=
+609057 61040 1.0.1 >=
+609057 62840
+609058 45157
+609058 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609058 62840
+609059 43080
+609059 45833
+609059 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609060 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609060 62840
+609063 44622 2.0.0 >=
+609063 45157
+609063 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609063 59061
+609064 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609065 44622 1.1.2 >=
+609065 46651 109.15.00 >=
+609065 49507 109.20.00 >=
+609065 51080 109.20.00 >=
+609065 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609065 59537 109.27.00 >=
+609065 59538 109.15.00 >=
+609065 59539 109.15.00 >=
+609065 59870 109.27.00 >=
+609065 60465 109.35.00 >=
+609065 60775
+609065 60837 109.35.00 >=
+609065 61842
+609065 61848
+609065 62781
+609065 62840
+609065 63861
+609066 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609066 60465
+609068 44622
+609068 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609069 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609069 51288 1.5 >=
+609070 49122 2.4.4 >=
+609070 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609070 54960
+609070 59071 3.3 >=
+609070 60329
+609070 61040
+609070 62042 0.6 >=
+609070 62739
+609070 62840
+609070 62853
+609070 63896
+609071 49507
+609071 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609072 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609074 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609075 44622 2.0.0 >=
+609075 51121
+609075 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609075 51288 1.3.1 >=
+609075 56988 0.0.4 >=
+609075 57105 0.0.11 >=
+609075 57106 0.4.2 >=
+609075 59065
+609075 59066
+609076 49122 2.4.0 >=
+609076 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609076 54960
+609076 59071 3.3 >=
+609076 60329
+609076 62042 0.6 >=
+609076 62739
+609076 62840
+609077 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609078 45157
+609078 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609078 59654
+609078 59655
+609078 62840
+609080 51288
+609080 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609081 45157
+609081 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609081 62840
+609083 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609083 62840
+609084 46651
+609084 49507
+609084 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609084 60837
+609084 61843 112.17.00 >=
+609084 62840
+609086 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609086 62840
+609088 51288
+609088 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609088 51843 108 >=
+609088 59063
+609088 62043
+609088 62840
+609089 44622
+609089 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609090 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609090 51288 1.3.2 >=
+609091 44622
+609091 50959
+609091 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609091 61034
+609092 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609092 62742
+609092 62840
+609093 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609093 62742
+609097 62841
+609098 45725 109.24.00 >=
+609098 49507 109.20.00 >=
+609098 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609098 59537 109.18.00 >=
+609098 62840
+609099 45725 109.60.00 >=
+609099 46651 112.17.00 >=
+609099 49507 109.20.00 >=
+609099 51080 109.20.00 >=
+609099 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609099 59537
+609099 59537 109.27.00 >=
+609099 59538 109.15.00 >=
+609099 59539 109.15.00 >=
+609099 59870 109.27.00 >=
+609099 60465 109.35.00 >=
+609099 60775
+609099 61842
+609099 61843 111.17 >=
+609099 61848
+609099 62781
+609099 62840
+609101 44622
+609101 50959
+609101 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609101 61034
+609105 44622 2.0.0[ocamlopt?] >=
+609105 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609105 51843 108.07.01 >=
+609105 57106 ocamlopt?
+609105 62840
+609106 45157 4.31 >=
+609106 49819 0.98 >=
+609106 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609106 51928 0.5 >=
+609106 62840
+609107 49122 2.4.0 >=
+609107 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609107 59070 1.2 >=
+609107 59073 1.2 >=
+609107 61040 1.0.1 >=
+609107 62840
+609108 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609108 51843 109 >=
+609108 59537
+609108 62840
+609109 43080 2 >=
+609109 45157 5 >=
+609109 47766
+609109 51288 1.0 >=
+609109 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609109 62841
+609111 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609112 49122 2.4.0 >=
+609112 50959 0.8 >=
+609112 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609112 54960
+609112 59073 1.2 >=
+609113 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609113 51288 1.5 >=
+609114 49507
+609114 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609114 51843 109.20.00 >=
+609114 59537
+609114 62840
+609115 51121
+609115 52838
+609115 62716
+609115 62717
+609115 62736
+609115 62739
+609115 62740
+609115 62742
+609116 44622 1.1.1 >=
+609116 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609116 62840
+609118 45725
+609118 49507
+609118 51080
+609118 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609118 59537
+609118 61848
+609119 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609120 44622 2.0.0 >=
+609120 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609122 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609124 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609125 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609126 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609128 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609129 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609129 51843 109.20.00 >=
+609129 62840
+609130 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609130 62739
+609132 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609133 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609136 44404 0.98 >=
+609136 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609137 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609138 51121
+609138 52838
+609138 62716
+609138 62717
+609138 62736
+609138 62739
+609138 62740
+609138 62742
+609140 51288
+609140 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609142 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609144 45157 4.31 >=
+609144 49819 0.98 >=
+609144 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609144 51928 0.5 >=
+609144 62840
+609147 44622 ocamlopt?
+609147 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609147 51843 108.07.01 >=
+609147 57106 ocamlopt?
+609148 42953
+609148 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609148 54960
+609148 59071 3.3 >=
+609148 59654
+609148 59663 2.5-r1 >=
+609148 62042 0.6 >=
+609148 62852
+609148 62853
+609149 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609149 51288 1.3.2 >=
+609150 44622 2.0.0 >=
+609150 45157
+609150 51121
+609150 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609150 51288 1.3.1 >=
+609150 56988 0.0.4 >=
+609150 57105 0.0.11 >=
+609150 57106 0.4.2 >=
+609150 59065
+609150 59066
+609151 42953 0.4.0 >=
+609151 43080
+609151 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609151 54960 1.2 >=
+609151 59064 0.4 >=
+609151 62840
+609152 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609152 51843 109.15.02 >=
+609152 62840
+609153 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609154 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609155 45725 112.35.00 >=
+609155 46651 109.15.00 >=
+609155 49507 109.20.00 >=
+609155 51080 109.20.00 >=
+609155 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609155 59537 109.27.00 >=
+609155 59538 109.15.00 >=
+609155 59870 109.27.00 >=
+609155 60465 109.15.00 >=
+609155 61846 112.35.00 >=
+609155 61848
+609155 62840
+609156 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609157 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609157 62840
+609158 42672
+609158 47766
+609158 50308
+609158 51121
+609158 51288
+609158 52838 1.8.5 >=
+609158 58298
+609158 62716
+609158 62717
+609158 62729
+609158 62730
+609158 62840
+609159 49122
+609159 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609160 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609161 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609162 49507
+609162 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609163 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609163 51288 1.5 >=
+609164 49122 2.4.0 >=
+609164 50959 0.8 >=
+609164 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609164 54960
+609164 59073 1.2 >=
+609165 42953
+609165 45157
+609165 49819
+609165 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609167 44622 1.1.0 >=
+609167 51121
+609167 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609167 56988 0.0.2 >=
+609167 57105 0.0.3 >=
+609167 57106 0.4.2 >=
+609167 59065
+609167 59066
+609168 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609169 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609170 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609172 51121
+609172 52838
+609172 62716
+609172 62717
+609172 62736
+609172 62739
+609172 62740
+609172 62742
+609176 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609177 45725 112.35.00 >=
+609177 46651 109.15.00 >=
+609177 49507 109.20.00 >=
+609177 51080 109.20.00 >=
+609177 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609177 59537 109.18.00 >=
+609177 59538 109.15.00 >=
+609177 60464 112.35.00 >=
+609177 60465
+609177 60775
+609177 61846 112.35.00 >=
+609177 61848
+609177 62840
+609177 63858
+609178 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609179 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609182 44622 2.0.0 >=
+609182 45157
+609182 51121
+609182 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609182 51288 1.3.1 >=
+609182 56988 0.0.4 >=
+609182 57105 0.0.11 >=
+609182 57106 0.4.2 >=
+609182 59065
+609182 59066
+609183 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609183 59865 2.1 >=
+609183 62840
+609185 51288
+609185 62741
+609186 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609187 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609187 51288 1.3.2 >=
+609188 42953
+609188 49122 2.5.0 >=
+609188 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609188 54960
+609188 59071 3.3 >=
+609188 59654
+609188 59663 2.5-r1 >=
+609188 62042 0.6 >=
+609188 62852
+609188 62853
+609190 47516
+609190 51288
+609191 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609191 62840
+609192 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609192 51288 1.3.2 >=
+609194 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609195 51288
+609195 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609196 44622
+609196 50959
+609196 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609196 61034
+609197 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609197 51288 1.3.2 >=
+609198 42672
+609198 47766
+609198 50308
+609198 51121
+609198 51288
+609198 52838 1.8.5 >=
+609198 58298
+609198 61040
+609198 62716
+609198 62717
+609198 62729
+609198 62730
+609199 45725
+609199 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609199 59062
+609199 59537
+609199 60838
+609199 61842
+609199 61848
+609199 61849
+609199 62780
+609200 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609200 55890
+609202 51288
+609202 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609203 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609203 51288 1.3.2 >=
+609203 62840
+609205 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609205 51843 108 >=
+609205 59063
+609205 62043
+609206 45157
+609206 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609206 59654
+609206 59655
+609206 62840
+609207 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609208 55518
+609209 42953 0.4.0 >=
+609209 43080
+609209 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609209 54960
+609211 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609212 51288
+609212 54960
+609212 62741
+609213 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609213 62840
+609215 44404 0.98 >=
+609215 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609216 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609216 62840
+609217 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609218 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609219 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609219 62840
+609220 44622
+609220 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609222 49507
+609222 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609222 51843 109.60.00 >=
+609222 59870
+609222 62840
+609224 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609225 49122 2.3.0 >=
+609225 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609225 59662 0.3 >=
+609227 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609228 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609228 51843 109.15.00 >=
+609229 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609229 51843 111.13 >=
+609229 62840
+609231 46651
+609231 49507
+609231 51080
+609231 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609231 59537
+609231 59870
+609231 60775
+609231 60837
+609231 61846
+609231 62840
+609234 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609234 51843 108 >=
+609234 62840
+609236 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609237 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609238 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609239 42953
+609239 49122 2.5.0 >=
+609239 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609239 54960
+609239 59071 3.3 >=
+609239 59654
+609239 59663 2.5-r1 >=
+609239 62042 0.6 >=
+609239 62852
+609239 62853
+609242 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609242 51843 109 >=
+609242 59537
+609242 62840
+609243 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609244 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609244 51288 1.5 >=
+609245 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609245 62840
+609246 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609246 62840
+609247 44622
+609247 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609248 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609248 51843 111.13 >=
+609248 62840
+609249 62840
+609249 62841
+609250 45725
+609250 46651
+609250 49507
+609250 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609250 51843 112 >=
+609250 59870
+609250 61848
+609250 62840
+609251 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609251 51843 109.55.02 >=
+609251 59537
+609252 44404 0.98 >=
+609252 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609252 62840
+609254 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609255 42953 0.4 >=
+609255 43079
+609255 43080 2 >=
+609255 45157 5 >=
+609255 47766
+609255 51288 1.0 >=
+609255 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609255 62841
+609256 42672
+609256 47766
+609256 50308
+609256 51121
+609256 51288
+609256 52838 1.8.5 >=
+609256 58298
+609256 62716
+609256 62717
+609256 62729
+609256 62730
+609256 62840
+609257 49122
+609257 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609258 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609258 51843 109.20.03 >=
+609258 62840
+609259 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609259 61040
+609259 63074
+609259 63075
+609260 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609261 44622
+609261 51121
+609261 51288
+609261 62840
+609262 44622
+609262 50959 0.8.3 >=
+609262 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609262 57106 0.4.0 >=
+609262 62840
+609264 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609265 45725 109.35.00 >=
+609265 46651 109.15.00 >=
+609265 49507 109.20.00 >=
+609265 51080 109.20.00 >=
+609265 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609265 59537 109.27.00 >=
+609265 60465 109.35.00 >=
+609265 61848
+609265 62840
+609266 44404 0.98 >=
+609266 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609267 47516
+609267 51288
+609267 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609269 44622
+609269 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609270 44622 1.1.2 >=
+609270 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609270 51843 109.28.00 >=
+609270 62840
+609271 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609271 51843 109.60 >=
+609271 62840
+609272 44622
+609272 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609272 59063
+609273 45725
+609273 49507
+609273 51080
+609273 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609273 59537
+609273 59870
+609273 60838
+609273 62840
+609275 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609276 49122 2.4.0 >=
+609276 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609276 54960
+609276 59071 3.3 >=
+609276 60329
+609276 62042 0.6 >=
+609276 62739
+609276 62840
+609276 62853
+609278 43080
+609278 45833
+609278 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609279 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609280 43080 2
+609280 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609281 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609281 61040
+609281 63074
+609281 63075
+609282 49507
+609282 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609282 51843 109.60.00 >=
+609282 59870
+609282 60465
+609282 62840
+609283 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609284 50959
+609284 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609284 54960
+609286 45157
+609286 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609286 59061 2 >=
+609286 59654
+609286 59655
+609287 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609287 51843 109.60.01 >=
+609287 62840
+609288 49507
+609288 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609288 51843
+609288 62840
+609289 44622
+609289 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609291 44622
+609291 50959 0.8.3 >=
+609291 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609291 57106 0.4.0 >=
+609292 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609292 51288 1.5.5-r1 >=
+609293 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609293 63075
+609295 44622 1.1.0 >=
+609295 45725 112.35.00 >=
+609295 46651 109.15.00 >=
+609295 49507 109.20.00 >=
+609295 51080 109.20.00 >=
+609295 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609295 59537 109.27.00 >=
+609295 59538 109.15.00 >=
+609295 59870 109.27.00 >=
+609295 60775 109.27.00 >=
+609295 60838 109.35.00 >=
+609295 61842
+609295 61848
+609295 61849
+609295 62840
+609296 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609297 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609299 42953 0.4.0 >=
+609299 43080
+609299 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609299 54960 1.2 >=
+609299 62840
+609300 42953
+609300 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609300 54960
+609300 59071 2.1 >=
+609300 59654
+609300 59662 0.3 >=
+609300 59663 1.3.2 >=
+609301 44622 1.0.2 >=
+609301 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609301 59537
+609301 60463 112.35.00 >=
+609301 60464 112.35.00 >=
+609301 61846 112.35.00 >=
+609301 62780
+609301 62840
+609302 50959
+609302 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609302 54960
+609303 62840
+609305 49122 2.3.0 >=
+609305 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609305 59662 0.3 >=
+609305 62840
+609308 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609309 49122 2.4.0 >=
+609309 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+609309 59070 1.2 >=
+609309 59073 1.2 >=
+616615 47193
+616619 60162
+616624 54674
+616627 60162
+616648 47193 0
+616650 54144
+616651 47193 1.2.1 >=
+616659 46436 1.8.0 >=
+616661 54144 >=
+616665 54674
+616672 48090
+616674 47703 1.4.0 >=
+616681 47193 2 >=
+616681 57954 0.19 >=
+616688 54674
+616691 47193 2.0.12 >=
+616691 48090 1 >=
+616691 59305 3.11.91 >=
+616691 59840 0.16 >=
+616697 47193 2.0.17-r1[smartcard] >=
+616697 54674 0.7.0 >=
+616698 42589 0.9.9 >=
+616701 47193
+616709 62720
+616709 62721
+616710 48090
+616712 54144
+616729 42589
+616734 62720
+616734 62721
+616739 62720
+616739 62721
+616743 42298
+616743 47193 1.4* =
+616743 47193 2.0* =
+616743 48090 1 >=
+616748 47193 2 >=
+616748 48090 1.2.0 >=
+616750 47193
+616753 46436 !!
+616753 49088 !!
+616760 60162
+616773 49030 0.3.0 >=
+616778 54144 >=
+616792 47193 2 >=
+616792 48090 1.5.0 >=
+616800 47193
+616803 60162
+616804 59840
+616811 49030 0.2.8 >=
+616812 49030
+616812 49803 pkcs11
+616816 47193
+616817 54674
+616820 42589 0.8.18-r1 >=
+628115 47193
+628116 47193
+628142 44134
+628142 46436
+628142 47193
+628149 44134
+628149 46436
+628149 47193
+628162 47193
+628169 49561 0.6.23 >=
+628169 59840 vala
+628173 44134
+628173 46436
+628173 47193
+628179 49561 0.6.23 >=
+628179 59840 vala
+628183 44134
+628183 46436
+628183 47193
+628185 52709 !
+628187 54144 >=
+628194 47193
+628357 54144
+628368 56568
+628386 56568
+628405 54144 >=
+628410 56568
+628921 44063 3.2 >=
+628921 44063 3.4 <
+628922 54144
+628925 54144 1.6.6 >=
+628930 54144
+628933 54144
+628936 54144
+628937 54144 1.6.6 >=
+628939 44063 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)
+628941 54144
+628945 44063 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_jython2_5(-),-python_single_target_jython2_7(-),-python_single_target_pypy(-),-python_single_target_pypy3(-),-python_single_target_python3_3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-),python_single_target_python2_7(+)
+628945 47819
+628945 54369 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_jython2_5(-),-python_single_target_jython2_7(-),-python_single_target_pypy(-),-python_single_target_pypy3(-),-python_single_target_python3_3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-),python_single_target_python2_7(+)
+628945 55923
+628945 55943 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_jython2_5(-),-python_single_target_jython2_7(-),-python_single_target_pypy(-),-python_single_target_pypy3(-),-python_single_target_python3_3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-),python_single_target_python2_7(+)
+628947 54144 1.6.6 >=
+628950 54144 >=
+628952 54369 1.6_rc1 >=
+628953 47193
+628953 54144
+628955 54144
+628957 44063 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)
+628960 55943 1.0.9 >=
+628962 54369 1.6_rc1[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_jython2_5(-),-python_single_target_jython2_7(-),-python_single_target_pypy(-),-python_single_target_pypy3(-),-python_single_target_python3_3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-),python_single_target_python2_7(+)] >=
+628966 54144
+628967 44063
+628968 54144
+628971 54144
+628977 54144 1.6.6 >=
+628978 55943 python,python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_jython2_5(-),-python_single_target_jython2_7(-),-python_single_target_pypy(-),-python_single_target_pypy3(-),-python_single_target_python3_3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-),python_single_target_python2_7(+)
+628984 47193
+628984 54144
+628987 54369 2.5.0 >=
+628988 47193
+628988 54144
+628989 54369 1.6_rc1 >=
+628991 54144
+628993 44063 1.9.3[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] >=
+628993 44063 3.3.3[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] <
+628995 44063
+628996 54144
+629001 54144
+629004 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629007 47193
+629007 54144
+629010 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629017 44063 1.9.3[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] >=
+629017 44063 3.3.3[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] <
+629019 54144
+629022 44063
+629024 54369 2.4 >=
+629027 54144
+629029 55943
+629030 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629036 44063 3.2 >=
+629036 44063 3.4 <
+629039 54144 1.5 >=
+629040 55943 1.7 >=
+629046 44063
+629047 44063 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)
+629054 59840
+629058 44063 3.3 >=
+629058 44063 3.5 <
+629059 55923 1.11.6 >=
+629064 54144 >=
+629065 55943 1.0.9 >=
+629066 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629067 54144
+629069 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629070 54144
+629073 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629077 54144
+629077 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629079 44063 1.9.3[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] >=
+629080 48576 0.5 >= 0
+629085 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629086 54144
+629088 54144
+629096 54369 2.5 >=
+629098 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629100 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629106 54144
+629106 55943
+629107 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629109 55943
+629111 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629112 44063
+629120 54144
+629121 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629124 54144
+629124 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629126 55943
+629128 54369 2.5 >=
+629130 55943
+629136 54369 2.4* =
+629136 54369 2.5* =
+629143 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629147 44063 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)
+629148 44063
+629150 55943
+634223 52709 !
+634265 59840
+653315 54144 >=
+653586 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+654491 59840
+654757 47193
+654758 47193 2 >=
+654758 48090 1.5.0 >=
+654839 54674
+654840 52533 !
+654840 54674
+655018 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655019 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655019 51288 1.3.2 >=
+655020 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655020 61040
+655020 63074
+655020 63075
+655021 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655035 52709 !
+655036 47193
+655037 52709 !
+655039 54144
+655307 44063 1.9.3[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] >=
+655338 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655338 51843 113.00.00 >=
+655338 62840
+655339 46651
+655339 49507
+655339 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655339 59537
+655339 59870
+655339 60837
+655339 61842
+655339 61843
+655339 61848
+655339 64158
+655340 44622 1.1.2 >=
+655340 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655340 51843 109.28.00 >=
+655340 62840
+655341 45725 109.60.00 >=
+655341 46651 112.17.00 >=
+655341 49507 109.20.00 >=
+655341 51080 109.20.00 >=
+655341 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655341 59537
+655341 59537 109.27.00 >=
+655341 59538 109.15.00 >=
+655341 59539 109.15.00 >=
+655341 59870 109.27.00 >=
+655341 60465 109.35.00 >=
+655341 60775
+655341 61842
+655341 61843 111.17 >=
+655341 61848
+655341 62781
+655341 62840
+655342 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655342 51843 109.60 >=
+655342 62840
+655343 49507
+655343 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655343 51843
+655343 62840
+655344 45725
+655344 49507
+655344 51080
+655344 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655344 59537
+655344 61848
+655345 45725 113.00.00 >=
+655345 46651 109.15.00 >=
+655345 49507 109.20.00 >=
+655345 51080 109.20.00 >=
+655345 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655345 59537 109.27.00 >=
+655345 59538 109.15.00 >=
+655345 59870 109.27.00 >=
+655345 60465 109.15.00 >=
+655345 61846 113.00.00 >=
+655345 61848
+655345 62840
+655346 44622 1.1.1 >=
+655346 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655346 62840
+655347 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655347 51843 109.20.00 >=
+655347 62840
+655349 44622 1.1.2 >=
+655349 46651 109.15.00 >=
+655349 49507 109.20.00 >=
+655349 51080 109.20.00 >=
+655349 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655349 59537 109.27.00 >=
+655349 59538 109.15.00 >=
+655349 59539 109.15.00 >=
+655349 59870 109.27.00 >=
+655349 60465 109.35.00 >=
+655349 60775
+655349 60837 109.35.00 >=
+655349 61842
+655349 61848
+655349 62781
+655349 62840
+655349 63861
+655350 45725 113.00.00 >=
+655350 46651 109.15.00 >=
+655350 49507 109.20.00 >=
+655350 51080 109.20.00 >=
+655350 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655350 59537 109.18.00 >=
+655350 59538 109.15.00 >=
+655350 60464 113.00.00 >=
+655350 60465
+655350 60775
+655350 61846 113.00.00 >=
+655350 61848
+655350 62840
+655350 63858
+655351 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655351 61040
+655352 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655352 51288 1.3.2 >=
+655352 62840
+655353 44622 1.1.0 >=
+655353 45725 113.00.00 >=
+655353 46651 109.15.00 >=
+655353 49507 109.20.00 >=
+655353 51080 109.20.00 >=
+655353 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655353 59537 109.27.00 >=
+655353 59538 109.15.00 >=
+655353 59870 109.27.00 >=
+655353 60775 109.27.00 >=
+655353 60838 109.35.00 >=
+655353 61842
+655353 61848
+655353 61849
+655353 62840
+655354 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655354 51843 111.13 >=
+655354 62840
+655355 49507
+655355 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655355 51843 109.20.00 >=
+655355 59537
+655355 62840
+655356 46651
+655356 49507
+655356 51080
+655356 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655356 59537
+655356 59870
+655356 60775
+655356 60837
+655356 61846
+655356 62840
+655357 45725 113 >=
+655357 46651
+655357 49507
+655357 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655357 51843 112 >=
+655357 59870
+655357 61848
+655357 62840
+655358 46651
+655358 49507
+655358 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655358 60837
+655358 61843 112.17.00 >=
+655358 62840
+655359 44622 2.0.0 >=
+655359 45157
+655359 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655359 59061
+655360 44622 1.0.2 >=
+655360 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655360 59537
+655360 60463 113.00.00 >=
+655360 60464 113.00.00 >=
+655360 61846 113.00.00 >=
+655360 62780
+655360 62840
+655361 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655361 51843 113.00.00 >=
+655361 62840
+655362 45725 109.35.00 >=
+655362 46651 109.15.00 >=
+655362 49507 109.20.00 >=
+655362 51080 109.20.00 >=
+655362 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655362 59537 109.27.00 >=
+655362 60465 109.35.00 >=
+655362 61848
+655362 62840
+655363 45725
+655363 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+655363 59062
+655363 59537
+655363 60838
+655363 61842
+655363 61848
+655363 61849
+655363 62780
+655427 47516
+655427 51288
+655428 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+656780 59840
+657023 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+657023 51288 1.3.2 >=
+657023 62840
+657032 59840
+657508 47193
+657509 47193
+657594 44063 3.4 >=
+657594 44063 3.6 <
+657691 47193
+657740 52533 !
+657740 54674
+658057 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+658322 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+658447 54144
+658492 44622 2 >=
+658492 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+658493 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+658511 47193
+658606 49122
+658605 51843
+658605 49507 109.53.00 >=
+658607 44622
+658616 49030
+658603 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+658601 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+658601 44622
+658607 62852
+658605 44622 1.0.2 >=
+658607 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+658604 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+658605 64582
+658616 49803 pkcs11
+658605 62717
+658605 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+658607 49122 2.4.0 >=
+658604 64577 ounit(-)
+658606 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+658607 64575 0.6.0 >=
+658601 64575 1.1.0 >=
+658603 61040 1.1.0 >=
+658602 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+658606 64578
+658606 64575
+658662 64575
+658606 64576
+658662 44622
+658662 64579
+658662 62852 2.6.0 >=
+658493 64587 !
+658662 64581 1.7.0 >=
+658662 63896 2.0.0 >=
+658661 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+658661 60461
+658662 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+658661 44622
+658661 51843
+658662 62717
+658662 64575 1.0.1 >=
+658662 49122 2.4.7 >=
+658661 62840
+658661 49507
+658662 60461 112.24.00 >=
+658662 56798 !
+658662 62739
+658661 49122
+658662 64580
+658660 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+658661 64576
+658822 47193 2.0.0 >=
+659072 55943
+659153 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+659154 62841
+659277 59840
+659375 54144 >=
+659369 54928 !!
+659411 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+659410 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+659410 49122
+659510 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+659582 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+659582 44622
+659709 54928 !!
+659819 62840
+659818 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+659819 61040 1.0.1 >=
+659819 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+659819 59070 1.2 >=
+659819 49122 2.4.0 >=
+659819 59073 1.2 >=
+659817 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+659908 47193
+659864 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+659864 51288 1.3.2 >=
+660221 44063 3.7 <
+660221 44063 3.5 >=
+660295 54144
+679113 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+679154 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+679406 59305 3.11.91 >=
+679406 59840 0.16 >=
+679405 47193 2 >=
+679405 57954 0.19 >=
+679406 47193 2.0.12 >=
+679406 48090 1 >=
+679604 59840
+679699 54144 1.6.6 >=
+679700 54144 1.6.6 >=
+679701 54144 1.6.6 >=
+680048 54928 !!
+680204 54674
+680203 54674
+680228 44063 3.7 <
+680228 44063 3.5 >=
+680203 52533 !
+680251 51288 1.3.2 >=
+680266 52709 !
+680250 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+680251 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+680325 64575
+680325 64579
+680325 62852 2.6.0 >=
+680325 63896 2.0.0 >=
+680325 64581 1.7.0 >=
+680325 62717
+680325 64575 1.0.1 >=
+680325 51288 1.0.4-r1 >=
+680325 49122 2.4.7 >=
+680325 60461 112.24.00 >=
+680325 56798 !
+680325 62739
+680325 64580
+680325 44622
+680480 62720
+680479 62720
+680479 62721
+680478 62720
+680478 62721
+680480 62721
+680600 64821 9999[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] >=
+680600 54144 >=
+680602 54144 >=
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/ebuild_masks.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/ebuild_masks.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d0e35ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/ebuild_masks.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+3 628951
+3 628975
+3 629055
+3 629071
+3 629114
+218 628418
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/ebuild_rdeps.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/ebuild_rdeps.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f198d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/ebuild_rdeps.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,1077 @@
+609052 60465
+609052 62840
+609053 51121
+609053 62840
+609056 51843 109.15.02 >=
+609056 62840
+609057 49122 2.4.0 >=
+609057 59070 1.2 >=
+609057 59073 1.2 >=
+609057 61040 1.0.1 >=
+609057 62840
+609058 45157
+609058 62840
+609059 43080
+609060 62840
+609063 45157
+609063 59061
+609065 46651 109.15.00 >=
+609065 49507 109.20.00 >=
+609065 51080 109.20.00 >=
+609065 59537 109.27.00 >=
+609065 59538 109.15.00 >=
+609065 59539 109.15.00 >=
+609065 59870 109.27.00 >=
+609065 60465 109.35.00 >=
+609065 60775
+609065 60837 109.35.00 >=
+609065 61842
+609065 61848
+609065 62781
+609065 62840
+609065 63861
+609066 60465
+609070 49122 2.4.4 >=
+609070 54960
+609070 59071 3.3 >=
+609070 60329
+609070 61040
+609070 62042 0.6 >=
+609070 62739
+609070 62840
+609070 62853
+609070 63896
+609071 49507
+609075 57105 0.0.11 >=
+609076 49122 2.4.0 >=
+609076 54960
+609076 59071 3.3 >=
+609076 60329
+609076 62042 0.6 >=
+609076 62739
+609076 62840
+609078 45157
+609078 59654
+609078 59655
+609078 62840
+609080 43080
+609081 45157
+609081 62840
+609083 62840
+609084 46651
+609084 49507
+609084 60837
+609084 61843 112.17.00 >=
+609084 62840
+609086 62840
+609088 51288
+609088 51843 108 >=
+609088 62043
+609088 62840
+609090 51288 1.3.2 >=
+609091 50959
+609092 62742
+609092 62840
+609093 62742
+609094 51288 1.5.5-r1 !<
+609097 62841
+609098 45725 109.24.00 >=
+609098 49507 109.20.00 >=
+609098 59537 109.18.00 >=
+609098 62840
+609099 46651 112.17.00 >=
+609099 49507 109.20.00 >=
+609099 51080 109.20.00 >=
+609099 59537 109.27.00 >=
+609099 59538 109.15.00 >=
+609099 59539 109.15.00 >=
+609099 59870 109.27.00 >=
+609099 60465 109.35.00 >=
+609099 60775
+609099 61842
+609099 61843 111.17 >=
+609099 61848
+609099 62781
+609099 62840
+609101 50959
+609105 51843 108.07.01 >=
+609105 62840
+609106 45157 4.31 >=
+609106 49819 0.98 >=
+609106 51928 0.5 >=
+609106 62840
+609107 49122 2.4.0 >=
+609107 59070 1.2 >=
+609107 59073 1.2 >=
+609107 61040 1.0.1 >=
+609107 62840
+609108 51843 109 >=
+609108 59537
+609108 62840
+609109 43080 2 >=
+609109 45157 5 >=
+609109 47766
+609109 51288 1.0 >=
+609109 62841
+609110 51288 0.8 >=
+609112 49122 2.4.0 >=
+609112 50959 0.8 >=
+609112 54960
+609112 59073 1.2 >=
+609114 49507
+609114 51843 109.20.00 >=
+609114 59537
+609114 62840
+609115 51121
+609115 51288
+609115 52838
+609115 62716
+609115 62717
+609115 62736
+609115 62739
+609115 62740
+609115 62742
+609116 44622 1.1.1 >=
+609116 62840
+609118 45725
+609118 49507
+609118 51080
+609118 59537
+609118 61848
+609129 51843 109.20.00 >=
+609129 62840
+609130 62739
+609136 44404 0.98 >=
+609138 51121
+609138 51288
+609138 52838
+609138 62716
+609138 62717
+609138 62736
+609138 62739
+609138 62740
+609138 62742
+609140 43080
+609144 45157 4.31 >=
+609144 49819 0.98 >=
+609144 51928 0.5 >=
+609144 62840
+609147 51843 108.07.01 >=
+609148 42953
+609148 54960
+609148 59071 3.3 >=
+609148 59654
+609148 59663 2.5-r1 >=
+609148 62042 0.6 >=
+609148 62741
+609148 62852
+609148 62853
+609149 51288 1.3.2 >=
+609150 57105 0.0.11 >=
+609151 42953 0.4.0 >=
+609151 43080
+609151 54960 1.2 >=
+609151 59064 0.4 >=
+609151 62840
+609152 51843 109.15.02 >=
+609152 62840
+609155 45725 112.35.00 >=
+609155 46651 109.15.00 >=
+609155 49507 109.20.00 >=
+609155 51080 109.20.00 >=
+609155 59537 109.27.00 >=
+609155 59538 109.15.00 >=
+609155 59870 109.27.00 >=
+609155 60465 109.15.00 >=
+609155 61846 112.35.00 >=
+609155 61848
+609155 62840
+609157 62840
+609158 42672
+609158 47766
+609158 50308
+609158 51121
+609158 52838 1.8.5 >=
+609158 58298
+609158 62716
+609158 62717
+609158 62729
+609158 62730
+609158 62840
+609159 49122
+609162 49507
+609164 49122 2.4.0 >=
+609164 50959 0.8 >=
+609164 54960
+609164 59073 1.2 >=
+609165 42953
+609165 45157
+609165 49819
+609167 57105 0.0.3 >=
+609172 51121
+609172 51288
+609172 52838
+609172 62716
+609172 62717
+609172 62736
+609172 62739
+609172 62740
+609172 62742
+609177 45725 112.35.00 >=
+609177 46651 109.15.00 >=
+609177 49507 109.20.00 >=
+609177 51080 109.20.00 >=
+609177 59537 109.18.00 >=
+609177 59538 109.15.00 >=
+609177 60464 112.35.00 >=
+609177 60465
+609177 60775
+609177 61846 112.35.00 >=
+609177 61848
+609177 62840
+609177 63858
+609182 57105 0.0.11 >=
+609183 59865 2.1 >=
+609183 62840
+609187 51288 1.3.2 >=
+609188 42953
+609188 49122 2.5.0 >=
+609188 54960
+609188 59071 3.3 >=
+609188 59654
+609188 59663 2.5-r1 >=
+609188 62042 0.6 >=
+609188 62741
+609188 62852
+609188 62853
+609191 62840
+609195 43080
+609196 50959
+609197 51288 1.3.2 >=
+609198 42672
+609198 47766
+609198 50308
+609198 51121
+609198 52838 1.8.5 >=
+609198 58298
+609198 61040
+609198 62716
+609198 62717
+609198 62729
+609198 62730
+609199 45725
+609199 59062
+609199 59537
+609199 60838
+609199 61842
+609199 61848
+609199 61849
+609199 62780
+609202 43080
+609203 62840
+609205 51843 108 >=
+609205 62043
+609206 45157
+609206 59654
+609206 59655
+609206 62840
+609209 42953 0.4.0 >=
+609209 43080
+609209 54960
+609212 54960
+609213 62840
+609215 44404 0.98 >=
+609216 62840
+609219 62840
+609222 49507
+609222 51843 109.60.00 >=
+609222 59870
+609222 62840
+609225 49122 2.3.0 >=
+609225 59662 0.3 >=
+609228 51843 109.15.00 >=
+609229 51843 111.13 >=
+609229 62840
+609231 46651
+609231 49507
+609231 51080
+609231 59537
+609231 59870
+609231 60775
+609231 60837
+609231 61846
+609231 62840
+609234 51843 108 >=
+609234 62840
+609239 42953
+609239 49122 2.5.0 >=
+609239 54960
+609239 59071 3.3 >=
+609239 59654
+609239 59663 2.5-r1 >=
+609239 62042 0.6 >=
+609239 62741
+609239 62852
+609239 62853
+609242 51843 109 >=
+609242 59537
+609242 62840
+609245 62840
+609246 62840
+609248 51843 111.13 >=
+609248 62840
+609249 62840
+609249 62841
+609250 45725
+609250 46651
+609250 49507
+609250 51843 112 >=
+609250 59870
+609250 61848
+609250 62840
+609251 51843 109.55.02 >=
+609251 59537
+609252 44404 0.98 >=
+609252 62840
+609255 42953 0.4 >=
+609255 43079
+609255 43080 2 >=
+609255 45157 5 >=
+609255 47766
+609255 51288 1.0 >=
+609255 62841
+609256 42672
+609256 47766
+609256 50308
+609256 51121
+609256 52838 1.8.5 >=
+609256 58298
+609256 62716
+609256 62717
+609256 62729
+609256 62730
+609256 62840
+609257 49122
+609258 51843 109.20.03 >=
+609258 62840
+609259 63074
+609259 63075
+609261 51121
+609261 62840
+609262 50959 0.8.3 >=
+609262 57106 0.4.0 >=
+609262 62840
+609265 45725 109.35.00 >=
+609265 46651 109.15.00 >=
+609265 49507 109.20.00 >=
+609265 51080 109.20.00 >=
+609265 59537 109.27.00 >=
+609265 60465 109.35.00 >=
+609265 61848
+609265 62840
+609266 44404 0.98 >=
+609267 47516
+609267 51288
+609270 51843 109.28.00 >=
+609270 62840
+609271 51843 109.60 >=
+609271 62840
+609272 44622
+609273 45725
+609273 49507
+609273 51080
+609273 59537
+609273 59870
+609273 60838
+609273 62840
+609276 49122 2.4.0 >=
+609276 54960
+609276 59071 3.3 >=
+609276 60329
+609276 62042 0.6 >=
+609276 62739
+609276 62840
+609276 62853
+609278 43080
+609280 43080 2
+609281 63074
+609281 63075
+609282 49507
+609282 51843 109.60.00 >=
+609282 59870
+609282 60465
+609282 62840
+609284 50959
+609284 54960
+609286 45157
+609286 59061 2 >=
+609286 59654
+609286 59655
+609287 51843 109.60.01 >=
+609287 62840
+609288 49507
+609288 51843
+609288 62840
+609291 50959 0.8.3 >=
+609291 57106 0.4.0 >=
+609293 63075
+609295 45725 112.35.00 >=
+609295 46651 109.15.00 >=
+609295 49507 109.20.00 >=
+609295 51080 109.20.00 >=
+609295 59537 109.27.00 >=
+609295 59538 109.15.00 >=
+609295 59870 109.27.00 >=
+609295 60775 109.27.00 >=
+609295 60838 109.35.00 >=
+609295 61842
+609295 61848
+609295 61849
+609295 62840
+609299 42953 0.4.0 >=
+609299 43080
+609299 54960 1.2 >=
+609299 62840
+609300 42953
+609300 54960
+609300 59071 2.1 >=
+609300 59654
+609300 59662 0.3 >=
+609300 59663 1.3.2 >=
+609301 60463 112.35.00 >=
+609301 60464 112.35.00 >=
+609301 61846 112.35.00 >=
+609301 62840
+609302 50959
+609302 54960
+609303 62840
+609305 49122 2.3.0 >=
+609305 59662 0.3 >=
+609305 62840
+609309 49122 2.4.0 >=
+609309 59070 1.2 >=
+609309 59073 1.2 >=
+616615 47193
+616620 47193
+616624 47193 2.0.1 !<=
+616624 54674
+616634 47193
+616648 47193 0
+616651 47193 1.2.1 >=
+616659 46436 1.8.0 >=
+616660 48206 1.1.3-r2 >=
+616661 47193
+616661 62951 9999[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,python_targets_python3_3(-)?,python_targets_python3_4(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-),-python_single_target_python3_3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-)] =
+616663 43076
+616665 47193 2.0.1 !<=
+616665 54674
+616671 47193
+616671 62951 0.1*[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,python_targets_python3_3(-)?,python_targets_python3_4(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-),-python_single_target_python3_3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-)] =
+616672 48090
+616680 47193 1.3.92 >=
+616681 47193 2 >=
+616681 57954 0.19 >=
+616688 47193 2.0.1 !<=
+616688 54674
+616691 47193 2.0.12 >=
+616691 48090 1 >=
+616691 59305 3.11.91 >=
+616691 59840 0.16 >=
+616697 47193 2.0.17-r1[smartcard] >=
+616697 54674 0.7.0 >=
+616698 42589 0.9.9 >=
+616701 47193
+616703 47193
+616709 62720
+616709 62721
+616710 48090
+616714 47193 1.3.92 >=
+616715 47703 1.4.18[usb] >=
+616729 42589
+616731 43076
+616734 62720
+616734 62721
+616739 62720
+616739 62721
+616741 43076
+616743 42298
+616743 42298 3.2 !<
+616743 47193 1.4* =
+616743 47193 2.0* =
+616743 48090 1 >=
+616748 47193 2 >=
+616748 48090 1.2.0 >=
+616750 47193
+616753 46436 !!
+616753 49088 !!
+616765 47703 1.4.18[usb] >=
+616767 43076
+616773 49030 0.3.0 >=
+616778 47193
+616778 62950 201501052117 >=
+616780 47193
+616792 47193 2 >=
+616792 48090 1.5.0 >=
+616795 43076
+616800 47193
+616801 47193 1.3.92 >=
+616806 47193
+616807 47193
+616807 62950 201501052117 >=
+616811 49030 0.2.8 >=
+616812 49030
+616812 49803 pkcs11
+616815 59540
+616815 59542
+616815 59543
+616816 47193
+616817 47193 2.0.1 !<=
+616817 54674
+616820 42589 0.8.18-r1 >=
+628115 47193
+628116 47193
+628120 51028
+628122 62550 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628125 62550 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628125 62552 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628128 51100
+628135 62542 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628135 62544 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628135 62547 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628135 62548 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628135 62549 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628139 58220 0.6.19[lzma,lzo] >=
+628142 44134
+628142 46436
+628142 47193
+628149 44134
+628149 46436
+628149 47193
+628153 58220 0.6.19[lzma,lzo] >=
+628162 47193
+628166 49561
+628169 49561 0.6.23 >=
+628169 59840 vala
+628170 62550 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628172 46436 keyutils
+628173 44134
+628173 46436
+628173 47193
+628179 49561 0.6.23 >=
+628179 59840 vala
+628181 46436 keyutils
+628182 62543 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628182 62545 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628182 62546 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628183 44134
+628183 46436
+628183 47193
+628185 52709 !
+628191 49561
+628194 47193
+628197 62550 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628198 62550 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628198 62552 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628202 62545 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628202 62550 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628202 62551 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628202 62552 1.0.10[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] ~
+628355 49517
+628368 56568
+628374 51866
+628386 56568
+628407 49517
+628410 56568
+628921 44063 3.2 >=
+628921 44063 3.4 <
+628922 54144
+628925 54144 1.6.6 >=
+628925 56473 !
+628930 54144
+628931 47193
+628932 54144
+628933 54144
+628936 54144
+628937 54144 1.6.6 >=
+628937 56473 !
+628938 47193
+628939 44063 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)
+628941 54144
+628944 44063
+628944 54144
+628945 44063 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_jython2_5(-),-python_single_target_jython2_7(-),-python_single_target_pypy(-),-python_single_target_pypy3(-),-python_single_target_python3_3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-),python_single_target_python2_7(+)
+628945 47819
+628945 54369 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_jython2_5(-),-python_single_target_jython2_7(-),-python_single_target_pypy(-),-python_single_target_pypy3(-),-python_single_target_python3_3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-),python_single_target_python2_7(+)
+628945 55923
+628945 55943 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_jython2_5(-),-python_single_target_jython2_7(-),-python_single_target_pypy(-),-python_single_target_pypy3(-),-python_single_target_python3_3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-),python_single_target_python2_7(+)
+628947 54144 1.6.6 >=
+628947 56473 !
+628950 54144
+628952 42298
+628952 54369 1.6_rc1 >=
+628953 47193
+628953 55921 2.1 >= 0
+628953 55943 -dso,perl
+628954 51336
+628954 54369 2.5 >=
+628954 54654 0.23 >=
+628955 54144
+628956 54144
+628957 44063 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)
+628960 46196
+628960 55943 1.0.9 >=
+628961 54144
+628961 54369 2.2 >=
+628961 58853 0.10 >=
+628962 42298
+628962 54369 1.6_rc1[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_jython2_5(-),-python_single_target_jython2_7(-),-python_single_target_pypy(-),-python_single_target_pypy3(-),-python_single_target_python3_3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-),python_single_target_python2_7(+)] >=
+628965 44063
+628965 54144
+628966 54144
+628967 47193
+628968 54144
+628971 54144
+628973 51336 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_jython2_5(-),-python_single_target_jython2_7(-),-python_single_target_pypy(-),-python_single_target_pypy3(-),-python_single_target_python3_3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-),python_single_target_python2_7(+)
+628973 54369 2.5[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_jython2_5(-),-python_single_target_jython2_7(-),-python_single_target_pypy(-),-python_single_target_pypy3(-),-python_single_target_python3_3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-),python_single_target_python2_7(+)] >=
+628973 54654 0.23[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_jython2_5(-),-python_single_target_jython2_7(-),-python_single_target_pypy(-),-python_single_target_pypy3(-),-python_single_target_python3_3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-),python_single_target_python2_7(+)] >=
+628974 44063 1.4 >=
+628974 55943 1.5[python] >=
+628977 54144 1.6.6 >=
+628977 56493 !
+628978 55943 python,python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_jython2_5(-),-python_single_target_jython2_7(-),-python_single_target_pypy(-),-python_single_target_pypy3(-),-python_single_target_python3_3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-),python_single_target_python2_7(+)
+628980 54144 1.7.3 >=
+628981 54144
+628984 47193
+628984 55921 2.1 >= 0
+628984 55943 -dso,perl
+628986 55943
+628987 54369 2.5.0 >=
+628988 47193
+628988 55921 2.1 >= 0
+628988 55943 -dso,perl
+628989 42298
+628989 54369 1.6_rc1 >=
+628991 54144
+628993 44063 1.9.3[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] >=
+628993 44063 3.3.3[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] <
+628994 54144
+628995 44063
+628996 54144
+629001 54144
+629003 54369 2.5.0 >=
+629004 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629004 56473 !
+629007 47193
+629007 55921 2.1 >= 0
+629007 55943 -dso,perl
+629009 55923
+629010 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629010 56493 !
+629013 54144
+629014 54144
+629017 44063 1.9.3[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] >=
+629017 44063 3.3.3[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] <
+629019 54144
+629022 44063
+629023 54144
+629024 54369 2.4 >=
+629027 54144
+629029 54144
+629029 55943
+629030 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629030 56473 !
+629036 44063 3.2 >=
+629036 44063 3.4 <
+629038 54144
+629039 54144 1.5 >=
+629040 55943 1.7 >=
+629046 44063
+629047 44063 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)
+629053 54144
+629054 59840
+629058 44063 3.3 >=
+629058 44063 3.5 <
+629059 55923 1.11.6 >=
+629060 47193
+629064 54144 >=
+629065 46196
+629065 54144 >=
+629065 54369 1.13 >=
+629065 55943 1.0.9 >=
+629066 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629066 56473 !
+629067 54144
+629069 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629069 56473 !
+629070 54144
+629073 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629073 56473 !
+629076 54144
+629077 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629077 56473 !
+629078 55923 1.11.6 >=
+629079 44063 1.9.3[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] >=
+629080 48576 0.5 >= 0
+629080 55943 1.3.0 >=
+629085 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629085 56493 !
+629086 54144
+629088 54144
+629096 54369 2.5 >=
+629098 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629098 56473 !
+629099 54144 1.6 >=
+629100 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629100 56473 !
+629101 54144
+629101 63412
+629101 63413
+629103 54144
+629105 55943
+629106 54144
+629106 55943
+629107 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629107 56473 !
+629108 54369
+629109 55943
+629111 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629111 56473 !
+629112 44063
+629113 55923
+629113 55943
+629116 54144
+629118 54144 >=
+629120 54144
+629121 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629121 56473 !
+629123 54144
+629123 54369 2.2 >=
+629123 58853 0.10 >=
+629124 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629124 56473 !
+629126 55943
+629128 54369 2.5 >=
+629129 54369 1.18 >=
+629130 55943
+629132 54144
+629133 55923
+629136 54369 2.4* =
+629136 54369 2.5* =
+629138 54369 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_jython2_5(-),-python_single_target_jython2_7(-),-python_single_target_pypy(-),-python_single_target_pypy3(-),-python_single_target_python3_3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-),python_single_target_python2_7(+)
+629140 46196 5.7-r2 >=
+629141 55923
+629142 55923
+629142 55943
+629143 54144 1.6.6 >=
+629143 56493 !
+629146 54369 2.5.0[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_jython2_5(-),-python_single_target_jython2_7(-),-python_single_target_pypy(-),-python_single_target_pypy3(-),-python_single_target_python3_3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-),python_single_target_python2_7(+)] >=
+629147 44063 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)
+629148 44063 1.4 >=
+629148 55943 1.5[python] >=
+629150 55943
+629153 55943 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_jython2_5(-),-python_single_target_jython2_7(-),-python_single_target_pypy(-),-python_single_target_pypy3(-),-python_single_target_python3_3(-),-python_single_target_python3_4(-),-python_single_target_python3_5(-),python_single_target_python2_7(+)
+634223 52709 !
+634265 59840
+634658 54144
+634733 54144
+652957 54144
+653000 47193
+653111 49561
+653147 47193 1.3.92 >=
+653315 54144
+653688 44063
+653688 54144
+654084 46436 keyutils
+654491 59840
+654757 47193
+654758 47193 2 >=
+654758 48090 1.5.0 >=
+654839 47193 2.0.1 !<=
+654839 54674
+654840 52533 !
+654840 54674
+655019 51288 1.3.2 >=
+655020 63074
+655020 63075
+655035 52709 !
+655036 47193
+655037 52709 !
+655039 54144
+655307 44063 1.9.3[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] >=
+655338 51843 113.00.00 >=
+655338 62840
+655339 46651
+655339 49507
+655339 59537
+655339 59870
+655339 60837
+655339 61842
+655339 61843
+655339 61848
+655339 64158
+655340 51843 109.28.00 >=
+655340 62840
+655341 46651 112.17.00 >=
+655341 49507 109.20.00 >=
+655341 51080 109.20.00 >=
+655341 59537 109.27.00 >=
+655341 59538 109.15.00 >=
+655341 59539 109.15.00 >=
+655341 59870 109.27.00 >=
+655341 60465 109.35.00 >=
+655341 60775
+655341 61842
+655341 61843 111.17 >=
+655341 61848
+655341 62781
+655341 62840
+655342 51843 109.60 >=
+655342 62840
+655343 49507
+655343 51843
+655343 62840
+655344 45725
+655344 49507
+655344 51080
+655344 59537
+655344 61848
+655345 45725 113.00.00 >=
+655345 46651 109.15.00 >=
+655345 49507 109.20.00 >=
+655345 51080 109.20.00 >=
+655345 59537 109.27.00 >=
+655345 59538 109.15.00 >=
+655345 59870 109.27.00 >=
+655345 60465 109.15.00 >=
+655345 61846 113.00.00 >=
+655345 61848
+655345 62840
+655346 44622 1.1.1 >=
+655346 62840
+655347 51843 109.20.00 >=
+655347 62840
+655349 46651 109.15.00 >=
+655349 49507 109.20.00 >=
+655349 51080 109.20.00 >=
+655349 59537 109.27.00 >=
+655349 59538 109.15.00 >=
+655349 59539 109.15.00 >=
+655349 59870 109.27.00 >=
+655349 60465 109.35.00 >=
+655349 60775
+655349 60837 109.35.00 >=
+655349 61842
+655349 61848
+655349 62781
+655349 62840
+655349 63861
+655350 45725 113.00.00 >=
+655350 46651 109.15.00 >=
+655350 49507 109.20.00 >=
+655350 51080 109.20.00 >=
+655350 59537 109.18.00 >=
+655350 59538 109.15.00 >=
+655350 60464 113.00.00 >=
+655350 60465
+655350 60775
+655350 61846 113.00.00 >=
+655350 61848
+655350 62840
+655350 63858
+655351 61040
+655352 62840
+655353 45725 113.00.00 >=
+655353 46651 109.15.00 >=
+655353 49507 109.20.00 >=
+655353 51080 109.20.00 >=
+655353 59537 109.27.00 >=
+655353 59538 109.15.00 >=
+655353 59870 109.27.00 >=
+655353 60775 109.27.00 >=
+655353 60838 109.35.00 >=
+655353 61842
+655353 61848
+655353 61849
+655353 62840
+655354 51843 111.13 >=
+655354 62840
+655355 49507
+655355 51843 109.20.00 >=
+655355 59537
+655355 62840
+655356 46651
+655356 49507
+655356 51080
+655356 59537
+655356 59870
+655356 60775
+655356 60837
+655356 61846
+655356 62840
+655357 45725 113 >=
+655357 46651
+655357 49507
+655357 51843 112 >=
+655357 59870
+655357 61848
+655357 62840
+655358 46651
+655358 49507
+655358 60837
+655358 61843 112.17.00 >=
+655358 62840
+655359 45157
+655359 59061
+655360 60463 113.00.00 >=
+655360 60464 113.00.00 >=
+655360 61846 113.00.00 >=
+655360 62840
+655361 51843 113.00.00 >=
+655361 62840
+655362 45725 109.35.00 >=
+655362 46651 109.15.00 >=
+655362 49507 109.20.00 >=
+655362 51080 109.20.00 >=
+655362 59537 109.27.00 >=
+655362 60465 109.35.00 >=
+655362 61848
+655362 62840
+655363 45725
+655363 59062
+655363 59537
+655363 60838
+655363 61842
+655363 61848
+655363 61849
+655363 62780
+655391 44063 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)
+655391 44063 1.4[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] >=
+655391 55943 1.5[python] >=
+656780 59305
+656780 59840
+657023 62840
+657032 59305
+657032 59840
+657150 55923
+657282 47193
+657487 47703 1.4.18[usb] >=
+657508 47193
+657508 55921 2.1 >= 0
+657508 55943 -dso,perl
+657509 47193
+657509 55921 2.1 >= 0
+657509 55943 -dso,perl
+657594 44063 3.4 >=
+657594 44063 3.6 <
+657691 47193
+657740 54674
+657740 52533 !
+657847 47193
+657930 55943 1.5[python] >=
+657930 44063 python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)
+657930 44063 1.4[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] >=
+658447 54144
+658511 47193
+658492 44622 2 >=
+658511 55943 -dso,perl
+658511 55921 2.1 >= 0
+658606 49122
+658606 64575
+658605 51843
+658606 64576
+658605 49507 109.53.00 >=
+658616 49030
+658606 64578
+658607 62852
+658605 64582
+658616 49803 pkcs11
+658605 62717
+658607 64575 0.6.0 >=
+658601 64575 1.1.0 >=
+658662 64575
+658662 64579
+658662 62852 2.6.0 >=
+658493 64587 !
+658662 64581 1.7.0 >=
+658662 63896 2.0.0 >=
+658662 62739
+658661 49122
+658661 64576
+658661 60461
+658661 51843
+658662 62717
+658662 64575 1.0.1 >=
+658662 49122 2.4.7 >=
+658661 62840
+658661 49507
+658662 60461 112.24.00 >=
+658662 56798 !
+658822 47193 2.0.0 >=
+659072 55943
+659154 62841
+659277 59840
+659277 59305
+659375 54144 >=
+659369 54928 !!
+659410 49122
+659487 54144 1.7.3 >=
+659709 54928 !!
+659823 47193
+659819 62840
+659819 59073 1.2 >=
+659819 61040 1.0.1 >=
+659819 59070 1.2 >=
+659819 49122 2.4.0 >=
+659908 47193
+659864 51288 1.3.2 >=
+659908 55921 2.1 >= 0
+659908 55943 -dso,perl
+660221 44063 3.7 <
+660221 44063 3.5 >=
+660222 47193
+660295 54144
+660296 54144
+679406 59305 3.11.91 >=
+679406 59840 0.16 >=
+679406 47193 2.0.12 >=
+679406 48090 1 >=
+679405 47193 2 >=
+679405 57954 0.19 >=
+679604 59840
+679699 56473 !
+679699 54144 1.6.6 >=
+679700 54144 1.6.6 >=
+679701 56473 !
+679700 56473 !
+679701 54144 1.6.6 >=
+680048 54928 !!
+680203 52533 !
+680204 54674
+680204 47193 2.0.1 !<=
+680228 44063 3.7 <
+680203 54674
+680228 44063 3.5 >=
+680251 51288 1.3.2 >=
+680266 52709 !
+680252 47193
+680267 49561
+680325 64575
+680325 64579
+680325 62852 2.6.0 >=
+680325 63896 2.0.0 >=
+680325 64581 1.7.0 >=
+680325 62717
+680325 64575 1.0.1 >=
+680325 49122 2.4.7 >=
+680325 60461 112.24.00 >=
+680325 56798 !
