ConfigRandomLAN configuration files.Dan Goodliffe19 months
UtilsCollection of scripts and configurations.Dan Goodliffe19 months
KDabKDab overlay cloneKDab19 months
OfficialGentoo official portage tree.Gentoo3 min.
PatchesRandomLAN portage patches.Dan Goodliffe19 months
PortageRandomLAN Gentoo portage overlay.Dan Goodliffe19 months
I Like TrainsThe I Like Trains gameDan Goodliffe8 months
AdHoc UtilAdhoc library of useful functions and classes.Dan Goodliffe12 months
GentooBrowseGentooBrowse website.Dan Goodliffe19 months
GentooBrowse APIICE API backing GentooBrowse.Dan Goodliffe19 months
ICE SpiderTools and library for creating ICE API backed REST services and websites.Dan Goodliffe15 months
ICE TrayBootstrap library for ICE APIs.Dan Goodliffe19 months
JSON++C++ JSON library.Dan Goodliffe12 months
LibDB++Extensible C++ library for RDBMS access.Dan Goodliffe19 months
LibDB++ MySQLLibDB++ MySQL connector.Dan Goodliffe19 months
LibDB++ ODBCLibDB++ ODBC connector.Dan Goodliffe19 months
LibDB++ PostgreSQLLibDB++ PostgreSQL connector.Dan Goodliffe19 months
LibDB++ SQLiteLibDB++ SQLite connector.Dan Goodliffe19 months
Mirror SearchAPI and web service for searching file mirrorsDan Goodliffe19 months
MyGrateMySQL/MariaDB real-time replication exportor (to PostgreSQL)Dan Goodliffe12 months
MythFSA NetFS daemon for exposing MythTV recordings.Dan Goodliffe19 months
NetFSZeroC ICE based network filesystem.Dan Goodliffe19 months
NetFS - GitA Git based daemon for NetFSDan Goodliffe12 months
P2PVRPersonal DVB recording serviceDan Goodliffe19 months
Project2Project2 application engine.Dan Goodliffe19 months
SlicerLibrary and tools for extensible serialisation of ICE objects.Dan Goodliffe12 months
ICEZeroC local mirrorZeroC4 weeks
ZeroC ICE - SlicePackage library of ZeroC ICE ice/cpp/sliceDan Goodliffe, ZeroC19 months