+680325 62739
+680480 62721
+680480 62720
+680478 62721
+680479 62720
+680479 62721
+680478 62720
+680601 47193
+680600 64821 9999[python_targets_python2_7(-)?,-python_single_target_python2_7(-)] >=
+680617 47193
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/ebuild_uses.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/ebuild_uses.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8f529a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/ebuild_uses.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,3545 @@
+609052 +ocamlopt
+609052 debug
+609053 +ocamlopt
+609053 test
+609054 +ocamlopt
+609054 doc
+609056 +ocamlopt
+609056 debug
+609057 +ocamlopt
+609057 camlp4
+609057 debug
+609057 doc
+609057 emacs
+609058 +ocamlopt
+609058 debug
+609058 doc
+609058 pcre
+609058 test
+609059 +ocamlopt
+609059 doc
+609059 examples
+609059 gtk
+609060 +ocamlopt
+609060 debug
+609061 +ocamlopt
+609061 doc
+609061 tk
+609063 +ocamlopt
+609063 debug
+609063 doc
+609063 test
+609064 +ocamlopt
+609064 debug
+609064 doc
+609064 examples
+609065 +ocamlopt
+609065 debug
+609065 doc
+609065 test
+609066 +ocamlopt
+609066 debug
+609068 +ocamlopt
+609068 debug
+609068 doc
+609068 test
+609069 +ocamlopt
+609069 debug
+609069 doc
+609069 examples
+609070 +deriving
+609070 +ocamlopt
+609070 doc
+609071 +ocamlopt
+609071 debug
+609071 test
+609072 doc
+609075 +ocamlopt
+609075 debug
+609075 doc
+609075 test
+609076 +deriving
+609076 +ocamlopt
+609076 doc
+609077 +ocamlopt
+609077 debug
+609077 doc
+609078 +ocamlopt
+609078 debug
+609078 doc
+609080 X
+609080 doc
+609080 exif
+609080 gif
+609080 gtk
+609080 jpeg
+609080 png
+609080 postscript
+609080 tiff
+609080 truetype
+609080 xpm
+609081 +ocamlopt
+609081 debug
+609081 doc
+609081 pcre
+609081 test
+609083 +ocamlopt
+609083 doc
+609084 +ocamlopt
+609084 debug
+609086 +ocamlopt
+609086 debug
+609088 +ocamlopt
+609088 debug
+609088 test
+609089 +ocamlopt
+609089 debug
+609089 doc
+609089 test
+609090 +ocamlopt
+609090 debug
+609090 doc
+609090 test
+609091 +ocamlopt
+609091 debug
+609091 test
+609092 +ocamlopt
+609092 debug
+609092 doc
+609093 +ocamlopt
+609093 debug
+609093 doc
+609093 test
+609094 +ocamlopt
+609097 +ocamlopt
+609097 doc
+609097 tk
+609098 +ocamlopt
+609098 debug
+609099 +ocamlopt
+609099 debug
+609099 doc
+609099 test
+609101 +ocamlopt
+609101 debug
+609101 test
+609103 doc
+609105 +ocamlopt
+609105 debug
+609105 test
+609106 +ocamlopt
+609106 examples
+609107 +ocamlopt
+609107 camlp4
+609107 debug
+609107 doc
+609107 emacs
+609108 +ocamlopt
+609108 debug
+609109 +ocamlopt
+609109 +pcre
+609109 gtk
+609109 httpd
+609109 kerberos
+609109 ssl
+609109 tk
+609109 zip
+609110 examples
+609111 +ocamlopt
+609111 debug
+609111 doc
+609112 +ocamlopt
+609112 debug
+609112 doc
+609113 +ocamlopt
+609113 debug
+609113 doc
+609113 examples
+609114 +ocamlopt
+609114 debug
+609116 +ocamlopt
+609116 debug
+609118 +ocamlopt
+609118 debug
+609119 +ocamlopt
+609119 debug
+609119 doc
+609119 examples
+609120 +ocamlopt
+609120 debug
+609120 doc
+609120 test
+609122 +ocamlopt
+609122 examples
+609124 +ocamlopt
+609124 examples
+609125 +ocamlopt
+609126 +ocamlopt
+609126 debug
+609126 doc
+609126 examples
+609128 +ocamlopt
+609129 +ocamlopt
+609129 debug
+609130 +ocamlopt
+609130 doc
+609130 test
+609130 utftrip
+609132 +ocamlopt
+609132 debug
+609132 doc
+609132 test
+609132 zlib
+609133 doc
+609134 +ocamlopt
+609134 doc
+609134 tk
+609136 +ocamlopt
+609136 debug
+609136 examples
+609136 glade
+609136 gnomecanvas
+609136 opengl
+609136 sourceview
+609136 spell
+609136 svg
+609137 +ocamlopt
+609137 debug
+609137 doc
+609137 examples
+609140 X
+609140 doc
+609140 exif
+609140 gif
+609140 gtk
+609140 jpeg
+609140 png
+609140 postscript
+609140 tiff
+609140 truetype
+609140 xpm
+609142 +ocamlopt
+609142 debug
+609142 doc
+609142 examples
+609144 +ocamlopt
+609144 examples
+609147 +ocamlopt
+609147 debug
+609147 test
+609148 +ocamlopt
+609148 doc
+609149 +ocamlopt
+609149 debug
+609149 doc
+609149 test
+609150 +ocamlopt
+609150 debug
+609150 doc
+609150 test
+609151 +ocamlopt
+609151 +react
+609151 +ssl
+609151 debug
+609151 gtk
+609151 test
+609151 text
+609151 toplevel
+609152 +ocamlopt
+609152 debug
+609152 doc
+609153 doc
+609154 +ocamlopt
+609155 +ocamlopt
+609155 debug
+609155 doc
+609156 +ocamlopt
+609156 debug
+609156 doc
+609156 test
+609157 +ocamlopt
+609157 debug
+609157 doc
+609157 examples
+609158 +ocamlopt
+609158 +parmap
+609158 bzip2
+609158 curl
+609158 rpm4
+609158 xml
+609158 zip
+609159 examples
+609160 +ocamlopt
+609160 doc
+609161 +ocamlopt
+609161 debug
+609161 doc
+609162 +ocamlopt
+609162 debug
+609162 test
+609163 +ocamlopt
+609163 debug
+609163 doc
+609163 examples
+609164 +ocamlopt
+609164 debug
+609164 doc
+609165 +ocamlopt
+609165 debug
+609165 doc
+609167 +ocamlopt
+609167 debug
+609167 doc
+609167 test
+609168 +ocamlopt
+609168 debug
+609168 doc
+609168 examples
+609169 +ocamlopt
+609169 debug
+609169 doc
+609169 examples
+609176 doc
+609177 +ocamlopt
+609177 debug
+609177 doc
+609178 +ocamlopt
+609178 debug
+609179 +ocamlopt
+609179 debug
+609179 doc
+609182 +ocamlopt
+609182 debug
+609182 doc
+609182 test
+609183 +ocamlopt
+609183 debug
+609184 +ocamlopt
+609184 doc
+609185 +ocamlopt
+609185 doc
+609186 +ocamlopt
+609186 debug
+609186 test
+609187 +ocamlopt
+609187 debug
+609187 doc
+609187 test
+609188 +ocamlopt
+609188 doc
+609190 +ocamlopt
+609191 doc
+609192 +ocamlopt
+609192 debug
+609192 doc
+609193 +ocamlopt
+609193 doc
+609193 glut
+609194 doc
+609194 examples
+609195 X
+609195 doc
+609195 exif
+609195 gif
+609195 gtk
+609195 jpeg
+609195 png
+609195 postscript
+609195 tiff
+609195 truetype
+609195 xpm
+609196 +ocamlopt
+609196 debug
+609196 test
+609197 +ocamlopt
+609197 debug
+609197 doc
+609197 test
+609198 +ocamlopt
+609198 +parmap
+609198 bzip2
+609198 curl
+609198 rpm4
+609198 test
+609198 xml
+609198 zip
+609199 +ocamlopt
+609199 debug
+609199 doc
+609199 test
+609200 doc
+609200 test
+609202 X
+609202 doc
+609202 gif
+609202 gtk
+609202 jpeg
+609202 png
+609202 postscript
+609202 tiff
+609202 truetype
+609202 xpm
+609202 zlib
+609203 +ocamlopt
+609203 debug
+609203 doc
+609205 +ocamlopt
+609205 debug
+609205 test
+609206 +ocamlopt
+609206 debug
+609206 doc
+609207 +ocamlopt
+609207 debug
+609207 doc
+609208 doc
+609209 +ocamlopt
+609209 +react
+609209 +ssl
+609209 debug
+609209 doc
+609209 gtk
+609209 test
+609211 +ocamlopt
+609212 +ocamlopt
+609213 +ocamlopt
+609213 debug
+609213 doc
+609215 +ocamlopt
+609215 doc
+609215 opengl
+609215 truetype
+609216 +ocamlopt
+609216 debug
+609216 doc
+609216 examples
+609217 +ocamlopt
+609217 debug
+609217 test
+609218 +ocamlopt
+609218 debug
+609218 doc
+609218 zlib
+609219 +ocamlopt
+609220 +ocamlopt
+609220 debug
+609220 doc
+609220 test
+609222 +ocamlopt
+609222 debug
+609224 +ocamlopt
+609224 debug
+609224 doc
+609224 test
+609225 +deriving-ocsigen
+609225 +ocamlopt
+609225 doc
+609227 +ocamlopt
+609227 debug
+609227 doc
+609227 test
+609228 +ocamlopt
+609228 debug
+609228 doc
+609229 +ocamlopt
+609229 debug
+609230 +ocamlopt
+609231 +ocamlopt
+609231 debug
+609234 +ocamlopt
+609234 type-conv
+609236 +ocamlopt
+609236 debug
+609237 doc
+609238 +ocamlopt
+609238 debug
+609239 +ocamlopt
+609239 doc
+609242 +ocamlopt
+609242 debug
+609244 +ocamlopt
+609244 debug
+609244 doc
+609244 examples
+609245 +ocamlopt
+609245 debug
+609246 +ocamlopt
+609246 debug
+609247 +ocamlopt
+609247 debug
+609247 doc
+609247 test
+609248 +ocamlopt
+609248 debug
+609249 +ocamlopt
+609249 doc
+609249 glut
+609249 tk
+609250 +ocamlopt
+609250 debug
+609250 doc
+609251 +ocamlopt
+609251 debug
+609252 +ocamlopt
+609252 debug
+609252 examples
+609252 glade
+609252 gnomecanvas
+609252 opengl
+609252 sourceview
+609252 spell
+609252 svg
+609254 examples
+609255 +ocamlopt
+609255 +pcre
+609255 cryptokit
+609255 gtk
+609255 httpd
+609255 ssl
+609255 tk
+609255 zip
+609256 +ocamlopt
+609256 +parmap
+609256 bzip2
+609256 curl
+609256 rpm4
+609256 test
+609256 xml
+609256 zip
+609257 examples
+609258 +ocamlopt
+609258 debug
+609258 doc
+609259 examples
+609260 +ocamlopt
+609260 debug
+609261 +ocamlopt
+609261 test
+609262 doc
+609262 test
+609264 +ocamlopt
+609264 debug
+609264 doc
+609264 examples
+609265 +ocamlopt
+609265 debug
+609265 doc
+609266 +ocamlopt
+609266 debug
+609266 examples
+609266 glade
+609266 gnomecanvas
+609266 opengl
+609266 sourceview
+609266 spell
+609266 svg
+609269 +ocamlopt
+609269 doc
+609269 test
+609270 +ocamlopt
+609270 debug
+609270 doc
+609270 test
+609271 +ocamlopt
+609271 debug
+609272 +ocamlopt
+609272 debug
+609273 +ocamlopt
+609273 debug
+609275 +ocamlopt
+609275 doc
+609276 +deriving
+609276 +ocamlopt
+609276 doc
+609278 +ocamlopt
+609278 doc
+609278 examples
+609278 gtk
+609279 +ocamlopt
+609279 debug
+609279 doc
+609279 examples
+609280 doc
+609280 examples
+609280 gtk
+609280 pango
+609280 svg
+609281 examples
+609282 +ocamlopt
+609282 debug
+609283 +ocamlopt
+609283 doc
+609284 +ocamlopt
+609284 debug
+609284 doc
+609286 +ocamlopt
+609286 batteries
+609286 debug
+609286 doc
+609287 +ocamlopt
+609287 debug
+609287 doc
+609287 test
+609288 +ocamlopt
+609288 debug
+609289 +ocamlopt
+609289 debug
+609289 doc
+609289 test
+609291 doc
+609291 test
+609292 +ocamlopt
+609292 X
+609293 +ocamlopt
+609295 +ocamlopt
+609295 debug
+609295 doc
+609295 test
+609297 +ocamlopt
+609297 doc
+609299 +ocamlopt
+609299 +react
+609299 +ssl
+609299 debug
+609299 gtk
+609299 test
+609300 +ocamlopt
+609300 doc
+609301 +ocamlopt
+609301 debug
+609301 doc
+609301 examples
+609301 test
+609302 +ocamlopt
+609302 debug
+609302 doc
+609305 +deriving-ocsigen
+609305 +ocamlopt
+609305 doc
+609308 +ocamlopt
+609308 debug
+609308 doc
+609308 test
+609308 zlib
+609309 +ocamlopt
+609309 debug
+609309 doc
+609309 emacs
+616615 common-lisp
+616615 static-libs
+616618 +cryptopp
+616620 zsh-completion
+616621 kernel_linux
+616621 minimal
+616621 munin
+616622 doc
+616622 selinux
+616624 bzip2
+616624 doc
+616624 ldap
+616624 mta
+616624 nls
+616624 readline
+616624 selinux
+616624 smartcard
+616624 static
+616624 tools
+616624 usb
+616628 +usb
+616628 twinserial
+616630 doc
+616633 linguas_cs
+616633 linguas_de
+616633 linguas_en
+616633 linguas_es
+616633 linguas_sv
+616638 nls
+616641 kernel_linux
+616642 +fips
+616643 abi_mips_n32
+616643 abi_mips_n64
+616643 abi_mips_o32
+616643 abi_ppc_32
+616643 abi_ppc_64
+616643 abi_s390_32
+616643 abi_s390_64
+616643 abi_x86_32
+616643 abi_x86_64
+616643 abi_x86_x32
+616643 static-libs
+616644 +asn1
+616644 +libffi
+616644 +trust
+616644 abi_mips_n32
+616644 abi_mips_n64
+616644 abi_mips_o32
+616644 abi_ppc_32
+616644 abi_ppc_64
+616644 abi_s390_32
+616644 abi_s390_64
+616644 abi_x86_32
+616644 abi_x86_64
+616644 abi_x86_x32
+616644 debug
+616645 nls
+616650 +dialogs
+616650 +gtk
+616650 +xpi
+616658 video_cards_fglrx
+616658 video_cards_nvidia
+616658 virtualcl
+616661 python_targets_python2_7
+616661 python_targets_python3_3
+616661 python_targets_python3_4
+616662 abi_mips_n32
+616662 abi_mips_n64
+616662 abi_mips_o32
+616662 abi_ppc_32
+616662 abi_ppc_64
+616662 abi_s390_32
+616662 abi_s390_64
+616662 abi_x86_32
+616662 abi_x86_64
+616662 abi_x86_x32
+616662 static-libs
+616663 +tables
+616663 debug
+616663 qt4
+616665 bzip2
+616665 doc
+616665 ldap
+616665 mta
+616665 nls
+616665 readline
+616665 selinux
+616665 smartcard
+616665 static
+616665 tools
+616665 usb
+616667 static-libs
+616671 python_targets_python2_7
+616671 python_targets_python3_3
+616671 python_targets_python3_4
+616674 debug
+616675 ncurses
+616677 +3des
+616677 +aes
+616677 +arcfour
+616677 +des
+616677 +md
+616677 +null
+616677 gnutls
+616677 idn
+616677 ipv6
+616677 nls
+616677 pam
+616677 static-libs
+616678 +cryptopp
+616679 test
+616681 +introspection
+616681 debug
+616681 gtk
+616681 test
+616681 vala
+616682 kernel_linux
+616683 static
+616688 bzip2
+616688 doc
+616688 ldap
+616688 mta
+616688 nls
+616688 readline
+616688 selinux
+616688 smartcard
+616688 static
+616688 tools
+616688 usb
+616690 kernel_linux
+616690 modules
+616690 ssl
+616691 debug
+616691 ldap
+616691 zeroconf
+616692 +usb
+616692 twinserial
+616694 video_cards_fglrx
+616694 video_cards_nvidia
+616694 virtualcl
+616696 doc
+616696 selinux
+616698 nls
+616699 +vistafree
+616699 +xpfast
+616699 xpsmall
+616702 doc
+616703 +asm
+616703 cpu_flags_x86_aes
+616703 cpu_flags_x86_padlock
+616703 static
+616705 openssl
+616706 doc
+616709 python_targets_python2_7
+616715 kernel_linux
+616716 abi_mips_n32
+616716 abi_mips_n64
+616716 abi_mips_o32
+616716 abi_ppc_32
+616716 abi_ppc_64
+616716 abi_s390_32
+616716 abi_s390_64
+616716 abi_x86_32
+616716 abi_x86_64
+616716 abi_x86_x32
+616716 static-libs
+616717 ssl
+616720 test
+616721 kernel_linux
+616721 static-libs
+616721 systemd
+616724 berkdb
+616724 postgres
+616726 +asn1
+616726 +libffi
+616726 +trust
+616726 abi_mips_n32
+616726 abi_mips_n64
+616726 abi_mips_o32
+616726 abi_ppc_32
+616726 abi_ppc_64
+616726 abi_s390_32
+616726 abi_s390_64
+616726 abi_x86_32
+616726 abi_x86_64
+616726 abi_x86_x32
+616726 debug
+616727 +asn1
+616727 +libffi
+616727 +trust
+616727 abi_mips_n32
+616727 abi_mips_n64
+616727 abi_mips_o32
+616727 abi_ppc_32
+616727 abi_ppc_64
+616727 abi_s390_32
+616727 abi_s390_64
+616727 abi_x86_32
+616727 abi_x86_64
+616727 abi_x86_x32
+616727 debug
+616730 elibc_FreeBSD
+616731 debug
+616731 qt4
+616732 +gtk
+616732 +xpi
+616733 +asm
+616733 X
+616734 python_targets_python2_7
+616737 caps
+616737 gtk
+616737 ncurses
+616737 qt4
+616737 static
+616738 +gtk
+616738 +xpi
+616739 python_targets_python2_7
+616741 +tables
+616741 debug
+616741 qt4
+616742 -minimal
+616742 cpu_flags_x86_mmx
+616742 cpu_flags_x86_sse2
+616742 cuda
+616742 custom-cflags
+616742 mpi
+616742 opencl
+616742 openmp
+616743 debug
+616744 kernel_linux
+616744 static-libs
+616744 systemd
+616745 caps
+616745 clipboard
+616745 gtk
+616745 ncurses
+616745 qt4
+616745 static
+616748 linguas_ar
+616748 linguas_cs
+616748 linguas_de
+616748 linguas_es
+616748 linguas_fr
+616748 linguas_ja
+616748 linguas_nl
+616748 linguas_pl
+616748 linguas_pt_BR
+616748 linguas_ru
+616748 linguas_sv
+616748 linguas_tr
+616748 linguas_zh_TW
+616748 nls
+616749 -minimal
+616749 cpu_flags_x86_mmx
+616749 cpu_flags_x86_sse2
+616749 cuda
+616749 custom-cflags
+616749 mozilla
+616749 mpi
+616749 opencl
+616749 openmp
+616750 +openssl
+616750 +qt4
+616750 botan
+616750 debug
+616750 doc
+616750 examples
+616750 gcrypt
+616750 gpg
+616750 logger
+616750 nss
+616750 pkcs11
+616750 qt5
+616750 sasl
+616750 softstore
+616750 test
+616751 +3des
+616751 +aes
+616751 +arcfour
+616751 +des
+616751 +md
+616751 +null
+616751 gnutls
+616751 idn
+616751 ipv6
+616751 nls
+616751 pam
+616751 static-libs
+616752 kernel_linux
+616752 minimal
+616752 munin
+616752 usb
+616753 +berkdb
+616753 +pkinit
+616753 X
+616753 abi_mips_n32
+616753 abi_mips_n64
+616753 abi_mips_o32
+616753 abi_ppc_32
+616753 abi_ppc_64
+616753 abi_s390_32
+616753 abi_s390_64
+616753 abi_x86_32
+616753 abi_x86_64
+616753 abi_x86_x32
+616753 afs
+616753 caps
+616753 hdb-ldap
+616753 ipv6
+616753 otp
+616753 selinux
+616753 ssl
+616753 static-libs
+616753 test
+616753 threads
+616755 +asm
+616755 X
+616756 bzip2
+616756 curl
+616756 ldap
+616756 mta
+616756 nls
+616756 readline
+616756 selinux
+616756 smartcard
+616756 static
+616756 usb
+616756 zlib
+616762 kernel_linux
+616764 +3des
+616764 +aes
+616764 +arcfour
+616764 +des
+616764 +md
+616764 +null
+616764 gnutls
+616764 idn
+616764 ipv6
+616764 nls
+616764 pam
+616764 static-libs
+616765 kernel_linux
+616766 static
+616767 +tables
+616767 debug
+616767 qt4
+616768 doc
+616770 python_targets_python2_7
+616772 static-libs
+616773 debug
+616773 nls
+616773 pkcs11
+616778 python_targets_python2_7
+616778 python_targets_python3_3
+616778 python_targets_python3_4
+616779 nls
+616779 selinux
+616779 static
+616779 uclibc
+616780 python_targets_python2_7
+616781 X
+616781 python_targets_python2_7
+616782 static-libs
+616784 +asn1
+616784 +libffi
+616784 +trust
+616784 abi_mips_n32
+616784 abi_mips_n64
+616784 abi_mips_o32
+616784 abi_ppc_32
+616784 abi_ppc_64
+616784 abi_s390_32
+616784 abi_s390_64
+616784 abi_x86_32
+616784 abi_x86_64
+616784 abi_x86_x32
+616784 debug
+616786 static
+616787 curl
+616791 bindist
+616792 linguas_ar
+616792 linguas_cs
+616792 linguas_de
+616792 linguas_es
+616792 linguas_fr
+616792 linguas_ja
+616792 linguas_nl
+616792 linguas_pl
+616792 linguas_pt_BR
+616792 linguas_ru
+616792 linguas_sv
+616792 linguas_tr
+616792 linguas_zh_TW
+616792 nls
+616793 doc
+616795 debug
+616795 qt4
+616796 doc
+616797 static
+616798 abi_mips_n32
+616798 abi_mips_n64
+616798 abi_mips_o32
+616798 abi_ppc_32
+616798 abi_ppc_64
+616798 abi_s390_32
+616798 abi_s390_64
+616798 abi_x86_32
+616798 abi_x86_64
+616798 abi_x86_x32
+616798 static-libs
+616799 afs
+616800 python_targets_python2_7
+616804 caps
+616804 clipboard
+616804 emacs
+616804 gnome-keyring
+616804 gtk
+616804 ncurses
+616804 qt4
+616804 static
+616807 python_targets_python2_7
+616807 python_targets_python3_3
+616807 python_targets_python3_4
+616814 cpu_flags_x86_sse2
+616815 cuda
+616815 opencl
+616816 test
+616817 bzip2
+616817 doc
+616817 ldap
+616817 mta
+616817 nls
+616817 readline
+616817 selinux
+616817 smartcard
+616817 static
+616817 tools
+616817 usb
+616819 +3des
+616819 +aes
+616819 +arcfour
+616819 +des
+616819 +md
+616819 +null
+616819 gnutls
+616819 idn
+616819 ipv6
+616819 nls
+616819 pam
+616819 static-libs
+616820 static
+616821 python_targets_python2_7
+616823 X
+627955 +tsm_cit
+627955 +tsm_hw
+627955 acl
+627955 java
+627955 linguas_cs
+627955 linguas_de
+627955 linguas_es
+627955 linguas_fr
+627955 linguas_hu
+627955 linguas_it
+627955 linguas_ja
+627955 linguas_ko
+627955 linguas_pl
+627955 linguas_pt
+627955 linguas_ru
+627955 linguas_zh
+627955 linguas_zh_TW
+628101 acl
+628101 xattr
+628102 doc
+628103 gnome
+628103 kde
+628103 python_targets_python2_7
+628104 debug
+628105 udev
+628106 doc
+628106 examples
+628108 +btrfs
+628108 ext4
+628108 lvm
+628108 pam
+628108 xattr
+628109 acl
+628109 dar32
+628109 dar64
+628109 doc
+628109 gcrypt
+628109 lzo
+628109 nls
+628109 static
+628109 static-libs
+628110 gnome
+628110 kde
+628110 python_targets_python2_7
+628111 python_single_target_python3_3
+628111 python_single_target_python3_4
+628111 python_targets_python3_3
+628111 python_targets_python3_4
+628111 qt4
+628115 python_targets_python2_7
+628115 s3
+628115 test
+628116 python_targets_python2_7
+628116 s3
+628118 acl
+628118 bzip2
+628118 cpu_flags_x86_sse2
+628118 lzma
+628118 xattr
+628119 python_targets_python2_7
+628121 +handbook
+628121 aqua
+628121 debug
+628121 linguas_cs
+628121 linguas_de
+628121 linguas_es
+628121 linguas_fr
+628121 linguas_it
+628121 linguas_pt
+628121 linguas_pt_BR
+628121 linguas_ru
+628121 linguas_sk
+628121 linguas_sv
+628122 doc
+628122 python_targets_python2_7
+628125 python_targets_python2_7
+628127 acl
+628127 dar32
+628127 dar64
+628127 doc
+628127 gcrypt
+628127 lzo
+628127 nls
+628127 static
+628127 static-libs
+628128 crypt
+628130 rss
+628130 samba
+628130 vhosts
+628131 acl
+628131 afs
+628131 nls
+628131 tcpd
+628131 xattr
+628132 sasl
+628134 +sqlite
+628134 X
+628134 acl
+628134 bacula-clientonly
+628134 bacula-nodir
+628134 bacula-nosd
+628134 examples
+628134 ipv6
+628134 logwatch
+628134 mysql
+628134 postgres
+628134 qt4
+628134 readline
+628134 ssl
+628134 static
+628134 tcpd
+628134 vim-syntax
+628135 +mysql
+628135 doc
+628135 examples
+628135 postgres
+628135 python_targets_python2_7
+628135 sqlite
+628136 client-only
+628138 acl
+628138 dar32
+628138 dar64
+628138 doc
+628138 gcrypt
+628138 lzo
+628138 nls
+628138 static
+628138 static-libs
+628140 debug
+628140 linguas_bs
+628140 linguas_ca
+628140 linguas_cs
+628140 linguas_de
+628140 linguas_el
+628140 linguas_en
+628140 linguas_es
+628140 linguas_fr
+628140 linguas_it
+628140 linguas_nl
+628140 linguas_no
+628140 linguas_pl
+628140 linguas_pt_BR
+628140 linguas_ro
+628140 linguas_ru
+628140 linguas_sk
+628140 linguas_sl
+628140 linguas_sv
+628140 linguas_tr
+628140 linguas_zh_TW
+628141 acl
+628141 dar32
+628141 dar64
+628141 doc
+628141 gcrypt
+628141 lzo
+628141 nls
+628141 static
+628141 static-libs
+628142 curl
+628142 gnuplot
+628142 ipv6
+628142 kerberos
+628142 minimal
+628142 nls
+628142 readline
+628142 s3
+628142 samba
+628142 systemd
+628142 xfs
+628143 examples
+628143 python_targets_python2_7
+628144 acl
+628144 dar32
+628144 dar64
+628144 doc
+628144 gcrypt
+628144 lzo
+628144 nls
+628144 static
+628144 static-libs
+628145 doc
+628145 s3
+628148 +sqlite
+628148 X
+628148 acl
+628148 bacula-clientonly
+628148 bacula-nodir
+628148 bacula-nosd
+628148 examples
+628148 ipv6
+628148 logwatch
+628148 mysql
+628148 postgres
+628148 python
+628148 python_targets_python2_7
+628148 qt4
+628148 readline
+628148 ssl
+628148 static
+628148 tcpd
+628148 vim-syntax
+628149 curl
+628149 gnuplot
+628149 ipv6
+628149 kerberos
+628149 minimal
+628149 nls
+628149 readline
+628149 s3
+628149 samba
+628149 systemd
+628149 xfs
+628150 +tsm_cit
+628150 +tsm_hw
+628150 acl
+628150 java
+628150 linguas_cs
+628150 linguas_de
+628150 linguas_es
+628150 linguas_fr
+628150 linguas_hu
+628150 linguas_it
+628150 linguas_ja
+628150 linguas_ko
+628150 linguas_pl
+628150 linguas_pt
+628150 linguas_ru
+628150 linguas_zh
+628150 linguas_zh_TW
+628151 gnome
+628151 kde
+628151 python_targets_python2_7
+628152 udev
+628154 doc
+628154 examples
+628155 +tsm_cit
+628155 +tsm_hw
+628155 acl
+628155 java
+628155 linguas_cs
+628155 linguas_de
+628155 linguas_es
+628155 linguas_fr
+628155 linguas_hu
+628155 linguas_it
+628155 linguas_ja
+628155 linguas_ko
+628155 linguas_pl
+628155 linguas_pt
+628155 linguas_ru
+628155 linguas_zh
+628155 linguas_zh_TW
+628157 doc
+628158 linguas_ja
+628160 debug
+628160 lzma
+628160 lzo
+628160 static
+628162 python_targets_python2_7
+628162 s3
+628162 test
+628163 +btrfs
+628163 ext4
+628163 lvm
+628163 pam
+628163 xattr
+628165 python_targets_python2_7
+628168 acl
+628168 dar32
+628168 dar64
+628168 doc
+628168 gcrypt
+628168 lzo
+628168 nls
+628168 static
+628168 static-libs
+628169 debug
+628169 nautilus
+628169 test
+628170 python_targets_python2_7
+628172 X
+628172 dbus
+628173 curl
+628173 gnuplot
+628173 ipv6
+628173 kerberos
+628173 minimal
+628173 nls
+628173 readline
+628173 s3
+628173 samba
+628173 systemd
+628173 xfs
+628174 acl
+628174 dar32
+628174 dar64
+628174 doc
+628174 nls
+628174 ssl
+628177 python_targets_python2_7
+628179 debug
+628179 nautilus
+628179 test
+628181 X
+628181 dbus
+628182 +mysqldump
+628182 lvm
+628182 mysqlhotcopy
+628182 python_targets_python2_7
+628183 curl
+628183 gnuplot
+628183 ipv6
+628183 kerberos
+628183 minimal
+628183 nls
+628183 readline
+628183 s3
+628183 samba
+628183 systemd
+628183 xfs
+628184 acl
+628184 afs
+628184 ipv6
+628184 nls
+628184 tcpd
+628184 xattr
+628185 +director
+628185 +sqlite
+628185 +storage-daemon
+628185 X
+628185 acl
+628185 clientonly
+628185 fastlz
+628185 ipv6
+628185 logwatch
+628185 mysql
+628185 ndmp
+628185 postgres
+628185 python
+628185 python_targets_python2_7
+628185 qt4
+628185 readline
+628185 scsi-crypto
+628185 sql-pooling
+628185 ssl
+628185 static
+628185 tcpd
+628185 vim-syntax
+628187 +btrfs
+628187 ext4
+628187 lvm
+628187 pam
+628187 xattr
+628188 python_targets_python2_7
+628192 +tsm_cit
+628192 +tsm_hw
+628192 acl
+628192 java
+628192 linguas_cs
+628192 linguas_de
+628192 linguas_es
+628192 linguas_fr
+628192 linguas_hu
+628192 linguas_it
+628192 linguas_ja
+628192 linguas_ko
+628192 linguas_pl
+628192 linguas_pt
+628192 linguas_ru
+628192 linguas_zh
+628192 linguas_zh_TW
+628193 +btrfs
+628193 ext4
+628193 lvm
+628193 pam
+628193 xattr
+628194 python_targets_python2_7
+628194 s3
+628195 acl
+628195 dar32
+628195 dar64
+628195 doc
+628195 gcrypt
+628195 lzo
+628195 nls
+628195 static
+628195 static-libs
+628196 acl
+628196 xattr
+628197 python_targets_python2_7
+628198 doc
+628198 python_targets_python2_7
+628199 hsm
+628199 linguas_cs
+628199 linguas_de
+628199 linguas_es
+628199 linguas_fr
+628199 linguas_hu
+628199 linguas_it
+628199 linguas_ja
+628199 linguas_ko
+628199 linguas_pl
+628199 linguas_pt
+628199 linguas_ru
+628199 linguas_zh
+628199 linguas_zh_TW
+628200 +sqlite
+628200 X
+628200 acl
+628200 bacula-clientonly
+628200 bacula-nodir
+628200 bacula-nosd
+628200 ipv6
+628200 logwatch
+628200 mysql
+628200 postgres
+628200 python
+628200 python_targets_python2_7
+628200 qt4
+628200 readline
+628200 ssl
+628200 static
+628200 tcpd
+628200 vim-syntax
+628201 threads
+628201 userland_GNU
+628202 python_targets_python2_7
+628355 banlists
+628357 +crypt
+628357 +pcre
+628357 +zlib
+628357 examples
+628357 pcre-jit
+628357 ssl
+628357 tools
+628357 vim-syntax
+628358 +httpd
+628358 doc
+628359 +htcp
+628359 +wccp
+628359 +wccpv2
+628359 caps
+628359 ecap
+628359 elibc_uclibc
+628359 esi
+628359 ipf-transparent
+628359 ipv6
+628359 kerberos
+628359 kernel_linux
+628359 kqueue
+628359 ldap
+628359 logrotate
+628359 mysql
+628359 nis
+628359 pam
+628359 pf-transparent
+628359 postgres
+628359 qos
+628359 radius
+628359 samba
+628359 sasl
+628359 selinux
+628359 snmp
+628359 sqlite
+628359 ssl
+628359 ssl-crtd
+628359 test
+628359 tproxy
+628360 +crypt
+628360 +pcre
+628360 +zlib
+628360 examples
+628360 pcre-jit
+628360 ssl
+628360 tools
+628360 vim-syntax
+628362 static-libs
+628363 doc
+628363 examples
+628363 python_targets_python2_7
+628363 test
+628364 systemd
+628365 python_targets_python2_7
+628366 debug
+628366 doc
+628367 python_targets_python2_7
+628369 doc
+628369 selinux
+628370 +openssl
+628370 debug
+628370 polarssl
+628371 doc
+628371 examples
+628371 python_targets_python2_7
+628371 test
+628372 python_targets_python2_7
+628374 python_targets_python2_7
+628375 python_targets_python2_7
+628376 tordns
+628377 +filter-proxy
+628377 +upstream-proxy
+628377 +xtinyproxy-header
+628377 debug
+628377 minimal
+628377 reverse-proxy
+628377 test
+628377 transparent-proxy
+628378 debug
+628378 kerberos
+628378 pam
+628378 selinux
+628378 static-libs
+628378 tcpd
+628378 upnp
+628380 gnutls
+628380 ipv6
+628380 zlib
+628381 +htcp
+628381 +wccp
+628381 +wccpv2
+628381 caps
+628381 ecap
+628381 elibc_uclibc
+628381 esi
+628381 ipf-transparent
+628381 ipv6
+628381 kerberos
+628381 kernel_linux
+628381 kqueue
+628381 ldap
+628381 logrotate
+628381 mysql
+628381 nis
+628381 pam
+628381 pf-transparent
+628381 postgres
+628381 qos
+628381 radius
+628381 samba
+628381 sasl
+628381 selinux
+628381 snmp
+628381 sqlite
+628381 ssl
+628381 ssl-crtd
+628381 test
+628381 tproxy
+628382 abi_mips_n32
+628382 abi_mips_n64
+628382 abi_mips_o32
+628382 abi_ppc_32
+628382 abi_ppc_64
+628382 abi_s390_32
+628382 abi_s390_64
+628382 abi_x86_32
+628382 abi_x86_64
+628382 abi_x86_x32
+628382 dns
+628382 envconf
+628382 server-lookups
+628382 tordns
+628383 berkdb
+628383 ipv6
+628383 ldap
+628384 doc
+628384 examples
+628384 python_targets_python2_7
+628384 test
+628385 +acl
+628385 +fast-redirects
+628385 +force
+628385 +image-blocking
+628385 +stats
+628385 +threads
+628385 +zlib
+628385 editor
+628385 external-filters
+628385 graceful-termination
+628385 ipv6
+628385 lfs
+628385 png-images
+628385 selinux
+628385 toggle
+628385 whitelists
+628390 +httpd
+628390 doc
+628392 python_targets_python2_7
+628396 client-only
+628396 minimal
+628396 mysql
+628396 python_targets_python2_7
+628398 xml
+628399 clamav
+628399 ssl
+628401 +fancydm
+628401 +lfs
+628401 +pcre
+628401 avast
+628401 backtrace
+628401 clamav
+628401 commandline
+628401 debug
+628401 email
+628401 icap
+628401 kaspersky
+628401 logrotate
+628401 ntlm
+628401 orig-ip
+628401 static-libs
+628401 trickledm
+628402 debug
+628402 pam
+628402 selinux
+628402 tcpd
+628403 jpeg2k
+628403 sasl
+628403 xinetd
+628405 systemd
+628408 X
+628408 debug
+628409 +crypt
+628409 +pcre
+628409 examples
+628409 vim-syntax
+628410 berkdb
+628410 clamav
+628413 debug
+628413 kerberos
+628413 pam
+628413 selinux
+628413 static-libs
+628413 tcpd
+628413 upnp
+628415 python_targets_python2_7
+628417 debug
+628417 doc
+628419 ldap
+628919 gif
+628919 jpeg
+628919 nls
+628919 png
+628919 truetype
+628919 zlib
+628920 gif
+628920 jpeg
+628920 nls
+628920 png
+628920 truetype
+628920 zlib
+628921 doc
+628921 python_targets_python2_7
+628922 python_targets_python2_7
+628922 test
+628923 +sftp
+628923 curl
+628923 doc
+628923 linguas_ar
+628923 linguas_ast
+628923 linguas_bs
+628923 linguas_ca
+628923 linguas_cs
+628923 linguas_de
+628923 linguas_el
+628923 linguas_en_AU
+628923 linguas_en_GB
+628923 linguas_es
+628923 linguas_fa
+628923 linguas_fo
+628923 linguas_fr
+628923 linguas_gl
+628923 linguas_he
+628923 linguas_id
+628923 linguas_it
+628923 linguas_ja
+628923 linguas_ko
+628923 linguas_ms
+628923 linguas_my
+628923 linguas_nb
+628923 linguas_nl
+628923 linguas_oc
+628923 linguas_pl
+628923 linguas_pt_BR
+628923 linguas_ro
+628923 linguas_ru
+628923 linguas_sco
+628923 linguas_si
+628923 linguas_sk
+628923 linguas_sr
+628923 linguas_sv
+628923 linguas_tr
+628923 linguas_ug
+628923 linguas_uk
+628923 linguas_vi
+628923 linguas_zh_CN
+628923 python_targets_python2_7
+628923 test
+628925 tools
+628925 vim-syntax
+628927 python_targets_python2_7
+628927 python_targets_python3_3
+628927 python_targets_python3_4
+628930 python_targets_python2_7
+628931 bugzilla
+628931 emacs
+628931 gpg
+628931 python_targets_python2_7
+628931 test
+628931 tk
+628933 doc
+628933 python_single_target_python2_7
+628933 python_single_target_python3_3
+628933 python_single_target_python3_4
+628933 python_targets_python2_7
+628933 python_targets_python3_3
+628933 python_targets_python3_4
+628933 test
+628937 tools
+628937 vim-syntax
+628938 bugzilla
+628938 emacs
+628938 gpg
+628938 python_targets_python2_7
+628938 test
+628938 tk
+628939 +qt4
+628939 doc
+628939 ncurses
+628939 python_targets_python2_7
+628941 +assistant
+628941 +cryptohash
+628941 +dbus
+628941 +desktop-notify
+628941 +dns
+628941 +feed
+628941 +inotify
+628941 +pairing
+628941 +production
+628941 +quvi
+628941 +s3
+628941 +tahoe
+628941 +tdfa
+628941 +testsuite
+628941 +webapp
+628941 +webapp-secure
+628941 +webdav
+628941 +xmpp
+628941 android
+628941 androidsplice
+628941 doc
+628941 ekg
+628944 python_targets_python2_7
+628945 bazaar
+628945 cvs
+628945 mercurial
+628945 monotone
+628945 python_targets_python2_7
+628945 subversion
+628947 tools
+628947 vim-syntax
+628950 python_single_target_pypy
+628950 python_single_target_python2_7
+628950 python_targets_pypy
+628950 python_targets_python2_7
+628951 crypt
+628951 doc
+628951 emacs
+628951 kerberos
+628951 nls
+628951 pam
+628951 server
+628952 gnome-keyring
+628952 gpg
+628952 nautilus
+628953 +blksha1
+628953 +curl
+628953 +gpg
+628953 +iconv
+628953 +nls
+628953 +pcre
+628953 +perl
+628953 +python
+628953 +threads
+628953 +webdav
+628953 cgi
+628953 cvs
+628953 doc
+628953 emacs
+628953 gnome-keyring
+628953 gtk
+628953 highlight
+628953 mediawiki
+628953 ppcsha1
+628953 python_targets_python2_7
+628953 subversion
+628953 test
+628953 tk
+628953 xinetd
+628954 gtk
+628955 +assistant
+628955 +cryptohash
+628955 +dbus
+628955 +desktop-notify
+628955 +dns
+628955 +feed
+628955 +inotify
+628955 +pairing
+628955 +production
+628955 +quvi
+628955 +s3
+628955 +tahoe
+628955 +tdfa
+628955 +testsuite
+628955 +webapp
+628955 +webapp-secure
+628955 +webdav
+628955 +xmpp
+628955 android
+628955 androidsplice
+628955 doc
+628955 ekg
+628955 torrentparser
+628957 +qt4
+628957 doc
+628957 ncurses
+628957 python_targets_python2_7
+628959 +curl
+628959 +http
+628959 +terminfo
+628959 +threaded
+628959 diff
+628959 doc
+628959 hscolour
+628959 profile
+628959 test
+628962 gnome-keyring
+628962 gpg
+628962 nautilus
+628962 python_targets_python2_7
+628963 crypt
+628963 doc
+628963 kerberos
+628963 nls
+628963 pam
+628963 server
+628964 +curl
+628964 +http
+628964 +network-uri
+628964 +terminfo
+628964 +threaded
+628964 diff
+628964 doc
+628964 hscolour
+628964 profile
+628964 test
+628965 python_targets_python2_7
+628966 +assistant
+628966 +dbus
+628966 +desktop-notify
+628966 +dns
+628966 +feed
+628966 +inotify
+628966 +pairing
+628966 +production
+628966 +quvi
+628966 +s3
+628966 +tahoe
+628966 +tdfa
+628966 +testsuite
+628966 +webapp
+628966 +webapp-secure
+628966 +webdav
+628966 +xmpp
+628966 android
+628966 androidsplice
+628966 asciiprogress
+628966 doc
+628966 ekg
+628966 torrentparser
+628967 bugzilla
+628967 emacs
+628967 gpg
+628967 python_targets_python2_7
+628967 test
+628967 tk
+628967 zsh-completion
+628968 python_targets_python2_7
+628968 test
+628970 +sftp
+628970 curl
+628970 doc
+628970 test
+628971 +assistant
+628971 +dbus
+628971 +desktop-notify
+628971 +dns
+628971 +feed
+628971 +inotify
+628971 +pairing
+628971 +production
+628971 +quvi
+628971 +s3
+628971 +tahoe
+628971 +tdfa
+628971 +testsuite
+628971 +webapp
+628971 +webapp-secure
+628971 +webdav
+628971 +xmpp
+628971 android
+628971 androidsplice
+628971 doc
+628971 ekg
+628971 torrentparser
+628973 gtk
+628973 python_targets_python2_7
+628974 test
+628975 crypt
+628975 doc
+628975 kerberos
+628975 nls
+628975 pam
+628975 server
+628976 cli
+628976 diff
+628976 gedit
+628976 git
+628976 nautilus
+628976 spell
+628976 thunar
+628977 contrib
+628977 vim-syntax
+628978 python_targets_python2_7
+628982 +lineedit
+628982 +ssl
+628982 json
+628982 sqlite
+628982 tcl
+628984 +blksha1
+628984 +curl
+628984 +gpg
+628984 +iconv
+628984 +nls
+628984 +pcre
+628984 +perl
+628984 +python
+628984 +threads
+628984 +webdav
+628984 cgi
+628984 cvs
+628984 doc
+628984 emacs
+628984 gnome-keyring
+628984 gtk
+628984 highlight
+628984 libressl
+628984 mediawiki
+628984 ppcsha1
+628984 python_targets_python2_7
+628984 subversion
+628984 test
+628984 tk
+628984 xinetd
+628987 python_targets_python2_7
+628988 +blksha1
+628988 +curl
+628988 +gpg
+628988 +iconv
+628988 +nls
+628988 +pcre
+628988 +perl
+628988 +python
+628988 +threads
+628988 +webdav
+628988 cgi
+628988 cvs
+628988 doc
+628988 emacs
+628988 gnome-keyring
+628988 gtk
+628988 highlight
+628988 mediawiki
+628988 ppcsha1
+628988 python_targets_python2_7
+628988 subversion
+628988 test
+628988 tk
+628988 xinetd
+628989 gnome-keyring
+628989 gpg
+628989 nautilus
+628990 crypt
+628990 doc
+628990 kerberos
+628990 nls
+628990 pam
+628990 server
+628991 doc
+628993 python_targets_python2_7
+628995 doc
+628995 python_targets_python2_7
+628996 +assistant
+628996 +cryptohash
+628996 +dbus
+628996 +desktop-notify
+628996 +dns
+628996 +feed
+628996 +inotify
+628996 +pairing
+628996 +production
+628996 +quvi
+628996 +s3
+628996 +tahoe
+628996 +tdfa
+628996 +testsuite
+628996 +webapp
+628996 +webapp-secure
+628996 +webdav
+628996 +xmpp
+628996 android
+628996 androidsplice
+628996 doc
+628996 ekg
+629000 python_targets_python2_7
+629000 python_targets_python3_3
+629000 python_targets_python3_4
+629001 +assistant
+629001 +dbus
+629001 +desktop-notify
+629001 +dns
+629001 +feed
+629001 +inotify
+629001 +pairing
+629001 +production
+629001 +quvi
+629001 +s3
+629001 +tahoe
+629001 +tdfa
+629001 +testsuite
+629001 +webapp
+629001 +webapp-secure
+629001 +webdav
+629001 +xmpp
+629001 android
+629001 androidsplice
+629001 asciiprogress
+629001 doc
+629001 ekg
+629001 torrentparser
+629002 +dso
+629002 +http
+629002 apache2
+629002 berkdb
+629002 ctypes-python
+629002 debug
+629002 doc
+629002 elibc_FreeBSD
+629002 extras
+629002 gnome-keyring
+629002 java
+629002 kde
+629002 nls
+629002 perl
+629002 python
+629002 python_targets_python2_7
+629002 ruby
+629002 sasl
+629002 test
+629002 vim-syntax
+629004 selinux
+629004 tools
+629004 vim-syntax
+629005 crypt
+629005 doc
+629005 kerberos
+629005 nls
+629005 pam
+629005 server
+629007 +blksha1
+629007 +curl
+629007 +gpg
+629007 +iconv
+629007 +nls
+629007 +pcre
+629007 +perl
+629007 +python
+629007 +threads
+629007 +webdav
+629007 cgi
+629007 cvs
+629007 doc
+629007 emacs
+629007 gnome-keyring
+629007 gtk
+629007 highlight
+629007 mediawiki
+629007 ppcsha1
+629007 python_targets_python2_7
+629007 subversion
+629007 test
+629007 tk
+629007 xinetd
+629008 test
+629008 valgrind
+629010 contrib
+629010 vim-syntax
+629012 doc
+629014 python_targets_python2_7
+629017 python_targets_python2_7
+629018 doc
+629018 elibc_FreeBSD
+629018 ruby_targets_ruby19
+629018 ruby_targets_ruby20
+629018 ruby_targets_ruby21
+629018 test
+629019 +assistant
+629019 +dbus
+629019 +desktop-notify
+629019 +dns
+629019 +feed
+629019 +inotify
+629019 +pairing
+629019 +production
+629019 +quvi
+629019 +s3
+629019 +tahoe
+629019 +tdfa
+629019 +testsuite
+629019 +webapp
+629019 +webapp-secure
+629019 +webdav
+629019 +xmpp
+629019 android
+629019 androidsplice
+629019 doc
+629019 ekg
+629019 torrentparser
+629022 doc
+629024 python_targets_python2_7
+629027 doc
+629028 caja
+629028 cli
+629028 diff
+629028 gedit
+629028 git
+629028 nautilus
+629028 spell
+629028 thunar
+629030 tools
+629030 vim-syntax
+629032 doc
+629032 hscolour
+629032 profile
+629032 test
+629034 doc
+629034 hscolour
+629034 profile
+629034 test
+629036 doc
+629036 python_targets_python2_7
+629037 doc
+629037 emacs
+629039 eds
+629040 +handbook
+629040 aqua
+629040 debug
+629040 linguas_cs
+629040 linguas_de
+629040 linguas_el
+629040 linguas_es
+629040 linguas_fr
+629040 linguas_it
+629040 linguas_ja
+629040 linguas_lt
+629040 linguas_pt_BR
+629040 linguas_ro
+629040 linguas_ru
+629042 doc
+629043 doc
+629043 hscolour
+629043 profile
+629043 test
+629046 doc
+629047 +qt4
+629047 doc
+629047 ncurses
+629047 python_targets_python2_7
+629049 +color
+629049 +curl
+629049 +http
+629049 +mmap
+629049 +network-uri
+629049 +optimize
+629049 +terminfo
+629049 +threaded
+629049 doc
+629049 hscolour
+629049 profile
+629049 static
+629049 test
+629052 python_targets_python2_7
+629052 python_targets_python3_3
+629052 python_targets_python3_4
+629053 elibc_FreeBSD
+629053 ruby_targets_ruby19
+629053 ruby_targets_ruby20
+629053 ruby_targets_ruby21
+629053 test
+629054 +python
+629054 debug
+629054 glade
+629054 python_targets_python3_3
+629054 python_targets_python3_4
+629055 crypt
+629055 doc
+629055 emacs
+629055 kerberos
+629055 nls
+629055 pam
+629055 server
+629056 elibc_FreeBSD
+629058 doc
+629058 python_targets_python2_7
+629059 tcpd
+629060 bugzilla
+629060 emacs
+629060 gpg
+629060 python_targets_python2_7
+629060 test
+629060 tk
+629064 doc
+629064 python_targets_python2_7
+629065 bazaar
+629065 git
+629065 test
+629066 contrib
+629066 vim-syntax
+629067 +assistant
+629067 +cryptohash
+629067 +dbus
+629067 +desktop-notify
+629067 +dns
+629067 +feed
+629067 +inotify
+629067 +pairing
+629067 +production
+629067 +quvi
+629067 +s3
+629067 +tahoe
+629067 +tdfa
+629067 +testsuite
+629067 +webapp
+629067 +webapp-secure
+629067 +webdav
+629067 +xmpp
+629067 android
+629067 androidsplice
+629067 doc
+629067 ekg
+629069 selinux
+629069 tools
+629069 vim-syntax
+629071 crypt
+629071 doc
+629071 kerberos
+629071 nls
+629071 pam
+629071 server
+629073 tools
+629073 vim-syntax
+629075 +dso
+629075 +http
+629075 apache2
+629075 berkdb
+629075 ctypes-python
+629075 debug
+629075 doc
+629075 elibc_FreeBSD
+629075 extras
+629075 gnome-keyring
+629075 java
+629075 kde
+629075 nls
+629075 perl
+629075 python
+629075 python_targets_python2_7
+629075 ruby
+629075 sasl
+629075 test
+629075 vim-syntax
+629077 tools
+629077 vim-syntax
+629078 tcpd
+629079 python_targets_python2_7
+629080 doc
+629080 elibc_FreeBSD
+629080 source
+629080 test
+629082 doc
+629085 tools
+629085 vim-syntax
+629087 crypt
+629087 doc
+629087 kerberos
+629087 nls
+629087 pam
+629087 server
+629091 doc
+629091 ipv6
+629091 nls
+629091 test
+629094 crypt
+629094 doc
+629094 kerberos
+629094 nls
+629094 pam
+629094 server
+629095 cli
+629095 diff
+629095 gedit
+629095 git
+629095 nautilus
+629095 spell
+629095 thunar
+629098 tools
+629098 vim-syntax
+629100 tools
+629100 vim-syntax
+629102 python_targets_python2_7
+629105 subversion
+629107 tools
+629107 vim-syntax
+629109 doc
+629109 python_targets_python2_7
+629109 static-libs
+629111 tools
+629111 vim-syntax
+629112 doc
+629114 crypt
+629114 doc
+629114 kerberos
+629114 nls
+629114 pam
+629114 server
+629116 python_targets_pypy
+629116 python_targets_python2_7
+629119 test
+629120 test
+629121 tools
+629121 vim-syntax
+629122 +color
+629122 +curl
+629122 +http
+629122 +mmap
+629122 +network-uri
+629122 +optimize
+629122 +terminfo
+629122 +threaded
+629122 doc
+629122 hscolour
+629122 profile
+629122 static
+629122 test
+629124 tools
+629124 vim-syntax
+629126 debug
+629126 doc
+629127 test
+629128 python_targets_python2_7
+629129 python_targets_python2_7
+629133 doc
+629133 elibc_FreeBSD
+629133 source
+629133 test
+629135 +sftp
+629135 curl
+629135 doc
+629135 test
+629137 +sftp
+629137 curl
+629137 doc
+629137 python_targets_python2_7
+629137 test
+629138 python_targets_python2_7
+629143 tools
+629143 vim-syntax
+629146 python_targets_python2_7
+629147 doc
+629147 python_targets_python2_7
+629148 test
+629153 python_targets_python2_7
+633845 udev
+633848 +dso
+633848 +webdav-neon
+633848 apache2
+633848 berkdb
+633848 ctypes-python
+633848 debug
+633848 doc
+633848 elibc_FreeBSD
+633848 extras
+633848 gnome-keyring
+633848 java
+633848 kde
+633848 nls
+633848 perl
+633848 python
+633848 python_targets_python2_7
+633848 ruby
+633848 sasl
+633848 test
+633848 vim-syntax
+633848 webdav-serf
+634223 +director
+634223 +sqlite
+634223 +storage-daemon
+634223 X
+634223 acl
+634223 cephfs
+634223 clientonly
+634223 fastlz
+634223 glusterfs
+634223 ipv6
+634223 lmdb
+634223 logwatch
+634223 mysql
+634223 ndmp
+634223 postgres
+634223 python
+634223 python_targets_python2_7
+634223 qt4
+634223 rados
+634223 readline
+634223 scsi-crypto
+634223 sql-pooling
+634223 ssl
+634223 static
+634223 tcpd
+634223 vim-syntax
+634225 +assistant
+634225 +database
+634225 +dbus
+634225 +desktopnotify
+634225 +dns
+634225 +feed
+634225 +inotify
+634225 +network-uri
+634225 +pairing
+634225 +quvi
+634225 +s3
+634225 +tahoe
+634225 +tdfa
+634225 +torrentparser
+634225 +webapp
+634225 +webapp-secure
+634225 +webdav
+634225 +xmpp
+634225 asciiprogress
+634225 doc
+634225 ekg
+634265 +gui
+634265 gnome
+634265 kde
+634265 udev
+634335 +usb
+634335 twinserial
+634336 bindist
+634349 +openssl
+634349 debug
+634349 polarssl
+634656 X
+634656 debug
+634658 python_targets_python2_7
+634658 python_targets_python3_3
+634658 python_targets_python3_4
+652935 +dialogs
+652935 +gtk
+652935 +xpi
+652953 acl
+652953 afs
+652953 ipv6
+652953 nls
+652953 tcpd
+652953 xattr
+652957 unicode
+652998 kernel_linux
+653586 +ocamlopt
+653586 debug
+653586 doc
+653586 examples
+653687 +xattr
+653688 python_targets_python2_7
+653812 elibc_FreeBSD
+653833 +btrfs
+653833 ext4
+653833 lvm
+653833 pam
+653833 xattr
+653867 +crypt
+653867 +introspection
+653867 debug
+653867 test
+653867 vala
+654033 +dso
+654033 +http
+654033 apache2
+654033 berkdb
+654033 ctypes-python
+654033 debug
+654033 doc
+654033 elibc_FreeBSD
+654033 extras
+654033 gnome-keyring
+654033 java
+654033 kde
+654033 nls
+654033 perl
+654033 python
+654033 python_targets_python2_7
+654033 ruby
+654033 sasl
+654033 test
+654033 vim-syntax
+654084 X
+654084 dbus
+654085 +sqlite
+654085 X
+654085 acl
+654085 bacula-clientonly
+654085 bacula-nodir
+654085 bacula-nosd
+654085 examples
+654085 ipv6
+654085 logwatch
+654085 mysql
+654085 postgres
+654085 qt4
+654085 readline
+654085 ssl
+654085 static
+654085 tcpd
+654085 vim-syntax
+654491 +gui
+654491 gnome
+654491 kde
+654491 udev
+654757 common-lisp
+654757 static-libs
+654758 linguas_ar
+654758 linguas_cs
+654758 linguas_de
+654758 linguas_es
+654758 linguas_fr
+654758 linguas_ja
+654758 linguas_nl
+654758 linguas_pl
+654758 linguas_pt_BR
+654758 linguas_ru
+654758 linguas_sv
+654758 linguas_tr
+654758 linguas_zh_TW
+654758 nls
+654839 bzip2
+654839 doc
+654839 ldap
+654839 mta
+654839 nls
+654839 readline
+654839 selinux
+654839 smartcard
+654839 static
+654839 tools
+654839 usb
+654840 +gnutls
+654840 bzip2
+654840 doc
+654840 ldap
+654840 nls
+654840 readline
+654840 selinux
+654840 smartcard
+654840 static
+654840 tools
+654840 usb
+655018 examples
+655019 +ocamlopt
+655019 debug
+655019 doc
+655019 test
+655020 examples
+655021 +ocamlopt
+655021 debug
+655028 kernel_linux
+655028 static-libs
+655028 systemd
+655035 +director
+655035 +sqlite
+655035 +storage-daemon
+655035 X
+655035 acl
+655035 cephfs
+655035 clientonly
+655035 fastlz
+655035 glusterfs
+655035 ipv6
+655035 lmdb
+655035 logwatch
+655035 mysql
+655035 ndmp
+655035 postgres
+655035 python
+655035 python_targets_python2_7
+655035 qt4
+655035 rados
+655035 readline
+655035 scsi-crypto
+655035 sql-pooling
+655035 ssl
+655035 static
+655035 tcpd
+655035 vim-syntax
+655036 python_targets_python2_7
+655036 s3
+655036 test
+655037 +director
+655037 +sqlite
+655037 +storage-daemon
+655037 X
+655037 acl
+655037 cephfs
+655037 clientonly
+655037 fastlz
+655037 glusterfs
+655037 gnutls
+655037 ipv6
+655037 jansson
+655037 lmdb
+655037 logwatch
+655037 mysql
+655037 ndmp
+655037 postgres
+655037 python
+655037 python_targets_python2_7
+655037 qt4
+655037 rados
+655037 rados-striper
+655037 readline
+655037 scsi-crypto
+655037 sql-pooling
+655037 ssl
+655037 static
+655037 tcpd
+655037 vim-syntax
+655039 doc
+655039 python_single_target_python2_7
+655039 python_single_target_python3_3
+655039 python_single_target_python3_4
+655039 python_targets_python2_7
+655039 python_targets_python3_3
+655039 python_targets_python3_4
+655039 test
+655076 python_targets_python2_7
+655228 +htcp
+655228 +wccp
+655228 +wccpv2
+655228 caps
+655228 ecap
+655228 elibc_uclibc
+655228 esi
+655228 ipf-transparent
+655228 ipv6
+655228 kerberos
+655228 kernel_linux
+655228 kqueue
+655228 ldap
+655228 logrotate
+655228 mysql
+655228 nis
+655228 pam
+655228 pf-transparent
+655228 postgres
+655228 qos
+655228 radius
+655228 samba
+655228 sasl
+655228 selinux
+655228 snmp
+655228 sqlite
+655228 ssl
+655228 ssl-crtd
+655228 test
+655228 tproxy
+655307 python_targets_python2_7
+655338 +ocamlopt
+655338 debug
+655338 doc
+655338 test
+655339 +ocamlopt
+655339 debug
+655340 +ocamlopt
+655340 debug
+655340 doc
+655340 test
+655341 +ocamlopt
+655341 debug
+655341 doc
+655341 test
+655342 +ocamlopt
+655342 debug
+655343 +ocamlopt
+655343 debug
+655344 +ocamlopt
+655344 debug
+655345 +ocamlopt
+655345 debug
+655345 doc
+655346 +ocamlopt
+655346 debug
+655347 +ocamlopt
+655347 debug
+655349 +ocamlopt
+655349 debug
+655349 doc
+655349 test
+655350 +ocamlopt
+655350 debug
+655350 doc
+655351 +ocamlopt
+655351 doc
+655352 +ocamlopt
+655352 debug
+655352 doc
+655353 +ocamlopt
+655353 debug
+655353 doc
+655353 test
+655354 +ocamlopt
+655354 debug
+655355 +ocamlopt
+655355 debug
+655356 +ocamlopt
+655356 debug
+655357 +ocamlopt
+655357 debug
+655357 doc
+655358 +ocamlopt
+655358 debug
+655359 +ocamlopt
+655359 debug
+655359 doc
+655359 test
+655360 +ocamlopt
+655360 debug
+655360 doc
+655360 examples
+655360 test
+655361 +ocamlopt
+655361 debug
+655361 doc
+655362 +ocamlopt
+655362 debug
+655362 doc
+655363 +ocamlopt
+655363 debug
+655363 doc
+655363 test
+655391 python_targets_python2_7
+655391 test
+655427 +ocamlopt
+655428 examples
+655710 +htcp
+655710 +wccp
+655710 +wccpv2
+655710 caps
+655710 ecap
+655710 elibc_uclibc
+655710 esi
+655710 ipf-transparent
+655710 ipv6
+655710 kerberos
+655710 kernel_linux
+655710 kqueue
+655710 ldap
+655710 logrotate
+655710 mysql
+655710 nis
+655710 pam
+655710 pf-transparent
+655710 postgres
+655710 qos
+655710 radius
+655710 samba
+655710 sasl
+655710 selinux
+655710 snmp
+655710 sqlite
+655710 ssl
+655710 ssl-crtd
+655710 test
+655710 tproxy
+656582 +dso
+656582 +http
+656582 apache2
+656582 berkdb
+656582 ctypes-python
+656582 debug
+656582 doc
+656582 elibc_FreeBSD
+656582 extras
+656582 gnome-keyring
+656582 java
+656582 kde
+656582 nls
+656582 perl
+656582 python
+656582 python_targets_python2_7
+656582 ruby
+656582 sasl
+656582 test
+656582 vim-syntax
+656780 caps
+656780 emacs
+656780 gnome-keyring
+656780 gtk
+656780 ncurses
+656780 qt4
+656780 static
+657023 +ocamlopt
+657023 debug
+657023 doc
+657032 caps
+657032 emacs
+657032 gnome-keyring
+657032 gtk
+657032 ncurses
+657032 qt4
+657032 qt5
+657032 static
+657146 ldap
+657150 doc
+657150 elibc_FreeBSD
+657150 source
+657150 test
+657282 bugzilla
+657282 emacs
+657282 gpg
+657282 python_targets_python2_7
+657282 test
+657282 tk
+657432 doc
+657432 libressl
+657432 selinux
+657486 bindist
+657487 kernel_linux
+657508 +blksha1
+657508 +curl
+657508 +gpg
+657508 +iconv
+657508 +nls
+657508 +pcre
+657508 +perl
+657508 +python
+657508 +threads
+657508 +webdav
+657508 cgi
+657508 cvs
+657508 doc
+657508 emacs
+657508 gnome-keyring
+657508 gtk
+657508 highlight
+657508 mediawiki
+657508 ppcsha1
+657508 python_targets_python2_7
+657508 subversion
+657508 test
+657508 tk
+657508 xinetd
+657509 +blksha1
+657509 +curl
+657509 +gpg
+657509 +iconv
+657509 +nls
+657509 +pcre
+657509 +perl
+657509 +python
+657509 +threads
+657509 +webdav
+657509 cgi
+657509 cvs
+657509 doc
+657509 emacs
+657509 gnome-keyring
+657509 gtk
+657509 highlight
+657509 libressl
+657509 mediawiki
+657509 ppcsha1
+657509 python_targets_python2_7
+657509 subversion
+657509 test
+657509 tk
+657509 xinetd
+657594 doc
+657594 python_targets_python2_7
+657691 +openssl
+657691 +qt4
+657691 botan
+657691 debug
+657691 doc
+657691 examples
+657691 gcrypt
+657691 gpg
+657691 libressl
+657691 logger
+657691 nss
+657691 pkcs11
+657691 qt5
+657691 sasl
+657691 softstore
+657691 test
+657711 static-libs
+657740 static
+657740 smartcard
+657740 doc
+657740 +gnutls
+657740 bzip2
+657740 tools
+657740 nls
+657740 ldap
+657740 usb
+657740 selinux
+657740 readline
+657848 bindist
+659908 +curl
+657930 python_targets_python2_7
+659908 +webdav
+657930 test
+658057 +ocamlopt
+658057 doc
+658228 sasl
+658228 esi
+658228 kerberos
+658228 kernel_linux
+658228 +htcp
+658228 radius
+658228 test
+658228 caps
+658228 elibc_uclibc
+658228 mysql
+658228 samba
+658228 sqlite
+658228 selinux
+658228 snmp
+658228 +wccp
+658228 pf-transparent
+658228 ecap
+658228 qos
+658228 ipf-transparent
+658228 pam
+658228 ssl-crtd
+658228 kqueue
+658228 ldap
+658228 nis
+658228 +wccpv2
+658228 ssl
+658228 ipv6
+658228 logrotate
+658228 postgres
+658228 tproxy
+658322 examples
+658322 +ocamlopt
+658447 python_targets_python2_7
+658447 test
+658511 xinetd
+658492 +ounit
+658511 +pcre
+658511 highlight
+658511 tk
+658511 +perl
+658511 ppcsha1
+658511 subversion
+658492 debug
+658492 doc
+658511 +nls
+658511 cvs
+658511 gtk
+658511 emacs
+658511 test
+658511 libressl
+658511 doc
+658511 +curl
+658511 python_targets_python2_7
+658511 +python
+658492 +ocamlopt
+658511 +gpg
+658511 +iconv
+658511 gnome-keyring
+658511 cgi
+658511 mediawiki
+658511 +blksha1
+658511 +threads
+658511 +webdav
+658605 test
+658604 test
+658605 allservices
+658605 debug
+658605 doc
+658604 debug
+658606 +ocamlopt
+658601 debug
+658601 test
+658602 doc
+658607 doc
+658607 debug
+658607 test
+658603 +ocamlopt
+658606 test
+658606 debug
+658604 +ocamlopt
+658605 +ocamlopt
+658601 +ocamlopt
+658603 test
+658602 +ocamlopt
+658607 +ocamlopt
+658603 debug
+658602 mpir
+658662 +ocamlopt
+658673 ruby_targets_ruby19
+658661 +ocamlopt
+658660 +ocamlopt
+658662 async
+658673 elibc_FreeBSD
+658662 test
+658662 doc
+658662 debug
+658673 ruby_targets_ruby20
+658662 +lwt
+658660 debug
+658660 doc
+658661 debug
+658661 doc
+658660 test
+658661 test
+658673 test
+658661 +lwt
+658661 +camlp4
+658673 doc
+658673 ruby_targets_ruby21
+658661 async
+658822 python_targets_python2_7
+659072 doc
+659072 static-libs
+659072 python_targets_python2_7
+659186 linguas_pl
+659153 +ocamlopt
+659186 linguas_es
+659187 examples
+659187 net_ns
+659186 linguas_fr
+659154 doc
+659187 doc
+659186 hsm
+659186 linguas_zh_TW
+659186 linguas_ja
+659187 ssl
+659187 +zlib
+659186 linguas_ru
+659186 linguas_de
+659154 tk
+659187 tools
+659186 linguas_hu
+659187 pcre-jit
+659186 linguas_ko
+659187 +pcre
+659187 +crypt
+659186 linguas_cs
+659187 vim-syntax
+659154 +ocamlopt
+659186 linguas_it
+659186 linguas_pt
+659153 examples
+659186 linguas_zh
+659277 gnome-keyring
+659277 static
+659277 qt4
+659277 emacs
+659277 caps
+659277 qt5
+659277 gtk
+659277 ncurses
+659375 doc
+659369 +keyutils
+659369 abi_mips_n64
+659369 selinux
+659369 openldap
+659369 xinetd
+659369 +threads
+659369 abi_s390_32
+659369 abi_ppc_64
+659375 python_targets_python2_7
+659369 abi_x86_64
+659369 abi_x86_x32
+659369 +pkinit
+659369 abi_ppc_32
+659369 abi_mips_o32
+659369 doc
+659369 libressl
+659369 test
+659369 abi_s390_64
+659369 abi_mips_n32
+659369 abi_x86_32
+659411 +ocamlopt
+659410 examples
+659411 examples
+659510 examples
+659510 +ocamlopt
+659582 test
+659709 openldap
+659709 +threads
+659709 +keyutils
+659709 abi_mips_n64
+659709 selinux
+659709 abi_x86_64
+659709 abi_ppc_64
+659709 doc
+659709 libressl
+659709 test
+659709 abi_x86_x32
+659709 abi_ppc_32
+659709 +pkinit
+659709 abi_mips_o32
+659709 abi_mips_n32
+659709 abi_x86_32
+659709 abi_s390_64
+659709 xinetd
+659709 abi_s390_32
+659819 camlp4
+659817 doc
+659819 +ocamlopt
+659817 mpir
+659818 +ocamlopt
+659817 +ocamlopt
+659819 debug
+659819 doc
+659819 emacs
+659818 examples
+659908 +python
+659908 cgi
+659908 +gpg
+659864 +ocamlopt
+659908 +iconv
+659908 doc
+659908 emacs
+659908 test
+659908 libressl
+659908 tk
+659908 +perl
+659908 +nls
+659864 test
+659908 cvs
+659908 gtk
+659864 doc
+659864 debug
+659908 subversion
+659908 ppcsha1
+659908 mediawiki
+659908 +blksha1
+659908 xinetd
+659908 +threads
+659908 highlight
+659908 +pcre
+659908 python_targets_python2_7
+659908 gnome-keyring
+660215 java
+660222 gpg
+660218 tools
+660220 mysql
+660216 linguas_cs
+660218 pcre-jit
+660218 ssl
+660222 bugzilla
+660220 elibc_uclibc
+660216 linguas_it
+660218 +zlib
+660219 ssl
+660213 python_single_target_python3_3
+660216 linguas_pt
+660214 linguas_es
+660214 linguas_pl
+660220 caps
+660218 vim-syntax
+660216 linguas_zh_TW
+660216 linguas_ja
+660216 +tsm_cit
+660213 python_targets_python3_4
+660220 test
+660220 radius
+660214 java
+660217 java
+660215 acl
+660220 +htcp
+660220 kernel_linux
+660219 vim-syntax
+660216 linguas_de
+660220 kerberos
+660215 linguas_fr
+660216 linguas_ru
+660214 linguas_zh
+660218 +pcre
+660213 python_targets_python3_3
+660219 +crypt
+660216 +tsm_hw
+660222 tk
+660216 linguas_hu
+660218 +crypt
+660215 linguas_es
+660219 +pcre
+660215 linguas_pl
+660213 qt4
+660220 sasl
+660220 tproxy
+660216 linguas_ko
+660220 esi
+660216 linguas_es
+660216 linguas_pl
+660215 linguas_ko
+660214 linguas_pt
+660221 python_targets_python2_7
+660214 linguas_it
+660220 postgres
+660215 linguas_hu
+660215 +tsm_hw
+660220 logrotate
+660220 ipv6
+660216 acl
+660220 ssl
+660215 linguas_de
+660216 linguas_fr
+660220 nis
+660220 +wccpv2
+660214 linguas_cs
+660215 linguas_ru
+660215 linguas_ja
+660215 linguas_zh_TW
+660220 kqueue
+660215 +tsm_cit
+660220 ldap
+660222 test
+660222 emacs
+660220 ssl-crtd
+660220 pam
+660220 ipf-transparent
+660220 qos
+660214 linguas_ko
+660215 linguas_pt
+660219 doc
+660217 +tsm_hw
+660213 python_single_target_python3_4
+660214 linguas_hu
+660214 +tsm_hw
+660220 ecap
+660221 doc
+660220 pf-transparent
+660215 linguas_it
+660217 +tsm_cit
+660214 linguas_de
+660220 +wccp
+660215 linguas_cs
+660216 linguas_zh
+660214 linguas_ru
+660220 selinux
+660220 snmp
+660219 net_ns
+660218 examples
+660222 python_targets_python2_7
+660216 java
+660214 linguas_ja
+660214 linguas_zh_TW
+660219 examples
+660214 +tsm_cit
+660219 pcre-jit
+660217 acl
+660220 sqlite
+660214 linguas_fr
+660220 samba
+660215 linguas_zh
+660219 tools
+660214 acl
+660219 +zlib
+660295 python_single_target_python3_4
+660295 python_single_target_python2_7
+660295 python_targets_python3_3
+660295 test
+660295 doc
+660295 python_targets_python3_4
+660295 python_targets_python2_7
+660295 python_single_target_python3_3
+679113 +ocamlopt
+679041 +gtk
+679113 mpir
+679041 +xpi
+679113 doc
+679041 +dialogs
+679154 examples
+679154 +ocamlopt
+679406 ldap
+679405 test
+679405 vala
+679406 debug
+679405 gtk
+679406 zeroconf
+679405 +introspection
+679405 debug
+679604 glade
+679604 python_targets_python3_4
+679604 +python
+679604 python_targets_python3_3
+679604 debug
+679699 selinux
+679700 tools
+679699 vim-syntax
+679700 selinux
+679701 vim-syntax
+679700 vim-syntax
+679701 selinux
+679699 tools
+679701 tools
+680048 test
+680048 doc
+680048 abi_mips_o32
+680048 abi_x86_x32
+680048 abi_ppc_32
+680048 +pkinit
+680048 abi_x86_32
+680049 doc
+680048 abi_mips_n32
+680048 abi_s390_64
+680048 abi_s390_32
+680048 +threads
+680048 xinetd
+680048 openldap
+680048 abi_mips_n64
+680048 +keyutils
+680048 selinux
+680048 abi_x86_64
+680048 abi_ppc_64
+680048 libressl
+680204 selinux
+680204 mta
+680204 usb
+680203 usb
+680204 ldap
+680203 ldap
+680204 nls
+680203 tools
+680203 nls
+680204 tools
+680204 bzip2
+680203 +gnutls
+680203 bzip2
+680228 doc
+680204 doc
+680203 smartcard
+680203 doc
+680204 smartcard
+680203 static
+680204 static
+680204 readline
+680228 python_targets_python2_7
+680203 readline
+680203 selinux
+680266 rados
+680266 python_targets_python2_7
+680266 logwatch
+680266 mysql
+680266 readline
+680266 sql-pooling
+680266 acl
+680266 X
+680251 debug
+680266 fastlz
+680251 doc
+680251 test
+680266 lmdb
+680266 qt4
+680266 scsi-crypto
+680266 +director
+680266 ipv6
+680266 python
+680266 ssl
+680250 doc
+680266 rados-striper
+680266 +storage-daemon
+680266 clientonly
+680266 postgres
+680266 cephfs
+680251 +ocamlopt
+680266 +sqlite
+680266 gnutls
+680266 glusterfs
+680266 tcpd
+680266 vim-syntax
+680266 static
+680266 ndmp
+680266 jansson
+680325 +ocamlopt
+680325 +lwt
+680325 test
+680325 doc
+680325 debug
+680325 async
+680387 python_targets_python3_5
+680387 test
+680387 python_targets_python2_7
+680479 python_targets_python2_7
+680478 python_targets_python2_7
+680480 python_targets_python2_7
+680602 test
+680613 pam
+680613 ipf-transparent
+680600 python_targets_python2_7
+680613 kqueue
+680602 python_targets_python3_4
+680613 ldap
+680613 ssl
+680613 nis
+680613 +wccpv2
+680613 ipv6
+680613 pf-transparent
+680602 python_targets_python2_7
+680613 ecap
+680613 qos
+680617 emacs
+680617 test
+680600 test
+680613 +wccp
+680613 selinux
+680613 snmp
+680613 samba
+680613 mysql
+680613 sqlite
+680613 elibc_uclibc
+680617 tk
+680613 kerberos
+680613 +htcp
+680613 kernel_linux
+680613 test
+680613 radius
+680617 gpg
+680613 caps
+680613 tproxy
+680613 sasl
+680613 esi
+680617 bugzilla
+680602 python_targets_python3_5
+680613 logrotate
+680613 postgres
+680613 ssl-crtd
+680617 python_targets_python2_7
+680942 python_targets_python2_7
+680921 python_targets_python3_4
+680921 test
+680922 libressl
+680921 python_targets_python3_5
+680921 python_targets_python2_7
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/ebuilds.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/ebuilds.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..120c41d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/ebuilds.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,914 @@
+616671 62976 0.1-r1 ("{0,1}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:05 17
+616681 59305 3.16.0 ("{3,16,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/1 GPL-2+ LGPL-2+ 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:05 17
+616735 55869 1.0 ("{1,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 16:09:12 17
+609094 62840 4.02.1_p3 ("{4,2,1}",@,1,3,0) 0/4.02.1_p3 LGPL-2-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-21 15:08:59 17
+679723 63197 0.1.0 ("{0,1,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-11-21 15:00:09.035041 2015-11-20 20:09:15 17
+628118 42770 1.0.35 ("{1,0,35}",@,0,0,0) 0 tarsnap 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:11 17
+616699 43076 1.0-r2 ("{1,0}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:22 17
+628162 49561 0.6.25 ("{0,6,25}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628165 62542 1.0.10 ("{1,0,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+659818 60329 20151103 ({20151103},@,0,0,0) 0/20151103 QPL-1.0 LGPL-2-with-linking-exception 2015-11-06 09:02:45.271409 2015-11-05 09:08:25 17
+609267 43401 0.5 ("{0,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-24 14:09:24 17
+616811 43419 0.4.1 ("{0,4,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:22 17
+634223 61515 14.2.2 ("{14,2,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 AGPL-3 2015-08-10 18:11:55.489505 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+653688 62064 20150816 ({20150816},@,0,0,0) 0 MIT 2015-08-28 19:31:25.621693 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+655035 61515 14.2.5 ("{14,2,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 AGPL-3 2015-09-14 15:00:29.534908 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+655036 49561 0.6.26 ("{0,6,26}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-09-14 15:00:29.534908 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+655037 61515 15.2.1 ("{15,2,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 AGPL-3 2015-09-14 15:00:29.534908 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+658057 62739 0.9.8 ("{0,9,8}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.9.8 BSD 2015-10-12 17:40:04.312207 2015-10-12 08:08:26 17
+655039 59290 2.3 ("{2,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-09-14 15:00:29.534908 2015-12-03 17:21:23 17
+658511 54144 2.6.2 ("{2,6,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-10-17 15:00:13.238126 2015-12-03 20:43:33 17
+658822 56966 2.2.1 ("{2,2,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-10-22 23:41:34.084834 2015-12-03 17:18:06 17
+679154 60329 20151112 ({20151112},@,0,0,0) 0/20151112 QPL-1.0 LGPL-2-with-linking-exception 2015-11-13 18:51:05.280191 2015-11-13 10:38:55 17
+660222 44063 3.6.1 ("{3,6,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-11-10 18:57:25.674841 2015-12-03 17:21:25 17
+660295 59290 2.4 ("{2,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-11-11 19:52:42.166959 2015-12-03 17:21:23 17
+680228 57907 3.6.1 ("{3,6,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-11-24 23:01:41.602348 2015-12-03 17:21:26 17
+680602 64821 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 Apache-2.0 2015-12-02 19:12:42.627493 2015-12-06 19:09:12 17
+659410 50308 0.7.6 ("{0,7,6}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.7.6 MIT 2015-10-30 20:31:23.110092 2015-10-30 11:08:21 17
+659411 60329 20151026 ({20151026},@,0,0,0) 0/20151026 QPL-1.0 LGPL-2-with-linking-exception 2015-10-30 20:31:23.110092 2015-10-30 11:08:21 17
+609110 44017 6.37.0 ("{6,37,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-24 11:14:14 17
+658322 60329 20151012 ({20151012},@,0,0,0) 0/20151012 QPL-1.0 LGPL-2-with-linking-exception 2015-10-15 19:21:21.629006 2015-10-15 12:08:25 17
+654033 55943 1.9.1 ("{1,9,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 Subversion GPL-2 2015-09-03 19:20:43.394859 2015-12-04 22:15:20 17
+628114 44503 1.2 ("{1,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:12 17
+680921 64821 0.1.0-r1 ("{0,1,0}",@,0,0,1) 0 Apache-2.0 2015-12-07 15:01:06.742996 2015-12-06 19:09:12 17
+680922 60249 2.2.2-r1 ("{2,2,2}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-12-07 15:01:06.742996 2015-12-06 20:39:13 17
+680942 59458 1.18.2 ("{1,18,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-12-07 15:01:06.742996 2015-12-06 23:39:17 17
+609303 45290 0.16.0 ("{0,16,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:09 17
+616640 45543 0.3-r2 ("{0,3}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:18 17
+680298 62950 201511260245 ({201511260245},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-11-26 23:41:33.153768 2015-11-26 03:39:10 17
+629088 59701 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-14 00:42:27 17
+616636 46120 0.7.3 ("{0,7,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:19 17
+659510 60329 20151030 ({20151030},@,0,0,0) 0/20151030 QPL-1.0 LGPL-2-with-linking-exception 2015-11-01 21:11:27.830329 2015-11-01 10:38:09 17
+609298 47516 1.1 ("{1,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:07 17
+629033 47524 1.20140831.1 ("{1,20140831,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:19:20 17
+629031 47524 1.20141024 ("{1,20141024}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:19:20 17
+634226 47524 1.20150503 ("{1,20150503}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-10 18:11:55.489505 2015-08-10 02:19:20 17
+628994 48263 1.1 ("{1,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-19 15:10:17 17
+629013 48263 1.3 ("{1,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-19 15:10:17 17
+609296 48327 0.2.1 ("{0,2,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.2.1 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:12 17
+628154 49039 0.7.1 ("{0,7,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:09 17
+628106 49039 0.8 ("{0,8}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:09 17
+628102 49039 0.5.1 ("{0,5,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:18 17
+628955 58252 5.20141231 ("{5,20141231}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:49 17
+628959 51120 2.10.0-r1 ("{2,10,0}",@,0,0,1) 0/2.10.0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+628964 51120 2.10.1 ("{2,10,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.10.1 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+628966 58252 5.20150710 ("{5,20150710}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:49 17
+616719 49424 3.5 ("{3,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:18 17
+616713 49732 4.3 ("{4,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 public-domain GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:21 17
+616632 49854 1.10 ("{1,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:18 17
+616685 49854 1.9 ("{1,9}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:18 17
+609254 50308 0.6.1 ("{0,6,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.6.1 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:09 17
+609159 50308 0.7.4 ("{0,7,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.7.4 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:09 17
+609257 50308 0.7.5 ("{0,7,5}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.7.5 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:09 17
+609061 51288 1.4 ("{1,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:05:24 17
+609134 51288 1.5.5 ("{1,5,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:05:24 17
+609136 43080 2.18.0-r1 ("{2,18,0}",@,0,0,1) 2/2.18.0 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception examples? ( lablgtk-examples ) 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:05:24 17
+628128 50461 2.0.14 ("{2,0,14}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:18 17
+609252 43080 2.18.3 ("{2,18,3}",@,0,0,0) 2/2.18.3 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception examples? ( lablgtk-examples ) 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 13:39:27 17
+628142 50177 3.3.7 ("{3,3,7}",@,0,0,0) 0 HPND BSD BSD-2 GPL-2+ GPL-3+ 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:42:36 17
+628149 50177 3.3.3-r1 ("{3,3,3}",@,0,0,1) 0 HPND BSD BSD-2 GPL-2+ GPL-3+ 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:42:36 17
+628977 56473 2.3.1-r1 ("{2,3,1}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+629010 56473 2.3.3-r1 ("{2,3,3}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+629030 56493 3.6.1 ("{3,6,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+629069 56493 3.6.3 ("{3,6,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+629073 56473 ("{3,6,2,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+629077 56473 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:36 17
+629085 56473 3.6.1 ("{3,6,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+629098 56473 3.6.3 ("{3,6,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:35 17
+629100 56473 3.6.1-r1 ("{3,6,1}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+629107 56493 3.6 ("{3,6}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+629111 56473 ("{3,6,2,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+629120 58844 6.0.1_p20131024 ("{6,0,1}",@,1,20131024,0) 0 || ( Artistic GPL-1 GPL-2 GPL-3 ) 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+628176 53460 0.5 ("{0,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:10 17
+616617 42852 0.9.2b ("{0,9,2}",b,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:18 17
+616666 50356 3.5 ("{3,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:18 17
+659153 60329 20151023 ({20151023},@,0,0,0) 0/20151023 QPL-1.0 LGPL-2-with-linking-exception 2015-10-26 19:21:24.149644 2015-10-26 12:38:11 17
+628156 54138 2.1-r1 ("{2,1}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:10 17
+628107 48037 0.13 ("{0,13}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:18 17
+628113 48037 0.14 ("{0,14}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:18 17
+628117 48037 0.11 ("{0,11}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:18 17
+628132 51642 1.8.1 ("{1,8,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:18 17
+628178 42739 1.2.1 ("{1,2,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 OSL-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:18 17
+616651 54275 1.12 ("{1,12}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:18 17
+628991 54476 0.32 ("{0,32}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:33 17
+629027 54476 0.34 ("{0,34}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:33 17
+616620 54811 0_pre15 ({0},@,-2,15,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-24 11:13:21 17
+616634 54898 2.2 ("{2,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:18 17
+616660 54898 2.2-r9999 ("{2,2}",@,0,0,9999) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:18 17
+628403 54910 3.3.1 ("{3,3,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:25:30 17
+609054 54960 1.2.0 ("{1,2,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.2.0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:11 17
+609064 45157 7.1.3 ("{7,1,3}",@,0,0,0) 0/7.1.3 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609072 42953 0.4.7 ("{0,4,7}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.4.7 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609075 59063 0.4.1 ("{0,4,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.4.1 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609077 62043 1.5 ("{1,5}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.5 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609081 59064 0.8 ("{0,8}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.8 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609145 55518 3.12 ("{3,12}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:26 17
+609084 63095 112.17.00 ("{112,17,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.17.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609088 62042 0.7 ("{0,7}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.7 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609089 62717 1.4.1 ("{1,4,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.4.1 LGPL-2-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609090 54802 2.0.5 ("{2,0,5}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.0.5 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609091 59061 2.3 ("{2,3}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.3 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+609092 59071 3.5.0 ("{3,5,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/3.5.0 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609093 62740 0.9.1 ("{0,9,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.9.1 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609098 60838 112.17.00 ("{112,17,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.17.00 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609099 60837 112.35.00 ("{112,35,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.35.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609101 59061 2.1 ("{2,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.1 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+609102 59680 1.0 ("{1,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.0 LGPL-2-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+609105 57105 0.0.11 ("{0,0,11}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.0.11 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609107 59072 1.16 ("{1,16}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.16 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609108 61842 112.06.00 ("{112,6,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.06.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609111 59602 1.2 ("{1,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.2 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609112 59070 1.8 ("{1,8}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.8 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609113 49599 4.0.7 ("{4,0,7}",@,0,0,0) 0/4.0.7 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609114 60775 112.24.00 ("{112,24,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.24.00 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609116 59537 112.35.00 ("{112,35,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.35.00 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609118 63860 112.35.00 ("{112,35,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.35.00 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609119 47929 2.0.5 ("{2,0,5}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.0.5 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609120 57106 0.5.0 ("{0,5,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.5.0 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609125 59817 1.1 ("{1,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.1 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609126 47929 2.0.6 ("{2,0,6}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.0.6 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609129 59870 109.60.00 ("{109,60,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/109.60.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609132 43079 1.9 ("{1,9}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.9 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609147 57105 0.0.10 ("{0,0,10}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.0.10 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609149 54802 2.0.4 ("{2,0,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.0.4 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609150 59063 0.4.5 ("{0,4,5}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.4.5 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609151 49122 2.4.6 ("{2,4,6}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.4.6 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609152 59539 109.15.02 ("{109,15,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/109.15.02 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609155 60464 112.35.00 ("{112,35,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.35.00 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+609156 59655 1.3.3 ("{1,3,3}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.3.3 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609157 50183 3.0.5 ("{3,0,5}",@,0,0,0) 0/3.0.5 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609161 50469 0.6.5 ("{0,6,5}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.6.5 LGPL-3-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+609163 49599 4.0.6 ("{4,0,6}",@,0,0,0) 0/4.0.6 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609164 59070 1.9 ("{1,9}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.9 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609165 59816 2.2 ("{2,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.2 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609167 59063 0.3.0 ("{0,3,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.3.0 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609168 49599 4.0.3 ("{4,0,3}",@,0,0,0) 0/4.0.3 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609169 45157 7.1.5 ("{7,1,5}",@,0,0,0) 0/7.1.5 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609177 60463 112.35.00 ("{112,35,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.35.00 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+609178 59066 0.0.3 ("{0,0,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609179 44622 2.0.0 ("{2,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.0.0 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609181 45833 1.38-r1 ("{1,38}",@,0,0,1) 0 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609182 59063 0.4.4 ("{0,4,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.4.4 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609183 60328 0.7.2 ("{0,7,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.7.2 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609186 54960 0.9.4 ("{0,9,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.9.4 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609187 54802 2.0.7 ("{2,0,7}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.0.7 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609192 63896 2.0.0 ("{2,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.0.0 ISC 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609195 48948 4.2.1 ("{4,2,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/4.2.1 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+609196 59061 2.2 ("{2,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.2 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+609197 54802 2.0.9 ("{2,0,9}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.0.9 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609199 63859 112.35.00 ("{112,35,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.35.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609200 55855 0.6.0 ("{0,6,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.6.0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609203 51843 112.01.02 ("{112,1,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.01.02 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609205 62042 0.6.2 ("{0,6,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.6.2 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609206 59865 2.2 ("{2,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.2 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609207 44622 1.1.2 ("{1,1,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.1.2 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609209 49122 2.4.3 ("{2,4,3}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.4.3 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609213 62043 1.6 ("{1,6}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.6 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609216 50183 3.0.3 ("{3,0,3}",@,0,0,0) 0/3.0.3 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609217 56982 1.1.1 ("{1,1,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.1.1 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609218 43079 1.7 ("{1,7}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.7 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609220 62717 1.3.2 ("{1,3,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.3.2 LGPL-2-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609222 61848 111.08.01 ("{111,8,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/111.08.01 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609224 59655 1.4 ("{1,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.4 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609227 59655 1.3.0 ("{1,3,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.3.0 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609231 63858 112.35.00 ("{112,35,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.35.00 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+609236 59065 0.0.2 ("{0,0,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609238 60465 109.35.00 ("{109,35,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/109.35.00 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609242 61842 111.28.00 ("{111,28,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/111.28.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609244 47929 3.2.1 ("{3,2,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/3.2.1 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609245 60465 112.35.00 ("{112,35,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.35.00 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609247 57106 0.4.5 ("{0,4,5}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.4.5 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609248 61843 112.35.00 ("{112,35,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.35.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609250 61849 112.35.00 ("{112,35,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.35.00 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609251 61842 109.55.02 ("{109,55,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/109.55.02 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609255 49819 3.7.7 ("{3,7,7}",@,0,0,0) 0/3.7.7 ZLIB GPL-2+ 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609265 61846 112.35.00 ("{112,35,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.35.00 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+609270 46651 112.35.00 ("{112,35,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.35.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+609271 59538 110.01.00 ("{110,1,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/110.01.00 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609272 61034 2.0.1 ("{2,0,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.0.1 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609273 62780 112.35.00 ("{112,35,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.35.00 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609279 45157 7.0.2 ("{7,0,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/7.0.2 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609282 61848 112.24.00 ("{112,24,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.24.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609284 59073 1.4 ("{1,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.4 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609286 59865 1.7.1 ("{1,7,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.7.1 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609287 49507 112.35.00 ("{112,35,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.35.00 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609288 63861 112.35.00 ("{112,35,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.35.00 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609289 62717 1.4.0 ("{1,4,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.4.0 LGPL-2-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609295 59062 112.35.00 ("{112,35,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.35.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609299 49122 2.5.0 ("{2,5,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.5.0 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609301 60461 112.35.00 ("{112,35,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.35.00 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+609302 59073 1.2 ("{1,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.2 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609308 43079 1.10 ("{1,10}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.10 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609309 59072 1.11 ("{1,11}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.11 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+616748 55673 0.9.4 ("{0,9,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:19 17
+616792 55673 0.9.7 ("{0,9,7}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:19 17
+654758 55673 0.9.9 ("{0,9,9}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-09-10 19:41:01.884879 2015-09-10 06:08:20 17
+628919 55928 1.6.1 ("{1,6,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:33 17
+628920 55928 1.7.0 ("{1,7,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:33 17
+628949 55929 2.71 ("{2,71}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:33 17
+629141 55925 0.4.4 ("{0,4,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 public-domain 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:33 17
+629149 55927 0.2.5 ("{0,2,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-09 05:07:33 17
+616796 56630 3.31.1 ("{3,31,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:18 17
+629118 56956 ("{1,6,5,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-24 12:38:54 17
+609185 56982 1.2.0 ("{1,2,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.2.0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:12 17
+609074 57026 1.2 ("{1,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.2 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:07 17
+616774 57228 0.7.4 ("{0,7,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-24 14:09:02 17
+616637 57229 0.3.4 ("{0,3,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-24 14:09:02 17
+616775 58704 0.12 ("{0,12}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-23 01:02:24 17
+609191 57804 1.4 ("{1,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.4 LGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:04 17
+609060 60465 109.35.02 ("{109,35,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/109.35.02 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609063 56988 0.0.4 ("{0,0,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.0.4 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609065 45725 112.35.01 ("{112,35,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/112.35.01 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609066 61847 109.60.00 ("{109,60,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/109.60.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609068 62717 1.3.1 ("{1,3,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.3.1 LGPL-2-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609069 47929 3.2.0 ("{3,2,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/3.2.0 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609071 62852 2.5.0 ("{2,5,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 ISC 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609162 62852 2.6.1 ("{2,6,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 ISC 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609190 62730 1.0_rc6 ("{1,0}",@,-1,6,0) 0/1.0_rc6 LGPL-2-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+616824 58704 0.13 ("{0,13}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:21 17
+616693 58704 0.14 ("{0,14}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:21 17
+609228 59539 109.15.00 ("{109,15,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/109.15.00 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609229 62781 111.08.00 ("{111,8,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/111.08.00 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609280 59496 1.2.0 ("{1,2,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.2.0 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+629132 59113 1.20140508-r2 ("{1,20140508}",@,0,0,2) 0 || ( GPL-3 GPL-2 ) 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-24 11:15:17 17
+629038 59113 1.20141026 ("{1,20141026}",@,0,0,0) 0 || ( GPL-3 GPL-2 ) 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-24 11:15:17 17
+629103 59113 1.20150502 ("{1,20150502}",@,0,0,0) 0 || ( GPL-3 GPL-2 ) 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-24 11:15:17 17
+609291 59553 0.3.4 ("{0,3,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.3.4 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:08 17
+609262 59553 0.3.5 ("{0,3,5}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.3.5 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:08 17
+609170 59656 1.9 ("{1,9}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.9 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-19 15:09:53 17
+609243 59656 1.8 ("{1,8}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.8 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-19 15:09:53 17
+609234 59662 0.3c ("{0,3}",c,0,0,0) 0/0.3c LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:06 17
+609225 59663 1.3.2 ("{1,3,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.3.2 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:07 17
+609305 59663 1.4 ("{1,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.4 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:07 17
+609076 59663 2.5 ("{2,5}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.5 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:07 17
+609276 59663 2.5-r1 ("{2,5}",@,0,0,1) 0/2.5 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:07 17
+609070 59663 2.6 ("{2,6}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.6 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:07 17
+616787 60049 1.4 ("{1,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:22 17
+629050 60082 20121105131501 ({20121105131501},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:19:20 17
+655018 61040 1.3.0 ("{1,3,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-09-14 15:00:29.534908 2015-09-14 12:38:04 17
+655428 61040 1.3.1 ("{1,3,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-09-21 19:11:11.306481 2015-09-21 10:08:24 17
+616618 61059 1.4.1 ("{1,4,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:18 17
+616678 61059 1.6 ("{1,6}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:18 17
+616809 61316 1.4.1 ("{1,4,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:18 17
+616627 61316 1.4.1-r1 ("{1,4,1}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:18 17
+616760 61316 1.4.2 ("{1,4,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:18 17
+616803 61316 1.4.2-r1 ("{1,4,2}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:18 17
+653687 61618 0.1 ("{0,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 CC0-1.0 2015-08-28 19:31:25.621693 2015-11-19 15:09:32 17
+629134 61777 20140223 ({20140223},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3+ 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-24 14:09:34 17
+616814 61857 1.1.6 ("{1,1,6}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:23 17
+653385 61857 1.2.0 ("{1,2,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD-2 2015-08-25 18:54:05.443958 2015-08-25 05:08:02 17
+629086 61935 0.3 ("{0,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:19:17 17
+629070 61935 0.4 ("{0,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:19:17 17
+628936 61935 0.5.0 ("{0,5,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:19:17 17
+616700 62175 1.3 ("{1,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:22 17
+616810 62510 0.2.9 ("{0,2,9}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3+ 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:18 17
+616702 62689 0_p20140903 ({0},@,1,20140903,0) 0 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:18 17
+616793 62689 0_p20150423 ({0},@,1,20150423,0) 0 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:18 17
+616768 62689 0_p20150423-r1 ({0},@,1,20150423,1) 0 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:08:18 17
+609176 62729 0.6.0 ("{0,6,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.6.0 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:04 17
+609158 62736 3.3_beta2-r2 ("{3,3}",@,-3,2,2) 0/3.3_beta2 LGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:06 17
+609198 62736 4.0_rc3 ("{4,0}",@,-1,3,0) 0/4.0_rc3 LGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:06 17
+609160 62739 0.9.7 ("{0,9,7}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.9.7 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:05 17
+609130 62742 0.9.4 ("{0,9,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.9.4 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:11 17
+609212 62853 0.1 ("{0,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.1 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:11 17
+609194 62876 2.1.1 ("{2,1,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.1.1 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:05 17
+609293 63074 1.0.9 ("{1,0,9}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.0.9 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:04 17
+609122 63075 1.0.2 ("{1,0,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.0.2 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:06 17
+609281 63076 1.2.0 ("{1,2,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.2.0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:12 17
+609259 63076 1.2.1 ("{1,2,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.2.1 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-08-10 02:14:12 17
+655020 63076 1.2.3 ("{1,2,3}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.2.3 BSD 2015-09-14 15:00:29.534908 2015-09-14 12:38:23 17
+634069 63951 3.0.0 ("{3,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 \N 2015-08-08 04:31:53.166549 2015-08-08 03:31:18 18
+616661 62976 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-06 16:39:17 17
+616615 48090 1.5.5 ("{1,5,5}",@,0,0,0) 1/11 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616619 61316 1.4.1-r2 ("{1,4,1}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616621 55373 1.1.5 ("{1,1,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 MIT GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 22:39:12 17
+616622 49030 0.3.13 ("{0,3,13}",@,0,0,0) 0 CPL-1.0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 22:39:12 17
+616624 47193 2.0.26-r3 ("{2,0,26}",@,0,0,3) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616625 59540 0.47 ("{0,47}",@,0,0,0) 0 hashcat 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616626 52482 1.4-r1 ("{1,4}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616628 47703 1.4.15 ("{1,4,15}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616630 50014 1.9.8 ("{1,9,8}",@,0,0,0) 0 bestcrypt 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616631 60249 2.2.0-r1 ("{2,2,0}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616633 45799 ("{2,0,7,5}",@,0,0,2) 0 Artistic 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616650 59110 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616668 61317 0.108 ("{0,108}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616669 44057 1.0.7 ("{1,0,7}",@,0,0,0) 0 BZIP2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616670 59540 0.46 ("{0,46}",@,0,0,0) 0 hashcat 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616672 51389 0.6-r1 ("{0,6}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616673 59983 0.7.1 ("{0,7,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616674 51952 1.1.0-r6 ("{1,1,0}",@,0,0,6) 0 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616675 43659 1.2 ("{1,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616676 58304 0.2 ("{0,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616677 59021 1.0.1-r1 ("{1,0,1}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616680 48206 1.1.4 ("{1,1,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616682 49333 2.0.0 ("{2,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 bestcrypt 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616686 49732 4.4 ("{4,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 public-domain GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616687 60337 0.8 ("{0,8}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616688 47193 2.0.27 ("{2,0,27}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616734 62722 1.1.0 ("{1,1,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:06 17
+616739 62722 1.2.1 ("{1,2,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:06 17
+616753 54928 1.5.3-r2 ("{1,5,3}",@,0,0,2) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:05 17
+616770 41842 0.5.3 ("{0,5,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:06 17
+616780 62423 2.0.2-r1 ("{2,0,2}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:06 17
+616781 45844 1.3.2-r1 ("{1,3,2}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:06 17
+616778 62951 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-06 16:39:17 17
+616689 45783 0.28-r1 ("{0,28}",@,0,0,1) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616690 43612 0.7.4-r1 ("{0,7,4}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616691 42298 3.16.0-r1 ("{3,16,0}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2+ FDL-1.1+ 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616692 47703 1.4.18 ("{1,4,18}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616695 57110 1.7.11-r1 ("{1,7,11}",@,0,0,1) 0 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616696 49030 0.3.10-r1 ("{0,3,10}",@,0,0,1) 0 CPL-1.0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 22:39:12 17
+616697 57242 1.4.0 ("{1,4,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616706 56630 3.31.1-r1 ("{3,31,1}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616708 56630 2.28.1 ("{2,28,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616711 58704 0.12-r1 ("{0,12}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616714 48206 1.1.11-r1 ("{1,1,11}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616715 62721 0.1.6 ("{0,1,6}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616716 61893 2.12 ("{2,12}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616721 62720 0.0.2 ("{0,0,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616724 50723 0.4.0 ("{0,4,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616725 57110 1.7.11-r3 ("{1,7,11}",@,0,0,3) 0 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616736 60337 0.2 ("{0,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616737 54674 0.9.0 ("{0,9,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616738 59110 4.0.6_p1480 ("{4,0,6}",@,1,1480,0) 0 LGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616772 44979 0.4.5 ("{0,4,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616773 49803 1.3.8 ("{1,3,8}",@,0,0,0) 0 CPL-1.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616777 56208 20080907-r1 ({20080907},@,0,0,1) 0 public-domain 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616779 60209 2.21 ("{2,21}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 GPL-3 LGPL-2.1 BSD-4 MIT public-domain 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616800 56966 2.0.11 ("{2,0,11}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:06 17
+616782 42589 ("{0,9,9,9}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616784 57954 0.20.7 ("{0,20,7}",@,0,0,0) 0 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616786 60306 3.0.6b ("{3,0,6}",b,0,0,0) 0 BSD GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:07 17
+616789 59983 0.8.2 ("{0,8,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616791 46909 1.1.0 ("{1,1,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616794 52634 1.5 ("{1,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 all-rights-reserved 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616795 47260 3.3.0 ("{3,3,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616798 61893 2.13 ("{2,13}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616799 51406 4.1 ("{4,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 || ( MIT Stanford ISC ) 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616801 48206 2.0 ("{2,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616804 54674 0.9.5 ("{0,9,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616812 63463 0.03 ("{0,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616819 59021 1.0.1 ("{1,0,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616653 45147 0.4.1 ("{0,4,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616659 49088 1.0.3 ("{1,0,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 openafs-krb5-a BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616662 61893 2.11.1 ("{2,11,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616663 47260 3.6.0 ("{3,6,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616664 45783 0.29 ("{0,29}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616665 47193 2.0.28 ("{2,0,28}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616667 44979 0.4.5-r1 ("{0,4,5}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616740 50137 0.83 ("{0,83}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616741 47260 3.3.1 ("{3,3,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616742 44189 1.7.9-r6 ("{1,7,9}",@,0,0,6) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616743 59169 3.8.0 ("{3,8,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2+ 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616744 62720 0.0.4 ("{0,0,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616750 41954 ("{2,1,0,3}",@,0,0,0) 2 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616751 59021 1.0.2 ("{1,0,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616764 59021 1.0.1-r2 ("{1,0,1}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616765 62721 0.1.7 ("{0,1,7}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616767 47260 3.4.0 ("{3,4,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+628368 44558 6.8 ("{6,8}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-23 01:20:11 17
+628386 44558 6.10 ("{6,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-23 01:20:11 17
+628412 57537 0.9.2 ("{0,9,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-23 01:20:11 17
+628986 56960 0.12 ("{0,12}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:52 17
+629080 45097 0.5.0 ("{0,5,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-04 22:15:19 17
+629078 55920 1.0.7 ("{1,0,7}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+634225 58252 5.20150731 ("{5,20150731}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-10 18:11:55.489505 2015-12-01 15:10:49 17
+652935 59110 4.1.4 ("{4,1,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-3 2015-08-18 17:00:10.162609 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+653147 48206 2.1 ("{2,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-21 17:42:46.363723 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+653833 62221 0.2.8 ("{0,2,8}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-31 15:00:11.951691 2015-12-01 14:59:04 17
+658673 62766 0.10 ("{0,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-10-19 20:41:12.750475 2015-12-04 22:15:19 17
+629079 45341 0.8.1 ("{0,8,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+659709 46436 1.13.2-r3 ("{1,13,2}",@,0,0,3) 0 openafs-krb5-a BSD MIT OPENLDAP BSD-2 HPND BSD-4 ISC RSA CC-BY-SA-3.0 || ( BSD-2 GPL-2+ ) 2015-11-04 22:21:13.211942 2015-12-03 17:18:06 17
+609051 45833 1.39 ("{1,39}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609052 61847 111.17.00 ("{111,17,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/111.17.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609053 62716 0.7 ("{0,7}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.7 LGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:05:23 17
+609056 60466 109.15.02 ("{109,15,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/109.15.02 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609057 59072 1.18 ("{1,18}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.18 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609058 59064 0.6 ("{0,6}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.6 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609059 52838 1.8.5 ("{1,8,5}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.8.5 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609083 51121 1.6.1 ("{1,6,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.6.1 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609086 50959 0.8.4 ("{0,8,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.8.4 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609096 48660 1.05-r1 ("{1,5}",@,0,0,1) 0/1.05 QPL-1.0 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+609097 51288 1.5.5-r1 ("{1,5,5}",@,0,0,1) 0 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609103 58298 2.2-r2 ("{2,2}",@,0,0,2) 0/2.2 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609106 50513 1.2.7 ("{1,2,7}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.2.7 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609109 49819 4.0.4 ("{4,0,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/4.0.4 ZLIB GPL-2+ 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609115 62741 1.2.0 ("{1,2,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-3-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609124 45157 6.2.5 ("{6,2,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609078 59865 2.1 ("{2,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.1 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609080 48948 4.1.2 ("{4,1,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/4.1.2 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+609128 47766 1.05 ("{1,5}",@,0,0,0) 1/1.05 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609133 59654 2.03.2 ("{2,3,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.03.2 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+609137 49599 4.0.4 ("{4,0,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/4.0.4 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609138 62741 1.2.1 ("{1,2,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-3-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609140 48948 4.1.1 ("{4,1,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/4.1.1 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+609142 50183 3.0.2 ("{3,0,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/3.0.2 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609144 50513 1.2.4 ("{1,2,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.2.4 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609148 59681 4.1.0 ("{4,1,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/4.1.0 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609153 42953 0.4.6 ("{0,4,6}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.4.6 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609154 51306 1.2.0 ("{1,2,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.2.0 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609172 62741 1.2.2 ("{1,2,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-3-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609184 58298 2.2-r3 ("{2,2}",@,0,0,3) 0/2.2 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609188 59681 4.1.0-r1 ("{4,1,0}",@,0,0,1) 0/4.1.0 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609193 44404 1.04-r1 ("{1,4}",@,0,0,1) 0/1.04 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609249 44404 1.05 ("{1,5}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.05 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609202 48948 4.0.1 ("{4,0,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/4.0.1 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+609208 58298 2.2-r1 ("{2,2}",@,0,0,1) 0 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609210 55890 0.4.2 ("{0,4,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.4.2 ZLIB 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609211 51306 1.1.1 ("{1,1,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.1.1 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609215 41844 0.9.1 ("{0,9,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.9.1 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609219 51928 1.1 ("{1,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.1 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+609230 43006 1.1 ("{1,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.1 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609237 42953 0.5.1 ("{0,5,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.5.1 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609239 59681 4.2 ("{4,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/4.2 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609246 50959 0.8.5 ("{0,8,5}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.8.5 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609256 62736 3.3 ("{3,3}",@,0,0,0) 0/3.3 LGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609258 51080 109.20.03 ("{109,20,3}",@,0,0,0) 0/109.20.03 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609261 62716 0.8 ("{0,8}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.8 LGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:05:23 17
+609260 59066 0.0.7 ("{0,0,7}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.0.7 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609264 45157 7.0.4 ("{7,0,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/7.0.4 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+609266 43080 2.18.2 ("{2,18,2}",@,0,0,0) 2/2.18.2 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception examples? ( lablgtk-examples ) 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:05:24 17
+609269 42672 0.9.1 ("{0,9,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.9.1 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609275 47388 6.14 ("{6,14}",@,0,0,0) 0/6.14 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609278 52838 0.99b ("{0,99}",b,0,0,0) 0/0.99b LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+609283 51121 1.5.4 ("{1,5,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.5.4 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609292 62841 8.06.0 ("{8,6,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/8.06.0 QPL-1.0 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+609300 59681 3.0.3 ("{3,0,3}",@,0,0,0) 0/3.0.3 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+609297 56132 1.0_alpha5 ("{1,0}",@,-4,5,0) 0/1.0_alpha5 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:05:24 17
+628143 53066 1.3.3-r1 ("{1,3,3}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628148 52709 5.2.13-r3 ("{5,2,13}",@,0,0,3) 0 AGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628151 42056 1.0.36-r2 ("{1,0,36}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:03 17
+628138 51028 2.4.10 ("{2,4,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+628139 62265 ("{0,6,19,7}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:03 17
+628140 51204 0.4.8 ("{0,4,8}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:03 17
+628141 51028 2.4.2 ("{2,4,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+628144 51028 2.4.12 ("{2,4,12}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+628145 53758 ("{0,7,10,1}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:01 17
+628150 55529 ("{6,4,0,0}",@,0,0,1) 0 Apache-1.1 Apache-2.0 JDOM BSD-2 CC-PD Boost-1.0 MIT CPL-1.0 HPND Exolab dom4j EPL-1.0 FTL icu unicode IBM Info-ZIP LGPL-2 LGPL-2.1 openafs-krb5-a ZLIB MPL-1.0 MPL-1.1 NPL-1.1 openssl OPENLDAP RSA public-domain W3C || ( BSD GPL-2+ ) gSOAP libpng tsm 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:04 17
+628152 61502 1.17.0 ("{1,17,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:03 17
+628153 62265 ("{0,6,19,6}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:03 17
+628155 55529 ("{6,3,0,5}",@,0,0,2) 0 Apache-1.1 Apache-2.0 JDOM BSD-2 CC-PD Boost-1.0 MIT CPL-1.0 HPND Exolab dom4j EPL-1.0 FTL icu unicode IBM Info-ZIP LGPL-2 LGPL-2.1 openafs-krb5-a ZLIB MPL-1.0 MPL-1.1 NPL-1.1 openssl OPENLDAP RSA public-domain W3C || ( BSD GPL-2+ ) gSOAP libpng tsm 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:04 17
+628157 53758 0.7.5 ("{0,7,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:01 17
+628158 45736 1.3-r2 ("{1,3}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:03 17
+628159 46793 1.0 ("{1,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+628160 58220 0.6.19 ("{0,6,19}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:03 17
+628163 62221 0.2.3-r1 ("{0,2,3}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:04 17
+628164 48432 0.26-r2 ("{0,26}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:04 17
+628166 62106 1.9.2 ("{1,9,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+628168 51028 2.4.13 ("{2,4,13}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+628194 49561 0.6.22 ("{0,6,22}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628197 62549 1.0.10 ("{1,0,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628198 62546 1.0.10 ("{1,0,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628200 52709 5.0.3-r4 ("{5,0,3}",@,0,0,4) 0 AGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628169 57261 32.0-r1 ("{32,0}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:03 17
+628179 57261 34.0 ("{34,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+628191 62106 1.10 ("{1,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+628192 55529 ("{7,1,2,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 Apache-1.1 Apache-2.0 JDOM BSD-2 CC-PD Boost-1.0 MIT CPL-1.0 HPND Exolab dom4j EPL-1.0 FTL icu unicode IBM Info-ZIP LGPL-2 LGPL-2.1 openafs-krb5-a ZLIB MPL-1.0 MPL-1.1 NPL-1.1 openssl OPENLDAP RSA public-domain W3C || ( BSD GPL-2+ ) gSOAP libpng tsm 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 22:39:12 17
+628193 62221 0.2.4 ("{0,2,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:04 17
+628195 51028 2.4.11 ("{2,4,11}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+628196 53066 1.2.8-r1 ("{1,2,8}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:03 17
+628199 55529 ("{6,2,2,0}",@,0,0,2) 0 Apache-1.1 Apache-2.0 JDOM BSD-2 CC-PD Boost-1.0 MIT CPL-1.0 HPND Exolab dom4j EPL-1.0 FTL icu unicode IBM Info-ZIP LGPL-2 LGPL-2.1 openafs-krb5-a ZLIB MPL-1.0 MPL-1.1 NPL-1.1 openssl OPENLDAP RSA public-domain W3C || ( BSD GPL-2+ ) gSOAP libpng tsm 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:04 17
+628201 47801 1.18 ("{1,18}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+628202 62543 1.0.10 ("{1,0,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628374 60080 0.7.7 ("{0,7,7}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:22:12 17
+628375 59009 0.2.11 ("{0,2,11}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:22:12 17
+628384 59034 0.11.3 ("{0,11,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:22:12 17
+628359 49517 3.5.6 ("{3,5,6}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:22 17
+628362 57926 1.2-r2 ("{1,2}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:22 17
+628366 61546 0.2.4 ("{0,2,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:21 17
+628373 55635 1.14 ("{1,14}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:21 17
+628376 51764 1.8_beta5-r5 ("{1,8}",@,-3,5,5) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:22 17
+628377 51963 1.8.3-r3 ("{1,8,3}",@,0,0,3) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 22:39:49 17
+628378 43808 1.4.0-r2 ("{1,4,0}",@,0,0,2) 0 BSD GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 22:39:49 17
+628379 55589 0.93_beta5-r1 ("{0,93}",@,-3,5,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 22:39:49 17
+628380 48692 2.9i ("{2,9}",i,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:22 17
+628381 49517 3.5.7 ("{3,5,7}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:22 17
+628382 51764 1.8_beta5-r8 ("{1,8}",@,-3,5,8) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:22 17
+628383 56568 0.2.6 ("{0,2,6}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:20 17
+628385 46497 3.0.23 ("{3,0,23}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 22:39:49 17
+628388 50199 0.9.9-r2 ("{0,9,9}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:21 17
+628389 49563 1.21-r1 ("{1,21}",@,0,0,1) 0 BSD GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:21 17
+628399 49090 0.92a-r1 ("{0,92}",a,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:21 17
+628402 43808 1.1.19-r4 ("{1,1,19}",@,0,0,4) 0 BSD GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:20 17
+628406 43074 1.5.24_pre20050503-r4 ("{1,5,24}",@,-2,20050503,4) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:21 17
+628408 50654 1.1.4-r1 ("{1,1,4}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:20 17
+628413 43808 1.4.1 ("{1,4,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 22:39:49 17
+628414 43074 1.5.24_pre20050503-r5 ("{1,5,24}",@,-2,20050503,5) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:21 17
+628417 61546 0.3.0 ("{0,3,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:21 17
+628419 45991 1.4-r4 ("{1,4}",@,0,0,4) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:22 17
+616638 52533 1.1.1-r1 ("{1,1,1}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+628921 57907 3.3.2 ("{3,3,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:25 17
+616635 47214 0.5 ("{0,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 07:59:57 17
+628922 61787 0.3.2 ("{0,3,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+628923 54369 2.6.0 ("{2,6,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:23 17
+628925 56493 3.6.2 ("{3,6,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+616639 62751 1.19 ("{1,19}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616641 49333 2.0.4 ("{2,0,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 bestcrypt 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616642 55884 0.9.13 ("{0,9,13}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616643 61893 2.10 ("{2,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616644 57954 0.23.1 ("{0,23,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616645 60136 0.9.5 ("{0,9,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616646 59993 0_pre20120229 ({0},@,-2,20120229,0) 0 openssl 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:07 17
+616648 61576 0.37 ("{0,37}",@,0,0,0) 0/0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616652 49502 3.7 ("{3,7}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:07 17
+616654 51724 1.1 ("{1,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616679 54893 1.2.2 ("{1,2,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 pkcrack 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 07:59:55 17
+616683 48511 110511 ({110511},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 07:59:52 17
+628927 60082 20141110122616 ({20141110122616},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:25 17
+616655 52056 0.13 ("{0,13}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+628930 56036 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+616658 59542 0.15 ("{0,15}",@,0,0,0) 0 hashcat 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616709 62722 1.3.0 ("{1,3,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:06 17
+616730 42319 1.7.0 ("{1,7,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-04 22:13:12 17
+616694 59543 0.15 ("{0,15}",@,0,0,0) 0 hashcat 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616698 51100 2.6.8-r2 ("{2,6,8}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616705 61470 2.0 ("{2,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 07:59:56 17
+616701 61576 0.36-r2 ("{0,36}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616703 44134 2.4c-r1 ("{2,4}",c,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:07 17
+616707 54437 0.75-r1 ("{0,75}",@,0,0,1) 0 all-rights-reserved 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616720 54893 1.2.2-r1 ("{1,2,2}",@,0,0,1) 0 pkcrack 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 07:59:55 17
+616723 56719 1.1.2 ("{1,1,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 07:59:51 17
+616728 60162 0.6 ("{0,6}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 07:59:56 17
+616729 53903 1.0 ("{1,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 WTFPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 07:59:53 17
+616710 50354 0.5-r1 ("{0,5}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616712 60337 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616733 52453 7.1a ("{7,1}",a,0,0,0) 0 truecrypt-3.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616717 53618 2.3-r3 ("{2,3}",@,0,0,3) 0 keynote 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616726 57954 0.22.0 ("{0,22,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616727 57954 0.22.1 ("{0,22,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616731 47260 3.1.0-r2 ("{3,1,0}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616732 59110 4.0.6_p1620 ("{4,0,6}",@,1,1620,0) 0 LGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+628931 44063 3.3.3 ("{3,3,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+628953 54144 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+628957 46017 1.8.2 ("{1,8,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+628962 51336 0.104.0-r1 ("{0,104,0}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:23 17
+628965 62064 20140706 ({20140706},@,0,0,0) 0 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+616745 54674 0.9.0-r3 ("{0,9,0}",@,0,0,3) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616747 54221 0.02.03-r1 ("{0,2,3}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616749 44189 1.7.9-r10 ("{1,7,9}",@,0,0,10) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616752 55373 1.1.4-r2 ("{1,1,4}",@,0,0,2) 0 MIT GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616755 52453 7.2 ("{7,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 truecrypt-3.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+616756 47193 1.4.19 ("{1,4,19}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616757 57985 1.5.0 ("{1,5,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616759 60162 0.6-r1 ("{0,6}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616758 57238 2.06 ("{2,6}",@,0,0,0) 0 SCM-MICRO 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 07:59:56 17
+616788 51260 2.0 ("{2,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 public-domain 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 07:59:53 17
+616797 48511 140201 ({140201},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 07:59:52 17
+616762 49333 2.0.6 ("{2,0,6}",@,0,0,0) 0 bestcrypt 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616766 44134 2.3e ("{2,3}",e,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:07 17
+616776 52056 0.14 ("{0,14}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+628932 63412 0.12 ("{0,12}",@,0,0,0) 0 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:49 17
+628956 63413 0.6 ("{0,6}",@,0,0,0) 0 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:49 17
+628963 55923 1.12.12-r10 ("{1,12,12}",@,0,0,10) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+616807 62951 0.1-r1 ("{0,1}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:05 17
+616821 45395 0.4-r1 ("{0,4}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:06 17
+628967 44063 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:25 17
+628968 61787 0.3.1 ("{0,3,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+616805 59540 0.49 ("{0,49}",@,0,0,0) 0 hashcat 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616806 63418 0.8.13 ("{0,8,13}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616823 45844 1.3.2 ("{1,3,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 07:59:56 17
+616808 57156 1.0-r2 ("{1,0}",@,0,0,2) 0 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616813 60249 2.2.2 ("{2,2,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616815 59541 0.5.1 ("{0,5,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616816 61576 0.36-r1 ("{0,36}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+616817 47193 2.0.27-r1 ("{2,0,27}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+616818 59983 0.7.2 ("{0,7,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+616820 44181 0.2.6-r2 ("{0,2,6}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+616825 62751 1.20 ("{1,20}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+628970 54369 2.5.1 ("{2,5,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:47 17
+628971 58252 5.20150327 ("{5,20150327}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:49 17
+628973 45416 1.3.0-r1 ("{1,3,0}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:23 17
+628975 55923 ("{1,12,13,1}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+628976 56444 0.15.2 ("{0,15,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:52 17
+628978 52305 1.0.9-r1 ("{1,0,9}",@,0,0,1) 0 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:25 17
+628984 54144 9999-r3 ({9999},@,0,0,3) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+628987 44713 0.6.3 ("{0,6,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:23 17
+628988 54144 9999-r1 ({9999},@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+629014 56036 0_pre131024 ({0},@,-2,131024,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+628980 60203 2.2.0-r1 ("{2,2,0}",@,0,0,1) 0 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:51 17
+628981 63412 0.14 ("{0,14}",@,0,0,0) 0 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:49 17
+628990 55923 1.12.12-r6 ("{1,12,12}",@,0,0,6) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+628992 53258 0.2.1 ("{0,2,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:47 17
+629008 42603 1.4.0 ("{1,4,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629012 46196 5.9.3 ("{5,9,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:52 17
+629017 45341 0.8.0 ("{0,8,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+629018 62766 0.8 ("{0,8}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-04 22:15:19 17
+629019 58252 5.20150219 ("{5,20150219}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:49 17
+629024 44473 2.5 ("{2,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:23 17
+629028 56444 0.16 ("{0,16}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:52 17
+629029 55677 1.0.10 ("{1,0,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:52 17
+629036 57907 3.3.3 ("{3,3,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:25 17
+629047 46017 1.8.0 ("{1,8,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+629032 51120 2.8.4 ("{2,8,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/2.8.4 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629034 51120 2.8.4-r3 ("{2,8,4}",@,0,0,3) 0/2.8.4 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629037 55923 1.11.23 ("{1,11,23}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629039 49885 0.7-r1 ("{0,7}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629040 49299 1.6.0-r1 ("{1,6,0}",@,0,0,1) 4 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:51 17
+629042 46196 5.9.4 ("{5,9,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:52 17
+629043 51120 2.8.4-r6 ("{2,8,4}",@,0,0,6) 0/2.8.4 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629046 56701 1.1 ("{1,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:51 17
+629049 51120 2.8.5-r3 ("{2,8,5}",@,0,0,3) 0/2.8.5 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629052 56447 1.2.2-r1 ("{1,2,2}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:25 17
+629054 53663 3.16.1 ("{3,16,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 || ( GPL-2 GPL-3 ) 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+629058 57907 3.4.2 ("{3,4,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:25 17
+629102 61773 0.1.2 ("{0,1,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+629109 56958 0.12.1-r1 ("{0,12,1}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 FDL-1.2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:25 17
+629116 57980 ("{0,12,12,15}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:23 17
+629053 60203 1.12.4 ("{1,12,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-04 22:15:20 17
+629056 61562 1.12.3 ("{1,12,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3+ 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-04 22:15:19 17
+629055 55923 1.12.13-r1 ("{1,12,13}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629071 55923 ("{1,12,13,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629082 46196 5.8.2 ("{5,8,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:52 17
+629087 55923 1.12.12-r9 ("{1,12,12}",@,0,0,9) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629089 55921 3.13-r1 ("{3,13}",@,0,0,1) 3 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629091 47819 1.0-r4 ("{1,0}",@,0,0,4) 1 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:51 17
+629094 55923 1.12.12-r8 ("{1,12,12}",@,0,0,8) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629095 56444 0.15.3 ("{0,15,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:52 17
+629096 54654 0.23.0 ("{0,23,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:51 17
+629099 56957 2.5 ("{2,5}",@,0,0,0) 2 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:52 17
+629101 63414 0.8 ("{0,8}",@,0,0,0) 0 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:49 17
+629105 42880 0.2.12 ("{0,2,12}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629106 55677 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:52 17
+629108 55115 0.8.8-r1 ("{0,8,8}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:47 17
+629112 56701 1.2 ("{1,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:51 17
+629113 55935 8.2.3 ("{8,2,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:53 17
+629114 55923 ("{1,12,13,1}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629119 57923 ("{1,1,0,10565}",@,0,0,0) 0 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:53 17
+629153 55904 0.2.3-r1 ("{0,2,3}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+629127 57923 ("{1,0,0,10517}",@,0,0,0) 0 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:53 17
+629130 50523 0.8.3 ("{0,8,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:52 17
+628121 54561 0.8-r1 ("{0,8}",@,0,0,1) 4 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:03 17
+628170 62547 1.0.10 ("{1,0,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628173 50177 3.3.5 ("{3,3,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 HPND BSD BSD-2 GPL-2+ GPL-3+ 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:42:36 17
+628177 62548 1.0.10 ("{1,0,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628172 57749 5.2.0 ("{5,2,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 spideroak 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:04 17
+628174 51028 2.3.8 ("{2,3,8}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+628175 45648 1.3.1-r2 ("{1,3,1}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:03 17
+629020 55921 2.2_beta1 ("{2,2}",@,-3,1,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629022 56701 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:51 17
+634265 63996 4.7.6 ("{4,7,6}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2+ 2015-08-11 19:48:57.563204 2015-12-01 14:59:13 17
+634656 50654 1.1.4-r2 ("{1,1,4}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-14 17:02:09.797015 2015-12-01 15:17:20 17
+634733 62065 1.8.0-r1 ("{1,8,0}",@,0,0,1) 0 BSD MIT 2015-08-16 15:00:20.698569 2015-12-01 15:10:49 17
+652953 62855 1.4.40 ("{1,4,40}",@,0,0,0) 0 AGPL-3 2015-08-18 17:00:10.162609 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+652998 49333 2.0.9 ("{2,0,9}",@,0,0,0) 0 bestcrypt 2015-08-19 15:00:52.041467 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+653000 63418 0.8.18 ("{0,8,18}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-19 15:00:52.041467 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+654757 48090 1.6.0 ("{1,6,0}",@,0,0,0) 1/11 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 2015-09-10 19:41:01.884879 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+654839 47193 2.0.29 ("{2,0,29}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-09-12 14:50:27.368456 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+654840 47193 2.1.8 ("{2,1,8}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-09-12 14:50:27.368456 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+655028 62720 1.0.0 ("{1,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-2 2015-09-14 15:00:29.534908 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+655344 63860 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 Apache-2.0 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+655347 59870 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+655349 45725 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+655350 60463 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 Apache-2.0 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+655352 51843 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+655353 59062 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+655354 61843 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+655355 60775 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 Apache-2.0 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+655356 63858 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 Apache-2.0 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+655357 61849 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 Apache-2.0 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+655358 63095 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+655359 56988 0.0.5 ("{0,0,5}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.0.5 LGPL-2.1 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+655360 60461 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 Apache-2.0 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+655361 51080 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+655362 61846 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 Apache-2.0 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+655363 63859 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+657486 46909 1.3.1 ("{1,3,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-10-06 15:00:17.694093 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+657487 62721 0.1.8 ("{0,1,8}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-3 2015-10-06 15:00:17.694093 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+657509 54144 2.5.4 ("{2,5,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-10-06 15:00:17.694093 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+657594 57907 3.5.2 ("{3,5,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-10-08 20:10:56.472973 2015-12-03 17:21:26 17
+657711 57926 2.1.0 ("{2,1,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-10-09 19:11:11.461917 2015-12-01 15:17:22 17
+657847 63418 0.8.22 ("{0,8,22}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-10-11 15:31:49.068814 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+658228 49517 3.5.10 ("{3,5,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-10-14 22:51:21.716914 2015-12-01 15:17:22 17
+658447 61787 0.4.2 ("{0,4,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-10-16 18:10:56.229106 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+658492 64577 ("{0,4,0,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD-2 2015-10-17 15:00:13.238126 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+658493 56798 0.3-r1 ("{0,3}",@,0,0,1) 0/0.3 GPL-2 2015-10-17 15:00:13.238126 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+658601 64578 1.5.1 ("{1,5,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.5.1 ISC 2015-10-18 23:21:32.430366 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+658602 64158 1.3-r1 ("{1,3}",@,0,0,1) 0/1.3 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-10-18 23:21:32.430366 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+658603 64576 0.8-r1 ("{0,8}",@,0,0,1) 0/0.8 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-10-18 23:21:32.430366 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+658604 64582 1.4.0-r1 ("{1,4,0}",@,0,0,1) 0/1.4.0 MIT 2015-10-18 23:21:32.430366 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+658605 64581 1.9.1-r1 ("{1,9,1}",@,0,0,1) 0/1.9.1 ISC 2015-10-18 23:21:32.430366 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+658660 59655 1.4.2 ("{1,4,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.4.2 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-10-19 20:41:12.750475 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+658661 64575 1.7.0-r3 ("{1,7,0}",@,0,0,3) 0/1.7.0 ISC 2015-10-19 20:41:12.750475 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+658662 64587 0.15.3 ("{0,15,3}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.15.3 LGPL-2 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception ISC 2015-10-19 20:41:12.750475 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+633845 61502 1.17.1 ("{1,17,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-07 20:41:34.410275 2015-12-01 14:59:03 17
+627955 55529 ("{7,1,0,0}",@,0,0,1) 0 Apache-1.1 Apache-2.0 JDOM BSD-2 CC-PD Boost-1.0 MIT CPL-1.0 HPND Exolab dom4j EPL-1.0 FTL icu unicode IBM Info-ZIP LGPL-2 LGPL-2.1 openafs-krb5-a ZLIB MPL-1.0 MPL-1.1 NPL-1.1 openssl OPENLDAP RSA public-domain W3C || ( BSD GPL-2+ ) gSOAP libpng tsm 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 22:39:12 17
+634335 47703 1.4.20 ("{1,4,20}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-12 18:43:34.57549 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+634349 62993 2.2.3 ("{2,2,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3+ 2015-08-12 18:43:34.57549 2015-12-01 15:17:21 17
+659186 55529 ("{6,2,5,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 Apache-1.1 Apache-2.0 JDOM BSD-2 CC-PD Boost-1.0 MIT CPL-1.0 HPND Exolab dom4j EPL-1.0 FTL icu unicode IBM Info-ZIP LGPL-2 LGPL-2.1 openafs-krb5-a ZLIB MPL-1.0 MPL-1.1 NPL-1.1 openssl OPENLDAP RSA public-domain W3C || ( BSD GPL-2+ ) gSOAP libpng tsm 2015-10-26 19:21:24.149644 2015-12-01 14:59:04 17
+628103 42056 1.0.24-r2 ("{1,0,24}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:03 17
+628110 42056 1.0.40 ("{1,0,40}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:03 17
+628111 42056 1.1.4 ("{1,1,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:03 17
+628115 49561 0.6.24 ("{0,6,24}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628116 49561 0.6.23-r1 ("{0,6,23}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628119 62550 1.0.10 ("{1,0,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628122 62552 1.0.10 ("{1,0,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628125 62545 1.0.10 ("{1,0,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628127 51028 2.4.17 ("{2,4,17}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+628101 53066 1.3.3 ("{1,3,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 07:59:47 17
+628104 51204 0.4.7-r1 ("{0,4,7}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:03 17
+628105 61502 1.15-r1 ("{1,15}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:03 17
+628108 62221 0.2.6 ("{0,2,6}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:04 17
+628109 51028 2.4.9 ("{2,4,9}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+628126 45217 0.7.0 ("{0,7,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 07:59:45 17
+628120 47205 1.0.0 ("{1,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:03 17
+628135 62541 1.0.10 ("{1,0,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628129 46793 1.0-r1 ("{1,0}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+628130 45700 3.3.0-r1 ("{3,3,0}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 22:39:11 17
+628131 62855 1.3.8 ("{1,3,8}",@,0,0,0) 0 AGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+628134 52709 7.0.5-r1 ("{7,0,5}",@,0,0,1) 0 AGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 22:39:12 17
+628171 45217 0.7.1 ("{0,7,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 07:59:45 17
+628136 46557 0.11.1 ("{0,11,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+628137 46489 1.0.1 ("{1,0,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-23 01:02:12 17
+628180 51948 1.1.0-r1 ("{1,1,0}",@,0,0,1) 0 || ( Artistic GPL-1+ ) 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:42:36 17
+628182 62544 1.0.10 ("{1,0,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628183 50177 3.3.3 ("{3,3,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 HPND BSD BSD-2 GPL-2+ GPL-3+ 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:42:36 17
+628185 61515 13.2.4-r1 ("{13,2,4}",@,0,0,1) 0 AGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628188 62551 1.0.10 ("{1,0,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+628181 57749 5.1.8-r2 ("{5,1,8}",@,0,0,2) 0 spideroak 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:04 17
+628187 62221 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-06 16:39:13 17
+628184 62855 1.3.48 ("{1,3,48}",@,0,0,0) 0 AGPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+628189 52519 1.2.1-r12 ("{1,2,1}",@,0,0,12) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:03 17
+628190 53823 1.0_p3-r1 ("{1,0}",@,1,3,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 14:59:03 17
+659375 43447 0.17.1-r2 ("{0,17,1}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-10-29 14:50:21.232985 2015-12-03 17:21:25 17
+628363 59034 0.10.1 ("{0,10,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:22:12 17
+628365 52679 4.0_alpha2-r4 ("{4,0}",@,-4,2,4) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:22:12 17
+628367 50199 ("{0,9,9,6}",@,0,0,3) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:22:12 17
+628371 59034 0.11.1 ("{0,11,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:22:12 17
+628372 59009 0.2.12 ("{0,2,12}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:22:12 17
+628370 62993 2.2.2 ("{2,2,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3+ 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:21 17
+628355 59640 3.2.10 ("{3,2,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:21 17
+628357 51866 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 22:39:49 17
+628358 45206 1.24-r1 ("{1,24}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:22 17
+628360 51866 1.5.14 ("{1,5,14}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 22:39:49 17
+628361 52679 3.0-r4 ("{3,0}",@,0,0,4) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 22:39:49 17
+628364 42343 1.1.1-r1 ("{1,1,1}",@,0,0,1) 0 MIT GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 22:39:49 17
+628369 46852 0.72 ("{0,72}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:21 17
+628392 59009 0.2.13 ("{0,2,13}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:22:12 17
+628396 51296 0.6.0_beta2-r2 ("{0,6,0}",@,-3,2,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:22:12 17
+628415 57596 0.61-r3 ("{0,61}",@,0,0,3) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:22:12 17
+628405 42343 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 MIT GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-06 16:40:02 17
+628390 45206 1.29 ("{1,29}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:22 17
+628394 55722 20110915-r2 ({20110915},@,0,0,2) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:20 17
+628395 52132 0.5.3k ("{0,5,3}",k,0,0,0) 0 3proxy 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:20 17
+628416 42343 1.1.1 ("{1,1,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 MIT GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:18:48 17
+628418 50134 20070504 ({20070504},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:18:49 17
+628397 52132 0.6.1 ("{0,6,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 3proxy 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:20 17
+628398 51324 0.9_beta11-r1 ("{0,9}",@,-3,11,1) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:21 17
+628400 46204 1.58 ("{1,58}",@,0,0,0) 0 Apache-2.0 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:21 17
+628401 47998 ("{2,12,0,3}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:20 17
+628407 51664 1.26-r1 ("{1,26}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:21 17
+628409 51866 1.4.26 ("{1,4,26}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:20 17
+628410 60653 0.2.4 ("{0,2,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:20 17
+628420 51683 1.16-r1 ("{1,16}",@,0,0,1) 0 MIT GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:17:20 17
+659487 60203 2.2.2 ("{2,2,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 MIT 2015-10-31 16:01:28.334252 2015-12-01 15:10:51 17
+628929 61768 1.26 ("{1,26}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:11:51 17
+628933 59290 2.2.1 ("{2,2,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:23 17
+628937 56493 3.6.2-r1 ("{3,6,2}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+628938 44063 3.3.2 ("{3,3,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+628939 46017 1.8.1 ("{1,8,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+628944 62064 20140328 ({20140328},@,0,0,0) 0 MIT 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+628945 52912 1.7-r1 ("{1,7}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:25 17
+628947 56473 ("{3,6,2,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+628950 57980 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-06 16:39:51 17
+628952 51336 0.104.0 ("{0,104,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:11:48 17
+628954 45416 1.3.0 ("{1,3,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:11:48 17
+628960 44510 2.1.1 ("{2,1,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:11:51 17
+628961 58854 0_pre20120130 ({0},@,-2,20120130,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:11:55 17
+628974 42518 1.4 ("{1,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:11:56 17
+628982 55769 20150119112900 ({20150119112900},@,0,0,0) 0 BSD-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:11:53 17
+628989 51336 0.103.0 ("{0,103,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:11:48 17
+628941 58252 5.20141203 ("{5,20141203}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:49 17
+628951 55923 1.12.13-r2 ("{1,12,13}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629002 55943 1.8.14-r1 ("{1,8,14}",@,0,0,1) 0 Subversion GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-04 22:15:20 17
+628993 45341 0.7.0 ("{0,7,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+628995 57907 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:26 17
+629000 56447 1.3.0 ("{1,3,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3+ 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:25 17
+629004 56473 ("{3,6,3,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+629007 54144 9999-r2 ({9999},@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+629003 56379 0.6.8 ("{0,6,8}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:11:48 17
+629023 55860 0.9 ("{0,9}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-29 22:52:34 17
+628996 58252 5.20141125 ("{5,20141125}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:49 17
+628998 55921 2.1-r1 ("{2,1}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629001 58252 5.20150617 ("{5,20150617}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:49 17
+629005 55923 1.12.12-r7 ("{1,12,12}",@,0,0,7) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629009 50677 1.4-r1 ("{1,4}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:47 17
+629060 44063 3.4.2 ("{3,4,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:25 17
+629064 43447 0.16-r2 ("{0,16}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:25 17
+629066 56493 2.3.1-r1 ("{2,3,1}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+629059 55920 1.0.17 ("{1,0,17}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629075 55943 1.8.14 ("{1,8,14}",@,0,0,0) 0 Subversion GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-04 22:15:20 17
+629065 44510 2.4.0 ("{2,4,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:11:51 17
+629076 57980 ("{0,12,4,26}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:11:54 17
+629067 58252 5.20140927 ("{5,20140927}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:49 17
+629121 56473 ("{3,6,2,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+629124 56493 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+629128 54654 0.23.1 ("{0,23,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:25 17
+629129 58853 0.13.0 ("{0,13,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:23 17
+629148 42518 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:51 17
+629137 54369 2.5.1-r1 ("{2,5,1}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:23 17
+629150 45870 0.3.2-r2 ("{0,3,2}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629138 55115 0.8.8-r2 ("{0,8,8}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:23 17
+629143 56473 ("{3,5,3,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+629146 56379 0.6.8-r1 ("{0,6,8}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:23 17
+629147 46017 1.7.1-r1 ("{1,7,1}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+629123 58854 0_pre20120822 ({0},@,-2,20120822,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:11:55 17
+629133 48576 0.5.0 ("{0,5,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-2.1 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-04 22:15:20 17
+629122 51120 2.8.5-r4 ("{2,8,5}",@,0,0,4) 0/2.8.5 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629126 54539 0.6 ("{0,6}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3+ BSD public-domain 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:52 17
+629135 54369 2.4.2 ("{2,4,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:47 17
+629136 44473 2.4.1 ("{2,4,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:48 17
+629142 55935 8.2.2 ("{8,2,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-12-01 15:10:53 17
+629140 56959 0.5 ("{0,5}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-06 22:44:41.026233 2015-11-16 08:11:57 17
+655343 63861 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 Apache-2.0 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+659817 64158 1.4 ("{1,4}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.4 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-11-06 09:02:45.271409 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+659819 59072 1.18.1 ("{1,18,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.18.1 BSD 2015-11-06 09:02:45.271409 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+659823 63418 0.8.23 ("{0,8,23}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-11-06 09:02:45.271409 2015-12-01 14:59:10 17
+659864 54802 4.0.1 ("{4,0,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/4.0.1 MIT 2015-11-06 19:31:40.4689 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+660213 42056 1.1.8 ("{1,1,8}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-11-10 18:57:25.674841 2015-12-03 17:18:03 17
+660214 55529 ("{6,3,2,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 Apache-1.1 Apache-2.0 JDOM BSD-2 CC-PD Boost-1.0 MIT CPL-1.0 HPND Exolab dom4j EPL-1.0 FTL icu unicode IBM Info-ZIP LGPL-2 LGPL-2.1 openafs-krb5-a ZLIB MPL-1.0 MPL-1.1 NPL-1.1 openssl OPENLDAP RSA public-domain W3C || ( BSD GPL-2+ ) gSOAP libpng tsm 2015-11-10 18:57:25.674841 2015-12-01 14:59:04 17
+660215 55529 ("{6,4,2,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 Apache-1.1 Apache-2.0 JDOM BSD-2 CC-PD Boost-1.0 MIT CPL-1.0 HPND Exolab dom4j EPL-1.0 FTL icu unicode IBM Info-ZIP LGPL-2 LGPL-2.1 openafs-krb5-a ZLIB MPL-1.0 MPL-1.1 NPL-1.1 openssl OPENLDAP RSA public-domain W3C || ( BSD GPL-2+ ) gSOAP libpng tsm 2015-11-10 18:57:25.674841 2015-12-01 14:59:04 17
+660216 55529 ("{7,1,2,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 Apache-1.1 Apache-2.0 JDOM BSD-2 CC-PD Boost-1.0 MIT CPL-1.0 HPND Exolab dom4j EPL-1.0 FTL icu unicode IBM Info-ZIP LGPL-2 LGPL-2.1 openafs-krb5-a ZLIB MPL-1.0 MPL-1.1 NPL-1.1 openssl OPENLDAP RSA public-domain W3C || ( BSD GPL-2+ ) gSOAP libpng tsm 2015-11-10 18:57:25.674841 2015-12-01 22:39:12 17
+660217 55529 ("{7,1,3,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 Apache-1.1 Apache-2.0 JDOM BSD-2 CC-PD Boost-1.0 MIT CPL-1.0 HPND Exolab dom4j EPL-1.0 FTL icu unicode IBM Info-ZIP LGPL-2 LGPL-2.1 openafs-krb5-a ZLIB MPL-1.0 MPL-1.1 NPL-1.1 openssl OPENLDAP RSA public-domain W3C || ( BSD GPL-2+ ) gSOAP libpng tsm 2015-11-10 18:57:25.674841 2015-12-01 22:39:12 17
+660218 51866 1.5.15 ("{1,5,15}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 2015-11-10 18:57:25.674841 2015-12-01 22:39:49 17
+660219 51866 1.6.2 ("{1,6,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 2015-11-10 18:57:25.674841 2015-12-01 22:39:49 17
+660220 49517 3.5.11 ("{3,5,11}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-11-10 18:57:25.674841 2015-12-01 15:17:22 17
+660221 57907 3.6 ("{3,6}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-11-10 18:57:25.674841 2015-12-03 17:21:26 17
+679041 59110 4.1.9 ("{4,1,9}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-3 2015-11-12 20:46:33.752068 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+679113 64158 1.4.1 ("{1,4,1}",@,0,0,0) 0/1.4.1 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-11-13 09:05:49.091387 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+654491 63996 4.7.7 ("{4,7,7}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2+ 2015-09-06 15:43:13.910592 2015-12-01 14:59:13 17
+679405 59305 3.18.0 ("{3,18,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/1 GPL-2+ LGPL-2+ 2015-11-15 21:20:55.700671 2015-12-03 17:18:05 17
+679406 42298 3.18.0 ("{3,18,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2+ FDL-1.1+ 2015-11-15 21:20:55.700671 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+655307 45341 0.8.2 ("{0,8,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-09-20 01:00:04.93364 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+655345 60464 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 Apache-2.0 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+655346 59537 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 Apache-2.0 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+679604 53663 3.18.0 ("{3,18,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 || ( GPL-2 GPL-3 ) 2015-11-18 22:41:33.725897 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+679699 56473 3.6.4 ("{3,6,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-11-20 19:51:20.236539 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+679700 56473 ("{3,6,4,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-11-20 19:51:20.236539 2015-12-03 20:43:36 17
+679701 56493 3.6.4 ("{3,6,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-11-20 19:51:20.236539 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
+633848 55943 1.7.21 ("{1,7,21}",@,0,0,0) 0 Subversion GPL-2 2015-08-07 20:41:34.410275 2015-12-04 22:15:20 17
+634336 46909 1.3.0 ("{1,3,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-12 18:43:34.57549 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+634658 64008 0.7.0 ("{0,7,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2+ 2015-08-14 17:02:09.797015 2015-12-03 17:21:23 17
+656582 55943 1.9.2 ("{1,9,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 Subversion GPL-2 2015-09-23 18:51:02.32008 2015-12-04 22:15:20 17
+652957 55907 2.1.1 ("{2,1,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-18 17:00:10.162609 2015-11-29 22:52:34 17
+653111 62106 1.10.1 ("{1,10,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-08-20 19:41:28.239995 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+653315 64033 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-08-24 20:20:05.501949 2015-12-06 16:39:52 17
+653586 45157 7.1.6 ("{7,1,6}",@,0,0,0) 0/7.1.6 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-08-27 19:43:52.756754 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+653812 61562 1.12.4 ("{1,12,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3+ 2015-08-30 22:01:05.008923 2015-12-04 22:15:19 17
+653867 59840 0.18.3 ("{0,18,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 LGPL-2.1+ Apache-2.0 2015-09-01 19:11:02.667979 2015-12-03 17:18:05 17
+680048 46436 1.14 ("{1,14}",@,0,0,0) 0 openafs-krb5-a BSD MIT OPENLDAP BSD-2 HPND BSD-4 ISC RSA CC-BY-SA-3.0 || ( BSD-2 GPL-2+ ) 2015-11-23 19:33:43.901361 2015-12-03 17:18:06 17
+654084 57749 6.0.1 ("{6,0,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 spideroak 2015-09-04 17:30:38.785995 2015-12-01 14:59:04 17
+654085 52709 7.2.0 ("{7,2,0}",@,0,0,0) 0 AGPL-3 2015-09-04 17:30:38.785995 2015-12-01 22:39:12 17
+680049 50014 1.9.13 ("{1,9,13}",@,0,0,0) 0 bestcrypt 2015-11-23 19:33:43.901361 2015-12-01 14:59:08 17
+680203 47193 2.1.9-r1 ("{2,1,9}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-3 2015-11-24 23:01:41.602348 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+680204 47193 2.0.29-r1 ("{2,0,29}",@,0,0,1) 0 GPL-3 2015-11-24 23:01:41.602348 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+680266 61515 15.2.2 ("{15,2,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 AGPL-3 2015-11-25 20:01:04.375025 2015-12-07 01:10:45 17
+680250 42953 0.5.2 ("{0,5,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.5.2 LGPL-2.1 2015-11-25 20:01:04.375025 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+680251 54802 4.0.2 ("{4,0,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/4.0.2 MIT 2015-11-25 20:01:04.375025 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+680252 63418 0.8.24 ("{0,8,24}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-11-25 20:01:04.375025 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+680267 62106 1.11 ("{1,11}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-11-25 20:01:04.375025 2015-12-01 14:59:02 17
+680325 64587 0.16.0 ("{0,16,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.16.0 LGPL-2 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception ISC 2015-11-27 18:11:03.674149 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+680387 57596 0.73 ("{0,73}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2+ 2015-11-28 15:00:13.525493 2015-12-03 17:22:13 17
+680478 62722 1.1.0-r1 ("{1,1,0}",@,0,0,1) 0 BSD-2 2015-11-29 15:00:49.856355 2015-12-03 17:18:06 17
+680479 62722 1.3.0-r1 ("{1,3,0}",@,0,0,1) 0 BSD-2 2015-11-29 15:00:49.856355 2015-12-03 17:18:06 17
+680480 62722 1.2.1-r1 ("{1,2,1}",@,0,0,1) 0 BSD-2 2015-11-29 15:00:49.856355 2015-12-03 17:18:06 17
+655019 54802 4.0.0 ("{4,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/4.0.0 MIT 2015-09-14 15:00:29.534908 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+655021 59066 0.0.8 ("{0,0,8}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.0.8 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-09-14 15:00:29.534908 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+655076 59458 1.17 ("{1,17}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-09-15 23:40:56.019131 2015-12-03 17:18:04 17
+655228 49517 3.5.8 ("{3,5,8}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-09-17 18:41:03.311452 2015-12-01 15:17:22 17
+655339 64157 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 Apache-2.0 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+655340 46651 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:23 17
+655341 60837 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+655342 59538 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 Apache-2.0 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:27 17
+655351 51121 1.7.0-r1 ("{1,7,0}",@,0,0,1) 0/1.7.0 LGPL-2.1 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+655338 49507 113.00.00 ("{113,0,0}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.00 LGPL-2.1 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+655391 42518 1.8.2 ("{1,8,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-09-20 15:00:16.782705 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+655427 62730 1.0_rc7 ("{1,0}",@,-1,7,0) 0/1.0_rc7 LGPL-2-with-linking-exception 2015-09-21 19:11:11.306481 2015-11-16 08:05:26 17
+680600 64822 9999 ({9999},@,0,0,0) 0 Apache-2.0 2015-12-02 19:12:42.627493 2015-12-06 16:39:17 17
+680601 63418 0.8.25 ("{0,8,25}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-12-02 19:12:42.627493 2015-12-02 13:39:12 17
+680617 44063 3.6.2 ("{3,6,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-12-02 19:12:42.627493 2015-12-03 17:21:25 17
+680613 49517 3.5.12 ("{3,5,12}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-12-02 19:12:42.627493 2015-12-01 15:39:11 17
+655710 49517 3.5.9 ("{3,5,9}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-09-22 19:51:12.354162 2015-12-01 15:17:22 17
+657023 51843 113.00.02 ("{113,0,2}",@,0,0,0) 0/113.00.02 LGPL-2.1-with-linking-exception 2015-10-01 00:28:13.770608 2015-12-01 15:04:28 17
+656780 54674 0.9.6-r4 ("{0,9,6}",@,0,0,4) 0 GPL-2 2015-09-25 19:11:43.84058 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+658606 64579 0.5 ("{0,5}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.5 BSD-2 2015-10-18 23:21:32.430366 2015-12-01 15:04:25 17
+657032 54674 0.9.6-r5 ("{0,9,6}",@,0,0,5) 0 GPL-2 2015-10-01 00:28:13.770608 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+658607 64580 0.3.3 ("{0,3,3}",@,0,0,0) 0/0.3.3 ISC 2015-10-18 23:21:32.430366 2015-12-01 15:04:26 17
+657432 49030 0.3.13-r1 ("{0,3,13}",@,0,0,1) 0 CPL-1.0 GPL-2 2015-10-05 15:00:11.318924 2015-12-01 22:39:12 17
+657150 48576 0.5.0-r1 ("{0,5,0}",@,0,0,1) 0 LGPL-2.1 2015-10-01 00:28:13.770608 2015-12-04 22:15:19 17
+657146 45991 1.5_beta-r1 ("{1,5}",@,-3,0,1) 0 GPL-2 2015-10-01 00:28:13.770608 2015-12-01 15:17:22 17
+657282 44063 3.5.2 ("{3,5,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-10-02 19:41:06.261413 2015-12-03 17:21:25 17
+657508 54144 2.4.10 ("{2,4,10}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-10-06 15:00:17.694093 2015-12-03 20:43:33 17
+657593 45648 1.4.1 ("{1,4,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-10-08 20:10:56.472973 2015-12-01 14:59:03 17
+657691 41954 2.1.1 ("{2,1,1}",@,0,0,0) 2 LGPL-2.1 2015-10-09 19:11:11.461917 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+657740 47193 2.1.9 ("{2,1,9}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-3 2015-10-10 23:11:13.837807 2015-12-01 14:59:09 17
+657848 46909 1.3.2 ("{1,3,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-10-11 15:31:49.068814 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+657930 42518 1.8.3 ("{1,8,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-10-11 15:31:49.068814 2015-12-03 17:21:24 17
+658616 63463 0.04 ("{0,4}",@,0,0,0) 0 Apache-2.0 2015-10-18 23:21:32.430366 2015-12-01 14:59:12 17
+659072 56958 0.12.1-r2 ("{0,12,1}",@,0,0,2) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 FDL-1.2 2015-10-24 15:00:17.863947 2015-12-03 17:21:25 17
+659154 51288 1.5.6 ("{1,5,6}",@,0,0,0) 0 MIT 2015-10-26 19:21:24.149644 2015-12-01 15:04:24 17
+659582 63228 0.4.1-r1 ("{0,4,1}",@,0,0,1) 0/0.4.1 MIT 2015-11-02 19:31:07.538684 2015-11-26 19:39:03 17
+659187 51866 1.6.1 ("{1,6,1}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 LGPL-2.1 2015-10-26 19:21:24.149644 2015-12-01 22:39:49 17
+659277 54674 0.9.6-r6 ("{0,9,6}",@,0,0,6) 0 GPL-2 2015-10-27 20:01:05.627715 2015-12-01 14:59:11 17
+660296 64033 0.2 ("{0,2}",@,0,0,0) 0 BSD 2015-11-11 19:52:42.166959 2015-11-11 00:38:43 17
+659369 46436 1.13.2-r2 ("{1,13,2}",@,0,0,2) 0 openafs-krb5-a BSD MIT OPENLDAP BSD-2 HPND BSD-4 ISC RSA CC-BY-SA-3.0 || ( BSD-2 GPL-2+ ) 2015-10-29 14:50:21.232985 2015-12-03 17:18:06 17
+659908 54144 2.6.3 ("{2,6,3}",@,0,0,0) 0 GPL-2 2015-11-06 19:31:40.4689 2015-12-03 20:43:34 17
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/files.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/files.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/files.dat
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/filetypes.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/filetypes.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21f23fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/filetypes.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+2 changelog {"(3,ChangeLog)"}
+3 masks {"(1,profiles)","(2,package.mask)"}
+7 licenses {"(1,licenses)"}
+8 manifests {"(3,Manifest)"}
+9 use_grouped {"(1,profiles)","(2,desc)","(3,%.desc)"}
+5 use_global {"(1,profiles)","(2,use.desc)"}
+6 use_local {"(1,profiles)","(2,use.local.desc)"}
+1 package metadata {"(1,metadata)","(2,md5-cache)"}
+10 category metadata {"(2,metadata.xml)"}
+4 package metadata.xml {"(3,metadata.xml)"}
+11 news {"(1,metadata)","(2,news)","(4,%.txt)"}
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/license.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/license.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5b6396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/license.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+GMGPL This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or\nmodify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as\npublished by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the\nLicense, or (at your option) any later version.\n\nThis program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\nGeneral Public License for more details.\n\nYou should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\nalong with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\nFoundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA\n02111-1307, USA.\n\nAs a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from\nthis unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an\nexecutable, this unit does not by itself cause the resulting\nexecutable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This\nexception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the\nexecutable file might be covered by the GNU Public License.\n
+LGPL-2+ GNU Library General Public License, version 2 or any later version.\nSee LGPL-2, LGPL-2.1, or LGPL-3 for the full text of these licenses.\n
+Nokia-Qt-LGPL-Exception-1.1 Nokia Qt LGPL Exception version 1.1\n\nAs an additional permission to the GNU Lesser General Public License\nversion 2.1, the object code form of a "work that uses the Library"\nmay incorporate material from a header file that is part of the\nLibrary. You may distribute such object code under terms of your\nchoice, provided that:\n(i) the header files of the Library have not been modified; and\n(ii) the incorporated material is limited to numerical parameters,\ndata structure layouts, accessors, macros, inline functions and\ntemplates; and \n(iii) you comply with the terms of Section 6 of the GNU\nLesser General Public License version 2.1.\n\nMoreover, you may apply this exception to a modified version of the\nLibrary, provided that such modification does not involve copying\nmaterial from the Library into the modified Library?s header files\nunless such material is limited to (i) numerical parameters; (ii) data\nstructure layouts; (iii) accessors; and (iv) small macros, templates\nand inline functions of five lines or less in length.\n\nFurthermore, you are not required to apply this additional permission\nto a modified version of the Library.\n
+LGPL-2.1-linking-exception As a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you\npermission to link this library with independent modules to produce an\nexecutable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules,\nand to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,\nprovided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms\nand conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a module\nwhich is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this\nlibrary, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but you are\nnot obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception\nstatement from your version.
+LGPL-2.1-FPC This is the file COPYING.FPC, it applies to the Free Pascal Run-Time Library \n(RTL) and packages (packages) distributed by members of the Free Pascal \nDevelopment Team.\n\nThe source code of the Free Pascal Runtime Libraries and packages are \ndistributed under the Library GNU General Public License \n(see the file COPYING) with the following modification:\n\nAs a special exception, the copyright holders of this library give you\npermission to link this library with independent modules to produce an\nexecutable, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules,\nand to copy and distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice,\nprovided that you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms\nand conditions of the license of that module. An independent module is a module\nwhich is not derived from or based on this library. If you modify this\nlibrary, you may extend this exception to your version of the library, but you are\nnot obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete this exception\nstatement from your version.\n\nIf you didn't receive a copy of the file COPYING, contact:\n Free Software Foundation\n 675 Mass Ave\n Cambridge, MA 02139\n USA\n\n
+BSD-2 Copyright (c) <YEAR>, <OWNER>\nAll rights reserved.\n\nRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\nmodification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n\n1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,\n this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\n notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\n documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"\nAND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\nIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\nARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\nLIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\nCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\nSUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\nINTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\nCONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\nARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\nPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n
+BSD-4 Copyright (c) <YEAR>, <OWNER>\nAll rights reserved.\n\nRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\nmodification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n\n1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,\n this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\n notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\n documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software\n must display the following acknowledgement:\n This product includes software developed by the University of\n California, Berkeley and its contributors.\n4. Neither the name of the <ORGANIZATION> nor the names of its\n contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n this software without specific prior written permission.\n\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"\nAND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\nIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\nARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\nLIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\nCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\nSUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\nINTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\nCONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\nARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\nPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n
+LGPL-3+ GNU Lesser General Public License, version 3 or any later version.\nSee LGPL-3 for the full text of this license.\n
+GPL-3+ GNU General Public License, version 3 or any later version.\nSee GPL-3 for the full text of this license.\n
+Open-CASCADE-LGPL-2.1-Exception-1.0 Open CASCADE exception (version 1.0) to GNU LGPL version 2.1.\n\nThe object code (i.e. not a source) form of a "work that uses the Library"\ncan incorporate material from a header file that is part of the Library.\nAs a special exception to the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1,\nyou may distribute such object code incorporating material from header files\nprovided with the Open CASCADE Technology libraries (including code of CDL\ngeneric classes) under terms of your choice, provided that you give\nprominent notice in supporting documentation to this code that it makes use\nof or is based on facilities provided by the Open CASCADE Technology software.\n
+LGPL-2.1-UUST The UUST package is (c) copyright 2005\nto the original authors and other contributors listed here. If you add\nor modify code, please add your name here.\n\nOriginal authors:\n\tDoaitse Swierstra\n\tArthur Baars\nContributors:\n\tAlexey Rodriguez\n\n----\nThe UUST package is licensed under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public\nLicence (LGPL), which can be found in the file called LICENCE-LGPL, with\nthe following special exception:\n\n As a relaxation of clause 6 of the LGPL, the copyright holders of this\n library give permission to use, copy, link, modify, and distribute,\n binary-only object-code versions of an executable linked with the\n original unmodified Library, without requiring the supply of any\n mechanism to modify or replace the Library and relink (clauses 6a,\n 6b, 6c, 6d, 6e), provided that all the other terms of clause 6 are\n complied with.\n\n----\nThis software depends on library code by Daan Leijen, which\nis distributed under a BSD-style license.\n\n----\nThis software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but\nWITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU\nLicense for more details.\n\n
+LLGPL-2.1\n\nPreamble to the Gnu Lesser General Public License\n\nCopyright (c) 2000 Franz Incorporated, Berkeley, CA 94704\n\nThe concept of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1\n("LGPL") has been adopted to govern the use and distribution of\nabove-mentioned application. However, the LGPL uses terminology that\nis more appropriate for a program written in C than one written in\nLisp. Nevertheless, the LGPL can still be applied to a Lisp program if\ncertain clarifications are made. This document details those\nclarifications. Accordingly, the license for the open-source Lisp\napplications consists of this document plus the LGPL. Wherever there\nis a conflict between this document and the LGPL, this document takes\nprecedence over the LGPL.\n\nA "Library" in Lisp is a collection of Lisp functions, data and\nforeign modules. The form of the Library can be Lisp source code (for\nprocessing by an interpreter) or object code (usually the result of\ncompilation of source code or built with some other\nmechanisms). Foreign modules are object code in a form that can be\nlinked into a Lisp executable. When we speak of functions we do so in\nthe most general way to include, in addition, methods and unnamed\nfunctions. Lisp "data" is also a general term that includes the data\nstructures resulting from defining Lisp classes. A Lisp application\nmay include the same set of Lisp objects as does a Library, but this\ndoes not mean that the application is necessarily a "work based on the\nLibrary" it contains.\n\nThe Library consists of everything in the distribution file set before\nany modifications are made to the files. If any of the functions or\nclasses in the Library are redefined in other files, then those\nredefinitions ARE considered a work based on the Library. If\nadditional methods are added to generic functions in the Library,\nthose additional methods are NOT considered a work based on the\nLibrary. If Library classes are subclassed, these subclasses are NOT\nconsidered a work based on the Library. If the Library is modified to\nexplicitly call other functions that are neither part of Lisp itself\nnor an available add-on module to Lisp, then the functions called by\nthe modified Library ARE considered a work based on the Library. The\ngoal is to ensure that the Library will compile and run without\ngetting undefined function errors.\n\nIt is permitted to add proprietary source code to the Library, but it\nmust be done in a way such that the Library will still run without\nthat proprietary code present. Section 5 of the LGPL distinguishes\nbetween the case of a library being dynamically linked at runtime and\none being statically linked at build time. Section 5 of the LGPL\nstates that the former results in an executable that is a "work that\nuses the Library." Section 5 of the LGPL states that the latter\nresults in one that is a "derivative of the Library", which is\ntherefore covered by the LGPL. Since Lisp only offers one choice,\nwhich is to link the Library into an executable at build time, we\ndeclare that, for the purpose applying the LGPL to the Library, an\nexecutable that results from linking a "work that uses the Library"\nwith the Library is considered a "work that uses the Library" and is\ntherefore NOT covered by the LGPL.\n\nBecause of this declaration, section 6 of LGPL is not applicable to\nthe Library. However, in connection with each distribution of this\nexecutable, you must also deliver, in accordance with the terms and\nconditions of the LGPL, the source code of Library (or your derivative\nthereof) that is incorporated into this executable.\n\nEnd of Document \n
+Ruby-BSD\n\nRuby is copyrighted free software by Yukihiro Matsumoto <>.\nYou can redistribute it and/or modify it under either the terms of the\n2-clause BSDL (see the file BSDL), or the conditions below:\n\n 1. You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the\n software without restriction, provided that you duplicate all of the\n original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.\n\n 2. You may modify your copy of the software in any way, provided that\n you do at least ONE of the following:\n\n a) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise\n make them Freely Available, such as by posting said\n\t modifications to Usenet or an equivalent medium, or by allowing\n\t the author to include your modifications in the software.\n\n b) use the modified software only within your corporation or\n organization.\n\n c) give non-standard binaries non-standard names, with\n instructions on where to get the original software distribution.\n\n d) make other distribution arrangements with the author.\n\n 3. You may distribute the software in object code or binary form,\n provided that you do at least ONE of the following:\n\n a) distribute the binaries and library files of the software,\n\t together with instructions (in the manual page or equivalent)\n\t on where to get the original distribution.\n\n b) accompany the distribution with the machine-readable source of\n\t the software.\n\n c) give non-standard binaries non-standard names, with\n instructions on where to get the original software distribution.\n\n d) make other distribution arrangements with the author.\n\n 4. You may modify and include the part of the software into any other\n software (possibly commercial). But some files in the distribution\n are not written by the author, so that they are not under these terms.\n\n For the list of those files and their copying conditions, see the\n file LEGAL.\n\n 5. The scripts and library files supplied as input to or produced as\n output from the software do not automatically fall under the\n copyright of the software, but belong to whomever generated them,\n and may be sold commercially, and may be aggregated with this\n software.\n\n 6. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR\n IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED\n WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR\n PURPOSE.\n
+GPL-2+ GNU General Public License, version 2 or any later version.\nSee GPL-2 or GPL-3 for the full text of these licenses.\n
+GPL-1+ GNU General Public License, version 1 or any later version.\nSee GPL-1, GPL-2, or GPL-3 for the full text of these licenses.\n
+Clear-BSD The Clear BSD License\n\nThis is a license template.\n\nCopyright (c) <xxxx>-<xxxx> <Owner Organization>\n\nAll rights reserved.\n\nRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\nmodification, are permitted (subject to the limitations in the\ndisclaimer below) provided that the following conditions are met:\n\n * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n\n * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\n notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\n documentation and/or other materials provided with the\n distribution.\n\n * Neither the name of <Owner Organization> nor the names of its\n contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived\n from this software without specific prior written permission.\n\nNO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED LICENSES TO ANY PARTY'S PATENT RIGHTS ARE\nGRANTED BY THIS LICENSE. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT\nHOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED\nWARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF\nMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE\nDISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\nLIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\nCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\nSUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR\nBUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY,\nWHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE\nOR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN\nIF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n
+AGPL-3+ GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 or any later version.\nSee AGPL-3 for the full text of this license.\n
+LGPL-2.1+ GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 or any later version.\nSee LGPL-2.1 or LGPL-3 for the full text of these licenses.\n
+RU-BSD This software is copyrighted by Rice University. It may be freely copied,\nmodified, and redistributed, provided that the copyright notice is\npreserved on all copies.\n\nThere is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness for this software,\nit is provided solely "as is". Bug reports or fixes may be sent\nto the author, who may or may not act on them as he desires.\n\nYou may include this software in a program or other software product,\nbut must display the notice:\n\n<SOFTWARE> copyright <YEAR>, Rice University\n\nin any place where the end-user would see your own copyright.\n\nIf you modify this software, you should include a notice giving the\nname of the person performing the modification, the date of modification,\nand the reason for such modification.\n
+BSD Copyright (c) <YEAR>, <OWNER>\nAll rights reserved.\n\nRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\nmodification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n\n1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,\n this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\n notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\n documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n3. Neither the name of the <ORGANIZATION> nor the names of its\n contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n this software without specific prior written permission.\n\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"\nAND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\nIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\nARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\nLIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\nCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\nSUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\nINTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\nCONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\nARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\nPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n
+BSD-with-attribution Copyright (c) <YEAR>, <OWNER>\nAll rights reserved.\n\nRedistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\nmodification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n\n1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,\n this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\n notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\n documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n3. Neither the name of the <ORGANIZATION> nor the names of its\n contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from\n this software without [specific] prior written permission.\n [For permission [or any legal details], [please] contact <ADDRESS>.]\n4. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following\n acknowledgment: "This product includes software developed by\n <ORGANIZATION> (<ADDRESS>)."\n\nTHIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS"\nAND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE\nIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE\nARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE\nLIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR\nCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF\nSUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS\nINTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN\nCONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE)\nARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE\nPOSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n\n---\n\nNote: A variant of this license includes the HPND disclaimer instead.\n
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/masksets.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/masksets.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11187dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/masksets.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+3 Robin H. Johnson 2006-02-11 zlib interaction is badly broken. See bug #124733. 1
+4 Tavis Ormandy 2006-03-21 masked pending unresolved security issues #125902 1
+5 Tavis Ormandy 2006-03-21 masked pending unresolved security issues #127167 2
+6 MATSUU Takuto 2007-04-05 to be tested, seems unstable 1
+7 Chris Gianelloni 2008-03-03 Masking due to security bug #194607 and security bug #204067 1
+8 Diego E. Pettenò 2009-01-03 These packages are not supposed to be merged directly, instead please use sys-devel/crossdev to install them. 1
+9 Tiziano Müller 2009-04-08 pre-releases 1
+10 Diego E. Pettenò 2009-08-08 on behalf of QA Team Mass-masking of live ebuilds; we cannot guarantee working state of live ebuilds, nor the availability of the server hosting them. As per QA team policy, all these need to be kept masked by default, if available in the tree. 1
+11 Diego E. Pettenò 2009-10-09 Untested yet; documented only in Russian, help is appreciated. 1
+12 Peter Alfredsen 2009-10-21 Masked because this needs a patch to be applied to portage to not install the kitchensink and everything else into /usr/src/debug with FEATURES=installsources 1
+54 Samuli Suominen 2014-03-03 gnome-extra/polkit-gnome is the "GTK+ polkit agent" and has no extra dependencies that installing lxde-base/lxpolkit would solve, thus the only motivation for creation of lxpolkit was to drop the word 'gnome' from the package's name. The packages are near identical by the outlook, determined by the used GTK+ theme. Raise yourself above the word 'gnome' and install the de facto GTK+ agent: emerge -C lxpolkit emerge -1 polkit-gnome Removal will happen at later date, but since there is no hurry, give it until rest of the year. 1
+55 Mike Gilbert 2014-03-04 Dev channel releases are only for people who are developers or want more experimental features and accept a more unstable release. 1
+103 Ole Markus With 2015-06-12 Masking PHP 7 pre-release versions 1
+13 Robert Piasek 2010-02-23 Masking libmapi as it depends on masked samba4 1
+14 Mike Frysinger 2010-03-07 Very old packages that people should have upgraded away from long ago. Courtesy mask ... time to upgrade. Added <sys-fs/e2fsprogs as well (halcy0n) 1
+16 Stefan Briesenick 2010-07-21 doesn't compile against latest media-libs/spandsp. not needed anymore for Asterisk 1.6. 1
+17 Luca Barbato 2010-07-21 Not ready for public consumption, clashes with current mesa-git 2
+18 Markos Chandras 2010-11-01 Masking alpha releases 1
+21 Peter Volkov 2011-07-23 Mask release candidates 1
+22 Samuli Suominen 2011-10-30 Masked for security bug #294253, use only at your own risk! 1
+23 Robin H. Johnson 2012-02-09 Needs to be slotted better 1
+24 Samuli Suominen 2012-03-06 Masked for testing since this is known to break nearly every reverse dependency wrt bug 407091 1
+25 Andreas K. Huettel 2012-03-22 Even its author admits that it's an ugly hack. Crashes e.g. firefox with kde-4.8. Unmask at your own risk. 1
+26 Ralph Sennhauser 2012-07-18 Unmaintained, multiple vulnarabilities. #351626 A more recent source build maintained by the community is available in the seden overlay. A more recent binary is available in the java-overlay. 1
+27 Pacho Ramos 2012-10-25 obexd changed its API without any warning, it's recommended to ship 0.46 until is fixed to prevent bluetooth-sendto breakage. 1
+28 Rick Farina 2012-12-21 madwifi has been replaced by ath5k and ath9k in kernel drivers and is subject to numerous long standing bugs stable wpa_supplicant sometimes wants madwifi-ng-tools #net-wireless/madwifi-ng-tools 1
+29 Sven Wegener 2012-12-21 temporary mask for socket location change 2
+31 Tom Wijsman 2013-03-12 2.5.* has known security and other issues due to an affected bundled ffmpeg, see bugs #446468 and #444262. 1
+32 Richard Freeman 2013-03-24 Contains known buffer overflows. Package generally works but should not be fed untrusted input (eg from strangers). Masked to ensure users are aware before they install. 1
+33 Sergey Popov 2013-04-02 Masking =media-libs/ffmpegsource-2.17.4_pre753 by maintainer's request. This version does not work properly, see bug #464078 1
+34 Michael Weber 2013-04-18 Masked due test failures 1
+35 Patrick Lauer 2013-05-21 broken dependencies -> uninstallable #470712 1
+36 Pacho Ramos 2013-06-15 Upstream stalled, improper rendering (#470818), use app-editors/efte instead. 1
+37 Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn 2013-06-25 Mask new ptlib/opal for breakage, tracked in bug #474742 Lars Wendler <> (29 Apr 2014) Adjusted mask so newer versions get covered as well. 1
+38 Julian Ospald 2013-06-26 Depends on masked dev-lang/lua-5.2 1
+56 Lars Wendler 2014-03-14 Masked for security reasons. Do NOT remove this mask or the affected packages without speaking to bonsaikitten first! You have been warned! 1
+57 Sergey Popov 2014-03-20 Security mask of vulnerable versions, wrt bug #424167 1
+58 Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn 2014-03-26 Affected by multiple vulnerabilities, #445916, #471098 and #472280 1
+59 Alexander Vershilov 2014-04-02 Multiple vulnerabilities, see #504724, #505860 1
+60 Gilles Dartiguelongue 2014-04-06 Old release, never stable, not working anymore See bug #327837, #382667, #492474 1
+61 Matti Bickel 2014-04-22 Masked slotted lua for testing 1
+62 Tom Wijsman 2014-05-03 Needs to be further tested and revised by both Java and Ruby herds. 1
+63 Tom Wijsman 2014-05-30 CVE-2012-1721 - Remote Code Execution Vulnerability Vulnerable: IBM Java SE 5.0 SR12-FP5 URL: 1
+64 Markos Chandras 2014-05-30 Mask beta release 2
+65 Hans de Graaff 2014-06-01 Mask new rubinius version for testing. Current versions have some issues that should be solved in the forthcoming rubinius 2.3 release. 1
+66 Tom Wijsman 2014-06-06 Mask gentoo-sources ebuilds that are affected with security bug CVE-2014-3153. Pinkie Pie discovered an issue in the futex subsystem that allows a local user to gain ring 0 control via the futex syscall. An unprivileged user could use this flaw to crash the kernel (resulting in denial of service) or for privilege escalation. Expires (6 Jun 2016) 1
+67 Robin H. Johnson 2014-06-21 Needs work, but infra needs it for new VM boxes 1
+68 Mikle Kolyada 2014-06-27 Masked for proper testing. (Major updates in the code). 1
+69 Ulrich Müller 2014-07-15 Permanently mask sys-libs/lib-compat and its reverse dependencies, pending multiple security vulnerabilities and QA issues. See bugs #515926 and #510960. 1
+70 Yixun Lan 2014-07-17 Masked for proper testing. (Major updates in the code). 1
+71 Robin H. Johnson 2014-08-04 Masked for testing, presently fails upstream testsuite: FAIL:07:02:35 (00:00:00) db_dump/db_load(./TESTDIR.3/recd001.db:child killed: kill signal): expected 0, got 1 FAIL:07:02:35 (00:00:00) Dump/load of ./TESTDIR.3/recd001.db failed. FAIL:07:02:35 (00:00:00) db_verify_preop: expected 0, got 1 1
+73 Sergey Popov 2014-08-28 Security mask, wrt bug #519650 If your application is broken due to this mask, please file a separate bug report 1
+74 Christian Faulhammer 2014-09-02 website not working anymore and will stay like this, tool is useless. See bug 504734 1
+76 Michał Górny 2014-09-15 Causes undefined references few layers down (in mediastreamer), someone needs to investigate. 1
+77 Mike Pagano 2014-10-16 A regression in kernels 3.17.0 lead to file system corruption for affected systems. This has been fixed in >= 3.17.1 Expires (16 Oct 2016) See Bug #525548. 1
+79 Markos Chandras 2014-11-18 Mask latest development version for testing 1
+80 Patrick Lauer 2014-11-24 Missing deps, uninstallable 1
+81 Richard Yao 2014-11-29 Depends on media-libs/lcms:0, which has unspecified security vulnerabilities. Masked until that links to media-libs/lcms:2 is backported from a newer wine, bug #526806. 1
+84 Sergey Popov 2014-12-09 Security mask, wrt bug #529728 1
+85 Jeroen Roovers 2014-12-12 The 96 and 173 branches are no longer supported and remain vulnerable to CVE-2014-8298 (bug #532342). You may be able to mitigate the vulnerability by disabling GLX indirect rendering protocol support on the X server. 1
+86 Aaron W. Swenson 2014-12-28 Split ebuilds are no longer maintained. Migrate to the unified ebuilds invoking the following, substituting SLOT for the desired slot and optionally enabling the server and/or docs USE flags: emerge dev-db/postgresql:SLOT No further action is required. 1
+87 Tony Vroon 2015-01-05 Asterisk 13 is an LTS release but has not seen sufficient releases to be considered ready for production usage. You are welcome to have a go but please be careful. 1
+88 Anthony G. Basile 2015-01-09 p.mask the -9999 version 1
+90 Sergei Trofimovich 2015-01-29 Mask live ebuild 1
+91 Eray Aslan 2015-02-03 Mask experimental software 1
+92 Michał Górny 2015-02-11 Potentially destructive to @world, bug #539746. 1
+96 Michał Górny 2015-03-28 on behalf of gx86-multilib project <> Removed lastrited emul-linux-x86. The mask is kept post-removal per Arfrever's request so that the PM warns about masked packages being installed. 1
+98 Patrick Lauer 2015-04-10 Breaks pretty much all consumers, like samba Mask until it's more usable 1
+99 Ryan Hill 2015-04-28 Moving to /lib/gentoo/ broke the eclass by changing output it relies on. See bug #504118, 547586, and 547962. 1
+72 Samuli Suominen 2014-08-23 Some compile problems with media-libs/openexr >= 2.2.0 See for more information 1
+104 Patrick Lauer 2015-06-14 Has race condition / failure modes that make systems unusable See #551724 and duplicates 1
+41 Michael Weber 2013-07-17 Upstream next versions 1
+42 Chris Reffett 2013-07-20 Uses vulnerable versions of bzip2, but these versions are necessary to reconstruct older archives. Use at your own risk. 1
+43 Julian Ospald 2013-07-21 Mask all unfetchable versions and those with tons of random bugs and segfaults (all). Don't ask for a version bump unless there is a working release. 1
+44 Sergey Popov 2013-09-18 Mask development releases of botan: - causes many API breakages - do not compile in some USE-flag combinations - requires at least gcc 4.7(and possibly even 4.8 for some features) 1
+45 Tom Wijsman 2013-09-18 Temporarily masked due to QA issue during attempts to unbundle dependencies; we need to check the jar contents to check for differences, especially the stax dependency seems to be problematic in this regard but we'll check all of them to ensure that unbundling doesn't hurt some missed functionality. Bug #471942 tracks the progress of these unbundling efforts. 2
+46 Agostino Sarubbo 2013-09-23 Masked because of vulnerable versions DO NOT REMOVE OLDER VERSIONS temporarily disabled as it also breaks s390 keywording 1
+47 Diego Elio Pettenò 2013-10-13 Requires a NPN support in mod_ssl (www-server/apache) to work. See #471512 for more details. 1
+48 Justin Lecher 2013-10-14 Seems to break all deps - API change? 1
+51 Tony Vroon 2014-01-13 Asterisk 12 is a short term "standard" release containing significant architectural changes. This is not for your production kit quite yet. 1
+93 Justin Lecher 2015-02-28 Unfixed security problems No upstream support anymore CVE-2015-{0219,0220,0221,0222,5145} #536586 #554864 1
+52 Mike Gilbert 2014-01-19 To prevent accidental switching of release channels (bug 498306), google-chrome has been split into 3 packages: www-client/google-chrome www-client/google-chrome-beta www-client/google-chrome-unstable The stable channel remains as www-client/google-chrome, but has been switched to SLOT="0". Please unmerge your currently installed version and remerge one of the new packages. 1
+53 Tim Harder 2014-02-04 Mask development releases 1
+107 Patrick Lauer 2015-07-01 Wrong version #553670 1
+114 Sergey Popov 2015-07-13 Mask new version of Boost - it's known to cause breakages 1
+118 Ian Stakenvicius 2015-07-16 Mask thunerbird-24.x as it is no longer supported, but it remains in the tree for now in case there is a need for it for upgrading old user profiles, etc. 1
+119 Ben de Groot 2015-07-20 Version bump is a WIP, see bug #524242 It works (except USE=vamp) but is not up to Gentoo standards yet 1
+120 Ian Delaney 2015-07-21 The revbump has versions of lua which are also masked. Masked until those slotted versions are unmasked 1
+121 Davide Pesavento 2015-07-23 Standalone version of qtwebkit from the 2.3 upstream branch. Needs revdep testing. Bug #388207. 1
+132 Sebastian Pipping 2015-08-08 Upcoming, too young to go into testing unmasked 1
+2 \N 2004-04-01 The following packages contain a remotely-exploitable security vulnerability and have been hard masked accordingly. Please see for more info 1
+19 Ryan Hill 2011-03-30 Work in progress 1
+20 Ryan Hill 2011-03-30 Masked indefinitely (until 0.40 is released). 2
+39 Tom Wijsman 2013-06-30 Sun JDK and JRE contain critical vulnerabilities and receive no further updates; masking to make users aware of this, users that still need this package and have no alternative can unmask at their own risk. See bug #473830. This is continued by Oracle Corporation, which has acquired Sun Microsystems in early 2010; as per Users are suggested to upgrade to one of the newer Oracle packages like dev-java/oracle-jdk-bin or dev-java/oracle-jre-bin or choose another alternative we provide; eg. the IBM JDK/JRE or the open source IcedTea. Most of these packages provide a jce USE flag for those whom need the Java Cryptographic Extension Unlimited Strength Policy USE flag; whether that works depends from VM to VM, it seems to work for most except for the IBM VMs. 1
+146 Lars Wendler 2015-08-20 Masked for testing 1
+164 Andreas K. Huettel 2015-09-19 Masked for security reasons, bugs 516044, 552644 Keeping it in the tree for now for users who cannot upgrade (commercial product, separate licenses for major versions) 1
+161 Lars Wendler 2015-09-09 Masked for testing 1
+191 Mike Pagano 2015-10-02 A regression in kernel 4.1.9 could lead to a system lockup. This has been fixed in gentoo-sources-4.1.9-r1 and the hope is that this patch will make it to 4.1.10 Expires (2 Oct 2017) 1
+195 Hans de Graaff 2015-10-11 Ruby 1.9 is no longer maintained upstream since January 2015, bug 536852. Masked for removal in 30 days. 1
+197 Pawel Hajdan, Jr. 2015-10-16 Dev channel releases are only for people who are developers or want more experimental features and accept a more unstable release. 1
+222 Justin Lecher 2015-11-10 Vulnerable package CVE-2014-{1932,1933} Bug: 507982 3
+224 Brian Evans 2015-11-11 Mask latest xdebug{,-client} beta versions Upstream keeps changing the tarballs causing Manifest errors. wrt bug 565234 2
+203 Justin Lecher 2015-10-23 Breaking changes #563540 1
+225 Justin Lecher 2015-11-12 deprecated version of the plugin. sci-chemistry/pymol includes the newer version 1
+204 Ian Delaney 2015-10-27 fails to build dev-lisp/sbcl-1.2.16 #563812 mgorny: dev-lisp/uiop as version-bound revdep 1
+209 Michał Górny 2015-10-30 Uses unsafe ioctls that could result in data corruption. Upstream is working on replacing them in the wip/dedup-syscall branch. Keep it masked until they are done. sys-fs/duperemove is the suggested replacement for the meantime. 1
+211 Brian Evans 2015-11-06 Mask new versions of dev-php/pecl-yaml that only work with PHP-7+ 1
+212 Patrice Clement 2015-11-07 Duplicate package since it already exists as virtual/perl-Parse-CPAN-meta. Masked for removal in 30 days. 1
+214 Pacho Ramos 2015-11-09 Dead for years, see bug #248489. Removal in a month. 1
+215 Pacho Ramos 2015-11-09 Obsolete for a long time, see bug #231578. Removal in a month. 2
+216 Pacho Ramos 2015-11-09 Upstream dead, buggy, there are many other bittorrent clients in the tree. See bug #210520. Removal in a month. 3
+217 Pacho Ramos 2015-11-09 Nobody willing to maintain/bump it. Use qemu instead Removal in a month. Bug #200003 4
+218 Pacho Ramos 2015-11-09 Not properly installed, dead for ages, upstream ask people to use Zed Attack Proxy Project instead Removal in a month. Bug #185919 5
+220 Lars Wendler 2015-11-10 Masked apache-2.4.17 due to broken REDIRECT_URL behavior. See Gentoo bug #565348 for more details. 1
+221 Justin Lecher 2015-11-10 Compatibility virtual for transition from dev-python/imaging to dev-python/pillow obsolete now #508266 2
+226 Patrice Clement 2015-11-12 Upstream is somewhat alive but has made compiling POI difficult to compile and package. Further, POI is affected by a bunch of CVEs. It has solely two deps that we are masking as well since both projects are not very trendy and/or alive. Masked for removal in 30 days. See bug #402757. 2
+227 Patrice Clement 2015-11-12 Upstream dead + ebuild was never stabilised. Masked for removal in 30 days. See bug #276095. 3
+223 Michał Górny 2015-11-11 Cleaned up Python versions masked for testing: - python-config-X.Y compatibility removed, - python[23] choice is now stored in config file rather than symlink, - eselect-python reworked to reuse python-exec and wrap all execs, - ABIFLAGS reintroduced for 3.3+. Resulting API/ABI change can break reverse dependencies, especially if upstream hardcodes paths or library names. 1
+229 Michael Palimaka 2015-11-18 Ebuilds unfinished work-in-progress. Dead upstream. Masked for removal in 30 days. Bug #550234. 1
+198 Mike Frysinger 2015-10-18 apache-2.4.17 includes support for http2 now. 1
+230 Patrice Clement 2015-11-21 Upstream dead + superseded by app-text/tidy-html5. Masked for removal in 30 days. See bug #564884. Not yet. 1
+231 Michael Sterrett 2015-11-22 Upstream is gone and doesn't build on modern systems. Masked for removal on 20151222 1
+205 Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn 2015-10-29 Mask until it is decided how to address xorg-server file collisions #564358 1
+241 Ian Delaney 2015-12-06 Masked due to support of the hypervisor dropped in arch x86 rdep packages use.masked for xen under arch 1
+242 Anthony G. Basile 2015-12-06 Masked until we deal with SSLv3, bug #567554 2
+232 Andreas K. Huettel 2015-11-22 txt2html got accidentally packaged twice, as TextToHTML and as txt2html. Masking the version with nonstandard PN for removal in 30 days. 2
+233 Sergey Popov 2015-11-25 Dead upstream, security issues, see bug #557856 Removal in a month 1
+234 Michael Sterrett 2015-12-01 No release since 2005; upstream is gone; doesn't build on modern systems. Masked for removal on 20151231 1
+235 Brian Evans 2015-12-02 PHP 5.4 is End Of Life and will not receive any further updates Please migrate to 5.5 or, preferably 5.6. 1
+236 Brian Evans 2015-12-02 Zend Opcache was integrated into PHP versions 5.5 and later Masked for removal in 30 days 2
+237 Brian Evans 2015-12-02 All current targets are masked. New version only works on PHP7. 3
+238 Patrice Clement 2015-12-03 Broken and outdated. Let's see off these 3 packages. Masked for removal in 30 days. See bug #567326. 1
+239 Robin H. Johnson 2015-12-04 Much early testing needed 1
+240 Patrice Clement 2015-12-05 Upstream dead: no update since 2007. Masked for removal in 30 days. See bug #567580. 1
+243 Patrice Clement 2015-12-06 We maintain old versions which were never stabilised and are too far behind for a trivial version bump. Masked for removal in 30 days. See bug #161440. 3
+244 Mike Gilbert 2015-12-06 Masked for testing. 4
+245 Michael Orlitzky 2015-12-06 Masked for testing of the new apache2/php7 support. 5
+246 Ian Delaney 2015-12-07 "The drizzle project is long dead, it should be removed, along with dev-php/pecl-drizzle", note by grknight in Bug #501060 Masked for removal in 30 days. 1
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/news.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/news.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cec21c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/news.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+2013-09-22-minor-arches-1 m68k, s390, sh are dropping stable keywords 2013-09-22 Andreas K. Huettel \N {"Following discussion [1] and a vote by the Gentoo Council [2,3], m68k, s390, and sh will drop all stable keywords and become unstable/testing only arches. The main reason for this is that these arch teams visibly lack manpower, resulting in undesirable delays.","In a week, the ACCEPT_KEYWORDS variable in the respective profiles will be switched to automatically include ~arch packages. Systems running stable before will update to current unstable/testing then. Afterwards m68k, s390, and sh keywords on all ebuilds will be changed to ~m68k, ~s390, and ~sh.","No steps are required from users, however you should be aware of the upcoming changes."} {,,}
+2013-04-10-baselayout-1-deprecation-final-warning baselayout-1.x deprecation final warning 2013-04-10 William Hubbs {<sys-apps/baselayout-2} {"WARNING! THIS NEWS ITEM REQUIRES IMMEDIATE ATTENTION!","On 28 Jun 2011, baselayout-2.x and OpenRC were first marked stable on all supported architectures in Gentoo Linux.","Although we no longer support baselayout-1.x, we have continued support for migration from baselayout-1.x to baselayout-2.x and OpenRC.","According to Gentoo policy, the support for migration was slated to end on 28 Jun 2012, a year after OpenRC was first marked stable.","This is your final warning. openrc-0.11.8 will be the final release of OpenRC to support migration from baselayout-1.x.","If you do not upgrade your system to baselayout-2.x and openrc-0.11.8 before openrc-0.11.8 leaves the tree, you will have to perform the migration manually when you upgrade or you will be left with an unbootable system. Manual migration is not officially supported, and could include fixing things with a live cd or re-installing your system.","For questions about how to migrate your system, see the OpenRC migration guide [1]."} {}
+2011-12-30-bacula-updates Bacula-5.2.3 Upgrade 2011-12-30 Thomas Beierlein {<app-backup/bacula-5.2.0} {"The 5.2.x release series of Bacula uses a new database catalog format. If you're upgrading from a 3.x.x or 5.0.x release, you must upgrade your bacula catalog database.","Please read the manual chapter for how to upgrade your database (see You can find database upgrade scripts in /usr/libexec/bacula/(updatedb/).","It is strongly recommended that you save a copy of your existing database before upgrading. For details how to do it please look into your database documentation.","The simplest way to upgrade the database:","1. Stop Bacula from running (at least the director and storage daemons). 2. Save a copy of your existing database. 3. Emerge the new version of Bacula. 4. Run the appropriate upgrade script from /usr/libexec/bacula/updatedb/. 5. Start the new Bacula."} \N
+2015-01-28-cpu_flags_x86-introduction CPU_FLAGS_X86 introduction 2015-01-28 Michał Górny \N {"The USE flags corresponding to the instruction sets and other features specific to the x86 (amd64) architecture are being moved into a separate USE flag group called CPU_FLAGS_X86.","In order not to lose CPU-specific optimizations, users will be required to update their make.conf (and package.use) file. For example, if the following USE flags were present:"," USE=\\"mmx mmxext sse sse2 sse3\\"","Those flags need to be copied into:"," CPU_FLAGS_X86=\\"mmx mmxext sse sse2 sse3\\"","Please note that the same CPU_FLAGS_X86 variable is used both on x86 and amd64 systems.","When in doubt, you can consult the flag descriptions using one of the commonly available tools, e.g. `equery uses` from gentoolkit:"," $ equery uses media-video/ffmpeg","Most of the flag names match /proc/cpuinfo names, with the notable exception of SSE3 which is called 'pni' in /proc/cpuinfo (please also do not confuse it with distinct SSSE3).","To help users enable the correct USE flags, we are providing a Python script that generates the correct value using /proc/cpuinfo. It can be found in the app-portage/cpuinfo2cpuflags package:"," $ emerge -1v app-portage/cpuinfo2cpuflags $ cpuinfo2cpuflags-x86","In order to ensure safe migration and maintain compatibility with external repositories, it is recommended to preserve the old USE settings for a period of one year or until no package of interest is still using them."} \N
+2010-11-13-hardened-profiles Restructuring of Hardened profiles 2010-11-13 Anthony G. Basile \N {"During the next few weeks, all hardened profiles will be restructured to remove the version number \\"/10.0\\". For example, if your current profile is \\"hardened/linux/amd64/10.0/no-multilib\\" your new profile will be \\"hardened/linux/amd64/no-multilib\\".","We will change the profiles one arch at a time, starting with ia64, and proceeding in order with ppc, ppc64, x86 and amd64. Once your arch has been updated, you will receive a warning when running emerge that your profile has been deprecated. When you do, use \\"eselect profile list\\" to get a list of the new profiles. Then, use \\"eselect profile set <num>\\" to switch to your new profile with corresponding number <num>.","Progress with the restructuring will be tracked in bug #344861."} \N
+2014-01-31-catalyst-head-changes Catalyst head changes 2014-01-31 Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto {dev-util/catalyst} {"After a long period on \\"life support\\", the catalyst repository is going to have major changes introduced to master in the next few days. The work done in the rewrite branch[1] by Brian Dolbec, is finally going to be merged into master through the pending branch[2]. Anyone using catalyst to produce stages is advised to use the latest release (currently 2.0.16). If you need to track the stable 2.X branch, please use the catalyst 2.0.9999 ebuild. Anyone wanting to help with catalyst development and testing is encouraged to use the 9999 version and report issues to the catalyst team, pending the understanding that master may be broken during the next few months. Please report any issues to our bugzilla[3]. You can always find us in the #gentoo-releng irc channel of freenode. To be clear, these changes will only affect catalyst-9999 and the master branch of the repository. If you're not using either, this doesn't affect you."," [1] -;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/rewrite-on-master [2] -;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/pending [3] - Component: Catalyst"} \N
+2013-09-27-initramfs-required Separate /usr on Linux requires initramfs 2013-09-27 William Hubbs \N {"Linux systems which have / and /usr on separate file systems but do not use an initramfs will not be supported starting on 01-Nov-2013.","If you have / and /usr on separate file systems and you are not currently using an initramfs, you must set one up before this date. Otherwise, at some point on or after this date, upgrading packages will make your system unbootable.","For more information on setting up an initramfs, see this URL:",,"Due to many upstream changes, properly supporting Linux systems that have /usr missing at boot time has become increasingly difficult. Despite all our efforts, it already breaks in some exotic configurations, and this trend is likely to grow worse.","For more information on the upstream changes and why using an initramfs is the cleanest route forward, see the following URLs:",""} \N
+2013-08-07-vanilla-sources-stablization-policy vanilla-sources stabilization policy 2013-08-07 Mike Pagano {sys-kernel/vanilla-sources} {"The Gentoo Kernel Team will no longer be providing stable vanilla-sources kernels. All currently stabilized vanilla-sources versions will be dropped to ~arch. The Arch teams, via normal requests of the Kernel Team, will continue to stabilize gentoo-sources kernels upon request. This decision is based on the facts that upstream is now releasing approximately 1-2 vanilla-sources kernels a week. Arch teams, understandably, are unable to keep up with this rate of release. As most vanilla releases contain security fixes, the user who only runs stable vanilla-sources will consistently be behind and potentially at risk. For the latest \\"upstream kernel unpatched by Gentoo\\", we recommend users add 'sys-kernel/vanilla-sources' to their package.accept_keywords file. gentoo-sources will continue to be a tested and supported version for Gentoo users."," Note: This news item only applies to gentoo-sources and vanilla-sources. Other kernels currently maintained in portage have their own policies and procedures in place today."} \N
+2014-11-11-kgcc64-sparc-removal sys-devel/kgcc64 removal on sparc 2014-11-11 Raúl Porcel \N {"sys-devel/kgcc64 is going to be removed from the sparc system package set since the normal sys-devel/gcc can, since version 4.4, build 64bit kernels.","Until now, you had to use CONFIG_CROSS_COMPILE=\\"sparc64-unknown-linux-gnu-\\" in your kernel config, but with sys-devel/kgcc64 going away, you need to remove that option from your kernel configuration. ",""} \N
+2011-12-06-kde473-kdepim Stabilization of KDE 4.7.3 including KDEPIM 2011-12-06 Andreas K. Huettel {<kde-base/libkdepim-4.5,<kde-base/blogilo-4.5,<kde-base/kabcclient-4.5,<kde-base/kdepim-strigi-analyzer-4.5,<kde-base/konsolekalendar-4.5,<kde-base/libkleo-4.5,<kde-base/libkpgp-4.5} {"We are pleased to announce the upcoming stabilization of KDE 4.7.3. In general the upgrade of KDE from 4.6.5 to 4.7.3 should be unproblematic. However, if you are using the KDEPIM application suite (i.e., akregator, blogilo, kmail, knode, kontact, korganizer, and others) where the stable version so far was, please be aware of the following:","The stable upgrade from KDEPIM to KDEPIM 4.7.3 is a MAJOR upgrade with potential for major breakage. Therefore we will *try* to keep and support the old, so-far stable KDEPIM as long as possible. If you *dont* want to upgrade your KDEPIM yet but keep the old version, please download the following file and add it into your /etc/portage/package.mask: If you decide to upgrade, please have a look at the upgrade guide first:"} \N
+2015-07-25-python-targets Python 3.4 enabled by default 2015-07-25 Mike Gilbert \N {"Python 3.4 is now enabled by default, replacing Python 3.3 as the default Python 3 interpreter.","PYTHON_TARGETS will be adjusted to contain python2_7 and python3_4 by default via your profile.","PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET will remain set to python2_7 by default.","If you have PYTHON_TARGETS set in make.conf, that setting will still be respected. You may want to adjust this setting manually.","Once the changes have taken place, a world update should take care of reinstalling any python libraries you have installed. You should also switch your default python3 interpreter using eselect python.","For example:","eselect python set --python3 python3.4 emerge -uDv --changed-use @world"} \N
+2012-02-14-baselayout-1-deprecation baselayout-1.x deprecation 2012-02-14 William Hubbs {<sys-apps/baselayout-2} {"On 28 Jun 2011, baselayout-2.x and OpenRC were first marked stable on all supported architectures in Gentoo Linux.","This was the point at which we stopped working on issues in baselayout-1 and began encouraging users to upgrade to baselayout-2 and OpenRC.","Although we are not supporting baselayout-1, we are supporting migration from baselayout-1 to OpenRC and baselayout-2.","According to Gentoo policy, the support for migration from baselayout-1 to baselayout-2 ends one year after baselayout-2 and OpenRC became stable. That date will be 28 Jun 2012.","This news item is to inform you that you must migrate your system to baselayout-2 and OpenRC before 28 Jun 2012. Starting on this date, we will no longer support this migration, and you may need to re-install any systems which are still running baselayout-1.","For questions about how to migrate your system, see the OpenRC migration guide [1]."} {}
+2012-11-06-PYTHON_TARGETS-deployment PYTHON_TARGETS deployment 2012-11-06 Michał Górny \N {"Recently, a few new Python eclasses have been deployed. As ebuilds migrate, the way they support multiple Python implementations will change. The previous method built Python modules for Python implementations selected through `eselect python'. The new method uses the PYTHON_TARGETS USE flags to explicitly name the implementations the modules shall be built for.","If you are running a modern system with only Python 2.7 & 3.2 installed, then you don't have to do anything. The defaults will simply fit you, and let you keep your system up-to-date when new Python versions are deployed.","However, if you'd like to use another set of Python implementations, you will need to set PYTHON_TARGETS in your make.conf file appropriately. This variable names the enabled implementations in the standard way common to all USE_EXPAND variables.","For example, a setup enabling all major Python implementations would look like:"," PYTHON_TARGETS=\\"python2_7 python3_2 pypy1_9 jython2_5\\"","The variable should list all Python implementations which are going to be used on the system; missing a particular value there will result in missing Python modules.","A complete list of all possible values can be obtained using a command equivalent to the following:"," emerge -1pv dev-python/python-exec","For more details, please see the python-r1 User's Guide [1]."} {}
+2013-10-24-minor-arches-2 alpha, ia64: maintainers may remove stable versions 2013-10-24 Andreas K. Huettel \N {"Following discussion [1] and a vote by the Gentoo Council [2,3], on alpha and ia64 package maintainers are allowed to remove the last stable version of a package under certain circumstances (basically when it is outdated and the stablerequest for a newer version on alpha or ia64 has been pending for a while; for the details, see [2,3]).","You should be aware that this may occasionally cause broken dependencies and/or require keywording of packages for stable users. Then again, things may work out fine just as well."} {,,}
+2009-10-22-default-linux Using default-linux profile is now obsolete 2009-10-22 Samuli Suominen \N {"The profiles in default-linux/ have been deprecated for six weeks. Users using these profiles are expected to migrate to a new profile before 2009-12-01, at which point the default-linux/ profiles will be removed. The new profiles contain up to date configurations and were adopted because they were easier to maintain. Users can switch to a new profile using eselect:","# eselect profile list # eselect profile set <target>","If a machine is not migrated to a new valid profile before the deprecated profiles are removed, emerge will have very limited functionality until the migration is done."} \N
+2009-10-02-xorg-server-1-6-libxcb-1.4 Migration to Server 1.6 and libxcb 1.4 2009-10-02 Remi Cardona {<x11-base/xorg-server-1.6,<x11-libs/libxcb-1.4} {"We're pleased to announce the stabilization of xorg-server-1.6. Users are strongly encouraged to read the following two guides before upgrading:"," "} \N
+2013-06-07-portage-preserve-libs-default Portage preserve-libs default 2013-06-07 Zac Medico {>=sys-apps/portage-2.1.12} {"Beginning with sys-apps/portage-2.1.12, FEATURES=preserve-libs is enabled by default. Even though preserve-libs makes it unnecessary to use revdep-rebuild for most common updates, it is still a good practice to run `revdep-rebuild -ip` after updates, in order to check if there are any broken library dependencies that preserve-libs was not able to handle. For example, see","If you would like to disable preserve-libs by default, then set FEATURES=\\"-preserve-libs\\" in make.conf. See the make.conf(5) man page or the following wiki page for more information:",} \N
+2011-04-26-gnustep-new-layout GNUstep packages new layout 2011-04-26 Bernard Cafarelli {<gnustep-base/gnustep-make-2.6.0} {"Traditionally, GNUstep used its own filesystem layout, installing everything under /usr/GNUstep. Starting with gnustep-make-2.6.0, the default filesystem layout has changed and is now the 'fhs' layout, installing files in standard Unix directories.","Following upstream's change, GNUstep packages in Gentoo will now also use the new default layout. Your system will switch to it after updating gnustep-base/gnustep-make to >=2.6.0.","This change means that you have to re-emerge all installed packages depending on GNUstep to move them to the new layout. You can use gnustep-base/gnustep-updater for this step"} \N
+2011-04-27-glib-228 Upgrade to GLIB 2.28 2011-04-27 The Gentoo Freedesktop Maintainers {<dev-libs/glib-2.28} {"The method for setting default applications for specific URI types (https://, mailto://, etc.) changed in dev-libs/glib-2.28 and newer. If you previously set them in GConf using the Configuration Editor, they will now be ignored.","If you use GNOME, you must upgrade gnome-session and gnome-control-center and set your default browser/mail-client again.","If you don't use GNOME, you should ensure that the file ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list has the following content:","[Added Associations] x-scheme-handler/http=$browser_name.desktop; x-scheme-handler/https=$browser_name.desktop; x-scheme-handler/mailto=$mailclient_name.desktop;","Replace $browser_name.desktop and $mailclient_name.desktop with the appropriate file from /usr/share/applications that can handle http/https/mailto URIs.","The system-wide version of the file is often at /usr/share/applications/defaults.list instead.","Please make sure that your browsers and mail clients have been upgraded to the latest stable versions before doing all this.","More information about using defaults.list and mimeapps.list is at:",} \N
+2011-02-14-gnome-232 Upgrade to GNOME 2.32 2011-02-14 Pacho Ramos {<gnome-base/gnome-2.32.1,<gnome-base/gnome-light-2.32.1,<gnome-base/gnome-session-2.32.1} {"We are pleased to announce the stabilization of GNOME-2.32. Users are strongly encouraged to read the GNOME 2.32 Upgrade Guide, to avoid any possible issues relating to the upgrade, such as gnome-panel hanging issues, evolution migration problems and others.","Please read the Gnome 2.32 Upgrade Guide:"} \N
+2010-02-28-layman-storage-path-change Layman storage path changed from version 1.3.0 on 2010-02-28 Sebastian Pipping {<app-portage/layman-1.3} {"Layman has been using /usr/local/portage/layman to store overlay checkouts from version 1.2.3 on. As that path was violating the concept of keeping portage away from /usr/local the default of this storage location moves to"," /var/lib/layman","from version 1.3.0 on. If you have never touched the file /etc/layman/layman.cfg manually before, you may be tempted to let tools like etc-update or dispatch-conf blindly accept this new version of layman.cfg.","As that would hide all your currently installed overlays from layman it's probably not what you want. Your options are:"," A) Moving 1. Move your current content to /var/lib/layman. 2. Update PORTDIR_OVERLAY in /var/lib/layman/make.conf accordingly. 3. Make /etc/make.conf source /var/lib/layman/make.conf. 4. Set option \\"storage\\" in /etc/layman/layman.cfg to \\"/var/lib/layman\\"."," B) A symlink Put a symlink to your current storage location at /var/lib/layman before upgrading layman."," C) Configuration Reject the path change for layman.cfg when running tools like etc-update or dispatch-conf. Be aware with this way you'll have to do it for each layman update again.","PS: This news item is a reaction to users having run into this problem (see bug #306233). Thanks to Volker Hemmann for reporting."} \N
+2015-02-01-use-libav ffmpeg/libav conflict management: USE=libav 2015-02-01 Michał Górny {media-video/ffmpeg,media-video/libav} {"The support for automatic choice between ffmpeg and libav is going to be deprecated in favor of explicit choice via USE flags. This change aims to solve multiple repeating issues, including Portage undesirably wanting to replace one package with the other, lack of proper reverse dependency on ffmpeg/libav upgrades and some of the hard-to-understand upgrade failures involving blockers. It also may be used to make ffmpeg and libav co-installable in the future.","The current USE=ffmpeg will maintain its role of enabling optional support for ffmpeg or a compatible implementation (libav) in a package. However, whenever appropriate additional USE=libav will be introduced to control the preference of one implementation over the other.","Users who currently use libav need to enable USE=libav in /etc/portage/make.conf. It should be noted that users still need to enable USE=ffmpeg on packages with optional libav support as well. Users who currently use ffmpeg need to take no action.","Please also note that some packages support only one of the two implementations. An attempt to install one of those packages may result in blockers requiring the user changes the global USE=libav state.","Please do not alter the state of 'libav' flag on a per-package basis (e.g. via package.use). The flag needs to be set globally to have consistent value throughout all packages. Otherwise, blockers will prevent upgrades."} \N
+2014-06-15-gcc48_ssp GCC 4.8.3 defaults to -fstack-protector 2014-06-15 Ryan Hill {>=sys-devel/gcc-4.8.3} {"Beginning with GCC 4.8.3, Stack Smashing Protection (SSP) will be enabled by default. The 4.8 series will enable -fstack-protector while 4.9 and later enable -fstack-protector-strong.","SSP is a security feature that attempts to mitigate stack-based buffer overflows by placing a canary value on the stack after the function return pointer and checking for that value before the function returns. If a buffer overflow occurs and the canary value is overwritten, the program aborts.","There is a small performance cost to these features. They can be disabled with -fno-stack-protector.","For more information these options, refer to the GCC Manual, or the following articles.",""} \N
+2015-06-08-udev-init-scripts-changes udev-init-scripts-29 important changes 2015-06-08 William Hubbs {<=sys-fs/udev-init-scripts-29} {"In udev-init-scripts-29 and newer, the udev service script has been split into udev, udev-settle and udev-trigger.","This means the settings in /etc/conf.d/udev have also been migrated to the appropriate /etc/conf.d files, so be careful when you update your configuration settings.","udev and udev-trigger will be added to your sysinit runlevel, but not udev-settle. udev-settle should not be added to a runlevel. Instead, if a service needs this, it should add \\"need udev-settle\\" to its dependencies. "} \N
+2015-02-04-portage-sync-changes New portage plug-in sync system 2015-02-02 Brian Dolbec {sys-apps/portage} {"There is a new plug-in sync system in >=sys-apps/portage-2.2.16. This system will allow third party modules to be easily installed. Look for a new layman plug-in sync module in layman's next release. Next is a brief look at the changes. See the url [1] listed below for detailed descriptions and usage.","Changes: /etc/portage/repos.conf/* New setting for all repository types (needed): auto-sync = yes/no, true/false # default if absent: yes/true"," New for git sync-type: (applies to clone only) sync-depth = n where n = {0,1,2,3,...} (optional, default = 1) 0 -- full history 1 -- shallow clone, only current state (default) 2,3,... number of history changes to download"," New sync-type modules: sync-type = svn # sync a subversion repository sync-type = websync # Perform an emerge-webrsync operation sync-type = laymanator # (if installed) runs a layman -s action"," New native portage postsync hooks /etc/portage/postsync.d/* Runs hooks once, only after all repos have been synced. /etc/portage/repo.postsync.d/* Runs each script with three arguments: repo name, sync-uri, location Each script is run at the completion of every repo synced.","Migration: Edit /etc/portage/repos.conf/*.conf files, add the auto-sync option to each repository definition. Edit sync-type option to one of the supported types {rsync, git, cvs, svn, websync, laymanator}. [some-repo] ... sync-type = rsync auto-sync = yes"," For an existing /etc/portage/repos.conf/layman.conf file: 1) change/add the sync-type sync-type = laymanator 2) Ensure you have the correct layman version installed with it's laymanator module also installed. Alternate method: Please see the wiki page url [1] for detailed instructions.","Primary control of all sync operations has been moved from emerge to emaint. \\"emerge --sync\\" now just calls the emaint sync module with the --auto option. The --auto option performs a sync on only those repositories with the auto-sync setting not set to 'no' or 'false'. If it is absent, then it will default to yes and \\"emerge --sync\\" will sync the repository.","NOTE: As a result of the default auto-sync = True/Yes setting, commands like \\"eix-sync\\", \\"esync -l\\", \\"emerge --sync && layman -S\\" will cause many repositories to be synced multiple times in a row. Please edit your configs or scripts to adjust for the new operation.","WARNING: Due to the above default. For any repos that you EXPLICITLY do not want to be synced. You MUST set \\"auto-sync = no\\"","The 'emaint sync' module operates similar to layman. It can sync single or multiple repos. See \\"emaint --help\\" or for more details and examples see the wiki page listed below [1].","Additional help and project API documentation can be found at:"} {}
+2009-04-06-x_server-1_5 Migration to Server 1.5 2009-04-06 Remi Cardona {<x11-base/xorg-server-1.5} {"A lot of changes regarding device recognition and use by the X server have been introduced in the 1.5 update. As that version is going stable on all architectures, users should read the upgrade guide [0] before actually updating the package."} {}
+2014-11-07-udev-upgrade Upgrade to udev >= 217 or eudev >= 2.1 2014-11-07 Samuli Suominen {<sys-fs/udev-217,<sys-fs/eudev-2.1} {"sys-fs/udev-217 and sys-fs/eudev-2.1 no longer provide a userspace firmware loader. If you require firmware loading support, you must use kernel 3.7 or greater with CONFIG_FW_LOADER_USER_HELPER=n. No action is required if none of your kernel modules need firmware. See [1] for more information on the upgrade."} {}
+2012-04-24-libjpeg-turbo-by-default The default JPEG implementation 2012-04-24 Samuli Suominen {=media-libs/jpeg-8*} {"libjpeg-turbo is a derivative of libjpeg that uses MMX, SSE, SSE2, and NEON SIMD instructions to accelerate baseline JPEG compression/decompression by about 2-4x on amd64, arm and x86 platforms. It is based on libjpeg/SIMD but has numerous enhancements.","All users are recommended to migrate:","# emerge --deselect media-libs/jpeg # emerge --oneshot media-libs/libjpeg-turbo","media-libs/jpeg:0 will be left in tree as a fallback implementation."} \N
+2012-05-21-portage-config-protect-if-modified Portage config-protect-if-modified default 2012-05-21 Zac Medico {>=sys-apps/portage-} {"Beginning with sys-apps/portage-, FEATURES=config-protect-if-modified is enabled by default. This causes the CONFIG_PROTECT behavior to be skipped for files that have not been modified since they were installed.","If you would like to disable this behavior by default, then set FEATURES=\\"-config-protect-if-modified\\" in make.conf. See the make.conf(5) man page for more information about this feature."} \N
+2011-08-28-mesa-r600g Mesa r600 driver now defaults to gallium 2011-08-28 Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn {<media-libs/mesa-7.12} {"This news item is relevant to you only if you have a Radeon graphics chipset and use the free/open source driver.","The r600 driver that provides 3D acceleration for Radeon HD 2400 and later cards comes in the \\"classic\\" and \\"gallium\\" variants. The gallium driver is based on the new Gallium3D infrastructure and was chosen as the default driver for media-libs/mesa-7.11.","Existing users will not be switched automatically. To switch to the r600 gallium driver, use the following command:"," eselect mesa set r600 gallium","Gallium3D requires kernel modesetting (KMS). If your system is not yet configured for KMS, consult the X Server Configuration HOWTO for instructions prior to switching:",""} \N
+2009-09-27-qt_use_changes Qt 4.5.2 default USE flag changes 2009-09-27 Alex Alexander {<x11-libs/qt-core-4.5.2} {"Qt version 4.5.2 has significant changes in the USE flags enabled by default.","When upgrading, make sure you check and re-enable any USE flags you need.","Depending on your system and installed packages, you might hit an issue where Portage is getting confused by this USE flag change, trying to mix old 4.5.1 ebuilds with new 4.5.2 ones, resulting in blocks.","If this happens to you, please add the offending USE flags (usually 'qt3support' and 'dbus') in your USE= or switch to a desktop profile (eselect profile list). Check this post [0] for more details on this issue."} {}
+2014-03-16-ruby-1.8-removal Ruby 1.8 removal; Ruby 1.9/2.0 default 2014-03-16 Manuel Rüger {dev-lang/ruby} {"Ruby MRI 1.8 has been retired by upstream in June 2013.[1] We remove Ruby MRI 1.8 support from the tree now. In parallel Ruby MRI 2.0 support will be activated in base profile's RUBY_TARGETS variable by default in conjunction with Ruby MRI 1.9.","If your currently eselected Ruby interpreter is ruby18, our recommendation is to change it to ruby19. At the moment Ruby MRI 1.9 delivers the best possible support of all Ruby interpreters in tree.","Check the current setting via:"," eselect ruby show","Change the current setting to Ruby MRI 1.9 via:"," eselect ruby set ruby19"} {}
+2014-10-22-mythtv-schedulesdirect-change MythTV SchedulesDirect Change 2014-10-20 Richard Freeman {<media-tv/mythtv-0.27.4} {"Many MythTV users use the SchedulesDirect service as a source of program data. If you use this service you will need to take action or you will lose access to scheduling data on Nov 1st 2014. If you do not use this service, no action is required.","If you use the SchedulesDirect service, you must either upgrade to media-tv/mythtv-0.27.4, or you must follow one of the workarounds found at:","The link above also provides additional information about the change."} \N
+2009-01-04-sparc-multilib Migrating to the new sparc multilib profile 2009-01-04 Friedrich Oslage \N {"When migrating to the new sparc multilib profile please keep in mind that it is still in an experimental state. Also note that you need to follow the migration guide [0], otherwise important packages such as gcc or glibc will fail to compile and most other packages will be installed incorrectly."} {}
+2015-04-06-apache-addhandler-addtype Apache AddHandler/AddType exploit protection 2015-04-06 Sebastian Pipping {www-servers/apache} {"Apache's directives AddHandler [1] and AddType [2] can be used to map certain file name extensions (e.g. .php) to a handler (e.g. application/x-httpd-php). While a line like"," AddHandler application/x-httpd-php .php .php5 .phtml ^^^^^^^ matches index.php, it also matches index.php.png. With"," AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php5 .phtml ^^^^ index.php.png is not executed, but index.php.disabled still is."," Apache's notes on multiple file extensions [3] document a multi-language website as a context where that behavior may be helpful. Unfortunately, it can also be a security threat.","Combined with (not just PHP) applications that support file upload, the AddHandler/AddType directive can get you into remote code execution situations.","That is why >=app-eselect/eselect-php-0.7.1-r4 avoids AddHandler and is shipping"," <FilesMatch \\"\\\\.(php|php5|phtml)$\\"> SetHandler application/x-httpd-php </FilesMatch>",instead.," Why this news entry?"," * Since Apache configuration lives below /etc, you need to run etc-update (or a substitute) to actually have related fixes applied. To get them into the running instance of Apache, you need to make it reload its configuration, e.g."," sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload"," * If you are currently relying on AddHandler to execute, moving away from AddHandler could result in serving your database credentials in plain text. A command like"," find /var/www/ -name '*.php.*' \\\\ -o -name '*.php5.*' \\\\ -o -name '*.phtml.*'"," may help discovering PHP files that would no longer be executed."," Shipping automatic protection for this scenario is not trivial, but you could manually install protection based on this recipe:"," <FilesMatch \\"\\\\.(php|php5|phtml|phps)\\\\.\\"> # a) Apache 2.2 / Apache 2.4 + mod_access_compat #Order Deny,Allow #Deny from all"," # b) Apache 2.4 + mod_authz_core #Require all denied"," # c) Apache 2.x + mod_rewrite #RewriteEngine on #RewriteRule .* - [R=404,L] </FilesMatch>"," * You may be using AddHandler or AddType in other places, including off-package files. Please have a look."," * app-eselect/eselect-php is not the only package affected. There is a dedicated tracker bug at [4]. As of the moment, affected packages include:"," app-eselect/eselect-php[apache2] net-nds/gosa-core www-apache/mod_fastcgi www-apache/mod_flvx www-apache/mod_python www-apache/mod_suphp www-apps/moinmoin www-apps/rt[-lighttpd]"," Thanks to Nico Suhl, Michael Orlitzky and Marc Schiffbauer."} {,,,}
+2011-02-13-libgphoto2-2.4.10 Change on CAMERAS in libgphoto2-2.4.10 2011-02-13 Pacho Ramos {<media-libs/libgphoto2-2.4.10} {"In order to not violate package manager handling, selective cameras build logic has been modified in libgphoto2-2.4.10 to build 'ptp2' by default, nothing if CAMERAS variable is set to an empty value and only the ones specified otherwise.","See for reference."} \N
+2011-02-19-ia64-java-removal Pending Removal of Java support on IA64 2011-02-19 Petteri Räty {dev-java/java-config} {"Since the IA64 arch team does not have the resources to maintain Java support, we have agreed that ia64 keywords will be dropped from Java packages, and the java USE flag masked on IA64, unless more manpower becomes available. If you are willing to help with the maintenance, please contact If there is not enough interest, Java support will be removed during the second half of March 2011.","The removal is tracked in bug #345433."} \N
+2014-08-20-mysql_5_5_upgrade_procedures MySQL 5.5 upgrade procedures 2014-08-20 Brian Evans {<dev-db/mysql-5.5} {"MySQL 5.5 is now stable across all arches. The upgrade process will require you to rebuild everything linked to and","This may be done for you by portage with 'emerge @preserved-rebuild'.","A small number of libraries may not be automatically rebuilt against the new MySQL libraries using preserved-rebuild. If you have difficulties with packages not finding the new libraries, install app-portage/gentoolkit and run: # revdep-rebuild --library # revdep-rebuild --library","The official upgrade documentation is available here:","Please be sure to review the upgrade document for any possible actions necessary before and after the upgrade. This includes running mysql_upgrade after the upgrade completion.","Due to security flaws, MySQL 5.1 will be hard masked in 30 days after this news item is posted. It will remain masked in the tree for 3 months before removal."} \N
+2009-04-18-java-config-wrapper-0.16 Generation 1 Java Setup Deprecated 2009-04-18 Petteri Räty {>=dev-java/java-config-wrapper-0.16} {"For a long time the Java team required a 1.4 JDK to be installed in order for old java ebuilds to work. All these ebuilds are now gone from the main tree so the requirement to have a 1.4 JDK installed has been lifted.","In order to remove things left over by the generation 1 setup please run java-check-environment and follow the instructions.","If you want to remove 1.4 JDKs, you should use emerge --depclean. Depending on what you have installed you might not need a 1.4 JDK any more. To see if you still need a 1.4 JDK use:","emerge -av --depclean virtual/jdk:1.4","If you don't need virtual/jdk:1.4 any more then you can remove the individual JDKs. First get the list of installed JDKs with eselect and then remove those that are not needed any longer with depclean, for example:","eselect java-vm list emerge -av --depclean sun-jdk:1.4"} \N
+2010-03-01-mythtv-upgrade MythTV 0.22 Upgrade Database Corruption 2010-03-01 Richard Freeman {<media-tv/mythtv-0.22} {"Due to an incompatibility between MythTV 0.21 and the default Gentoo MySQL configuration, it is likely that long-time MythTV users will have databases with a mixture of locale encodings. If you upgrade to 0.22 without following these directions carefully, you could end up with a database that contains errors that are extremely difficult to fix.","Note that not all mythtv users need to modify their databases, and this should only be performed at the time of the upgrade. The guide below contains instructions that can be used to determine if this problem pertains to you.","Please see the MythTV Upgrade Guide for instructions:","","Be sure to save a database backup using mysqldump before upgrading. Also, be sure to upgrade any other clients/backends you are using to 0.22 at the same time. The upgrade instructions need to be followed once per database - individual client/backend upgrades do not require these steps.","If you do run into problems with your upgrade, there is a forum thread where you may be able to find help:"," "} \N
+2010-10-22-perl-5.12-upgrade-procedure Perl 5.12 upgrade procedure 2010-10-22 perl-team {<dev-lang/perl-5.12} {"==> Run `perl-cleaner --all` after upgrading to a new Perl version! <==","\\"Perl 5.12 is not binary compatible with prior releases of Perl. If you have built extensions (i.e. modules that include C code) using an earlier version of Perl, you will need to rebuild and reinstall those extensions.\\" [1]","In fact, in Gentoo you currently have to rebuild all Perl modules and all binaries linking libperl to get into a consistent state again.","perl-cleaner generates a list of broken packages and passes it to your package manager to reinstall them. After reinstalling the packages, perl-cleaner outputs a list of files the script could not deal with (like modules installed not via the package manager).","See `man perl-cleaner` for its options."} {}
+2010-10-27-hardened-gcc4-info Info about GCC on Hardened profiles 2010-10-27 Magnus Granberg {<sys-devel/gcc-4.4} {"GCC 4.4.4-r2 is now stable in the hardened profiles (on x86 and amd64 as of 2010-10-24, other architectures will follow later). Starting from this version, SSP support is enabled by default for the architectures it is supported on (namely x86, amd64, ppc, ppc64 and arm). Previously, GCC 4.3.4 had SSP support but it was not enabled by default.","Older GCC versions in the hardened profiles, such as the GCC 3.x series will be obsoleted, problems arising on those versions, but not applying to GCC 4.4.4-r2 will not be fixed, so please update to the new version."} \N
+2007-05-04-paludis-0.24 Changes for Paludis 0.24 2007-05-04 Piotr Jaroszyński {<sys-apps/paludis-0.30} {"As of Paludis 0.24, the use of '*' to match all packages in the Paludis configuration files 'use.conf', 'keywords.conf' and 'licenses.conf' is deprecated in favour of '*/*'. You should update your configuration files after upgrading."} \N
+2014-11-25-bash-completion-2_1-r90 bash-completion-2.1-r90 2014-11-25 Michał Górny {>=app-shells/bash-completion-2.1-r90} {"Starting with app-shells/bash-completion-2.1-r90, the framework used to enable and manage completions in Gentoo is finally changing in order to properly follow upstream design. This has some important implications for our users.","Firstly, the install location for completions changes to follow upstream default. The completions enabled before the upgrade will continue to work but you may no longer be able to enable or disable completions installed prior to the upgrade. To solve this issue, the packages installing completions need to rebuilt. The following command can be used to automatically rebuild all the relevant packages:","$ find /usr/share/bash-completion -maxdepth 1 -type f \\\\ '!' -name 'bash_completion' -exec emerge -1v {} +","Secondly, the autoloading support introduced upstream removes the penalties involved with enabling a great number of completions. This allowed us to switch to an opt-out model where all completions installed after the upgrade are enabled by default. Specific completions can be disabled using 'eselect bashcomp disable ...'","The model change implies that all current selections done using 'eselect bashcomp' can not be properly migrated and will be disregarded when the relevant completion files are built against the new bash-completion version. After rebuilding all the packages providing completion files, you may want to remove the symlinks that were used to configure the previous framework using the following command:","$ find /etc/bash_completion.d -type l -delete","Thirdly, we have solved the issue causing bash-completion support to be enabled by default on login shells only. If you needed to explicitly source 'bash_completion' script in bashrc, you can safely remove that code now since system-wide bashrc takes care of loading it.","Lastly, we would like to explain that USE=bash-completion is being removed from packages for the completions will be installed unconditionally now. However, this will result in some implicit dependencies being removed. Most specifically, users wishing to use bash-completion will have to request app-shells/bash-completion explicitly, e.g.:","$ emerge -n app-shells/bash-completion"} \N
+2015-03-28-true-multilib True multilib support on amd64 2015-03-28 Michał Górny \N {"Starting on 2015-03-29, we are enabling true multilib support on amd64 and masking the old emul-linux-x86 package sets for removal. This change provides our users with the opportunity to build 32-bit libraries from source with all the flexibility given by ebuilds and the security of using mainline ebuilds, rather than relying on pre-packaged binary versions of them.","The switch to the new system is likely to require a specific action from the users of our multilib profiles. Since the new system collides with the old one, the Package Manager must be able to clearly satisfy all the dependencies using the new system in order to proceed. This may require unmerging packages installed from third-party repositories that have not been updated to support the new system.","In order to enable building necessary 32-bit libraries, users will be required to enable the abi_x86_32 USE flag on respective packages. This can be done using /etc/portage/package.use entries alike the following:"," sys-libs/zlib abi_x86_32","In most of the cases, Portage will be able to deliver correct suggestions for that when using the --autounmask feature. However, some users may prefer setting ABI_X86 globally to enable 32-bit libraries in all packages that support building them. This can be done using the following package.use entry:"," */* abi_x86_32","In case of issues, blockers especially, users are recommended to manually uninstall any emul-linux-x86 packages that may have been installed on their systems. This will aid the Package Manager in choosing the correct dependency resolution path. If using Portage, this can be done using the following command:"," $ emerge -C 'app-emulation/emul-linux-x86*'","Note: 32-bit applications may be temporarily broken after this step. Therefore, it should be followed by a @world upgrade immediately."} \N
+2013-11-23-gnome-38 Upgrade to GNOME 3.8 2013-11-23 Pacho Ramos {<gnome-base/gnome-3.8,<gnome-base/gnome-light-3.8,<gnome-base/gnome-session-3.8,<gnome-base/gdm-3.8} {"We are pleased to announce the stabilization of GNOME 3.8. Users are strongly encouraged to read the GNOME 3.8 Upgrade Guide to avoid any possible issues relating to the upgrade. The guide will also show you how to migrate to systemd as it is the only supported setup now, suggesting you how to avoid blockers and problems trying to let you have a smoother update.","Additionally, it will inform you about important changes regarding configuration and troubleshooting.","Please read the Gnome 3.8 Upgrade Guide:"} \N
+2014-06-03-upower-loses-hibernate-suspend-to-systemd UPower loses hibernate / suspend to systemd 2014-06-03 Samuli Suominen {<sys-power/upower-0.99.0} {"UPower discontinued hibernate and suspend support in favor of systemd. Because of this, we have created a compability package at sys-power/upower-pm-utils which will give you the old UPower with sys-power/pm-utils support back. Some desktops have integrated the sys-power/pm-utils support directly to their code, like Xfce, and as a result, they work also with the new UPower as expected.","All non-systemd users are recommended to choose between:","# emerge --oneshot --noreplace 'sys-power/upower-pm-utils'",or,"# emerge --oneshot --noreplace '>=sys-power/upower-0.99.0'","However, all systemd users are recommended to stay with sys-power/upower.","A small tip for GNOME _and_ systemd users, only 3.12 and newer support 0.99, so if you see the package manager pulling in sys-power/upower-pm-utils while using old GNOME, like 2.32 or 3.10, you _can_ prevent it by adding a package.mask entry for >=sys-power/upower-0.99"} \N
+2014-10-04-restructuring_of_mips_profiles Restructuring of mips profiles 2014-10-04 Anthony G. Basile {sys-libs/glibc} {"To accomodate the new multilib approach in Gentoo, the mips profiles will be changing on Oct 11, 2014. The new profile structure will be as follows:"," [1] default/linux/mips/13.0/o32 [2] default/linux/mips/13.0/n32 [3] default/linux/mips/13.0/n64 [4] default/linux/mips/13.0/multilib/o32 [5] default/linux/mips/13.0/multilib/n32 [6] default/linux/mips/13.0/multilib/n64 [7] default/linux/mips/13.0/mipsel/o32 [8] default/linux/mips/13.0/mipsel/n32 [9] default/linux/mips/13.0/mipsel/n64 [10] default/linux/mips/13.0/mipsel/multilib/o32 [11] default/linux/mips/13.0/mipsel/multilib/n32 [12] default/linux/mips/13.0/mipsel/multilib/n64 [13] hardened/linux/musl/mips [14] hardened/linux/musl/mips/mipsel [15] default/linux/uclibc/mips [16] hardened/linux/uclibc/mips [17] default/linux/uclibc/mips/mipsel [18] hardened/linux/uclibc/mips/mipsel","There are a few points to note about the change:","1) Only the glibc profiles (1-12) are affected. The embedded system profiles (13-18) will not change.","2) The glibc profiles will now explicitly state the ABIs. In the case of non-multilib systems (1-3, 7-9) the stated ABI will be the only ABI available, while in the case of multilib systems (4-6, 10-12) the stated ABI will be the default ABI, and the others will be available by setting ABI_MIPS in make.conf.","3) Profiles 1 and 7 are strictly 32-bit userland, but can run under either a 32-bit or 64-bit kernel. They will have CHOST = mips-unknown-linux-gnu and mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu, respectively. All the other glibc profiles (2-6, 8-12) are 64-bits userland and will have CHOST = mips64-unknown-linux-gnu or mips64el-unknown-linux-gnu.","4) Only users of profiles 1 and 7 need to change their profiles sym links using `eselect profile`. However, all users should be aware of the CHOST value on their system to ensure it remains unchanged after the profile updates. "} \N
+2013-03-29-udev-upgrade Upgrading udev to version >=200 2013-03-29 Samuli Suominen {<sys-fs/udev-201} {"This replaces the earlier news item about the udev 197 upgrade and describes the predictable network interface names in more detail.","If you skip anything in this news item, your system will not be bootable, or your networking will be down, or both.","Pay attention also to every message printed by emerge of sys-fs/udev and sys-fs/udev-init-scripts as this news item may not be complete.","1. udev-postmount init script:","Remove the udev-postmount init script from your runlevels.","2. devtmpfs support:","You need at least version 2.6.32 of the kernel for devtmpfs functionality. Once you have this, make sure CONFIG_DEVTMPFS=y is set in the kernel configuration. See the gentoo udev guide for the option in make menuconfig [1].","If you have a line for /dev in /etc/fstab, make sure it is configured for file system type devtmpfs (not tmpfs or any other type). Also, you can remove this line if you prefer, since devtmpfs is mounted automatically.","3. Old interface naming rules:","If the system still has old network interface renaming rules in /etc/udev/rules.d, like 70-persistent-net.rules, those will need to be either modified or removed.","If you choose to modify them, you must use free namespace (like net* or internet*) instead of kernel namespace (like eth* or wlan*) because in-place renaming has been deprecated, see small documentation of it if you like[2].","The file 70-persistent-net.rules, like the 70-persistent-cd.rules should be removed, so if you modify, rename the file also to something else like 70-my-network.rules to silence the deprecation warning coming from the end of the sys-fs/udev emerge.","This is the old format with reserved namespace:","SUBSYSTEM==\\"net\\", ACTION==\\"add\\", ATTR{address}==\\"xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx\\", NAME=\\"eth0\\" SUBSYSTEM==\\"net\\", ACTION==\\"add\\", ATTR{address}==\\"yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy\\", NAME=\\"eth1\\"","This is the new format with free namespace:","SUBSYSTEM==\\"net\\", ACTION==\\"add\\", ATTR{address}==\\"xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx\\", NAME=\\"net0\\" SUBSYSTEM==\\"net\\", ACTION==\\"add\\", ATTR{address}==\\"yy:yy:yy:yy:yy:yy\\", NAME=\\"net1\\"","4. predictable network interface names:","If /etc/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules is an empty file or a symlink to /dev/null, the new names will be disabled and the kernel will do all the interface naming, and the resulting names may vary by kernel configuration, hardware configuration and kernel version.","Also, the forementioned old 70-persistent-net.rules might interfere with the new predictable interface names.","You can get attributes of your network interfaces using a command like the following (replace eth0 with the name of the appropriate interface):","# udevadm test-builtin net_id /sys/class/net/eth0 2> /dev/null","You can copy /lib/udev/rules.d/80-net-name-slot.rules to /etc/udev/rules.d and specify the attributes and in which order they will be used for naming. See upstream wiki[3] for detailed list of options.","You can prepare the system for the new names before booting for example by renaming /etc/init.d/net.* symlinks, editing /etc/conf.d/net, etc.","The feature can also be completely disabled using net.ifnames=0 on the kernel command line.","If you only have one interface card, you don't necessarily have much use for this feature as the name almost always stays at eth0, you can easily disable it using forementioned methods.","This feature can also replace the functionality of sys-apps/biosdevname, but you can still keep using it if you want.","In a normal new installation there are no files in /etc/udev/rules.d and if you haven't edited any files you have in there, you should most likely backup and delete them all if they don't belong to any packages.","The official wiki has a dedicated page for udev upgrade notes[4]."} {,,,}
+2014-02-25-udev-upgrade Upgrade to >=sys-fs/udev-210 2014-02-25 Samuli Suominen {<sys-fs/udev-210} {"The options CONFIG_FHANDLE and CONFIG_NET are now required in the kernel. You will be warned of them if they are missing while you upgrade to >=sys-fs/udev-210 by the package manager. See the package's README at /usr/share/doc/udev-210/ for more optional kernel options.","The most reliable way of disabling the new network interface scheme is still the kernel parameter \\"net.ifnames=0\\" since overriding the 80-net-name-slot.rules in /etc/udev/rules.d/ no longer works since upstream renamed the file to /lib/udev/rules.d/80-net-setup-link.rules The actual configuration is at /lib/systemd/network/, which you can override in /etc/systemd/network/ So, to clarify, you can override the new .rules file or the .link file in /etc but using the kernel parameter is the most consistent way.","Since both the systemd-udevd executable and the network configuration is stored at /lib/systemd, using a too wide INSTALL_MASK would be a mistake."} {,}
+2013-02-10-new-13-profiles New 13.0 profiles and deprecation of 10.0 profiles 2013-02-10 Andreas K. Huettel \N {"We have generated a new set of profiles for Gentoo installation. These are now called 13.0 instead of 10.0. Everyone should upgrade as soon as possible (but please make sure sys-apps/portage is updated to current stable *before* you switch profile). This brings (nearly) no user-visible changes. Some new files have been added to the profile directories that make it possible for the developers to do more fine-grained use flag masking (see PMS-5 for the details), and this formally requires a new profile tree with EAPI=5."} \N
+2015-07-28-mysql-packaging-changes MySQL packaging changes 2015-07-28 Brian Evans {virtual/mysql} {"The upcoming versions of MySQL packages will see a change with the introduction of a new virtual, libmysqlclient and USE flag adjustments.","The existing virtual/mysql will represent the server (mysqld) and tools (mysqldump, mysql, mysqladmin, etc) while virtual/libmysqlclient will represent the mysql client shared and static libraries, e.g.","Ebuilds that only link the libraries may not pull in the server packages with this change in the future. Because of this, you may have to add a virtual/mysql or one of the providers; i.e. dev-db/mysql, dev-db/mariadb, or dev-db/percona-server; to your world file if you require a server to be installed locally. This will be phased in slowly as other packages are updated.","As for the server packages themselves, the \\"minimal\\" USE is being replaced. The new USE flags are client-libs, server, and tools. The server and tools flags are on by default to signify the primary purpose of those builds.","The primary provider for libraries will be a new package dev-db/mysql-connector-c. Thorough testing did not turn up any issues, but packagers are permitted to block any provider of virtual/libmysqlclient that does not work correctly. Enabling the client-libs USE on a server package may be the necessary solution for the rare case of portage reporting a block on an incompatible provider."} \N
+2010-02-21-mysql-upgrade MySQL 5.1 unmasking and upgrade procedures 2010-02-21 Robin H. Johnson {<dev-db/mysql-5.1} {"The 5.1 series of MySQL is going to be unmasked at the same time as the release of this news item. When upgrading from an older major version (including 5.0), you will be required to rebuild everything linked to the and","You can do this by installing app-portage/gentoolkit and running: # revdep-rebuild --library # revdep-rebuild --library","If you use the Portage 2.2 series, you may also use: # emerge @preserved-rebuild","The official upgrade documentation is available here:","Note that existing databases may need converting as well, again including those upgrading from 5.0 to 5.1. Details are in the update documentation."} \N
+2009-10-08-gnome-226 Upgrade to GNOME 2.26 2009-10-08 Mart Raudsepp {<gnome-base/gnome-2.26.0,<gnome-base/gnome-light-2.26.0,<gnome-base/gnome-session-2.26.2,<gnome-base/gnome-menus-2.26.2} {"We are pleased to announce the stabilization of GNOME-2.26. Users are strongly encouraged to read the GNOME 2.26 Upgrade Guide, to avoid any possible issues relating to the upgrade, such as Applications menu items disappearing, or nautilus constantly restarting when it is configured to not handle the desktop.","Please read the Gnome 2.26 Upgrade Guide:"} \N
+2013-11-07-python-exec-package-move python-exec package move 2013-11-07 Michał Górny {dev-python/python-exec} {"Due to the recent issues which caused dev-python/python-exec:0 to be removed prematurely [1], we had to perform an urgent package move. Since we could not use the automatic updates support in portage, users will notice two python-exec packages and possibly blockers.","Currently, dev-lang/python-exec is the real package that contains python-exec and that will be used in the future. dev-python/python-exec is a virtual package that is kept for compatibility with dependencies in already-installed packages.","In the most favorable scenario, the package will be upgraded correctly on your next world update if you use the '--deep' (-D) and '--update' (-u) options. If you don't want to perform a complete world update or if it fails for you, you may as well manually upgrade dev-python/python-exec:"," emerge -1 dev-python/python-exec","This will cause portage to update both python-exec packages and resolve the blockers properly.","Please note that if you have applied any kind of package-specific modifications to dev-python/python-exec (such as applying keywords through 'package.accept_keywords'), you will need to copy them to dev-lang/python-exec as well.","If you have applied keywords to dev-python/python-exec in order to unmask Python 3.3 on a stable system, please consider removing the keywords and reading our wiki page that explains how to properly unmask USE flags [2].","We apologize for all the inconveniences. If you have any more issues with python-exec, please do not hesitate to contact as at #gentoo-python IRC channel (@freenode) or the mailing list.","[1]: [2]:"} \N
+2010-03-25-python-3.1 Python 3.1 2010-03-25 Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis {=dev-lang/python-3.1*} {"Python 3 is a new major version of Python and is intentionally incompatible with Python 2. Many external modules have not been ported yet to Python 3, so Python 2 still needs to be installed. You can benefit from having Python 3 installed without setting Python 3.1 as main active version of Python. Currently you should not set Python 3.1 as main active version of Python. When setting it becomes recommended, a separate news item will be created to notify users.","Although Python 3.1 should not be set as main active version of Python, you should run python-updater after installation of Python 3.1. By default, modules that support both Python 2 and Python 3 are installed for both the active version of Python 2 and the active version of Python 3 when both Python 2 and Python 3 are installed.","It is recommended to use a UTF-8 locale to avoid potential problems. Especially C and POSIX locales are discouraged. If locale has not been explicitly set, then POSIX locale is used, so you should ensure that locale has been set. Problems occurring only with non-UTF-8 locales should be reported directly to upstream developers of given packages. See for more information about UTF-8."} \N
+2009-07-12-xorg-74-alpha xorg-x11-7.4 and xorg-server-1.5 kernel support 2009-07-12 Tobias Klausmann {x11-base/xorg-server} {"Recent versions of xorg's X11 require kernel support to access PCI and AGP graphic cards. This support has only recently been added to the Linux kernel (sys-kernel/vanilla-sources-2.6.30 and sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-2.6.29-r5). Thus, you will need to run a recent enough kernel to use recent versions of X11 on an alpha. If you only start programs on your alpha, but the display is on another machine, no upgrade is necessary.","Furthermore, not all graphics card drivers have been updated to work with the newer X server API. One example is the glint driver used for Permedia cards. The upstream developers have been informed about this, but no fixes are available yet, please see","For a general guide to upgrading to Xorg 1.5, see the Gentoo upgrade guide:"} \N
+2015-04-16-ffmpeg-default FFmpeg default 2015-04-16 Ben de Groot {media-video/ffmpeg,media-video/libav} {"Since the choice between ffmpeg and libav has been made more explicit, there has been a lot of discussion about what the default implementation should be. It can be concluded that media-video/ffmpeg has wider support, and would be somewhat more convenient for most end-users.","For this reason the default implementation has been switched back from media-video/libav to media-video/ffmpeg by removing the libav useflag from the base profile.","If the libav useflag is already globally enabled or disabled in /etc/portage/make.conf, then no further action is required.","Users who implicitly relied on libav being enabled in their profile, and who wish to continue using libav, should enable USE=libav in their /etc/portage/make.conf file."} \N
+2015-08-11-nepomuk-removal Nepomuk removal 2015-08-11 Johannes Huber {dev-db/virtuoso-server} {"With KDE SC 4.13.0 release the default semantic desktop search engine switched from Nepomuk to Baloo.[1] This change was honoured in Gentoo by changing the semantic-desktop use flag to cover the new engine and moving the old to nepomuk use flag.","The underlaying storage backend for Nepomuk aka Virtuoso DB has a lot of unsolved upstream issues[2], therefore we will remove it. This means packages with build options on the old stack will drop them. Other packages which hard requiring it will be removed.","If you are still using Nepomuk you can switch to Baloo by globally enable semantic-desktop and disabling nepomuk use flag in /etc/portage/make.conf or using one of the kde desktop profiles."} {,}
+2011-11-27-gnome3-unmask Unmasking of and Upgrade to GNOME 3.2 2011-11-26 Nirbheek Chauhan {<gnome-base/gnome-session-3.2} {"We are pleased to announce the addition to tree and unmasking of GNOME-3.2. Users are strongly encouraged to read the GNOME 3.2 Guide. GNOME 3 has a massively changed interface and requires working 3D drivers for use, however there is a fallback mode which is very similar to GNOME 2 and does not require 3D acceleration.","Please read the Gnome 3.2 Guide:"} \N
+2013-06-30-cups16 Printer browsing in net-print/cups-1.6 2013-06-30 Andreas K. Huettel {<=net-print/cups-1.6.2-r5} {"net-print/cups-1.6 no longer supports automatic remote printers or implicit classes via the CUPS, LDAP, or SLP protocols, i.e. \\"network browsing\\".","The browsing functionality can be restored by running cups-browsed from net-print/cups-filters as a separate daemon (just add its init script to your default runlevel). By default cups-browsed uses the net-print/cups-1.5 browse protocol, but it can also utilize zeroconf (if the zeroconf use flag is set). See /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf for configuration.","Of course, directly specifying the location of your printers in the cups interface works as well."} \N
+2014-07-17-dhcpcd_6.4.2_changes_defaults_for_ipv6 dhcpcd >= 6.4.2 changes defaults for IPv6 2014-07-17 William Hubbs {<=net-misc/dhcpcd-6.4.2} {"dhcpcd-6.4.2 and newer supports IPv6 stable private addresses when using IPv6 stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC) as described in RFC-7217 [1]. The configuration file shipped with dhcpcd activates this feature by default, because it means that a machine cannot be tracked across multiple networks since its address will no longer be based on the hardware address of the interface.","I received a report in testing that IPv6 connectivity was lost due to this change [2]. If you are concerned about losing IPv6 connectivity, temporarily comment out the line in dhcpcd.conf that says \\"slaac private\\" until you can adjust to the new configuration.","See the references below for why the upstream default is to use stable private instead of hardware-based addresses."} {,,,}
+2010-05-02-gnome-228 Upgrade to GNOME 2.28 2010-04-23 Pacho Ramos {<gnome-base/gnome-2.28.2,<gnome-base/gnome-light-2.28.1,<gnome-base/gnome-session-2.28.0,<gnome-base/gnome-menus-} {"We are pleased to announce the stabilization of GNOME-2.28. Users are strongly encouraged to read the GNOME 2.28 Upgrade Guide, to avoid any possible issues relating to the upgrade, such as Applications menu items disappearing, missing icons, or mouse interaction problems.","Please read the Gnome 2.28 Upgrade Guide:"} \N
+2009-04-06-tetex Migration from teTeX to TeXLive 2009-04-06 Christian Faulhammer {app-text/tetex} {"teTeX is obsolete and has been unsupported upstream since May of 2006. All users who still have teTeX installed should uninstall it and install TeXLive using the upgrade guide accessible at the following URL:"} \N
+2014-10-26-gcc_4_7_introduced_new_c++11_abi GCC 4.7 Introduced the New C++11 ABI 2014-10-26 Anthony G. Basile {>=sys-devel/gcc-4.7.0} {"GCC 4.7 introduced the new experimental 2011 ISO C++ standard [1], along with its GNU variant. This new standard is not the default in gcc-4.7, 4.8 or 4.9, the default is still gnu++98, but it can be enabled by passing -std=c++11 or -std=gnu++11 to CXXFLAGS.","Users that wish to try C++11 should exercise caution because it is not ABI-compatible with C++98. Nor is C++11 code compiled with gcc-4.7 guaranteed to be ABI-compatible with C++11 compiled with 4.8, or vice versa [2]. Thus linking C++98 and C++11, or C++11 compiled with different versions of gcc, is likely to cause breakage. For packages which are self-contained or do not link against any libraries written in C++, there is no problem. However, switching to C++11 and then building packages which link against any of the numerous libraries in an incompatible ABI can lead to a broken system.","This is a precautionary news item and the typical user need not do anything. However, as C++11 gains in popularity and the number of packages using it increases, it is important that users understand these issues [3].","For an ABI compliance checker, and more information about C++ ABIs, see [4]. ",Ref.,"[1]","[2] Upstream GCC does not support ABI-compatibility between gcc-4.x and 4.y for any x != y . See Even having different versions of gcc installed simultaneously may lead to problems, especially if the older version of gcc is active. An example is ","[3] Note that some packages like www-client/chromium and net-libs/webkit-gtk are already using C++11 features."} {}
+2015-02-02-nfs-service-changes nfs service changes 2015-02-02 William Hubbs {<=net-fs/nfs-utils-1.3.1-r1} {"The upgrade to nfs-utils-1.3.1-r1 includes significant service changes both for OpenRC and systemd users.","OpenRC users:","The OpenRC service which handled mounting nfs file systems has been changed to only start the nfs client daemons and renamed to nfsclient. Because of this change, if you use OpenRC and mount nfs file systems, you need to perform the following steps:","Add nfsclient to the runlevel nfsmount was in before. For example, if nfsmount was in the default runlevel, run this command:","rc-update add nfsclient default","If you use a permanent network connection to the server, make sure netmount is in the same runlevel as nfsclient. If not, it is recommended that net-fs/autofs be set up to handle your network mounts.","Systemd users:","The nfs systemd units have been renamed. If you are exporting nfs mounts, you should enable the rpcbind and nfs-server services. If you are mounting nfs mounts systemd should automatically detect this and start the nfs-client service.","More Information:","The following wiki page has more information about nfs file systems:",} \N
+2013-10-14-grub2-migration GRUB2 migration 2013-10-14 Mike Gilbert {<sys-boot/grub-1} {"A newer version of GRUB (sys-boot/grub) is now stable. There are now two available slots:","sys-boot/grub:0 - Known as \\"GRUB Legacy\\" sys-boot/grub:2 - Known as \\"GRUB2\\"","GRUB2 uses a different configuration format, and requires a manual migration before your system will actually use it. A guide [1] is available on the website, and the Gentoo wiki [2][3] has additional information.","If you would prefer not to migrate at this time, you do not need to take any action: GRUB Legacy will remain functional in /boot. To prevent any associated files (documentation) from being removed, add sys-boot/grub:0 to your world file. For example:","emerge --noreplace sys-boot/grub:0",References:} {,,}
+2010-01-31-eselect-opengl Removal of 2010-01-31 Tomáš Chvátal {<app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.1.1-r2} {"Eselect-opengl package now strips the file. This file was broken and thus we proceeded with its removal. It brings slight inconvenience on you fellow users. After emerging the new version =app-admin/eselect-opengl-1.1.1-r2 please emerge one more package dev-util/lafilefixer and use it for fixing all various compilation issues by running as root: # lafilefixer --justfixit Note that not-running this command will bring you compilation issues so you should really pay attention to this message and act upon it."} \N
+2011-10-15-libpng15 Upgrade to libpng15 2011-10-15 Samuli Suominen {<media-libs/libpng-1.5} {"After upgrading from libpng14 to libpng15 it's important that you rebuild cairo and gdk-pixbuf as soon as possible if they are installed.","Then you can proceed with rebuilding the rest of the software against the new library:","# revdep-rebuild --library -- --keep-going","Note: It might be necessary to run the previous command more than once.","If you find packages not building with the message \\"ld: cannot find -lpng14\\", they are likely caused by broken libtool archives (.la) in your system.","You can identify those files with following one-liner:","# find /usr/ -name '*.la' -exec grep png14 {} +","Once you have identified the broken files, you can either delete them, edit them in place and replace png14 with png15, or re-emerge the packages they belong to.","More information and help is available at the following forum post:",} \N
+2013-02-10-new-13-profiles-server New 13.0 profiles and deprecation of 10.0 profiles 2013-02-10 Andreas K. Huettel \N {"We have generated a new set of profiles for Gentoo installation. These are now called 13.0 instead of 10.0. Everyone should upgrade as soon as possible (but please make sure sys-apps/portage is updated to current stable *before* you switch profile). This brings (nearly) no user-visible changes. Some new files have been added to the profile directories that make it possible for the developers to do more fine-grained use flag masking (see PMS-5 for the details), and this formally requires a new profile tree with EAPI=5. In the course of this change, the \\"server\\" profiles will be removed; they do not exist in the 13.0 tree anymore. You should migrate to the corresponding parent profile. This may change the default value of some use-flags. The specific setting in \\"server\\" was USE=\\"-perl -python snmp truetype xml\\" You may want to check the setting of these flags after switching profile, but otherwise nothing changes."} \N
+2014-10-22-upgrading-to-musl-1_1_5 Upgrading to musl 1.1.5 2014-10-22 Anthony G. Basile {sys-libs/musl} {"Versions 1.1.4 and above of musl provide Native Language Support (nls). Up till now, Gentoo musl stages have used GNU gettext to provide nls via and linked applications against it. Beginning with musl-1.1.5 we are switching to nls provided by musl. Since musl is experimental, you are better off starting with a new stage3 dated later than 2014-10-20. However, if you wish to upgrade an existing system, you can proceed as follows:","1. Remove any references to -lintl from /etc/portage/package.env and /etc/portage/env/*. If you did not modify these from the original stage3 then you can just do `rm -rf /etc/portage/package.env /etc/portage/env`","2. Update your system, except for musl:"," emerge --exclude musl -uvNDq world","3. Remove the libintl header belonging to gettext:"," rm -f /usr/include/libintl.h","4. Now you can update musl without a file collision:"," emerge -1q =sys-libs/musl-1.1.5","5. We need to turn USE=nls off in gettext:"," echo \\"=sys-devel/gettext-0.19.3\\" >> /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords echo \\"sys-devel/gettext -nls\\" >> /etc/portage/package.use emerge -1 gettext","6. Rebuild any packages that might be linking against"," USE=-nls emerge -uvDNq world","7. The previous step probably missed some executables, so find them all:"," for i in /bin/* /sbin/ /usr/bin/* /usr/sbin/* ; do readelf -d $i 2>&1 | grep -q && echo $i done","You can identify what packages these belong to uing `equery b <exe>` Rebuild those packages.","8. At this point you can remove /usr/lib/*. To be safe, check that all your coreutils utilities (like mv, cp, ls, etc.) really aren't linking against as described in the previous step and then mv that library out of the dynamic linker's search path.","9. While not strictly necessary, you can rebuild your entire system to make sure everything links nicely against the new emerge -evq world "} \N
+2014-03-12-profile-eapi-5 Profile EAPI 5 requirement 2014-03-02 Zero_Chaos {<sys-apps/portage-2.2.0_alpha130} {"The Gentoo Council has decided that the entire profile tree will be updated to require EAPI=5 support.",,"For all non-deprecated profiles this requirement has already been in place for over one year. If you have updated your system at any point during 2013, and followed the instructions in the profile deprecation warnings (which cannot really easily be overlooked), and are running an up-to-date portage version, there is absolutely nothing that you need to do now.","If you are running an installation that has not been updated for more than a year, the portage tree you have just updated to may be incompatible with your portage version, and the profile you are using may be gone.","It is still possible to upgrade, following these simple steps:","1.) Do not panic. 2.) Download a portage snapshot from 3.) Unpack the snapshot to ~/tmp 4.) If you are not already, become root 5.) # rsync --recursive --links --safe-links --perms --times --force \\\\ --whole-file --delete --stats --human-readable \\\\ --exclude=/distfiles --exclude=/local --exclude=/packages \\\\ --verbose --progress --omit-dir-times /tmp/portage /usr/portage 6.) # chown portage.portage -R /usr/portage 6.) If needed, set your profile to a modern one (typically named 13.0) 7.) # eselect profile list 8.) # eselect profile set <desired profile> 9.) emerge --update --oneshot portage","Now that you have a modern copy of portage, you can go back to updating your system as usual. Please update your system at LEAST twice a year to avoid issues like this in the future.","Thanks for flying Gentoo."} \N
+2015-05-01-shorewall-changes shorewall is now a single package 2015-05-01 Ian Delaney {net-firewall/shorewall-core,net-firewall/shorewall6,net-firewall/shorewall-lite,net-firewall/shorewall6-lite,net-firewall/shorewall-init} {"Starting with net-firewall/shorewall-4.6 we have re-integrated"," - net-firewall/shorewall-core - net-firewall/shorewall6 - net-firewall/shorewall-lite - net-firewall/shorewall6-lite - net-firewall/shorewall-init","into a new all-in-one net-firewall/shorewall ebuild (see bug 522278).","The new all-in-one ebuild makes maintenance a lot more easier because the package is proxy-maintained and finding someone who is willing to help you bumping 6 packages each time you provide an update was not easy in the past.","Because net-firewall/shorewall{-core,6,-lite,6-lite,init} is now integrated in net-firewall/shorewall, we have to hard mask these old ebuilds in the new monolithic ebuild to prevent file collisions.","Due to this block we cannot migrate to the new version without user interaction. Please remove the previous split ebuilds from your system if you want to upgrade:"," $ emerge --ask --unmerge 'net-firewall/shorewall-*' \\\\ 'net-firewall/shorewall6*'"," Please note: Since the second shorewall-4.6 ebuild is now stabilized and shorewall-4.5 is not compatible with the perl-5.20 (see bug 524558) we will start the removal process for shorewall-4.5 ebuilds within the next 30 days."} \N
+2010-03-23-new-subprofiles New desktop subprofiles for GNOME and KDE 2010-03-23 Theo Chatzimichos \N {"There are two new subprofiles under desktop, one for GNOME and one for KDE. Users that have only one of those two DEs may choose the according subprofile. Users of other DEs or WMs may stick to the desktop profile.","Attention: KDE or GNOME specific USE flags have been stripped from the desktop profile. More specifically: GNOME subprofile contains: USE=\\"eds evo gnome gstreamer\\" KDE subprofile contains: USE=\\"kde\\"","(I'll commit the change on Friday, 26 Mar 2010)"} \N
+2011-05-01-baselayout-update Baselayout update 2011-05-01 Christian Faulhammer {<sys-apps/baselayout-2} {"The baselayout package provides files which all systems must have in order to function properly. You are currently using version 1.x, which has several issues. The most significant of these is that the included init scripts are written entirely in bash, which makes them slow and not very flexible.","On 2011/05/08, you will see an update for sys-apps/baselayout to 2.x and a new package, sys-apps/openrc. It is recommended that you perform this update as soon as possible.","Please note, after these packages are emerged, it is __Absolutely_Critical__ that you immediately update your configuration files with dispatch-conf, etc-update or a similar tool then follow the steps in the migration guide located at the following URL.","FAILURE TO FOLLOW ALL OF THESE STEPS WILL RESULT IN AN UNBOOTABLE SYSTEM! IF THIS SHOULD HAPPEN, YOU WILL NEED TO BOOT FROM A LIVE CD OR DVD, MOUNT YOUR ROOT FILE SYSTEM, CHROOT INTO THAT ENVIRONMENT AND FOLLOW THE ABOVE STEPS!"} \N
+2013-08-23-emerge-language Language of messages in emerge logs and output 2013-08-23 Andreas K. Huettel \N {"As of today, messages and logs of emerge do not use the system locale anymore but default to English. The intention behind this is to ease the work of bug wranglers and package maintainers, who may have a hard time reading build logs in foreign languages. This change only affects the language of messages in emerge output, nothing else.","If you really want to have e.g. localized compiler error messages in your builds, set LC_MESSAGES in your /etc/portage/make.conf. Note that submitting localized build logs to the Gentoo Bugzilla is discouraged. If maintainers are unable to translate the necessary information from the build log, your bug may be closed as NEEDINFO and you may be asked to re-open it submitting an English build log [1] before any further action can be taken.","For more details with respect to localization, see","[1] LC_MESSAGES=C emerge ..."} \N
+2012-07-23-upgrading-postfix Upgrading to postfix-2.9 2012-07-23 Eray Aslan {<mail-mta/postfix-2.9} {"Daemons for >=mail-mta/postfix-2.9 are installed under /usr/libexec/postfix. Please do not forget to adjust your by running etc-update/dispatch-conf or similar and accepting the new daemon_directory setting. Otherwise, postfix will not be able to find the binaries it is looking for."} \N
+2015-08-13-openssh-weak-keys OpenSSH 7.0 disables ssh-dss keys by default 2015-08-13 Mike Frysinger {net-misc/openssh} {"Starting with the 7.0 release of OpenSSH, support for ssh-dss keys has been disabled by default at runtime due to their inherit weakness. If you rely on these key types, you will have to take corrective action or risk being locked out.","Your best option is to generate new keys using strong algos such as rsa or ecdsa or ed25519. RSA keys will give you the greatest portability with other clients/servers while ed25519 will get you the best security with OpenSSH (but requires recent versions of client & server).","If you are stuck with DSA keys, you can re-enable support locally by updating your sshd_config and ~/.ssh/config files with lines like so: PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-dss","Be aware though that eventually OpenSSH will drop support for DSA keys entirely, so this is only a stop gap solution.","More details can be found on OpenSSH's website:"} \N
+2015-08-26-ruby-19-removal Ruby 1.9 removal; Ruby 2.0/2.1 default 2015-08-26 Manuel Rüger {dev-lang/ruby} {"Ruby MRI 1.9 has been retired by upstream in February 2015.[1] We remove Ruby MRI 1.9 support from the tree now. In parallel Ruby MRI 2.1 support will be activated in base profile's RUBY_TARGETS variable by default in conjunction with Ruby MRI 2.0.","If your currently eselected Ruby interpreter is ruby19, our recommendation is to change it to ruby20. At the moment Ruby MRI 2.0 delivers the best possible support of all Ruby interpreters in tree.","Check the current setting via:"," eselect ruby show","Change the current setting to Ruby MRI 2.0 via:"," eselect ruby set ruby20"} {}
+2015-09-09-libvirt-init-script-changes libvirt-1.2.19 init script changes 2015-09-09 Doug Goldstein {<app-emulation/libvirt-1.2.19} {"OpenRC Users:","In libvirt-1.2.19 and newer, the libvirtd init script has been split into libvirtd and libvirt-guests.","The purpose of this change is to separate the management of the libvirtd daemon from the libvirt domains/guests. This means that a number of settings from /etc/conf.d/libvirtd have been moved to /etc/conf.d/libvirt-guests. These settings have not been auto-migrated and you are advised to review /etc/conf.d/libvirt-guests to ensure the behaviors are as you expect.","You must add libvirt-guests to the same runlevel where you run libvirtd currently. Otherwise your domains/guests will not be gracefully shutdown and could result in data loss. To do this run the following commands: $ rc-update add libvirt-guests $ service libvirt-guests start"} \N
+2013-06-01-mysql-pbxt-dropped PBXT now unsupported in MySQL/MariaDB 2013-06-01 Robin H. Johnson {dev-db/mysql,dev-db/mysql-cluster,dev-db/mariadb,dev-db/mariadb-galera,dev-db/percona-server,dev-db/google-mysql} {"The PBXT/PrimeBase engine is unsupported upstream in MySQL & MariaDB for some time now [1]. It is no longer built in the upstream MariaDB 5.5 binaries[2][3] and if it is enabled in a source build, it fails many tests [4].","In light of this, the MySQL team has decided to mask it in profiles/base/package.use.mask for all relevant packages. >=dev-db/mysql-5.5 pbxt >=dev-db/mariadb-5.5 pbxt >=dev-db/mysql-cluster-5.5 pbxt # overlay >=dev-db/mariadb-galera-5.5 pbxt # overlay >=dev-db/percona-server-5.5 pbxt # overlay >=dev-db/google-mysql-5.5 pbxt # overlay","All users who have data stored in PBXT-backed tables MUST convert the tables to another format BEFORE upgrading to MySQL/MariaDB 5.5, as the tables will become inaccessible otherwise.","We will continue to allow it to be built in the 5.0/5.1 series, to make the above data migration easy, but we strongly encourage all users to move their data out of the PBXT engine.","If you need to check for PBXT tables easily, look in your MySQL/MariaDB datadir for any files with a .xt extension.","1. 2. 3. 4."} \N
+2015-10-07-openrc-0-18-localmount-and-netmount-changes OpenRC-0.18 localmount and netmount changes 2015-10-07 William Hubbs {<=sys-apps/openrc-0.18} {"The behaviour of localmount and netmount is changing on Linux systems. In the past, these services always started successfully. However, now they will fail if a file system they attempt to mount cannot be mounted.","If you have file systems listed in fstab which should not be mounted at boot time, make sure to add noauto to the mount options. If you have file systems that you want to attempt to mount at boot time but failure should be allowed, add nofail to the mount options for these file systems in fstab."} \N
+2015-10-22-gcc-5-new-c++11-abi GCC 5 Defaults to the New C++11 ABI 2015-10-22 Mike Frysinger {>=sys-devel/gcc-5} {"GCC 5 uses the new C++ ABI by default. When building new code, you might run into link time errors that include lines similar to: ...: undefined reference to '_ZNSt6chrono12steady_clock3nowEv@GLIBCXX_3.4.17'","Or you might see linkage failures with \\"std::__cxx11::string\\" in the output.","These are signs that you need to rebuild packages using the new C++ ABI. You can quickly do so by using revdep-rebuild (from gentoolkit) like so: # revdep-rebuild --library 'libstdc\\\\+\\\\+\\\\.so\\\\.6' -- --exclude gcc","For more details, feel free to peruse:"} \N
+2015-10-21-future-support-of-hardened-sources-kernel Future Support of hardened-sources Kernel 2015-10-21 Anthony G. Basile {sys-kernel/hardened-sources} {"For many years, the Grsecurity team [1] has been supporting two versions of their security patches against the Linux kernel, a stable and a testing version, and Gentoo has made both of these available to our users through the hardened-sources package. However, on August 26 of this year, the team announced they would no longer be making the stable version publicly available, citing trademark infringement by a major embedded systems company as the reason. [2] The stable patches are now only available to sponsors of Grsecurity and can no longer be distributed in Gentoo. However, the team did assure us that they would continue to release and support the testing version as they have in the past.","What does this means for users of hardened-sources? Gentoo will continue to make the testing version available through our hardened-sources package but we will have to drop support for the 3.x series. In a few days, those ebuilds will be removed from the tree and you will be required to upgrade to a 4.x series kernel. Since the hardened-sources package only installs the kernel source tree, you can continue using a currently built 3.x series kernel but bear in mind that we cannot support you, nor will upstream. Also keep in mind that the 4.x series will not be as reliable as the 3.x series was, so reporting bugs promptly will be even more important. Gentoo will continue to work closely with upstream to stay on top of any problems, but be prepared for the occasional \\"bad\\" kernel. The more reporting we receive from our users, the better we will be able to decide which hardened-sources kernels to mark stable and which to drop.","Refs. [1] [2]"} \N
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/package_bugs.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/package_bugs.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/package_bugs.dat
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/package_changelogs.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/package_changelogs.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78ff90a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/package_changelogs.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+45991 2015-11-13 1 Agostino Sarubbo ppc64 stable wrt bug #542472 17
+60329 2015-11-13 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 20151112. 17
+42298 2015-11-14 1 Pacho Ramos Drop old 17
+42298 2015-11-14 2 Pacho Ramos Version bump 17
+53663 2015-11-15 1 Pacho Ramos Drop old 17
+59110 2015-11-14 1 Ian Delaney revise and correct patches 17
+59305 2015-11-14 1 Pacho Ramos Drop old 17
+59305 2015-11-14 2 Pacho Ramos Version bump 17
+59305 2015-11-16 1 Agostino Sarubbo ia64 stable wrt bug #565086 17
+59840 2015-11-16 1 Agostino Sarubbo ia64 stable wrt bug #565086 17
+53663 2015-11-17 1 Pacho Ramos Drop all .la files 17
+53663 2015-11-17 2 Pacho Ramos Version bump 17
+54144 2015-11-19 1 Robin H. Johnson Cleanup old versions. 17
+54144 2015-11-19 2 Lars Wendler Removed vulnerable versions (bug #562884). 17
+54369 2015-11-20 1 Mike Frysinger add arm64 love 17
+56473 2015-11-19 1 Robin H. Johnson bump. 17
+56493 2015-11-19 1 Robin H. Johnson bump. 17
+63197 2015-11-20 1 Robin H. Johnson Bump. Upstream now has release tags. 17
+45700 2015-11-22 1 Markus Meier add ~arm, bug #549968 17
+46436 2015-11-23 1 Eray Aslan version bump to mit-krb5-1.14 17
+46436 2015-11-23 2 Eray Aslan remove vulnerable versions 17
+50014 2015-11-21 1 Sebastian Pipping 1.9.13 17
+51288 2015-11-21 1 Markus Meier arm stable, bug #463018 17
+59680 2015-11-21 1 Markus Meier arm stable, bug #463018 17
+62840 2015-11-21 1 Markus Meier arm stable, bug #463018 17
+62841 2015-11-21 1 Markus Meier arm stable, bug #463018 17
+47193 2015-11-23 1 Robin H. Johnson Make the interactive help work again; requires uncompressed help*txt files installed in datadir 17
+57907 2015-11-24 1 Lars Wendler Bump to version 3.6.1 17
+42953 2015-11-24 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 0.5.2 17
+43080 2015-11-25 1 Agostino Sarubbo amd64 stable wrt bug #566610 17
+54802 2015-11-24 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 4.0.2 17
+61515 2015-11-25 1 Marc Schiffbauer bump version 17
+62106 2015-11-24 1 Justin Lecher Version Bump 17
+63418 2015-11-25 1 Nicolas Bock Version bump 17
+42056 2015-11-26 1 Agostino Sarubbo amd64 stable wrt bug #565150 17
+59305 2015-11-26 1 Gilles Dartiguelongue drop old revision 17
+59840 2015-11-26 1 Gilles Dartiguelongue drop old revision 17
+62950 2015-11-26 1 Brian Dolbec Update with renewed expiry dates 17
+44622 2015-11-26 1 Markus Meier arm stable, bug #564404 17
+63228 2015-11-26 1 Markus Meier arm stable, bug #564404 17
+64587 2015-11-26 1 Matthew Brewer version bump to 0.16.0 17
+57596 2015-11-28 1 Tim Harder version bump to 0.73 17
+62065 2015-11-28 1 Johannes Huber Remove old 17
+62722 2015-11-28 1 Gokturk Yuksek add dev-python/pycrypto to RDEPEND 17
+49517 2015-12-01 1 Eray Aslan version bump to 3.5.12 17
+64821 2015-12-01 1 Manuel Rüger Initial version 17
+64822 2015-12-01 1 Manuel Rüger Initial version 17
+44063 2015-12-02 1 Lars Wendler Removed old. 17
+44063 2015-12-02 2 Lars Wendler Bump to version 3.6.2 17
+63418 2015-12-02 1 Nicolas Bock Version bump 17
+42056 2015-12-03 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #565150 17
+43080 2015-12-03 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #566610 17
+55869 2015-12-03 1 Alon Bar-Lev cleanup EAP 17
+64821 2015-12-03 1 Manuel Rüger Revert "app-crypt/{acme,letsencrypt}: add ebuilds for latest snapshot" 17
+64821 2015-12-03 2 Manuel Rüger Revert "app-crypt/{acme,letsencrypt}: version bump to 0.1.0" 17
+64821 2015-12-03 3 Mike Frysinger app-crypt/{acme,letsencrypt}: version bump to 0.1.0 17
+64821 2015-12-03 4 Mike Frysinger app-crypt/{acme,letsencrypt}: add ebuilds for latest snapshot 17
+64822 2015-12-03 1 Manuel Rüger Revert "app-crypt/{acme,letsencrypt}: add ebuilds for latest snapshot" 17
+64822 2015-12-03 2 Manuel Rüger Revert "app-crypt/{acme,letsencrypt}: version bump to 0.1.0" 17
+64822 2015-12-03 3 Mike Frysinger app-crypt/{acme,letsencrypt}: version bump to 0.1.0 17
+64822 2015-12-03 4 Mike Frysinger app-crypt/{acme,letsencrypt}: add ebuilds for latest snapshot 17
+60249 2015-12-06 1 Dirkjan Ochtman add libressl support (fixes bug 565240) 17
+64821 2015-12-06 1 Manuel Rüger Add version 0.1.0 17
+64821 2015-12-06 2 Manuel Rüger Add support for regular releases 17
+41954 2015-09-24 1 Michael Palimaka Add upstream fix to use Q_SLOTS/Q_SIGNALS 17
+41954 2015-10-04 1 Julian Ospald add libressl support 17
+41954 2015-10-08 1 Michael Palimaka version bump 17
+41954 2015-11-10 1 Michael Palimaka remove old 17
+42056 2015-11-09 1 Michael Weber version bump (thanks Stephan Litterst, bug 565148). 17
+42056 2015-11-09 2 Michael Weber Add fix for python3 --version on stderr (thanks Timo Ollech and Fabian Kislat, bug 551780). 17
+42298 2015-09-07 1 Mikle Kolyada amd64 stable wrt bug #551826 17
+42298 2015-09-12 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #551826 17
+42518 2015-09-19 1 Dirkjan Ochtman version bump to 1.8.2 17
+42518 2015-10-11 1 Dirkjan Ochtman version bump to 1.8.3 17
+42518 2015-10-11 2 Dirkjan Ochtman remove old versions 17
+42603 2015-11-11 1 Mike Frysinger avoid using ${var^} and ${var,} as they do not work in bash-3.2 17
+43447 2015-10-29 1 Yixun Lan revision bump 0.17.1-r2 17
+44057 2015-10-10 1 Manuel Rüger Remove myself from metadata 17
+44063 2015-09-02 1 Lars Wendler Removed old. 17
+44063 2015-09-02 2 Lars Wendler Bump to version 3.5.1. 17
+44063 2015-10-02 1 Lars Wendler Removed old. 17
+44063 2015-10-02 2 Lars Wendler Bump to version 3.5.2 17
+44063 2015-11-02 1 Lars Wendler Removed old. 17
+44063 2015-11-02 2 Lars Wendler Bump to version 3.6 17
+44063 2015-11-10 1 Lars Wendler Bump to version 3.6.1 17
+44134 2015-10-01 1 Justin Lecher Add missing remote-id type=sourceforge 17
+45157 2015-10-01 1 Justin Lecher Add missing remote-id type=bitbucket 17
+45341 2015-09-19 1 Dirkjan Ochtman Version bump hg-git to 0.8.2 17
+45648 2015-10-08 1 Ian Delaney bump to -1.4.1 17
+45725 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+45725 2015-09-19 2 Alexis Ballier remove old. 17
+45991 2015-09-29 1 Sergey Popov revision bump 17
+45991 2015-10-12 1 Sergey Popov add subslot operator to sys-libs/db dependency, drop old revision 17
+45991 2015-10-12 2 Sergey Popov took maintainership 17
+45991 2015-10-19 1 Agostino Sarubbo amd64 stable wrt bug #542472 17
+45991 2015-10-30 1 Agostino Sarubbo ppc stable wrt bug #542472 17
+45991 2015-11-03 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #542472 17
+45991 2015-11-05 1 Agostino Sarubbo sparc stable wrt bug #542472 17
+46196 2015-09-06 1 Agostino Sarubbo ppc stable wrt bug #555838 17
+46196 2015-09-15 1 Jeroen Roovers Stable for PPC64 (bug #555838). 17
+46196 2015-09-21 1 Agostino Sarubbo sparc stable wrt bug #555838 17
+46436 2015-10-04 1 Julian Ospald add libressl support 17
+46436 2015-10-29 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #564304 17
+46436 2015-10-29 2 Agostino Sarubbo amd64 stable wrt bug #564304 17
+46436 2015-10-29 3 Jeroen Roovers Stable for HPPA (bug #564304). 17
+46436 2015-10-29 4 Jeroen Roovers Stable for PPC64 (bug #564304). 17
+46436 2015-10-29 5 Eray Aslan security bump 17
+46436 2015-10-29 6 Eray Aslan add confd files to kdc, kadmind and kpropd daemons 17
+46436 2015-11-01 1 Tobias Klausmann add alpha keyword 17
+46436 2015-11-03 1 Markus Meier arm stable, bug #564304 17
+46436 2015-11-04 1 Agostino Sarubbo ppc stable wrt bug #564304 17
+46436 2015-11-04 2 Eray Aslan bump for the new init scripts 17
+46436 2015-11-04 3 Eray Aslan fix quotes in init script 17
+46436 2015-11-05 1 Agostino Sarubbo sparc stable wrt bug #564304 17
+46436 2015-11-07 1 Mikle Kolyada ia64 stable wrt bug #564304 17
+46557 2015-10-01 1 Justin Lecher Add missing remote-id type=sourceforge 17
+46651 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+46651 2015-09-19 2 Alexis Ballier remove old. 17
+46909 2015-10-05 1 Alon Bar-Lev add autoreconf 17
+46909 2015-10-05 2 Alon Bar-Lev version bump 17
+46909 2015-10-10 1 Alon Bar-Lev version bump 17
+47193 2015-09-05 1 Mikle Kolyada amd64 stable wrt bug #552614 17
+47193 2015-09-08 1 Jeroen Roovers Stable for HPPA PPC64 (bug #552614). 17
+47193 2015-09-11 1 Kristian Fiskerstrand Version bump to 2.0.29 17
+47193 2015-09-11 2 Kristian Fiskerstrand Version bump to 2.1.8 17
+47193 2015-09-12 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #552614 17
+47193 2015-09-16 1 Tobias Klausmann add alpha keyword 17
+47193 2015-09-27 1 Markus Meier arm stable, bug #552614 17
+47193 2015-10-10 1 Mikle Kolyada Add ~sparc keyword wrt bug #546478 17
+47193 2015-10-10 2 Mikle Kolyada sparc stable wrt bug #552614 17
+47193 2015-10-10 3 Kristian Fiskerstrand Remove some old 2.1 versions 17
+47193 2015-10-10 4 Kristian Fiskerstrand New upstream version 2.1.9 17
+47193 2015-10-18 1 Mikle Kolyada Add ~ia64 keyword wrt bug #546478 17
+47193 2015-11-10 1 Agostino Sarubbo ia64 stable wrt bug #552614 17
+47193 2015-11-10 2 Agostino Sarubbo ppc stable wrt bug #552614 17
+47388 2015-11-10 1 Agostino Sarubbo amd64 stable wrt bug #463018 17
+47388 2015-11-11 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #463018 17
+47388 2015-11-12 1 Agostino Sarubbo ppc stable wrt bug #463018 17
+47929 2015-10-01 1 Justin Lecher Add missing remote-id type=bitbucket 17
+48090 2015-09-10 1 Alon Bar-Lev version bump 17
+48576 2015-09-29 1 James Le Cuirot Updated dev-java/jdom slot from 1.0 -> 0 for v1 17
+48948 2015-10-16 1 Justin Lecher Update remote-ids 17
+49030 2015-09-12 1 Alon Bar-Lev fix gcc5 issue 17
+49030 2015-10-05 1 Julian Ospald add libressl support 17
+49507 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+49507 2015-09-19 2 Alexis Ballier remove old. 17
+49517 2015-09-17 1 Eray Aslan Version bump to squid-3.5.8 17
+49517 2015-09-22 1 Eray Aslan security bump to squid-3.5.9 17
+49517 2015-10-14 1 Eray Aslan version bump to 3.5.10 17
+49517 2015-11-09 1 Eray Aslan version bump to squid-3.5.11 17
+49561 2015-09-13 1 Robin H. Johnson bump 17
+49599 2015-10-01 1 Justin Lecher Add missing remote-id type=bitbucket 17
+49732 2015-10-01 1 Justin Lecher Add missing remote-id type=sourceforge 17
+49819 2015-10-21 1 Alexis Ballier remove old. 17
+49854 2015-10-01 1 Justin Lecher Add missing remote-id type=sourceforge 17
+50014 2015-10-01 1 Markus Meier add ~arm, bug #559780 17
+50177 2015-09-20 1 Ian Delaney postinstall log message ammended to all ebuilds 17
+50183 2015-10-01 1 Justin Lecher Add missing remote-id type=bitbucket 17
+50308 2015-10-30 1 Alexis Ballier Bump to 0.7.6. 17
+51080 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+51080 2015-09-19 2 Alexis Ballier remove old. 17
+51121 2015-09-14 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 1.7.0 and switch to github. 17
+51121 2015-09-16 1 Justin Lecher Add remote-id 17
+51121 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier Fix deps. Upstream switched from camlp4 to cppo. 17
+51288 2015-10-26 1 Alexis Ballier Bump to 1.5.6. 17
+51288 2015-11-01 1 Jeroen Roovers Stable for HPPA (bug #463018). 17
+51288 2015-11-03 1 Jeroen Roovers Stable for PPC64 (bug #463018). 17
+51288 2015-11-10 1 Agostino Sarubbo amd64 stable wrt bug #463018 17
+51288 2015-11-11 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #463018 17
+51288 2015-11-12 1 Agostino Sarubbo ppc stable wrt bug #463018 17
+51843 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+51843 2015-09-19 2 Alexis Ballier remove old 17
+51843 2015-09-28 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.02 17
+51866 2015-10-16 1 Christian Ruppert Version bump to 1.6.0. Also fixes bug 555864 17
+51866 2015-10-16 2 Christian Ruppert Remove old ebuilds 17
+51866 2015-10-25 1 Christian Ruppert Version bump to 1.6.1 17
+51866 2015-11-09 1 Christian Ruppert Version bump to 1.5.15 and 1.6.2 17
+52709 2015-09-04 1 Thomas Beierlein Version bump 17
+52709 2015-09-06 1 Thomas Beierlein Drop refrence to deleted (bug# 559616). Thanks for reporting c1pher. 17
+52912 2015-10-01 1 Justin Lecher Add missing remote-id type=sourceforge 17
+53663 2015-09-07 1 Mikle Kolyada amd64 stable wrt bug #551826 17
+53663 2015-09-12 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #551826 17
+54144 2015-09-06 1 Joshua Kinard Fix #493306, where was merged into FreeBSd's libc in 10.x. Without, git attempts to use -liconv during linking, which will fail on Gentoo/FreeBSD 10.x installs. 17
+54144 2015-09-06 2 Agostino Sarubbo ppc stable wrt bug #556126 17
+54144 2015-09-11 1 Lars Wendler Removed old. 17
+54144 2015-09-11 2 Lars Wendler Bump to versions 2.2.3, 2.3.9, 2.4.9 and 2.5.2 17
+54144 2015-09-17 1 Tobias Klausmann add alpha keyword 17
+54144 2015-09-17 2 Tobias Klausmann add alpha keyword 17
+54144 2015-09-18 1 Lars Wendler Removed old. 17
+54144 2015-09-18 2 Lars Wendler Bump to version 2.5.3 17
+54144 2015-09-19 1 Agostino Sarubbo amd64 stable wrt bug #560618 17
+54144 2015-09-20 1 Julian Ospald add libressl support 17
+54144 2015-09-20 2 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #560618 17
+54144 2015-09-20 3 Jeroen Roovers Stable for HPPA PPC64 (bug #560618). 17
+54144 2015-09-21 1 Agostino Sarubbo sparc stable wrt bug #560618 17
+54144 2015-09-22 1 Agostino Sarubbo ppc stable wrt bug #560618 17
+54144 2015-09-24 1 Agostino Sarubbo ia64 stable wrt bug #560618 17
+54144 2015-09-29 1 Lars Wendler git-send-email.perl: Fixed sending of many changes/patches 17
+54144 2015-09-29 2 Lars Wendler Removed old. 17
+54144 2015-09-29 3 Lars Wendler Bump to version 2.6.0 17
+54144 2015-09-30 1 Lars Wendler Stable for amd64 (bug #560618). 17
+54144 2015-10-06 1 Lars Wendler Bump to versions 2.3.10, 2.4.10 and 2.5.4 17
+54144 2015-10-06 2 Lars Wendler Removed old. 17
+54144 2015-10-06 3 Lars Wendler Bump to version 2.6.1 17
+54144 2015-10-10 1 Justin Lecher Fix @ -> <at> conversion 17
+54144 2015-10-11 1 Markus Meier arm stable, bug #560618 17
+54144 2015-10-11 2 Markus Meier arm stable, bug #560618 17
+54144 2015-10-17 1 Mikle Kolyada amd64 stable wrt bug #562884 17
+54144 2015-10-17 2 Lars Wendler Removed old. 17
+54144 2015-10-17 3 Lars Wendler Bump to version 2.6.2 17
+54144 2015-10-18 1 Mikle Kolyada x86 stable wrt bug #562884 17
+54144 2015-10-18 2 Jeroen Roovers Stable for PPC64 (bug #562884). 17
+54144 2015-10-19 1 Jeroen Roovers Stable for HPPA (bug #562884). 17
+54144 2015-10-21 1 Tobias Klausmann add alpha keyword 17
+54144 2015-10-21 2 Tobias Klausmann add alpha keyword 17
+54144 2015-11-03 1 Markus Meier arm stable, bug #562884 17
+54144 2015-11-03 2 Markus Meier arm stable, bug #562884 17
+54144 2015-11-04 1 Agostino Sarubbo ppc stable wrt bug #562884 17
+54144 2015-11-05 1 Agostino Sarubbo sparc stable wrt bug #562884 17
+54144 2015-11-06 1 Lars Wendler Removed old. 17
+54144 2015-11-06 2 Lars Wendler Bump to version 2.6.3 17
+54144 2015-11-08 1 Mikle Kolyada ia64 stable wrt bug #562884 17
+54369 2015-10-05 1 Amy Winston Support for linguas added bug #561666. Thanks Jan Vesely for patch. 17
+54369 2015-10-22 1 Justin Lecher Drop deprecated usage of DISTUTILS_NO_PARALLEL_BUILD 17
+54674 2015-09-05 1 Mikle Kolyada amd64 stable wrt bug #552614 17
+54674 2015-09-08 1 Jeroen Roovers Stable for HPPA PPC64 (bug #552614). 17
+54674 2015-09-12 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #552614 17
+54674 2015-09-14 1 Kristian Fiskerstrand Fix version bump to 0.9.6 17
+54674 2015-09-14 2 Kristian Fiskerstrand Version bump to 0.9.6 17
+54674 2015-09-16 1 Tobias Klausmann add alpha keyword 17
+54674 2015-09-18 1 Kristian Fiskerstrand Fix Qt4 support 17
+54674 2015-09-21 1 Kristian Fiskerstrand Add explicit dep for app-crypt/gcr 17
+54674 2015-09-21 2 Kristian Fiskerstrand Remove flawed revision 0.9.6-r1 17
+54674 2015-09-21 3 Kristian Fiskerstrand Completely remove Qt5 detection 17
+54674 2015-09-24 1 Kristian Fiskerstrand Restructure dependencies in 0.9.6-r4 17
+54674 2015-09-27 1 Markus Meier arm stable, bug #552614 17
+54674 2015-09-29 1 Kristian Fiskerstrand Remove some older 0.9.6 revisions 17
+54674 2015-09-29 2 Kristian Fiskerstrand 0.9.6-r5: Add Qt5 support 17
+54674 2015-10-10 1 Mikle Kolyada sparc stable wrt bug #552614 17
+54674 2015-10-26 1 Kristian Fiskerstrand Enable qt5 as possible single backend and fix symlink 17
+54674 2015-11-10 1 Agostino Sarubbo ia64 stable wrt bug #552614 17
+54674 2015-11-10 2 Agostino Sarubbo ppc stable wrt bug #552614 17
+54802 2015-09-14 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 4.0.0. 17
+54802 2015-10-01 1 Justin Lecher Add missing remote-id type=bitbucket 17
+54802 2015-11-06 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 4.0.1 17
+55529 2015-10-25 1 Michael Weber mark as binary amd64 package (KEYWORDS=-*). 17
+55529 2015-10-25 2 Michael Weber Add myself as maintainer (bug 562408). 17
+55529 2015-10-25 3 Michael Weber version bump to last x86 release. 17
+55529 2015-11-09 1 Michael Weber Version bump to latest patches in 6.3.2, 6.4.2, 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 series. 17
+55589 2015-10-01 1 Justin Lecher Add missing remote-id type=sourceforge 17
+55673 2015-09-10 1 Lars Wendler Removed old. 17
+55673 2015-09-10 2 Lars Wendler Bump to version 0.9.9 17
+55722 2015-10-01 1 Justin Lecher Add missing remote-id type=sourceforge 17
+55943 2015-09-02 1 Lars Wendler Bump to version 1.9.1. 17
+55943 2015-09-06 1 Agostino Sarubbo sparc stable wrt bug #556076 17
+55943 2015-09-12 1 Fabian Groffen drop gnome keyring patch for OSX as it is seemingly fixed upstream in 1.9.1, bug #560274 17
+55943 2015-09-13 1 Thomas Sachau Drop vulnerable versions, bug 556076 17
+55943 2015-09-23 1 Lars Wendler Removed old. 17
+55943 2015-09-23 2 Lars Wendler Bump to version 1.9.2 17
+55943 2015-09-24 1 Mike Gilbert Call python_setup 17
+56036 2015-10-01 1 Justin Lecher Add missing remote-id type=sourceforge 17
+56493 2015-09-20 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #556886 17
+56798 2015-10-16 1 Alexis Ballier revision bump 17
+56958 2015-10-24 1 Pacho Ramos Support wxGTK:3.0 (#563348) 17
+56966 2015-10-22 1 Alon Bar-Lev cleanup 17
+56966 2015-10-22 2 Alon Bar-Lev version bump 17
+56966 2015-10-28 1 Justin Lecher Update remote-ids 17
+56988 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 0.0.5 17
+56988 2015-09-19 2 Alexis Ballier remove old. 17
+57261 2015-09-07 1 Mikle Kolyada amd64 stable wrt bug #551826 17
+57261 2015-09-12 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #551826 17
+57749 2015-09-04 1 Anthony G. Basile remove older testing versions 17
+57749 2015-09-04 2 Anthony G. Basile taking ownership 17
+57749 2015-09-04 3 Anthony G. Basile version bump 6.0.1, bug #559450 17
+57907 2015-09-17 1 Lars Wendler Bump to version 3.5.1 17
+57907 2015-10-08 1 Lars Wendler Removed old. 17
+57907 2015-10-08 2 Lars Wendler Bump to version 3.5.2 17
+57907 2015-11-10 1 Lars Wendler Removed old. 17
+57907 2015-11-10 2 Lars Wendler Bump to version 3.6 17
+57926 2015-10-09 1 Anthony G. Basile remove older stable version 1.2 17
+57926 2015-10-09 2 Anthony G. Basile remove older version 2.0.0 17
+57926 2015-10-09 3 Anthony G. Basile add an `|| die` 17
+57926 2015-10-09 4 Anthony G. Basile version bump 2.1.0, bug #558984. 17
+59062 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+59062 2015-09-19 2 Alexis Ballier remove old. 17
+59066 2015-09-14 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 0.0.8. 17
+59072 2015-11-05 1 Alexis Ballier Bump to 1.18.1 17
+59110 2015-11-09 1 Ian Delaney add gtk_not_required_4.1.4.patch addressing issue in gentoo bug 17
+59110 2015-11-11 1 Ian Delaney bump to 4.1.9 wrt the gentoo bug, missed in previous commit 17
+59290 2015-09-14 1 Justin Lecher Version Bump 17
+59290 2015-09-19 1 Agostino Sarubbo amd64 stable wrt bug #560446 17
+59290 2015-09-20 1 Justin Lecher Clean old 17
+59290 2015-09-20 2 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #560446 17
+59290 2015-11-11 1 Justin Lecher Version Bump 17
+59305 2015-09-07 1 Mikle Kolyada amd64 stable wrt bug #551826 17
+59305 2015-09-12 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #551826 17
+59305 2015-09-16 1 Tobias Klausmann add alpha keyword 17
+59305 2015-09-28 1 Jeroen Roovers Stable for PPC64 (bug #551826). 17
+59305 2015-10-03 1 Markus Meier arm stable, bug #551826 17
+59305 2015-10-18 1 Mikle Kolyada sparc stable wrt bug #551826 17
+59305 2015-11-12 1 Agostino Sarubbo ppc stable wrt bug #565086 17
+59458 2015-09-07 1 Marc Schiffbauer remove old version 17
+59458 2015-09-07 2 Marc Schiffbauer bump version 17
+59458 2015-09-14 1 Marc Schiffbauer remove old version 17
+59458 2015-09-14 2 Marc Schiffbauer version bump 17
+59458 2015-09-15 1 Marc Schiffbauer fix python deps, minor cleanups 17
+59537 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+59537 2015-09-19 2 Alexis Ballier remove old. 17
+59538 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+59538 2015-09-19 2 Alexis Ballier remove old. 17
+59655 2015-10-19 1 Alexis Ballier Bump to 1.4.2. 17
+59680 2015-11-10 1 Agostino Sarubbo amd64 stable wrt bug #463018 17
+59680 2015-11-11 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #463018 17
+59680 2015-11-12 1 Agostino Sarubbo ppc stable wrt bug #463018 17
+59816 2015-10-16 1 Justin Lecher Update remote-ids 17
+59840 2015-09-07 1 Mikle Kolyada amd64 stable wrt bug #551826 17
+59840 2015-09-12 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #551826 17
+59840 2015-09-16 1 Tobias Klausmann add alpha keyword 17
+59840 2015-09-28 1 Jeroen Roovers Stable for PPC64 (bug #551826). 17
+59840 2015-10-03 1 Markus Meier arm stable, bug #551826 17
+59840 2015-10-18 1 Mikle Kolyada sparc stable wrt bug #551826 17
+59840 2015-11-12 1 Agostino Sarubbo ppc stable wrt bug #565086 17
+59870 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+59870 2015-09-19 2 Alexis Ballier remove old 17
+60080 2015-11-08 1 Brian Evans Fix syntax error where PYTHON_COMPAT was not an array 17
+60136 2015-10-31 1 Ian Delaney metadata.xml: update maintainer's email address 17
+60203 2015-10-31 1 Justin Lecher Version Bump 17
+60209 2015-10-16 1 Justin Lecher Update remote-ids 17
+60329 2015-09-16 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 20150914. 17
+60329 2015-09-24 1 Alexis Ballier version bump. 17
+60329 2015-10-06 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 20151005. 17
+60329 2015-10-15 1 Alexis Ballier Remove old. 17
+60329 2015-10-15 2 Alexis Ballier Bump to 20151012. 17
+60329 2015-10-26 1 Alexis Ballier Bump to 20151023. 17
+60329 2015-10-30 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 20151026. 17
+60329 2015-11-01 1 Alexis Ballier Bump to 20151030. 17
+60329 2015-11-05 1 Alexis Ballier Bump to 20151103. 17
+60337 2015-10-01 1 Justin Lecher Add missing remote-id type=sourceforge 17
+60461 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+60461 2015-09-19 2 Alexis Ballier remove old. 17
+60463 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+60463 2015-09-19 2 Alexis Ballier remove old. 17
+60464 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+60464 2015-09-19 2 Alexis Ballier remove old. 17
+60775 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+60775 2015-09-19 2 Alexis Ballier remove old. 17
+60837 2015-09-04 1 Alexis Ballier add missing dep on dev-ml/custom_printf. Bug #559196. 17
+60837 2015-09-04 2 Alexis Ballier remove old 17
+60837 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+61040 2015-09-14 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 1.3.0. 17
+61040 2015-09-16 1 Justin Lecher Add remote-id 17
+61040 2015-09-21 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 1.3.1. 17
+61040 2015-09-21 2 Alexis Ballier remove old. 17
+61515 2015-09-13 1 Marc Schiffbauer fix ncurses slot deps 17
+61515 2015-09-13 2 Marc Schiffbauer remove version 12.4.5 17
+61515 2015-09-13 3 Marc Schiffbauer add version 15.2.1 17
+61515 2015-09-13 4 Marc Schiffbauer remove version 14.2.1 17
+61515 2015-09-13 5 Marc Schiffbauer bump version 17
+61515 2015-09-14 1 Marc Schiffbauer fix icon install for 15.2.1 17
+61515 2015-09-19 1 Marc Schiffbauer fix config dir 17
+61515 2015-09-19 2 Marc Schiffbauer add new USE: gnutls, jansson, rados-striper 17
+61515 2015-09-19 3 Marc Schiffbauer remove --enable-smartalloc 17
+61576 2015-09-21 1 Kristian Fiskerstrand 0.37: Stable for amd64 17
+61846 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+61846 2015-09-19 2 Alexis Ballier remove old. 17
+61787 2015-09-01 1 Tobias Klausmann Fixing HOMEPAGE move due to shutdown 17
+61787 2015-09-07 1 Justin Lecher ADd missing remote-id entries 17
+61787 2015-10-16 1 Justin Lecher Version Bump 17
+61843 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+61843 2015-09-19 2 Alexis Ballier remove old. 17
+61849 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+61849 2015-09-19 2 Alexis Ballier remove old. 17
+62065 2015-10-18 1 Mikle Kolyada x86 stable wrt bug #557884 17
+62423 2015-11-10 1 Justin Lecher Convert from virtual/python-imaging to plain dev-python/pillow 17
+62720 2015-09-13 1 Manuel Rüger Version bump 17
+62721 2015-10-05 1 Manuel Rüger Version bump 17
+62730 2015-09-21 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 1.0_rc7 17
+62736 2015-09-14 1 Alexis Ballier fix build with latest extlib. 17
+62739 2015-10-12 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 0.9.8 17
+62766 2015-10-19 1 Justin Lecher Version Bump 17
+62780 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier remove old. 17
+62840 2015-11-01 1 Jeroen Roovers Stable for HPPA (bug #463018). 17
+62840 2015-11-03 1 Jeroen Roovers Stable for PPC64 (bug #463018). 17
+62840 2015-11-10 1 Agostino Sarubbo amd64 stable wrt bug #463018 17
+62840 2015-11-11 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #463018 17
+62840 2015-11-12 1 Agostino Sarubbo ppc stable wrt bug #463018 17
+62841 2015-11-01 1 Jeroen Roovers Stable for HPPA (bug #463018). 17
+62841 2015-11-03 1 Jeroen Roovers Stable for PPC64 (bug #463018). 17
+62841 2015-11-10 1 Agostino Sarubbo amd64 stable wrt bug #463018 17
+62841 2015-11-11 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #463018 17
+62841 2015-11-12 1 Agostino Sarubbo ppc stable wrt bug #463018 17
+62855 2015-09-24 1 Agostino Sarubbo amd64 stable wrt bug #545808 17
+62855 2015-09-25 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #545808 17
+63076 2015-09-14 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 1.2.3. 17
+63095 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+63228 2015-11-02 1 Alexis Ballier Bump ocaml dep to one providing bytes. Bug #563446. 17
+63228 2015-11-10 1 Agostino Sarubbo amd64 stable wrt bug #564404 17
+63228 2015-11-11 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #564404 17
+63418 2015-10-11 1 Nicolas Bock Cleanup. 17
+63418 2015-10-11 2 Nicolas Bock Version bump. 17
+63418 2015-11-04 1 Nicolas Bock Version bump 17
+63418 2015-11-09 1 Agostino Sarubbo amd64 stable wrt bug #562824 17
+63418 2015-11-11 1 Agostino Sarubbo x86 stable wrt bug #562824 17
+63463 2015-10-17 1 Jason Zaman bump to 0.04 17
+63858 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+63859 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+63860 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+63861 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 113.00.00 17
+63996 2015-09-05 1 Julian Ospald version bump to 4.7.7 17
+64033 2015-09-08 1 Rafael G. Martins version bump. 17
+64033 2015-09-16 1 Rafael G. Martins version bump, fixed -9999 17
+64033 2015-11-11 1 Rafael G. Martins version bump 17
+64157 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier initial import, ebuild by me. 17
+64158 2015-09-19 1 Alexis Ballier initial import, bug #388903 17
+64158 2015-10-17 1 Matthew Brewer revbump 17
+64158 2015-11-05 1 Alexis Ballier Bump to 1.4. 17
+64158 2015-11-12 1 Alexis Ballier bump to 1.4.1 17
+64575 2015-10-17 1 Alexis Ballier revbump 17
+64575 2015-10-17 2 Matthew Brewer revbump 17
+64575 2015-10-17 3 Matthew Brewer new ebuild 17
+64575 2015-10-18 1 Matthew Brewer revbump: enable lwt per default 17
+64575 2015-10-21 1 Justin Lecher Update remote-ids 17
+64576 2015-10-16 1 Matthew Brewer new ebuild 17
+64576 2015-10-17 1 Matthew Brewer revbump 17
+64576 2015-10-21 1 Justin Lecher Update remote-ids 17
+64577 2015-10-16 1 Matthew Brewer new ebuild 17
+64577 2015-10-21 1 Justin Lecher Update remote-ids 17
+64578 2015-10-17 1 Matthew Brewer new ebuild 17
+64578 2015-10-21 1 Justin Lecher Update remote-ids 17
+64579 2015-10-17 1 Matthew Brewer new ebuild 17
+64579 2015-10-18 1 Alexis Ballier Add link to upstream bug report for test failures. 17
+64579 2015-10-21 1 Justin Lecher Update remote-ids 17
+64580 2015-10-17 1 Alexis Ballier new ebuild 17
+64580 2015-10-21 1 Justin Lecher Update remote-ids 17
+64581 2015-10-17 1 Matthew Brewer revbump 17
+64581 2015-10-17 2 Matthew Brewer new ebuild 17
+64581 2015-10-21 1 Justin Lecher Update remote-ids 17
+64582 2015-10-17 1 Matthew Brewer revbump 17
+64582 2015-10-17 2 Matthew Brewer new ebuild 17
+64582 2015-10-21 1 Justin Lecher Update remote-ids 17
+64587 2015-10-18 1 Matthew Brewer new ebuild 17
+64587 2015-10-21 1 Justin Lecher Update remote-ids 17
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/package_urls.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/package_urls.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a56f756
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/package_urls.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/packages.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/packages.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7dac59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/packages.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+53258 311 archway 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A GUI for GNU Arch \N \N \N Default assignee for orphaned packages
+61562 311 bfg 2013-11-06 14:37:19.600699 a simpler, faster alternative to git-filter-branch for removing bad data from git repos \N \N \N Tim Harder
+64033 311 blogc-git-receiver 2015-08-24 20:20:23.209651 A simple login shell/git hook to deploy blogc websites A simple login shell/git hook to deploy blogc websites. \N \N Rafael G. Martins
+54369 311 bzr 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Bazaar is a next generation distributed version control system Bazaar (``bzr``) is a decentralized revision control system, designed to be easy for developers and end users alike. Bazaar is part of the GNU project to develop a complete free operating system. Bazaar was formerly known as Bazaar-NG. It's the successor to ``baz``, a fork of GNU arch, but shares no code. (To upgrade from Baz, use the ``baz-import`` command in the bzrtools plugin.) \N bazaar \N \N
+45416 311 bzr-explorer 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A high level interface to all commonly used Bazaar features Bazaar Explorer is a desktop application for using the Bazaar Version Control System. It provides a high level interface to all commonly used features, launching "applets" from the QBzr plug-in to provide most of the functionality. Alternatively, the applets from the bzr-gtk plug-in can be used if it is installed. \N bazaar \N \N
+58853 311 bzr-fastimport 2012-02-13 14:36:45.964799 Plugin providing fast loading of revision control data into Bazaar \N bazaar \N Alexandre Rostovtsev
+56379 311 bzr-git 2010-10-11 14:38:35.407761 Support for Git branches in Bazaar \N \N bazaar \N \N
+51336 311 bzr-gtk 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A GTK+ interfaces to most Bazaar operations GTK+ Frontends to various Bazaar commands. Currently contains dialogs for almost all common operations, including annotate and visualise (log). Olive, the integrated version control application is also part of bzr-gtk. \N bazaar \N \N
+44713 311 bzr-rewrite 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Bazaar plugin that adds support for rebasing, similar to the functionality in git \N \N bazaar \N \N
+55115 311 bzr-xmloutput 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A Bazaar plugin that provides a option to generate XML output forbuiltin commands. \N \N bazaar \N \N
+44473 311 bzrtools 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 bzrtools is a useful collection of utilities for bzr \N \N bazaar \N \N
+50677 311 colorcvs 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A tool based on colorgcc to beautify cvs output \N \N shell-tools \N \N
+45870 311 colorsvn 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Subversion output colorizer colorsvn is the Subversion output colorizer. Colorsvn was extracted from kde-sdk and was extended with build process and configuration. \N \N Christian Ruppert
+42603 311 cssc 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 The GNU Project's replacement for SCCS \N \N \N \N
+55923 311 cvs 2010-06-19 14:36:57.532747 Concurrent Versions System - source code revision control tools \N \N cvs-utils \N \N
+61768 311 cvs-fast-export 2013-12-29 14:46:25.389659 fast-export history from a CVS repository or RCS collection \N cvs-utils \N Sergei Trofimovich
+55929 311 cvs2cl 2010-06-19 14:36:57.532747 produces a GNU-style ChangeLog for CVS-controlled sources \N \N cvs-utils \N \N
+44510 311 cvs2svn 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Convert a CVS repository to a Subversion repository \N \N \N \N
+55920 311 cvsd 2010-06-19 14:36:57.532747 CVS pserver daemon \N \N cvs-utils \N \N
+55928 311 cvsgraph 2010-06-19 14:36:57.532747 CVS/RCS repository grapher CvsGraph is a utility to make a graphical representation of all revisions and branches of a file in a CVS/RCS repository. It has been inspired by the 'graph' option in WinCVS, but I could not find a stand-alone version of this graph code. So, it was time to write one. \N cvs-utils \N \N
+55921 311 cvsps 2010-06-19 14:36:57.532747 Generates patchset information from a CVS repository (supports fast-import) \N cvs-utils \N Sergei Trofimovich
+55925 311 cvsq 2010-06-19 14:36:57.532747 A tool that enables developers to work comfortably offline with CVS by queuing the commits \N \N cvs-utils \N \N
+42880 311 cvsspam 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Utility to send colored HTML CVS-mails \N \N \N \N
+55927 311 cvsutils 2010-06-19 14:36:57.532747 A small bundle of utilities to work with CVS repositories CVS Utilities are helpful scripts for working with CVS repositories offline and online. They include the ability to check file status, "fake" include files in the repo, diff new files easily, change CVS server of a repository and more. \N cvs-utils \N \N
+51120 311 darcs 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 a distributed, interactive, smart revision control system \N haskell \N \N
+56956 311 easygit 2011-02-11 14:41:16.026705 Easy GIT is a wrapper for git, designed to make git easy to learn and use \N \N \N \N
+55769 311 fossil 2010-05-13 14:51:00.339246 Simple, high-reliability, source control management, and more \N \N \N Rafael G. Martins
+49885 311 giggle 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 GTK+ Frontend for GIT GTK+ based frontend for GIT \N \N Mike Auty
+54144 311 git 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 GIT - the stupid content tracker, the revision control system heavily used by the Linux kernel team Git - Fast Version Control System. Official titled "GIT - the stupid content tracker". Git is a popular version control system designed to handle very large projects with speed and efficiency; it is used mainly for various open source projects, most notably the Linux kernel. Git falls in the category of distributed source code management tools, similar to e.g. GNU Arch or Monotone (or BitKeeper in the proprietary world). Every Git working directory is a full-fledged repository with full revision tracking capabilities, not dependent on network access or a central server. \N \N Robin H. Johnson
+58252 311 git-annex 2011-12-05 14:37:08.128479 manage files with git, without checking their contents into git git-annex allows managing files with git, without checking the file contents into git. While that may seem paradoxical, it is useful when dealing with files larger than git can currently easily handle, whether due to limitations in memory, checksumming time, or disk space. Even without file content tracking, being able to manage files with git, move files around and delete files with versioned directory trees, and use branches and distributed clones, are all very handy reasons to use git. And annexed files can co-exist in the same git repository with regularly versioned files, which is convenient for maintaining documents, Makefiles, etc that are associated with annexed files but that benefit from full revision control. \N haskell \N \N
+57980 311 git-bz 2011-09-21 14:35:13.793384 Bugzilla subcommand for git \N \N \N Michał Górny
+58854 311 git-bzr-ng 2012-02-13 14:36:45.964799 Git subcommand providing a bidirectional bridge to Bazaar repositories \N bazaar \N Alexandre Rostovtsev
+59290 311 git-cola 2012-05-11 14:37:12.115037 The highly caffeinated git GUI \N \N \N Tiziano Müller
+61935 311 git-crypt 2014-02-18 14:38:34.179228 transparent file encryption in git \N \N \N Patrick Lauer
+58844 311 git-deploy 2012-02-11 14:36:27.133251 make deployments so easy that you'll let new hires do them on their first day \N \N \N Christian Ruppert
+63951 311 git-extras 2015-08-08 04:41:33.975686 GIT utilities -- repo summary, repl, changelog population, author commit percentages and more \N \N \N \N \N
+62065 311 git-flow 2014-03-23 14:37:51.752104 Git extensions to provide high-level repository operations for Vincent Driessen's branching model \N \N \N Johannes Huber
+64008 311 git-imerge 2015-08-14 17:02:25.633643 Incremental merge for git \N \N \N Julian Ospald
+63412 311 git-mailz 2015-04-23 13:38:18.434777 Send a collection of patches as emails \N \N Jan Matejka
+63413 311 git-mantle 2015-04-23 13:38:18.434777 Generate an overview of changes on a branch \N \N Jan Matejka
+61777 311 git-merge-changelog 2014-01-04 14:36:01.198557 Git merge driver for GNU style ChangeLog files \N \N \N \N
+63414 311 git-pimp 2015-04-23 13:38:18.434777 Code review or pull requests as patch email series \N \N Jan Matejka
+48263 311 git-sh 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A customized bash environment suitable for git work \N \N \N
+53663 311 gitg 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 git repository viewer for GNOME GTK+ based frontend for GIT gnome \N Mike Auty
+61773 311 github-pages-publish 2013-12-31 14:37:07.975995 A script that commits files from a directory to Github Pages A script that commits files from a directory to the gh-pages branch of the current Git repository. \N \N Rafael G. Martins
+61787 311 gitinspector 2014-01-07 14:37:21.5119 Statistical analysis tool for git repositories \N \N \N \N
+56493 311 gitolite 2010-11-07 14:34:04.346709 Highly flexible server for git directory version tracker Gitolite is an access control layer on top of git, which allows access control down to the branch level, including specifying who can and cannot rewind a given branch. \N \N Christian Ruppert
+56473 311 gitolite-gentoo 2010-11-03 14:34:37.319663 Highly flexible server for git directory version tracker, Gentoo fork \N \N \N Christian Ruppert
+62766 311 gitsh 2014-11-05 14:38:31.942921 An interactive shell for git \N \N \N \N
+56036 311 gitstats 2010-07-12 14:36:13.885193 Statistics generator for git \N \N \N \N
+59701 311 gti 2012-08-16 14:41:58.473203 A silly git launcher, basically. Inspired by sl \N \N \N Tomáš Chvátal
+54476 311 guilt 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A series of bash scripts which add a quilt-like interface to git \N \N \N \N
+62064 311 hg-fast-export 2014-03-22 14:37:32.365206 mercurial to git converter using git-fast-import \N \N \N Christoph Junghans
+45341 311 hg-git 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 push to and pull from a Git repository using Mercurial \N \N \N Dirkjan Ochtman
+42518 311 hgsubversion 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 hgsubversion is a Mercurial extension for working with Subversion repositories \N \N \N Dirkjan Ochtman
+55904 311 hgsvn 2010-06-15 14:35:42.565942 A set of scripts to work locally on Subversion checkouts using Mercurial A set of scripts to work locally on Subversion checkouts using Mercurial \N \N \N
+46017 311 hgview 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A Mercurial interactive history viewer \N qt \N Tim Harder
+60203 311 hub 2013-01-10 14:36:07.084625 Command-line wrapper for git that makes you better at GitHub \N \N \N Vikraman Choudhury
+49299 311 kdesvn 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 KDESvn is a frontend to the subversion vcs \N dev-tools \N George Shapovalov
+44063 311 mercurial 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Scalable distributed SCM \N \N \N Dirkjan Ochtman
+56701 311 mercurial-server 2011-01-14 14:42:30.477129 Mercurial authentication and authorization tools mercurial-server gives your developers remote read/write access to centralized Mercurial repositories using SSH public key authentication; it provides convenient and fine-grained key management and access control. \N \N Rafael G. Martins
+47819 311 monotone 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Monotone Distributed Version Control System A free distributed version control system. It provides a simple, single-file transactional version store, with fully disconnected operation and an efficient peer-to-peer synchronization protocol. It understands history-sensitive merging, lightweight branches, integrated code review and 3rd party testing. It uses cryptographic version naming and client-side RSA certificates. It has good internationalization support, has no external dependencies, runs on linux, solaris, OSX, windows, and other unixes, and is licensed under the GNU GPL. proxy-maintainers \N Jonny
+47524 311 mr 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Multiple Repository management tool The mr(1) command can checkout, update, or perform other actions on a set of repositories as if they were one combined respository. It supports any combination of git, svn, mercurial, bzr, darcs, cvs, vcsh, fossil, and veracity repositories, and support for other version control systems can easily be added. (There are extensions adding support for unison and git-svn.) It is extremely configurable via simple shell scripting. Some examples of things it can do include: * Update a repository no more frequently than once every twelve hours. * Run an arbitrary command before committing to a repository. * When updating a git repository, pull from two different upstreams and merge the two together. * Run several repository updates in parallel, greatly speeding up the update process. * Remember actions that failed due to a laptop being offline, so they can be retried when it comes back online. This package also includes the webcheckout command. \N \N Matthias Maier
+63197 311 notify-webhook 2015-03-09 14:36:01.288124 Git post-receive web hook notifier in Python. notify-webhook is a git post-receive hook script that posts JSON data to a webhook capable server. This implements the GitHub Web hooks API as closely as possible. It allows arbitrary git repositories to use webhook capable services. \N \N \N
+60082 311 pwclient 2012-12-02 14:38:48.236415 command line utility for interacting with patchwork repos \N \N \N \N
+54654 311 qbzr 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Qt frontend for Bazaar \N \N bazaar \N \N
+52912 311 qct 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 PyQt based commit tool for many VCSs \N \N qt \N \N
+56957 311 qgit 2011-02-11 14:41:16.026705 Qt4 GUI for git repositories \N \N \N Davide Pesavento
+50523 311 qsvn 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 GUI frontend to the Subversion revision system \N \N qt \N \N
+56444 311 rabbitvcs 2010-10-27 14:33:49.887573 Integrated version control support for your desktop RabbitVCS is a set of graphical tools written to provide simple and straightforward access to the version control systems you use. RabbitVCS is inspired by TortoiseSVN and others. \N \N Michael Weber
+56958 311 rapidsvn 2011-02-11 14:41:16.026705 Cross-platform GUI front-end for the Subversion revision system RapidSVN is a cross-platform GUI front-end for the Subversion revision system written in C++ using the wxWidgets framework. This project also includes a Subversion client C++ API. dev-tools \N Justin Lecher
+46196 311 rcs 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Revision Control System The Revision Control System (RCS) is a system for managing multiple versions of files. RCS automates the storage, retrieval, logging, identification and merging of file revisions. RCS is useful for text files that are revised frequently (for example, programs, documentation, graphics, papers and form letters). \N \N Ian Delaney
+56959 311 rcsi 2011-02-11 14:41:16.026705 A program to give information about RCS files \N cvs-utils \N \N
+54539 311 rsvndump 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Dump a remote Subversion repository \N \N \N Sebastian Pipping
+48576 311 statcvs 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 StatCVS generates HTML reports from CVS repository logs \N java \N \N
+45097 311 statsvn 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 StatSVN generates HTML reports from SVN repository logs \N java \N \N
+43447 311 stgit 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Manage a stack of patches using GIT as a backend \N proxy-maintainers \N René 'Necoro' Neumann
+55943 311 subversion 2010-06-23 14:37:05.061889 Advanced version control system \N \N \N Thomas Sachau
+56960 311 svn2cl 2011-02-11 14:41:16.026705 Create a GNU-style ChangeLog from subversion's svn log --xml output \N \N dev-tools \N \N
+55677 311 svn2git 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Tool for one-time conversion from svn to git \N \N \N Sebastian Pipping
+56447 311 svneverever 2010-10-28 14:34:01.158662 Tool collecting path entries across SVN history \N \N \N Sebastian Pipping
+52305 311 svnmailer 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A subversion commit notifier written in Python \N \N \N \N
+55907 311 tig 2010-06-16 14:35:04.147127 text mode interface for git \N \N \N Tim Harder
+55935 311 tkcvs 2010-06-21 14:35:41.677096 Tcl/Tk-based graphical interface to CVS with Subversion support \N \N tcltk \N \N
+55860 311 topgit 2010-06-05 17:11:34.380149 A different patch queue manager \N \N \N Christian Ruppert
+57907 311 tortoisehg 2011-09-07 14:35:00.069127 Set of graphical tools for Mercurial \N \N \N Lars Wendler
+59113 311 vcsh 2012-04-09 14:35:57.718548 Manage config files in $HOME via fake bare git repositories \N \N \N Matthias Maier
+57923 311 veracity 2011-09-12 14:35:26.598999 A modern and featureful DVCS (distributed version control system) \N \N \N Nathan Phillip Brink
+56719 312 WiRouterKeyRec 2011-01-19 14:43:22.268353 Recovery tool for wpa passphrase \N \N \N Agostino Sarubbo
+57110 312 acr38u 2011-03-17 14:38:02.187254 Non CCID driver for ACR38 AC1038-based Smart Card Reader \N crypto \N \N
+60306 312 aescrypt 2013-02-02 14:36:15.578666 Advanced file encryption using AES \N \N crypto \N \N
+44134 312 aespipe 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Encrypts data from stdin to stdout \N \N crypto \N \N
+59993 312 af_alg 2012-11-13 14:37:52.571934 AF_ALG for OpenSSL af_alg implements an OpenSSL engine that uses the AF_ALG functionailty found in kernel &gt;= 2.6.38 for crypto offload. Be sure to actually check if it's faster, as for many modern systems, userspace software implementations are actually faster, as they avoid a kernel context switch. However, on embedded systems and others with crypto hardware, AF_ALG may be faster. The homepage has more details. \N \N Robin H. Johnson
+50356 312 asedriveiiie-serial 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 ASEDriveIIIe Serial Card Reader \N \N crypto \N \N
+49424 312 asedriveiiie-usb 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 ASEDriveIIIe USB Card Reader \N \N crypto \N \N
+49502 312 asekey 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 ASEKey USB SIM Card Reader \N \N crypto \N \N
+51724 312 bcrypt 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A file encryption utility using Paul Kocher's implementation of the blowfish algorithm \N \N crypto \N \N
+50014 312 bcwipe 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Secure file removal utility \N \N crypto \N \N
+49333 312 bestcrypt 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 commercially licensed transparent filesystem encryption \N \N crypto \N \N
+44979 312 bsign 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 embed secure hashes (SHA1) and digital signatures (GNU Privacy Guard) into files This package embeds secure hashes (SHA1) and digital signatures (GNU Privacy Guard) into files for verification and authentication. Currently, target file types are all ELF format: executables, kernel modules, schared and static link libraries. This program has functionality similar to tripwire and integrit without the need to maintain a database. \N crypto \N \N
+59983 312 cardpeek 2012-11-11 14:37:39.685237 Tool to read the contents of smartcards \N \N crypto \N \N
+47703 312 ccid 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 CCID free software driver \N \N crypto \N \N
+49854 312 ccrypt 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Encryption and decryption \N \N crypto \N \N
+48511 312 chntpw 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Offline Windows NT Password & Registry Editor \N \N crypto \N \N
+58304 312 ckpass 2011-12-14 14:36:37.141738 An ncurses based password database client that is compatible with KeePass 1.x format databases \N \N \N Christian Birchinger
+61059 312 codecrypt 2013-07-30 13:37:16.893642 Post-quantum cryptography tool This is a GnuPG-like unix program for encryption and signing that uses only quantum-computer-resistant algorithms proxy-maintainers \N Mirek Kratochvil
+56208 312 codegroup 2010-09-01 14:33:37.043737 encode / decode binary file as five letter codegroups \N \N \N Michael Weber
+51952 312 coolkey 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Linux Driver support for the CoolKey and CAC products \N \N crypto \N \N
+62510 312 crackpkcs12 2014-09-11 13:37:39.656424 multithreaded program to crack PKCS#12 files \N \N \N \N
+56630 312 dieharder 2010-12-22 14:41:05.491029 An advanced suite for testing the randomness of RNG's \N \N crypto \N \N
+52533 312 dirmngr 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 DirMngr is a daemon to handle CRL and certificate requests for GnuPG \N \N crypto \N \N
+60249 312 easy-rsa 2013-01-24 14:36:07.506148 Small RSA key management package, based on OpenSSL \N \N \N Dirkjan Ochtman
+61316 312 efitools 2013-08-30 13:36:25.154012 Tools for manipulating UEFI secure boot platforms \N \N \N \N
+60136 312 cryptkeeper 2012-12-18 14:36:46.066344 EncFS system tray applet for GNOME Cryptkeeper is a Linux system tray applet that manages EncFS encrypted folders. It allows users to mount and unmount encfs folders, to change the password and to create new crypted folders. It integrates with a preferred file manager. proxy-maintainers \N PhobosK
+55373 312 ekeyd 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Entropy Key userspace daemon \N \N \N Kristian Fiskerstrand
+53903 312 elettra 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Plausible deniable file cryptography \N \N \N \N
+62689 312 etcd-ca 2014-10-17 13:37:52.687188 A simple certificate manager written in Go. Easy to use with limited capability \N \N \N \N
+55869 312 fcrackzip 2010-06-06 14:35:26.247608 a zip password cracker \N crypto \N Samuli Suominen
+59305 312 gcr 2012-05-14 14:36:27.659026 Libraries for cryptographic UIs and accessing PKCS#11 modules \N \N gnome \N \N
+62950 312 gentoo-keys 2014-12-27 14:40:55.550229 A Openpgp/gpg keyring of official Gentoo release media gpg keys \N \N \N Gentoo-keys Project Team
+51260 312 gifshuffle 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 GIF colourmap steganography \N \N \N \N
+62951 312 gkeys 2014-12-27 14:40:55.550229 An OpenPGP/GPG key management tool and python libs \N \N \N Gentoo-keys Project Team
+62976 312 gkeys-gen 2015-01-02 14:39:17.943525 Tool for generating OpenPGP/GPG keys using a specifications file \N \N \N Gentoo-keys Project Team
+47193 312 gnupg 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 The GNU Privacy Guard, a GPL OpenPGP implementation GnuPG is a complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard as defined by RFC4880. \N crypto \N \N
+46120 312 gnupg-pkcs11-scd 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 PKCS#11 support for GnuPG GnuPG scd replacement that enables the use of PKCS#11 tokens. \N crypto \N \N
+52482 312 gorilla 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Password Safe in secure way with GUI interface \N \N \N Patrick Lauer
+55673 312 gpa 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 The GNU Privacy Assistant (GPA) is a graphical user interface for GnuPG \N \N crypto \N \N
+54275 312 gpg-ringmgr 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 GPG Keyring Manager to handle large GPG keyrings more easily \N \N \N Robin H. Johnson
+48090 312 gpgme 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 GnuPG Made Easy is a library for making GnuPG easier to use \N \N crypto \N \N
+50354 312 gpgstats 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 GPGstats calculates statistics on the keys in your key-ring \N crypto \N \N
+45543 312 hashalot 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 CryptoAPI utils \N \N base-system \N \N
+59540 312 hashcat-bin 2012-07-02 14:41:46.259285 An multi-threaded multihash cracker \N crypto \N Rick Farina
+59541 312 hashcat-gui 2012-07-02 14:41:46.259285 A gui for the *hashcat* suite of tools \N crypto \N Rick Farina
+54928 312 heimdal 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Kerberos 5 implementation from KTH Kerberos 5 implementation from KTH \N kerberos \N \N
+55884 312 hmaccalc 2010-06-10 20:41:04.068095 Tools for computing and checking HMAC values for files hmaccalc can be used to compute HMAC (hash-based message authentication code) values for files. An HMAC is similar in concept to a message digest, except in that its calculation also incorporates a key which must be known to both the party generating the HMAC and the party verifying the HMAC. \N crypto \N \N
+60337 312 ima-evm-utils 2013-02-10 14:40:37.321952 Supporting tools for IMA and EVM Supporting tools for IMA and EVM hardened \N Sven Vermeulen
+42319 312 jacksum 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Java utility for computing and verifying checksums: CRC*, MD*, RIPEMD*, SHA*, TIGER*, WHIRLPOOL \N \N java \N \N
+44189 312 johntheripper 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 fast password cracker \N crypto \N Rick Farina
+57985 312 kencfs 2011-09-26 14:35:31.392681 GUI frontend for encfs \N \N kde \N \N
+63418 312 keybase 2015-04-30 13:36:59.400979 Client for Get a public key, safely, starting just with someone's social media username(s) \N \N Nicolas Bock
+54898 312 keylookup 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A tool to fetch PGP keys from keyservers \N \N \N Default assignee for orphaned packages
+53618 312 keynote 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 The KeyNote Trust-Management System \N \N \N \N
+51406 312 kstart 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Modified versions of kinit for refreshing kerberos tickets automatically Modified versions of kinit that can use srvtabs or keytabs to authenticate, can run as daemons and wake up periodically to refresh a ticket, and can run single commands with their own authentication credentials and refresh those credentials until the command exits. \N kerberos \N \N
+62751 312 libscrypt 2014-11-01 14:50:39.535374 Shared library to impliment the scrypt algorithm. See \N \N \N Anthony G. Basile
+59840 312 libsecret 2012-09-25 13:37:53.622112 GObject library for accessing the Secret Service API \N \N gnome \N \N
+62720 312 libu2f-host 2014-10-25 13:38:38.022078 Yubico Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) Host C Library \N crypto \N \N
+62721 312 libykneomgr 2014-10-25 13:38:38.022078 YubiKey NEO CCID Manager C Library \N crypto \N \N
+60209 312 loop-aes-losetup 2013-01-12 14:36:13.591284 Various useful Linux utilities \N \N crypto \N \N
+51100 312 mcrypt 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 replacement of the old unix crypt(1) \N crypto \N Robin H. Johnson
+54221 312 md4sum 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 md4 and edonkey hash algorithm tool \N \N \N \N
+49732 312 md5deep 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Expanded md5sum program with recursive and comparison options \N \N \N Tristan Heaven
+57156 312 md6sum 2011-03-28 14:40:27.142566 A C implementation of MD6 \N crypto \N \N
+43659 312 mdcrack 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A MD4/MD5/NTML hashes bruteforcer \N \N crypto \N \N
+42589 312 mhash 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 library providing a uniform interface to a large number of hash algorithms \N \N \N Robin H. Johnson
+46436 312 mit-krb5 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 MIT Kerberos V Kerberos 5 reference implementation from MIT \N kerberos \N \N
+49088 312 mit-krb5-appl 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Kerberized applications split from the main MIT Kerberos V distribution \N \N kerberos \N \N
+62423 312 monkeysign 2014-07-29 13:38:56.903632 A user-friendly commandline tool to sign OpenGPG keys \N \N \N Kristian Fiskerstrand
+61576 312 monkeysphere 2013-11-12 14:37:35.29958 Leverage the OpenPGP web of trust for OpenSSH and Web authentication \N \N \N Kristian Fiskerstrand
+51389 312 nasty 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Proof-of-concept GPG passphrase recovery tool \N crypto \N \N
+54437 312 nistp224 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 nistp224 performs compressed Diffie-Hellman key exchange on the NIST P-224 elliptic curve nistp224 performs compressed Diffie-Hellman key exchange on the NIST P-224 elliptic curve at record-setting speeds. It includes an easy-to-use C library and a command-line tool. nistp224 also supports uncompressed Diffie-Hellman key exchange on the same curve, with 56-byte public keys, at slightly higher speeds. \N \N \N
+58704 312 nwipe 2012-01-17 14:36:27.237926 Securely erase disks using a variety of recognized methods \N crypto \N Samuli Suominen
+59542 312 oclhashcat-lite-bin 2012-07-02 14:41:46.259285 An opencl hash cracker \N crypto \N Rick Farina
+59543 312 oclhashcat-plus-bin 2012-07-02 14:41:46.259285 An opencl multihash cracker \N crypto \N Rick Farina
+50723 312 onak 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 onak is an OpenPGP keyserver \N crypto \N \N
+41842 312 openssl-blacklist 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Detection of weak ssl keys produced by certain debian versions between 2006 and 2008 \N \N \N \N
+43419 312 openssl-tpm-engine 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 This provides a OpenSSL engine that uses private keys stored in TPM hardware \N \N crypto \N \N
+45395 312 openvpn-blacklist 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Detection of weak openvpn keys produced by certain debian versions between 2006 and 2008 \N \N \N \N
+47260 312 ophcrack 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A time-memory-trade-off-cracker \N \N \N Mike Auty
+43076 312 ophcrack-tables 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Tables available for ophcrack \N \N \N Mike Auty
+60049 312 osslsigncode 2012-11-23 14:36:20.799639 Platform-independent tool for Authenticode signing of EXE/CAB files \N \N \N \N
+57954 312 p11-kit 2011-09-18 14:35:19.108665 Provides a standard configuration setup for installing PKCS#11 \N \N crypto \N \N
+62175 312 paperkey 2014-05-08 13:38:55.938679 OpenPGP key archiver \N \N \N Manuel Rüger
+52056 312 pdfcrack 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Tool for recovering passwords and content from PDF-files \N \N crypto \N \N
+61317 312 pesign 2013-08-30 13:36:25.154012 Tools for manipulating signed PE-COFF binaries \N \N \N \N
+45783 312 pgpdump 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A PGP packet visualizer \N \N \N Manuel Rüger
+54674 312 pinentry 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs which utilize the Assuan protocol \N \N crypto \N \N
+56966 312 pius 2011-02-14 14:38:26.928203 A tool for signing and email all UIDs on a set of PGP keys The PGP Individual UID Signer (PIUS) is a tool for individually signing all of the UIDs on a set of keys and encrypt-emailing each one to it's respective email address. This drastically reduces the time and errors involved in signing keys after a keysigning party. crypto \N Tom Knight
+54893 312 pkcrack 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 PkZip cipher breaker pkcrack is a password cracking program for zip files. It works using a plain text cipher attack. \N crypto \N \N
+57228 312 pkcs11-data 2011-04-14 14:38:49.7002 Utilities for PKCS#11 data object manipulation in \N \N crypto \N \N
+57229 312 pkcs11-dump 2011-04-14 14:38:49.7002 Utilities for PKCS#11 token content dump \N \N crypto \N \N
+41954 312 qca 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA) \N \N crypto \N \N
+42852 312 quickcrypt 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 gives you a quick MD5 Password from any string \N crypto \N \N
+52634 312 rainbowcrack 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Hash cracker that precomputes plaintext - ciphertext pairs in advance RainbowCrack is a general propose implementation of Philippe Oechslin's faster time-memory trade-off technique. In short, the RainbowCrack tool is a password cracker. A traditional brute force cracker try all possible plaintexts one by one in cracking time. It is time consuming to break complex password in this way. The idea of time-memory trade-off is to do all cracking time computation in advance and store the result in files so called "rainbow table". It does take a long time to precompute the tables. But once the one time precomputation is finished, a time-memory trade-off cracker can be hundreds of times faster than a brute force cracker, with the help of precomputed tables. \N crypto \N \N
+50137 312 rotix 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Rotix allows you to generate rotational obfuscations \N \N \N Default assignee for orphaned packages
+60162 312 sbsigntool 2012-12-24 14:36:58.548298 Utilities for signing and verifying files for UEFI Secure Boot \N \N \N \N
+57238 312 scl011-bin 2011-04-16 14:37:37.29677 pcsc-lite driver for the German identification card (nPA) \N crypto \N \N
+61857 312 scrypt 2014-01-24 14:36:43.144076 A simple password-based encryption utility using the scrypt key derivation function \N \N crypto \N \N
+57242 312 scute 2011-04-17 14:39:14.608756 A PKCS #11 module for OpenPGP smartcards Scute is a PKCS #11 module that adds support for the OpenPGP smartcard card to the Mozilla Network Security Services (NSS). crypto \N Lucas Yamanishi
+42298 312 seahorse 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A GNOME application for managing encryption keys Seahorse is a Gnome interface for GnuPG. It's main purpose is to be a PGP/GPG Key Manager, though it has other components including a text editor and file manager. Key Manager Features: Generating a key Deleting a key Importing keys from text or a file Exporting a key to text or a file View key properties Key Properties Features: Show key info Change owner trust Change primary key's expiration date Change passphrase Export key Delete Key Plugins: Nautilus Integration Gedit plugin \N gnome \N \N
+59169 312 seahorse-sharing 2012-04-21 14:36:55.954689 Daemon for PGP public key sharing using DNS-SD and HKP \N \N gnome \N \N
+54811 312 sgeps 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 simple GnuPG-encrypted password store written in perl \N proxy-maintainers \N Enrico Tagliavini
+44181 312 shash 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Generate or check digests or MACs of files shash is a command-line interface for libmhash and is used to generate or check digests or MACs of files. \N \N Sven Wegener
+59021 312 shishi 2012-03-16 14:35:51.161518 A free implementation of the Kerberos 5 network security system GNU Shishi, a free implementation of the Kerberos 5 network security system \N kerberos \N \N
+44057 312 sign 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 File signing and signature verification utility sign is a file signing and signature verification utility. It's main purpose is to be a simple and convenient extension to a tar/gz/bzip2 line of tools to check file integrity and authenticity. It's small and simple, it does just one thing and hopefully does it well. \N \N Alice Ferrazzi
+48206 312 signing-party 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A collection of several tools related to OpenPGP \N \N crypto \N \N
+63463 312 simple-tpm-pk11 2015-05-20 13:39:54.162317 Simple PKCS11 provider for TPM chips A simple library for using the TPM chip to secure SSH keys \N \N \N
+61893 312 ssdeep 2014-02-01 14:37:50.20453 Computes context triggered piecewise hashes (fuzzy hashes) \N \N crypto \N \N
+45844 312 ssh-multiadd 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Adds multiple ssh keys to the ssh authentication agent \N \N \N Ian Delaney
+45147 312 stan 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Stan is a console application that analyzes binary streams and calculates statistical information \N \N crypto \N \N
+61470 312 tc-play 2013-10-06 13:37:24.298118 a free, pretty much fully featured and stable TrueCrypt implementation \N \N crypto \N \N
+45799 312 tinyca 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Simple Perl/Tk GUI to manage a small certification authority \N \N crypto \N \N
+43612 312 tpm-emulator 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Emulator driver for tpm \N \N crypto \N \N
+49803 312 tpm-tools 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 TrouSerS' support tools for the Trusted Platform Modules \N \N crypto \N \N
+49030 312 trousers 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 An open-source TCG Software Stack (TSS) v1.1 implementation \N \N crypto \N \N
+52453 312 truecrypt 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Free open-source disk encryption software \N \N crypto \N \N
+46909 312 xca 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A GUI to OpenSSL, RSA public keys, certificates, signing requests and revokation lists \N \N crypto \N \N
+47214 312 xor-analyze 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 program for cryptanalyzing xor 'encryption' with variable key length \N \N \N \N
+62722 312 yubikey-neo-manager 2014-10-25 13:38:38.022078 Cross platform personalization tool for the YubiKey NEO \N crypto \N \N
+63996 312 zuluCrypt 2015-08-11 19:49:12.188784 Front end to cryptsetup \N \N \N Julian Ospald
+52132 313 3proxy 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 really tiny cross-platform proxy servers set 3Proxy is really tiny cross-platform proxy servers set. It includes HTTP proxy with HTTPS and FTP support, SOCKSv4/SOCKSv4.5/SOCKSv5 proxy, POP3 proxy, FTP proxy, TCP and UDP portmappers. You can use every proxy as a standalone program (socks, proxy, tcppm, udppm, pop3p) or use combined program (3proxy). Combined proxy additionally supports features like access control, bandwidth limiting, limiting daily/weekly/monthly traffic amount, proxy chaining, log rotation, sylog and ODBC logging, etc. It's created to be small, simple (I'd like to say secure - but it's just a beta) and yet functional. \N \N \N
+55722 313 adzapper 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Redirector for squid that intercepts advertising, page counters and some web bugs Redirector for squid that intercepts advertising, page counters and some web bugs \N \N \N
+50654 313 bfilter 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 An ad-filtering web proxy featuring an effective heuristic ad-detection algorithm BFilter is a filtering web proxy. It was originally intended for removing banner ads only, but at some point it has been extended to remove popups and webbugs. It can't be used as a general purpose filtering proxy because it was never intended this way. For example you can't just block an arbitrary object, you can only hint the ad detector in its decision making. The main advantage BFilter has over the similar tools is its heuristic ad detection algorithm. The traditional blocklist-based approach is also implemented, but it's mostly used for dealing with false positives. Unlike other tools that require constant updates of their blocklists, BFilter manages to remove over 90% of ads even with an empty blocklist! The javascript generated ads are not a problem for BFilter, as it has a javascript engine to combat them. BFilter is expected work with any browser that supports proxies (nearly any browser does), and can forward requests to another HTTP proxy. \N \N \N
+56568 313 c-icap 2010-11-22 22:16:08.085775 C Implementation of an ICAP server \N \N \N \N
+60653 313 c-icap-modules 2013-04-14 13:36:37.232011 URL blocklist and virus scanner for the C-ICAP server URL blocklist and virus scanner for the C-ICAP server \N \N \N
+55589 313 cntlm 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Cntlm is an NTLM/NTLMv2 authenticating HTTP proxy NTLM authorizing proxy. Upstream seems dead, but this is still a good alternative to ntlmaps. \N \N \N
+47998 313 dansguardian 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Web content filtering via proxy DansGuardian is an award winning Open Source web content filter which currently runs on Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, Mac OS X, HP-UX, and Solaris. It filters the actual content of pages based on many methods including phrase matching, PICS filtering and URL filtering. It does not purely filter based on a banned list of sites like lesser totally commercial filters. \N \N \N
+43808 313 dante 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A free socks4,5 and msproxy implementation A free socks4, socks5 and msproxy implementation \N \N \N
+51683 313 dnsproxy 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 The dnsproxy daemon is a proxy for DNS queries The dnsproxy daemon is a proxy for DNS queries. It forwards these queries to two previously configured nameservers: one for authoritative queries and another for recursive queries. The received answers are sent back to the client unchanged. No local caching is done. \N \N \N
+51866 313 haproxy 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A TCP/HTTP reverse proxy for high availability environments HAProxy is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP-based applications. It is particularly suited for web sites crawling under very high loads while needing persistence or Layer7 processing. Supporting tens of thousands of connections is clearly realistic with todays hardware. Its mode of operation makes its integration into existing architectures very easy and riskless, while still offering the possibility not to expose fragile web servers to the Net. It can: - route HTTP requests depending on statically assigned cookies - spread the load among several servers while assuring server persistence through the use of HTTP cookies - switch to backup servers in the event a main one fails - accept connections to special ports dedicated to service monitoring - stop accepting connections without breaking existing ones - add/modify/delete HTTP headers both ways - block requests matching a particular pattern Its event-driven architecture allows it to easily handle thousands of simultaneous connections on hundreds of instances without risking the system's stability. \N \N Christian Ruppert
+60080 313 hatop 2012-12-01 14:36:39.005262 interactive ncurses client and real-time monitoring, statistics displaying tool for the HAProxy \N \N \N Christian Ruppert
+49090 313 havp 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 HTTP AntiVirus Proxy HAVP (HTTP AntiVirus proxy) is a proxy with an anti-virus filter. It does not cache or filter content. \N \N \N
+52679 313 http-replicator 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Proxy cache for Gentoo packages \N \N \N \N
+51324 313 httpush 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Httpush is an intercepting proxy, allowing user to modify HTTP requests on-the-fly HTTPush aims at providing an easy way to audit HTTP and HTTPS application/server security. It supports on-the-fly request modification, automated decision making and vulnerability detection through the use of plugins. \N \N \N
+59034 313 mitmproxy 2012-03-21 20:52:40.034466 An interactive, SSL-capable, man-in-the-middle HTTP proxy \N \N \N Tim Harder
+50199 313 ntlmaps 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 NTLM proxy Authentication against MS proxy/web server ntlmaps is a http/ftp/socks proxy server written in python that implements samba-like ntlm authentication against a Microsoft Proxy Server (which does not support 'normal' digest authentication). \N \N \N
+61546 313 nutcracker 2013-11-01 14:36:50.286578 A fast, light-weight proxy for Memcached and Redis. (Twitter's Twemproxy) \N \N \N Jesus Rivero
+49563 313 nylon 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A lightweight SOCKS proxy server nylon is a proxy server, developed on OpenBSD. It supports SOCKS version 4 and 5, as well as a mirror mode so that services can be mirrored directly. \N \N \N
+59009 313 obfsproxy 2012-03-12 14:35:36.651319 An obfuscating proxy using Tor's pluggable transport protocol \N \N \N Anthony G. Basile
+43074 313 oops 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 An advanced multithreaded caching web proxy An advanced multithreaded caching web proxy \N \N \N
+46852 313 pingtunnel 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Tunnel TCP over ICMP Ptunnel is an application that allows you to reliably tunnel TCP connections to a remote host using ICMP echo request and reply packets, commonly known as ping requests and replies. \N \N \N
+55635 313 piper 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Piper (a tool for manipulating SOCKS5 servers) \N \N \N \N
+42343 313 polipo 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A caching web proxy A small and fast caching web proxy designed to be used by one person or a small group of people. \N \N \N
+46497 313 privoxy 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities for protecting privacy against Internet junk \N \N \N \N
+46204 313 ratproxy 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A semi-automated, largely passive web application security audit tool A semi-automated, largely passive web application security audit tool, optimized for an accurate and sensitive detection, and automatic annotation, of potential problems and security-relevant design patterns based on the observation of existing, user-initiated traffic in complex web 2.0 environments. Detects and prioritizes broad classes of security problems, such as dynamic cross-site trust model considerations, script inclusion issues, content serving problems, insufficient XSRF and XSS defenses, and much more. \N \N \N
+59640 313 rejik 2012-07-31 14:44:19.030833 A squid redirector used for blocking unwanted content \N \N \N Sergey Popov
+62993 313 shadowsocks-libev 2015-01-08 18:08:50.383995 A lightweight secured scoks5 proxy for embedded devices and low end boxes \N \N Yixun Lan
+49517 313 squid 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A full-featured web proxy cache A full-featured web proxy cache \N \N Eray Aslan
+44558 313 squidclamav 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 HTTP Antivirus for Squid based on ClamAv and ICAP SquidClamAV is a \N \N \N
+51664 313 squirm 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A redirector for Squid A redirector for Squid \N \N \N
+51296 313 sshproxy 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 sshproxy is an ssh gateway to apply ACLs on ssh connections sshproxy is a pure python implementation of an ssh proxy. It allows users to connect to remote sites without having to remember or even know the password or key of the remote sites. There are 2 possible scenarios which could possibly interest you. Scenario 1: Team mode If you're in charge of a lot of remote sites, and your company has several administrators to do some remote administration tasks, then no user will ever need to know the password or key of the servers he administrates. When an employee quits your company, you just have to delete his entry in the proxy database, and he will never be able to connect to the remote site. Scenario 2: Forwarding mode You want to allow some people to connect through your firewall to a range of server inside your DMZ or LAN, but you don't want to open one port for each server. What you can do is open the sshproxy port and setup the password database to proxy each external user to it's own desktop, or create groups of users allowed to connect to your DMZ servers. \N \N \N
+57596 313 sshuttle 2011-07-05 14:37:09.747331 Transparent proxy server that works as a poor man's VPN using ssh \N \N \N Tim Harder
+57537 313 tayga 2011-06-17 14:42:20.235913 out-of-kernel stateless NAT64 implementation based on TUN \N \N \N Michael Weber
+51963 313 tinyproxy 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A lightweight HTTP/SSL proxy A lightweight HTTP/SSL proxy \N \N \N
+57926 313 torsocks 2011-09-14 14:35:13.189159 Use most socks-friendly applications with Tor \N \N \N Anthony G. Basile
+51764 313 tsocks 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Transparent SOCKS v4 proxying library tsocks' role is to allow non SOCKS aware applications (e.g telnet, ssh, ftp etc) to use SOCKS without any modification. It does this by intercepting the calls that applications make to establish network connections and negotating them through a SOCKS server as necessary. \N \N \N
+45206 313 ufdbguard 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 ufdbGuard is a redirector for the Squid internet proxy The fastest URL filter with 25,000 URL verifications/sec to filter unwanted web content. ufdbGuard is a redirector for the Squid internet proxy. \N \N \N
+50134 313 webscarab 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A framework for analysing applications that communicate using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols WebScarab is designed to be a tool for anyone who needs to expose the workings of an HTTP(S) based application, whether to allow the developer to debug otherwise difficult problems or to allow a security specialist to identify vulnerabilities in the way that the application has been designed or implemented. \N \N \N
+48692 313 wwwoffle 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Web caching proxy suitable for non-permanent Internet connections The wwwoffled program is a simple proxy server with special features for use with dial-up internet links. This means that it is possible to browse web pages and read them without having to remain connected. \N \N \N
+54910 313 ziproxy 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A forwarding, non-caching, compressing web proxy server Ziproxy is a http compression and optimizer, non-caching, fully configurable proxy. Ziproxy features JPEG, GIF, PNG, JPEG2k and GZIP recompression for lower HTTP traffic through low speed links, among other features. \N \N \N
+50469 314 ANSITerminal 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Module which offers basic control of ANSI compliant terminals \N \N ml \N \N
+60461 314 async 2013-03-07 14:35:53.907824 Jane Street Capital's asynchronous execution library \N \N ml \N \N
+60463 314 async_extra 2013-03-07 14:35:53.907824 Jane Street Capital's asynchronous execution library (extra) \N \N ml \N \N
+61846 314 async_kernel 2014-01-20 14:37:16.019176 Jane Street Capital's asynchronous execution library (core) \N \N ml \N \N
+63858 314 async_rpc_kernel 2015-07-14 13:37:21.511799 Platform-independent core of Async RPC library \N \N ml \N \N
+60464 314 async_unix 2013-03-07 14:35:53.907824 Jane Street Capital's asynchronous execution library (unix) \N \N ml \N \N
+59061 314 batteries 2012-03-28 14:37:48.501444 The community-maintained foundation library for your OCaml projects \N \N ml \N \N
+64157 314 bignum 2015-09-20 15:00:30.290762 Core-flavoured wrapper around zarith's arbitrary-precision rationals \N \N ml \N \N
+46651 314 bin-prot 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A binary protocol generator \N \N ml \N \N
+63074 314 biniou 2015-02-15 14:38:09.385452 A binary data serialization format inspired by JSON for OCaml \N \N ml \N \N
+57804 314 bolt 2011-08-20 14:35:01.47435 Logging tool for the Objective Caml language \N \N ml \N \N
+59496 314 cairo-ocaml 2012-06-19 14:39:24.774615 Ocaml bindings for the cairo vector graphics library This package contains all the development stuff you need to use Cairo in your OCaml programs. The folowing backends are supported: PostScript, PDF, PNG, In-memory images and X11. \N sci \N \N
+59654 314 calendar 2012-08-03 14:36:49.835984 An Ocaml library to handle dates and time \N \N ml \N \N
+62729 314 camlbz2 2014-10-27 14:38:47.993424 OCaml bindings for libbz (AKA, bzip2) \N \N ml \N \N
+59680 314 camldbm 2012-08-08 14:37:29.613605 OCaml binding to the NDBM/GDBM Unix databases \N \N ml \N \N
+48660 314 camlidl 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 CamlIDL is a stub code generator for using C/C++ libraries from O'Caml \N \N ml \N \N
+48948 314 camlimages 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 An image manipulation library for ocaml \N \N ml \N \N
+62840 314 camlp4 2014-11-29 14:39:27.777863 System for writing extensible parsers for programming languages \N \N ml \N \N
+47388 314 camlp5 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A preprocessor-pretty-printer of ocaml \N \N ml \N \N
+62876 314 camlpdf 2014-12-08 14:38:53.334934 OCaml library for reading, writing, and modifying PDF files \N \N \N Tim Harder
+47766 314 camlzip 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Compressed file access ML library (ZIP, GZIP and JAR) \N \N ml \N \N
+50959 314 camomile 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Camomile is a comprehensive Unicode library for ocaml \N \N ml \N \N
+62739 314 cmdliner 2014-10-29 14:38:07.804099 Declarative definition of command line interfaces for OCaml \N \N ml \N \N
+59870 314 comparelib 2012-10-08 13:35:48.165793 Camlp4 syntax extension that derives comparison functions from type representations \N \N ml \N \N
+45725 314 core 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Jane Street's alternative to the standard library Core is Jane Street Capital's Ocaml standard library overlay. It provides tail recursive versions of non tail recursive functions in the standard library, changes the signature of many of the standard modules, and adds new functionality. Core_extended adds new functionality, but is only code reviewed on an ad-hoc basis. \N ml \N \N
+62780 314 core_bench 2014-11-10 14:44:24.841581 Micro-benchmarking library for OCaml \N \N ml \N \N
+59062 314 core_extended 2012-03-28 14:37:48.501444 Jane Street's alternative to the standard library \N \N ml \N \N
+60837 314 core_kernel 2013-06-11 13:36:25.960039 System-independent part of Core Core_kernel is the system-independent part of Core. It is aimed for cases when the full Core is not available, such as in Javascript. It provides an overlay on the usual namespace, so the best way to use Core is to start your file with: open Core_kernel.Std \N ml \N \N
+63859 314 core_profiler 2015-07-14 13:37:21.511799 Jane Street's profiling library \N \N ml \N \N
+61040 314 cppo 2013-07-24 13:36:40.606049 An equivalent of the C preprocessor for OCaml programs \N \N ml \N \N
+43079 314 cryptokit 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Cryptographic primitives library for Objective Caml \N \N ml \N \N
+59655 314 csv 2012-08-03 14:36:49.835984 A pure OCaml library to read and write CSV files \N \N ml \N \N
+62716 314 cudf 2014-10-24 13:37:02.106838 Library to parse, pretty print, and evaluate CUDF documents \N \N ml \N \N
+60775 314 custom_printf 2013-05-25 13:36:30.927995 Syntax extension for printf format strings \N \N ml \N \N
+62042 314 deriving 2014-03-14 14:37:35.37191 A deriving library for Ocsigen \N \N ml \N \N
+59662 314 deriving-ocsigen 2012-08-04 14:37:51.870848 A deriving library for Ocsigen \N \N ml \N \N
+62736 314 dose3 2014-10-28 14:38:24.907655 Library and a collection of tools to perform la large spectrum of analysis on package repositories \N \N ml \N \N
+63075 314 easy-format 2015-02-15 14:38:09.385452 Pretty-printing library for OCaml \N \N ml \N \N
+59681 314 eliom 2012-08-08 14:37:29.613605 A web framework to program client/server applications \N \N ml \N \N
+62781 314 enumerate 2014-11-10 14:44:24.841581 Syntax extension to produce a list of all values of a type \N \N ml \N \N
+51121 314 extlib 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Standard library extensions for O'Caml \N \N ml \N \N
+43006 314 facile 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A constraint programming library on integer and integer set finite domains written in OCaml \N \N kde \N \N
+61847 314 faillib 2014-01-20 14:37:16.019176 Syntax extension for inserting the current location \N \N ml \N \N
+51080 314 fieldslib 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Folding over record fields This library defines a syntax extension for OCaml using Camlp4 that can be used to define first class values representing record fields, and additional routines, to get and set record fields, iterate and fold over all fields of a record and create new record values. \N ml \N \N
+51288 314 findlib 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 OCaml tool to find/use non-standard packages \N \N ml \N \N
+55890 314 fort 2010-06-12 14:35:12.17875 provides an environment for testing programs and Objective Caml modules FORT (Framework for Ocaml Regression Testing) provides an environment for testing programs and Objective Caml modules. \N \N Kacper Kowalik
+56132 314 gd4o 2010-08-08 14:36:12.135978 OCaml interface to the GD graphics library \N \N ml \N \N
+60465 314 herelib 2013-03-07 14:35:53.907824 Syntax extension for inserting the current location \N \N ml \N \N
+61034 314 iTeML 2013-07-22 13:36:46.445128 Inline (Unit) Tests for OCaml \N \N ml \N \N
+63860 314 incremental 2015-07-14 13:37:21.511799 Library for incremental computations \N \N ml \N \N
+59663 314 js_of_ocaml 2012-08-04 14:37:51.870848 A compiler from OCaml bytecode to javascript \N \N ml \N \N
+62740 314 jsonm 2014-10-29 14:38:07.804099 Non-blocking streaming JSON codec for OCaml \N \N ml \N \N
+57026 314 kaputt 2011-03-04 14:38:31.139643 Unit testing tool for the Objective Caml language \N \N ml \N \N
+44404 314 lablgl 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Objective CAML interface for OpenGL \N \N ml \N \N
+43080 314 lablgtk 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Objective CAML interface for Gtk+2 \N \N ml \N \N
+62841 314 labltk 2014-11-29 14:39:27.777863 OCaml interface to the Tcl/Tk GUI framework \N \N ml \N \N
+59070 314 lambda-term 2012-03-30 14:36:55.931962 A cross-platform library for manipulating the terminal \N \N ml \N \N
+49122 314 lwt 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Cooperative light-weight thread library for OCaml \N ml \N Alexis Ballier
+60328 314 macaque 2013-02-08 14:36:53.188287 DSL for SQL Queries in Caml \N \N ml \N \N
+60329 314 menhir 2013-02-08 14:36:53.188287 LR(1) parser generator for the OCaml language \N \N ml \N \N
+59063 314 oasis 2012-03-28 14:37:48.501444 OASIS is a tool to integrate a configure, build and install system in OCaml project \N \N ml \N \N
+43401 314 ocaml-augeas 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Ocaml bindings for Augeas ocaml-augeas is a set of Ocaml bindings around augeas. \N \N \N
+47516 314 ocaml-autoconf 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 autoconf macros to support configuration of OCaml programs and libraries \N \N ml \N \N
+63896 314 ocaml-base64 2015-07-27 13:38:06.99089 Library for radix-64 representation (de)coding \N \N ml \N \N
+63228 314 ocaml-ctypes 2015-03-17 14:50:50.788822 Library for binding to C libraries using pure OCaml \N \N ml \N \N
+57105 314 ocaml-data-notation 2011-03-16 14:39:07.204582 This project uses type-conv to dump OCaml data structure using OCaml data notation \N ml \N Vladimir Ivanov
+55518 314 ocaml-doc 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Ocaml reference manual (html) \N \N ml \N \N
+42672 314 ocaml-expat 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 OCaml bindings for expat \N \N ml \N \N
+56988 314 ocaml-expect 2011-02-23 14:37:44.455238 Ocaml implementation of expect to help building unitary testing \N ml \N Vladimir Ivanov
+57106 314 ocaml-fileutils 2011-03-16 14:39:07.204582 Pure OCaml functions to manipulate real file (POSIX like) and filename \N ml \N Vladimir Ivanov
+59553 314 ocaml-gettext 2012-07-05 14:45:29.417252 Provides support for internationalization of OCaml program \N \N ml \N \N
+62852 314 ocaml-ipaddr 2014-12-01 14:36:06.124805 OCaml library for manipulation of IP (and MAC) address representations \N \N ml \N \N
+44017 314 ocaml-make 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Generic O'Caml Makefile for GNU Make \N \N ml \N \N
+51306 314 ocaml-mysql 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A package for ocaml that provides access to mysql databases \N \N ml \N \N
+62717 314 ocaml-re 2014-10-24 13:37:02.106838 Regular expression library for OCaml \N \N ml \N \N
+59602 314 ocaml-safepass 2012-07-20 14:37:35.138188 A library offering facilities for the safe storage of user passwords \N \N ml \N \N
+59656 314 ocaml-sha 2012-08-03 14:36:49.835984 A binding for SHA interface code in OCaml \N \N ml \N \N
+54802 314 ocaml-sqlite3 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A package for ocaml that provides access to SQLite databases \N \N ml \N \N
+42953 314 ocaml-ssl 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 OCaml bindings for OpenSSL \N \N ml \N \N
+59064 314 ocaml-text 2012-03-28 14:37:48.501444 Library for dealing with 'text' \N \N ml \N \N
+59816 314 ocamldap 2012-09-16 14:23:07.408774 an implementation of the Light Weight Directory Access Protocol Ocamldap is an implementation of the Light Weight Directory Access Protocol, and a set of useful tools built around it. It includes high level libraries for creating ldap clients and ldap servers. It also includes many of the auxiliary tools needed for building intelligent solutions, and interoperating with other directories. These include, an rfc2252 schema parser, and an schema checker, an ldif parser and printer, a search filter parser (but no printer yet), and a rudimentary ldap url parser. While including things already done elsewhere is fun, ocamldap adds something as well. So it implements a concept which tries to provide a basic unit of abstraction for managing directory data, called a service. A service is a bit like a stored search filter that you give a name. So you can ask ocamldap if an object satisfies its conditions, but unlike a search filter you can also ask ocamldap to MAKE an object satisfy its conditions. This can be really useful in distributed managment applications. Needless to say, more on this in the Documentation section. \N ml \N \N
+45290 314 ocamldsort 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A dependency sorter for OCaml source files \N \N ml \N \N
+52838 314 ocamlgraph 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 O'Caml Graph library \N \N ml \N \N
+55855 314 ocamlgsl 2010-06-04 16:18:37.260033 OCaml bindings for the GSL library This is an interface to GSL (GNU scientific library), for the Objective Caml langage. \N sci \N \N
+59065 314 ocamlify 2012-03-28 14:37:48.501444 OCamlify allows to create OCaml source code by including whole file into OCaml string or string list \N \N ml \N \N
+59066 314 ocamlmod 2012-03-28 14:37:48.501444 Generate OCaml modules from source files \N \N ml \N \N
+49819 314 ocamlnet 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Modules for OCaml application-level Internet protocols \N \N ml \N \N
+59817 314 ocamlpam 2012-09-16 14:23:07.408774 OCamlPAM - an OCaml library for PAM \N \N ml \N \N
+41844 314 ocamlsdl 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 OCaml SDL Bindings \N \N ml \N \N
+45833 314 ocamlweb 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 O'Caml literate programming tool \N \N ml \N \N
+50308 314 ocurl 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 OCaml interface to the libcurl library \N \N ml \N \N
+56798 314 odns 2011-02-04 14:39:55.99607 OCaml library to query DNS servers \N \N ml \N \N
+62741 314 opam 2014-10-29 14:38:07.804099 A source-based package manager for OCaml \N \N ml \N \N
+62043 314 optcomp 2014-03-14 14:37:35.37191 Optional compilation for OCaml with cpp-like directives \N \N ml \N \N
+44622 314 ounit 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Unit testing framework for OCaml \N \N ml \N \N
+61842 314 pa_bench 2014-01-19 14:38:18.764492 Syntax extension writing inline benchmarks \N \N ml \N \N
+59537 314 pa_ounit 2012-07-01 14:37:09.168931 Syntax extension that helps writing in-line test in ocaml Pa_ounit is a syntax extension that helps writing in-line test in ocaml code. It allows user to register tests with a new `TEST` top-level expressions and automatically collects all the tests in a module (in a function `ounit_tests` of type `unit -&gt; OUnit.test`). \N ml \N \N
+63861 314 pa_structural_sexp 2015-07-14 13:37:21.511799 Quotation expanders to simplify building s-expressions from ocaml values \N \N ml \N \N
+61848 314 pa_test 2014-01-20 14:37:16.019176 Quotation expanders for assertions \N \N ml \N \N
+62730 314 parmap 2014-10-27 14:38:47.993424 Library allowing to exploit multicore architectures for OCaml programs with minimal modifications \N \N ml \N \N
+45157 314 pcre-ocaml 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Perl Compatibility Regular Expressions for O'Caml \N \N ml \N \N
+59865 314 pgocaml 2012-10-07 13:40:38.245321 PG'OCaml is a set of OCaml bindings for the PostgreSQL database \N \N ml \N \N
+59538 314 pipebang 2012-07-01 14:37:09.168931 Syntax extension to transform x |! f into f x \N \N ml \N \N
+50183 314 pomap 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Partially Ordered Map ADT for O'Caml \N \N ml \N \N
+47929 314 postgresql-ocaml 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A package for ocaml that provides access to PostgreSQL databases \N \N ml \N \N
+50513 314 pxp 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 validating XML parser library for O'Caml \N \N ml \N \N
+61849 314 re2 2014-01-20 14:37:16.019176 OCaml bindings for RE2 \N \N ml \N \N
+54960 314 react 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 OCaml module for functional reactive programming React is an OCaml module for functional reactive programming (FRP). It provides support to program with time varying values : applicative events and signals. React doesn't define any primitive event or signal, this lets the client chooses the concrete timeline. React is made of a single, independent, module and distributed under the new BSD license. Given an absolute notion of time Rtime helps you to manage a timeline and provides time stamp events, delayed events and delayed signals. \N ml \N \N
+62853 314 reactiveData 2014-12-01 14:36:06.124805 Functional reactive programming with incremental changes in data structures \N \N ml \N \N
+49599 314 res 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Resizable Array and Buffer modules for O'Caml \N \N ml \N \N
+49507 314 sexplib 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Library for automated conversion of OCaml-values to and from S-expressions \N \N ml \N \N
+60838 314 textutils 2013-06-11 13:36:25.960039 Text output utilities \N \N ml \N \N
+51843 314 type-conv 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Mini library required for some other preprocessing libraries \N \N ml \N \N
+60466 314 typehashlib 2013-03-07 14:35:53.907824 Syntax extension for deriving 'typehash' functions automatically \N \N ml \N \N
+61843 314 typerep 2014-01-19 14:38:18.764492 Library for creating runtime representation of OCaml types \N \N ml \N \N
+63095 314 typerep_extended 2015-02-21 14:40:29.404186 Runtime types for OCaml (Extended) \N \N ml \N \N
+59071 314 tyxml 2012-03-30 14:36:55.931962 A libary to build xml trees typechecked by OCaml \N \N ml \N \N
+51928 314 ulex 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A lexer generator for unicode \N \N ml \N \N
+59072 314 utop 2012-03-30 14:36:55.931962 A new toplevel for OCaml with completion and colorization \N \N ml \N \N
+62742 314 uutf 2014-10-29 14:38:07.804099 Non-blocking streaming Unicode codec for OCaml \N \N ml \N \N
+59539 314 variantslib 2012-07-01 14:37:09.168931 OCaml variants as first class values \N \N ml \N \N
+58298 314 xml-light 2011-12-12 14:35:50.722309 Minimal Xml parser and printer for OCaml \N proxy-maintainers \N Maxim Koltsov
+56982 314 xmlm 2011-02-22 14:56:29.018702 Ocaml XML manipulation module \N ml \N Vladimir Ivanov
+48327 314 xstr 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Thread-safe implementation of string searching/matching/splitting \N \N ml \N \N
+63076 314 yojson 2015-02-15 14:38:09.385452 JSON parsing and pretty-printing library for OCaml \N \N ml \N \N
+64158 314 zarith 2015-09-20 15:00:30.290762 Arithmetic and logic operations over arbitrary-precision integers \N \N ml \N \N
+59073 314 zed 2012-03-30 14:36:55.931962 Zed is an abstract engine for text edition \N \N ml \N \N
+50177 316 amanda 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 The Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver \N app-backup \N Robin H. Johnson
+42056 316 backintime 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A simple backup system inspired by TimeVault and FlyBack, with a GUI for GNOME and KDE4 Back In Time is a simple backup tool for Linux inspired from “flyback project” and “TimeVault”. The backup is done by taking snapshots of a specified set of directories. Currently there are two GUI available: Gnome and KDE 4 (&gt;= 4.1). All you have to do is configure: Where to save snapshot What directories to backup When backup should be done (manual, every hour, every day, every week, every month) \N \N Michael Weber
+53758 316 backup-manager 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Backup Manager is a command line backup tool for GNU/Linux command line backup tool, designed to help make daily archives of the file system. It can make archives in lots of open formats (tar, gzip, bzip2, lzma, dar, zip) and provides interesting features (such as network exports or CD/DVD automated-burning) app-backup \N Bernard Cafarelli
+46489 316 backupninja 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 lightweight, extensible meta-backup system \N proxy-maintainers \N Přemysl Vohnout
+45700 316 backuppc 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A high-performance system for backing up computers to a server's disk \N \N app-backup \N \N
+52709 316 bacula 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Featureful client/server network backup suite \N app-backup \N Thomas Beierlein
+61515 316 bareos 2013-10-22 13:36:35.036262 Featureful client/server network backup suite \N \N \N Marc Schiffbauer
+46557 316 boxbackup 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A completely automatic on-line backup system An open source, completely automatic on-line backup system for UNIX. \N app-backup \N \N
+62855 316 burp 2014-12-02 14:37:53.872596 Network backup and restore client and server for Unix and Windows Burp is a network backup and restore program. It uses librsync in order to save network traffic and to save on the amount of space that is used by each backup. It also uses VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) to make snapshots when backing up Windows computers. \N \N Amadeusz Żołnowski
+49039 316 ccollect 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 (pseudo) incremental backup with different exclude lists using hardlinks and rsync \N \N \N \N
+45217 316 cdbackup 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Allows streaming backup utilities to dump/restore from CD-R(W)s or DVD(+/-RW)s \N \N app-backup \N \N
+46793 316 cdbkup 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 performs full/incremental backups of local/remote filesystems onto CD-R(W)s A backup application capable of full/incremental backups on local and remote systems onto cd-r and cd-rw discs. \N app-backup \N \N
+47801 316 cpdup 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A comprehensive filesystem mirroring program \N \N bsd \N \N
+51028 316 dar 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A full featured backup tool, aimed for disks (floppy,CDR(W),DVDR(W),zip,jazz etc.) Backup directory tree and files. Full featured archiver with support for differential backups, slices, compression, ATTR/ACL support. DAR also supports Pipes for remote operations, including with ssh. \N \N \N
+57261 316 deja-dup 2011-04-22 14:37:32.561682 Simple backup tool using duplicity back-end \N gnome \N \N
+42739 316 dirvish 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Dirvish is a fast, disk based, rotating network backup system Dirvish is a fast, disk based, rotating network backup system. With dirvish you can maintain a set of complete images of your filesystems with unattended creation and expiration. A dirvish backup vault is like a time machine for your data. \N app-backup \N \N
+49561 316 duplicity 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Secure backup system using gnupg to encrypt data \N \N \N Tim Harder
+62106 316 duply 2014-04-13 13:37:32.724028 A shell frontend for duplicity proxy-maintainers \N Marcel Pennewiß
+52519 316 flexbackup 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Flexible backup script using perl \N \N \N \N
+58220 316 fsarchiver 2011-11-20 14:35:27.735405 Flexible filesystem archiver for backup and deployment tool \N \N \N Markos Chandras
+53460 316 furball 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A handy backup script utilizing tar \N \N \N \N
+50461 316 hdup 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Hdup is backup program using tar, find, gzip/bzip2, mcrypt and ssh \N \N \N \N
+62541 316 holland 2014-09-22 13:36:24.12059 Holland Core Plugins \N \N Alex Brandt
+62542 316 holland-backup-example 2014-09-22 13:36:24.12059 Holland Example Plugin \N \N Alex Brandt
+62543 316 holland-backup-mysql-lvm 2014-09-22 13:36:24.12059 Holland MySQL with LVM Plugin \N \N Alex Brandt
+62544 316 holland-backup-mysql-meta 2014-09-22 13:36:24.12059 Holland MySQL \N \N Alex Brandt
+62545 316 holland-backup-mysqldump 2014-09-22 13:36:24.12059 Holland mysqldump Plugin \N \N Alex Brandt
+62546 316 holland-backup-mysqlhotcopy 2014-09-22 13:36:24.12059 Holland MySQL (MyISAM) Hotcopy Plugin \N \N Alex Brandt
+62547 316 holland-backup-pgdump 2014-09-22 13:36:24.12059 Holland pgdump Plugin \N \N Alex Brandt
+62548 316 holland-backup-random 2014-09-22 13:36:24.12059 Holland Random Plugin \N \N Alex Brandt
+62549 316 holland-backup-sqlite 2014-09-22 13:36:24.12059 Holland sqlite Plugin \N \N Alex Brandt
+62550 316 holland-lib-common 2014-09-22 13:36:24.12059 Holland Core Library \N \N Alex Brandt
+62551 316 holland-lib-lvm 2014-09-22 13:36:24.12059 Holland LVM Library \N \N Alex Brandt
+62552 316 holland-lib-mysql 2014-09-22 13:36:24.12059 Holland MySQL Library \N \N Alex Brandt
+54561 316 kbackup 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 KBackup is a program that lets you back up any directories or files \N \N kde \N \N
+51204 316 luckybackup 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Powerful and flexible backup (and syncing) tool, using RSync and Qt4 \N \N qt \N \N
+54138 316 mirdir 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Mirdir allows to synchronize two directory trees in a fast way \N \N \N Robin H. Johnson
+48037 316 mylvmbackup 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 mylvmbackup is a tool for quickly creating backups of MySQL server's data files using LVM snapshots \N app-backup \N Robin H. Johnson
+59458 316 obnam 2012-06-15 14:38:52.161259 A backup program that supports encryption and deduplication \N \N \N Marc Schiffbauer
+45736 316 pdumpfs 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 a daily backup system similar to Plan9's dumpfs pdumpfs is a simple daily backup system similar to Plan9's dumpfs which preserves every daily snapshot. pdumpfs is written in Ruby. You can access the past snapshots at any time for retrieving a certain day's file. Let's backup your home directory with pdumpfs! proxy-maintainers \N Paul Healy
+62265 316 qt4-fsarchiver 2014-05-29 13:38:05.78548 Qt4 frontend for fsarchiver \N \N \N \N
+53066 316 rdiff-backup 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Local/remote mirroring+incremental backup \N app-backup \N Alex Brandt
+61618 316 rdumpfs 2013-11-25 14:36:50.531744 a rsync-based dump file system backup tool \N \N \N Christoph Junghans
+61502 316 rear 2013-10-18 13:36:54.07963 Fully automated disaster recovery, suppors broad variety of backup strategies and scenarios. Relax and Recover (Rear) is the leading Open Source disaster recovery solution, and successor to mkcdrec. It comprises of a modular framework and ready-to-go workflows for many common situations to produce a bootable image and restore from backup using this image. As a benefit, it allows to restore to different hardware and can therefore be used as a migration tool as well. proxy-maintainers \N Timo Eissler
+53823 316 reoback 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Reoback Backup Solution \N \N \N Default assignee for orphaned packages
+45648 316 rsnapshot 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A filesystem backup utility based on rsync \N proxy-maintainers \N Sergiy Borodych
+47205 316 sarab 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 SaraB is a powerful and automated backup scheduling system based on DAR SaraB works with DAR (Disk ARchive) to schedule backups. SaraB provides a powerful, automated rotation schedule which allows administrators to create a custom rotation that fits the needs of their network. \N \N \N
+51642 316 simplebackup 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Cross-platform backup program \N \N app-backup \N \N
+51948 316 snapback2 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Routines for support of rsync-based snapshot backup \N \N app-backup \N \N
+62221 316 snapper 2014-05-21 13:37:27.229878 Command-line program for btrfs and ext4 snapshot management Snapper is a command-line program for filesystem snapshot management. It can create, delete and compare snapshots and undo changes done between snapshots. It supports both btrfs and ext4. proxy-maintainers \N Dainius Masiliūnas (GreatEmerald)
+57749 316 spideroak-bin 2011-08-14 14:35:03.648345 An easy, secure and consolidated free online backup, storage, access and sharing system \N \N \N Anthony G. Basile
+42770 316 tarsnap 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Online backups for the truly paranoid \N \N \N Greg Kroah-Hartman
+48432 316 tob 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A general driver for making and maintaining backups \N \N \N Default assignee for orphaned packages
+55529 316 tsm 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) Backup/Archive (B/A) Client and API \N proxy-maintainers \N Martin von Gagern
+44503 316 vzdump 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 A utility to make consistent snapshots of running OpenVZ containers vzdump is a utility to make consistent snapshots of running OpenVZ VEs. It basically creates a tar archive of the VE private area, which also includes the VE configuration files. There are several ways to provide consistency: - stop the VE during backup (very long downtime) - use rsync and suspend/resume (minimal downtime) - use LVM2 (no downtime) \N \N Peter Volkov
+45991 313 squidguard 2010-05-04 00:54:45.66186 Combined filter, redirector and access controller plugin for Squid Combined filter, redirector and access controller plugin for Squid \N \N Sergey Popov
+64575 314 ocaml-cstruct 2015-10-17 15:00:26.430087 Map OCaml arrays onto C-like structs \N ml \N \N
+64576 314 ocplib-endian 2015-10-17 15:00:26.430087 Optimised functions to read and write int16/32/64 from strings, bytes and bigarrays \N ml \N \N
+64577 314 qcheck 2015-10-17 15:00:26.430087 QuickCheck inspired property-based testing for OCaml \N ml \N \N
+64578 314 io-page 2015-10-18 23:21:47.315491 IO memory page library for Mirage backends \N ml \N \N
+64579 314 mirage-profile 2015-10-18 23:21:47.315491 Collect profiling information \N ml \N \N
+64580 314 ocaml-pcap 2015-10-18 23:21:47.315491 Read and write pcap-formatted network packet traces. \N ml \N \N
+64581 314 ocaml-uri 2015-10-18 23:21:47.315491 RFC3986 URI parsing library for OCaml \N ml \N \N
+64582 314 stringext 2015-10-18 23:21:47.315491 Extra string functions for OCaml \N ml \N \N
+64587 314 ocaml-dns 2015-10-19 20:41:27.245805 A pure OCaml implementation of the DNS protocol \N ml \N \N
+59110 312 eid-mw 2012-04-08 14:36:58.547099 Electronic Identity Card middleware supplied by the Belgian Federal Government eid-mw is Belgian Electronic Identity Card (eID) middleware supplied by the Belgian Federal Government. With your eID, you can: - identify yourself when necessary. All you have to do is insert the card in the reader. All your details then appear automatically on the PC screen. - authenticate yourself. This is a way of checking that you are who you say you are. That can be handy on the internet or to enable your children to chat in safety. - place a legally binding electronic signature on electronic documents. These three functions form the basis of the countless applications for your eID. Go to and check out what can you do with it? and discover all the things you can use the eID for. proxy-maintainers \N \N
+64821 312 acme 2015-12-02 19:12:59.916989 An implementation of the ACME protocol \N \N \N Manuel Rüger
+64822 312 letsencrypt 2015-12-02 19:12:59.916989 Let's encrypt client to automate deployment of X.509 certificates \N \N \N Manuel Rüger
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/repos.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/repos.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1f6df9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/repos.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+17 gentoo
+18 RandomLAN
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/use_global.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/use_global.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6829cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/use_global.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+ayatana Build in support for Ayatana notification using the libindicate or libappindicator plugin
+git Enable git (version control system) support
+3dfx Enable support for Voodoo chipsets, also called as 3DFX and TDFX
+fortran Add support for fortran
+aim Enable AIM IM protocol support
+udisks Enable storage management support (automounting, volume monitoring, etc)
+ao Use libao audio output library for sound playback
+apache2 Add Apache2 support
+upower Enable power management support
+aqua Include support for the Mac OS X Aqua (Carbon/Cocoa) GUI
+atm Enable Asynchronous Transfer Mode protocol support
+pie Build programs as Position Independent Executables (a security hardening technique)
+avahi Add avahi/Zeroconf support
+bash-completion Enable bash-completion support
+vaapi Enable Video Acceleration API for hardware decoding
+libav Prefer libav over ffmpeg whenever both are supported
+bootstrap !!internal use only!! DO NOT SET THIS FLAG YOURSELF!, used during original system bootstrapping [make stage2]
+branding Enable Gentoo specific branding
+bsf Enable support for Apache Bean Scripting Framework (dev-java/bsf)
+build !!internal use only!! DO NOT SET THIS FLAG YOURSELF!, used for creating build images and the first half of bootstrapping [make stage1]
+bzip2 Use the bzlib compression library
+cairo Enable support for the cairo graphics library
+caps Use Linux capabilities library to control privilege
+cddb Access cddb servers to retrieve and submit information about compact disks
+cgi Add CGI script support
+coreaudio Build the CoreAudio driver on Mac OS X systems
+cracklib Support for cracklib strong password checking
+crypt Add support for encryption -- using mcrypt or gpg where applicable
+cups Add support for CUPS (Common Unix Printing System)
+custom-cflags Build with user-specified CFLAGS (unsupported)
+cvs Enable CVS (Concurrent Versions System) integration
+dbi Enable dev-db/libdbi (database-independent abstraction layer) support
+dbus Enable dbus support for anything that needs it (gpsd, gnomemeeting, etc)
+webkit Add support for the WebKit HTML rendering/layout engine
+dri Enable direct rendering: used for accelerated 3D and some 2D, like DMA
+jit Enable just-in-time compilation for improved performance. May prevent use of some PaX memory protection features in Gentoo Hardened.
+libass SRT/SSA/ASS (SubRip / SubStation Alpha) subtitle support
+postscript Enable support for the PostScript language (often with ghostscript-gpl or libspectre)
+static !!do not set this during bootstrap!! Causes binaries to be statically linked instead of dynamically
+X Add support for X11
+ffmpeg Enable ffmpeg/libav-based audio/video codec support
+enscript Add enscript support to colourize code stored in the repository
+examples Install examples, usually source code
+expat Enable the use of dev-libs/expat for XML parsing
+fam Enable FAM (File Alteration Monitor) support
+fastcgi Add support for the FastCGI interface
+fftw Use FFTW library for computing Fourier transforms
+fontconfig Support for configuring and customizing font access via media-libs/fontconfig
+gcj Enable building with gcj (The GNU Compiler for the Javatm Programming Language)
+geoip Add geoip support for country and city lookup based on IPs
+gimp Build a plugin for the GIMP
+glut Build an OpenGL plugin using the GLUT library
+gnome-keyring Enable support for storing passwords via gnome-keyring
+gnuplot Enable support for gnuplot (data and function plotting)
+gsl Use the GNU scientific library for calculations
+gzip Compress files with Lempel-Ziv coding (LZ77)
+handbook Enable handbooks generation for KDE4.
+hddtemp Enable monitoring of hdd temperature (app-admin/hddtemp)
+ibm Add support for IBM ppc64 specific systems
+iconv Enable support for the iconv character set conversion library
+icq Enable ICQ IM protocol support
+icu Enable ICU (Internationalization Components for Unicode) support, using dev-libs/icu
+idn Enable support for Internationalized Domain Names
+ieee1394 Enable FireWire/iLink IEEE1394 support (dv, camera, ...)
+ipod Enable support for iPod device access
+joystick Add support for joysticks in all packages
+jpeg2k Support for JPEG 2000, a wavelet-based image compression format
+infiniband Enable Infiniband RDMA transport support
+ios Enable support for Apple's iDevice with iOS operating system (iPad, iPhone, iPod, etc)
+mms Support for Microsoft Media Server (MMS) streams
+xmpp Enable support for Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) formerly known as Jabber
+libffi Enable support for Foreign Function Interface library
+neon Enable optimization support for ARM NEON processors
+tcmalloc Use the dev-util/google-perftools libraries to replace the malloc() implementation with a possibly faster one
+kontact Enable support for the KDE personal information manager (kde-base/kdepim*)
+doc Add extra documentation (API, Javadoc, etc). It is recommended to enable per package instead of globally
+lame Prefer using LAME libraries for MP3 encoding support
+libcaca Add support for colored ASCII-art graphics
+libedit Use the libedit library (replacement for readline)
+libnotify Enable desktop notification support
+libsamplerate Build with support for converting sample rates using libsamplerate
+livecd !!internal use only!! DO NOT SET THIS FLAG YOURSELF!, used during livecd building
+lua Enable Lua scripting support
+lzma Support for LZMA (de)compression algorithm
+m17n-lib Enable m17n-lib support
+plasma Build optional KDE plasma addons
+minimal Install a very minimal build (disables, for example, plugins, fonts, most drivers, non-critical features)
+modules Build the kernel modules
+mono Build Mono bindings to support dotnet type stuff
+mp3 Add support for reading mp3 files
+mp4 Support for MP4 container format
+mplayer Enable mplayer support for playback or encoding
+msn Enable MSN Messenger IM protocol support
+mtp Enable support for Media Transfer Protocol
+multilib On 64bit systems, if you want to be able to compile 32bit and 64bit binaries
+musepack Enable support for the musepack audio codec
+musicbrainz Lookup audio metadata using MusicBrainz community service (
+neXt Enable neXt toolkit
+netcdf Enable NetCDF data format support
+networkmanager Enable net-misc/networkmanager support
+nis Support for NIS/YP services
+nntp Add support for newsgroups (Network News Transfer Protocol)
+nocd Install all files required to run the application without a CD mounted
+nptl Enable support for Native POSIX Threads Library, the new threading module (requires linux-2.6 or better usually)
+nsplugin Build plugin for browsers supporting the Netscape plugin architecture (that is almost any modern browser)
+oci8-instant-client Use dev-db/oracle-instantclient-basic as Oracle provider instead of requiring a full Oracle server install
+ofx Enable support for importing (and exporting) OFX (Open Financial eXchange) data files
+openexr Support for the OpenEXR graphics file format
+openmp Build support for the OpenMP (support parallel computing), requires >=sys-devel/gcc-4.2 built with USE="openmp"
+oracle Enable Oracle Database support
+oscar Enable Oscar (AIM/ICQ) IM protocol support
+pch Enable precompiled header support for faster compilation at the expense of disk space and memory (>=sys-devel/gcc-3.4 only)
+php Include support for the PHP language
+plotutils Add support for plotutils (library for 2-D vector graphics)
+mime Add MIME support
+policykit Enable PolicyKit authentication support
+static-libs Build static versions of dynamic libraries as well
+udev Enable virtual/udev integration (device discovery, power and storage device support, etc)
+prefix Defines if a Gentoo Prefix offset installation is used
+raw Add support for raw image formats
+savedconfig Use this to restore your config from /etc/portage/savedconfig ${CATEGORY}/${PN}. Make sure your USE flags allow for appropriate dependencies
+selinux !!internal use only!! Security Enhanced Linux support, this must be set by the selinux profile or breakage will occur
+semantic-desktop Cross-KDE support for semantic search and information retrieval
+skey Enable S/Key (Single use password) authentication support
+smp Enable support for multiprocessors or multicore systems
+sound Enable sound support
+source Zip the sources and install them
+startup-notification Enable application startup event feedback mechanism
+subversion Enable subversion (version control system) support
+suid Enable setuid root program, with potential security risks
+symlink Force kernel ebuilds to automatically update the /usr/src/linux symlink
+sysvipc Support for System V-compatible inter-process communication
+szip Use the szip compression library
+taglib Enable tagging support with taglib
+test Workaround to pull in packages needed to run with FEATURES=test. Portage-2.1.2 handles this internally, so don't set it in make.conf/package.use anymore
+timidity Build with Timidity++ (MIDI sequencer) support
+uclibc Enable uclibc specific patches and build or link uclibc
+vanilla Do not add extra patches which change default behaviour; DO NOT USE THIS ON A GLOBAL SCALE as the severity of the meaning changes drastically
+vcd Video CD support
+videos Install optional video files (used in some games)
+vim-syntax Pulls in related vim syntax scripts
+vnc Enable VNC (remote desktop viewer) support
+v4l Enable support for video4linux (using linux-headers or userspace libv4l libraries)
+wavpack Add support for wavpack audio compression tools
+wifi Enable wireless network functions
+portaudio Add support for the crossplatform portaudio audio API
+qmail-spp Add support for qmail SMTP plugins
+filecaps Use Linux file capabilities to control privilege rather than set*id (this is orthogonal to USE=caps which uses capabilities at runtime e.g. libcap)
+x264 Enable h264 encoding using x264
+xcb Support the X C-language Binding, a replacement for Xlib
+xcomposite Enable support for the Xorg composite extension
+xemacs Add support for XEmacs
+xft Build with support for XFT font renderer (x11-libs/libXft)
+xine Add support for the XINE movie libraries
+xinetd Add support for the xinetd super-server
+xml Add support for XML files
+xmlrpc Support for xml-rpc library
+xmp Enable support for Extensible Metadata Platform (Adobe XMP)
+xosd Sends display using the X On Screen Display library
+yahoo Enable Yahoo Messenger IM protocol support
+zeroconf Support for DNS Service Discovery (DNS-SD)
+zsh-completion Enable zsh completion support
+xinerama Add support for the xinerama X11 extension, which is mandatory if you work in multiple monitors setup
+vdpau Enable the Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix acceleration interface
+wayland Enable dev-libs/wayland backend
+upnp Enable UPnP port mapping support
+upnp-av Enable UPnP audio/video streaming support
+systemd Enable use of systemd-specific libraries and features like socket activation or session tracking
+orc Use dev-lang/orc for just-in-time optimization of array operations
+inotify Enable inotify filesystem monitoring support
+vala Enable bindings for dev-lang/vala
+connman Add support for net-misc/connman
+Xaw3d Add support for the 3d athena widget set
+a52 Enable support for decoding ATSC A/52 streams used in DVD
+aac Enable support for MPEG-4 AAC Audio
+aalib Add support for media-libs/aalib (ASCII-Graphics Library)
+accessibility Add support for accessibility (eg 'at-spi' library)
+acl Add support for Access Control Lists
+acpi Add support for Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
+adns Add support for asynchronous DNS resolution
+afs Add OpenAFS support (distributed file system)
+alsa Add support for media-libs/alsa-lib (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture)
+altivec Add support for optimizations for G4 and G5/ppc970 processors
+apm Add APM (Advanced Power Management) support
+audiofile Add support for libaudiofile where applicable
+bcmath Add support for libbcmath
+berkdb Add support for sys-libs/db (Berkeley DB for MySQL)
+bidi Enable bidirectional language support
+bindist Flag to enable or disable options for prebuilt (GRP) packages (eg. due to licensing issues)
+blas Add support for the virtual/blas numerical library
+bluetooth Enable Bluetooth Support
+boundschecking Add the bounds checking patch by Haj Ten Brugge, this will DISABLE the hardened PIE+SSP patches
+calendar Add support for calendars (not using mcal!)
+canna Add support for the Canna kana to kanji conversion engine
+cdb Add support for the CDB database engine from the author of qmail
+cdda Add Compact Disk Digital Audio (Standard Audio CD) support
+cdinstall Copy files from the CD rather than asking the user to copy them, mostly used with games
+cdparanoia Enable cdparanoia (audio CD ripper) support
+cdr Add support for CD writer hardware
+cjk Add support for Multi-byte character languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean)
+clamav Add support for Clam AntiVirus software (usually with a plugin)
+cscope Enable cscope interface -- in vim for example
+css Enable reading of encrypted DVDs
+ctype Enable ctype functions
+curl Add support for client-side URL transfer library
+curlwrappers Add support for using curl in streams
+cxx Build support for C++ (bindings, extra libraries, code generation, ...)
+dbm Add support for generic DBM databases
+dedicated Add support for dedicated game servers (some packages do not provide clients and servers at the same time)
+dga Add DGA (Direct Graphic Access) support for X
+directfb Add support for DirectFB layer (library for FB devices)
+djvu Support DjVu, a PDF-like document format esp. suited for scanned documents
+dts Enable DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder support
+dv Enable support for a codec used by many camcorders
+dvb Add support for DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting)
+dvd Add support for DVDs
+dvdr Add support for DVD writer hardware (e.g. in xcdroast)
+eds Enable support for Evolution-Data-Server (EDS)
+emacs Add support for GNU Emacs
+emboss Add support for the European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite
+encode Add support for encoding of audio or video files
+evo Add support for mail-client/evolution
+exif Add support for reading EXIF headers from JPEG and TIFF images
+fbcon Add framebuffer support for the console, via the kernel
+firebird Add support for the Firebird relational database
+flac Add support for FLAC: Free Lossless Audio Codec
+flatfile Add dbm support for flat files
+fltk Add support for the Fast Light Toolkit gui interface
+foomaticdb Add support for the foomatic printing driver database
+freetds Add support for the TDS protocol to connect to MSSQL/Sybase databases
+freewnn Add support for FreeWnn kana to kanji conversion engine
+frontbase Add support for the frontbase sql server
+ftp Add FTP (File Transfer Protocol) support
+gd Add support for media-libs/gd (to generate graphics on the fly)
+gdbm Add support for sys-libs/gdbm (GNU database libraries)
+ggi Add support for media-libs/libggi (non-X video api/drivers)
+gif Add GIF image support
+gmp Add support for dev-libs/gmp (GNU MP library)
+gnome Add GNOME support
+gnutls Add support for net-libs/gnutls (TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 support)
+gphoto2 Add digital camera support
+gpm Add support for sys-libs/gpm (Console-based mouse driver)
+gps Add support for Global Positioning System
+graphviz Add support for the Graphviz library
+gsm Add support for the gsm lossy speech compression codec
+gstreamer Add support for media-libs/gstreamer (Streaming media)
+gtk Add support for x11-libs/gtk+ (The GIMP Toolkit)
+guile Add support for the guile Scheme interpreter
+hardened Activate default security enhancements for toolchain (gcc, glibc, binutils)
+hdf5 Add support for the Hierarchical Data Format v5
+hscolour Include coloured haskell sources to generated documentation (dev-haskell/hscolour)
+imagemagick Enable support for Imagemagick (image converter)
+imap Add support for IMAP (Internet Mail Application Protocol)
+imlib Add support for imlib, an image loading and rendering library
+inifile Add dbm support for .ini files
+introspection Add support for GObject based introspection
+iodbc Add support for iODBC library
+ipv6 Add support for IP version 6
+iwmmxt Add support for optimizations for ARM iwMMXt instructions
+jack Add support for the JACK Audio Connection Kit
+java Add support for Java
+javascript Enable javascript support
+jbig Enable jbig-kit support for tiff, Hylafax, ImageMagick, etc
+jingle Enable voice calls for jabber
+jpeg Add JPEG image support
+kde Add support for KDE (K Desktop Environment)
+kerberos Add kerberos support
+kolab Add support for the Kolab groupware server
+ladspa Enable the ability to support ladspa plugins
+lapack Add support for the virtual/lapack numerical library
+lash Add LASH Audio Session Handler support
+latex Add support for LaTeX (typesetting package)
+lcms Add lcms support (color management engine)
+ldap Add LDAP support (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
+libwww Add libwww support (General purpose WEB API)
+lirc Add support for lirc (Linux's Infra-Red Remote Control)
+lm_sensors Add linux lm_sensors (hardware sensors) support
+lzo Enable support for lzo compression
+mad Add support for mad (high-quality mp3 decoder library and cli frontend)
+maildir Add support for maildir (~/.maildir) style mail spools
+matroska Add support for the matroska container format (extensions .mkv, .mka and .mks)
+matrox Add Matrox MGA support to mplayer
+mbox Add support for mbox (/var/spool/mail) style mail spools
+memlimit Add memory usage limiting in supporting programs
+mhash Add support for the mhash library
+migemo Enable migemo support for Japanese
+mikmod Add libmikmod support to allow playing of SoundTracker-style music files
+milter Add sendmail mail filter (milter) support
+mmap Add mmap (memory map) support
+mng Add support for libmng (MNG images)
+modplug Add libmodplug support for playing SoundTracker-style music files
+motif Add support for the Motif toolkit
+mozilla Add support for the Mozilla web-browser
+mpeg Add libmpeg3 support to various packages
+mpi Add MPI (Message Passing Interface) layer to the apps that support it
+mssql Add support for Microsoft SQL Server database
+mule Add multi-language support to XEmacs
+mysql Add mySQL Database support
+mysqli Add support for the improved mySQL libraries
+nas Add support for network audio sound
+ncurses Add ncurses support (console display library)
+netboot Enable network booting
+nls Add Native Language Support (using gettext - GNU locale utilities)
+ocaml Add support/bindings for the Ocaml language
+ocamlopt Enable ocamlopt support (ocaml native code compiler) -- Produces faster programs (Warning: you have to disable/enable it at a global scale)
+oci8 Add Oracle 8 Database Support
+odbc Add ODBC Support (Open DataBase Connectivity)
+offensive Enable potentially offensive items in packages
+ogg Add support for the Ogg container format (commonly used by Vorbis, Theora and flac)
+openal Add support for the Open Audio Library
+opengl Add support for OpenGL (3D graphics)
+osc Enable support for Open Sound Control
+oss Add support for OSS (Open Sound System)
+pam Add support for PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) - DANGEROUS to arbitrarily flip
+pcmcia Add support for PCMCIA slots/devices found on laptop computers
+pcntl Add support for process creation functions
+pcre Add support for Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
+pda Add support for portable devices
+pdf Add general support for PDF (Portable Document Format), this replaces the pdflib and cpdflib flags
+perl Add optional support/bindings for the Perl language
+png Add support for libpng (PNG images)
+posix Add support for POSIX-compatible functions
+postgres Add support for the postgresql database
+ppds Add support for automatically generated ppd (printing driver) files
+prelude Add support/bindings for the Prelude Intrusion Detection System
+profile Add support for software performance analysis (will likely vary from ebuild to ebuild)
+pulseaudio Add support for PulseAudio sound server
+python Add optional support/bindings for the Python language
+qdbm Add support for the qdbm (Quick Database Manager) library
+qt4 Add support for the Qt GUI/Application Toolkit version 4.x
+qt5 Add support for the Qt 5 application and UI framework
+quicktime Add support for OpenQuickTime
+radius Add support for RADIUS authentication
+rdesktop Add support for the remote desktop protocol, usually used to connect to Windows servers
+readline Enable support for libreadline, a GNU line-editing library that almost everyone wants
+recode Enable support for the GNU recode library
+rss Enable support for RSS feeds
+ruby Add support/bindings for the Ruby language
+samba Add support for SAMBA (Windows File and Printer sharing)
+sasl Add support for the Simple Authentication and Security Layer
+scanner Add support for scanner hardware (e.g. build the sane frontend in kdegraphics)
+sdl Add support for Simple Direct Layer (media library)
+seamonkey Add support for the Seamonkey web-browser
+session Add persistent session support
+sharedmem Add support for shared memory use
+shorten Add support for the shorten audio compressor
+simplexml Support for SimpleXML
+slang Add support for the slang text display library (it's like ncurses, but different)
+slp Add Service Locator Protocol support
+smartcard Enable smartcard support
+sndfile Add support for libsndfile
+snmp Add support for the Simple Network Management Protocol if available
+soap Add support for SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)
+sockets Add support for tcp/ip sockets
+socks5 Add support for the socks5 proxy
+sox Add support for Sound eXchange (SoX)
+speex Add support for the speex audio codec (used for speech)
+spell Add dictionary support
+sqlite Add support for sqlite - embedded sql database
+ssl Add support for Secure Socket Layer connections
+svg Add support for SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)
+svga Add support for SVGAlib (graphics library)
+sybase Add support for the Sybase SQL Database Server
+sybase-ct Add support for Sybase-CT
+syslog Enable support for syslog
+tcl Add support the Tcl language
+tcpd Add support for TCP wrappers
+theora Add support for the Theora Video Compression Codec
+threads Add threads support for various packages. Usually pthreads
+tidy Add support for HTML Tidy
+tiff Add support for the TIFF image format
+tk Add support for Tk GUI toolkit
+tokenizer Add support for the PHP file parser
+truetype Add support for FreeType and/or FreeType2 fonts
+unicode Add support for Unicode
+usb Add USB support to applications that have optional USB support (e.g. cups)
+vhosts Add support for installing web-based applications into a virtual-hosting environment
+vorbis Add support for the OggVorbis audio codec
+wddx Add support for Web Distributed Data eXchange
+wmf Add support for the Windows Metafile vector image format
+wxwidgets Add support for wxWidgets/wxGTK GUI toolkit
+xattr Add support for extended attributes (filesystem-stored metadata)
+xface Add xface support used to allow a small image of xface format to be included in an email via the header 'X-Face'
+xpm Add support for XPM graphics format
+xscreensaver Add support for XScreenSaver extension
+xv Add in optional support for the Xvideo extension (an X API for video playback)
+xvid Add support for's open-source mpeg-4 codec
+yaz Add in optional support for the Z39.50 Protocol for Information Retrieval (YAZ)
+zlib Add support for zlib (de)compression
+debug Enable extra debug codepaths, like asserts and extra output. If you want to get meaningful backtraces see
+seccomp Enable seccomp (secure computing mode) to perform system call filtering at runtime to increase security of programs
+libressl Use dev-libs/libressl as SSL provider (might need ssl USE flag), packages should not depend on this USE flag
+audit Enable support for Linux audit subsystem using sys-process/audit
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/use_group.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/use_group.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e8ef07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/use_group.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,1553 @@
+1 32 32-bit (x86) libraries
+1 64 64-bit (amd64) libraries
+2 ad1816a Analog Devices SoundPort AD1816A
+2 ad1848 Generic AD1848/CS4248 driver
+2 ad1848-lib Enable the ad1848-lib driver
+2 ad1889 Analog Devices AD1889
+2 adlib AdLib FM card
+2 aica Sega Dreamcast audio driver
+2 ali5451 ALi M5451 PCI Audio Controller
+2 als100 Avance Logic ALS100/ALS120
+2 als300 Avance Logic ALS300/ALS300+
+2 als4000 Avance Logic ALS4000
+2 aoa Apple Onboard Audio driver
+2 aoa-fabric-layout layout-id fabric
+2 aoa-onyx support Onyx chip
+2 aoa-soundbus Apple Soundbus support
+2 aoa-soundbus-i2s I2S bus support
+2 aoa-tas support TAS chips
+2 aoa-toonie support Toonie chip
+2 armaaci ARM PrimeCell PL041 AC Link support
+2 asihpi AudioScience ASIxxxx
+2 at91-soc SoC Audio for the Atmel AT91 System-on-Chip
+2 at91-soc-eti-b1-wm8731 SoC I2S Audio support for Endrelia ETI-B1 board
+2 at91-soc-i2s Enable the at91-soc-i2s driver
+2 atiixp ATI IXP AC97 Controller
+2 atiixp-modem ATI IXP Modem
+2 au1x00 Au1x00 AC97 Port Driver
+2 au8810 Aureal Advantage
+2 au8820 Aureal Vortex
+2 au8830 Aureal Vortex 2
+2 azt2320 Aztech Systems AZT2320
+2 azt3328 Aztech AZF3328 / PCI168 (EXPERIMENTAL)
+2 bt87x Bt87x Audio Capture
+2 ca0106 SB Audigy LS / Live 24bit
+2 cmi8330 C-Media CMI8330
+2 cmipci C-Media 8738, 8338
+2 cs4231 Generic Cirrus Logic CS4231 driver
+2 cs4231-lib Enable the cs4231-lib driver
+2 cs4232 Generic Cirrus Logic CS4232 driver
+2 cs4236 Generic Cirrus Logic CS4236+ driver
+2 cs4281 Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4281
+2 cs46xx Cirrus Logic (Sound Fusion) CS4280/CS461x/CS462x/CS463x
+2 cs5535audio CS5535/CS5536 Audio
+2 darla20 (Echoaudio) Darla20
+2 darla24 (Echoaudio) Darla24
+2 dt019x Diamond Technologies DT-019X, Avance Logic ALS-007
+2 dummy Dummy (/dev/null) soundcard
+2 echo3g (Echoaudio) 3G cards
+2 emi26 Emagic EMI 2|6 Audio Interface
+2 emu10k1 Emu10k1 (SB Live!, Audigy, E-mu APS)
+2 emu10k1x Emu10k1X (Dell OEM Version)
+2 emu1212 E-MU 1212M PCI
+2 emu1616 E-MU 1616 CardBus, 1616m CardBus, 1616 PCI
+2 emu1820 E-MU 1820M PCI
+2 ens1370 (Creative) Ensoniq AudioPCI 1370
+2 ens1371 (Creative) Ensoniq AudioPCI 1371/1373
+2 es1688 Generic ESS ES688/ES1688 driver
+2 es18xx Generic ESS ES18xx driver
+2 es1938 ESS ES1938/1946/1969 (Solo-1)
+2 es1968 ESS ES1968/1978 (Maestro-1/2/2E)
+2 es968 Generic ESS ES968 driver
+2 fm801 ForteMedia FM801
+2 fm801-tea575x Enable the fm801-tea575x driver
+2 gina20 (Echoaudio) Gina20
+2 gina24 (Echoaudio) Gina24
+2 gusclassic Gravis UltraSound Classic
+2 gusextreme Gravis UltraSound Extreme
+2 gusmax Gravis UltraSound MAX
+2 harmony Harmony/Vivace sound chip
+2 hda-intel Intel HD Audio
+2 hdsp RME Hammerfall DSP Audio
+2 hdspm RME Hammerfall DSP MADI
+2 hifier TempoTec HiFier Fantasia
+2 hpet HPET timer interface
+2 hrtimer ALSA timer interface
+2 ice1712 ICEnsemble ICE1712 (Envy24)
+2 ice1724 ICE/VT1724/1720 (Envy24HT/PT)
+2 indigo (Echoaudio) Indigo
+2 indigodj (Echoaudio) Indigo DJ
+2 indigoio (Echoaudio) Indigo IO
+2 intel8x0 Intel/SiS/nVidia/AMD/ALi AC97 Controller
+2 intel8x0m Intel/SiS/nVidia/AMD MC97 Modem
+2 interwave AMD InterWave, Gravis UltraSound PnP
+2 interwave-stb AMD InterWave + TEA6330T (UltraSound 32-Pro)
+2 korg1212 Korg 1212 IO
+2 layla20 (Echoaudio) Layla20
+2 layla24 (Echoaudio) Layla24
+2 loopback Generic loopback driver (PCM)
+2 maestro3 ESS Allegro/Maestro3
+2 mia (Echoaudio) Mia
+2 miro Miro miroSOUND PCM1pro/PCM12/PCM20radio driver
+2 mixart Digigram miXart
+2 ml403-ac97cr Xilinx ML403 AC97 Controller Reference
+2 mona (Echoaudio) Mona
+2 mpu401 Generic MPU-401 UART driver
+2 msnd-pinnacle Turtle Beach MultiSound Pinnacle/Fiji driver
+2 mtpav MOTU MidiTimePiece AV multiport MIDI
+2 mts64 ESI Miditerminal 4140 driver
+2 nm256 NeoMagic NM256AV/ZX
+2 opl3sa2 Yamaha OPL3-SA2/SA3
+2 opti92x-ad1848 OPTi 82C92x - AD1848
+2 opti92x-cs4231 OPTi 82C92x - CS4231
+2 opti93x OPTi 82C93x
+2 oxygen C-Media 8788 (Oxygen)
+2 oxygen-lib Enable the oxygen-lib driver
+2 pc98-cs4232 NEC PC9800 CS4232 driver
+2 pcsp Internal PC speaker support
+2 pcxhr Digigram PCXHR
+2 pdaudiocf Sound Core PDAudioCF
+2 pdplus Sek'D/Marian Prodif Plus
+2 portman2x4 Portman 2x4 driver
+2 powermac PowerMac (AWACS, DACA, Burgundy, Tumbler, Keywest)
+2 pxa2xx-ac97 AC97 driver for the Intel PXA2xx chip
+2 pxa2xx-i2sound Enable the pxa2xx-i2sound driver
+2 pxa2xx-soc SoC Audio for the Intel PXA2xx chip
+21 ak Akan locale
+2 pxa2xx-soc-corgi SoC Audio support for Sharp Zaurus SL-C7x0
+2 pxa2xx-soc-e800 SoC AC97 Audio support for e800
+2 pxa2xx-soc-poodle SoC Audio support for Poodle
+2 pxa2xx-soc-spitz SoC Audio support for Sharp Zaurus SL-Cxx00
+2 pxa2xx-soc-tosa SoC AC97 Audio support for Tosa
+2 riptide Conexant Riptide
+2 rme32 RME Digi32, 32/8, 32 PRO
+2 rme96 RME Digi96, 96/8, 96/8 PRO
+2 rme9652 RME Digi9652 (Hammerfall)
+2 rtctimer ALSA RTC timer interface
+2 s3c2410 S3C24XX Sound core
+2 s3c2412-soc-i2s Enable the s3c2412-soc-i2s driver
+2 s3c24xx-soc-ln2440sbc-alc650 SoC AC97 Audio support for LN2440SBC - ALC650
+2 sa11xx-uda1341 SA11xx UDA1341TS driver (iPaq H3600)
+2 sb16 Sound Blaster 16 (PnP)
+2 sb8 Sound Blaster 1.0/2.0/Pro (8-bit)
+2 sbawe Sound Blaster AWE (32,64) (PnP)
+2 seq-dummy Sequencer dummy client
+2 serial-u16550 UART16550 serial MIDI driver
+2 serialmidi Generic driver for serial MIDI adapters
+2 sgalaxy Aztech Sound Galaxy
+2 sis7019 SiS 7019 Audio Accelerator
+2 soc SoC audio support
+2 soc-tlv320aic3x Enable the soc-tlv320aic3x driver
+2 sonicvibes S3 SonicVibes
+2 sscape Ensoniq SoundScape PnP driver
+2 sun-amd7930 Sun AMD7930
+2 sun-cs4231 Sun CS4231
+2 sun-dbri Sun DBRI
+2 trident Trident 4D-Wave DX/NX; SiS 7018
+2 usb-audio USB Audio/MIDI driver
+2 usb-us122l Tascam US-122L USB driver
+2 usb-usx2y Tascam US-122, US-224 and US-428 USB driver
+2 via82xx VIA 82C686A/B, 8233/8235 AC97 Controller
+2 via82xx-modem VIA 82C686A/B, 8233 based Modems
+2 virmidi Virtual MIDI soundcard
+2 virtuoso Asus Virtuoso 200 (Xonar)
+2 vx222 Digigram VX222
+2 vxpocket Digigram VXpocket
+2 wavefront Turtle Beach Maui,Tropez,Tropez+ (Wavefront)
+2 ymfpci Yamaha YMF724/740/744/754
+4 actions Provides for executing CGI scripts based on media type or request method
+4 alias Provides for mapping different parts of the host filesystem in the document tree and for URL redirection
+4 asis Sends files that contain their own HTTP headers
+4 auth_basic Basic authentication
+4 auth_digest User authentication using MD5 Digest Authentication
+4 authn_alias Provides the ability to create extended authentication providers based on actual providers
+4 authn_anon Allows "anonymous" user access to authenticated areas
+4 authn_dbd User authentication using an SQL database
+4 authn_dbm User authentication using DBM files
+4 authn_default Authentication fallback module
+4 authn_file User authentication using text files
+4 authz_dbm Group authorization using DBM files
+4 authz_default Authorization fallback module
+4 authz_groupfile Group authorization using plaintext files
+4 authz_host Group authorizations based on host (name or IP address)
+4 authz_owner Authorization based on file ownership
+4 authz_user User Authorization
+4 autoindex Generates directory indexes, automatically, similar to the Unix ls command
+4 cache Content cache keyed to URIs
+4 cern_meta CERN httpd metafile semantics
+4 cgi Enable CGI module (used by non-multithreaded MPMs, for eg. prefork)
+4 cgid Enable CGI module (used by multithreaded MPMs, for eg. worker)
+4 charset_lite Specify character set translation or recoding
+4 dav Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) functionality
+4 dav_fs filesystem provider for mod_dav
+4 dav_lock generic locking module for mod_dav
+4 dbd Manages SQL database connections
+4 deflate Compress content before it is delivered to the client
+4 dir Provides for "trailing slash" redirects and serving directory index files
+4 disk_cache Content cache storage manager keyed to URIs
+4 dumpio Dumps all I/O to error log as desired
+4 env Modifies the environment which is passed to CGI scripts and SSI pages
+4 expires Generation of Expires and Cache-Control HTTP headers according to user-specified criteria
+4 ext_filter Pass the response body through an external program before delivery to the client
+21 mt Maltese locale
+4 file_cache Caches a static list of files in memory
+4 filter Context-sensitive smart filter configuration module
+4 headers Customization of HTTP request and response headers
+4 ident RFC 1413 ident lookups
+4 imagemap Server-side imagemap processing
+4 include Server-parsed html documents (Server Side Includes)
+4 info Provides a comprehensive overview of the server configuration
+4 log_config Logging of the requests made to the server
+4 log_forensic Forensic Logging of the requests made to the server
+4 logio Logging of input and output bytes per request
+4 mem_cache Content cache keyed to URIs
+4 mime Associates the requested filename's extensions with the file's behavior (handlers and filters) and content (mime-type, language, character set and encoding)
+4 mime_magic Determines the MIME type of a file by looking at a few bytes of its contents
+4 negotiation Provides for content negotiation
+4 proxy HTTP/1.1 proxy/gateway server
+4 proxy_ajp AJP support module for mod_proxy
+4 proxy_balancer mod_proxy extension for load balancing
+4 proxy_connect mod_proxy extension for CONNECT request handling
+4 proxy_ftp FTP support module for mod_proxy
+4 proxy_http HTTP support module for mod_proxy
+4 proxy_scgi SCGI gateway module for mod_proxy
+4 reqtimeout Set timeout and minimum data rate for receiving requests
+4 rewrite Provides a rule-based rewriting engine to rewrite requested URLs on the fly
+4 setenvif Allows the setting of environment variables based on characteristics of the request
+4 speling Attempts to correct mistaken URLs that users might have entered by ignoring capitalization and by allowing up to one misspelling
+4 status Provides information on server activity and performance
+4 substitute Perform search and replace operations on response bodies
+4 unique_id Provides an environment variable with a unique identifier for each request
+4 userdir User-specific directories
+4 usertrack Clickstream logging of user activity on a site
+4 version Version dependent configuration
+4 vhost_alias Provides for dynamically configured mass virtual hosting
+5 event An experimental variant of the standard worker MPM
+5 itk Allows to run each virtual host under a separate uid and gid
+5 peruser Peruser is a working implementation of the perchild MPM allowing to run each apache child process as its own user and group, each handling its own set of virtual hosts
+5 prefork Implements a non-threaded, pre-forking web server
+5 worker Multi-Processing Module implementing a hybrid multi-threaded multi-process web server
+6 braindump CALLIGRA_FEATURES option to build mindmap note collection application
+6 flow CALLIGRA_FEATURES option to build flowcharting application
+6 karbon CALLIGRA_FEATURES option to build vector image editor
+6 kexi CALLIGRA_FEATURES option to build database manager
+6 krita CALLIGRA_FEATURES option to build raster image editor
+6 plan CALLIGRA_FEATURES option to build project planning component
+6 sheets CALLIGRA_FEATURES option to build spreadsheet processor
+6 stage CALLIGRA_FEATURES option to build presentation processor
+6 tables CALLIGRA_FEATURES option to build spreadsheet processor (up to 2.3beta)
+6 words CALLIGRA_FEATURES option to build word processor
+7 adc65 libgphoto support for adc65 cameras
+7 agfa_cl20 libgphoto support for agfa_cl20 cameras
+7 aox libgphoto support for aox cameras
+7 ax203 libgphoto support for ax203 cameras
+7 barbie libgphoto support for barbie cameras
+7 canon libgphoto support for canon cameras
+7 casio_qv libgphoto support for casio_qv cameras
+7 clicksmart310 libgphoto support for clicksmart310 cameras
+7 digigr8 libgphoto support for digigr8 cameras
+7 digita libgphoto support for digita cameras
+7 dimagev libgphoto support for dimagev cameras
+7 dimera3500 libgphoto support for dimera3500 cameras
+7 directory libgphoto support for directory cameras
+7 enigma13 libgphoto support for enigma13 cameras
+7 fuji libgphoto support for fuji cameras
+7 gsmart300 libgphoto support for gsmart300 cameras
+7 hp215 libgphoto support for hp215 cameras
+7 iclick libgphoto support for iclick cameras
+7 jamcam libgphoto support for jamcam cameras
+7 jd11 libgphoto support for jd11 cameras
+7 jl2005a libgphoto support for "American Idol Keychain Camera"
+7 jl2005c libgphoto support for "American Idol Keychain Camera"
+7 kodak_dc120 libgphoto support for kodak_dc120 cameras
+7 kodak_dc210 libgphoto support for kodak_dc210 cameras
+7 kodak_dc240 libgphoto support for kodak_dc240 cameras
+7 kodak_dc3200 libgphoto support for kodak_dc3200 cameras
+7 kodak_ez200 libgphoto support for kodak_ez200 cameras
+7 konica libgphoto support for konica cameras
+7 konica_qm150 libgphoto support for konica_qm150 cameras
+7 largan libgphoto support for largan cameras
+7 lg_gsm libgphoto support for lg_gsm cameras
+7 mars libgphoto support for mars cameras
+7 mustek libgphoto support for mustek cameras
+7 panasonic_coolshot libgphoto support for panasonic_coolshot cameras
+7 panasonic_dc1000 libgphoto support for panasonic_dc1000 cameras
+7 panasonic_dc1580 libgphoto support for panasonic_dc1580 cameras
+7 panasonic_l859 libgphoto support for panasonic_l859 cameras
+7 pccam300 libgphoto support for pccam300 cameras
+7 pccam600 libgphoto support for pccam600 cameras
+7 polaroid_pdc320 libgphoto support for polaroid_pdc320 cameras
+7 polaroid_pdc640 libgphoto support for polaroid_pdc640 cameras
+21 my Burmese locale
+7 polaroid_pdc700 libgphoto support for polaroid_pdc700 cameras
+7 ptp2 libgphoto support for ptp2 cameras
+7 ricoh libgphoto support for ricoh cameras
+7 ricoh_g3 libgphoto support for ricoh_g3 cameras
+7 samsung libgphoto support for samsung cameras
+7 sierra libgphoto support for sierra cameras
+7 sipix_blink libgphoto support for sipix_blink cameras (obsolete)
+7 sipix_blink2 libgphoto support for sipix_blink2 cameras
+7 sipix_web2 libgphoto support for sipix_web2 cameras
+7 smal libgphoto support for smal cameras
+7 sonix libgphoto support for sonix cameras
+7 sony_dscf1 libgphoto support for sony_dscf1 cameras
+7 sony_dscf55 libgphoto support for sony_dscf55 cameras
+7 soundvision libgphoto support for soundvision cameras
+7 spca50x libgphoto support for spca50x cameras
+7 sq905 libgphoto support for sq905 cameras
+7 st2205 libgphoto support for st2205 cameras
+7 stv0674 libgphoto support for stv0674 cameras
+7 stv0680 libgphoto support for stv0680 cameras
+7 sx330z libgphoto support for sx330z cameras
+7 template libgphoto support for template cameras (obsolete)
+7 topfield libgphoto support for Topfield PVR5000 cameras
+7 toshiba_pdrm11 libgphoto support for toshiba_pdrm11 cameras
+7 tp6801 libgphoto support for Tenx tp6801 cameras
+8 bootstrap Build only a bootstrap version of the toolchain.
+8 headers-only Build the toolchain against cross-headers only.
+9 #spnego Use SPNEGO fbopenssl - to be added
+9 axtls Use axTLS
+9 gnutls Use GnuTLS
+9 nss Use Mozilla's Network Security Services
+9 openssl Use OpenSSL
+9 polarssl Use Polar SSL
+10 biosdevname Name devices with names returned by BIOS
+10 bootchart Measure performance of the boot process for later visualisation
+10 btrfs Scan for Btrfs on block devices
+10 caps Load kernel modules and drop this privilege for real init
+10 cifs Support CIFS
+10 crypt Decrypt devices encrypted with cryptsetup/LUKS
+10 crypt-gpg Support for GPG-encrypted keys for crypt module
+10 crypt-loop Support for LUKS-encrypted keys for crypt module
+10 dmraid Support dmraid devices, also known as ATA-RAID, or Fake RAID
+10 dmsquash-live Module which might be used for Live CDs
+10 gensplash Framebuffer splash (media-gfx/splashutils)
+10 iscsi Support iSCSI
+10 livenet Similar to dmsquash-live but gets image via HTTP(S)
+10 lvm Support Logical Volume Manager
+10 mdraid Support MD devices, also known as software RAID devices
+10 multipath Support Device Mapper multipathing
+10 nbd Support network block devices
+10 nfs Support NFS
+10 plymouth Plymouth boot splash
+10 ssh-client Install ssh and scp along with config files and specified keys
+10 syslog Enable logging with syslog-ng or rsyslog
+10 systemd Experimental systemd module
+10 xen Support for Xen
+11 af9005 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the afatech af9005 USB1.1 DVB-T Demodulator (Various NoName devices, Terratec Xinergy XE rev.1)
+11 bcm3510 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the Broadcom BCM3510 ATSC demodulator (Air2PC)
+11 cx18 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the Conexant cx23418 chip (Hauppauge HVR1600)
+11 cx231xx DVB_CARDS setting to add support for Conexant cx231xx USB Devices
+11 cx23885 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the Conexant cx23885 chip (DViCO FusionHDTV5 Express, Hauppauge WinTV HVR1250 HVR1500 HVR1800 HVR1800lp)
+11 dibusb-usb1 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the dibcom design USB1.1 DVB-T-device (Twinhan, KWorld, Hama, Artec, Compro)
+11 dibusb-usb2 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the dibcom design USB2 DVB-T-device (Grand, LiteOn, YUAN, Typhoon)
+11 mpc718 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the MT352 DVB-T demodulator initialization sequence for Yuan MPC718 cards for use by the cx18 driver.
+11 nxt200x DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the nxt200x ATSC Demodulator (Air2PC, Kworld, Aver, ATI)
+11 opera1 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the opera1 USB DVB-S-device (Opera DVB-S1 USB-Box)
+11 or51132 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the or51132 Demodulator (pcHDTV)
+11 or51211 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the or51211 DVB-T Demodulator (Yakumo QuickStick)
+11 pvrusb2 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for Conexant cx2584x chips (PVR150, PVR500, Yuan PG600/Diamond PVR-550)
+11 sp8870 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the sp8870 chip (T Nexus-T premium rev1.2)
+11 sp887x DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the sp887x chip (Avermedia DVB-T 761)
+11 tda10045 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the tda10045 DVB-T Demodulator (Hauppauge/TT Nova-T, TT Nova-USB-T)
+11 tda10046 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the tda10046 DVB-T Demodulator (Hauppauge/TT Nova-T, TT Nova-USB-T)
+11 tda10046lifeview DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the tda10046 DVB-T Demodulator (Lifeview cards)
+11 ttpci DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the Full-Featured Cards built by TechnoTrend, Siemens, Hauppauge
+11 ttusb-dec DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the ttusb-dec chip (WinTV NOVA-T USB2)
+11 usb-a800 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the usb-a800 USB DVB-T-device (AVerMedia AVerTV)
+11 usb-af9015 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the usb-af9015 USB DVB-T-device (Avermedia)
+11 usb-bluebird DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the bluebird usb-device (DViCO bluebird)
+11 usb-dib0700 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the usb-dib0700 USB DVB-T-device (Hauppauge Nova-T Stick)
+11 usb-dtt200u DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the usb-dtt200u USB DVB-T-devices (Yakumo, Yuan, Hama, TYPHOON, WideView, V-Gear)
+11 usb-dw2104 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the usb-dw2104 USB DVB-S2-device (TeVii S650 DVB-S2 USB)
+11 usb-umt DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the usb-umt USB2.0-DVB-T-device (Hanftek)
+11 usb-vp702x DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the usb-vp702x USB DVB-S-devices (TwinhanDTV, DigitalRise, TYPHOON)
+11 usb-vp7045 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the usb-vp7045 USB DVB-T-devices (TwinhanDTV, DigitalNow, DigitalRise, dnt)
+11 usb-wt220u DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the usb-wt220u USB DVB-T-devices (Yakumo, Yuan, TYPHOON, WideView, Freecom, V-Gear, dnt, Redbell)
+11 vp7041 DVB_CARDS setting to add support for the vp7041 USB DVB-T-devices (TwinhanDTV)
+12 AIX ELIBC setting for systems that use the AIX C library
+12 Darwin ELIBC setting for systems that use the Darwin C library
+12 DragonFly ELIBC setting for systems that use the DragonFly C library
+12 FreeBSD ELIBC setting for systems that use the FreeBSD C library
+12 HPUX ELIBC setting for systems that use the HP-UX C library
+12 Interix ELIBC setting for systems that use the Interix C library
+12 NetBSD ELIBC setting for systems that use the NetBSD C library
+12 OpenBSD ELIBC setting for systems that use the OpenBSD C library
+21 am Amharic locale
+12 SunOS ELIBC setting for systems that use the Sun Solaris C library
+12 glibc ELIBC setting for systems that use the GNU C library
+12 mintlib ELIBC setting for systems that use the FreeMiNT C library
+12 uclibc ELIBC setting for systems that use the uClibc C library
+13 cws2fws converts cws files (Macromedia Flash, compressed) to fws ones (Macromedia Flash, uncompressed).
+13 ffescape Escapes an input string, adopting the av_get_token() escaping logic.
+13 ffeval A simple expression evalutor.
+13 fourcc2pixfmt Shows the relationships between rawvideo pixel formats and FourCC tags.
+13 graph2dot A tool to convert a libavfilter graph to a dot file.
+13 ismindex A tool for creating smooth streaming manifests.
+13 pktdumper Dumps packets as demuxed by libavformat.
+13 qt-faststart Rearranges a Quicktime file to facilitate network streaming.
+13 trasher Writes burts of random data into a file. Great for testing error robustness/resilience/concealment.
+14 hpp1007 Get HP LJ P1007 firmware file
+14 hpp1008 Get HP LJ P1008 firmware file
+14 oki3530 Get Oki C3530 .ICM files
+15 aivdm AIVDM protocol support
+15 ashtech Ashtech protocol support
+15 clientdebug Client debugging protocol support
+15 earthmate Earthmate protocol support
+15 evermore EverMore protocol support
+15 fv18 FV-18 protocol support
+15 garmin Garmin protocol support
+15 garmintxt Garmin Simple Text protocol support
+15 gpsclock GPSclock protocol support
+15 itrax iTrax protocol support
+15 mtk3301 MTK-3301 protocol support
+15 navcom Navcom protocol support
+15 nmea NMEA protocol support
+15 ntrip NTRIP protocol support
+15 oceanserver OceanServer protocol support
+15 oldstyle Oldstyle (pre-JSON) protocol support
+15 oncore OnCore protocol support
+15 rtcm104v2 RTCM104V2 protocol support
+15 rtcm104v3 RTCM104V3 protocol support
+15 sirf SiRF protocol support
+15 superstar2 SuperStarII protocol support
+15 timing Timing protocol support
+15 tnt True North protocol support
+15 tripmate Tripmate protocol support
+15 tsip Trimble TSIP protocol support
+15 ubx UBX protocol support
+16 coreboot Coreboot platform support
+16 efi-32 EFI 32 bit platform support (Old MACs)
+16 efi-64 EFI 64 bit platform support
+16 emu Emulation platform support
+16 ieee1275 IEEE1275 pltaform support
+16 loongson MIPS loongson platform support
+16 multiboot Multiboot platform support
+16 qemu QEMU platform support
+16 qemu-mips QEMU MIPS platform support
+16 yeeloong YEEELONG MIPS platform support
+17 acecad INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for acecad input devices
+17 aiptek INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for aiptek input devices
+17 calcomp INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for calcomp input devices
+17 digitaledge INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for digitaledge input devices
+17 dmc INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for dmc input devices
+17 dynapro INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for dynapro input devices
+17 elo2300 INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for elo2300 input devices
+17 elographics INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for elographics input devices
+17 evdev INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for evdev input devices
+17 fpit INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for fpit input devices
+17 hyperpen INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for hyperpen input devices
+17 jamstudio INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for jamstudio input devices
+17 joystick INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for joystick input devices
+17 keyboard INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for keyboard input devices
+17 lirc INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for LIRC input devices (i.e. infra-red remote control)
+17 magellan INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for magellan input devices
+17 magictouch INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for magictouch input devices
+17 microtouch INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for microtouch input devices
+17 mouse INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for mouse input devices
+17 mutouch INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for mutouch input devices
+17 none INPUT_DEVICES setting to build no drivers (useful when using binary drivers)
+17 palmax INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for palmax input devices
+17 penmount INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for penmount input devices
+13 aviocat cat's a URL to another one, useful for dumping streams.
+16 pc PC platform support
+17 spaceorb INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for spaceorb input devices
+17 summa INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for summa input devices
+17 synaptics INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for synaptics input devices
+17 tek4957 INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for tek4957 input devices
+17 tslib INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for tslib input devices
+17 ur98 INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for ur98 input devices
+17 virtualbox INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for virtualbox input emulation
+17 vmmouse INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for vmmouse input devices
+17 void INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for void/dummy input devices
+17 wacom INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for wacom input devices
+18 AIX KERNEL setting for system using the AIX kernel
+18 Darwin KERNEL setting for system using the Darwin kernel (i.e.: Mac OS X).
+18 FreeBSD KERNEL setting for system using the FreeBSD kernel
+18 HPUX KERNEL setting for system using the HP-UX kernel
+18 Interix KERNEL setting for system using the Interix subsystem (SFU on Windows)
+18 NetBSD KERNEL setting for system using the NetBSD kernel
+18 OpenBSD KERNEL setting for system using the OpenBSD kernel
+18 SunOS KERNEL setting for system using an SunOS (i.e.: Solaris) kernel
+18 freemint KERNEL setting for system using the FreeMiNT kernel
+18 linux KERNEL setting for system using the Linux kernel
+19 SureElec Add support drivers from the 'SURE electronics' shop
+19 X Add support for X11 displaying
+19 bayrad Add support for BayRAD LCD modules by EMAC
+19 beckmannegle Add support for Beckmann+Egle "Mini Terminals" and "Compact Terminals"
+19 bwct Add support for BWCT USB LCD displays
+19 cfontz Add support for CrystalFontz displays
+19 cfontz633 Add support for CrystalFontz 633 chipset displays
+19 cfontzpacket Add support for CrystalFontz chipsets CFA-631, CFA-633 and CFA-635
+19 cwlinux Add support for serial / USB displays CW12232 and CW1602 by CwLinux
+19 ea232 Add support for the Electronic Assembly RS232 graphic driver
+19 ea65 Add support for the VFD in the AOpen XC Cube-AV EA65 media barebone
+19 eyeboxone Add support for the displays on Rightvision's EyeboxOne server
+19 g15 Add support for Logitech G15 Keyboard LCDs
+19 glk Add support for MatrixOrbital GLK chipset
+19 graphlcd Meta-driver to support drivers via app-misc/graphlcd-base
+19 hd44780 Add support for Hitachi HD44780 and compatible displays
+19 hd44780i2c Enable hd44780 via i2c instead of parallel port driver
+19 i2500vfd Add support for the Intra2net Intranator 2500 VFD display
+19 icpa106 Add support for ICP A106 alarm/LCD boards for 19" racks
+19 imon Add support for Soundgraph/Ahanix/Silverstone/Uneed/Accent iMON IR/VFD modules (Antec Fusion)
+19 imonlcd Add support for Soundgraph iMON LCD modules (Antec Fusion)
+19 iowarrior Add support for IO-Warrior displays
+19 irtrans Add support for the 16x2 IRTrans VFD device
+19 lb216 Add support for RTN's LB216 display
+19 lcd2usb Add support for the open lcd2usb connector to hd44780 displays
+19 lcdlinux Add support for HD44780 displays via the LCD-Linux kernel driver
+19 lcdm001 Add support for the Kernelconcepts LCDM001 display
+19 lcdterm Add support for LCDTerm serial-to-HD44780 adapter boards
+19 lcterm Add support for Neumark's LCTerm serial LCD
+19 ledmatrix Add support for SLM1606/8 LED Matrix displays
+19 lis Add support for the VLSystem L.I.S MCE 2005 VFD
+19 lph7508 Add support for the Pollin LPH7508
+19 luise Add support for the Wallbraun Electronics LCD-USB-Interface to Hitachi SP14Q002
+19 m50530 Add support for M50530 and compatible displays
+19 md8800 Add support for the VFD of the Medion MD8800 PC
+19 mdm166a Add support for the Futaba / Targa USB Graphic Vacuum Fluorescent Display
+19 milfordbpk Add support for Milford Instruments BPK serial interface board for HD44780
+19 ms6931 Add support for MSI-6931 displays in MSI rack servers
+19 mtcs16209x Add support for MTC_S16209x displays
+19 mtxorb Add support for Matrix Orbital LCD* LKD* VFD* and VKD* displays
+19 ncurses Add support for emulated LCD display on terminal using ncurses
+19 noritake Add support for the Noritake GU128x32-311 graphical display.
+19 noritakevfd Add support for the Noritake VFD Device CU20045SCPB-T28A
+19 null Add support for a NULL driver (for testing)
+19 picolcd Add support for Mini-Box's picoLCD
+19 png Add support for PNG output
+19 ppm Add support for PNG output
+19 pyramid Add support for the Pyramid LCD device
+19 routerboard Add support for the Router Board LCD port
+19 sed1330 Add support for Seiko Epson SED1330/1335 graphical displays (S1D13300/S1D13305)
+19 sed1520 Add support for the Seiko Epson SED1520 Controller
+19 serdisplib Meta-driver to support drivers via dev-libs/serdisplib
+19 serialpos Add support for character displays in serial point of sale ("POS") devices
+19 serialvfd Add support for most NEC, Futaba and Noritake VFDs
+19 shuttlevfd Add support for several Shuttle VFDs such as M1000, M2000, G5 3300m and SG33G5M
+19 simplelcd Add support for a simple serial terminal display
+19 sli Add support for a Wirz SLI display
+19 stv5730 Add support for STV5730A on-screen display chips
+19 svga Add support for output via media-libs/svgalib
+19 t6963 Add support for Toshiba T6963 based LCD displays
+19 text Add support for TextMode displaying
+19 trefon Add support for Trefon USB LCD displays
+19 tyan Add support for LCDs of the Barebone GS series
+19 ula200 Add support for ULA200 USB devices that allow USB connection of HD44780s
+19 usbhub Add support for USBHUB displays
+19 usblcd Add support for USBLCD displays
+19 wincor Add support for the WincorNixdorf serial cashier displays BA63 and BA66
+19 xosd Add support for xosdlib
+20 nlpsolver LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS option to build non-linear solver for calc
+20 pdfimport LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS option to build pdf files importer
+20 presenter-console LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS option to build presentation console
+20 presenter-minimizer LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS option to build presentation minimizer
+20 report-builder LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS option to build tool for nice reports creation
+20 scripting-beanshell LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS option to build beanshell scripts parser
+20 scripting-javascript LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS option to build javascript scripts parser
+20 wiki-publisher LIBREOFFICE_EXTENSIONS option to build mediawiki integration
+21 af Afrikaans locale
+21 ar Arabic locale
+21 ar_SA Arabic locale for Saudi-Arabia
+21 ar_SY Arabic locale for Syria
+21 as Assamese locale
+21 as_IN Assamese locale for India
+21 ast Asturian locale
+21 az Azeri locale
+21 be Belarusian locale
+21 be_BY Belarusian locale
+21 bg Bulgarian locale
+21 bg_BG Bulgarian locale
+21 bn Bengali locale
+21 bn_IN Bengali locale for India
+21 bo Tibetan locale
+21 br Breton locale
+21 brx Bodo locale for India
+21 bs Bosnian locale
+21 ca Catalan locale
+21 ca@valencia Catalan locale (Valencia)
+21 ca_ES Catalan locale for Spain
+21 ca_XV Asturian and Catalan locale (Valencia)
+21 crh Crimean Tatar (Crimean Turkish) locale
+21 cs Czech locale
+21 cs_CZ Czech locale for Czech Republic
+21 csb Kashubian locale
+21 cy Welsh locale
+21 da Danish locale
+21 de German locale
+21 de_DE German locale for Germany
+21 de_FR German locale for France
+21 dgo Dogri locale for India
+21 dz Dzongkha locale
+21 ee Ewe locale
+21 el Greek locale
+21 el_GR Greek locale
+21 en English locale
+21 en_CA English locale for Canada
+21 en_GB English locale for Britain
+21 en_US English locale
+21 en_ZA English locale for South Africa
+21 eo Esperanto locale
+21 es Spanish locale
+21 es_AR Spanish locale for Argentina
+21 es_CL Spanish locale for Chile
+21 es_CO Spanish locale for Columbia
+21 es_CR Spanish locale for Costa Rica
+21 es_ES Spanish locale for Spain
+21 es_LA Spanish locale for Latin America
+21 es_MX Spanish locale for Mexico
+21 es_VE Spanish locale for Venezuela
+21 et Estonian locale
+21 et_EE Estonian locale
+21 eu Basque locale
+21 eu_ES Basque locale for Spain
+21 fa Persian locale
+21 fa_IR Persian locale for Iran
+21 fi Finnish locale
+21 fi_FI Finnish locale
+21 fil Filipino locale
+21 fr French locale
+21 fr_CA French locale for Canada
+21 fr_FR French locale for France
+21 fy Frisian locale
+21 fy_NL Frisian language locale for the Netherlands
+21 ga Irish locale
+21 ga_IE Irish locale for Ireland
+21 gd Gaelic locale
+21 gl Galician locale
+21 gu Gujarati locale
+21 gu_IN Gujarati locale for India
+21 he Hebrew locale
+21 he_IL Hebrew locale for Israel
+21 hi Hindi locale
+21 hi_IN Hindi locale
+21 hne Chhattisgarhi locale
+21 hr Croatian locale
+21 hsb Upper Sorbian locale
+21 hu Hungarian locale
+21 hu_HU Hungarian locale
+21 hy Armenian locale
+21 hy_AM Armenian locale
+21 ia Interlingua locale
+21 id Indonesian locale
+21 id_ID Indonesian locale
+21 is Icelandic locale
+21 it Italian locale
+21 it_IT Italian locale
+21 ja Japanese locale
+21 ja_JP Japanese locale
+21 jv Javanese locale
+21 ka Georgian locale
+21 ka_GE Georgian locale
+21 kk Kazakh locale
+21 km Khmer locale
+21 kn Kannada locale
+21 kn_IN Kannada locale for India
+21 ko Korean locale
+21 ko_KR Korean locale
+21 kok Konkani locale
+21 ks Kashmiri locale
+21 ku Kurdish (latin) locale
+21 ky Kyrgyz (Kirghiz) locale
+21 la Latin2 locale
+21 lb Luxembourgish locale
+21 lg Ganda locale
+21 lo Lao locale
+21 lt Lithuanian locale
+21 lt_LT Lithuanian locale
+21 lv Latvian locale
+21 mai Maithili locale
+21 me Montenegrin (Crnogorski) locale
+21 mk Macedonian locale
+21 ml Malayalam locale
+21 ml_IN Malayalam locale for India
+21 mn Mongolian locale
+21 mni Manipuri locale
+21 mr Marathi locale
+21 mr_IN Marathi locale for India
+21 ms Malay locale
+21 bn_BD Bengali locale for Bangladesh
+21 nan Min Nan locale
+21 nb Norwegian (Bokmal) locale
+21 nb_NO Norwegian (Bokmal) locale for Norway
+21 nds Low Saxon locale
+21 ne Nepali locale
+21 nl Dutch locale
+21 nl_BE Dutch locale for Belgium (Flemish)
+21 nn Nynorsk locale
+21 nn_NO Nynorsk locale for Norway
+21 no Norwegian locale
+21 nr Ndebele (South) locale
+21 ns Northern Sotho locale
+21 nso Northern Sotho locale
+21 oc Occitan locale
+21 om Oromo locale
+21 or Oriya locale
+21 or_IN Oriya locale for India
+21 pa Punjabi locale for India
+21 pa_IN Punjabi locale for India
+21 pl Polish locale
+21 pl_PL Polish locale
+21 ps Pushto locale
+21 pt Portuguese locale
+21 pt_BR Portuguese locale for Brasil
+21 pt_PT Portuguese locale for Portugal
+21 rm Romansh locale
+21 ro Romanian locale
+21 ro_RO Romanian locale for Romania
+21 ru Russian locale
+21 ru_RU Russian locale for Russia
+21 rw Kinyarwanda locale
+21 sat Santali locale
+21 sco Scots locale
+21 sd Sindhi locale
+21 se Northern Saami locale
+21 sh Serbo-Croatian locale
+21 sh_YU Serbo-Croatian locale
+21 si Sinhala locale
+21 sk Slovak locale
+21 sk_SK Slovak locale
+21 sl Slovenian locale
+21 sl_SI Slovenian locale
+21 son Songhai locale
+21 sq Albanian locale
+21 sr Serbian locale
+21 sr@Latn Serbian (latin) locale
+21 sr@ijekavian Serbian-Ijekavian locale
+21 sr@ijekavianlatin Serbian-Ijekavian (latin) locale
+21 sr@latin Serbian (latin) locale
+21 sr_BA Serbian locale for Bosnia and Herzegovina
+21 sr_CS Serbian locale
+21 sr_RS Serbian locale for Serbia
+21 ss Swati locale
+21 st Southern Sotho locale
+21 sv Swedish locale
+21 sv_SE Swedish locale for Sweden
+21 sw Swahili locale
+21 sw_TZ Swahili locale for Tanzania
+21 ta Tamil locale
+21 ta_IN Tamil locale
+21 ta_LK Tamil locale for Sri Lanka
+21 te Telugu locale
+21 te_IN Telugu locale for India
+21 tg Tajik locale
+21 th Thai locale
+21 ti Tigrinya locale
+21 ti_ER Tigrinya locale for Eritrea
+21 tk Turkmen locale
+21 tl Tagalog locale
+21 tn Tswana locale
+21 tr Turkish locale
+21 ts Tsonga locale
+21 tt Tatar locale
+21 ug Uighur locale
+21 uk Ukrainian locale
+21 uk_UA Ukrainian locale for Ukraine
+21 ur Urdu locale
+21 ur_IN Urdu locale for India
+21 ur_PK Urdu language locale for Pakistan
+21 uz Uzbek locale
+21 uz@cyrillic Uzbek (cyrillic) locale
+21 ve Venda locale
+21 vi Vietnamese locale
+21 vi_VN Vietnamese locale
+21 wa Walloon locale
+21 xh Xhosa locale
+21 yi Yiddish locale
+21 zh Chinese locale
+21 zh_CN Chinese locale for Peoples Republic of China
+21 zh_HK Chinese locale for Hong Kong
+21 zh_TW Chinese locale for Taiwan
+21 zu Zulu locale
+22 accent LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for accent receiver device
+22 act200l LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for act200l receiver device
+22 act220l LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for act220l receiver device
+22 adaptec LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for adaptec receiver device
+22 all LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for all receiver devices
+22 alsa_usb LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for alsa_usb receiver device
+22 animax LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for animax receiver device
+22 asusdh LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for asusdh receiver device
+22 atilibusb LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for atilibusb receiver device
+22 atiusb LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for atiusb receiver device
+22 audio LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for audio receiver device
+22 audio_alsa LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for audio_alsa receiver device
+22 avermedia LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for avermedia receiver device
+22 avermedia98 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for avermedia98 receiver device
+22 avermedia_vdomate LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for avermedia_vdomate receiver device
+22 awlibusb LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for awlibusb receiver device
+22 bestbuy LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for bestbuy receiver device
+22 bestbuy2 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for bestbuy2 receiver device
+22 breakoutbox LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for breakoutbox receiver device
+22 bte LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for bte receiver device
+22 bw6130 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for bw6130 receiver device
+22 caraca LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for caraca receiver device
+22 chronos LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for chronos receiver device
+22 cmdir LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for cmdir receiver device
+22 com1 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for serial receiver device (defaults on using port #1)
+22 com2 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for serial receiver device (defaults on using port #2)
+22 com3 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for serial receiver device (defaults on using port #3)
+22 com4 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for serial receiver device (defaults on using port #4)
+22 commandir LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for commandir receiver device
+22 cph06x LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for cph06x receiver device
+22 creative LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for creative receiver device
+21 sa_IN Sanskrit locale for India
+22 creative_infracd LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for creative_infracd receiver device
+22 devinput LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for devinput receiver device
+22 digimatrix LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for digimatrix receiver device
+22 dsp LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for dsp receiver device
+22 dvico LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for dvico receiver device
+22 ea65 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for ea65 receiver device
+22 ene0100 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for ene0100 receiver device
+22 exaudio LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for exaudio receiver device
+22 flyvideo LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for flyvideo receiver device
+22 ftdi LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for ftdi receiver device
+22 gvbctv5pci LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for gvbctv5pci receiver device
+22 hauppauge LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for hauppauge receiver device
+22 hauppauge_dvb LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for hauppauge_dvb receiver device
+22 hercules_smarttv_stereo LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for hercules_smarttv_stereo receiver device
+22 i2cuser LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for i2cuser receiver device
+22 igorplugusb LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for igorplugusb receiver device
+22 iguanaIR LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for iguanaIR receiver device and software
+22 imon LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for imon receiver device
+22 imon_24g LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for imon_24g receiver device
+22 imon_knob LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for imon_knob device
+22 imon_lcd LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for imon_lcd receiver device
+22 imon_pad LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for imon_pad receiver device
+22 imon_pad2keys LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for imon_pad receiver device (converting pad events to keypresses)
+22 imon_rsc LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for imon_rsc receiver device
+22 inputlirc LIRC_DEVICES setting to grab events from /dev/input/event* with inputlircd
+22 irdeo LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for irdeo receiver device
+22 irdeo_remote LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for irdeo_remote receiver device
+22 irlink LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for irlink receiver device
+22 irman LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for irman receiver device
+22 irreal LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for irreal receiver device
+22 it87 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for it87 receiver device
+22 ite8709 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for ite8709 receiver device
+22 knc_one LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for knc_one receiver device
+22 kworld LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for kworld receiver device
+22 leadtek_0007 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for leadtek_0007 receiver device
+22 leadtek_0010 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for leadtek_0010 receiver device
+22 leadtek_pvr2000 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for leadtek_pvr2000 receiver device
+22 livedrive_midi LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for livedrive_midi receiver device
+22 livedrive_seq LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for livedrive_seq receiver device
+22 logitech LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for logitech receiver device
+22 lpt1 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for parallel receiver device (defaults on using port #1)
+22 lpt2 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for parallel receiver device (defaults on using port #2)
+22 macmini LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for macmini receiver device
+22 mceusb LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for mceusb receiver device
+22 mceusb2 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for mceusb2 receiver device
+22 mediafocusI LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for mediafocusI receiver device
+22 mouseremote LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for mouseremote receiver device
+22 mouseremote_ps2 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for mouseremote_ps2 receiver device
+22 mp3anywhere LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for mp3anywhere receiver device
+22 mplay LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for mplay receiver device
+22 nslu2 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for nslu2 receiver device
+22 packard_bell LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for packard_bell receiver device
+22 parallel LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for parallel receiver device
+22 pcmak LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for pcmak receiver device
+22 pcmak_usb LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for pcmak_usb receiver device
+22 pctv LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for pctv receiver device
+22 pixelview_bt878 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for pixelview_bt878 receiver device
+22 pixelview_pak LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for pixelview_pak receiver device
+22 pixelview_pro LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for pixelview_pro receiver device
+22 provideo LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for provideo receiver device
+22 realmagic LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for realmagic receiver device
+22 remote_wonder_plus LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for Remote Wonder Plus (atiusb-based) receiver device
+22 remotemaster LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for remotemaster receiver device
+22 sa1100 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for sa1100 receiver device
+22 samsung LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for samsung receiver device
+22 sasem LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for sasem receiver device
+22 sb0540 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for sb0540 receiver device
+22 serial LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for serial receiver device
+22 serial_igor_cesko LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for serial receiver device (with Igor Cesko design)
+22 silitek LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for silitek receiver device
+22 sir LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for sir receiver device
+22 slinke LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for slinke receiver device
+22 streamzap LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for streamzap receiver device
+22 tekram LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for tekram receiver device
+22 tekram_bt829 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for tekram_bt829 receiver device
+22 tira LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for tira receiver device
+22 ttusbir LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for ttusb receiver device
+22 tuxbox LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for tuxbox receiver device
+22 tvbox LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for tvbox receiver device
+22 udp LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for udp receiver device
+22 uirt2 LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for uirt2 receiver device
+22 uirt2_raw LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for uirt2_raw receiver device
+22 usb_uirt_raw LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for usb_uirt_raw receiver device
+22 usbirboy LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for the usbirboy homebrew device
+22 usbx LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for usbx receiver device
+22 userspace LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for userspace receiver device
+22 wpc8769l LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for wpc8769l receiver device
+22 xboxusb LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for xboxusb receiver device
+24 apisupport enables apisupport module
+24 cnd enables C/C++ development support
+24 dlight enables framework for creation of Observability Tools using DTrace
+24 enterprise enables enterprise development support
+24 ergonomics enables ergonomics features
+24 groovy enables Groovy and Grails development support
+24 gsf enables support for web client development
+24 harness enables harness support
+24 ide enables Netbeans IDE
+24 identity enables identity module
+24 j2ee enables J2EE development support
+24 java enables Java development support
+24 javacard enables cluster for JavaCard development
+24 javafx enables JavaFX development support
+24 mobility enables support for development of mobile applications
+24 nb enables Netbeans branding
+24 php enables PHP development support
+24 profiler enables Java profiler
+24 ruby enables Ruby development support
+24 soa enables SOA development support
+24 visualweb enables visual web development support
+24 webcommon enables javascript libraries and web client tools
+24 websvccommon enables common support for web services development
+24 xml enables XML related development support (schema, validation, WSDL, etc.)
+25 access This module provides a simple host-based access control.
+25 addition This module adds contents of other locations before and after the current location's content.
+25 auth_basic This module protects your site or parts of it with username and password based on HTTP Basic Authentication.
+25 auth_pam This module provides authentication via PAM.
+25 autoindex This module provides automatic directory listings.
+25 browser This module creates variables, the values of which depend on the request header "User-agent".
+25 cache_purge External module adding ability to purge content from nginx's FastCGI and proxy caches.
+25 charset This module can reencode data of one encoding into another.
+25 dav This module adds the HTTP and WebDAV methods PUT, DELETE, MKCOL, COPY and MOVE.
+25 empty_gif This module keeps a 1x1 transparent GIF in memory that can be served very quickly.
+25 fancyindex This module makes possible the generation of file listings, like the built-in autoindex module does, but adding a touch of style.
+25 fastcgi This module allows Nginx to interact with FastCGI processes and control what parameters are passed to the process.
+25 flv This module provides the ability to seek within FLV (Flash) files using time-based offsets.
+25 geo This module creates variables, whose values depend on the IP-address of the client.
+25 geoip This module creates variables based on the IP-address of the client matched against the MaxMind GeoIP binary files.
+25 gzip This module allows for on-the-fly gzip compression.
+25 gzip_static Before serving a file from disk to a gzip-enabled client, this module will look for a precompressed file in the same location.
+25 headers_more Set and clear input and output headers
+25 image_filter This module is a filter for transforming JPEG, GIF and PNG images.
+25 limit_conn This module makes it possible to limit the number of simultaneous connections for the assigned session
+25 limit_req This module allows you to limit the number of requests for a given session.
+25 limit_zone This module makes it possible to limit the number of simultaneous connections for the assigned session
+25 lua Embed the power of Lua into nginx
+25 map This module allows you to classify, or map a set of values into a different set of values and store the result in a variable.
+25 memcached You can use this module to perform simple caching.
+25 mp4 This module adds pseudo-streaming
+25 passenger Passenger makes deployment of Ruby web applications a breeze.
+25 perl This module makes it possible to execute Perl directly within Nginx and call Perl via SSI.
+25 proxy This module makes it possible to transfer requests to another server.
+25 push External module turning Nginx into an adept HTTP Push and Comet server.
+25 random_index Pick a random directory index from a directory.
+25 realip This module allows to change the client's IP address to value from request header (e. g. X-Real-IP or X-Forwarded-For).
+25 referer This module makes it possible to block access to the site with the incorrect values of line "Referer" in the request header.
+25 rewrite This module makes it possible to change URI using regular expressions (PCRE), and to redirect and select configuration depending on variables.
+25 scgi An implementation of the Simple Common Gateway Interface.
+25 secure_link This module computes and checks request URLs for a required security token.
+25 slowfs_cache This module adds the ability to cache static files
+25 split_clients This module provides A/B testing support.
+25 ssi This module provides a filter which processes Server-Side Includes (SSI) in the input.
+25 stub_status This module provides the ability to get some status from nginx.
+25 sub This module can search and replace text in the nginx response.
+25 upload Enable support for handling file uploads using multipart/form-data encoding
+25 upload_progress This module adds the ability to track POST upload progress via JSON API
+25 upstream_ip_hash This module provides the ability to distribute upstream requests based on the IP-address of the client.
+25 userid This module gives out cookies for identification of clients.
+25 uwsgi External module for the uWSGI protocol for python web apps.
+25 xslt This module is a filter which converts an XML response with the aid of one or more XSLT templates.
+26 imap This module provides IMAP proxy capability.
+26 pop3 This module provides POP3 proxy capability.
+26 smtp This module provides SMTP proxy capability.
+27 cxgb3 Chelsio T3 RNIC driver
+27 cxgb4 Chelsio T4 RNIC driver
+27 ehca IBM InfiniBand HCA (ehca) driver
+27 ipath QLogic InfiniPath HCA driver (verbs based)
+27 mlx4 Mellanox ConnectX InfiniBand HCA driver
+27 mthca Mellanox InfiniBand HCA driver
+27 nes NetEffect Ethernet Server Cluster Adapter driver
+27 psm QLogic InfiniPath HCA driver (psm based)
+28 dapl Direct Access Provider Library
+28 knem High-Performance Intra-Node MPI Communication
+28 ofed OFED RDMA stack (InfiniBand and iWARP)
+28 open-mx Myrinet Express over Generic Ethernet Hardware
+28 psm QLogic InfiniPath HCA driver (psm based)
+28 sctp Stream Control Transmission Protocol
+29 connectx-xrc Enable ConnectX XRC support
+29 control-hdr-padding Add padding bytes to the openib control header
+29 dynamic-sl Enable openib BTL to query Subnet Manager for IB SL
+29 failover enable openib BTL failover (for multiport adapters
+29 rdmacm Enable Open Fabrics RDMACM support in openib BTL
+30 pbs torque resource manager
+30 slurm slurm resource manager
+31 php5-2 Build against PHP 5.2
+31 php5-3 Build against PHP 5.3
+31 php5-4 Build against PHP 5.4
+31 php5-5 Build against PHP 5.5
+32 jython2_5 Build for Jython 2.5 only
+32 python2_7 Build for Python 2.7 only
+32 python3_3 Build for Python 3.3 only
+33 jython2_5 Build with Jython 2.5
+33 python2_7 Build with Python 2.7
+33 python3_3 Build with Python 3.3
+34 alpha system emulation target
+34 arm system emulation target
+34 cris system emulation target
+34 i386 system emulation target
+34 lm32 LatticeMico32 system emulation target
+34 m68k system emulation target
+34 microblaze system emulation target
+34 microblazeel system emulation target
+34 mips system emulation target
+34 mips64 system emulation target
+34 mips64el system emulation target
+34 mipsel system emulation target
+34 or32 OpenRISC system emulation target
+34 ppc system emulation target
+34 ppc64 system emulation target
+34 ppcemb system emulation target
+34 s390x system emulation target
+34 sh4 system emulation target
+34 sh4eb system emulation target
+34 sparc system emulation target
+34 sparc64 system emulation target
+34 unicore32 system emulation target
+34 x86_64 system emulation target
+34 xtensa system emulation target
+34 xtensaeb system emulation target
+35 alpha userspace emulation target
+35 cris userspace emulation target
+35 i386 userspace emulation target
+35 m68k userspace emulation target
+35 microblaze userspace emulation target
+35 microblazeel userspace emulation target
+35 mips userspace emulation target
+35 arm ARM (little endian) userspace emulation target
+35 armeb ARM (big endian) userspace emulation target
+32 python3_2 Build for Python 3.2 only (deprecated)
+33 python3_2 Build with Python 3.2 (deprecated)
+35 mips64 userspace emulation target
+35 mips64el userspace emulation target
+35 mipsel userspace emulation target
+35 or32 OpenRISC userspace emulation target
+35 ppc64abi32 userspace emulation target
+35 s390x userspace emulation target
+35 sh4 userspace emulation target
+35 sh4eb userspace emulation target
+35 sparc userspace emulation target
+35 sparc32plus userspace emulation target
+35 sparc64 userspace emulation target
+35 unicore32 userspace emulation target
+35 x86_64 userspace emulation target
+36 jruby Build with JRuby
+36 rbx Build with Rubinius
+36 ruby19 Build with MRI Ruby 1.9.x
+37 abaton SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the abaton backend
+37 agfafocus SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the agfafocus backend
+37 apple SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the apple backend
+37 artec SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the artec backend
+37 artec_eplus48u SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the artec_eplus48u backend
+37 as6e SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the as6e backend
+37 avision SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the avision backend
+37 bh SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the bh backend
+37 canon SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the canon backend
+37 canon630u SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the canon630u backend
+37 canon_dr SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the canon_dr backend
+37 canon_pp SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the canon_pp backend
+37 cardscan SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the cardscan backend
+37 coolscan SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the coolscan backend
+37 coolscan2 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the coolscan2 backend
+37 coolscan3 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the coolscan3 backend
+37 dc210 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the dc210 backend
+37 dc240 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the dc240 backend
+37 dc25 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the dc25 backend
+37 dell1600n_net SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the dell1600n_net backend
+37 dmc SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the dmc backend
+37 epjitsu SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the epjitsu backend
+37 epson SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the epson backend
+37 epson2 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the epson2 backend
+37 fujitsu SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the fujitsu backend
+37 genesys SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the genesys backend
+37 gt68xx SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the gt68xx backend
+37 hp SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the hp backend
+37 hp3500 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the hp3500 backend
+37 hp3900 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the hp3900 backend
+37 hp4200 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the hp4200 backend
+37 hp5400 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the hp5400 backend
+37 hp5590 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the hp5590 backend
+37 hpljm1005 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the hpljm1005 backend
+37 hpsj5s SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the hpsj5s backend
+37 hs2p SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the hs2p backend
+37 ibm SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the ibm backend
+37 kodak SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the kodak backend
+37 kodakaio SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the kodak backend
+37 kvs1025 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the kvs1025 backend
+37 kvs20xx SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the kvs20xx backend
+37 kvs40xx SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the kvs20xx backend
+37 leo SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the leo backend
+37 lexmark SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the lexmark backend
+37 ma1509 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the ma1509 backend
+37 magicolor SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the magicolor backend
+37 matsushita SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the matsushita backend
+37 microtek SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the microtek backend
+37 microtek2 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the microtek2 backend
+37 mustek SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the mustek backend
+37 mustek_pp SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the mustek_pp backend
+37 mustek_usb SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the mustek_usb backend
+37 mustek_usb2 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the mustek_usb2 backend
+37 nec SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the nec backend
+37 net SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the net backend
+37 niash SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the niash backend
+37 nothing SANE_BACKENDS setting if you want no backend at all
+37 p5 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the p5 backend
+37 pie SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the pie backend
+37 pint SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the pint backend
+37 pixma SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the pixma backend
+37 plustek SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the plustek backend
+37 plustek_pp SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the plustek_pp backend
+37 pnm SANE_BACKENDS settings for building the pnm test backend, considered a possible security risk
+37 qcam SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the qcam backend
+37 ricoh SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the ricoh backend
+37 rts8891 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the rts8891 backend
+37 s9036 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the s9036 backend
+37 sceptre SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the sceptre backend
+37 sharp SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the sharp backend
+36 ruby18 Build with MRI Ruby 1.8.x (removed)
+21 ar_JO Arabic locale for Jordan
+21 byn Bilin (Bilen, Blin) locale
+37 sm3600 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the sm3600 backend
+37 sm3840 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the sm3840 backend
+37 snapscan SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the snapscan backend
+37 sp15c SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the sp15c backend
+37 st400 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the st400 backend
+37 stv680 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the stv680 backend
+37 tamarack SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the tamarack backend
+37 teco1 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the teco1 backend
+37 teco2 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the teco2 backend
+37 teco3 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the teco3 backend
+37 test SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the test backend
+37 u12 SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the u12 backend
+37 umax SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the umax backend
+37 umax1220u SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the umax1220u backend
+37 umax_pp SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the umax_pp backend
+37 xerox_mfp SANE_BACKENDS setting for building the xerox_mfp backend
+38 BSD USERLAND setting for systems using BSDish userland (FreeBSD OpenBSD NetBSD DragonFly)
+38 GNU USERLAND setting for systems that use the GNU userland tools
+39 apm VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for apm video cards
+39 ark VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for ark video cards
+39 ast VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for ASpeedTech video cards
+39 chips VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for chips video cards
+39 cirrus VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for cirrus video cards
+39 cyrix VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for cyrix video cards
+39 dummy VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for dummy video cards
+39 epson VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for epson video cards
+39 exynos VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for Samsung Exynos video cards
+39 fbdev VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for fbdev video cards
+39 fglrx VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for fglrx video cards
+39 geode VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for AMD Geode GX and LX video cards
+39 glint VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for glint video cards
+39 i128 VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for Number 9 I128 video cards
+39 i740 VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for Intel i740 video cards
+39 i915 VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for Intel i915 video cards
+39 impact VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for impact video cards
+39 intel VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for Intel video cards
+39 mach64 VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for mach64 video cards
+39 mga VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for mga video cards
+39 modesetting VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for unaccelerated modesetting
+39 neomagic VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for neomagic video cards
+39 newport VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for newport video cards
+39 none VIDEO_CARDS setting to build no drivers (useful when using binary drivers)
+39 nouveau VIDEO_CARDS setting to build reverse-engineered driver for nvidia cards
+39 nsc VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for nsc video cards
+39 nv VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for nv video cards
+39 nvidia VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for nvidia video cards
+39 omap VIDEO_CARDS setting to build DRM driver for TI OMAP video cards
+39 omapfb VIDEO_CARDS setting to build framebuffer driver for TI OMAP video cards
+39 qxl VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for qxl (QEMU virtual GPU)
+39 r100 VIDEO_CARDS setting to build only r100 based chips code for radeon
+39 r128 VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for ATI r128 video cards
+39 r200 VIDEO_CARDS setting to build only r200 based chips code for radeon
+39 r300 VIDEO_CARDS setting to build only r300, r400 and r500 based chips code for radeon
+39 r600 VIDEO_CARDS setting to build only r600, r700, Evergreen and Northern Islands based chips code for radeon
+39 radeon VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for ATI radeon video cards
+39 radeonhd VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for ATI radeon HD video cards (radeon also works)
+39 radeonsi VIDEO_CARDS setting to build only Southern Islands based chips code for radeon
+39 rendition VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for rendition video cards
+39 s3 VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for s3 video cards
+39 s3virge VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for s3virge video cards
+39 savage VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for savage video cards
+39 siliconmotion VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for siliconmotion video cards
+39 sis VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for SiS video cards
+39 sisusb VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for SiS USB video cards
+39 sunbw2 VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for sunbw2 video cards
+39 suncg14 VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for suncg14 video cards
+39 suncg3 VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for suncg3 video cards
+39 suncg6 VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for suncg6 video cards
+39 sunffb VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for sunffb video cards
+39 sunleo VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for sunleo video cards
+39 suntcx VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for suntcx video cards
+39 svga VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for svga (VMware Virtual GPU) via Gallium
+39 tdfx VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for tdfx video cards
+39 tga VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for tga video cards
+39 trident VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for trident video cards
+39 tseng VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for tseng video cards
+39 v4l VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for v4l video cards
+39 vesa VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for vesa video cards
+39 via VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for via video cards
+39 virtualbox VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for virtualbox emulation
+39 vmware VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for vmware video cards
+39 voodoo VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for voodoo video cards
+39 xgi VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for xgi video cards
+40 freebsd Install VMware Tools for FreeBSD guests
+40 linux Install VMware Tools for Linux guests
+40 netware Install VMware Tools for Netware guests
+40 solaris Install VMware Tools for Solaris guests
+40 winPre2k Install VMware Tools for Windows 95/98/ME guests
+40 windows Install VMware Tools for Windows 2000+ guests
+41 file Uses plain files to store configuration & messages.
+41 imap Uses an IMAP server to store configuration & messages.
+41 odbc Uses ODBC to talk to a SQL database backend.
+42 brightness Build xfce4-brightness-plugin for panel
+42 clock Build xfce4-orageclock-plugin for panel
+42 trash Build thunar-tpa (trash) plugin for panel
+43 account ACCOUNT target is a high performance accounting system for large local networks
+43 chaos CHAOS target causes confusion on the other end by doing odd things with incoming packets
+43 checksum CHECKSUM target computes and fills in the checksum in a packet that lacks a checksum
+43 condition matches if a specific condition variable is (un)set
+43 delude DELUDE target will reply to a SYN packet with SYN-ACK, and to all other packets with an RST
+43 dhcpmac DHCPMAC target/match in conjunction with ebtables can be used to completely change all MAC addresses from and to a VMware-based virtual machine
+43 echo ECHO target sends back all packets it received
+43 fuzzy matches a rate limit based on a fuzzy logic controller (FLC)
+43 geoip match a packet by its source or destination country
+43 gradm match packets based on grsecurity RBAC status
+43 iface match allows to check interface states
+43 ipmark IPMARK target allows mark a received packet basing on its IP address
+43 ipp2p matches certain packets in P2P flows
+43 ipset enables build of ipset related modules and tools
+43 ipset4 enables build of ipset-4.x related modules and tools
+43 ipset6 enables build of ipset-6.x related modules and tools
+43 ipv4options match against a set of IPv4 header options
+43 length2 matches the length of a packet against a specific value or range of values
+43 logmark LOGMARK target will log packet and connection marks to syslog
+43 lscan match detects simple low-level scan attemps based upon the packet's contents
+43 pknock match implements so-called "port knocking", a stealthy system for network authentication
+43 psd match attempts to detect TCP and UDP port scans (derived from Solar Designer's scanlogd)
+43 quota2 match implements a named counter which can be increased or decreased on a per-match basis
+43 rawnat The RAWSNAT and RAWDNAT targets provide stateless network address translation
+43 steal STEAL target is like DROP, but does not throw an error when used in the OUTPUT chain
+43 sysrq SYSRQ target allows to remotely trigger sysrq on the local machine over the network
+43 tarpit TARPIT target captures and holds incoming TCP connections using no local per-connection resources
+43 tee TEE target will clone a packet and redirect this clone to another machine on the local network segment
+1 x32 x32 ABI libraries
+39 freedreno VIDEO_CARDS setting to build reverse-engineered driver for Qualcomm Adreno cards
+32 jython2_7 Build for Jython 2.7 only
+33 jython2_7 Build with Jython 2.7
+33 python3_4 Build with Python 3.4
+44 libreoffice use the app-office/libreoffice{,-bin} implementation for extensions
+44 openoffice use the app-office/openoffice{,-bin} implementation for extensions
+15 fury Jackson Labs Fury and Firefly support
+15 geostar Geostar Protocol support
+15 nmea2000 NMEA2000/CAN support
+25 spdy This module provides an SPDY implementation.
+2 ca0132 Creative CA0132 (Sound Core3D) HD-audio
+6 author CALLIGRA_FEATURES option to build minimalistic word processor application
+16 efi Native EFI platform support
+21 sr_RS@latin Serbian (latin) locale for Serbia
+25 gunzip Permits to decompress gzip'ed files on-the-fly for clients not supporting the gzip encoding method.
+25 metrics Module to export various metrics in easy-parseable JSON.
+25 upstream_check Add health check support for upstream servers.
+25 naxsi An open source, high performance, low rules maintenance, Web Application Firewall module for Nginx.
+25 degradation Allows to return 204 or 444 code for some locations on low memory condition (reliable on FreeBSD only)
+25 dav_ext Add missing WebDAV methods PROPFIND & OPTIONS to the existing WebDAV module.
+21 ms_MY Malay locale for Malaysia
+13 ffhash Computes a file's digest using libavutil algorithms.
+39 ilo VIDEO_CARDS setting to build unofficial gallium driver for Intel gen6/7 video cards
+21 si_LK Sinhala locale
+39 i965 VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for Intel i965 video cards
+21 sr_RS@cyrillic Serbian (cyrillic) locale for Serbia
+34 moxie moxielogic system emulation target
+35 mipsn32 MIPS N32 ABI userspace emulation target
+35 mipsn32el MIPS N32 ABI LE userspace emulation target
+21 ht Haitian locale
+21 gez Ge'ez locale
+21 haw Hawaiian locale
+21 mi Maori locale
+43 dnetmap DNETMAP target allows dynamic two-way 1:1 mapping of IPv4 subnets
+21 fo Faroese locale
+14 hp1000 Get HP LJ 1000 firmware file
+14 hp1005 Get HP LJ 1005 firmware file
+14 hp1018 Get HP LJ 1005 firmware file
+14 hp1020 Get HP LJ 1020 firmware file
+14 hp1215 Get HP LJ 1215 firmware file
+14 hp1500 Get HP Color LaserJet 1500 .ICM files
+14 hp1600 Get HP Color LaserJet 1600 .ICM files
+14 hp2600n Get HP Color LaserJet 2600n .ICM files
+14 hpp1005 Get HP LJ P1005 firmware file
+14 hpp1006 Get HP LJ P1006 firmware file
+14 hpp1505 Get HP LJ P1505 firmware file
+14 km2200 Get Minolta 2200 DL .ICM files
+14 km2300 Get Minolta 2300 DL .ICM files
+14 km2430 Get Konica Minolta 2430 DL .ICM files
+14 km2480 Get Konica Minolta 2480 MF .ICM files
+14 km2490 Get Konica Minolta 2490 MF .ICM files
+14 km2530 Get Konica Minolta 2530 DL .ICM files
+14 kmcpwl Get Minolta Color PageWorks/Pro L .ICM files
+14 lm500 Get Lexmark C500 .ICM files
+14 oki3200 Get Oki C3200 .ICM files
+14 oki3300 Get Oki C3300 .ICM files
+14 oki3400 Get Oki C3400 .ICM files
+14 oki5100 Get Oki C5100 .ICM files
+14 oki5200 Get Oki C5200 .ICM files
+14 oki5500 Get Oki C5500 .ICM files
+14 oki5600 Get Oki C5600 .ICM files
+14 oki5800 Get Oki C5800 .ICM files
+14 sa2160 Get Samsung CLX-2160 .ICM files
+14 sa300 Get Samsung CLP-300 .ICM files
+14 sa315 Get Samsung CLP-315 .ICM files
+14 sa3160 Get Samsung CLX-3160 .ICM files
+14 xp6110 Get Xerox Phaser 6110 and 6110MFP .ICM files
+14 xp6115 Get Xerox Phaser 6115MFP .ICM files
+12 musl ELIBC setting for systems that use the musl C library
+21 af_ZA Afrikaans locale for South Africa
+21 lv_LV Latvian locale for Latvia
+21 th_TH Thai locale Thailand
+36 ruby20 Build with MRI Ruby 2.0.x
+21 tg_TJ Tajik locale Tajikistan
+46 n32 64-bit (32-bit pointer) libraries
+46 n64 64-bit libraries
+46 o32 32-bit libraries
+21 en_AU English locale for Australia
+36 ree18 Build with Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8.x (removed)
+22 zotac LIRC_DEVICES setting to add support for Zotac ZBOX remotes
+17 roccat_arvo INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for Roccat Arvo input devices
+17 roccat_isku INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for Roccat Isku input devices
+17 roccat_iskufx INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for Roccat Isku Fx input devices
+17 roccat_kone INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for Roccat Kone input devices
+17 roccat_koneplus INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for Roccat Kone[+] input devices
+17 roccat_konepure INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for Roccat Kone Pure input devices
+17 roccat_konextd INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for Roccat KoneXTD input devices
+17 roccat_kovaplus INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for Roccat Kova[+] input devices
+17 roccat_lua INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for Roccat Lua input devices
+17 roccat_pyra INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for Roccat Pyra input devices
+17 roccat_savu INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for Roccat Savu input devices
+10 dash Allows use of dash instead of default bash (on your own risk)
+25 echo Brings shell-style goodies to Nginx config file.
+25 security Web application firewall and Intrusion Detection System.
+24 extide enables extide module
+25 auth_request Module implementing client authorization based on the result of a subrequest.
+25 push_stream Push Stream module, supporting EventSource, WebSocket, Long Polling, and Forever Iframe.
+7 pentax libgphoto support for pentax cameras
+15 ublox U-Blox Protocol support
+17 roccat_konepureoptical INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for Roccat Kone Pure Optical input devices
+21 eo_UY Esperanto locale for Uruguay
+21 ky_KG Kyrgyz (Kirghiz) locale for Kyrgyzstan
+36 ruby21 Build with MRI Ruby 2.1.x
+47 alarm_curl Plugin to send a logline to a curl url.
+47 alarm_xmpp Plugin to send a logline via XMPP/Jabber (see
+47 cache Enable the caching framework
+47 cheaper_busyness Implement cheaper algorithm that adds or remove workers based on average utilization for given time period
+47 clock_monotonic Modular clock source, uses clock_gettime with CLOCK_REALTIME
+47 clock_realtime Modular clock source, uses clock_gettime with CLOCK_MONOTONIC
+47 corerouter Base request routing internal mechanism
+47 curl_cron Call a curl url directly from a cron task
+47 dumbloop Run apps which do not require sockets
+47 echo Returns requests as they were sent
+47 emperor_amqp Enable an emperor controlled via AMQP
+47 emperor_pg Enable an emperor getting its configuration from a PostgreSQL database
+47 emperor_zeromq Enable an emperor controlled via ZeroMQ
+47 fastrouter Proxy/load-balancer/router speaking the uwsgi protocol
+47 forkptyrouter Pseudoterminal server to connect to instances running inside a jail/separate namespace
+47 geoip Export GeoIP information as routing variables (requires dev-libs/geoip)
+47 http make uWSGI natively speak HTTP, using this plugin you do not need a front-end HTTP server
+47 ldap Lets you configure the uWSGI server via LDAP
+47 graylog2 Send logs to a Graylog2 server in Graylog2's native GELF format
+47 legion_cache_fetch caching for the legion subsystem
+47 logcrypto Send encrypted log messages via UDP
+47 logfile Enable logging to logfiles (requires USE=ssl)
+47 logpipe Log to stdin of a newly forked process
+47 logsocket Log to a unix socket
+47 mongodblog Write logs to a mongodb server
+47 nagios To monitor, and eventually get warning messages, via Nagios
+47 notfound Log 404 errors
+47 pam Support PAM authentication
+47 ping pings a uwsgi server
+47 rawrouter Enable routing requests to a specific plugin/application/function using the request modifiers
+47 redislog Log to a redis server
+47 router_access uWSGI internal routing, simple access support
+47 router_basicauth uWSGI internal routing, basicauth support
+47 router_cache uWSGI internal routing, cache support
+47 router_expires uWSGI internal routing, expires headers support
+47 router_hash uWSGI internal routing, URL hash support
+47 router_http uWSGI internal routing, http headers support
+47 router_memcached uWSGI internal routing, memcached support
+47 router_metrics uWSGI internal routing, metrics subsystem support
+47 router_radius uWSGI internal routing, radius auth support
+47 router_redirect uWSGI internal routing, simple redirect support
+47 router_redis uWSGI internal routing, redis support
+47 router_rewrite uWSGI internal routing, URL rewrite support
+47 router_spnego uWSGI internal routing, spnego auth support
+47 router_static uWSGI internal routing, static files serving support
+47 router_uwsgi uWSGI internal routing,
+47 router_xmldir uWSGI internal routing,
+47 rpc Allow calling functions on a remote uWSGI server/cluster
+47 rrdtool Store uWSGI stats in a rrd fashion
+47 rsyslog Send logs to Unix standard syslog residing on a remote server
+47 signal Enable the signal framework to allow event based inter process communication
+47 spooler Enable queue management that works like a printing/mail system, available for python/perl/ruby
+47 sqlite Configure uWSGI via a sqlite database
+47 ssi Fast templating system that has access to the uWSGI API
+47 sslrouter Permits routing/proxy of SSL requests
+47 stats_pusher_statsd Part of the metrics subsystem, lets you push metrics to a statsd server
+47 symcall Allows you to write native uWSGI request handlers without the need of developing a full uWSGI plugin
+47 syslog Enable logging to standard Unix syslog
+47 systemd_logger Enable logging via systemd journal
+47 transformation_chunked Filter the response generated by your application, encode the output in HTTP chunked
+47 transformation_gzip Filter the response generated by your application, compress in gzip
+47 transformation_offload Filter the response generated by your application, buffer streaming offload
+47 transformation_tofile Filter the response generated by your application, caching buffer to a static file
+47 transformation_toupper Filter the response generated by your application, transforming each character in uppercase
+47 tuntap Ad-hoc solution for giving network connectivity to Linux processes running in a dedicated network namespace
+47 ugreen Use green threads on top of the uWSGI async platform
+47 webdav Build the WebDAV server (note: attributes are stored in extended attributes)
+47 xattr Exposes extended file attributes as router variables
+47 xslt Apply XSL transformation on XML documents on the fly (requires dev-libs/libxslt)
+47 zabbix Send statistics to a zabbix server (uwsgi behaves directly as a zabbix agent)
+47 zergpool Allow grouping zerg instances and attach them to different zerg servers
+21 bo_CN Tibetan locale for China
+21 da_DK Danish locale for Denmark
+21 gl_ES Galician locale for Spain
+21 my_MM Burmese locale for Myanmar
+21 nqo N'Ko locale
+21 sr_BA@latin Serbian (latin) locale for Bosnia and Herzegovina
+16 xen XEN (pvgrub2) platform support
+31 php5-6 Build against PHP 5.6
+47 carbon Send uWSGI's internal statistics to one or more Carbon servers
+32 python3_4 Build for Python 3.4 only
+42 xmonad Build xmonad-log-applet for panel
+48 32 32-bit (ppc) libraries
+48 64 64-bit (ppc64) libraries
+49 32 32-bit (s390) libraries
+49 64 64-bit (s390x) libraries
+29 udcm Enable Open Fabrics UDCM support in openib BTL
+42 multiload-nandhp Build a port of the GNOME multiload applet for panel
+25 ajp support AJP protocol proxy with nginx
+25 sticky Module to always forward clients to the same upstream server (via sticky cookies)
+27 mlx5 Mellanox ConnectIB InfiniBand HCA driver
+27 ocrdma Emulex OneConnect RDMA HCA driver
+34 aarch64 ARM64 system emulation target
+35 aarch64 ARM64 userspace emulation target
+9 winssl Use WinSSL (only with elibc_Winnt)
+12 Cygwin ELIBC setting for systems that use Cygwin
+12 Winnt ELIBC setting for systems that use Winnt
+21 an Aragonese locale
+21 be@latin Belarusian (latin) locale
+21 en@shaw Shavian locale
+21 ksw S'gaw Karen locale
+21 li Limburgian locale
+21 mg Malagasy locale
+21 rue Rusyn locale
+21 shn Shan locale
+21 so Somali locale
+21 tlh Klingon locale
+21 tpi Tok Pisin locale
+21 uz@Latn Uzbek (latin) locale
+17 roccat_konepuremilitary INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for Roccat Kone Pure Military input devices
+17 roccat_konextdoptical INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for Roccat KoneXTD Optical input devices
+21 tig Tigre locale
+21 tr_TR Turkish locale for Turkey
+21 tt@iqtelif Tatar (iqtelif) locale
+21 uz_UZ Uzbek locale for Uzbekistan
+21 wal Wolaytta (Walamo) locale
+21 wo Wolof locale
+42 battery Build battery plug-in for panel
+25 mogilefs Enable support for MogileFS.
+21 pap Paiamento locale
+21 ach Acoli locale
+21 cmn Chinese (Mandarin) locale
+21 es_DO Spanish locale for Dominican Republic
+21 es_UY Spanish locale for Uruguay
+21 kk_KZ Kazakh (Kazakhstan) locale
+21 pam Kapampangan locale
+21 sah Sakha (Yakut)
+21 uz@Cyrl Uzbek (Cyrillic) locale
+33 pypy2_0 Build with PyPy 2.0 (removed)
+33 python2_6 Build with Python 2.6 (removed)
+42 power Build power management plug-in for panel
+21 hr_HR Croatian locale
+47 rados serve objects stored in a Ceph cluster directly using the librados API
+21 es_419 Latin American Spanish locale
+12 mingw ELIBC setting for systems that use the Minimalist GNU for Windows library
+15 nmea0183 NMEA protocol support
+32 pypy Build for PyPy only
+32 pypy3 Build for PyPy3 only
+33 pypy Build with PyPy
+33 pypy3 Build with PyPy3
+36 ruby22 Build with MRI Ruby 2.2.x
+50 3dnow Use the 3DNow! instruction set
+50 3dnowext Use the Enhanced 3DNow! instruction set
+50 aes Enable support for Intel's AES instruction set (AES-NI)
+50 avx Adds support for Advanced Vector Extensions instructions
+50 avx2 Adds support for Advanced Vector Extensions 2 instructions
+50 fma3 Use the Fused Multiply Add 3 instruction set ([fma] in cpuinfo)
+50 fma4 Use the Fused Multiply Add 4 instruction set
+50 mmx Use the MMX instruction set
+50 padlock Use VIA padlock instructions ([phe] in cpuinfo)
+50 popcnt Enable popcnt instruction support ([abm] or [popcnt] in cpuinfo)
+50 sse Use the SSE instruction set
+50 sse2 Use the SSE2 instruction set
+50 sse3 Use the SSE3 instruction set ([pni] in cpuinfo, NOT ssse3)
+50 sse4_1 Enable SSE4.1 instruction support
+50 sse4_2 Enable SSE4.2 instruction support
+50 sse4a Enable SSE4a instruction support
+50 ssse3 Use the SSSE3 instruction set (NOT sse3/pni)
+50 xop Enable the XOP instruction set
+17 roccat_tyon INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for Roccat Tyon input devices
+50 mmxext Use the Extended MMX instruction set (a subset of SSE) ([mmxext] or [sse] in cpuinfo)
+39 tegra VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for tegra video cards
+21 sq_AL Albanian locale
+17 libinput INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for libinput input devices
+17 roccat_ryosmk INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for Roccat RyosMK Pro input devices
+15 passthrough Pass through JSON data
+17 roccat_ryostkl INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for Roccat RyosMK Pro input devices
+21 doi Dogri locale
+21 syc Syriac locale
+21 tt_RU Tatar language locale for Russia
+21 cy_GB Welsh locale
+21 en_EN English locale
+21 is_IS Icelandic locale for Iceland
+21 ru_RU_0 Russian locale for Russia
+21 nl_NL Dutch locale for the Netherlands
+21 de_1901 German locale with old spelling
+21 de_CH German locale for Switzerland
+21 sa Sanskrit locale
+31 php7-0 Build against PHP 7.0
+16 uboot U-Boot platform support
+25 memc An extended version of the standard memcached module that supports set, add, delete, and many more memcached commands.
+21 ckb Kurdish (Sorani)
+21 co Corsican
+21 fur Friullian
+21 gug Paraguayan (Guarani) locale
+45 liana Build your own network layer through monkeyd.
+45 logger Log requests and common errors.
+45 auth Provide HTTP Basic Authentication.
+45 mandril Restrict incoming connections based on the IP address or URI request.
+45 #fastcgi Provide FastCGI proxy support - This is a global USE flag.
+45 #cgi Provide the traditional CGI interface - This is a global USE flag.
+45 dirlisting Show an HTML listing of the content of a directory.
+45 cheetah Provide a shell-like command line interface.
+45 tls Provide TLS using mbed TLS (formerly known as PolarSSL) - Currently disabled.
+6 gemini CALLIGRA_FEATURES option to build touch device friendly application
+13 sidxindex Write an MPD file for fragmented MP4 files with a sidx index at the start of the file.
+39 amdgpu VIDEO_CARDS setting to build driver for AMDGPU video cards
+35 ppc PowerPC 32-bit big endian userspace emulation target
+35 ppc64 PowerPC 64-bit big endian userspace emulation target
+34 tricore system emulation target
+35 ppc64le PowerPC 64-bit little endian userspace emulation target
+17 roccat_nyth INPUT_DEVICES setting to build driver for Roccat Nyth input devices
+9 libressl Use LibreSSL
+51 cxx Generate and install C++ messages.
+51 python Generate and install Python messages. The PYTHON_TARGETS variable controls the Python versions to build for.
+51 lisp Generate and install Common-Lisp messages.
+51 eus Generate and install EusLisp messages.
+35 tilegx TILE-Gx 64-bit userspace emulation target
+32 python3_5 Build for Python 3.5 only
+33 python3_5 Build with Python 3.5
+12 bionic ELIBC setting for systems that use Android's Bionic C library
+21 kab Kabyle locale
+21 no_NO Norwegian locale for Norway
+21 frp Franco-Provençal locale
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/use_groups.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/use_groups.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72ddda5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/use_groups.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+1 abi_x86
+2 alsa_cards
+4 apache2_modules
+5 apache2_mpms
+6 calligra_features
+7 cameras
+8 crosscompile_opts
+9 curl_ssl
+10 dracut_modules
+11 dvb_cards
+12 elibc
+13 fftools
+14 foo2zjs_devices
+15 gpsd_protocols
+16 grub_platforms
+17 input_devices
+18 kernel
+19 lcd_devices
+20 libreoffice_extensions
+21 linguas
+22 lirc_devices
+24 netbeans_modules
+25 nginx_modules_http
+26 nginx_modules_mail
+27 ofed_drivers
+28 openmpi_fabrics
+29 openmpi_ofed_features
+30 openmpi_rm
+31 php_targets
+32 python_single_target
+33 python_targets
+34 qemu_softmmu_targets
+35 qemu_user_targets
+36 ruby_targets
+37 sane_backends
+38 userland
+39 video_cards
+40 vmware_guest
+41 voicemail_storage
+42 xfce_plugins
+43 xtables_addons
+44 office_implementation
+45 monkeyd_plugins
+46 abi_mips
+47 uwsgi_plugins
+48 abi_ppc
+49 abi_s390
+50 cpu_flags_x86
+51 ros_messages
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/use_local.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/use_local.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b24515b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/use_local.dat
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+41954 botan Enable botan plugin
+41954 gcrypt Enable gcrypt plugin
+41954 gpg Enable GnuPG plugin
+41954 logger Enable logger plugin
+41954 nss Enable NSS plugin
+41954 openssl Enable OpenSSL plugin
+41954 pkcs11 Enable PKCS#11 plugin
+41954 sasl Enable SASL plugin
+41954 softstore Enable softstore plugin
+42298 ldap Enable seahorse to manipulate GPG keys on a LDAP server.
+42603 valgrind Enable usage of dev-util/valgrind in tests
+43076 vistafree Installs the free Vista ophcrack tables
+43076 xpfast Installs the fast XP ophcrack tables
+43076 xpsmall Installs the small free XP ophcrack tables
+43080 glade Enable libglade bindings compilation.
+43080 gnomecanvas Enable libgnomecanvas bindings compilation.
+43080 sourceview Enable GtkSourceView support
+44063 bugzilla Support bugzilla integration.
+44063 gpg Support signing with GnuPG.
+44063 tk Install dev-lang/tk for hgk script.
+44134 asm Enable assebly modules
+44134 cpu_flags_x86_padlock Use VIA padlock instructions, detected at run time, code still works on non-padlock processors
+44189 cuda Use nvidia cuda toolkit for speeding up cracking on capable devices
+44189 mozilla Support mozilla password cracking
+44189 opencl Enable opencl support for speeding up cracking on capable devices
+44510 bazaar Support for dev-vcs/bzr
+45206 doc Download and install the ufdbguard reference manual in PDF.
+45206 httpd Build, install and start the provided mini-http daemon with the redirect CGI integrated. Since there is no way to tell ufdbguard to not start it, this is a build-time option.
+46436 doc Creates and installs the API and implementation documentation. This is only useful if you want to develop software which depends on kerberos.
+46436 keyutils Enable for the keyring ccache using keyutils.
+46436 openldap Enable support for ldap as a database backend.
+46436 pkinit Enable pkinit support for the initial ticket.
+46497 editor Enable the web-based actions file editor
+46497 external-filters Allow to filter content with scripts and programs. Experimental
+46497 fast-redirects Support fast redirects
+46497 force Allow single-page disable (force load)
+46497 graceful-termination Allow to shutdown Privoxy through the webinterface
+46497 image-blocking Allows the +handle-as-image action, to send "blocked" images instead of HTML
+46497 lfs Support large files (>2GB) on 32-bit systems
+46497 png-images Use PNG format instead of GIF for built-in images
+46497 stats Keep statistics
+46497 toggle Support temporary disable toggle via web interface
+46497 whitelists Support trust files (white lists)
+46557 client-only Disable server support, and just build a client
+47193 mta Build mta support using virtual/mta.
+47193 smartcard Build scdaemon software. Enables usage of OpenPGP cards. For other type of smartcards, try app-crypt/gnupg-pkcs11-scd.
+47193 tools Install extra tools.
+47193 usb Build direct CCID access for scdaemon; requires dev-libs/libusb.
+47260 tables Require the additional tables used to carry out cracking (app-crypt/ophcrack-tables)
+47703 twinserial Enable twinserial reader
+47998 avast Enable support for the AvastD content scanner.
+47998 backtrace Enable logging a backtrace when a segmentation fault occurs.
+47998 clamav Enable support for the ClamD content scanner.
+47998 commandline Enable support for command-line content scanners.
+47998 email Enable support for email reporting functionality.
+47998 fancydm Enable support for the fancy download manager.
+47998 icap Enable support for ICAP AV server content scanner.
+47998 kaspersky Enable support for the Kaspersky AV daemon content scanner.
+47998 lfs Enable large file support on 32 bit systems.
+47998 logrotate Use app-admin/logrotate for rotating logs.
+47998 ntlm Enable support for the NTLM auth plugin.
+47998 orig-ip Enable support for checking the client's original destination IP address against HTTP request details when deployed as a transparent proxy (US-CERT VU#435052).
+47998 trickledm Enable support for the trickle download manager.
+48090 common-lisp Install common-lisp files
+49122 react Enables support for dev-ml/react: Functional reactive programming (signals, events, etc.).
+49122 text Enables text mode utilities.
+49122 toplevel Enables enhanced toplevel.
+49517 ecap Adds support for loadable content adaptation modules (
+49517 esi Enable ESI for accelerators, will cause squid reverse proxies to be capable of the Edge Acceleration Specification (
+49517 htcp Enable HTCP protocol
+49517 ipf-transparent Adds transparent proxy support for systems using IP-Filter (only for *bsd)
+49517 kqueue Enables *BSD kqueue() support
+49517 logrotate Use app-admin/logrotate for rotating logs
+49517 pf-transparent Adds transparent proxy support for systems using PF (only for *bsd)
+49517 qos Adds support for Quality of Service using netfilter conntrack - see qos_flow directive for more info
+49517 ssl-crtd Adds support for dynamic SSL certificate generation in SslBump environments
+49517 tproxy Enables real Transparent Proxy support for Linux Netfilter TPROXY
+49517 wccp Enable Web Cache Coordination Protocol
+49517 wccpv2 Enable Web Cache Coordination V2 Protocol
+49561 s3 Support for backing up to the Amazon S3 system
+49803 pkcs11 Build Token data management utilities based on OpenCryptoki's (dev-libs/opencryptoki) PKCS#11 implementation.
+49819 cryptokit Enables encryption support via dev-ml/cryptokit
+49819 httpd Enables net-httpd web server component
+49819 zip Enables netzip support to read/write gzip data using object channels
+50177 s3 Support for backing up to the Amazon S3 system
+50177 xfs Support for backing up raw XFS filesystems using xfsdump
+51028 dar32 Enables --enable-mode=32 option, which replace infinite by 32 bit integers
+51028 dar64 Enables --enable-mode=64 option, which replace infinite by 64 bit integers
+51028 gcrypt Enables strong encryption support
+51120 color Use ansi color escapes.
+51120 diff Use 'lcs' for diff building.
+51120 http Use the pure Haskell HTTP package for HTTP support.
+51120 network-uri Get Network.URI from the network-uri package.
+51120 optimize Build with optimizations (-O2).
+51120 terminfo Use the terminfo package for enhanced console support.
+51120 threaded Use threading and SMP support.
+51296 client-only Install only the client wrappers
+51336 gpg Support signing with GnuPG.
+51336 nautilus Integrate with Nautilus file manager
+51406 afs Enables afs support which means you can acquire an afs token and set PAGs. It's recommended to set this USE if you need authenticated access to an AFS cell for your daemon/app.
+51764 dns Force DNS queries to use SOCKS server via tcp
+51764 envconf Allow TSOCKS_CONF_FILE to specify configuration file
+51764 server-lookups Allow hostname resolution _for_ SOCKS servers
+51764 tordns Apply tordns patch which allows transparent TORification of the DNS queries
+51866 pcre-jit Use JIT support for PCRE
+51866 tools Install additional tools (halog, iprange)
+51963 filter-proxy Enable filtering of domains/URLS
+51963 reverse-proxy Enable reverse proxying
+51963 transparent-proxy Enable transparent proxying
+51963 upstream-proxy Enable upstream proxying
+51963 xtinyproxy-header Include the X-Tinyproxy header
+52453 asm Enable assembly for optimization
+52709 bacula-clientonly Disable DB support, and just build a client
+52709 bacula-nodir Disable building of director
+52709 bacula-nosd Disable building of storage daemon
+52709 logwatch Install support files for logwatch
+52912 bazaar Support for dev-vcs/bzr
+52912 mercurial Support for dev-vcs/mercurial
+52912 monotone Support for dev-vcs/monotone
+53663 glade Install a glade catalog file
+53663 python Install Python bindings for those plugins requiring it.
+53758 s3 Support for backing up to the Amazon S3 system
+54144 blksha1 Use the new optimized SHA1 implementation
+54144 cgi Install gitweb too
+54144 curl Support fetching and pushing (requires webdav too) over http:// and https:// protocols
+54144 gpg Pull in gnupg for signing -- without gnupg, attempts at signing will fail at runtime!
+54144 gtk Include the gitview contrib tool
+54144 highlight GitWeb support for app-text/highlight
+54144 mediawiki Support pulling and pushing from MediaWiki
+54144 ppcsha1 Make use of a bundled routine that is optimized for the PPC arch
+54144 subversion Include git-svn for dev-vcs/subversion support
+54144 tk Include the 'gitk' and 'git gui' tools
+54144 webdav Adds support for push'ing to HTTP/HTTPS repositories via DAV
+54369 sftp Enable sftp support
+54674 clipboard Enable clipboard integration
+54928 hdb-ldap Adds support for LDAP as a database backend
+54928 otp Adds support for one-time passwords
+54928 pkinit Adds support for PKINIT for the initial ticket
+55373 minimal Only install the ekey-egd-linux service rather than the full ekeyd package.
+55373 munin Install a plugin for net-analyzer/munin to graph statistical data from ekeyd.
+55373 usb Build the libusb-based userland daemon for accessing the EntropyKey (alternative to the CDC USB driver). It is suggested to use this option by default, as the CDC driver in the kernel often seems to be fragile (or the gadget implementation on the EntropyKey is too buggy), and can cause various problems.
+55529 hsm Installs Tivoli Storage Manager for Space Management
+55529 tsm_cit IBM Tivoli Common Inventory Technology
+55529 tsm_hw Difference snapshot support for NetApp and N-Series file servers
+55769 json Enable the JSON API of Fossil's wiki
+55769 lineedit Enable line-editing with libedit or readline
+55769 sqlite Use the system SQLite instead of the bundled one
+55884 fips Enable NSS FIPS mode and support only the FIPS-compliant functions
+55923 server Enable server support
+55943 ctypes-python Build and install Ctypes Python bindings
+55943 dso Enable runtime module search
+55943 extras Install extra scripts (examples, tools, hooks)
+55943 http Enable http support using net-libs/serf
+55943 webdav-neon Enable WebDAV support using net-libs/neon
+55943 webdav-serf Enable WebDAV support using net-libs/serf
+56444 caja Enable extension for mate-base/caja
+56444 cli Eanble console based frontend
+56444 diff Use for diff command dev-util/meld
+56444 gedit Enable plugin for app-editors/gedit
+56444 nautilus Enable extension for gnome-base/nautilus
+56444 thunar Enable extension for xfce-base/thunar
+56473 contrib Install user-contributed files
+56473 tools Install tools to e.g. convert a Gitosis config to gitolite or one to check if your setup is gitolite >= 3.x compatible
+56493 contrib Install user-contributed files
+56493 tools Install tools to e.g. convert a Gitosis config to gitolite or one to check if your setup is gitolite >= 3.x compatible
+57261 nautilus Build gnome-base/nautilus extension
+57954 asn1 Enable ASN.1 certificate support
+57954 trust Build the trust policy module
+58252 android Building for Android
+58252 androidsplice Get TH splices for Android.
+58252 asciiprogress Use ascii-progress library (experimental)
+58252 assistant Enable git-annex assistant and watch command
+58252 cryptohash Enable use of cryptohash for checksumming
+58252 database Enable building with dev-haskell/persistent for database use
+58252 desktop-notify Enable desktop environment notifications
+58252 desktopnotify Enable desktop environment notifications
+58252 dns Enable the haskell DNS library for DNS lookup
+58252 ekg Enable use of EKG to monitor git-annex as it runs.
+58252 feed Enable podcast feed support
+58252 network-uri Get Network.URI from the network-uri package.
+58252 pairing Enable pairing of git annex repositories
+58252 production Enable production build (slower build; faster binary)
+58252 quvi Enable use of quvi to download videos
+58252 s3 Enable Amazon S3 remote
+58252 tahoe Enable the tahoe special remote
+58252 tdfa Use regex-tdfa for wildcards
+58252 testsuite Embed the test suite into git-annex
+58252 torrentparser Use haskell torrent library to parse torrent files
+58252 webapp Enable git-annex webapp
+58252 webapp-secure Secure webapp
+58252 webdav Enable webdav remote
+59021 3des Enable 3DES encryption/checksum type.
+59021 aes Enable AES encryption/checksum types.
+59021 arcfour Enable ARCFOUR encryption/checksum type.
+59021 des Enable DES related encryption/checksum types.
+59021 md Enable unkeyed MD4/MD5 checksum types.
+59021 null Enable dummy NULL encryption/checksum type.
+59072 camlp4 Enables camlp4 support.
+59110 dialogs Enable "askaccess" dialog box, by using x11-libs/gtk+:*
+59110 gtk All dialogs are available, by using x11-libs/gtk+:*
+59110 xpi Build and install an extension for Mozilla browsers.
+59496 pango Enable support for x11-libs/pango
+59541 cuda Install oclhashcat-{plus,lite}-bin to take advantage of hardware cuda support.
+59541 opencl Install oclhashcat-{plus,lite}-bin to take advantage of hardware opencl support.
+59542 virtualcl Support for Mosix VirtualCL Clustering Platform
+59543 virtualcl Support for Mosix VirtualCL Clustering Platform
+59640 banlists Install upstream provided simple banlists
+59662 type-conv Enable type-conv for the syntax extention.
+59663 deriving Enable dev-ml/deriving support for improving the type safety.
+59663 deriving-ocsigen Enable deriving-ocsigen for improving the type safety.
+59840 vala Enable bindings for dev-lang/vala
+59865 batteries Enable Batteries support instead of extlib
+61059 cryptopp Build algorithms that need Crypto++ support dev-libs/crypto++
+61470 openssl Use openssl crypto backend.
+61502 udev Have ReaR start backup when attaching your USB drive.
+61515 cephfs Enable cephfs storage backend
+61515 clientonly Only install file-daemon (client)
+61515 director Install director
+61515 fastlz Enable support vor lz4, lz4hc and lzfast using dev-libs/bareos-fastlzlib
+61515 glusterfs Enable glusterfs storage backend
+61515 gnutls When ssl is enabled, use GnuTLS instead of OpenSSL
+61515 jansson JSON API support using JANSSON for director
+61515 lmdb enable build of LMDB support for faster accurate backup
+61515 logwatch Install support files for logwatch
+61515 ndmp Enable support for NDMP (Network Data Management Protocol)
+61515 rados Enable rados storage backend
+61515 rados-striper Enable use of rados-striper
+61515 scsi-crypto Enable low level SCSI crypto support
+61515 sql-pooling Enable SQL pooling support
+61515 storage-daemon Install storage daemon (bareos-sd)
+62221 btrfs Include Btrfs support sys-fs/btrfs-progs
+62221 ext4 Include Ext4 support sys-fs/e2fsprogs
+62221 lvm Enable LVM thinprovisioned snapshots support sys-fs/lvm2
+62221 xattr Add support for getting and setting POSIX extended attributes, through sys-apps/attr.
+62544 lvm Install Holland LVM Plugin
+62544 mysqldump Install Holland mysqldump Plugin
+62544 mysqlhotcopy Install Holland mysqlhotcopy Plugin
+62720 systemd Use user ACLs rather than plugdev group to give user access to the HIDRAW device.
+62736 parmap Adds multi-core CPU support via dev-ml/parmap.
+62736 rpm4 Adds support for handling rpm4 files.
+62736 zip Adds support for handling zip files.
+62742 utftrip Builds and install the utftrip executable: Among other things, reads unicode on stdin and rewrites it on stdout.
+62993 openssl Use dev-libs/openssl as crypto backend
+62993 polarssl Use net-libs/polarssl as crypto backend
+63996 gnome Enable support for the Secret Service API via app-crypt/libsecret. This does not control the gui!
+63996 gui Whether to build the QT gui. Highly recommended.
+63996 kde Enable support for KDE, e.g. via kde-base/kwalletd. This does not control the gui, but NEEDS GUI ENABLED!
+63996 udev Whether udev will be consulted when deciding if a volume is system or not.
+64158 mpir Use MPIR library instead of GMP.
+64575 async Support for asynchronous execution
+64575 camlp4 Enable support for camlp4
+64575 lwt Enable threads via lwt
+64577 ounit Enable integration with ounit
+51866 net_ns Enable network namespace support (CONFIG_NET_NS)
+64581 allservices Compile support for all service types
+64587 async support for asynchronous execution
+64587 lwt enable threads via lwt
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/user_ebuild_emails.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/user_ebuild_emails.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/user_ebuild_emails.dat
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/user_packages.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/user_packages.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/user_packages.dat
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/users.dat b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/users.dat
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/fixtures/users.dat
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/mockDefs.cpp b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/mockDefs.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abcff03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/mockDefs.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#include "mockDefs.h"
+#include <definedDirs.h>
+StandardMockDatabase::StandardMockDatabase() :
+ PQ::Mock("user=postgres dbname=postgres", "postgres", {
+ rootDir.parent_path() / "db" / "schema.sql",
+ rootDir / "data.sql" })
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/mockDefs.h b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/mockDefs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ca43d4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/mockDefs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#ifndef MOCKDEFS_H
+#define MOCKDEFS_H
+#include <mock.h>
+#include <visibility.h>
+#define DECLAREMOCK(Name) class DLL_PUBLIC Name : public PQ::Mock { public: Name(); }
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/testInit.cpp b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/testInit.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15479ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/testInit.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE TestInit
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <Ice/Ice.h>
+#include <IceBox/IceBox.h>
+typedef IceBox::Service *(* SetupFunction)(Ice::CommunicatorPtr);
+ void * i = dlsym(NULL, "createGentooBrowseAPI");
+ auto sf = (SetupFunction)i;
+ Ice::StringSeq args;
+ Ice::InitializationData id;
+ = Ice::createProperties();
+>setProperty("GentooBrowseAPI.Endpoints", "tcp -p 9002");
+ auto ic = Ice::initialize(args, id);
+ IceBox::Service * s = sf(nullptr);
+ s->start("GentooBrowseAPI", ic, {});
+ s->stop();
+ delete s;
+ ic->destroy();
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/testPerf.cpp b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/testPerf.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..863eb03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/testPerf.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE TestPerformance
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include <Ice/Ice.h>
+#include <portage.h>
+#include <vector>
+#include <thread>
+#include <boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/mersenne_twister.hpp>
+#include <boost/date_time/microsec_time_clock.hpp>
+#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/ptime.hpp>
+std::atomic_long count;
+bool run = true;
+static const int THREADS = 200;
+static const int CALLS = 2000;
+static void test(Gentoo::PortagePrx p, const Gentoo::Packages & pkgs)
+ boost::random::mt19937 rng;
+ boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<> pid(0, pkgs.size() - 1);
+ unsigned int myCount = 0;
+ while (run) {
+ p->getPackage(pkgs[pid(rng)]->packageid);
+ myCount += 1;
+ }
+ count += myCount;
+ Ice::StringSeq _args;
+ _args.push_back("--Ice.ThreadPool.Client.Size=50");
+ _args.push_back("--Ice.ThreadPool.Client.SizeMax=50");
+ Ice::CommunicatorPtr ic = Ice::initialize(_args, Ice::InitializationData());
+ auto p = Gentoo::PortagePrx::checkedCast(ic->stringToProxy("portage:tcp -p 9001"));
+ auto pkgs = p->getPackagesInCategory(312);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(124, pkgs.size());
+ std::vector<std::thread *> ths;
+ auto startTime = boost::date_time::microsec_clock<boost::posix_time::ptime>::universal_time();
+ for (int x = 0; x < THREADS; x += 1) {
+ ths.push_back(new std::thread(&test, p, pkgs));
+ }
+ sleep(10);
+ run = false;
+ while (!ths.empty()) {
+ ths.back()->join();
+ ths.pop_back();
+ }
+ auto stopTime = boost::date_time::microsec_clock<boost::posix_time::ptime>::universal_time();
+ fprintf(stderr, "Completed %d hits in %ld sec\n", (int)count, (stopTime - startTime).total_milliseconds());
+ fprintf(stderr, " - %ld hits/second\n", ((count * 1000) / ((stopTime - startTime).total_milliseconds())));
+ ic->destroy();
diff --git a/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/testPortage.cpp b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/testPortage.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70afd86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gentoobrowse-api/unittests/testPortage.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+#define BOOST_TEST_MODULE TestPortage
+#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
+#include "mockDefs.h"
+#include <portageimpl.h>
+BOOST_GLOBAL_FIXTURE( StandardMockDatabase );
+class MockPool : public AdHoc::ResourcePool<DB::Connection> {
+ public:
+ MockPool() : AdHoc::ResourcePool<DB::Connection>(1, 1) { }
+ DB::Connection * createResource() const override {
+ return DB::MockDatabase::openConnectionTo("postgres");
+ }
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( getCategoryMissing )
+ MockPool mp;
+ auto p = Portage::PointerType(new Portage(mp));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(p->getCategory(0, Ice::Current()), std::exception);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( getCategory )
+ MockPool mp;
+ auto p = Portage::PointerType(new Portage(mp));
+ auto cat = p->getCategory(316, Ice::Current());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(316, cat->categoryid);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL("app-backup", cat->name);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(cat->summary);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(169, cat->summary->length());
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( getAllCategories )
+ MockPool mp;
+ auto p = Portage::PointerType(new Portage(mp));
+ auto cats = p->getAllCategories(Ice::Current());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(5, cats.size());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(316, cats.front()->categoryid);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(313, cats.back()->categoryid);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL("app-backup", cats.front()->name);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL("net-proxy", cats.back()->name);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( getCategoriesInSuper )
+ MockPool mp;
+ auto p = Portage::PointerType(new Portage(mp));
+ auto cats = p->getCategoriesInSuper("dev", Ice::Current());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(2, cats.size());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL("dev-ml", cats.front()->name);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL("dev-vcs", cats.back()->name);
+ cats = p->getCategoriesInSuper("net", Ice::Current());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(1, cats.size());
+ cats = p->getCategoriesInSuper("sys", Ice::Current());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(0, cats.size());
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( getPackageMissing )
+ MockPool mp;
+ auto p = Portage::PointerType(new Portage(mp));
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_THROW(p->getPackage(0, Ice::Current()), std::exception);
+ MockPool mp;
+ auto p = Portage::PointerType(new Portage(mp));
+ auto pkg = p->getPackage(53258, Ice::Current());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(53258, pkg->packageid);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(311, pkg->categoryid);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL("archway", pkg->name);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL("A GUI for GNU Arch", pkg->description);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(!pkg->summary);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL("", pkg->maintainer);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL("Default assignee for orphaned packages", pkg->maintainername);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( findPackage )
+ MockPool mp;
+ auto p = Portage::PointerType(new Portage(mp));
+ auto cat = p->findPackage("not", "here", Ice::Current());
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( findPackageMissing )
+ MockPool mp;
+ auto p = Portage::PointerType(new Portage(mp));
+ auto pkg = p->findPackage("dev-vcs", "archway", Ice::Current());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(53258, (*pkg)->packageid);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( getPackagesInCategory )
+ MockPool mp;
+ auto p = Portage::PointerType(new Portage(mp));
+ auto pkgs = p->getPackagesInCategory(311, Ice::Current());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(88, pkgs.size());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL("archway", pkgs.front()->name);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL("veracity", pkgs.back()->name);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( searchEmpty )
+ MockPool mp;
+ auto p = Portage::PointerType(new Portage(mp));
+ auto matches = p->getPackagesSearch("", Ice::Current());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(matches.empty());
+ MockPool mp;
+ auto p = Portage::PointerType(new Portage(mp));
+ auto matches = p->getPackagesSearch("git", Ice::Current());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(40, matches.size());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(58252, matches.front()->packageid);
+BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( searchNotFound )
+ MockPool mp;
+ auto p = Portage::PointerType(new Portage(mp));
+ auto matches = p->getPackagesSearch("something that doesn't exist", Ice::Current());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(matches.empty());
+ MockPool mp;
+ auto p = Portage::PointerType(new Portage(mp));
+ auto c1 = p->getCategory(311, Ice::Current());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(311, c1->categoryid);
+ auto c2 = p->getCategory(311, Ice::Current());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(311, c2->categoryid);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(c1.get(), c2.get());
+ auto c3 = p->getCategory(316, Ice::Current());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(316, c3->categoryid);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE(c1.get() != c3.get());
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(311, c1->categoryid);
+ BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(311, c2->categoryid);